General Cbcs Draft Syllabus
General Cbcs Draft Syllabus
General Cbcs Draft Syllabus
and in 1
concurrence with CBCS Guidelines provided by UGC, WBSCHSE and WBSU.
Page No.
A. Syllabus Structure 03 - 04
B. Detailed Syllabus 05 - 40
C. Medium of Instructions for the Examinees 41
Year 1 : Semester 1
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR01T Financial Accounting I 6
FACGCOR02T Principles & Practice of Management 6
ENGLC0R01T English – 1 6
ENVSAEC01T Environmental Studies 2
Total 20
Year 1 : Semester 2
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR03T Cost & Management Accounting 6
FACGCOR04T Business Mathematics & Statistics 6
ENGLC0R02T English - 2 6
ENGSAEC01M Language : English 2
Modern Indian Language
Total 20
Year 2 : Semester 3
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR05T Business Regulatory Framework 6
FACSSEC01M Information Technology & its Business Application 2
FACGCOR06T Financial Accounting II 6
ENGLC0R03M Modern Indian Language - 1 6
Total 20
Year 2 : Semester 4
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACSSEC02M Tax Returns & Filing of Tax Returns 2
FACGCOR07T Direct & Indirect Taxation 6
FACGCOR08T Business Economics 6
ENGLC0R04M Modern Indian Language – 2 6
Total 20
Year 3 : Semester 5
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGGEC01T Auditing 6
FACSSEC03M Entrepreneurship Development 2
FACGDSE01T DSE 1 TO DSE 6 from Group-A 6
To (Any two DSEs are to be chosen) [For details
FACGDSE06T see Table-1]
Total 20
Year 3 : Semester 6
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGGEC02T Marketing Management & Human Resource 6
FACSSEC04M Business Communication & e-commerce 2
FACGDSE07T DSE 7 TO DSE 12 from Group-B 6
To (Any two DSEs are to be chosen) [For details
FACGDSE12T see Table-2]
Total 20
Grand Total 120
Table-1 : Group-A
Course Code Course Name
FACGDSE01T Banking & Insurance
FACGDSE02T Corporate Accounting
FACGDSE03T Consumer Behaviour & Customer Relationship
FACGDSE04T Product & Pricing Management and Marketing
FACGDSE05T Fundamentals of Computer
FACGDSE06T DBMS and Networking
Notes : Students must opt for FACGDSE01T and FACGDSE02T for Finance
Specialisation, FACGDSE03T and FACGDSE04T for Marketing Specialisation and
FACGDSE05T and FACGDSE06T for Systems & Operations Specialisation.
Table-2 : Group-B
Course Code Course Name
FACGDSE01T Financial Statement Analysis
FACGDSE02T Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
FACGDSE03T Retail Management and Marketing of Services
FACGDSE04T Rural Marketing and International Marketing
FACGDSE05T Internet & WWW and Functional e-Business System
FACGDSE06T Computer Applications and e-Business Applications
– Practical
Notes : Students must opt for FACGDSE07T and FACGDSE08T for Finance
Specialisation, FACGDSE09T and FACGDSE10T for Marketing Specialisation and
FACGDSE11T and FACGDSE12T for Systems & Operations Specialisation.
Year 1: Semester 1
Paper 1: Semester 1
Subject Code: FACGCOR01T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]
** including 15 hours for tutorial.
Suggested Reading
Sulk, Growl, Gupta: Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S Chan
R. L. Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S. Chand
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Vikash Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Taxman Publication
B. Banerjee, Regulation of Corporate Accounting & Reporting in India, World Press.
Suggested Readings
Koontz and Weirich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Drucker, P F, Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Butterworth, Oxford.
Luthans, F, Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, New York.
Allen, L A, Management and Organisation, Tokyo.
Stoner and Freeman, Management, PHI, New Delhi.
Griffin, R W, Management, Houghtan Miffin, Boston.
Tripathy, P C, Reddy, P N, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Ravichandran, K, Nakkiran, S, Principles of Management, Avinash Paperbacks,
* L = 1 Hour.
Year 1 : Semester 2
6 Costing Job Costing (Job Cost Cards and data bases, collecting direct
Methods costs of each job, Attributing overhead costs to jobs, Application 25 L
of job-costing), Batch Costing.
Contract Costing – Progress payments, Retention money,
Escalation clause, Contract accounts ,Accounting for material,
Accounting for plant used in a contract, Contract profit and
Balance Sheet entries.
Service Costing and output costing: Introduction; Motor
Transport Costing only.
Process Costing : Meaning, Features, Process Vs. Job costing,
Principles of cost ascertainment for materials, Labour &
Overhead; Normal Loss and Abnormal Loss and Gain and
preparation of Process Accounts. Inter process profit (Simple
90 L**
** including 15 hours for tutorial.
Suggested Readings
B, Banerjee, Cost Accounting ,PHI
M. Y. Khan & P. K. Jain Management Accounting, TMH
Bhattacharyya, Ashish K. Cost Accounting for Business Managers, Elsevier.
Hanif, M. Cost & Management accounting, Mc. Graw Hill.
Mitra , J.K. Cost & Management Accounting, Oxford.
* L = 1 Hour.
* L = 1 Hour.
Year 2 : Semester 3
Notes : If any new provision is enacted in place of the existing provisions, the syllabus will accordingly
include such new provisions in place of existing provisions with effect from such date as prescribed West
Bengal State University. Similarly if any existing provision becomes redundant due to changes, it will be
left out of the syllabus)
Suggested Readings
Tulsian & Tulsian, Business Laws, S.Chand
Kapoor N.D., Business Laws, Sultan Chand
Das S.K. & Roy P., Business Regulatory Framework, OUP
Gulsan S.S., Business Laws, Excel Books
Roychowdhury, Bhattacharjee & Datta, Business Regulatory Framework, Elegant
Bhadra, Satpati and Mitra, Ainer Ruprekha (Bengali Version), Dishari.
* L = 1 Hour.
Module I
Information Technology and Its Application in Business (Theory)
Unit 1: Information Technology and Business [15 L]*
Concepts of data, information and computer based information system, impact of
information technology on business [business data processing, intra-organizational and
inter-organizational communication by using network technology, business process
outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing], types of Information System-
Transaction Processing System (TPS), Management Information System (MIS), Decision
Support System (DSS), Knowledge Management System (KMS) and their
implementation at managerial levels [operational, tactical and strategic].
Module II
Information Technology and Its Application in Business (Practical)
Suggested Readings
Thareja, IT & Application, Oxford.
Aurora, Computer Fundamentals, Vikash.
Sinha & Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publications.
Dhar, P., Fundamental of IT and Its Application in Business, Abhijay Publishing
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH
Rajaraman, V. (2004). Introduction to Information Technology. PHI.
Cyganski - Information Technology: Inside and outside (Pearson, 1st Edition).
Basandra SK - Computers Today (Galgotia, 1st Edition).
Leon A and Leon M - Introduction to Computers (Leon Vikas, 1st Edition).
* L = 1 Hour.
Paper 3 : Semester 3
Subject Code : FACGCOR06T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50
Suggested Readings
Sukla , Grewal, Gupta : Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, S Chand.
R.L.Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, S Chand.
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, Vikash Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, Taxman Publication.
Basu Amitabha, Principles and Applications of Accounting Vol. II, Tee Dee
Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting Vol. II, McGraw Hill.
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI.
Year 2 : Semester 4
Paper 1 : Semester 4
Subject Code : FACSSEC02M
Total No. of Credits - 02
Full Marks 25
[Internal Assessment: 15 Marks Semester-End Examination: 10
Notes : For Project Work - Assignment based on each and every topic should be
Suggested Readings
Software: Singhania, V.K., E-Filing of Income Tax Returns and Computations of
Tax, Taxmann
Software: “Excel Utility”,
* L = 1 Hour.
Objective – To provide basic knowledge of principles and provisions of Income Tax and
GST Laws.
UNIT 1: a) Basic Concepts of Direct and Indirect Taxes; Definitions under IT Act:
Assessee, Previous year, Assessment year, Person, Income, Sources of income, Heads of
income, Gross total income, Total income; b) Residential Status and Incidence of Tax
of Individual Assessee; c) Exempted income – u/s 10(1), 10(10), 10(10A), 10(10AA),
UNIT 3: a) Profits and Gains of Business or Profession [sec. 28, 32, 36(1), 36(1)(ii),
36(1)(iii), 36(1)(vii), 37, 40A(3), 43B]; b) Capital Gains: Meaning and types of capital
assets, simple computation of STCG and LTCG; c) Income from Other Sources: Basis of
charge excluding deemed dividend (20 L)
UNIT 4: Set off and carry forward of losses; Deductions u/s 80 - 80C, 80CCC,
80CCD, 80CCE, 80D, 80E, 80G, 80GG, 80TTA; Rebate u/s 87A; Computation of total
income and tax liability of individual assessee. (15 L)
UNIT 5: Filing of Returns: Due date of filing return, different types of returns, PAN,
TDS – Basic Concept; Different types of assessment (Basic concepts only); Advance tax
for individuals – due dates for advance payment of tax. (05 L)
UNIT 6: Goods and Services Tax – Concept, GST council; Pre- and post-GST indirect tax
structure in India; Types of GST – Central GST, State/UT GST and Integrated GST;
Rates of GST; Registration; Meaning of taxable event; Meaning of goods and services;
Supply of goods and services; Input tax, Input tax credit for payment of SGST, CGST,
UTGST and IGST; Reverse Charge – Meaning; Composition Levy – Meaning, advantages
and disadvantages of Composition Levy, Payment of GST and filing of returns.
(15 L)
Suggested Readings
Singhania, M. and Singhania, V., Students’ guide to Income Tax including GST,
Ahuja and Gupta, Systematic Approach to Taxation Containing Income Tax and GST,
Wolters Kluwer.
V.S. Datey, GST Law & Practice with Customs & FTP, Taxmann.
Raj K Agrawal and Shivangi Agrawal, Indirect Taxes, Bharat.
Sengupta, C.H., Simplified Approach to Direct & Indirect Taxes, Dey Book Concern.
Publication on GST by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Publication on GST by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (
Relevant Bare Acts and Rules.
Paper 3 : Semester 4
Paper Code : FACGCOR08T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]
Suggested Readings
Gould & Ferguson, Micro Economic Theory
Banerjee & Majumdar, Business Economics and Business Environment, ABS
Banerjee & Majumdar, Banijjik Arthaniti –o-Banijjik Paribesh (Bengali)
Dwivedi, D.N., Managerial Economics, Vikash Publications
Mankiw.N.G., Principles of Microeconomics, Cengage
Year 3 : Semester 5
Paper 1 : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACGGEC01T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50
Suggested Readings
Ravinder Kumar and Virender Sharma, Auditing Principles and Practices, PHI
VAruna Jat, Auditive, Taxale Publication
Tandon, et al. Practical Auditing, S.Chand
Basu, S.K. Auduting , Pearson
Gangapadhyay and Sengupta .Auditing, Dey Books Concern
Sengupta, R.N. Practical Guide to Auditing ,New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd.
* L = 1 Hour.
Paper 2 : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACSSEC03M
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50
Suggested Readings
Kuratko and Rao, Entrepreneurship: A South Asian Perspective, Cengage Leaning.
Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters, Dean Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill
Desai, Vasant. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management.
Holt, Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation, Pearson
* L = 1 Hour.
Suggested readings:
* L = 1 Hour.
Paper 2A : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACGDSE02T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50
Suggested Reading
Sukla, Grewal, Gupta: Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, S Chand
R. L.Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, S. Chand
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, Vikash Publishing
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I II, Taxman Publication
Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, Vol III , TMH
Frank Wood, Business Accounting Vol II, Pearson
V.K.Goyal, Corprate Accounting, Excel Books
Rajasekaran, Corporate Accounting, Pearson
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
B. Marketing Specialisation
Suggested Readings:
Consumer Behaviour – Schiffman & Manuk, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Soloman, PHI.
* L = 1 Hour.
Suggested Readings:
Consumer Behaviour – Schiffman & Manuk, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Soloman, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Loudon & DellaBitta, TMH
Cundiff, Still and Govoni, Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.
Smith, R., Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.
* L = 1 Hour.
Suggested Readings:
• Kotler and Kellar, Marketing Management, Pearson.
• William and Ferrell, Marketing, Houghton Miffin McGraw-Hill.
• Neelamegham, Marketing in India: Cases and Readings, Vikas Publishing.
• Majumder, Product Management in India, PHI.
• Srivastava, R. K., product Management & New product Development, Excel Book.
• Ramaswamy and Namakumari, Marketing Management, Macmillan India.
• Srinivasan Case Studies in marketing: The India Context, PHI.
• Batra and Myers, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall
• Sengupta, Brand Positioning Strategies for Competitive Advantage, TMH
• Cundiff, Still and Govoni, Sales Management, Prentice Hall
• Rossiter and Percy, Advertising and Promotion Management, MacGraw-Hill
• Fryburger and Rotzoll, Advertising Theory and Practice, AITBS
• Belch and Belch, Advertising and Promotion, McGraw Hill
* L = 1 Hour.
Paper 1C : Semester 5
Subject Code : SYOADSE01T
Total No. of Credits – 06 [5+1]
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50
Programming languages – Low level and High level; Systems Software - Machine
language, Assembly Language, Operating Systems – features, types; Systems Control
Programs - Disk Operating System and Batch File Programming; Language processors -
Translator, Compiler and Interpreter ;High level language - Application Software, Utility
Software, Open Source OS & software;Software Security Issues, Ethical Hacking.
Suggested Readings
Turban, Rainer, Porter. Introduction to Information Technology. Wiley India.
Mano, Morris. Computer System Architecture. PHI India.
Thareja, R. Information Technology and Its Applications in Business. Oxford India.
Dhar,P. Computer Application in Business. ABS Publishing House.
Jana, Samanta. Overview of Information Technology & its Applications in Business,
Balagurusamy, E. Object-Oriented Programming with C++. Tata MG Hill.
Balagurusamy, E. Programming in Basic. Tata MGHill.
Kanetker,Y. Let Us C. BPB Publ.
* L = 1 Hour.
Unit 2. Data models & Languages : hierarchical model, network model and relational
model. Database languages: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation
Language (DML), and Data Control Language(DCL). [15 L]
Unit 3. SQL – An Overview: SQL constructs, embedded SQL , Query & Query
Optimization Techniques. (Practical) [30 L)
Unit 4. Database Design & Normalisation : Design phases - conceptual, logical and
physical . ER diagram and model. Database Normalisation: Concept. Normal forms -
1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF. (15 L)
Suggested Readings:
Korth, Data Base System Concepts, TMH
Leon, Data Base Management System, VIKAS
Ivan Bayross, PL/SQL Programming
The Complete reference Office Xp- Stephan L. Nelson, Gujulia Kelly (TMH)
Basic Computer Science and Communication Engineering – R. Rajaram (SCITECH)
Dhar, Pranam, Computer Application in Business, ABS Publishing House.
Sinha, P.K., Priti Sinha (2002). Foundation of computing. BPB Publications.
James, A. O’Brien (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. TMH
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH.
* L = 1 Hour.
Year 3 : Semester 6
Paper 1 : Semester 6
Subject Code : FACGGEC02T
Total No. of Credits - 6
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]
Suggested readings:
• Kotler & Keller, Marketing Management, Pearson.
• Venugopal, P., Marketing Management, Sage.
• Bhagwati, Pillai, Marketing Management, S.Chand .
• Ramaswamy and Namakumari, Marketing Management, McMillan.
• Dr Pranam Dhar, Monalisa Maity & Bidhan Baidya, Fundamentals of Marketing
Management & Human Resource Management, International Publishing House.
• Sushil Mukherjee & Kallol Saha, Marketing Management & Human Resource
Management, B.B. Kundu Grandsons.
training and education. Different Training methods, their comparative advantages and
disadvantages. A brief idea of staff welfare programmes and fringe benefits.
Suggested Readings :
• Prof. A. K. Ghosh: Human Resource Management (with cases) : Manas
• Dr. P. Dhar, M. Maity & B. Baidya : Fundamentals of Marketing & Human
Resource Management: International Publishing House.
• Sushil Mukherjee & Kallol Saha, Marketing Management & Human Resource
Management, B.B. Kundu Grandsons
• C. B. Mamoria & S. V. Gankar: Human Resource Management : McGraw Hill
• V.S.P. Rao : Human Resource Management : (Excel Books)
• P. Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial
Relations- Text Cases and Games : Himalaya Publishing House
• Michael Armstrong : A Hand Book of Human Resource Management : Kogan
Page Ltd.
• M. S. Saiyadin: Human Resource Management : Tata McGraw Hill
• Gary Dressler : Human Resource Management : Prentice Hall
• DeCenzo Robbins: Personnel/Human Resource Management: Prentice Hall.
• K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
* L = 1 Hour.
Suggested readings
Anjanee, S. & Bhavana Adhikari, Business Communication, TMH
Chaturvedi & Chaturvedi, Business Communication : Concepts, Cases and Applications,
M.K.Shegal & Vandana Khetarpal, Business Communication, Excel Books
Dhar, Maity and Baidya, Fundamentals of Business Communication & E-commerce;
International Publishing House, Kolkata; May, 2018.
R.K.Madhukar, Business Communication, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Rao, Kumar & Bindu, Business Communication, Cengage
UNIT 3: Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements: Concept of fund, Meaning and
objectives of fund flow statement, various sources and applications, advantages &
limitations of fund flow statement; Meaning and objectives of cash flow statement,
difference with fund flow statement, Preparation and presentation of cash flow
statement as per relevant Accounting Standard; analysis and interpretation of the cash
flow position. (20 L)
UNIT 4: Equity Analysis: Value and price; Dividend Discount Model; Deciding the
appropriate cash flow for discounting; Free cash flow to the firm; Free cash flow to
equity; Price-Earnings Ratio; Why P/E multiples vary; Du Pont Formula.
(20 L)
Suggested Readings
• Lev, Financial Statement Analysis-a new approach, Prentice Hall.
• Foster G, Financial Statement Analysis, Prentice Hall.
• White, Sondhi & Fred, Analysis and Use of Financial Statement, John Wiley.
• Bernstein & Wild, Financial Statement Analysis; theory, application &
interpretation, McGraw Hill.
• Bhattacharyya, Asish K., Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis, Elsevier.
• Ormiston, Understanding Financial Statement, Pearson.
• Subramanyam, K.R. and Wild, Financial Statement Analysis, McGraw Hill.
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
Module II
Corporate Governance
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks, Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks
Suggested Readings
Fernando, A.C., Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective, Pearson Education
Murthy, C.V.S., Business Ethics – Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House
Fernando, A.C., Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, Pearson
Bajpai, G.N., The Essential Book of Corporate Governance, Sage
ICSI, Study Material of Professional Programme, Module 2, Paper 6, Ethics,
Governance and Sustainability
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
B. Marketing Specialization
2. Pricing in Retail 15
Concept of Pricing in Retailing; Factors affecting Retail
Importance of Retail Pricing.
3. Promotion in Retail 10
Need and Objective of Promotional Mix in Retailing;
Promotional Mix and Strategy development; Customer
Relationship Management.
Module II : Marketing of Services
4. Introduction to Services Marketing – Overview 10
Concept of services; Types; Function; Nature;
Understanding Services Customers; Impact of service
marketing in the economy of a country.
Managing Services Quality; Relationship marketing –
Service Communication Mix;
Communication Strategy.
5. Issues in Marketing Mix of Services 15
Service- Product or Packages; Pricing in Services; Place in
Services; Promotion of Service; People in Services;
Physical Evidence; Process Management.
6. Service Marketing in Non-profit and profit 15
Travel and Tourism; Financial Services; Information
Technology Services; Media Services; Health Care
Educational Services
Total Lecture Hours 90**
** including 15 classes for tutorial.
Suggested readings
Madaan, Fundamentals of Retailing, Tata McGraw-Hill
Pradhan, S., Retailing Management, McGraw Hill
Seshanna & Prasad, Retail Management, McGraw Hill
Berman, Evans & Mathur, Retail Management, Pearson
Verma, H. V., Services Marketing, Pearson
Venugopal and Raghu, Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing Ltd.
Ravi Shankar, Services Marketing : The Indian Perspective, Excel Books
Rampal & Gupta, Services Marketing, Concepts, Applications & Cases, Galgotia
Apte, Services Marketing, Oxford University Press.
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
Suggested Readings:
J, Paul & R, Kapoor, International Marketing, TMH.
Vasudeva: International Marketing: Excel Books.
Cherulinam: International Marketing: Himalaya.
Mathur, U.C., Rural Marketing, Excel Books.
Mamoria, Agricultural Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House.
Rajagopal, Management of Rural Business, Wheeler.
* L = 1 Hour.
Unit 2. Internet Concepts: WWW, Internet and E-Commerce, Linking to the Internet,
Internet Address, Internet Tools- Information Retrieval tools (ftp,
Gopher),Communication Tools(Email, FTP, Telnet, Usenet), Multimedia Information
Tools(Home page),Information Search Tools( Archie, Veronica, WAIS). Domain Name
System. (10 L)
Unit 3. Intranet and Extranet: Intranet, Intranet vs. Groupware, Intranet Hardware,
Intranet Software, Intranet Services ( Web (HTTP) Publishing, HTML,), Communication
Systems (Email, Fax), Software used in Electronic mail, Electronic Meeting
Systems( Audio conferencing, Video Conferencing, Groupware), Extranet. (06 L)
Unit 4. Internet Security: Security on the internet, Network and Website Security
Risks, Site Hacking, Security Incidents on the internet security and email, network and
website security, Firewall(Concept, Components and Constituents, Benefits), Enterprise
wide security Framework, secure physical infrastructure). (10 L)
Unit 2. E-Strategy: Information and Strategy, The virtual value chain planning E-
Business project, E-Business strategy and knowledge management. (04 L)
Suggested Readings
S. Jaiswal, Doing Business on the Internet E-COMMERCE (Electronic Commerce for
Business), Galgotia Publications.
P.T.Joseph, E-Commerce An Indian Perspective, S.J., PHI.
Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guerico Traver, 3.E-Commerce Business, Technology,
Society, Pearson Education.
Schneider, E-Commerce, Thomson Publication.
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
Module I
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks
Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks
Total : 37.5 marks
Module II
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks
Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks
Total : 37.5 marks
Suggested Readings:
Turban, Rainer and Potter, Introduction to Information Technology, Wiley.
ITLESL, Introduction to Information Technology, Pearson.
Sinha & Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publication.
Ramesh Behl, Information Technology for Management, TMH.
Turban, Rainer and Potter (2003). Introduction to information technology. John
Wiley and sons.
Sinha, P.K., Priti Sinha (2002). Foundation of computing. BPB Publications.
James, A. O’Brien (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. TMH
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH
Rajaraman, V. (2004). Introduction to Information Technology. PHI.
Cyganski - Information Technology: Inside and outside (Pearson, 1st Edition).
Basandra SK - Computers Today (Galgotia, 1st Edition).
Leon A and Leon M - Introduction to Computers (Leon Vikas, 1st Edition).
Leon - Fundamentals of Information Technology, (Vikas)
Kakkar DN, Goyal R – Computer Applications in Management (New Age, 1st
* L = 1 Lecture Hour.
Resolved unanimously that the Question Papers for the General Candidates will
be set in both Bengali and English. They can also answer in English/Bengali
Three year B.Com. General Course
Semester wise Structure of Syllabus CBCS
To be effective from the Academic Session 2018-19
Year 1: Semester 1
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR01T Financial Accounting I 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR02T Principles & Practice of Management 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGGEC01T Business Economics 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
Year 1: Semester 2
Paper No. Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR03T Cost & Management Accounting I 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCORO4T Marketing Management and Human 2 5 8
Resource Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
FACHGEC02T Business Mathematics & Statistics 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
Year 2: Semester 3
Paper No. Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR05T Business Regulatory Framework 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGCOR06T Direct Taxation 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR07T Financial Accounting II 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACHGECO3T Business Communication & E- 2 5 8
Commerce 5 4 6
10 2 20
FACSSEC01M Information Technology & its Business 10 1 10
Application 15 Practical
Year 2: Semester 4
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR08T Company Law 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGCOR09T Indirect Taxation 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR10T Cost & Management Accounting II 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACHGEC04T Entrepreneurship Development 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACSSEC02M Tax Returns & Filing of Tax Returns 10 1 10
15 Practical
Year 3: Semester 5
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR11T Auditing 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGCOR12T Indian Financial System 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGDSE01T DSE 1A: Banking & Insurance 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGDSE02T DSE 2A: Corporate Accounting 10 2 3
15 2 3
MKTGDSE01T DSE 1B: Consumer Behaviour 2 5 8
and Sales Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
MKTGDSE02T DSE 2B: Product & Pricing 2 5 8
Management and Marketing 5 4 6
Communication 10 2 20
SYOGDSE01T DSE 1C: Fundamentals of 2 5 8
Computer 5 4 6
10 2 20
25 Practical
SYOGDSE02T DSE 2C: DBMS and 2 5 8
Networking 5 4 6
10 2 20
25 Practical
Year 3: Semester 6
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR13T Financial Management 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR14T Research Methods & Project 5 3 5
Work 2 5 8
FACGDSE03T DSE 3A: Financial Statement 10 2 3
Analysis 15 2 3
FACGDSE04T DSE 4A: Business Ethics & 10 2 3
Corporate Governance 15 2 3
MKTGDSE03T DSE 3B: Consumer Behaviour 2 5 8
and Sales Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
MKTGDSE04T DSE 4B: Rural Marketing and 2 5 8
International Marketing 5 4 6
10 2 20
SYOGDSE03T DSE 1C: Internet & WWW and 2 5 8
Functional e-Business System 5 4 6
10 2 20
25 Practical
SYOGDSE04T DSE 2C: Computer Applications 2 5 8
and e-Business Applications – 5 4 6
Practical 10 2 20
25 Practical
Three year B.Com. General Course
Semester wise Structure of Syllabus CBCS
To be effective from the Academic Session 2018-19
Subject/Module/Paper Specialisation of Teachers for
Teaching and Evaluation
Business Economics M.A./M.Sc. in Economics
Business Mathematics & Statistics M.Sc. Mathematics/Statistics or
M.Sc. in Economics with
Specialisation in Econometrics
Information Technology & its M.C.A. or M.Sc. in Computer
Business Applications Science or M.Com with sufficient
knowledge in IT
Indian Financial System M.A. /M.Sc. in Economics and/or
Research Methods & Project Work Any teacher teaching at the B.Com
(Honours) Course may guide the
students for the Project Work
Tax Returns & Filing of Returns M.Com with sufficient knowledge
in IT, who are conversant with the
Accounting and Taxation Softwares
and its applications
DSE 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A M.Com with Accounting & Finance
DSE 1B, 2B, 3B and 4B M. Com/M.B.A. with Marketing
DSE 1C, 2C, 3C and 4C M.C.A. or M.Sc. in Computer
Science or M.Com with
specialization or
additional/diploma in Computer
Applications and e-Business
Papers/Subjects/Modules other M.Com
than those mentioned above
** In case of any extra-ordinary situation, the Chairperson – UG BOS
is empowered to take decision regarding teaching/evaluation, in
concurrence with the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, WBSU, as directed.
Recommended by UG BOS in Commerce & Management
At its meeting held on 06.06.2018. with the CBCS Committee, WBSU.
Dr. Pranam Dhar