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General Cbcs Draft Syllabus

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Department of Commerce & Management


Final Draft Syllabus

B.Com. (General) Course


Recommended by the University Grants Commission (UGC)

[to be implemented from the Academic Session 2018-19]

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Page No.

A. Syllabus Structure 03 - 04
B. Detailed Syllabus 05 - 40
C. Medium of Instructions for the Examinees 41

D. Question Pattern for the Semester-End Examination 41 - 42

E. Specialisation of Teachers for Teaching and 43
Evaluation of Different papers/subjects/modules

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Three year B.Com. General Course

Semester-wise Structure of Syllabus CBCS
to be effective from the Academic Session 2018-19

Year 1 : Semester 1
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR01T Financial Accounting I 6
FACGCOR02T Principles & Practice of Management 6
ENGLC0R01T English – 1 6
ENVSAEC01T Environmental Studies 2
Total 20

Year 1 : Semester 2
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR03T Cost & Management Accounting 6
FACGCOR04T Business Mathematics & Statistics 6
ENGLC0R02T English - 2 6
ENGSAEC01M Language : English 2
Modern Indian Language
Total 20

Year 2 : Semester 3
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGCOR05T Business Regulatory Framework 6
FACSSEC01M Information Technology & its Business Application 2
FACGCOR06T Financial Accounting II 6
ENGLC0R03M Modern Indian Language - 1 6
Total 20

Year 2 : Semester 4
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACSSEC02M Tax Returns & Filing of Tax Returns 2
FACGCOR07T Direct & Indirect Taxation 6
FACGCOR08T Business Economics 6
ENGLC0R04M Modern Indian Language – 2 6
Total 20

Year 3 : Semester 5
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGGEC01T Auditing 6
FACSSEC03M Entrepreneurship Development 2
FACGDSE01T DSE 1 TO DSE 6 from Group-A 6
To (Any two DSEs are to be chosen) [For details
FACGDSE06T see Table-1]
Total 20

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Year 3 : Semester 6
Paper No. Subject Credit
FACGGEC02T Marketing Management & Human Resource 6
FACSSEC04M Business Communication & e-commerce 2
FACGDSE07T DSE 7 TO DSE 12 from Group-B 6
To (Any two DSEs are to be chosen) [For details
FACGDSE12T see Table-2]
Total 20
Grand Total 120


Table-1 : Group-A
Course Code Course Name
FACGDSE01T Banking & Insurance
FACGDSE02T Corporate Accounting
FACGDSE03T Consumer Behaviour & Customer Relationship
FACGDSE04T Product & Pricing Management and Marketing
FACGDSE05T Fundamentals of Computer
FACGDSE06T DBMS and Networking
Notes : Students must opt for FACGDSE01T and FACGDSE02T for Finance
Specialisation, FACGDSE03T and FACGDSE04T for Marketing Specialisation and
FACGDSE05T and FACGDSE06T for Systems & Operations Specialisation.

Table-2 : Group-B
Course Code Course Name
FACGDSE01T Financial Statement Analysis
FACGDSE02T Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
FACGDSE03T Retail Management and Marketing of Services
FACGDSE04T Rural Marketing and International Marketing
FACGDSE05T Internet & WWW and Functional e-Business System
FACGDSE06T Computer Applications and e-Business Applications
– Practical
Notes : Students must opt for FACGDSE07T and FACGDSE08T for Finance
Specialisation, FACGDSE09T and FACGDSE10T for Marketing Specialisation and
FACGDSE11T and FACGDSE12T for Systems & Operations Specialisation.

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Year 1: Semester 1
Paper 1: Semester 1
Subject Code: FACGCOR01T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]

Unit Topic Details Hours

1 Introduction • Nature of accounting; Users of accounting
information; Qualitative characteristics of
accounting information.
• Double entry book keeping system – Basic
accounting equation, meaning of assets,
liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses.
Accounting Cycle - Recording of transaction: 05
Journal, Ledger and preparation of Trial Balance.
• Bases of accounting; Cash Basis and Accrual
• Basic concepts and conventions: entity, money
measurement, going concern, cost, realization,
accruals, periodicity, consistency, prudence
(conservatism), materiality, matching and full
2 Determination • Revenue recognition: Meaning of revenue;
of business objective; timing of recognition. Recognition of
income expenses
. • Inventories: meaning. Significance of inventory
valuation. Lower of cost or market rule; Inventory
ascertainment and reconciliation.
• The nature of depreciation--Accounting concept
of depreciation--Factors in the measurement of
depreciation--Methods of computing depreciation:
Straight Line Method and Diminishing Balance
Method; Disposal of depreciable assets; Change 15
in estimate and method of charging depreciation.
Accounting for depreciation: Asset-depreciation,
• Reserves and provisions: Meaning; Objective;
Types & Accounting.
• Capital and revenue expenditures and receipts
(general introduction only).
• Adjustment and rectification entries

3 Introduction Financial Accounting Standards: Concept,

to Accounting Benefits, Procedure for issuing accounting
Standard standards in India. Need for a global standard,
IFRS (concept only).

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Introduction Concept of accounting theory; Relation with 15

to Accounting practice; GAAP; Capital – Capital Maintenance
Theory concepts; Limitations of Historic Cost accounting;
Introduction to Fair Value accounting .

4 Final Preparation of financial statements of sole

accounts of proprietorship business entities from a trial 15
Trading balance – Manufacturing, Trading, P/L A/c and
Concern Balance Sheet.
5 Financial Preparation of financial statements:
statements a) from incomplete records 15
from b) of non-profit organization
records and of
6 Accounting • Consignment: Basic features; Difference with
for special sales. Recording in the books of Consignor – at
sales cost & at invoice price, Valuation of unsold stock;
transaction Ordinary commission. Treatment and valuation of
abnormal & normal loss. Special commission; Del
cruder commission (with and without bad debt) –
Concept of Consignment Debtors; Recording in
the books of Consignee.
• Accounting for sale on approval.

Sectional and • Concept of sectional balancing, Self balancing 25

Self balancing Ledger: advantages; Recording process;
ledger preparation of Adjustment accounts.

• Loss of stock: Physical & ownership concept;

Insurance Concept of under-insurance and average clause;
claim for loss Computation of claim – with price change;
of stock and Consideration of unusual selling line; price
for loss of reduction etc.
profit • Loss of profit: Concept – Insured & uninsured
standing charges, GP rate, Short sales and
increased cost of working, Average clause and
computation of claim (simple problems).

** including 15 hours for tutorial.

Notes: Relevant Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India are to be followed.

Suggested Reading
Sulk, Growl, Gupta: Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S Chan
R. L. Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S. Chand
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Vikash Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Taxman Publication
B. Banerjee, Regulation of Corporate Accounting & Reporting in India, World Press.

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Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, McGraw Hill

Frank Wood, Business Accounting Vol 1, Pearson
Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Pearson
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI
Mukherjee & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, Oxford Publishing House.



Paper 2 : Semester 1
Paper Code : FACGCOR02T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits : 6 [90 Hours]

Unit 1. Introduction [20 L]*

Management - Concept, Importance, Functions; Management as profession;
Management as Science and Art, Universality of management; Levels of management;
Managerial tasks and skills. Different Schools of Management Thought: Classical
School--- Contributions of Taylor and Fayol; Neo-classical School---Human Relations
approach and Behavioural Science approach.

Unit 2. Planning [10 L]

Concept, Importance, Types, Steps, Barriers to effective planning and remedial
measures; Strategic Planning---Concept; Forecasting---Concept, Techniques

Unit 3. Organizing [20 L]

Concept, Importance, Principles, Departmentation – Need, Basis, Principles; Delegation
of Authority--- Elements, Steps, Barriers; Centralization and Decentralization of
Authority; Span of Management -Concept and determining factors.

Unit 4: Directing and Staffing [20 L]

Concept of directing, Importance of directing, Leadership: Concepts, Importance, Types,
Leadership Traits, Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s Model, Blake & Mouton Model, Staffing:
Concept & importance

Unit 5. Motivation, Co-ordination and Control [20 L]

Motivation: Concepts, Importance, McGregor, Maslow and Herzberg theory of
motivation, Co-ordination & Control: Concepts, Significance, Principles,
Techniques, Steps, Control: Concepts, Importance and tools

Suggested Readings
Koontz and Weirich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Drucker, P F, Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Butterworth, Oxford.
Luthans, F, Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, New York.
Allen, L A, Management and Organisation, Tokyo.
Stoner and Freeman, Management, PHI, New Delhi.
Griffin, R W, Management, Houghtan Miffin, Boston.
Tripathy, P C, Reddy, P N, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Ravichandran, K, Nakkiran, S, Principles of Management, Avinash Paperbacks,

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Jwalkar, Ghanekar & Bhivpathaki, Principles & Practice of Management, Everest

Publishing House.

* L = 1 Hour.

Year 1 : Semester 2


Subject Code : FACGCOR03T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]
UNIT Topic Content Hours

1 Introduction Definition of costing, Objectives of Cost Accounting And 10 L*

Management Accounting, Cost Accounting Vs. Management
Accounting, Installing a good Cost Accounting System,
Essentials of good Cost Accounting System, Cost concepts,
terms and classification of costs:(Cost, cost object, types of cost,
classification of costs, Direct and Indirect cost, Element wise,
Function wise ,Behavior wise , Sunk Cost, Opportunity cost,
Costing Methods and Techniques(introduction only)
2 Materials Purchase of materials: Organization, Purchase procedure,
Documentation, Determination of material purchase costs.
Storage of materials: Need of storage, location and types,
Functions of store keeper, requisition, receipt and issue
and transfer of materials, storage record, accounting for
material cost. 10 L

Material Materials Control: Organization Tools : JIT purchase ;

Costs various stock levels; EOQ and ABC Analysis; Periodic Inventory;
Perpetual inventory, Physical Verification; Discrepancies of
stock and their treatment, Methods of Pricing Material Issues:
FIFO,LIFO and Weighted Average, Treatment of Normal and
Abnormal Loss of materials.

3 Labour Introduction, Recording Labour cost: Attendance and Pay roll

Employee Procedures (Time-Keeping, Time- Booking, Payroll procedure, 15 L
Cost payment of Wages- Piece rate , Differential piece rate , Time
And rate); Idle Time( Causes and treatment in Cost Accounting).
incentive Overtime (its effect and treatment in Cost Accounting) Labour
systems Turnover( causes , impact and methods of calculating labour
turn over).
Main Principles for sound system of wage incentive shames,
labour utilization ; System of wage payment and incentives (
Halsey, Halsey-Weir, Rowan and Emerson).
Systems of Incentive Schemes for indirect Worker; Component
of wages cost for costing purpose.
4 Overhead *Introduction : Definition, classification of overhead. Cost
and Statement- Functional and Behavioral. 20 L

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Cost *Manufacturing overheads: Allocation and Apportionment of

statement overhead; Absorption of overhead ; various methods and their
application; treatment of under-absorption/over-absorption of
*Administration and Selling & Distribution Overheads and their
charging : an introduction only.
*Preparation of Cost Sheet and estimation
5 Cost Book- Non-Integrated System: Meaning & Features; Ledgers
keeping Maintained ; Accounts prepared ; General/ Cost Ledger 10 L
Adjustment Accounts; Meaning of closing balance in various
accounts; Disadvantages.
Reconciliation: Need for reconciliation; Items causing differences
between Cost and Financial profits and their reconciliation.

6 Costing Job Costing (Job Cost Cards and data bases, collecting direct
Methods costs of each job, Attributing overhead costs to jobs, Application 25 L
of job-costing), Batch Costing.
Contract Costing – Progress payments, Retention money,
Escalation clause, Contract accounts ,Accounting for material,
Accounting for plant used in a contract, Contract profit and
Balance Sheet entries.
Service Costing and output costing: Introduction; Motor
Transport Costing only.
Process Costing : Meaning, Features, Process Vs. Job costing,
Principles of cost ascertainment for materials, Labour &
Overhead; Normal Loss and Abnormal Loss and Gain and
preparation of Process Accounts. Inter process profit (Simple

90 L**
** including 15 hours for tutorial.

Suggested Readings
B, Banerjee, Cost Accounting ,PHI
M. Y. Khan & P. K. Jain Management Accounting, TMH
Bhattacharyya, Ashish K. Cost Accounting for Business Managers, Elsevier.
Hanif, M. Cost & Management accounting, Mc. Graw Hill.
Mitra , J.K. Cost & Management Accounting, Oxford.

* L = 1 Hour.



Paper 3: Semester 2
Subject Code : FACGCOR04T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50

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Unit 1: Set Theory

Definition of Set and its presentation. Different types of Sets- Null Sets, Finite & Infinite
Sets, Subsets, Universal Set, Power Set etc. Set Operations- Laws of Algebra of Sets,
Venn diagram.
(04 L)*
Unit 2: Matrices and Determinants:
Definition of a matrix, Types of matrices; Equality, Addition, Subtraction, and
Multiplication; Transpose of a matrix; Determinant of a square matrix, Values of
determinants up to third order; Properties of Determinants, minors and co-factors,
Adjoint of a Matrix, Elementary row and column operations, Inverse of a matrix;
Solution of a system of linear equations (having unique solution and involving not more
than three variables) using matrix inversion Method and Cremer’s Rule. [10 L]

Unit 3: Basic Mathematics for Finance

Functions and their types – linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic;
Concepts of limit and continuity of a function.
Concept of differentiation; Rules of differentiation – simple standard forms. Maxima and
Minima of functions (involving first and second order differentiation) relating to cost,
revenue and profit.
Different types of Interest Rates, concept of Present Value – Present Value and Annuity,
Compounding & Discounting, amount of Annuity – Valuation of Simple Loans.
[20 L]

Unit 4: Basics of Statistics

Collection, classification of data, Primary & Secondary data, Tabulation of data, Graphs
and charts, Frequency distribution, Diagrammatic presentation of frequency
[05 L]

Unit 5: Measure of Central Tendency & Dispersion

Measures of Central Tendency including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and
harmonic mean: properties and applications; mode and median.
Measures of Variation: absolute and relative. Range, quartile deviation and mean
deviation; Variance and Standard deviation: calculation and properties. [15 L]

Unit 6: Bivariate Analysis

Simple Linear Correlation Analysis: Meaning, and measurement. Karl Pearson's co-
efficient and Spearman’s rank correlation.
Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Regression equations and estimation. Relationship
between Correlation and regression coefficients. [20 L]

Unit 7: Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis

Meaning and uses of index numbers; Construction of index numbers: Aggregative and
average of relatives – simple and weighted, Components of time series; additive and
multiplicative models; Trend analysis: Finding trend by moving average method and
Fitting of linear trend line using principle of least squares.
[16 L]
Suggested Readings
Ghosh and Saha, Business Mathematics and Statistics, New Central Book Agency
(P) Ltd.
M. Raghavchari, Mathematics for Management, Tata McGraw-Hill.
S. Baruah, Basic Mathematics and its application in Economics, McMillan.
R. S. Bhardwaj, Mathematics for Economics and Business, Excel Books.
P. K. Giri and J.Banerjee, Introduction to Business Mathematics, Academic

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R.G.D. Allen, Mathematical Analysis for Economists, McMillan.

G. C. Beri, Business Statistics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
J. K. Sharma, Business Statistics, Pearson Education.
Nag and Nag, Advanced Business Mathematics and Statistics
D. Sengupta, Application of Calculas, Books & Allied.
Dr. Ranjit Dhar, Business Mathematics & Statistics, Dishari.
J. Chakrabarti, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Dey Book Concern.
Maity and Ghosh, Calculus, Central.
Singh J. K., Business Mathematics. Himalaya Publishing House.
N.G. Das, Statistical Methods in Commerce, Accountancy and Economics
Hazarika, Padmalochan. A Textbook of Business Mathematics. S. Chand
Trivedi, Business Mathematics, Pearson
Sanyal & Das, Introduction to Linear Programming, U.N. DHUR & SONS PVT. LTD.

* L = 1 Hour.


Year 2 : Semester 3


Paper 1 : Semester 3
Subject Code : FACGCOR05T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50

Unit Topic Details Hours

1 The Indian a) Contract – meaning, characteristics and kinds,
Contract Essentials of a valid contract
Act,1872 b) Offer and acceptance (Definition, Rules,
Communication and Revocation of offer and
c) Consideration (Definition, Elements, Types, Rules),
“No Consideration No Contract” and its 20 L
exceptions; Capacity to Parties (Definition and Types)
d) Consent, Free consent, Coercion, Undue Influence,
Fraud, Misrepresentation, Mistake
e) Legality of objects and Consideration
f) Void and Voidable agreements – Definition, Types
and Distinction
g) Discharge of a contract – Modes of discharge,
Breach and Remedies against breach of contract
h) Specific Contracts - Contingent contracts, Quasi,
Contract of Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment,

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2 The Sales of a) Contract of sale, meaning and difference between

goods Act, sale and agreement to sell
1930 b) Conditions and warranties
c) Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by a 10 L
d) Unpaid seller – meaning, rights of an unpaid seller
against the goods and the buyer
The a. Definition – Partner, Partnership
Partnership b) Nature and Characteristics of Partnership
3 Laws c) Types of Partners
3A. The d) Registration of a Partnership Firms and
Partnership consequences of non-registration 10 L
Act, 1932 e) Rights and Duties of Partners
f) Dissolution of firms – meaning and grounds

3B. The Limited a) Definition

Partnership b) Salient Features of LLP
Act, 2008 c) Advantages and disadvantages of LLP
d) Differences between: LLP and Partnership, LLP and
e) Incorporation of LLP 10 L

4 The Negotiable a) Definition, Features, Types, Parties of Negotiable

Instrument Instruments: Promissory 20 L
Act,1881 Note, bill of exchange, Cheque (Definition and Types)
b) Endorsement: Types of Endorsement
c) Holder and Holder in Due Course, Privileges of
Holder in Due Course.
d) Dishonour of Negotiable Instruments: Modes,
Consequences, Notice of Dishonour; Noting and
e) Discharge of Negotiable Instruments: Meaning and

5 The Consumers a) Objectives and features of Consumers Protection

Protection Act 10 L
Act,1986 b) Definitions – Complainant, Complaint, Consumer,
Consumer Dispute, Defect, Deficiency, District
Forum, Person
c) Unfair trade practices
d) Consumer Protection Council (Central, State and
District – their constitutions and objectives)
e) Consumer Dispute Redressal Agencies: Composition
and jurisdiction of District forum, State
Commission and National Commission

6 Electronic a) Definitions: Computer, Electronic signature,

Commerce Act, Internet, Information.
1998 b) Formation and Validity of Electronic Contracts (e- 10 L
contracts) (Section 15)
c) Effectiveness between parties(Section16)
90 L**
** including 15 hours for tutorial.

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Notes : If any new provision is enacted in place of the existing provisions, the syllabus will accordingly
include such new provisions in place of existing provisions with effect from such date as prescribed West
Bengal State University. Similarly if any existing provision becomes redundant due to changes, it will be
left out of the syllabus)

Suggested Readings
Tulsian & Tulsian, Business Laws, S.Chand
Kapoor N.D., Business Laws, Sultan Chand
Das S.K. & Roy P., Business Regulatory Framework, OUP
Gulsan S.S., Business Laws, Excel Books
Roychowdhury, Bhattacharjee & Datta, Business Regulatory Framework, Elegant
Bhadra, Satpati and Mitra, Ainer Ruprekha (Bengali Version), Dishari.

* L = 1 Hour.



Paper 2 : Semester 3
Subject Code : FACSSEC01M
Total No. of Credits - 02
Full Marks 25
[Internal Assessment: 15 Marks Semester-End Examination: 10

Module I
Information Technology and Its Application in Business (Theory)
Unit 1: Information Technology and Business [15 L]*
Concepts of data, information and computer based information system, impact of
information technology on business [business data processing, intra-organizational and
inter-organizational communication by using network technology, business process
outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing], types of Information System-
Transaction Processing System (TPS), Management Information System (MIS), Decision
Support System (DSS), Knowledge Management System (KMS) and their
implementation at managerial levels [operational, tactical and strategic].

Module II
Information Technology and Its Application in Business (Practical)

Unit 2 : Word Processing [05 L]

Working with word document- Editing text, Find and Replace text, Formatting, Spell
check, Autocorrect, Auto text; Bullets and numbering, Tabs, Paragraph Formatting,
Indent, Page Formatting, Header and footer, Macros, Drop cap; Tables: Inserting, Filling
and formatting a Table, Inserting Pictures and Video; Mail Merge- including linking with
Database, Printing documents.
Creating Business Documents using the above facilities

Unit 2: Preparing Presentations [05 L]

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Basics of presentations: Slides, Fonts, Drawing, Editing; Inserting: Tables, Images,

texts, Symbols, Media; Design; Transition; Animation, Hyperlink and Slideshow.
Creating Business Presentations using above facilities.

Unit 3: Spreadsheet and Computerised Accounting [20 L]

Managing worksheets- Formatting, Entering data, Editing, and Printing a worksheet;
Handling operators in formula, Project involving multiple spreadsheets, Organizing
Charts and graphs, Pivot Table.
Spreadsheet Functions: Mathematical [SUMIF, SQRT, SUBTOTAL, SUMPRODUCT
Financial [PMT, RATE, PV, FV, NPER, IRR, NPV, Data Table Etc.] Logical [AND, OR, IF
etc.], Date and Time, lookup and reference, Database and Text functions.
Tally – Basic Features.

Suggested Readings
Thareja, IT & Application, Oxford.
Aurora, Computer Fundamentals, Vikash.
Sinha & Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publications.
Dhar, P., Fundamental of IT and Its Application in Business, Abhijay Publishing
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH
Rajaraman, V. (2004). Introduction to Information Technology. PHI.
Cyganski - Information Technology: Inside and outside (Pearson, 1st Edition).
Basandra SK - Computers Today (Galgotia, 1st Edition).
Leon A and Leon M - Introduction to Computers (Leon Vikas, 1st Edition).

* L = 1 Hour.


Paper 3 : Semester 3
Subject Code : FACGCOR06T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50

Unit Topic Details Hours

1. Partnership Profit and Loss Appropriation Accounts 20
Accounts - I Capital & Current A/C, Correction of appropriation
items with retrospective effect.
Change in Constitution of Firm
Change in profit sharing ratio, Admission, Retirement,
Retirement cum Admission – treatment of Goodwill,
revaluation of assets and liabilities (with/without
alteration of books), treatment of reserves and
adjustment relating to capital, treatment of Joint Life
Policy, Death of a Partner.
2. Partnership Accounting for Dissolution of Firm 25
Accounts - II Insolvency of one or more partner, Consideration of

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private estate and private liabilities, Piecemeal

distribution (Surplus Capital basis and Maximum
Possible Loss Basis).
Conversion of Partnership into Limited Company
3. Branch Concept of Branch, Types of Branches. 10
Accounting Synthetic Method - Preparation of Branch Account,
Branch Trading & P/L Account (at cost and at invoice
price) – normal and abnormal losses.
Analytical Method – Preparation of Branch Stock
Adjustment Account (at cost and at invoice price) –
normal and abnormal losses.
4. Hire Purchase Meaning, Difference with Instalment payment system, 13
and Instalment Allocation of Interest.
Payment Partial and Complete Repossession. Concept of
System Operating and Financial Lease (Theory only).
5. Departmental Concept, Objectives of preparation of departmental 10
Accounts accounts.
Apportionment of common cost, Preparation of
Departmental Trading & P/L Account, Consolidated
Trading & P/L Account, Inter departmental transfer of
goods at cost; cost plus and at selling price and
elimination of unrealized profit.
6. Investment Preparation of Investment Account – treatment of 12
Accounts brokerage, STT, cum and ex – interest, Valuation of
Investment under FIFO and Average method.
Preparation of Investment Account for Shares (with
Right Shares, Bonus Shares and Sale of Right).
Transfer of securities (Simple problem).

** including 15 hours for tutorial.

Notes : Companies’ Accounting Standards Rules 2005 as amended from time to
time are to be followed.

Suggested Readings
Sukla , Grewal, Gupta : Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, S Chand.
R.L.Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, S Chand.
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, Vikash Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, Taxman Publication.
Basu Amitabha, Principles and Applications of Accounting Vol. II, Tee Dee
Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting Vol. II, McGraw Hill.
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI.


Year 2 : Semester 4
Paper 1 : Semester 4
Subject Code : FACSSEC02M
Total No. of Credits - 02

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Full Marks 25
[Internal Assessment: 15 Marks Semester-End Examination: 10

UNIT 1: Income Tax Returns (15 L)*

a) PAN and TAN- Procedure for application of PAN/TAN; Defective Return, Revised
Return, Belated Return, Provisions regarding TDS from salary, interest on securities,
horse racing, lottery.
b) Advance Tax (simple problems).
c) Interest- Interest u/s 234A, 234B, 234C, (simple problems)
d) Different Forms of Returns
e) Different TDS Returns

UNIT 2: E-filing of Tax Returns [30 L)

a) Preparation and submission of the Income Tax Returns (ITR-1 and ITR-2)
offline/online for individual taxpayer, EVC.
b) View form 26AS, Upload return, View e-file returns, e-verification
c) Use of e-tax calculator (including interest calculation u/s 234A, 234B, 234C)
d) E-Pay tax (Challan No. ITNS 280 and ITNS 281)
e) e-TDS Return filing

Notes : For Project Work - Assignment based on each and every topic should be

Suggested Readings
Software: Singhania, V.K., E-Filing of Income Tax Returns and Computations of
Tax, Taxmann
Software: “Excel Utility”, incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in.

* L = 1 Hour.



Paper 2 : Semester 4
Subject Code : FACGCOR10T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Objective – To provide basic knowledge of principles and provisions of Income Tax and
GST Laws.

Module I : Income Tax

UNIT 1: a) Basic Concepts of Direct and Indirect Taxes; Definitions under IT Act:
Assessee, Previous year, Assessment year, Person, Income, Sources of income, Heads of
income, Gross total income, Total income; b) Residential Status and Incidence of Tax
of Individual Assessee; c) Exempted income – u/s 10(1), 10(10), 10(10A), 10(10AA),

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10(10D), 10(11), 10(12), 10(13A), 10(14), 10(15), 10(34), 10(35), 10(38).

(15 L)

UNIT 2: Computations of Taxable Income under the head:

a) Salaries and b) Income from House Property (20 L)

UNIT 3: a) Profits and Gains of Business or Profession [sec. 28, 32, 36(1), 36(1)(ii),
36(1)(iii), 36(1)(vii), 37, 40A(3), 43B]; b) Capital Gains: Meaning and types of capital
assets, simple computation of STCG and LTCG; c) Income from Other Sources: Basis of
charge excluding deemed dividend (20 L)

UNIT 4: Set off and carry forward of losses; Deductions u/s 80 - 80C, 80CCC,
80CCD, 80CCE, 80D, 80E, 80G, 80GG, 80TTA; Rebate u/s 87A; Computation of total
income and tax liability of individual assessee. (15 L)

UNIT 5: Filing of Returns: Due date of filing return, different types of returns, PAN,
TDS – Basic Concept; Different types of assessment (Basic concepts only); Advance tax
for individuals – due dates for advance payment of tax. (05 L)

Module 2 : Goods & Service Tax

UNIT 6: Goods and Services Tax – Concept, GST council; Pre- and post-GST indirect tax
structure in India; Types of GST – Central GST, State/UT GST and Integrated GST;
Rates of GST; Registration; Meaning of taxable event; Meaning of goods and services;
Supply of goods and services; Input tax, Input tax credit for payment of SGST, CGST,
UTGST and IGST; Reverse Charge – Meaning; Composition Levy – Meaning, advantages
and disadvantages of Composition Levy, Payment of GST and filing of returns.
(15 L)

Notes: [If any new legislation/provision is enacted in place of the existing

legislation/provision, the syllabus will be modified accordingly to include such new
legislation/provision in place of existing legislation/provision with effect from such date
as prescribed by the West Bengal State University. Similarly, if any existing provision
becomes redundant due to changes, it will be left out of the syllabus.]

Suggested Readings
Singhania, M. and Singhania, V., Students’ guide to Income Tax including GST,
Ahuja and Gupta, Systematic Approach to Taxation Containing Income Tax and GST,
Wolters Kluwer.
V.S. Datey, GST Law & Practice with Customs & FTP, Taxmann.
Raj K Agrawal and Shivangi Agrawal, Indirect Taxes, Bharat.
Sengupta, C.H., Simplified Approach to Direct & Indirect Taxes, Dey Book Concern.
Publication on GST by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Publication on GST by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (www.cbec.org).
Relevant Bare Acts and Rules.

P.S. Latest edition of the books may be read.


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Paper 3 : Semester 4
Paper Code : FACGCOR08T
Full Marks: 75
[Internal assessment – 25 Marks; Semester-end Examination – 50 Marks]
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]

Unit 1: Consumer Theory [18 L]*

Indifference curve approach: Consumer’s preferences; Budget line; Consumer’s
equilibrium; Income consumption curve, Price consumption curve and the derivation of
demand curve for a commodity (Normal, Inferior, Giffen); Hicksian decomposition of
price Effect into income and substitution effect.

Unit 2: Demand & Supply [18 L]

(a) Demand and Supply: Law of demand, Determinants of demand, Movements vs. shift
in demand curve, Exceptions to the law of demand, Determinants of Supply, Movement
along a supply curve vs. shift in supply curve; Market equilibrium and price
(b) Measurement of various Elasticity of demand, Elasticity of supply.

Unit 3: Production and Cost [12 L]

(a) Production: Concept of production and production function, Homogeneous
production function; Law of variable proportions; Isoquant: definition and properties,
Return to scale.
(b) Costs: Costs in the short run and in the long run.

Unit 4: Market Structure (20 L)

(a) Perfect Competition: Assumptions --Theory of a firm under perfect competition,
Demand and Revenue, Equilibrium of the firm in the short run and long run.
(b) Monopoly: Short-run and long-run equilibrium of monopoly firm, Concept of supply
curve under monopoly, Allocation inefficiency and dead-weight loss monopoly, Price
(c) Imperfect Competition: Difference between perfect competitions, monopoly and
imperfect competition; (i) Monopolistic Competition: Assumptions; Short run and Long
run Equilibrium. (ii) Oligopoly, Duopoly – basic characteristics.

Unit 5 : National Income [12 L]

National Income Accounting, Concepts of GDP, GNP, NNP, NDP, Real and Nominal
National Income, Circular flow of income

Unit 6 : Money and Inflation [10 L]

Concept of demand for and supply of money --Quantity theory of money and Keynesian
theory of demand for money, Measures of money supply, High powered money, Concept
of Inflation, Demand-pull and cost push theories of inflation, Monetary and fiscal
policies to control inflation.

Suggested Readings
Gould & Ferguson, Micro Economic Theory
Banerjee & Majumdar, Business Economics and Business Environment, ABS
Banerjee & Majumdar, Banijjik Arthaniti –o-Banijjik Paribesh (Bengali)
Dwivedi, D.N., Managerial Economics, Vikash Publications
Mankiw.N.G., Principles of Microeconomics, Cengage

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Das, P. & Sengupta A., Economics , Oxford

Samuelson & Nordhaus, Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill
* L = 1 Hour.

Year 3 : Semester 5
Paper 1 : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACGGEC01T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit –I : Introduction (20 L)*

Auditing : Introduction, meaning, objectives, basic principles and techniques,
advantages and limitations, classification of audit. Audit planning and procedures –
relevant documents. Internal control-internal check and internal audit, vouching and
verification of Assets and liabilities (including relevant SAP’s)

Unit-II: Audit of Companies (25 L)

Audit of limited companies: Company auditor – qualifications and disqualifications,
Appointment, Rotation, Removal , Remuneration , Rights and Duties , Auditor’s Report ,
Liabilities of Statutory Auditors under the Companies Act , 2013.
Divisible profits and dividend with special reference to depreciation, provisions and
reserves as per Companies Act, 2013.

Unit-III: Audit Report and Certificate (15 L)

Audit Report- Definition, features, scope, value of Auditors Report , difference between
Audit Report and Certificate, Types of Audit Report, Contents of Audit Report as per
Companies Act, 2013,True and Fair View.

Unit- IV: Audit of different Institutions (15 L)

Audit of Educational Institutions, Library, Hospital, Club, Hotel, Transport Company
and co-operative societies.
Audit of Local Govt.-Gram Panchayat, Panchayat –Samity and Zilla-Parishad,
Municipality and Municipal Corporation.

Unit-V : Special Areas of Audit (15 L)

Special features of Cost Audit, Management Audit, Tax Audit, Social Audit,
Environmental Audit, Energy Audit.

Suggested Readings
Ravinder Kumar and Virender Sharma, Auditing Principles and Practices, PHI
VAruna Jat, Auditive, Taxale Publication
Tandon, et al. Practical Auditing, S.Chand
Basu, S.K. Auduting , Pearson
Gangapadhyay and Sengupta .Auditing, Dey Books Concern

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Sengupta, R.N. Practical Guide to Auditing ,New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd.

* L = 1 Hour.

Paper 2 : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACSSEC03M
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit-I: Introduction [18 L]*

Meaning, elements, determinants and importance of entrepreneurship and creative
behaviour; Dimensions of entrepreneurship: intrapreneurship, technopreneurship,
cultural entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurship, netpreneurship,
ecopreneurship, and social entrepreneurship.

Unit-II: Entrepreneurship and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises [18 L]

Basic concept of business houses, Role of business houses and family business in
India; The contemporary role models in Indian business: their values, business
philosophy and behavioural orientations; Conflicts in family business and its

Unit-III: Sustainability of Entrepreneurship [30 L]

Public and private system of stimulation, support and sustainability of
entrepreneurship; Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting
entrepreneurship; Requirement, availability and access to finance, marketing
assistance, technology, and industrial accommodation, Role of
industries/entrepreneur’s associations and self-help groups; The concept, role and
functions of business incubators, angel investors, venture capital and private equity

Unit-IV: Sources of business ideas and tests of feasibility [12 L]

Significance of writing the business plan/ project proposal; Contents of business plan/
project proposal; Designing business processes, location, layout, operation, planning &
control; preparation of project report; Project submission/ presentation and appraisal
thereof by external agencies, such as financial/non financial institutions.

Unit-V: Mobilization of Resources [12 L]

Mobilizing resources for start-up -- Accommodation and utilities; Preliminary contracts
with the vendors, suppliers, bankers, principal customers: Basic start-up problems

Suggested Readings
Kuratko and Rao, Entrepreneurship: A South Asian Perspective, Cengage Leaning.
Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters, Dean Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill
Desai, Vasant. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management.
Holt, Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation, Pearson

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Singh, Nagendra P. Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development. New Delhi:

SS Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Co, Delhi.
K Ramachandran, Entrepreneurship Development, McGraw-Hill Education
Reddy, Entrepreneurship: Text & cases, Cengage Learning.

* L = 1 Hour.



A. Accounting & Finance Specialisation


Paper 1A : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACGDSE01T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit-1: Introduction [15 L]*

Origin of banking: definition, banker and customer relationship, General and special
types of customers, Types of deposits, Origin and growth of commercial banks in India.
Financial Services offered by banks, changing role of commercial banks, types of banks.

Unit-2: Cheques and Paying Banker [15 L]

Crossing and endorsement - meaning, definitions, types and rules of crossing. Duties,
Statutory protection in due course, collecting bankers: duties, statutory protection for
holder in due course, Concept of negligence.

Unit-3: Bank Lending [15 L]

Principles of sound lending, Secured vs. unsecured advances, Types of advances,
Advances against various securities, NPA Management.

Unit-4: Internet Banking [30 L]

Meaning, Benefits, Home banking, Mobile banking, Virtual banking, E-payments, ATM
Card/Biometric card, Debit/Credit card, Smart card, NEFT, RTGS, ECS (credit/debit),
E-money, Electronic purse, Digital cash.

Unit-5: Insurance [15 L]

Basic concept of risk, Types of business risk, Assessment and transfer, Basic principles
of utmost good faith, Indemnity, Economic function, Proximate cause, Subrogation and
contribution, Types of insurance: Life and Non-life, Re-insurance, Need for
coordination. Power, functions and Role of IRDA, Online Insurance.

Suggested readings:

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 21

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Agarwal, O.P., Banking and Insurance, Himalaya Publishing House.

Satyadevi, C., Financial Services Banking and Insurance, S.Chand.
Suneja, H.R., Practical and Law of Banking, Himalya Publishing House.
Chabra, T.N., Elements of Banking Law, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
Arthur, C. and C. William Jr., Risk Management and Insurance, McGraw Hill.
Saxena, G.S; Legal Aspects of Banking Operations, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Varshney, P.N., Banking Law and Practice, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Jyotsna Sethi and Nishwan Bhatia, Elements of Banking and Insurance, PHI Learning.

* L = 1 Hour.


Paper 2A : Semester 5
Subject Code : FACGDSE02T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50


Introduction of Company Act relevant for preparation 3
of Statement of Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss Account 10
and Balance Sheet of domestic company
Schedule III of the Companies Act 2013, treatment of 2
Tax Transfer to Reserve, Dividend applicable Tax ( out
of Profit and Reserve)
UNIT-2 Introduction of company and Accounting for Shares
and Debentures
Documents of a Company: Maintenance of books of 1
accounts including Statutory Books and Annual
Meaning and types of shares ;Rules and Regulations 1
according to Company Act 2013 relevant to issue and
forfeiture of Shares
Accounting for issue and forfeiture ,re-issue of shares- 8
pro-rata, other than cash, to Promoters; Meaning of
Debenture, Issue and Redemption of Debenture
Bonus Shares and Right Shares- Rules and 1
Accounting Procedures
Underwriting of Shares- Rules and Accounting 2
Employees Stock Option Plan- Rules and Accounting 2

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procedure for ESOP and ESPS.

Unit-3 Buy back of Shares and Redemption of Preference
Rules and accounting for buy back 2
Redemption of Preference Shares ( with and without 3
Bonus Shares)
Unit-4 Valuation of Goodwill and Shares
Goodwill: Meaning and types; Valuation of goodwill 4
using different methods, need for valuation
Valuation of Equity Shares (both fully and partly paid) 8
by using intrinsic value and yield value method &fair
value, cum-dividend and ex-dividend; majority and
minority point of view. Valuation of Preference Shares,
Bonus Shares, Right Shares
UNIT-5 Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstruction of
Amalgamation- meaning and differences, causes of 10
amalgamation, Recommendation and Application of
AS-14 (old), Business Combination ( Ind AS-
103),Accounting for Amalgamation in the nature of
merger and in the nature of purchase. Absorption of
Company ( with inter-company investment), Schemes
for Amalgamation
Reconstruction- Internal and External-Provisions, 10
rules and accounting, Schemes for internal
UNIT-6 Liquidation of Companies
Meaning, types and procedures 1
Statement of Affairs 5
Liquidator’s final statement of accounts 5
UNIT-7 Accounting for Holding Company
Meaning, Legal requirements, relevant accounting 2
Consolidation Procedure as per AS 21(old) and 10
relevant terms and issues as per Ind AS 27
Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet (Simple
** including 15 hours for tutorial.

Suggested Reading
Sukla, Grewal, Gupta: Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, S Chand
R. L.Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, S. Chand
Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. II, Vikash Publishing
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I II, Taxman Publication
Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, Vol III , TMH
Frank Wood, Business Accounting Vol II, Pearson
V.K.Goyal, Corprate Accounting, Excel Books
Rajasekaran, Corporate Accounting, Pearson
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI

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* L = 1 Lecture Hour.


B. Marketing Specialisation


Paper 1B : Semester 5
Subject Code : MKTADSE01T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit 1: Consumer Behaviour – Concept and Overview (20 L)*

Concept of Consumer Behaviour, model of consumer decision-making -- input, process,
output. Steps in the process – need identification, information search, evaluation of
alternatives, purchase decision, post-purchase behaviour.

Unit 2: Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour (20 L)

Internal: Needs and motives, perception, learning, attitudes, personality and lifestyle.
External: Family, Reference groups, social class and culture.

Unit 3: Consumer Versus Organisatonal Buying Behaviour [05 L]

Characteristics, Consumer versus organizational buying behavior, factors affecting
organizational buying behavior. (5L)

Unit 4: Sales Force Management [15 L]

Objectives, Strategies, Structure, Size of Sales Force; Compensation of Sales Force.
Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Transfer, Training and Development, and Grievance,
Handling of Sales Force; Motivating, Leading and Communicating with the Sales Force;
Performance Evaluation of Sales Force.

Unit 5: Sales Management Process [15 L]

Nature and Importance; Personal Selling as a Career; Steps in Personal Selling –
Prospecting, Pre-approach and qualifying. Methods of Approaching a Customer;
Presentation – Planning, Process and Styles; Handling Customer Objections; Types of
Objections; Negotiations- Bargaining approaches, Bargaining Strategies and Tactics
during Negotiation. (15L)

Unit 6: Salesmanship and Buyers’ Behaviour [15 L]

Functions and Qualities of a Salesman; Understanding Buyer Behaviour and Buyer-
Seller Interactions; Product knowledge; Customer Knowledge; Relationship
Management, Types of Selling; Effective Sales Process; Executing and Following up of
Sales Order.

Suggested Readings:
Consumer Behaviour – Schiffman & Manuk, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Soloman, PHI.

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Consumer Behaviour – Loudon & DellaBitta, TMH

Cundiff, Still and Govoni, Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.
Smith, R., Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.

* L = 1 Hour.



Paper 1B : Semester 5
Subject Code : MKTAADSE01T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit 1: Consumer Behaviour – Overview [20 L]*

Concept of Consumer Behaviour, model of consumer decision-making -- input, process,
output. Steps in the process – need identification, information search, evaluation of
alternatives, purchase decision, post-purchase behaviour. (20L)

Unit 2: Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour [20 L]

Internal: Needs and motives, perception, learning, attitudes, personality and lifestyle.
External: Family, Reference groups, social class and culture. (20L)

Unit 3: Consumer Versus Organisational Buying Behaviour [05 L]

Characteristics, Consumer versus organizational buying behavior, factors affecting
organizational buying behavior. (5L)

Unit 4: Sales Force Management [15 L]

Objectives, Strategies, Structure, Size of Sales Force; Compensation of Sales Force.
Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Transfer, Training and Development, and Grievance,
Handling of Sales Force; Motivating, Leading and Communicating with the Sales Force;
Performance Evaluation of Sales Force. (15 L)

Unit 5: Sales Management =- Process [15 L]

Nature and Importance; Personal Selling as a Career; Steps in Personal Selling –
Prospecting, Pre-approach and qualifying. Methods of Approaching a Customer;
Presentation – Planning, Process and Styles; Handling Customer Objections; Types of
Objections; Negotiations- Bargaining approaches, Bargaining Strategies and Tactics
during Negotiation. (15L)

Unit 6: Salesmanship and Buyers’ Behaviour [15 L]

Functions and Qualities of a Salesman; Understanding Buyer Behaviour and Buyer-
Seller Interactions; Product knowledge; Customer Knowledge; Relationship
Management, Types of Selling; Effective Sales Process; Executing and Following up of
Sales Order. (15L)

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 25

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Suggested Readings:
Consumer Behaviour – Schiffman & Manuk, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Soloman, PHI.
Consumer Behaviour – Loudon & DellaBitta, TMH
Cundiff, Still and Govoni, Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.
Smith, R., Sales Management, PHI, New Delhi.

* L = 1 Hour.


Paper 2B : Semester 5
Subject Code : MKTADSE02T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit 1: Product [10 L]*

Meaning & concept of Product, features, importance, classification, Levels of Product
Service: Meaning & features. Classification of Services. Product Mix – length, width,
depth, consistency, BCG Matrix. PLC – concept, features and strategies, uses and
limitations, different shapes of PLC.

Unit-2: New Product Development [20L]

New Product – Definition, stages of New Product Development, factors affecting new
product development, adoption process, diffusion of industrial innovation. New Product
failure- reasons, test marketing – definition, advantages and disadvantages. Meaning &
functions of Packaging, packaging strategies, packing notes and packing lists, Package
Aesthetics, legal & ethical aspects of packaging, features of good packaging. Concept &
Importance of Branding, Brand Selection Process; strategies, brand positioning, brand
repositioning strategies, leader positioning and follower positioning.

Unit-3: Pricing [15L]

Concept & Importance of Pricing, features of pricing, factors determining effective
pricing, process of price setting, pricing objectives and methods, resale price
maintenance – concept, advantages, disadvantages, importance of price in consumer
buying process, various aspects of service pricing, price cartel, Pricing in Indian
context, regulatory price environment.

Unit 4: Marketing Communications [15L]

Concept & Importance of Marketing Communication, Steps involved in the process of
Communication, Barriers to Marketing Communication, Marketing Communication
Mix: Concept & Elements, Concept and Importance of Advertising, Sales Promotion,
Personal Selling & Publicity, Advertising Media: Types. New Trends in Marketing

Unit-5: Advertising Process [15L]

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Advertising Appeal, Copy Writing, Headline, Illustration, Message, Copy Type,

Campaign Planning, Different Types of Media, Media Planning, Scheduling. Advertising
Agency Roles, Relationships with Clients, Role of Advertising Department, Measuring
Advertising Effectiveness, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Advertising.

Unit 6: Sales Promotion [15L]

Meaning, Nature and Function, Types, Sales Promotion Techniques (Sample
Distribution, Coupon, Price off, premium plan, Consumer contests, Displays
Demonstration, Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, Role of Sales force, Limitation of Sales

Suggested Readings:
• Kotler and Kellar, Marketing Management, Pearson.
• William and Ferrell, Marketing, Houghton Miffin McGraw-Hill.
• Neelamegham, Marketing in India: Cases and Readings, Vikas Publishing.
• Majumder, Product Management in India, PHI.
• Srivastava, R. K., product Management & New product Development, Excel Book.
• Ramaswamy and Namakumari, Marketing Management, Macmillan India.
• Srinivasan Case Studies in marketing: The India Context, PHI.
• Batra and Myers, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall
• Sengupta, Brand Positioning Strategies for Competitive Advantage, TMH
• Cundiff, Still and Govoni, Sales Management, Prentice Hall
• Rossiter and Percy, Advertising and Promotion Management, MacGraw-Hill
• Fryburger and Rotzoll, Advertising Theory and Practice, AITBS
• Belch and Belch, Advertising and Promotion, McGraw Hill

* L = 1 Hour.

C. Systems & Operations Specialisation

Paper 1C : Semester 5
Subject Code : SYOADSE01T
Total No. of Credits – 06 [5+1]
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit 1 :Digital Computer Systems [15 L]*

Evolution of Digital Computer Systems – supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer,
server, microcomputer, workstation; Mobile Computing; Block Diagram of Digital
Computer Systems; Functioning of Microprocessor; Data processing - Machine
Instruction Cycle; Computer Hardware I/O Components; Computer Memory Hierarchy.

Unit 2 :Computer Software [15 L]

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Programming languages – Low level and High level; Systems Software - Machine
language, Assembly Language, Operating Systems – features, types; Systems Control
Programs - Disk Operating System and Batch File Programming; Language processors -
Translator, Compiler and Interpreter ;High level language - Application Software, Utility
Software, Open Source OS & software;Software Security Issues, Ethical Hacking.

Unit 3 :Number System and Binary Arithmetic [15 L]

Positional Number Systems – Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal; Data
Representation – decimal-binary& alphanumeric representation (BCD, EBCDIC, Gray
Code, Unicode, ASCII); Fixed Point and FloatingPoint Representation; Binary Arithmetic
– Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication; Signed Number Representation – One’s
Complement, Two’s Complement.

Unit 4 : Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra [15 L]

Digital Logic Gates; Boolean Algebra; Representation of Boolean function – Truth Table,
Logic Diagrams, Simplified Circuits.

Unit 5 :Basic Programming Techniques – an Overview [15 L]

Program execution modes – Batch, Online, Time-sharing; Procedure-Oriented
Programming (POP) - Algorithm and Flowcharting techniques to a given problem
(branching, looping); Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – meaning of Object, Class,
Data Abstraction & Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding,
Message Passing; Benefits & applications of OOP;Structured Programming.

Unit 6 : Programming in Basic / C/ C++(Practical) [30 L]

Basic Syntax; Saving, Running, Merging, Erasing Programs, Getting Data into the
Memory, Restore Statement; Workings with constants & variables, arithmetic
expressions, relational expressions, printer controls, jumping (GO TO statement),
branching (IF..THEN statement), looping (FOR..NEXT statement), subscripted variables,
functions & subroutines.

Note : (Alternative if not covered in other modules) Unit 6 : Computerized Accounting –


Suggested Readings
Turban, Rainer, Porter. Introduction to Information Technology. Wiley India.
Mano, Morris. Computer System Architecture. PHI India.
Thareja, R. Information Technology and Its Applications in Business. Oxford India.
Dhar,P. Computer Application in Business. ABS Publishing House.
Jana, Samanta. Overview of Information Technology & its Applications in Business,
Balagurusamy, E. Object-Oriented Programming with C++. Tata MG Hill.
Balagurusamy, E. Programming in Basic. Tata MGHill.
Kanetker,Y. Let Us C. BPB Publ.

* L = 1 Hour.


Paper 2C : Semester 5

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Subject Code : SYOADSE02T

Total No. of Credits – 06 [5+1]
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit 1. Introduction to DBMS: Concepts of database and database management

system(DBMS). Data abstraction. Architecture – three schema architecture.
Administration roles. [15 L]*

Unit 2. Data models & Languages : hierarchical model, network model and relational
model. Database languages: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation
Language (DML), and Data Control Language(DCL). [15 L]

Unit 3. SQL – An Overview: SQL constructs, embedded SQL , Query & Query
Optimization Techniques. (Practical) [30 L)

Unit 4. Database Design & Normalisation : Design phases - conceptual, logical and
physical . ER diagram and model. Database Normalisation: Concept. Normal forms -
1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF. (15 L)

Unit 5. Indexing; Single level indexing - Primary, Clustering, Secondary. Multilevel

indexing. (15 L)

Unit 6 : Networking Internet and E-Communication : Data Transmission, Goal of

Network, Network Architecture, LAN, WAN, Various Topologies, Communication Media,
Basic Network Concepts, Client-server Concept, Internet – concept, history,
Development in India, [15 L]

Suggested Readings:
Korth, Data Base System Concepts, TMH
Leon, Data Base Management System, VIKAS
Ivan Bayross, PL/SQL Programming
The Complete reference Office Xp- Stephan L. Nelson, Gujulia Kelly (TMH)
Basic Computer Science and Communication Engineering – R. Rajaram (SCITECH)
Dhar, Pranam, Computer Application in Business, ABS Publishing House.
Sinha, P.K., Priti Sinha (2002). Foundation of computing. BPB Publications.
James, A. O’Brien (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. TMH
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH.

* L = 1 Hour.


Year 3 : Semester 6
Paper 1 : Semester 6
Subject Code : FACGGEC02T
Total No. of Credits - 6

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 29

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concurrence with CBCS Guidelines provided by UGC, WBSCHSE and WBSU.

Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester End Examination: 50
Total Credits: 6 [90 Hours]

Module: I – Marketing Management (3 Credit)

Unit – 1: Introduction to Marketing Management [15 L]*

Marketing Management: Definition, Nature & Importance. Distinction between selling &
marketing. Traditional & Modern Concept of marketing. Concept of Marketing
Environment: Micro & Macro environment of marketing. Marketing Mix: Concept &
Elements. Consumer Behaviour: Meaning, Nature & Importance. Consumer decision
making Process. Market Segmentation: Concept, Definition & Importance. Bases of
Market segmentation. Factors determining Market Segmentation.

Unit – 2 : Product & Pricing [15 L]

Product: Meaning & importance, Classification, Product Mix. Product life Cycle:
Definition, Stages, Marketing Strategies in each stage. New product Development
Process. Concept & Importance of Branding, Packaging, labeling. Price & Pricing:
Concept & importance, Pricing methods & policies. Factors to be considered in pricing
of a product.

Unit – 3 : Physical Distribution & Promotion [15 L]

Distribution Channels: Meaning and Importance, Types of Distribution Channel.
Factors determining choice of Distribution Channel. Promotion: Meaning & Importance,
Promotion Mix- Elements. Concepts of Advertising, Salesmanship, Sales promotion &
Publicity. Functions of advertising, essential qualities of Good salesmen.

Suggested readings:
• Kotler & Keller, Marketing Management, Pearson.
• Venugopal, P., Marketing Management, Sage.
• Bhagwati, Pillai, Marketing Management, S.Chand .
• Ramaswamy and Namakumari, Marketing Management, McMillan.
• Dr Pranam Dhar, Monalisa Maity & Bidhan Baidya, Fundamentals of Marketing
Management & Human Resource Management, International Publishing House.
• Sushil Mukherjee & Kallol Saha, Marketing Management & Human Resource
Management, B.B. Kundu Grandsons.

Module : II Human Resource management (HRM) ( 3 credit)

Unit – 4 : Fundamentals of HRM [15 L]

Meaning and concept of HRM. Evolution & Developments of HRM (in brief). Nature,
objectives, importance, scope and functions of HRM, Job Analysis – Definition, Human
resource planning- Definition, features, objectives and needs. Levels of Human
resource planning. Process of Human resource planning in an organization.

Unit – 5 : Acquisition & Development of Human Resource [15 L]

Recruitment of Human resources – Sources (internal & external)Advantages and
disadvantages of internal and external sources of recruitment. Selection of Human
resources – Definition, concept , significance and steps involved in selection process.
Needs, objectives, and benefits of Training and Development. Difference between

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 30

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training and education. Different Training methods, their comparative advantages and
disadvantages. A brief idea of staff welfare programmes and fringe benefits.

Unit – 6 : Maintenance of Human Resource [15 L]

Job evaluation- Definition, Objectives, procedures and advantages. Job Analysis-
Definition, uses , process, purpose methods and aspects (Job description & Job
Performance Appraisal - Meaning, objectives, methods of appraisal ( brief concept of all
traditional and modern methods along with their advantages and disadvantages).
Potential Appraisal – objectives and requirements, Remuneration System.
Industrial Relations- definition features & objectives, Factors influencing industrial
relations. Conditions for sound industrial relations. Importance of industrial relations.
Systems approach to industrial relations.

Suggested Readings :
• Prof. A. K. Ghosh: Human Resource Management (with cases) : Manas
• Dr. P. Dhar, M. Maity & B. Baidya : Fundamentals of Marketing & Human
Resource Management: International Publishing House.
• Sushil Mukherjee & Kallol Saha, Marketing Management & Human Resource
Management, B.B. Kundu Grandsons
• C. B. Mamoria & S. V. Gankar: Human Resource Management : McGraw Hill
• V.S.P. Rao : Human Resource Management : (Excel Books)
• P. Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial
Relations- Text Cases and Games : Himalaya Publishing House
• Michael Armstrong : A Hand Book of Human Resource Management : Kogan
Page Ltd.
• M. S. Saiyadin: Human Resource Management : Tata McGraw Hill
• Gary Dressler : Human Resource Management : Prentice Hall
• DeCenzo Robbins: Personnel/Human Resource Management: Prentice Hall.
• K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House.

* L = 1 Hour.



Paper 2 : Semester 6
Subject Code : FACSSEC04M
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit Detailed Hours

Module I
Business Communication
1. Introduction 8
Definition, objectives, importance, elements, process,

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forms, models, principles of effective communication,

barriers to communication and remedial measures.
2. Types of Communication 08
Formal and informal communication, Grapevine,
Characteristics of corporate communication,
Characteristics of corporate communication,
Communication network
3. Tools of Communication 08
Emergence of communication technology, Modern Forms
of communication, Fax, Email, Video Conferencing
4. Drafting 21
Notice, Circular, Resolution & Minutes, Report, CV
writing, Business letter writing- Offer letter, Quotation,
Status enquiry, Confirmation, Execution, Refusal and
cancellation of order, Recommendation, Credit collection,
Claim, Bank loan
Module II
5. Introduction 10
E-Commerce-meaning, nature, concepts, types,
Advantages of E-commerce; forces behind e-commerce, e-
governance [meaning, types, significance, and real life
6. E-commerce business models 10
Concept, Type: Business to Consumer (B to C), Business
to Business (B to B), Business to Government (B to G),
Consumer to Consumer (C to C), Consumer to Business
(C to B)
7. Digital Payment 20
Methods of e-payments [Debit Card, Credit Card, Smart
Cards, e-Money], electronic or digital wallet, digital
signature (procedures, working and legal provisions),
payment gateways [Core Banking Solution or CBS,
Mobile Payment, UPI, NCPI, International Payments],
Online banking [meaning, concepts, importance,
electronic fund transfer, automated clearing house,
automated ledger posting], risks involved in e-payments.
8. New Trends in E-Commerce 05
Social Commerce-concept, definition, features; Digital
Marketing-definition, objectives, methods, limitations;
Advertisement in Social Media-objectives, advantages and
disadvantages, procedures
Total Lecture Hours 90**
** including 15 hours for tutorial.

Suggested readings
Anjanee, S. & Bhavana Adhikari, Business Communication, TMH
Chaturvedi & Chaturvedi, Business Communication : Concepts, Cases and Applications,
M.K.Shegal & Vandana Khetarpal, Business Communication, Excel Books
Dhar, Maity and Baidya, Fundamentals of Business Communication & E-commerce;
International Publishing House, Kolkata; May, 2018.
R.K.Madhukar, Business Communication, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Rao, Kumar & Bindu, Business Communication, Cengage

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Khanna, Puja, Business Communication, Vikash

Raman & Sharma, Technical Communication, Oxford
Lesikar, Flatley et al, Business Communication, McGraw Hill
P. T. Joseph, E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, PHI Learning
Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, E-Commerce:
Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley.
Laudon, E-Commerce, Pearson Education India
Schneider G., E-Business, Cengage
Bhaskar, B., E–Commerce, McGraw Hill



A. Accounting & Finance Specialisation


Paper 3A : Semester 6
Subject Code : FACGDSE03T
Total No. of Credits - 6
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

UNIT 1: Introduction to Financial Statements Analysis: Nature and Component of

Financial Statements; Meaning and needs of FSA; Sources of financial information;
Parties interested in FSA; Techniques of financial statement analysis – Comparative
Statement – meaning, preparation, uses, merits and demerits; Common-size Statement
– meaning, preparation, uses, merits and demerits; Trend Analysis – meaning,
determination, uses, merits and demerits. [20 L]*

UNIT 2: Ratios for FSA: Meaning, objective, classification of financial ratios;

Advantages and limitations; Computation, analysis and interpretation of important
ratios for measuring – liquidity, solvency, capital structure, profitability and managerial
effectiveness; Preparation of financial statements and statement of proprietor’s fund
from the given ratios. (20 L)

UNIT 3: Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements: Concept of fund, Meaning and
objectives of fund flow statement, various sources and applications, advantages &
limitations of fund flow statement; Meaning and objectives of cash flow statement,
difference with fund flow statement, Preparation and presentation of cash flow
statement as per relevant Accounting Standard; analysis and interpretation of the cash
flow position. (20 L)

UNIT 4: Equity Analysis: Value and price; Dividend Discount Model; Deciding the
appropriate cash flow for discounting; Free cash flow to the firm; Free cash flow to
equity; Price-Earnings Ratio; Why P/E multiples vary; Du Pont Formula.
(20 L)

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 33

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concurrence with CBCS Guidelines provided by UGC, WBSCHSE and WBSU.

UNIT 5: Corporate Distress Prediction: Concept, causes and symptoms of corporate

financial distress; Prediction of corporate distress using Altman Z-score, multiple
discriminant analysis and decision-tree analysis. (10 L)

Suggested Readings
• Lev, Financial Statement Analysis-a new approach, Prentice Hall.
• Foster G, Financial Statement Analysis, Prentice Hall.
• White, Sondhi & Fred, Analysis and Use of Financial Statement, John Wiley.
• Bernstein & Wild, Financial Statement Analysis; theory, application &
interpretation, McGraw Hill.
• Bhattacharyya, Asish K., Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis, Elsevier.
• Ormiston, Understanding Financial Statement, Pearson.
• Subramanyam, K.R. and Wild, Financial Statement Analysis, McGraw Hill.

* L = 1 Lecture Hour.



Paper 4A : Semester 6
Subject Code : FACGDSE04T
Total No. of Credits - 6
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Module I :Business Ethics

Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks, Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks

Unit1: Introduction [15 L]*

Nature of business ethics; ethics and morality; ethics versus law; Kohlberg’s six stages
of moral development; teleological approach; deontological approach;

Unit 2 : Social Aspects of Business Ethics [15 L]

Stakeholder theory; stakeholder mapping; ethical leadership; ethical leadership styles;
traits of an ethical leader;

Unit 3: Managing Ethical Dilemmas [15 L]

Meaning and nature of ethical dilemma; characteristics of ethical dilemmas; the
dilemma resolution process; common ethical dilemma in finance, marketing and HRM

Module II
Corporate Governance
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks, Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks

Unit 1: Framework of Corporate Governance in India [15 L]

Meaning; American, European, Japanese and Indian models of corporate governance;
corporate boards and its powers, responsibilities; board committees and their functions;
shareholders grievance committee; investors relation committee; risk management
committee; audit committee; corporate governance reforms in the Companies Act, 2013

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 34

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Unit 2: Major Corporate Scandals in India and Whistle-blowing policy [15 L]

Case study of few Corporate Scams in India – Satyam Computers, Kingfisher Group,
Punjab National Bank; The Concept of Whistle-blowing policy; types of whistleblowers;
the whistle-blower legislation across countries; recent developments in India

Unit 3: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) [15 L]

Concept of CSR, Corporate Philanthropy; Relationship of CSR with Corporate
Sustainability, CSR and Business Ethics, CSR and Corporate Governance; CSR
provisions under the Companies Act 2013

Suggested Readings
Fernando, A.C., Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective, Pearson Education
Murthy, C.V.S., Business Ethics – Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House
Fernando, A.C., Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, Pearson
Bajpai, G.N., The Essential Book of Corporate Governance, Sage
ICSI, Study Material of Professional Programme, Module 2, Paper 6, Ethics,
Governance and Sustainability

* L = 1 Lecture Hour.


B. Marketing Specialization


Paper 3B : Semester 6
Subject Code : MKTADSE03T
Total No. of Credits - 6
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Unit Detailed Hours

Module I : Retail Management
1. Introduction to Retail Management 20
Meaning/Definition of Retail Management; Importance;
Retail Formats
Concept; Types of Retailing – Multi Channel Retailing,
Retailing in India
Present scenario of retailing in India; Factors determining
Growth of Retailing in India; Impact of Retail in Nation’s

2. Pricing in Retail 15
Concept of Pricing in Retailing; Factors affecting Retail
Importance of Retail Pricing.

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3. Promotion in Retail 10
Need and Objective of Promotional Mix in Retailing;
Promotional Mix and Strategy development; Customer
Relationship Management.
Module II : Marketing of Services
4. Introduction to Services Marketing – Overview 10
Concept of services; Types; Function; Nature;
Understanding Services Customers; Impact of service
marketing in the economy of a country.
Managing Services Quality; Relationship marketing –
Service Communication Mix;
Communication Strategy.
5. Issues in Marketing Mix of Services 15
Service- Product or Packages; Pricing in Services; Place in
Services; Promotion of Service; People in Services;
Physical Evidence; Process Management.
6. Service Marketing in Non-profit and profit 15
Travel and Tourism; Financial Services; Information
Technology Services; Media Services; Health Care
Educational Services
Total Lecture Hours 90**
** including 15 classes for tutorial.

Suggested readings
Madaan, Fundamentals of Retailing, Tata McGraw-Hill
Pradhan, S., Retailing Management, McGraw Hill
Seshanna & Prasad, Retail Management, McGraw Hill
Berman, Evans & Mathur, Retail Management, Pearson
Verma, H. V., Services Marketing, Pearson
Venugopal and Raghu, Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing Ltd.
Ravi Shankar, Services Marketing : The Indian Perspective, Excel Books
Rampal & Gupta, Services Marketing, Concepts, Applications & Cases, Galgotia
Apte, Services Marketing, Oxford University Press.

* L = 1 Lecture Hour.



Paper 4B : Semester 6
Subject Code : MKTADSE04T
Total No. of Credits - 6
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 36

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Unit 1: Rural Marketing – An Overview [20 L]*

Concept, scope and importance, rural vs. urban marketing, Current trends in Rural
Markets in India. Characteristics, Attitude and Behaviour, Buying patterns and factors
influencing rural consumer.

Unit 2: Rural Products & Organisations – Different Types [25 L]

Types of products – seeds, fertilizers, agro chemicals and their markets, Role of
Government and other Organizations in Marketing Agricultural Products. Types of Co-
operative marketing, Structure of co-operations, Problems of Rural Marketing and
Agricultural Marketing.

Unit 3: International Marketing – An Overview [10 L]

Definition of international marketing, domestic vs. international marketing, process of
internationalization, EPRG framework.

Unit 4: International Marketing Environment [10 L]

Economic -cultural – culture and its characteristics, influence of culture on consumption
decisions, political and legal environment.

Unit 5: International Marketing Strategy & Documentation [25 L]

International product life cycle, branding, Promotion strategies, standardization versus
adaptation; Distribution: methods of entry into foreign markets, foreign market
channels; International pricing methods: transfer pricing, dumping, countertrade,
factors affecting pricing. Process of importing and exporting; Documentation: certificate
of origin, bill of lading, letter of credit.

Suggested Readings:
J, Paul & R, Kapoor, International Marketing, TMH.
Vasudeva: International Marketing: Excel Books.
Cherulinam: International Marketing: Himalaya.
Mathur, U.C., Rural Marketing, Excel Books.
Mamoria, Agricultural Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House.
Rajagopal, Management of Rural Business, Wheeler.

* L = 1 Hour.


C. Systems & Operations Specialization


Paper 3C : Semester 6
Subject Code : SYOADSE04T
Total No. of Credits – 06 [5+1]
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 37

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Unit 1. Working of the internet with TCP/IP: Origin of TCP/IP. TCP/IP

communication architecture, Internet Architecture, Working of TCP/IP,TCP/IP
Applications - FTP, Telnet, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Network File System.
(Practical) (30 L)*

Unit 2. Internet Concepts: WWW, Internet and E-Commerce, Linking to the Internet,
Internet Address, Internet Tools- Information Retrieval tools (ftp,
Gopher),Communication Tools(Email, FTP, Telnet, Usenet), Multimedia Information
Tools(Home page),Information Search Tools( Archie, Veronica, WAIS). Domain Name
System. (10 L)

Unit 3. Intranet and Extranet: Intranet, Intranet vs. Groupware, Intranet Hardware,
Intranet Software, Intranet Services ( Web (HTTP) Publishing, HTML,), Communication
Systems (Email, Fax), Software used in Electronic mail, Electronic Meeting
Systems( Audio conferencing, Video Conferencing, Groupware), Extranet. (06 L)

Unit 4. Internet Security: Security on the internet, Network and Website Security
Risks, Site Hacking, Security Incidents on the internet security and email, network and
website security, Firewall(Concept, Components and Constituents, Benefits), Enterprise
wide security Framework, secure physical infrastructure). (10 L)


Unit 1. Applications of E-Business: Direct Marketing and Selling, Value Chain

Integration, Supply Chain Management, Corporate Purchasing, Financial and
Information Services, Obstacles in adopting E-Business Applications. (05 L)

Unit 2. E-Strategy: Information and Strategy, The virtual value chain planning E-
Business project, E-Business strategy and knowledge management. (04 L)

Unit 3. Customer–effective Web design: Requirements of Intelligent Websites, Website

Goals and Objectives, planning the budget, analyzing website structure, fixed versus
flexible webpage design, choosing a page size, website development tools, design
alternatives, outsourcing web design, testing and maintaining websites. (20 L)

Unit 4. Mobile Commerce- Wireless Spectrum, WAP - Origins of WAP, WAP

Architecture, Wireless Datagram Protocol(WDP), Short Message Services, General
Packet Radio Service(GPRS),Wireless Technology (CDMA, GSM), Different generations in
Wireless Communication, Mobile commerce and its future in India. (20 L)

Suggested Readings
S. Jaiswal, Doing Business on the Internet E-COMMERCE (Electronic Commerce for
Business), Galgotia Publications.
P.T.Joseph, E-Commerce An Indian Perspective, S.J., PHI.
Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guerico Traver, 3.E-Commerce Business, Technology,
Society, Pearson Education.
Schneider, E-Commerce, Thomson Publication.

* L = 1 Lecture Hour.

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Paper 4C : Semester 6
Subject Code : SYOADSE04T
Total No. of Credits - 06
Full Marks 75
[Internal Assessment: 25 Marks Semester-End Examination: 50

Module I
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks
Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks
Total : 37.5 marks

Unit 1: C++ [ 30 L]*

Unit 2: Use of Accounting software package – TALLY [ 60 L]

Module II
Internal Assessment: 12.5 marks
Semester-end Examinations: 25 marks
Total : 37.5 marks

Unit 1: HTML & DHTML [60 L]

Unit 2: JAVA [30 L]
1. Oops Concept and Introduction to JAVA. 2. An overview of Java. 3. Data Types -
variables and arrays. 4. Operators, Control statements. 5. Classes and objects. 6.
Inheritance. 7. String and string buffer. 8. Exception handling. 9. Applets.

Suggested Readings:
Turban, Rainer and Potter, Introduction to Information Technology, Wiley.
ITLESL, Introduction to Information Technology, Pearson.
Sinha & Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publication.
Ramesh Behl, Information Technology for Management, TMH.
Turban, Rainer and Potter (2003). Introduction to information technology. John
Wiley and sons.
Sinha, P.K., Priti Sinha (2002). Foundation of computing. BPB Publications.
James, A. O’Brien (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. TMH
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to computers. TMH
Rajaraman, V. (2004). Introduction to Information Technology. PHI.
Cyganski - Information Technology: Inside and outside (Pearson, 1st Edition).
Basandra SK - Computers Today (Galgotia, 1st Edition).
Leon A and Leon M - Introduction to Computers (Leon Vikas, 1st Edition).
Leon - Fundamentals of Information Technology, (Vikas)
Kakkar DN, Goyal R – Computer Applications in Management (New Age, 1st

* L = 1 Lecture Hour.


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Resolved unanimously that the Question Papers for the General Candidates will
be set in both Bengali and English. They can also answer in English/Bengali

Three year B.Com. General Course
Semester wise Structure of Syllabus CBCS
To be effective from the Academic Session 2018-19

Year 1: Semester 1
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR01T Financial Accounting I 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR02T Principles & Practice of Management 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGGEC01T Business Economics 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20

Year 1: Semester 2
Paper No. Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR03T Cost & Management Accounting I 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCORO4T Marketing Management and Human 2 5 8
Resource Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
FACHGEC02T Business Mathematics & Statistics 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20

Year 2: Semester 3
Paper No. Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR05T Business Regulatory Framework 2 5 8
5 4 6

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10 2 20
FACGCOR06T Direct Taxation 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR07T Financial Accounting II 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACHGECO3T Business Communication & E- 2 5 8
Commerce 5 4 6
10 2 20
FACSSEC01M Information Technology & its Business 10 1 10
Application 15 Practical

Year 2: Semester 4
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR08T Company Law 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGCOR09T Indirect Taxation 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR10T Cost & Management Accounting II 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACHGEC04T Entrepreneurship Development 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACSSEC02M Tax Returns & Filing of Tax Returns 10 1 10
15 Practical

Year 3: Semester 5
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR11T Auditing 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGCOR12T Indian Financial System 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGDSE01T DSE 1A: Banking & Insurance 2 5 8
5 4 6
10 2 20
FACGDSE02T DSE 2A: Corporate Accounting 10 2 3
15 2 3
MKTGDSE01T DSE 1B: Consumer Behaviour 2 5 8
and Sales Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
MKTGDSE02T DSE 2B: Product & Pricing 2 5 8
Management and Marketing 5 4 6
Communication 10 2 20
SYOGDSE01T DSE 1C: Fundamentals of 2 5 8
Computer 5 4 6

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 41

Vide Resolutions taken at U.G.BOS Meeting, C&M WBSU dt. 23.5.2018. and in 42
concurrence with CBCS Guidelines provided by UGC, WBSCHSE and WBSU.

10 2 20
25 Practical
SYOGDSE02T DSE 2C: DBMS and 2 5 8
Networking 5 4 6
10 2 20
25 Practical

Year 3: Semester 6
Subject Code Subject Marks in No. of No. of
each Questions Questions
Question to be to be set
FACGCOR13T Financial Management 10 2 3
15 2 3
FACGCOR14T Research Methods & Project 5 3 5
Work 2 5 8
FACGDSE03T DSE 3A: Financial Statement 10 2 3
Analysis 15 2 3
FACGDSE04T DSE 4A: Business Ethics & 10 2 3
Corporate Governance 15 2 3
MKTGDSE03T DSE 3B: Consumer Behaviour 2 5 8
and Sales Management 5 4 6
10 2 20
MKTGDSE04T DSE 4B: Rural Marketing and 2 5 8
International Marketing 5 4 6
10 2 20
SYOGDSE03T DSE 1C: Internet & WWW and 2 5 8
Functional e-Business System 5 4 6
10 2 20
25 Practical
SYOGDSE04T DSE 2C: Computer Applications 2 5 8
and e-Business Applications – 5 4 6
Practical 10 2 20
25 Practical

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 42

Vide Resolutions taken at U.G.BOS Meeting, C&M WBSU dt. 23.5.2018. and in 43
concurrence with CBCS Guidelines provided by UGC, WBSCHSE and WBSU.

Three year B.Com. General Course
Semester wise Structure of Syllabus CBCS
To be effective from the Academic Session 2018-19
Subject/Module/Paper Specialisation of Teachers for
Teaching and Evaluation
Business Economics M.A./M.Sc. in Economics
Business Mathematics & Statistics M.Sc. Mathematics/Statistics or
M.Sc. in Economics with
Specialisation in Econometrics
Information Technology & its M.C.A. or M.Sc. in Computer
Business Applications Science or M.Com with sufficient
knowledge in IT
Indian Financial System M.A. /M.Sc. in Economics and/or
Research Methods & Project Work Any teacher teaching at the B.Com
(Honours) Course may guide the
students for the Project Work
Tax Returns & Filing of Returns M.Com with sufficient knowledge
in IT, who are conversant with the
Accounting and Taxation Softwares
and its applications
DSE 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A M.Com with Accounting & Finance
DSE 1B, 2B, 3B and 4B M. Com/M.B.A. with Marketing
DSE 1C, 2C, 3C and 4C M.C.A. or M.Sc. in Computer
Science or M.Com with
specialization or
additional/diploma in Computer
Applications and e-Business
Papers/Subjects/Modules other M.Com
than those mentioned above
** In case of any extra-ordinary situation, the Chairperson – UG BOS
is empowered to take decision regarding teaching/evaluation, in
concurrence with the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, WBSU, as directed.
Recommended by UG BOS in Commerce & Management
At its meeting held on 06.06.2018. with the CBCS Committee, WBSU.

Dr. Pranam Dhar

© Department of Commerce & Management, West Bengal State University. 43

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