Urban Greenery

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Blanca Arellano 1, Josep Roca 2 *
1 Technical University of Catalonia, [email protected]
2 Technical University of Catalonia, [email protected]

ICWG III/1: Thematic Information Extraction

KEY WORDS: Urban Greenery, Nighttime Urban Heat Island, LST, Health, Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona


Global warming is causing increasing Heat Waves that affect human health. High temperatures markedly increase morbidity and
mortality. Urban Heat Islands increase the effects of Heat Waves and are a serious inconvenience to human health and comfort. Cities
can substantially increase local temperatures and reduce temperature drop at night. During the night, the greater thermal inertia of the
central areas reduces their cooling capacity. On the other hand, it is important to highlight that urban vegetation plays a key role in
adapting cities to Global Warming and Urban Heat Island. Green areas have lower temperatures than the rest of land uses and generate
a cooling effect that spreads to their surroundings creating a "cool island" effect. The main objective of this paper is to establish the
nocturnal land surface temperature and land surface air temperature of Barcelona Metropolitan Area (35 municipalities, 636 km2, 3.3
million inhabitants) in an episode of a nocturnal heatwave and to estimate its possible impact on health and mortality. Subsequently,
nighttime temperatures are analysed in this extreme heat context to determine their spatial distribution and detect the urban landscapes
that are most vulnerable to extreme night heat. Modelling of land surface temperature must reveal the elements that determine night
Urban Heat Island and consequently identify actions that can be implemented at urban planning level to refresh the environment during
the night and thus increase the resilience of the most vulnerable landscapes and improve residents’ health. This paper studies the effect
of urban greenery and green infrastructures on Nighttime Urban Heat Island and propose climate adaptation measures and design for
urban green areas to decrease high temperature in a Heat Wave context, which contributes to reducing the serious negative impacts on
people's health.

1. INTRODUCTION (Eurostat, 2022). Climate change can therefore affect human

health by changing the severity or frequency of health problems
Global warming (GW) is causing increasing heatwaves (HW) that are already affected by climate factors. It can create
that affect human health (IPCC, 2012). Climate change (CC) unprecedented or unanticipated health problems or health threats
increases the risk of extreme temperatures and weather events, in places where they have not previously occurred.
such as heatwaves (HW). Summer heatwaves have increased in
frequency and duration in most of Europe while extreme cold Although the climate of cities depends fundamentally on
temperatures and cold waves are less frequent. Trends show that mesoscale factors, local and microscale factors can modify
in the future with a warmer climate and increased mean regional climate at urban scale. These factors include the
temperatures, heatwaves will become more intense, longer characteristics of the urban structure, the topography and surface
lasting, and/or more frequent (Meehl and Tebaldi, 2004). As of roofs, vegetation, and anthropogenic heat generated by urban
IPCC (2021) says: “It is virtually certain that the frequency and metabolism. There are significant differences in the climate of
intensity of hot extremes and the intensity and duration of urban areas compared to those of a rural nature. The urban heat
heatwaves have increased since 1950 and will further increase in island effect (UHI) describes the influence of urban surfaces on
the future even if global warming is stabilized at 1.5ºC.”. Hence, the temperature patterns of urban areas as opposed to surrounding
it is highly likely that CC causes an increase in HWs, which areas (Oke, 1967). Cities accumulate heat in urban land covers
negatively affect human health. and built infrastructures, representing true islands of heat in
relation to the rural (less artificialized) environment. The densest
The effects of heatwaves on the population have been described urban spaces and industrial and commercial areas are
by numerous authors who have established clear relationships characterized by accumulating more heat during the daytime. In
between high temperatures and morbidity and mortality, this context, urban heat islands increase the effects of HW.
especially in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases (Royé,
2017). The human organism and the atmosphere are in a Urban heat islands increase the effects of heatwaves, representing
constantly interacting physical and chemical equilibrium. All a serious inconvenience to human health and comfort (Tan et al,
humans are forced to react to atmospheric elements to guarantee 2010). Cities can substantially increase local temperatures and
the correct, optimum functioning of their organs. The thermal reduce temperature drop at night. During the night, the greater
environment plays a significant role in public health (Parsons, thermal inertia of the central areas reduces their cooling capacity,
2014). Sociodemographic and urban landscape characteristics are which represents a serious inconvenience in the case of “tropical”
associated with mortality risk during heatwaves (Gasparrini et al, (> 20° Celsius) and "torrid" nights (> 25° Celsius). In cases of
2015). In much of the developed world, societies are aging and high nighttime temperatures, as a consequence of high daytime
hence can be more vulnerable to climate extremes such as temperatures, heat stress persists and is impossible to rest and
heatwaves. For example, Europe currently has an aging therefore sleep. The literature on urban climate has highlighted
population, with a higher population density and lower birth rate the importance of the nighttime UHI. It is during the night that

* Corresponding author.
the effects of UHI become more apparent, due to the low cooling This paper seeks to determine the nocturnal land surface and air
capacity of urban construction materials and is during nighttime temperature in a period of maximum nighttime heat (summer
that temperatures can cause higher health risks. However, the 2015). So, this research aims to develop a nighttime land surface
study of nocturnal UHIs is still poorly developed, due to the air temperature (NLSAT) model by merging information from
structural problems regarding the availability of land surface Landsat, MODIS and information from meteorological stations
temperature (LST) and land surface air temperature (LSAT) data in order to study the contribution Night Urban Heat Island
for night time. Traditional methods for obtaining nocturnal UHI (NUHI) in episodes of heat wave. Given the practical identity that
have been directed either to extrapolation of data from weather exists (at night) between air temperature (that is, that experienced
stations, or obtaining air temperatures through urban transects. In by humans) and the temperature of the earth's surface (obtained
the first case, the lack of weather stations in urban landscapes by remote sensing), the study of the nocturnal LST is of great
makes it extremely difficult to obtain data to extrapolate and importance in thermal stress events derived from Night Heat
propose models at a detailed resolution scale. In the second case, Waves (NHW).
there is a manifest difficulty in obtaining data simultaneously and
significantly representative of urban and rural zones. On the other hand, it is important to highlight that urban
vegetation plays a key role in adapting cities to climate change.
The use of satellite images has helped considerably to understand Greenery increases air humidity and due to the green canopy the
UHI, especially in analyses of daytime land surface temperature shaded areas. Such characteristics break the UHI continuum,
(LST). However, available nighttime sensors have a major which is the rise in temperature that cities present, partly, because
limitation: their low spatial resolution does not allow detailed of high absorption of direct sun-heat in artificial surfaces. Thus,
analysis of nighttime UHI. In general, few studies have focused green areas have lower temperatures than the rest of land uses
on studying nocturnal UHI, due to the lack of information on and generate a cooling effect that spreads to their surroundings
LST. MODIS and Sentinel 3, for example, have a spatial creating a "cool island" effect (Bowler et al, 2010).
resolution of 1000 meters/pixel, which is generally insufficient
for the analysis of the spatial distribution of the UHI, which has The cooling effect of parks is quantified by the extent limit,
led to the need to downscale said spatial resolution (Mahour et which is the maximum distance reached by the cooling spread
al, 2017; Guzinski et al, 2020). High resolution thermal images outside boundaries of the park; and the intensity, which is the
(Landsat, for example) are limited to daytime information. In difference in temperature between the park and a certain urban
general, few studies have focused on studying Nocturnal Urban space in its near surroundings (Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1998).
Heat Island [NUHI], due to the lack of information on nighttime There is a consensus on the calculation of the cooling intensity,
thermal imagery (Arellano & Roca, 2021). The study of the but with slight differences on the spatial attribution of the
nocturnal LST is of great importance in heat stress events derived temperature to the park and the one that represents the urban
from Night Heat Waves. space. Previous investigations pointed that the cooling extent of
parks between 3 and 200 ha size, is in the 50 to 300 meters (m)
Furthermore, the integration of LST (obtained from remote range, but larger parks go from 200 to 2000m. Whereas the
sensing imagery) with LSAT (obtained from weather stations) cooling intensity registers values between 1 to 4°C during day
continues to be a pending challenge. The right estimation of the and 2 to 5°C at night (Kuttler, 2012), with an average intensity
temperature of the air at ≈ 2-m height above ground (LSAT) from between 0.94 and 1.15°C (Bowler et al, 2010).
LST is possible but complex. The vertical lapse rate to be applied
is function of the surface energy balance, which varies in function From this perspective, the research aims, through the use of
of the nature of the surface and of the instant of the day, as also remote sensing, to quantify the influence of the physical
of advection, adiabatic processes, turbulence and latent heat characteristics of urban parks and their surroundings to improve
fluxes, all of them affected by cloud cover, water vapour content the criteria of climate-sensitive urban design and planning and
and vegetation (Benali, 2012). At night, however, there is a reduce risks for the health of its inhabitants during extreme heat
greater homogenization of advection and adiabatic processes, waves. In this context, the paper studies the effect of urban
which represents less complexity in the modeling of air greenery and green infrastructures on night-time UHI in
temperatures. The large differences between land surface and air Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (MAB, fig. 1), and propose
temperatures during the day tend to moderate at night, with the climate adaptation measures and design for urban green areas to
LST and LSAT converging notably, especially in summer. decrease high temperature in a Heat Wave context, which
contributes to reducing the serious negative impacts on people's
Air temperature estimated from satellite measurements would health.
solve the weather stations scarcity in wider regions, where the
geospatial interpolation methods cannot provide accurate
estimations. In this way, LSAT estimation becomes of crucial
importance to solve spatial gaps for a wide range of applications,
in such a way that it is accepted that TIR produces better LSAT
estimations than those obtained by interpolating ground-station
temperatures (Mendelsohn et al, 2007). There is significant
literature that has deepened on how to obtain the air temperature
from MODIS LST. For example, the construction of multiple
regression models with air temperature as the dependent variable
and daytime and nighttime LSTs, along with other variables such
as altitude, longitude, latitude, distance to the sea, NDVI or
albedo, as independent variables (Serra et al, 2020). However,
there are few studies that have managed to increase the resolution
of the air temperature models, due to the low resolution of the Figure 1. Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (with municipalities)
data provided by MODIS or Sentinel 3 (Arellano et al, 2021).
2. METHODOLOGY was used instead of summer NDVI, as it better represents
the degree of vegetation at ground level. The tree canopy
The methodology used can be summarized as follows: plays a smaller role due to the deciduous nature of the trees
in the study area. At night, when solar radiation is non-
1. First of all, the heat waves experienced in the city of existent, long-wave radiation from the ground is not
Barcelona are studied, in order to determine the most significantly affected by the tree canopy.
appropriate period to carry out the analysis of the LST and
the LSAT. There is no universal definition of a heatwave, 4. Modeling the spatial distribution of the LST. The
but extreme events associated with particularly hot, methodology used in this work has been to develop a
sustained temperatures have been known to have a notable "hybrid" OLS model, with geographical (longitude, latitude,
impact on human mortality, regional economies and altitude, slope, orientation and distance to the sea) and
ecosystems. In this paper, we use the concept of heatwave urban-territorial (such as NDVI, NDBI, albedo,
applied by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). imperviousness, land covers, …) explanatory variables. The
In this definition, a heatwave is considered an episode of at MODIS LST is also included in the model. Said "hybrid"
least three consecutive days in which at least 10% of the model enables not only LST downscaling (from 1000
stations that are considered register maximums above the meters, MODIS, to 30 meters, Landsat), but also the
95% percentile of the series of maximum daily temperatures possible application to other moments in time to those of the
for the months of July and August from the period 1971 to date of acquisition of the image.
2000. However, this definition has a major limitation: it 5. On the other hand, directly modeling the existing
refers only to maximum temperatures, not minimum ones. information on the land surface air temperature resulting
As indicated, it is the high minimum temperatures that make from the meteorological stations. The LSAT is obtained (for
the most difference for health purposes. Maximum the date of the Landsat 8 image) based on the methodology
temperatures can have serious consequences, especially on developed by (Serra et al, 2020). The daily MOD11A1 LST
heat stroke. However, the health effects are more measured by MODIS Terra, including daytime (LSTd) and
pronounced in the case of night heat, where the inability to nighttime (LSTn) with 1 km2 spatial resolution, has been
rest (especially in homes without air conditioning, as is used in this study. Besides Satellite variables LSTd, LSTn,
generally the case in in Spain) can cause significant NDVI and NDBI, other six geographical and topographic
worsening of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases that variables are considered: latitude, longitude, distance to
produce a high proportion of premature deaths. For this coast, altitude, orientation and slope of the terrain for every
reason, in this study we differentiate between heatwaves meteorological station and pixel. Furthermore, the calendar
during the day (DHW) and at night (NHW), paying special day (cd) has been transformed into a new calendar day (cd*)
attention to the latter. according to a cosinus transformation (equation 1). These
2. The second step of the study consisted of determining the variables are used to fit an OLS model, with the air
nighttime LST of Barcelona in a heatwave. August 2015 temperatures obtained from the meteorological stations as
was chosen since it had temperatures that were higher than the dependent variable. This model makes it possible to
the average of the preceding years. There were various day know (at a resolution of 1 km / pixel) the spatial distribution
and night heatwaves. This date was also selected due to the of the air temperature.
availability of night thermal images (bands 10 and 11) of 2𝜋(𝑐𝑑 − 𝑐𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 )
Landsat 8, which allow the night LST of Barcelona 𝑐𝑑 ∗ = cos (1)
Metropolitan Area to be obtained in detail. The day and
night images of Landsat 8 from 3 and 28 August 2015 were 6. Once the air temperature model developed from the
used, complemented by the night image of 13 September meteorological stations has been obtained, said model can
2015 (to achieve adequate exclusion of areas covered by be merged with the information resulting from the high-
clouds). resolution satellite sensors (Landsat 8). In this way, the UHI
derived from the air temperature can be visualized in much
3. The estimation of LST from band 10 of Landsat 8 was more detail. Therefore, to downscale the multiregression
carried out according to the abundant existing literature on model developed in section 5, the variables (NDVI, NDBI,
the matter. However, the estimation of nighttime land LSTn, albedo, ...) are used at a resolution of 30 m/p
surface temperature by Landsat thermal bands is not a trivial (obtained from Landsat).
question. The most commonly used methodology to
determine daytime LST is based on estimating the 7. The study of the spatial distribution of the Urban Heat Island
emissivity of the land from its degree of vegetation: the of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area in August 2015 will
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) threshold allow determining the health risk posed by high
(Sobrino et al, 2008). But this method has significant temperatures derived from heat waves.
limitations at night. The NDVI overvalues vegetation when
8. Determine the green areas of the MAB through the use of
it considers the canopy of trees. This overestimation is not a
remote sensing (Sentinel 2), as well as study the degree of
serious problem during the day, when the shade of trees
urban greenery of the different landscapes. Sentinel 2 offers
limits the incident radiation on the ground. However, it is
a higher spatial resolution (10 meters/pixel) than Landsat 8
critical at night. At night, the application of the standard
(30 m/p), which helps to more accurately delimit green
method for determining emissivity underestimates the land
spaces. NDVI has been used as an indicator of vegetation
surface radiation in areas with abundant tree vegetation. The
quality. Spaces with a surface area greater than 1,000 m2 and
result is critical on the streets and in parks with a significant
an NDVI greater than or equal to 0.3 have been considered
degree of canopy. For this reason, this paper used the
"urban parks".
methodology suggested by (Arellano & Roca, 2021) to
estimate the degree of vegetation and soil moisture. Based 9. And finally, model the effect of greenery in the nocturnal
on this estimation, the emissivity was determined and UHI as well as quantify the effect that the increase in green
consequently the nocturnal LST. In this paper, winter NDVI
spaces (measured by greenery characteristics and distance As we have previously indicated, it is during the night when
to parks) would have on temperature regulation. excess temperature can generate more negative effects on health,
causing an increase in premature deaths. Using the daily
mortality data for Barcelona provided by the Barcelona Public
3. RESULTS Health Agency (ASPB), from January 1 to December 31, 2018,
this study seeks to assess the effects of high temperatures on
3.1 Heatwaves and Mortality premature mortality. Figure 3 shows the daily deaths in the city
of Barcelona in relation to the minimum temperatures (Tm). The
Figure 2 shows the (official) weather stations existing in the minimum temperature threshold that marks the minimum deaths
Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Among them stands out, due to its is located at 21.3ºC.
high temperatures, the Raval station.

Figure 3. Deaths vs. Minimum Temperatures (2007-2018)

Figure 2. Weather stations A total of 852 days between 2007 and 2018 experienced night
temperatures above 21.3 degrees, which represented an increase
The European Union’s Copernicus program highlights two in mortality that can be estimated at 995 additional deaths in the
climatic indicators: summer days, when the temperatures exceed same period. Between 20 and 23.86 degrees Celsius (the limit at
25 degrees, and tropical nights, when the minimum temperature which a nocturnal heatwave is identified), the increase in
does not drop below 20 degrees. For the period of 1971 to 2020, mortality is very low (1 additional death). However, above this
the Raval was the weather station with the highest number of limit, mortality multiplies exponentially: at 25 degrees (the
summer days per year: 114.04. Almost four months/year were threshold that we call a torrid night) there are 2.81 additional
summer days. Regarding tropical nights, the Raval on average deaths, which increases to 5.83, 10.98, 19.34, 32.27 and 51.57 for
between 1971 and 2020 reached 66.94 nights or over 2 months a each additional degree. The warming forecasts for the Barcelona
year. area, established in the previous subsection and in the event of no
human adaptation to the climate (and the massive installation of
The application of the criteria for defining heatwaves in air conditioning systems in homes), may lead to a very marked
Barcelona, which is at least 3 consecutive days with a maximum increase in premature mortality due to night heat.
temperature (DHW) or a minimum temperature (NHW) higher
than the 95th percentile for the months of July and August in the 3.2 Nighttime LST
period 1971 to 2000, gave us the thresholds of 32.49ºC by day
and 23.86ºC by night for Raval station (located in the old city). To proceed with the analysis of daytime and nighttime LST,
Applying these thresholds, 18 daytime heatwaves would have Landsat 8 images relative to the month of August 2015 were used
been produced in the center of Barcelona, with 76 extremely hot (8/3, 8/28). To obtain a completely cloud-free image of the study
days between 1971 and 2020. The Raval station would have area, the night thermal images of 8/28 and 9/13 were combined.
endured 70 nighttime heatwaves and 577 very hot nights (table Figure 4 compares the August 2015 AMB LST day and night
1). images from MODIS and Landsat.

Years NHW HN
1971-1980 0 3
1981-1990 4 28
1991-2000 8 66
2001-2010 24 192
2011-2020 34 288
Total 70 577
Table 1. Nighttime Heat Waves and Hot Nights (Raval)

As can be seen, NHW and extremely hot nights (HN) increased

almost exponentially, the first from 0 (1971 to 1980) to 34 (2011
to 2020), and the second from 3 (1971 to 1980) to 288 (2011 to
2020). If the growth continues at the current rate, it could lead to
140 extremely hot nights per year in the center of Barcelona in
Figure 4. MODIS vs. Landsat LST (day and night)
3.3 Modelling Land Surface Air Temperature
As is well known, the low spatial resolution of MODIS contrasts
with the better resolution of Landsat. However, the few nighttime Once the nocturnal LST has been obtained, the air temperature is
thermal images from Landsat have made detailed knowledge of modeled. A multi-regression model has been developed with
nighttime LST difficult. This study focused on heatwave events night air temperature (obtained by weather stations) as dependent
occurred in August 2015, for which there are nighttime Landsat variable, and nighttime and daytime LST (obtained by MODIS),
images, which make it possible to study the LST-UHI at night. latitude, longitude, altitude, slope, orientation, distance to the sea,
calendar day* (cd200), NDVI and NDBI as independent
Figure 4 shows the big difference between UHI during day and variables. The model has been developed throughout the
night. The UHI appears very clearly, especially when compared extended Metropolitan Area of Barcelona for all non-cloudy days
to the daytime LST (on the left in the figure). While during the of the year. The MAB only has 13 weather stations (see figure 2).
day the UHI does not stand out, at night the greater thermal inertia We have used the 20 stations closest to the city center to improve
of the urban materials, buildings and roofs determines the greater the significance of the regression model.
heat gradient of the built-up area compared to the rural ones. The
metropolitan mean of the LST reaches, at night, 22.6°C, The model, with 1832 observations, reaches an R2 of 0.943, with
confirming that we are faced a Night Heat Wave event. Nighttime 7 significant variables. The most significant variable is the
UHI is very pronounced: 2.9 degrees higher between rural MODIS nighttime LST, followed by distance to the sea (-), slope
(21.23°C) and urban (24.10°C) land covers, means a 13.5% (+), longitude (-), NDVI (-), NDBI (+) and calendar day*
higher. It can be affirmed that a significant part of urbanized (cd200). Altitude and latitude are not incorporated into the best
landscapes had a temperature typical of a “torrid night” in the model due to their high collinearity with the variable distance to
date of study (August, 2015). the sea. The NDVI and the NDBI with the correct sign. In step 7
the variable calendar day* (cd200) is incorporated; its relatively
Figure 5 presents the result of modelling nighttime temperature. low significance (student's t = 6.579) is due to its high collinearity
This model explains 90.9% of the variation in nighttime land with the MODIS LST (Pearson's coefficient = 0.911). Table n. 3
surface temperatures, with all significant variables. Table 2 presents the regression coefficients of the model.
shows this “hybrid” model. Among the explanatory variables,
winter NDVI and MODIS LST stand out. These two variables
alone explained 88.1% of the spatial variation of Landsat LST.
The inclusion in Step 3 of the variable artificialization raised the
R2 to 0.892. However, in Step 4 the variable distance to the coast
was incorporated into the model, with the sign changed due to its
interaction with artificialization. These four variables accounted
for over 90% of the explanatory power of the OLS model.

Table 3. Nighttime Air Temperature Model (MODIS, 2015)

Figure 6 shows the air temperature model obtained by MODIS,

merging it with Landsat 8 information (urbanized land, line blue).
This fusion allows to see with great detail the LSAT-UHI of the
Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (with a resolution of 30 meters /

Figure 5. Nighttime LST-UHI model

Figure 6. Nighttime LSAT-UHI model

The metropolitan mean of the LSAT reaches, at night, 20.00

degrees Celsius, with 18.34°C in rural covers and 21.89°C in
urban ones, 19.4% higher.

Figure 7 shows the metropolitan air temperature of Barcelona

(August 2015):
Table 2. “Hybrid” OLS model oh nighttime LST
 In white, areas with an air temperature below 20 degrees in time were used. Figure 8 shows these “parks” in the city of
Celsius. This area basically coincides with rural, Barcelona.
nonurbanized areas.
More than 80% of the inhabitants who live in the central city of
 Also below 20°C some of the main parks and green areas of Barcelona are more than 200 meters from a true urban green area.
Barcelona, such as Montjuich, the Citadel or the Tres In fact, the standard of green spaces per inhabitant does not reach
Turons. 5 m2 per inhabitant (if Collserola park, located outside the urban
 In pink, the areas with an air temperature between 20 and 22 continuum, is excluded). Only in areas of lower density, of urban
degrees, characterized therefore by having a relatively cool sprawl, in the metropolitan periphery is the proximity to greenery
"tropical" night. This degree of heat makes it difficult to rest less than 200 meters.
at night, but it has no relevant effects on health. None of
these areas is located in the urban continuum of Barcelona,
characterized by its high density. Only the Urban Sprawl
areas, located on the northern slope of the Collserola
mountain chain, reach this temperature.
 In red, the areas with an air temperature between 22 and 24-
25 degrees Celsius. This degree of heat does not only imply
discomfort. It also has a significant effect on health,
representing the threshold above which premature deaths
due to heat increase significantly. These areas correspond to
the urban continuum of Barcelona. Neighborhoods
characterized by their high density.
 Finally, in dark brown, the areas with a temperature above
24-25 degrees. Temperature that represents serious
problems for human health ("torrid" nights) if there is no air
conditioning installation in the homes. These areas coincide
with the urban center of the city ("Ensanche"), as well as,
above all, in the historic center of Barcelona ("Ciutat Figure 8. Green areas (>1000 m2)
In addition to the NDVI, or others vegetation indexes (like Soil
Adjusted Vegetation Index - SAVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index
- EVI, Leaf Area Index - LAI, FAPAR, Fcover, …), proximity to
parks has a relevant effect on Urban Heat Island. Usually, the
parks’ cooling effect is calculated by its extent and intensity. The
cooling intensity (ΔT) is the difference between the temperature
of the parks (PT) and the surrounding urban areas (SUT),
calculated as SUT - PT. The cooling effect shows positive ΔT
values. The cooling extent limit (Lmax) is the maximum distance
reached by the microclimatic influence of the park. A positive
cooling effect implies lower temperatures near to the park and a
gradual increment with increasing distance. In a fitted dataset of
temperature of urban spaces ordered by distance to a park, the
cooling effect generates a “cooling curve”, which ends at the
maximum ∆T (∆Tmax) and defines the Lmax point. Although
this methodology is usually applied at local scale, showing the
Figure 7. Nighttime LSAT and Risk extent and intensity of the cooling generated by each urban green
area, in this paper a statistical approximation was made for the
3.4 Urban greenery and Urban Heat Island entire metropolitan area, thus obtaining the average extent of park
cooling of the entire the metropolis.
As mentioned above, the increase and improvement in vegetation
measured by the NDVI among other indicators is a fundamental
element of urban cooling. In this work, several models have been
developed to evaluate the effect of urban vegetation on the night
air temperature of the urbanized land of Barcelona Metropolitan
Area. The model with only the NDVI as the explanatory variable
explained 60.5% of the spatial variation of LSAT, which implied
that an increase of 0.1 in the NDVI represented nighttime cooling
of 0.7 degrees Celsius.

In addition to the NDVI, proximity to parks had a relevant effect

on urban heat. However, to determine to what extent vegetation
enhancement actually affects urban climate, it is necessary to
determine what is really green in terms of impact on human
Figure 8. Temperature vs. Distance to Green Areas
health and well-being. In this study we considered parks to be
green areas (public or private) with a winter NDVI greater than
Figure 8 shows the land surface temperature in relation to the
0.3, and an area > = 1,000 m2. To better resolve what was “really
distance to the green areas of the urbanized land in the Barcelona
green”, the Sentinel 2 images (10 meters/pixel) that were closest
Metropolitan Area. The adjustment by means of non-linear along with other factors, can cause sleep disturbances and
regression (NLR) of a fourth-degree polynomial model, helps to deprivation due to the necessary thermoregulation processes. In
understand the cooling effect generated by urban greenery. the context of climate change, in Mediterranean towns there has
been a notable increase in the number of tropical and torrid
By itself, the distance to urban greenery explains 43.6% (R2) of nights.
the spatial variation in temperature. The adjustment of the model
allowed the deduction of an average extension of cooling of the Given the relevance of temperatures during the night, this study
parks of 178 m. Given that in the city of Barcelona most of the focused on the study of extreme heat phenomena that occurred in
inhabitants live more than 200 meters from a park, the beneficial Barcelona Metropolitan Area, defining the scope of heatwaves
climatic effect of green areas on the population is limited. and extreme temperatures at night. In this context, UHI increase
the effects of heatwaves, and represent a serious inconvenience
The adjustment of an explanatory linear model of the to human health and comfort. Consequently, the spatial
temperatures, with only the distance to the green area as an distribution of LST at night was studied to define the concept of
independent variable, showed that for every 1,000 away from the night UHI, using the information from various space sensors, and
parks, there was a cooling of 5.7 degrees. However, as indicated, especially from Landsat 8. At night and during the warm months
the cooling effect of parks is not linear. In addition, there is of the year, there is a high correlation between the LST and the
collinearity between the distance and the NDVI, so an OLS air temperature supported by humans (LSAT). Therefore,
model is developed with the NDVI and the distance to greenery, knowledge of the LST is of vital importance due to its decisive
to evaluate more precisely the beneficial effect of proximity to role in the climate process and as a real indicator of air
greenery. temperature, which is what really affects human health and
The adjustment of an explanatory linear model of the
temperatures, with NDVI and distance to greenery, allows For this reason, a model of the spatial distribution of the LSAT
evaluation of the beneficial effect of vegetation and proximity to was also developed using the information provided by MODIS.
greenery. This joint model explains 61.6% of the spatial variation Said LSAT model confirmed the main role played by the LST in
of the LST, suggesting that an increase in 0.1 points in NDVI explaining nighttime air temperatures, in addition to allowing
would represent a reduction in temperatures by - 0.645ºC. Table downscale the model to 30 m/p. Change of resolution of the
4 shows this model. A distance of up to 1,000 from the parks LSAT model that allowed better visualization of the UHI. And
would imply a temperature increase of 1.438ºC. Therefore, urban also to evaluate the health risk of nocturnal heat waves in the
policies can be developed that reduce the risks of excess heat on different urban landscapes of the Barcelona metropolis.
human health. Urban greening, together with land perviousness,
is especially relevant to prevent high temperatures. In this context, the research has aimed to demonstrate the
important role played by urban vegetation in adaptation to Global
Warming and Urban Heat Island. Green areas have lower
temperatures than other land uses and generate a cooling effect
that extends to its surroundings creating a "cool island" effect.
The second hypothesis, therefore, has been aimed at
Table 4. Nighttime Air Temperature Model (MODIS, 2015) demonstrating said cooling role in a heat wave context in the case
study, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The pronounced scarcity
Therefore, the models suggest that an improvement in urban of vegetation, as well as the high nighttime temperatures (often
vegetation that represents a significant increase in NDVI and a above the comfort threshold) make the city of Barcelona a place
significant reduction in the distance from homes to parks would that is not very resilient to Global Warming, as well as to Heat
have very beneficial effects on health and well-being. Night Waves.
cooling would undoubtedly reduce the risk of premature death in
heatwave events. Especially in an area as dense and sparse in The development of an explanatory model of the role played by
vegetation as the city of Barcelona. vegetation in the UHI makes it possible to determine the effect of
urban green on temperatures, and therefore to design urban
4. CONCLUSIONS policies aimed at increasing adaptation to climate change and
thus reducing negative impacts on health and the comfort. The
In this paper, we analyzed the significant role of the urban heat adjustment of the model allowed the deduction of an average
island due to the increase of global warming in the spatial field extension of cooling of the parks of 178 m. Given that in the city
of study, Barcelona Metropolitan Area. We also verified the of Barcelona most of the inhabitants live more than 200 meters
extent of warming since the middle of the last century. An from a park, the beneficial climatic effect of green areas on the
increase in heatwaves and extreme temperatures was detected. population is limited.
We tried to demonstrate the effect of this progressive warming
on health, and especially on mortality, since the rise in The lack of green areas in the city of Barcelona is very
temperatures in the warm months of July and August has the pronounced. In fact, the standard of green spaces per inhabitant
main effect of increasing premature mortality, in addition to does not reach 5 m2 per inhabitant. This fact demonstrates the low
aggravating various other health effects. resilience of the city in the face of global warming and the
progressive increase in heat waves. Therefore, the models
The starting hypothesis of the paper was that the main adverse suggest that an improvement in urban greenery that represents a
health effects occur at night, due to the difficulty of adapting the significant increase in NDVI and a significant reduction in the
body (in the context of a built-up area without widespread access distance from homes to parks would have very beneficial effects
to air conditioning) to the night heat. In cases of high nighttime on health and well-being. Night cooling would undoubtedly
temperatures, heat stress persists and is aggravated by the fact reduce the risk of premature death in heatwave events. Especially
that the human body cannot rest at night. The most common in an area as dense and sparse in vegetation as the city of
impact of hot nights on human health is on sleep and rest. Heat, Barcelona.
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Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. The authors also 2127–2140.
thank the Barcelona Public Health Agency for the information
provided on daily mortality in the city. Serra, C., Lana, X., Martínez, M.D., Roca, J. Arellano. B., Biere,
R., Moix, M. & Burgueño, A. 2020. Air temperature in Barcelona
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Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 139: 473–492.
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