(SIP) Examining The Viability of Sweet Potato Leaves and Eggplant Peels As An Acid Based Indicator

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Notre Dame of Midsayap College

Junior High School

AY 2023-2024

Examining The Viability Of Sweet potato Leaves (Ipomoea batatas) and Eggplant
Peels (Solanum melongena) As An Acid Based Indicator

A Science Investigatory Project (SIP) presented to the Integrated Basic Education,

Junior High School in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Science 10

Jonwyne Cleff Oracoy

Aaron John Omega

Arman Gabriel Pagay

Cevira Shane Policarpio

Gian Albastro

Ivan James Medeja

Kean Mentoy

Kimberly Ann Mayola

Mj Morales

Raven Cristy Joy Ledesma

Althea Cherreign Reyes

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

This study is focused on examining the viability of sweet potato leaves and eggplant

peels as an acid-based indicator. In addition the researchers anticipate that the natural

indicators could contribute to encourage environmental sustainability and conservation.

This study also aims to compare and assess the effectiveness of both plants in

determining the acidity and basicity level of liquids/materials, in order to assess the

plants potential factors in measuring acidity level and basicity level, Both plants were

subjected to boiling, and concentrates were extracted for experimentation. The testing

began by pouring the extracted liquid onto the test samples (alternately) and observing

color changes, similarity, and recording each sample’s classification and comparing

both indicators in terms of color changes.

The experiment was conducted in the academic year of 2023-2024 at the JHS Science

Laboratory, As to where the conducted experiment was proven to be successful in our

conviction, Furthermore, the results of the conducted experiment showed that both

indicators showed consistent color changes with varying shades and together share

similar attributes with synthetic indicators. This is because both plants used in the

natural indicators contain a water soluble compound (Anthocyanin), a compound that is

used in pH indicators because their color changes with pH.

Subsequently, we conclude that the experiment of sweet potato leaves and eggplant

peels as an acid-based indicators as to be successful, as it not only to be effective, but

also an environmental friendly chemical substance in the study of scientific research

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024


Background of the Study

The project aims to explore the potential of utilizing natural resources like sweet potato

leaves, and eggplant leaves as a means to detect acidity and basicity without relying on

synthetic indicators. This investigation intends to determine whether these plant

materials can accurately indicate different pH levels.

The significance of this research lies in its contribution towards establishing an

environmentally sustainable and cost-effective method for identifying acidic and basic

substances. Currently synthetic indicators are commonly used, but they can be harmful

to the environment and may not be easily accessible, especially in resource-constrained

settings like schools.

By investigating the pH-sensing properties of cassava, sweet potato, and eggplant

leaves, this study seeks to offer a practical, eco-friendly alternative for detecting acids

and bases. The potential application of these natural materials in fields such as

chemistry and environmental science could offer a solution that is both accessible and

environmentally friendly,

Also this study holds significant importance for schools in the Philippines that lack

advanced laboratory tools and synthetic indicators. Successful outcomes from this

research could offer these schools a straightforward yet reliable approach for

conducting experiments related to acid-base indicators. By utilizing easily accessible

and cost-effective natural resources like cassava, sweet potato, and eggplant leaves,
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

these schools could perform scientific experiments without relying on expensive or

environmentally harmful materials.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to compare and examine the plant based indicator to
each other, as well as assess the accuracy of each indicator to identify if it’s basic or

Specific Problems

This study sough to answer the questions?

1. Can the indicators contribute to reducing the environmental impact of chemical

analysis by replacing synthetic indicators?

2. Are the indicators reliable and accurate than commercially available synthetic


3 Are the indicators suitable for practical applications as pH indicators in

educational settings or field research?

Significance of the Study

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

The main objective of this study is to make a natural and accessible acid based

indicator For pH testing.


This study is also dedicated to contribute for education in science in Philippine resource

-scarce schools as an alternative to commercially available and expensive materials for

pH testing.

This is essential to some school’s who cannot afford or the material is not available in

the particular area to be able to conduct scientific experiments on this particular matter.

Future Researchers

Our study is a starting point for further investigation of natural indicators and analytical

chemistry and Biology and our findings could be used by future researchers to improve

methods, explore new sources of plants and expand their applications in various areas

of science and research on sustainable, affordable solutions for science experiments is

inspired by these findings.


Our study heavily contributes to the environmental factors of the worlds ecosystem,

By helping in waste management, chemical analysis, and in pollution, sustainable

substitutes help in the earths cleanliness while still maintaining importance of chemical /

biochemical study.
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Scope and Delimitations

The study will focus on proving if sweet potato leaves and eggplant peels can be used

as an acid based indicator but has few delimitations & limitations like:

1. The research does not explore broader applications of these indicators beyond

pH testing in educational purposes.

2. The researchers aren’t sure if the outcome would be a success.

3. This research does not explore regional variants of the plants.

4. This research focuses only on the immediate effectiveness of the plant-based

indicators and not on long term use.



Acid Indicators

pH Indicators, also known as Acid-Base indicators, As stated by Dr. Anne Marie

Helmenstine, Ph.D, are compounds that change color based on the solution or liquid

it is placed in, over a narrow range of pH Values or in other words pH Indicators

change colors depending on how strong and weak it, with how strong and weak it is,

it can be shown how acidic or basic it is. Dr. Anne Marie states that pH indicators

usually have weak acids or have a weak bases. It was stated by Puja Roy that pH

indicators have weak acids or have weak bases due to the presence of natural dye

to help indicate any hydrogen. Dr. Anne Marie also stated that, when using pH

indicators in a diluted solution, the acidity and the alkalinity of the solution will not
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

make the pH indicator react as much. Dr. Anne Marie also stated that pH indicators

can only give a rough estimation of how acidic or basic it is, so for better estimation a

pH Meter should be used. Dr. Anne Marie stated that, pH indicators works due

principle of a function to the Hydrogen Cation(H+) or Hydronium Ion(H3O+), with

more Hydrogen Cation or Hydronium Ion the lower the pH level but is more acidic

but if the less the Hydronium Ion or Hydrogen Cation the higher pH level but the

more basic it is, because pH also shows much Hydrogen Cation Concentration or

Hydronium Ion Concentration there is in a solution.

Puja Roy, stated that pH indicators are halochromic, which means that they change

color when pH changes, when it lowers or gets higher which corresponds with how

basic or acidic solution is and how weak or strong the solution is.

Furthermore pH indicators have a lot of uses, as stated by Libretext that pH

indicators have many versatile uses, including the pH of Farm Soil, Shampoo, Fruit

Juices and bodies of water. And pH indicators can be seen in nature, so being able

to see them in plants and flowers can indicate the pH of the dirt and soil they grow


pH indicators are important they have a lot of uses as stated as the statement before

but as stated by Aperainst, they have many uses such as being in the Agriculture

and gardening because plants usually like to be in Soil with pH of 6.0 to 7.0 if this is

not so then the plants would die. In the Aquaculture and aquatic ecosystems if the

pH of the sea is too high or too low, many of the fish species would die. In the Water

treatment it is very important due to many complications if water pH is too low, pipes
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

that it passes through would degrade and metal poison the water, if the pH is too

high, the water may taste. In the Food industry it would be used to test quality, and to

prolong the shelf life of many foods. In the Brewing and winemaking it uses is to

keep wine in check to let it ferment for a long time but the most important for this

study is to detect acid and bases.

Acid & Bases

Acid , as stated by the Britannia Encyclopedia, are any substance that if put it in

water is sour, it also reacts to blue litmus paper turning it red, in general an acid is to

include liquid compound that show acidic behavior as pure compounds or when

dissolved in solvents other than water. Examples of acids are sulfur trioxide,

aluminum chloride, and boron trifluoride.

Acids as stated by Byju are that Acids are Any material that contains hydrogen and

has the ability to transfer a proton, or hydrogen ion, to another substance is

considered an acid. Any molecule or ion that can take up a hydrogen ion from an

acid is considered a base.

As states by Ekta Purswani and John Williams that The Latin word acidus, which

meaning sour in flavor, is where the term “acid” originates. Acids are sour materials

that frequently combine with bases to create water and salt. In his thesis on

electrolytes, Arrhenius Svanter gave the first description of it in 1884. His theory

states that when an acid is dissolved in water, it releases hydrogen ions bases, as

stated by Britannia Encyclopedia, Bases In chemistry, a base is any material that,

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

when dissolved in water, becomes slick to the touch, tastes unpleasant, alters the

color of indicators (turning red litmus paper blue, for example), combines with acids

to form salts, and stimulates specific chemical reactions. Examples of Bases are

hydroxides of the alkali and alkaline earth metals.

As stated by Dr. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Bases are A chemical species that

releases hydroxide ions in an aqueous solution, receives protons, or donates

electrons is called a base. Bases exhibit distinguishing characteristics that facilitate

identification. They can taste harsh, have a tendency to be slippery to the touch,

react with acids to generate salts, and catalyze specific reactions. Its also stated by


Anne Marie that the word base started to be more used in the year 1717 with the

French Chemist Loius Lémery. The word base was used as a synonym for an

alchemical concept.

Libretext also states that, Bases have a harsh flavor and are less commonly present

in foods than acids. Many bases, such as soaps, feel slick to the touch. Libretext

also states that Acids react with metals, but bases do not. Bases and acids react to

produce salt and water.


Anthocyanin is found more extensively in plants, and it’s a flavonoid color group of

red to blue. They are Water-Soluble meaning if put into water they’re pigment will

turn the water into the color of flower that you put into the water. In all cases of
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Anthocyanin, it is used to indicate acidity, alkaline or other words basic and neutral

with red being acid, blue the alkaline and purple for fundamental. There are many

kinds of plants

that contain Anthocyanin, such as blue cornflower, Bordeaux red cornflower, deep

red dahlias and red roses because they all have different acidity or alkaline levels.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

• Eggplant
Acid – Based Indicator
• Sweet Potato Leaves


Natural Source Of Pigments:

Sweet Potato Leaves and Eggplant Peels contain a variety of natural pigment
compounds specifically Anthocyanin. This is because it exhibits color changes in
response to pH variations, therefore making them potential candidates for use as an
acid – based indicator (Natural).
Sustainability and Accessibility:
We utilized Sweet Potato Leaves and Eggplant Peels as an acid based indicator
because it aligns with being environmentally sustainable and accessible, These Plants
are abundantly available in the Philippines.
Furthermore, these plants are thrown away as waste or used in cooking. However,
rather than throwing them away, we can use them for scientific purposes by
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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

encouraging sustainable practices and lowering our reliance on synthetic alternatives

that might be harmful to the environment or have an adverse effect on the environment.



 Eggplant (Peels) • Baking Soda

 Sweet Potato Leaves • Borax Solution

 Hot Plate • Lemon Extract

 Graduated Cylinder • Pineapple Juice

 Beaker • Vinegar

 •Litmus Paper (Red & Blue) • Hydrogen Peroxide (H²0²)

 Mortar & Pestle • Pasteurized Milk

 Glass Rod • Saline Solution

 Crucible Thong • Water

 Knife

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

1.Preparation of Test Samples:

-Prepare the eggplant peels and sweet potato leaves

- Wash the eggplant peels and sweet potato leaves thoroughly with water.
- Dry the eggplant peels and sweet potato leaves using paper towels.

2. Preparation of Solutions
- Prepare solutions of known acidity levels using the following substances: baking
soda, borax solution, lemon extract, pineapple juice, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, fresh
milk, and saline solution in a beaker.
- Label each solution accordingly.

3. Extraction of Indicator Compounds:

- Grind the eggplant peels and sweet potato leaves separately using a mortar and
pestle until a fine paste is obtained.
- Add small amount of water just to cover the paste..
- Filter the unnecessary scrap to obtain clear extracts of eggplant peel and sweet
potato leaf indicator.

4. Testing the Indicators:

- Pour at least 10ml of each prepared solution into separate labeled beakers.
- Dip a strip of red litmus paper into each solution and observe any color changes.
- Dip a strip of blue litmus paper into each solution and observe any color changes.

5. Comparison and Analysis:

- Record any color changes observed on the litmus papers for each solution.
-Compare the color changes to known pH levels of the solutions
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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

- Analyze the effectiveness of eggplant peel and sweet potato leaf extracts as acid-
base indicators based on the observed color changes.

6.Data Collection and Conclusion:

- Compile all data obtained from the experiments.
- Draw conclusions regarding the viability of sweet potato leaves and eggplant peels
as acid-base indicators.
- Discuss any limitations or improvements for future experiments.

8. Cleanup:
- Dispose of any waste materials properly.
- Clean all equipment thoroughly to prevent contamination for future use.

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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

The researchers have been able to distinguish a contrast of color changes in the

solutions indicating different pH values.

This success is a confirmation of the effectiveness of this experiment to investigate the

properties of acid-base properties in tested substances.

Moreover, the results demonstrate that both sweet potato leaves and eggplant peels

serve as excellent pH/acid-based indicators.

Their considerable similarity with commercial indicators, which highlight their potential

for reliable alternatives in the analysis of chemicals and an inexpensive substitute for

commercial indicators in practical experiments in schools.


The researchers found that both sweet potatoes) and eggplant (peels) to be proven

successful as an acid based – indicator and could be a possible basis for future studies

to be conducted on this specific area of studies. Additionally the researchers displayed

consistent color changes, indicating their reliability for pH testing applications.

Furthermore both indicators also contribute to reducing chemical impact on the

environment by offering a biodegradable alternative to synthetic indicators.


Both emerged as effective indicators in the study. The primary distinction between the

two lies in their respective color changes observed in the test samples. Despite this
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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

difference, both exhibited reliable and consistent responses across various pH levels,

affirming their potential utility as natural indicators for pH testing applications.


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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Figure 1.1 This table shows the results of conducted experiment, the table covers the

color changes of the indicator, the results from the litmus paper and its classification

(Neutral, Basic, And Acidic)

ITEMS Color Blue Litmus Red Litmus Classification

Baking Soda Dijon/Golden BLUE BLUE BASIC

Borax Sol. Byzantium (P) BLUE BLUE BASIC

Lemon Rose (Red) RED RED ACIDIC

Pineapple J. Merlot (Red) RED RED ACIDIC

Vinegar Desire (Red) RED RED ACIDIC

H²0² Butter (Yellow) RED RED WEAK ACID

Milk Did not react RED RED WEAK ACID

Saline Moss (Green) RED RED ACIDIC

Water Pine (Green) BLUE RED NEUTRAL

-Color Change’s are recorded in shades of the original color (Not Accurate)

- All test samples reacted to the indicator except Milk, this may be due to exposure ,

type or etc.

When color changes range from red to brown, the substance is ACIDIC

While color changes that range from green to purple is BASIC – NEUTRAL
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Figure 1.2 This illustration shows the output of the conducted experiment on the Sweet

Potato Leaves.

Figure 1.3 This illustration shows the researchers proposed pH chart on the Sweet

Potato Leaves.
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Junior High School
AY 2023-2024


Figure 2.1 This table shows the results of conducted experiment, the table covers the

color changes of the indicator, the results from the litmus paper and its classification

ITEMS Color Blue Litmus Red Litmus Classification

Baking Soda Dijon/Golden BLUE BLUE BASIC

Borax Goldenrod (Y) BLUE BLUE BASIC

Lemon Rose (Red) RED RED ACIDIC

Pineapple J Grape (Violet) RED RED ACIDIC

Vinegar Coral (Red) RED RED ACIDIC

H²O² Butter (Yellow) RED RED ACIDIC

Milk Did Not React RED RED Weak Acid

Saline Forest (Green) RED RED ACIDIC

Water Emerald (Gre.) RED BLUE NEUTRAL

-Color Change’s are recorded in shades of the original color (Not Accurate)

-All test samples reacted to the indicator except Milk, this may be due to exposure, type,

or etc.

When color changes range from red to purple, the substance is ACIDIC
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

While color ranges that range from green to yellow, the substance is BASIC -


Figure 2.2 This illustration shows the output of the conducted experiment on the

Eggplant Peels.
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Figure 2.3 This illustration shows the researchers proposed pH chart on the Eggplant



Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation


This research in summary, is all about the exploring the viability of both sweet potato

leaves and eggplant peels as an acid based indicator by testing both in test samples. In

addition, this study is also about reducing waste and introduce a natural and affordable

alternative for acid indicators in academic research on science, furthermore this study

also aims at promoting conservation and sustainability of the environment.

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

In conclusion, the researchers successfully established the efficacy of sweet potato

leaves and eggplant peels as natural pH indicators. Through comprehensive

experimentation, both indicators showed consistent discernible color changes,

confirming their sustainability for pH testing. This study not only highlights the potential

of utilizing renewable and eco-friendly resources in scientific analysis but also

underscores the importance of exploring natural alternatives to synthetic indicators.


The researchers recommend future researchers to conduct additional studies to explore

different methods of extraction and conditions for obtaining the most reliable pH –

indicating properties of both indicators. Furthermore, we recommend future Researches

to also investigate different factors such as variant, species, maturity and environmental

conditions on how it can affect the pH indicating capabilities of both indicators.



Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. pH Indicator Definition and Examples, September

2019 – https://www.thoughtco.com/definition-of-ph-indicator-605499

Roy, Puja, What is a pH Indicator and What is it Used for? August 2022 –

Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Libretext, pH indicator, Roy Puja, Ph.D





Apera Instrument, why pH is important, November 2017 –


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. Acid. Encyclopedia Britannica. November

2023 https://www.britannica.com/science/acid


Byjus. Acid and Bases, December 2022, https://byjus.com/chemistry/acids-and-


Ekta Purswani, John Williams, Acid | Definition, Types & Examples November 2023 ,


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. Base. Encyclopedia Britannica. November

2023 https://www.britannica.com/science/base-chemical-compound
Notre Dame of Midsayap College
Junior High School
AY 2023-2024

Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Base Definition in Chemistry, September 2022.


Libretext, Bases: Properties and Examples, September 2019.




Comparison To Synthetic Indicators

Acid Base Indicators – All types [List with Examples] – Teachoo. (n.d.). Teachoo.

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