Online BCom Syllabus Sem1 2 Jan22 International Finance and Accounting

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Bachelor of Commerce

[Online Mode]

Course Matrix and Syllabus

(Batch of 2022-24)
Elective: International Finance and Accounting

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by the competent authority
Course Matrix:
Semester I

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
1 Language 21VBX0L101 English 4
2 CC1 21VBC0C102 Business Management 4
3 CE1 21VBC5E103 Management Accounting (ACCA) 4
4 CE2 21VBC5E104 Financial Accounting (ACCA) 4
5 CE3 21VBC5E105 Business and Technology (ACCA) 4
6 GE1 21VBC0G106 Business Mathematics 4
Total Credit 24

Semester II

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
7 CC2 21VBC0C201 Business Economics 4
8 CE4 21VBC5E202 Corporate and Business Law (ACCA) 4
9 CE5 21VBC5E203 Taxation (ACCA) 4
10 CE6 21VBC5E204 Performance Management (ACCA) 4
11 GE2 21VBC0G205 Quantitative Techniques 4
12 AEC1 21VBX0A206 Communicative English 4
Total Credit 24

Semester III

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
13 CC3 21VBC0C301 Marketing Management 4
14 CE7 21VBC5E302 Financial Management (ACCA) 4
15 CE8 21VBC5E303 Audit And Assurance (ACCA) 4
16 DSE1 21VBC5D304 Financial Reporting (ACCA) 4
17 AEC2 21VBX0A305 Environmental Science 4
Total Credit 20
Semester IV

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
18 CC4 21VBC0C401 Corporate Accounting 4
19 CC5 21VBC0C402 Organization Behavior and HRM 4
20 DSE2 21VBC5D403 Strategic Business Reporting (ACCA) 4
21 DSE3 21VBC5D404 Strategic Business Leadership (ACCA) 4
22 GE3 21VBC0G405 Introduction To Business Analytics 4
Total Credit 20

Semester V

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
23 CC6 21VBC0C501 Financial Markets and Instruments 4
Advanced Financial Management
24 DSE4 21VBC5D502 4
25 DSE5 21VBC5D503 Advanced Taxation (ACCA) 4
26 SEC1 21VBC0S504 Entrepreneurship 4
27 SEC2 21VBC0S505 Financial Modeling with Spreadsheets 4
Total Credit 20

Semester VI

Course Course Course Course

Course Title
No. Type Code Credit
28 CC7 21VBC0C601 Banking and Financial Services 4
29 CC8 21VBC0C602 ICT for Business 4
Advanced Audit and Assurance
30 DSE6 21VBC5D603 4
31 GE4 21VBC0G604 Research Methodology 4
32 SEC3 21VBC0S605 Ethics and Values 4
Advanced Performance Management
33 SEC4 21VBC5S606 4
Total Credit 24
CC Core Course
CE Core Elective Course
DSE Discipline Specific Elective Course
GE Generic Elective Course
SEC Skill Enhancement Courses
AEC Ability Enhancement Course
Language Language
Course: English Course Code: 21VBX0L101
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Examine literary texts in historical contexts and be sensitive to their social relevance.
CO2: Explain the process of communicating and interpreting human experiences from
different cultures through literary representations.
CO3: Gain practical knowledge in the correct use of grammatical elements to express in
CO4: Demonstrate creative writing skills by using various writing strategies.
CO5: Develop and integrate the use of language skills.

Unit 1:
Speech: Nobel acceptance speech by William Faulkner

Unit 2:
Poem: The Tyger by William Blake
Poem: Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes

Unit 3:
Speech: On Humanity & Freedom: A speech by Hitler from the movie ‘The Great Dictator’
Poem: Mending Walls by Robert Frost

Unit 4:
Grammar and language skills:
Remedial Grammar
Reported Speech
Active and Passive Voice

Unit 5:
Poem: Where the Mind is Without Fear by Tagore
Poem: The Bangle Seller by Sarojini Naidu

Unit 6:
Essay: The Value of Science by Richard Feynman

Unit 7:
Short Story: The Cop and the Anthem by O Henry
Unit 8:
Grammar and language skills:
Synthesis and Transformation of sentences

Unit 9:
Essay: On Running After One’s Hat by G. K. Chesterton
Essay: Dream Children: A Reverie by Charles Lamb

Unit 10:
Essay Writing
Course: Business Management Course Code: 21VBC0C102
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Application of management concepts to comprehend the features of a business
CO2: Apprise the role of scientific management in business decisions.
CO3: Analyze business problems to provide best solutions through decisions.
CO4: Acquire competency to adapt to all complex work environments and teams.
CO5: Apprise management functions in the global context.

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Management

Management: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance, Management Levels and
Managerial Skills, Business & its Objectives, Managerial Roles, Management functions,
Management Vs. Administration, Leader vs. Manager vs. Entrepreneur, Significance of
values and ethics in Management
Learning Outcome: Describes the fundamentals concepts of Management.

Unit 2: Roots of Management Theory

Evolution of Management, Classical Theory - Scientific Theory, Administrative Theory,
Bureaucratic Theory- Behavioral Theory, Modern Management Theory- Quantitative
Theory, Systems Approach, Contingency Theory- Contemporary Management thoughts
Learning Outcome: Explores the evolution of Management.

Unit 3: Planning
Meaning & Definition, Characteristics, Need and Importance, Types of plans, Planning
process, Strategy vs. Tactics, Pros and Cons of planning, Making planning effective,
Principles of Planning, Planning Premises, Planning and Environmental
uncertainties, Management by Objectives- Features, Steps, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Planning and Forecasting
Learning Outcome: Provides insight into planning process.

Unit 4: Organizing & Organization Structure

Meaning, Nature & significance of Organizing function, Process of Organizing,
Organization Structure- Meaning, Types, Line & Staff structure and their conflict,
Delegation of Authority, Centralization and Decentralization, Reengineering, Advantages
and Disadvantages of Committee Organization, Organization Design and its components
Learning Outcome: Able to implement organizing skills effectively at workplace.
Unit 5: Directing & Leadership
Meaning, Nature, Characteristics, Need for Effective Directing, Principles of effective
direction, Scope and importance of direction, Motivation, Theories of Motivation -
Maslow, Herzberg, Mc Cleland, Vroom, Porter and Lawler, Concept of Leadership-
Theories and Styles, Characteristics of a good Leader
Learning Outcome: Analyze various leadership styles at workplace.

Unit 6: Staffing
Meaning of Staffing, Need and significance of staffing, Human Resource Planning-
Meaning, Need, Significance and Process, Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment & their
merits and demerits
Learning Outcome: Appreciate the role of staffing in achieving Organizational goals.

Unit 7: Controlling & Coordination

Meaning, Characteristics, Importance and Limitations of controlling, Methods and
techniques of organization control, Process of control, Span of Control, Factors
determining span, Merits & Demerits of Span of control, Meaning of Coordination,
Importance, Principles and Techniques of Coordination, Concept of Managerial
Learning Outcome: Understand the importance of controlling for Organizational

Unit 8: Decision Making

Meaning, Need, Principles, Steps, Types, Importance of Decision making, Models of
decision making, Problem solving and decision making, Challenges to decision making,
Group decision making, Increasing worker participation in decision making
Learning Outcome: Understand the importance of problem solving and decision making.

Unit 9: Communication
Meaning, Need, Characteristics of effective communication, Process, Types of
communication, Approaches to organization communication, Communication network,
Barriers to effective communication, Overcoming barriers, Virtual Communication
Learning Outcome: Develop communication skills for personal effectiveness.

Unit 10: Contemporary Issues in Management

Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Worker
Participation in Management, Quality Management, Diversification and Business
Learning Outcome: Appreciate skills based on the current business conditions.
Course: Management Accounting (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E103
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Discuss the Principles of Cost & Management Accounting.
CO2: Demonstrating to Application of Management Functions.
CO3: Explain the Application of Accounting Methods.
CO4: Describing the role of Decision Making & Control.
CO5: Illustrate techniques to various Business Contexts.

Unit 1: The Nature, Source and Purpose of Management Information

Accounting for Management, Source of Data, Cost Classification, Production and
Nonproduction, Presentation of Information, Reports, Tables, Charts, Graphs and
Interpretation of Information
Learning Outcome: Define and Articulating Nature, Purpose and Scope of Managerial

Unit 2: Data Analysis & Statistical Techniques

Sampling Methods. Forecasting Techniques – Equation, Liner Function- High/Low
Analysis- Analysis of Cost Data- Historical and Forecasting Data - Index Numbers - Liner
Regression-Series Analysis, Summarising and Analysing the Data, Spreadsheet
Learning Outcome: Explain various techniques used to Analyze the data.

Unit 3: Accounting For Costs, Material & Labour

Accounting for Material Costs – Ordering, Receiving & Issuing Material ,Methods of
Valuing Purchases and Issues (FIFO & Weighted Average Methods Only) – EOQ –
Inventory Levels – Accounting for Labour – Direct & Indirect Cost of Labour –
Remuneration Methods (Individual & Group) – Labour Turnover – Overtime & Idle Time
– Labour Efficiency, Capacity & Volume Ratios
Learning Outcome: Describing the concept of Material and Labour costing and its

Unit 4: Accounting for Costs, Overheads

Accounting for Overheads – Allocation of Overheads to Production & Nonproduction
Departments – Apportion Service Overheads to Production Departments - Production
Overhead Absorption Rates – Entries for Accounting of Material, Labour & Overhead
Learning Outcome: Describing the concept of Overheads and its application.
Unit 5: Absorption, Marginal Costing & Cost Accounting Methods
Concept of Contribution, Effects of Absorption and Marginal Costing, Reconcile the Profit
– Advantages and Disadvantage of Absorption and Marginal Costing, Jon and Batch
Costing, Process Costing, Service and Operation Costing, Alternative Costing Principles
Learning Outcome: Explain & apply different methods of Costing.

Unit 6: Budgeting
Nature, Purpose, Budget Preparation-Cash Budget – Sale Budget-Master Budget – What
If Analysis, Flexible Budgets, Budgetary Control and Reporting, Behavioural Aspect of
Learning Outcome: Classify different type of Budgets.

Unit 7: Capital Budgeting & Discounted Cash Flows

Capital Investing- Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Compounding and Discounting, NPV,
IRR, Annuity and Perpetuity – Cash Flow
Learning Outcome: Identifying Importance of Capital Budgeting & Cash Flows.

Unit 8: Standard Costing

Standard Costing Systems, Variance Calculations and Analysis, Sales Price and Volume,
Material Price and Usage, Labour Rate and Efficiency, Fixed Overhead, Reconciliation of
Budgeting Profit and Actual Profit
Learning Outcome: Explain Variance Analysis in Planning and Controlling at the
Management Level.

Unit 9: Performance Measurement

Performance Measurement Overview, Cost Reduction and Volume Enhancement,
Monitoring Performance and Reporting
Learning Outcome: Identifying different types of measuring the Performance.

Unit 10: Application of Performance Measurement

Calculate and Measure of Financial Measurement, Balance Scorecard, Economy, Efficiency
and Effectiveness, Unit Costs, Resource’s Utilization, Profitability, Quality of Service
Learning Outcome: Describing the application of Performance Measurement.
Course: Financial Accounting (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E104
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Equipping the Students with the Basic Principles of Financial Accounting for different
types of Organisations.
CO2: Exposing to the Underlying Concepts Relating to Financial Accounting.
CO3: Introduction to the Double-Entry Accounting.
CO4: Preparing various Financial Statements.
CO5: Interpretation of Financial Statements.

Unit 1: The Context & Purpose of Financial Reporting

Scope and Purpose of Financial Statement for External Reporting, Users and Stakeholders
Need, Main Elements of Financial Report, Regulatory Framework, Duties, and
Responsibilities of those Charged with Governance
Learning Outcome: Explain the context & purpose of Financial Reporting.

Unit 2: The Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information

Relevance, Faithful Representation, Comparability, Verifiability, Timeliness,
Understandability, Materiality, Substance over Form, Going Concern, Business Entity
Concept, Accruals Prudence, Consistency
Learning Outcome: Comprehend the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Statements.

Unit 3: The Use of Double Entry & Accounting Systems

Main Data Sources For Accounting – Different Business Documents Such As Sales Order,
Purchase Order, Goods Received Note, Quotation, Goods Dispatched Note, Invoice, Credit
& Debit Notes, Receipt, Remittance Advice, Cash Vouchers – Understand the Double Entry
Accounting & Duality Concept – Types of Transactions Such as Sales, Purchases, Payments
& Receipts
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate the use of different Business Documents and Accounting

Unit 4: Recording Transactions & Events:

Sales and Purchase, Cash, Inventory, Accruals and Prepayments, Receivables and Payables,
Provisions and Contingencies, Capital Structure and Finance Cost
Learning Outcome: Exhibit the use of Double Entry System in Recording Transactions.
Unit 5: Tangible Non-Current Asset and Depreciation
Definition, Current and Non-Current Asset, Capital and Revenue Items, Acquisition and
Disposal, Revaluation, Asset Register, Purpose and Methods of Depreciation, Adjustment
of Depreciation
Learning Outcome: Describing Tangible Asset and the Methods of Depreciation.

Unit 6: Intangible Non-Current Assets & Amortization

Difference between Tangible and Intangible Non-Current Assets, Types of Intangible
Assets, Research Costs’ and ‘Development Costs, Purpose of Amortization, Account for
the Charge for Amortization
Learning Outcome: Describing Intangible Assets and Its Treatment.

Unit 7: Preparing Trial Balance

Trial Balance, Correction of Errors, Control Accounts and Reconciliations, Bank
Reconciliations, Suspense Accounts
Learning Outcome: Preparation of Trial Balance and Correction of Errors.

Unit 8: Preparation of Basic Financial Statements

Statements of Financial Position, Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
Income, Disclosure Notes, Events after the Reporting Period, Statements of Cash Flows
(Excluding Partnerships), Incomplete Records
Learning Outcome: Preparation of Financial Statement and the adjustment.

Unit 9: Preparing Simple Consolidated Financial Statement

Subsidiaries – Parent – Subsidiary – Control - Consolidated or Group Financial Statements
- Non-Controlling Interest - Trade/Simple Investment, Associates
Learning Outcome: Preparation of Consolidated Statement and the Adjustments.

Unit 10: Interpretation of Financial Statements

Importance and Purpose of Analysis of Financial Statements, Ratios, Analysis of Financial
Learning Outcome: Identifying Various Interpretation Techniques.
Course: Business and Technology (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E105
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Identifying the Various Stakeholders of Organization.
CO2: Describing the External environmental factors affecting Business.
CO3: Explaining the Use of Technology in Business.
CO4: Recognizing the Knowledge of Ethical Consideration in Business.
CO5: Discussing the Personal Effectiveness and Communication.

Unit 1: The Business Organization and its Stakeholders

The Purpose and Type of Organization, Define Business Organizations, Common Features
of Business Organizations, Outline how Business Organizations differ, Different Types of
Business Organization , Define Stakeholders and Explain the Agency Relationship, Internal,
Connected and External Stakeholders, Main Stakeholder Groups and the Objectives of
Each Group, Power and Influence of Various Stakeholder Groups
Learning Outcome: Discussing the types of Business & the Way they are Structured and
the Role of Stakeholders in Business Organizations.

Unit 2: The External Environment

Political and Legal Factors Affecting Business, Macro-Economic Factors, Micro Economic
Factors, Social and Demographic Factors, Technological Factors, Environmental Factors,
Competitive Factors
Learning Outcome: Describing the impact of various factors on Business Organizations.

Unit 3: Business Organization, Structure, Function & Governance

The Formal and Informal Business Organization, Business Organizational Structure and
Design, Organizational Culture in Business, Committees in Business Organizations,
Governance and Social Responsibility in Business
Learning Outcome: Recognize the role of Corporate Governance and importance of CSR.

Unit 4: Accounting & Reporting Systems

The Relationship Between Accounting and Other Business Functions, Accounting and
Finance Functions within Business, Principles of Law and Regulation Governing
Accounting and Audit, the Sources and Purpose of Internal and External Financial
Information, Provided by Business
Learning Outcome: Describing the Accounting and Reporting System.
Unit 5: Technology, Compliance & Control
Financial Systems, Procedures and Related it Applications, Internal Controls,
Authorization, Security and Compliance within Business, Fraud and Fraudulent Behavior
and their Prevention in Business, the Impact of Financial Technology (Fintech) on
Accounting Systems
Learning Outcome: Discussing the Importance of Internal Check/Control and Audit
Systems within an Organization and role of it in Business Organizations.

Unit 6: Leading and Managing Individuals and Teams

Leadership Management and Supervision, Individual and Group Behavior in Business
Organizations, Team Formation, Development and Management, Motivating Individuals
and Groups, Recruitment and Selection of Employees
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate Leading and Managing Individuals and Teams.

Unit 7: Learning and Training at Work

Importance of Learning and Development in the Workplace - Learning Process: Honey
and Mumford, Kolb - Role of the Human Resources Department - Individual Managers in
the Learning Process - Training and Development Process - Benefits of Effective Training
and Development, Review and Appraisal of Individual Performance
Learning Outcome: Illustrate the Training Process at work and reviewing and appraisal of
individual performance.

Unit 8: Personal Effectiveness and Communication in Business

Personal Effectiveness Techniques, Consequences of Ineffectiveness at Work,
Competence Frameworks and Personal Development, Sources of Conflict and Techniques
for Conflict Resolution and Referral, Communicating in Business
Learning Outcome: Defining the Effectiveness and Communication in Business.

Unit 9: Professional Ethics in Accounting & Business

Fundamental Principles of Ethical Behavior, the Role of Regulatory and Professional
Bodies in Promoting Ethical and Professional Standards in the Accountancy Profession
Learning Outcome: Recognising Ethics in Accounting and Business.

Unit 10: Corporate Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conflicts and Dilemmas
Definition - Typical Contents of a Corporate Code of Ethics - Benefits of a Corporate Code
of Ethics - Situations where Ethical Conflicts can arise - Main Threats to Ethical Behavior –
Main Safeguards against Ethical Threats
Learning Outcome: Discussing Ethics and Dilemmas.
Course: Business Mathematics Course Code: 21VBCOG106
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Identify and describe the concepts of mathematical application in business.
CO2: Discuss and predict statements using mathematical reasoning.
CO3: Analyze business situations using set theory and theory of equations.
CO4: Evaluate commercial scenarios by applying the concepts of calculus and matrices.
CO5: Formulate and suggest feasible quantitative solution for business operations.

Unit 1: Ratios and Proportions, Indices and Logarithms

Definition, Application, Examples and Properties of Rations and Proportions, Unitary
Method Usage. Percentage – Definition and Calculation, Laws of Indices, Exponents &
Logarithms and Anti-Logarithms
Learning Outcome: Understand and apply the concepts of rations & proportions in real-
life scenarios.

Unit 2: Business Arithmetic

Time Value of Money, Simple and Compound Interests including The Application of
Annuity, Depreciation, Effective Rate of Interest, Present Value, Net Present Value, Future
Value, Perpetuity, Annuities, Sinking Funds, Valuation of Bonds, Calculation of EMI,
Calculation of Returns – NRR, ERR and CAGR
Learning Outcome: Understand and apply concepts of interests in business situations.

Unit 3: Mathematical Reasoning

Concept of Mathematical Reasoning, Mathematical Statements, Types of Mathematical
Statements – Simple & Compound Statements, Connectives, Contrapositive and Converse
Statement, Quantifiers
Learning Outcome: Differentiate and interpret different type’s mathematical statements to
support informed decision making.

Unit 4: Set Theory and Progression

Types of Sets, Venn Diagram, Intersection of Sets, Disjoint Sets, Difference and
Complement of Sets, Introduction to Sequences, Series, Arithmetic and Geometric
Progression, Relation between AM and GM & Sum Of ‘N’ Terms of Special Series
Learning Outcome: Understand the concept of the set theory and its relevance in the
business scenarios.
Unit 5: Theory of Equations
Simultaneous Linear Equations, Rule of Cross Multiplication, Quadratic Equation
Learning Outcome: Elucidate importance of equations and hence relate to business

Unit 6: Permutation and Combination

Definition, Principles, Factorial Notation, Grouping
Learning Outcome: Apply the concepts of grouping in various business situations.

Unit 7: Matrices and Determinants

Matrix, Type of Matrices, Operations on Matrices, Transpose of a Matrix, Determinants
Learning Outcome: Understand the application of matrices and their ability in problem

Unit 8: Function
Function, Linear Inequalities with Objective Functions and Optimization
Learning Outcome: Analyze the importance and application of functions in business

Unit 9: Derivatives
Derivatives, Derivative of Function of a Function, Second Order Derivative, Partial
Learning Outcome: Evaluate and apply the concept of derivatives.

Unit 10: Integration and Differentiation

Definition, Constant of Integration, Method of Substitution, Integration by Rationalization,
Integration by Parts, Definite Integrals, Method of Substitution, Differentiation, Marginal
Cost and Marginal Revenue
Learning Outcome: Explain the basics of integration and differentiation.
Course: Business Economics Course code: 21VBCOC201
Course Credits: 4 Learning hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Apply the tools of economic theory for business decision making.
CO2: Apprise firm with economic tools for decision making.
CO3: Assess various reasons for fluctuations in market demand.
CO4: Analyze the market structures to arrive at optimal performance level.
CO5: Recognize the importance of forecasting in business.

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Economics

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Business Economics, Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics, Twin Principles of Scarcity- Trade-Offs, Economic Issues and Role of
Price Mechanism, Objectives of Firms
Learning Outcome: To illustrate the role of scarcity and interaction of business.

Unit 2: Theory of Consumer Choice

Concept of Utility – Total Utility and Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility,
Theory of Consumer Behavior- Cardinal Approach, Ordinal Approach, Revealed
Preferential Approach, Indifference Curve – Meaning and Properties, Budget Line,
Consumer Equilibrium, Income and Substitution Effect of Price Change
Learning Outcome: To articulate choices made by the consumer and determination of
consumer equilibrium.

Unit 3: Demand and Supply Analysis

Meaning of Demand, Determinants of Demand, Demand Function, Law of Diminishing
Utility And Law of Demand, Exceptions to Law of Demand, Shift and Movement in The
Demand Curve, Types of Demand, Meaning of Supply, Determinants Of Supply, Law of
Supply, Supply Function, Shifts in the Supply Curve, Market Equilibrium – Demand and
Learning Outcome: Examine how the interplay of demand and supply is determined.

Unit 4: Elasticity of Demand and Supply

Elasticity of Demand – Price Elasticity and Types, Income Elasticity and Types, Cross-
Elasticity and Types, Methods of Measuring Elasticity
Elasticity of Supply- Types Of Supply Elasticity
Learning Outcome: Analyze supply elasticity and demand elasticity.
Unit 5: Demand Forecasting
Meaning, Need and Importance, Limitations of Demand Forecasting, Methods of Demand
Forecasting – Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Choosing the Appropriate Method
of Forecasting
Learning Outcome: Assess the different demand forecasting techniques.

Unit 6: Production Analysis

Production- Meaning, Production Function and Types, Isoquant And Iso-Cost Curves,
Producer Equilibrium, MRTS, Production Theory- Law of Variable Proportions and Law of
Returns to Scale, Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Learning Outcome: Determine the optimal combination of inputs for a firm to utilize.

Unit 7: Cost and Revenue Analysis

Concept of Cost, Types of Costs, Relationship between Total cost, Average cost, Marginal
cost, Short Run & Long Run Cost analysis, Break-even Analysis, Concept of Revenue,
Relationship between Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Learning Outcome: Examine the relationship between short-run and long-run costs and
determine the break-even point for a firm.

Unit 8: Market Structures

Meaning of Market Structure, Classification of Market, Characteristics of Various Market
Structure– Pure and Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition,
Oligopoly, Duopoly, Monopsony
Learning Outcome: Able to compare and contrast common market structures.

Unit 9: Perfect Market and Monopoly

Characteristics of Perfectly Competitive Market, Revenue and Cost Curves, Short-Run
Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry, Long Run Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry,
Monopoly Characteristics, Sources of Monopoly, Revenue and Cost Curves, Price
Discrimination and Types, Price and Output Determination, Monopoly Equilibrium in
Short Run and Long Run
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate under what conditions do firms temporarily shut down
or exit a market permanently.
Unit 10: Monopolistic and Oligopoly
Definition and Features of Monopolistic Competition, Monopolistic vs. Perfect
Competition vs. Monopoly, Significance of Product Differentiation and Firm’s Equilibrium
under Short Run and Long Run, Non-Price Competition
Meaning, Types of Oligopoly, Models of Oligopoly, Collusive and Non-Collusive Model,
Sweezy’s Kinked Demand Curve Model & Price Leadership, Cartels
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate how non-price competition helps firms in to differentiate
their products.
Course: Corporate and Business Law (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E202
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Providing Knowledge in Legal System.
CO2: Describing the Legal Aspects of Business.
CO3: Use and Importance of Law in Managing Business Organization.
CO4: Legal Implication in Crisis.
CO5: Knowledge about Management, Administration and Regulation of Companies.

Unit 1: Essential Elements of Legal System

Business, Political and Legal Systems, International Trade, International Legal Regulation
and Conflict of Laws, Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Learning Outcome: Identifying the essential Elements of Legal System.

Unit 2: International Business Transactions

Introduction to The United Nations Convention on Contract for The International Sale Of
Goods and ICC Incoterms, Obligations of the Seller and Buyer and Provisions Common to
Both, Explain and be able to apply the Rules relating to the Provisions Common to Both
the Seller and the Buyer under the Convention, apply the Rules Relating to the Passing of
Risk under the Convention
Learning Outcome: Describing the International Business Transactions.

Unit 3: Transportation and Payment of International Business Transactions

Define and Explain the Operation of Bills of Lading, Operation of Bank Transfers, rules of
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfer, Rules of the unconvention on
International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes, Operation of Letters
of Credit and Letters of Comfort
Learning Outcome: Discussing Transportation and Payment of International Business

Unit 4: Agency Law

Role of the Agent and Give Examples of Such Relationships paying regard to partners and
Company Directors, Formation of the Agency Relationship, Authority of the Agent,
Potential Liability of both Principal and Agent
Learning Outcome: Describe Agency Law.

Unit 5: Partnerships
Knowledge of the Legislation Governing the Partnership, both Unlimited and Limited,
Formation of a Partnership, Authority of Partners in relation to Partnership Activity,
Liability of Various Partners for Partnership Debts, Termination of a Partnership and
Partners' Subsequent Rights and Liabilities
Learning Outcome: Knowledge about the Partnership.

Unit 6: Corporations and Legal Personality

Distinguish between Sole Traders, Partnerships and Companies, Meaning and effect of
Limited Liability, Different types of Companies, especially Private and Public Companies,
effect of Separate Personality and The Veil of Incorporation, Recognize Instances where
Separate Personality will be ignored
Learning Outcome: Distinguishing different Corporations and Legal Personality.

Unit 7: Capital and Financing of Companies

Share Capital - Different Types of Capital - Difference between various classes of
Shares, Loan Capital - Borrowing Powers - Loan Capital and Debenture - Fixed and
Floating Charges, Capital Maintenance and Dividend Law - Capital Maintenance and
Capital - Rules Governing the Distribution of Dividends in both Private and Public
Learning Outcome: Knowledge about Capital and Financing of Companies.

Unit 8: Management, Administration and Regulation of Companies

Company Directors - Role of Directors in the Operation of a Company - Ways in which
Directors are appointed - Distinguish between the powers of The Board Of
Directors, The Managing Director - Duties that Directors owe to their Companies, other
company Officers, Company Meetings and Resolutions
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge about Management, Administration and
Regulation of Companies.

Unit 9: Legal Implications Relating To Companies in Difficulty or in Crisis

Insolvency - Meaning of Procedure Involved in Voluntary Liquidation, Meaning of
Procedure involved in Compulsory Liquidation, explain the order in which Company Debts
will be paid off, explain Administration as an alternative to Liquidation, explain the way in
which an Administrator may be appointed, the effects of such appointment and the
powers and duties of an Administrator
Learning Outcome: Articulate Legal Implications relating to Companies in Difficulty or In

Unit 10: Corporate Fraudulent and Criminal Behavior

Fraudulent and Criminal Behavior - Nature and Legal Control over insider dealing and
Market Abuse, Nature and Legal Control over Market Abuse, Nature and Legal Control
over Money Laundering, Nature and Legal Control over Bribery, Potential Criminal Activity
in The Operation, Nature and Legal Control Over Fraudulent
Learning Outcome: Recognizing Corporate Fraudulent and Criminal Behavior.
Course: Taxation (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E203
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain the operation & scope of the Tax System.
CO2: Explain Income Tax.
CO3: Discussing Corporate Taxation.
CO4: Describing Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax.
CO5: Explain Value Added Tax.

Unit 1: The UK Tax System and Its Administration

The Overall Function And Purpose Of Taxation in a Modern Economy, Principal Sources
of Revenue Law And Practice, the Systems for Self-Assessment and the making of Returns,
the Time Limits for the Submission of Information, Claims and Payment Of Tax, Including
Payments on Account, the Procedures relating to Compliance Checks, Appeals And
Learning Outcome: Explain the UK Tax System and its Administration.

Unit 2: Income Tax and NIC Liabilities

The Scope of Income Tax, Income from Employment, Property and Investment Income,
the Comprehensive Computation of Taxable Income and Income Tax Liability, National
Insurance Contributions for employed and self- employed persons, the use of exemptions
and reliefs in Deferring and Minimizing Income Tax Liabilities
Learning Outcome: Explain & Compute Income Tax and NIC Liabilities.

Unit 3: Income from Self-Employment

Assessment for Self-Employment Income, Badges of Trade, Tax-Adjusted Trading Profit,
Cash Basis for small businesses, relief that can be obtained for Pre-Trading Expenditure,
factors that will Influence the choice of Accounting Date, Capital Allowances, Relief for
Trading Losses, Partnerships and a Limited Liability Partnerships
Learning Outcome: Describing Income from Self-Employment.

Unit 4: Chargeable Gain for Individuals

The Scope of The Taxation of Capital Gains, the Basic Principles of Computing Gains and
Losses, Gains and Losses on The Disposal of Movable and Immovable Property, Gains and
Losses on the disposal of Shares And Securities, the Computation Of Capital Gains Tax,
the use of Exemptions and Reliefs In deferring and minimizing Tax Liabilities arising on
the disposal of Capital Assets
Learning Outcome: Explaining Chargeable Gain for Individuals.
Unit 5: Inheritance Tax
The basic principles of computing Transfers of Value, the liabilities arising on chargeable
lifetime transfers and on the death of an individual, the use of Exemptions In Deferring
and Minimizing Inheritance Tax Liabilities, Payment Of Inheritance Tax
Learning Outcome: Explain & Compute the Inheritance Tax.

Unit 6: Corporation Tax Liability

The Scope of Corporation Tax, Chargeable Gains for Companies, the Comprehensive
Computation of Corporation Tax Liability, the effect of a Group Corporate Structure for
Corporation Tax Purposes, the use of Exemptions and Reliefs in Deferring and Minimizing
Corporation Tax Liabilities
Learning Outcome: Recognising Corporation Tax Liability.

Unit 7: Taxable Total Profit

Expenditure that is allowable in calculating the Tax-Adjusted Trading Profit, Pre-Trading
Expenditure, Capital Allowances, Property Business Profits, Income of the Current or
Previous Accounting Periods, factors that will Influence the choice of loss Relief Claim,
Treatment of Interest Paid and Received, Treatment of Qualifying Charitable Donations,
Compute Taxable Total Profits
Learning Outcome: Computing Taxable Total Profit.

Unit 8: The Vat Registration Requirements

Register or Deregister for Vat (Compulsory), when a person may register or deregister for
Vat (Voluntary), Pre-Registration Input Vat, Conditions that must be met for two or more
Companies to be treated as a group for Vat purposes and the consequences of being so
Learning Outcome: Discuss the Vat Registration Requirements.

Unit 9: The Computation of Vat Liabilities

Calculate the amount of Vat Payable/Recoverable, Vat is accounted for and Administered,
Recognize the Tax Point, List the information that must be given on a Vat Invoice,
Principles regarding the Valuation of Supplies, Principal Zero Rated and Exempt Supplies,
Circumstances In which input Vat Is Nondeductible, Impairment Losses on Trade Debts,
Treatment of the sale of a business as a going concern, Default Surcharge, Penalty for an
incorrect Vat return, Treatment of Imports, Exports, And Trade within The European Union
Learning Outcome: Explain & Compute Vat Liabilities.
Unit 10: The Effect of Special Schemes
Understand the operation of, and when it will be advantageous to use, the Vat special
schemes - Cash Accounting Scheme - Annual Accounting Scheme - Flat Rate Scheme
Learning Outcome: Describing the effects of Special Schemes.
Course: Performance Management (ACCA) Course Code: 21VBC5E204
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Develop Knowledge and Skills In the Application of Management Accounting
CO2: Imparting Knowledge of Pricing Decisions.
CO3: Discussing the Techniques of Performance Analysis.
CO4: Interpretation of Budgeting Techniques.
CO5: Introduction to Information Systems and Data Analytics.

Unit 1: Information, Technologies and System for Organizational Performance

Managing Information - Role of Information Systems - Costs and Benefits of Information,
Sources of Information, Information Systems and Data Analytics - Characteristics (Volume,
Velocity, Variety) of Big Data, Characteristics of Transaction Processing Systems - Benefits
of Big Data
Learning Outcome: Identify & Discuss Information, Technologies and System for
Organizational Performance.

Unit 2: Activity Based Costing

Identify Appropriate Cost Drivers under ABC, Calculate Costs per Driver and per unit using
ABC, Compare ABC and Traditional Methods of Overhead Absorption based on
Production Units, Labor Hours or Machine Hours
Learning Outcome: Describe Activity Based Costing.

Unit 3: Target Costing

Derive a Target Cost in Manufacturing and Service Industries, explain the difficulties of
using target Costing in Service Industries and suggest how a Target Cost Gap might be
Learning Outcome: Knowledge of Target Costing.

Unit 4: Life Cycle Costing

Identify the costs involved at different stages of the Life Cycle, derive a Life Cycle cost or
profit in manufacturing and service industries, identify the benefits of Life Cycle Costing
Learning Outcome: Explain Life-Cycle Costing.

Unit 5: Throughput Accounting

Theory of Constraints, Interpret a Throughput Accounting Ratio (TPAR), suggest how a
TPAR could be improved, apply Throughput Accounting to a multi-product decision
making problem
Learning Outcome: Describe Throughput Accounting.

Unit 6: Environmental Accounting

Discuss the issues business face In the Management of Environmental Costs, describe the
different methods a business may use to Account for its Environmental Costs
Learning Outcome: Describe Environmental Accounting.

Unit 7: Decision Making Techniques

Relevant Cost Analysis, Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Limiting Factors, Pricing Decisions,
make or buy and other Short-Term Decisions, dealing with Risk and uncertainty In
Decision Making
Learning Outcome: Identify & Apply Decision Making Techniques.

Unit 8: Budgeting and Control

Budgetary Systems and Types of Budget, Quantitative Analysis in Budgeting, Standard
Costing, Material Mix and Yield Variances, Sales Mix and Quantity Variances, Planning and
Operational Variances, Performance Analysis
Learning Outcome: Classify and Preparation of Budgetary System and Advanced Variance

Unit 9: Performance Measurement and Control

Performance Analysis in Private Sector Organizations, Divisional Performance and Transfer
Pricing, Performance Analysis in Not-For-Profit Organizations and the Public Sector
Learning Outcome: Identify Performance Measurement and Control.

Unit 10: External Considerations and the Impact on Performance

Need to allow for external considerations in Performance Management, ways in which
external considerations could be allowed for in Performance Management, interpret
performance in the light of external considerations
Learning Outcome: Assess the External Consideration and the Impact on Performance.
Course: Quantitative Techniques Course Code: 21VBCOG205
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Identify and discuss the importance of statistical techniques in decision making.
CO2: Apply the techniques of Descriptive Analytics to the real time database.
CO3: Analyze the foundation of Predictive Analytics.
CO4: Evaluate the hypotheses and take data driven decisions.
CO5: Formulate and recommend statistical solutions using visualization techniques for
informed decision making.

Unit 1: Data and Information

Data and Information, Types of Data, Types of Collection Of Data, Sample and Population,
Data Processing, Attributes of Information
Learning Outcome: Understand types of data and data processing.

Unit 2: Statistical Representation of Data

Classification and Tabulation of data, Class intervals and class width, Discrete and
continuous series, Frequency distribution, Graphical representation of Frequency
Distribution – Line Chart, Bar Graph, Histogram and Pie Chart
Learning Outcome: Understand and interpret the graphical representation of data.

Unit 3: Measures of Central Tendency

Importance of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean,
Median, Mode
Learning Outcome: Understand and apply concepts of measures of central tendency to
gain insights into the behavior of data at the center of the distribution.

Unit 4: Measures of Dispersion

Data dispersion, Range, Percentile, Decile, Quartiles, Quartile deviation, Standard
Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation
Learning Outcome: Understand and apply concepts of measures of dispersion to gain
insights into the data dispersion from one of the measures of central tendency.

Unit 5: Probability Theory

Variables, Events and Trials, Definition of Probability, Characteristics, Rules in Probability,
Baye’s Theorem, Relative Frequency Theory, Classical Approach
Learning Outcome: Learn the language and core concepts of probability theory, and
understand basic principles of statistical inference.
Unit 6: Probability Distribution
Probability Distributions – Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution, Concept of Bell
Learning Outcome: Learn concepts of probability distribution, and its relevance in
statistical inference.

Unit 7: Correlation Analysis

Importance of Association, Correlation Coefficient – Karl Pearson’s and Spearman’s Rank
Learning Outcome: Using correlation to identify association between given variables.

Unit 8: Regression Analysis

Definition, Forecasting using Regression, Linear Regression Model
Learning Outcome: Identify variables that may be used in model building and performing
simple linear regression for finding association relationship.

Unit 9: Index Numbers

Use of Index Numbers, Problems Involved in Construction of Index Numbers, Methods of
Construction of Index Numbers
Learning Outcome: Understand the application index numbers.

Unit 10: Time Series Analysis

Definition, Components, Models, Measurement of Secular Trend, Method of Least
Squares, Method of Semi Averages, Moving Average Method
Learning Outcome: Get acquainted with the main concepts of Time Series theory and
Methods of analysis.
Course: Communicative English Course Code: 21VBX0A206
Course Credits: 4 Learning Hours: 120

Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain the elements and process of communication.
CO2: Distinguish various kinds of communication and comprehend its significance.
CO3: Examine and interpret various approaches to listening and reading skills.
CO4: Develop ways to express the message fluently and appropriately in social and
professional contexts.
CO5: Recommend effective writing strategies to get your reader to take the desired action.

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Communication

Role of Communication in Business, Nature and Scope of Business Communication,
Elements of Communication, Process of Communication
Learning Outcome: Explain the process and importance of communication in business.

Unit 2: Flow of Communication

Types of Communication – Formal and Informal, Verbal and Non-Verbal, Attributes of
Oral and Written Communication, Channels of Oral and Written Communication, Flow of
Communication in Business, its Relevance
Learning Outcome: Differentiate various formal and informal communication and decide
on the form of communication to express.

Unit 3: Barriers to Communication

Semantic Barriers, Physical Barriers, Interpersonal, Organizational Barriers, Measures to
Improve Communication Barriers
Learning Outcome: Understand various barriers to communication and discuss remedies
to overcome barriers.

Unit 4: Essentials of Good English

English Grammar and its Usage, Common Errors in English, Synonyms and Antonyms,
Frequently Misspelt Words, Sentence Corrections, Common Idioms and Phrases
Learning Outcome: Practice the grammar needed for correct usage while speaking/

Unit 5: Effective Listening

Importance of Listening, Essentials for Good Listening, Blocks to Effective Listening, Profile
of an Effective Listener
Learning Outcome: Develop the skill of effective listening.
Unit 6: Effective Reading
Types of Reading, Importance of Reading, Reading and Understanding of Textual
Materials, Recognizing Unity, Coherence and Emphasis of Sentences and Paragraphs
Learning Outcome: Explain the advantages of effective reading.

Unit 7: Effective Speaking

Importance of Paralanguage, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Speaker’s Appearance
and Personality, Using Visual Aids
Learning Outcome: Demonstrate the art of speaking effectively.

Unit 8: Effective Conversational Skills

Need for Dialogue and Conversation, Skills Needed for Conversations, Asking Questions,
Conversation Control, Use of Conversation Skills in Different Situations, Team
Learning Outcome: Understand the various conversational styles used in interpersonal

Unit 9: Effective Writing

Objectives of Written Skills, Adaptation and Selection of Words, Developing Logical
Paragraphs, Resume Writing
Learning Outcome: Appreciate essentials of good business writing.

Unit 10: Business Correspondence

Trade Enquiries and Replies, Complaints, Claims, Adjustments, Persuasive Letter, Bank
Correspondence, Email Etiquette, Office Orders, Office Circulars, Memorandum, Business
Report Writing
Learning Outcome: Select the appropriate modes of correspondence in business.

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