Global Warming

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Global warming

is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the
mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased
0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.[3][A] The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed
temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was very likely caused by
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as
fossil fuel burning and deforestation.[3] The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural
phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanic eruptions had a small cooling effect after
1950.[4][5] These basic conclusions have been endorsed by more than 40 scientific
societies and academies of science,[B] including all of the national academies of science of
the major industrialized countries.

Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global
surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st
century.[3] The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing
sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future
greenhouse gas emissions. Most studies focus on the period leading up to the year 2100.
However, warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop, because
of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the

Temperature changes

The most common measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged
temperature near the Earth's surface. Expressed as a linear trend, this temperature rose by
0.74 ± 0.18 °C over the period 1906–2005. The rate of warming over the last half of that
period was almost double that for the period as a whole (0.13 ± 0.03 °C per decade,
versus 0.07 °C ± 0.02 °C per decade). The urban heat island effect is estimated to account
for about 0.002 °C of warming per decade since 1900.[10] Temperatures in the lower
troposphere have increased between 0.13 and 0.22 °C (0.22 and 0.4 °F) per decade since
1979, according to satellite temperature measurements. Temperature is believed to have
been relatively stable over the one or two thousand years before 1850, with regionally
varying fluctuations such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age.[11]

Estimates by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the National Climatic Data
Center show that 2005 was the warmest year since reliable, widespread instrumental
measurements became available in the late 1800s, exceeding the previous record set in
1998 by a few hundredths of a degree.[12][13] Estimates prepared by the World
Meteorological Organization and the Climatic Research Unit show 2005 as the second
warmest year, behind 1998.[14][15] Temperatures in 1998 were unusually warm because the
strongest El Niño in the past century occurred during that year.[16] Global temperature is
subject to short-term fluctuations that overlay long term trends and can temporarily mask
them. The relative stability in temperature from 2002 to 2009 is consistent with such an
Solar variation

Variations in solar output have been the cause of past climate changes, but solar forcing
is generally thought to be too small to account for a significant part of global warming in
recent decades.

Greenhouse gases and solar forcing affect temperatures in different ways. While both
increased solar activity and increased greenhouse gases are expected to warm the
troposphere, an increase in solar activity should warm the stratosphere while an increase
in greenhouse gases should cool the stratosphere. Observations show that temperatures in
the stratosphere have been cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became
available. Radiosonde (weather balloon) data from the pre-satellite era show cooling
since 1958, though there is greater uncertainty in the early radiosonde record.

A related hypothesis, proposed by Henrik Svensmark, is that magnetic activity of the sun
deflects cosmic rays that may influence the generation of cloud condensation nuclei and
thereby affect the climate.[50] Other research has found no relation between warming in
recent decades and cosmic rays. A recent study concluded that the influence of cosmic
rays on cloud cover is about a factor of 100 lower than needed to explain the observed
changes in clouds or to be a significant contributor to present-day climate change

Climate models

The main tools for projecting future climate changes are mathematical models based on
physical principles including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and radiative transfer.
Although they attempt to include as many processes as possible, simplifications of the
actual climate system are inevitable because of the constraints of available computer
power and limitations in knowledge of the climate system. All modern climate models
are in fact combinations of models for different parts of the Earth. These include an
atmospheric model for air movement, temperature, clouds, and other atmospheric
properties; an ocean model that predicts temperature, salt content, and circulation of
ocean waters; models for ice cover on land and sea; and a model of heat and moisture
transfer from soil and vegetation to the atmosphere. Some models also include treatments
of chemical and biological processes. Warming due to increasing levels of greenhouse
gases is not an assumption of the models; rather, it is an end result from the interaction of
greenhouse gases with radiative transfer and other physical processes in the models.[55]
Although much of the variation in model outcomes depends on the greenhouse gas
emissions used as inputs, the temperature effect of a specific greenhouse gas
concentration (climate sensitivity) varies depending on the model used. The
representation of clouds is one of the main sources of uncertainty in present-generation

According to Pachauri the impact of global warming on India, where almost 700 million
people are dependent on agriculture, would be really serious and trigger mass migration
of rural communities to urban areas in search of alternate livelihoods.
global warming+sri lanka

what is already in the atmosphere would cause global warming and impact mostly on
tropical countries, and thereby the poor. Experts say even in rich countries it is the poor
that are affected by global warming - as the impact of Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. has

More than 80 percent of the emissions that cause climate change come from rich
countries with lifestyles and development that cause the problems. The per capita
emissions of countries like India or China, despite being large, are a mere 1/30th or
1/40th of what is emitted by the U.S. or Europe.

'A major part of Jaffna and other northern areas (of Sri Lanka) will be submerged when
the sea-level rises. So people are fighting and dying over areas that may soon not be
there,'' Prof. Mohan Munasinghe, vice-chairman of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), told IPS in an interview. The most frightening prospect for
Sri Lanka is also in agriculture. ‘'We have done some studies with the meteorological
department which show higher temperatures and less water,'' said Munasinghe. ''This will
result in paddy farming output falling by 20-30 percent in the next 20 to 30 years. The
output will begin to drop gradually over the next few years.''

The other issue is that of equity, says Munasinghe, in the wet zone where the hill country
is filled with tea bushes - the tea crop will increase making those workers well off. While
paddy is cultivated mostly by farmer-families in which the cost of production is much
higher than the selling price, tea workers are assured of their monthly wages even if tea
companies find production costs higher than selling prices. Tea is generally a profitable

"Modern Technology and its Impact on Day-to-Day life"

The role of Modern Technology and Science is increasing and has major impact on day-
to-day lives of today's people, as it will in the future. One way or another, advancements
in Science and Technology are affecting people all around the world, in New York and in
an unknown place in Africa. Technology affects people's lives by improving medicines,
provides better treatment for diseases and insures a longer life. It improves transportation
by helping people move from one corner of the world to other in hours by using
transportation services such as Airways, Railways, or even Bus Transportation.

Modern Technology changed people's lifestyle and the way they live. For example, now
it's possible to surf Internet on TV, watch programs, pause Live TV, and even playback
live shows. Internet surfing is a technology revolution. Because of that technology, a
person could know what is happening on the other side of the world, chat with others
about different matters and even talk using Instant Messaging Services. Watching TV on
computers too is possible. Due to Internet, it is now possible to say that the world is at
your fingertips.
Recent discoveries and scientific breakthroughs such as Cracking the DNA code and
Mapping the Genome may completely change the way people look even before they are
born. Parents can change color of their unborn son's eye from blue, black or brown.
Diseases that are passed through generations, like diabetes, chronic diseases may be
eliminated from the unborn child. Such changes will create a child who is disease free
and completely immune from world diseases. This might be helpful, as people would be
healthier than before. Due to genetic alteration it maybe possible to extend human life
expectancy, therefore an average person may possibly live up to 150 years healthily.

These are few and best examples that Modern Technology and Science have greater
impact on Human beings and the Earth than anything else mankind has done before.
Even though with these many Scientific and Technological advancements, there are huge
backdrops and disadvantages, Scientific and Technological advancements are improving
our way of life, but in this conquest of knowledge, this advancement is hurting the Earth
and also acting in a negative way people live. Development of Nuclear Arsenals is one
such example, which could seriously harm Earth's environment. Chernobyl blast is the
best example of how these Nuclear Plants could lead to death of millions of lives now
and in the future. Use of chemical and destructive weapons might one day bring the
world to a dead end where there is no more humanity because of people's quest for
knowledge. Other matters of concern are continuous use of limited resources such as oil
and coal, and increase in pollution in atmosphere due to these minerals. Therefore,
Scientific Advancements may also make the world worse. If after 10 years, Genetic
Mutation is made possible to extend life expectancy, people will live longer and death
rate will decrease thus creating a serious problem where more resources will consumed
and lead to eventual destruction of forests and natural habitats to make way for people.

Therefore, Scientific and Technological advancement is not always good even if it is

making the lives of people better and their lives healthier. It is also making social
condition and Earth's environment worse. In conclusion, Modern Technology has great
impact on our day-to-day life and also shapes our future.

natural resources

Some natural resources can be reproduced within a few years or decades. These are
called renewable resources. Trees are an example of a renewable resource. Oil,
minerals, and soil take hundreds, thousands and even millions of years to be made. These
are called non-renewable resources.

It is very important we use renewable and non-renewable resources wisely. If a resource

is used and thrown away, eventually the resource becomes scarce. When the supply
dwindles, its price will increase. Products that are made from that resource would
increase in price too.

Sometimes resources become so rare they can no longer be used. In these cases,
substitute resources may be used, which may make a poorer quality product, or one that
is more expensive. If substitutes can not be used, some products could no longer be made.
Wise use of resources includes not throwing away products that are reuseable or
recyclable. When these products are reused or recycled, it maintains resource availability,
uses less landfill space, and uses less energy.

natural resource

qualifies as a renewable resource if its stock (quantity) can increase over time.Natural
resources which qualify as renewable resources are, for example, oxygen, fresh water,
solar energy, timber, and biomass. But they can become non-renewable resources if more
of them is used than nature can reproduce in the same time at that place. For example
ground water may be removed from an aquifer at a greater rate than that of new water
flowing to that aquifer. Removal of water from the pore spaces may cause permanent
compaction (subsidence) that cannot be reversed. Human consumption and use at
sustainable levels primarily uses renewable resources versus non-renewable resources.

Solar power

Solar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from the light of the sun. Solar
energy has been used in many traditional technologies for centuries and has come into
widespread use where other power supplies are absent, such as in places far off from the
national electrical grid and in space. Solar energy is currently used in a number of
 Heat (hot water, building heat, cooking)
 Electricity generation (photovoltaics, heat engines)
 Desalination of seawater.
 Light

wind power

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into more useful forms, usually electricity
using wind turbines. As of April 2008, worldwide wind farm capacity was 100,000
megawatts (MW),[1] and wind power produced some 1.3% of global electricity
consumption,[2] accounting for approximately 19% of electricity use in Denmark, 9% in
Spain and Portugal, and 6% in Germany and the Republic of Ireland.[3] United States is an
important growth area and latest American Wind Energy Association figures show that
installed U.S. wind power capacity has reached 16,800 MW, which is enough to serve 4.5
million average households.[4]

Most modern wind power is generated in the form of electricity by converting the
rotation of turbine blades into electrical current by means of an electrical generator. In
windmills (a much older technology) wind energy is used to turn mechanical machinery
to do physical work, like crushing grain or pumping water.

Wind power is used in large scale wind farms for national electrical grids as well as in
small individual turbines for providing electricity to rural residences or grid-isolated
locations. Wind energy is ample, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and works against
the greenhouse effect if used to replace the use of fossil-fuel.


Hydropower is the conversion of the energy of moving water into more useful forms.
Already in ancient history hydropower was used for irrigation and milling of grain and
afterwards also for textile manufacture and the operation of sawmills.

The energy of moving water has been exploited for centuries; in Imperial Rome, water
powered mills produced flour from grain, and in China and the rest of the Far East,
hydraulically operated "pot wheel" pumps raised water into irrigation canals. In the
1830s, at the peak of the canal-building era, hydropower was used to transport barge
traffic up and down steep hills using inclined plane railroads.

Direct mechanical power transmission made it necessary that industries that used
hydropower had to be near the waterfall. For example, during the last half of the 19th
century, many grist mills were built at Saint Anthony Falls, utilizing the 50 foot (15
metre) drop in the Mississippi River. The mills contributed to the growth of Minneapolis.
Today the largest use of hydropower is for electric power generation, which allows low
cost energy to be used at long distances from the watercourse.

Renewable resources may also include goods commodities such as wood, paper and
leather. Gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel and other commodities that come from fossil
fuels are non-renewable. Some commodities, like plastics and diesel, are mostly made
from fossil fuel but ways have been developed for biodegradable plastic and biodiesel
made from renewable resources such as corn, soybeans and canola.

A non-renewable resource is a natural resource which cannot be produced, re-grown,

regenerated, or reused on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate. These resources
often exist in a fixed amount, or are consumed much faster than nature can recreate them.
Fossil fuel (such as coal, petroleum and natural gas) and nuclear power are examples. In
contrast, resources such as timber (when harvested sustainably) or metals (which can be
recycled) are considered renewable resources [1].

Fossil fuel
Natural resources such as coal, petroleum, oil and natural gas take thousands of years to
form naturally and cannot be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Eventually
natural resources will become too costly to harvest and humanity will need to find other
sources of energy. At present, the main energy sources used by humans are non-
renewable as they are cheap to produce natural resources, called renewable resources, are
replaced by natural processes given a reasonable amount of time. Soil, water, forests,
plants, and animals are all renewable resources as long as they are properly conserved.
Solar, wind, wave, and geothermal energies are based on renewable resources.
Renewable resources such as the movement of water (hydropower, including tidal power;
ocean surface waves used for wave power), wind (used for wind power), geothermal heat
(used for geothermal power); and radiant energy (used for solar power) are practically
infinite and cannot be depleted, unlike their non-renewable counterparts, which are likely
to run out if not used wisely. Still, these technologies are not fully utilized.[2]

Energy conservation is achieved through efficient energy use, in which case energy use
is decreased while achieving a similar outcome, or by reduced consumption of energy
services. Energy conservation may result in increase of financial capital, environmental
value, national security, personal security, and human comfort. Individuals and
organizations that are direct consumers of energy may want to conserve energy in order
to reduce energy costs and promote economic security. Industrial and commercial users
may want to increase efficiency and thus maximize profit.

Electrical energy conservation is an important element of energy policy. Energy

conservation reduces the energy consumption and energy demand per capita and thus
offsets some of the growth in energy supply needed to keep up with population growth.
This reduces the rise in energy costs, and can reduce the need for new power plants, and
energy imports. The reduced energy demand can provide more flexibility in choosing the
most preferred methods of energy production.

Is a Worldwide Phenomenon, which is a basic application towards the concept of
Green Technology. It shows and encourages people to reuse items that can be
reusable. Items like saving Cans of food or drinks, Paper etc have been
encouraged by the governing bodies around America and rest of the world, to be
recycled so that it can be used in the future for several other purposes. It can thus
help protect the environment and cause less waste/pollution.[2]
Water Purification
The whole idea of having dirt/germ/pollution free water flowing throughout the
environment. Many other phenomenons’ lead from this concept of Purification of
water. Water Pollution is the main enemy of this concept, and various campaigns
and activists have been organized around the world to help purify Water.
Considering the amount of water usage that is under current consumptions, this
Concept is of utter Importance.[3]
Sewage Treatment
Sewage Treatment is a concept that is really close to Water Purification. Sewage
Treatments are very important as it purifies water in levels of its pollution. The
more the water is polluted, it’s not used for anything, the least polluted water is
supplied to places where Water is used affluently. It may lead to various other
concepts of environmental protection, sustainability etc.[4]
Environmental remediation
Environmental remediation is the removal of pollutants or contaminants for the
general protection of the environment. This is accomplished by various chemical,
biological, and bulk movement methods, in conjunction with environmental
monitoring. (encyclopedia of medical concepts)[5]
Solid Waste Management
The purification, Consumption, Reuse, Disposal and Treatment of solid waste that
is looked after by the government or the ruling bodies of a city/town and its
proper care is basically known as Solid Waste management.[6]
Renewable Energy
Energy that can be replenished easily is the easiest way to explain renewable
energy. For years we have been using sources like wood, sun, water etc for means
for producing energy. Energy that can be produced by natural objects like wood,
sun, wind etc is considered to be renewable. (Nrel)[7]

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