13 Network Layer

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Network Layer

School of Computer Applications

Lovely Professional University
Network Layer
 The network layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of
a packet, possibly across multiple networks (links).
 Whereas the data link layer oversees the delivery of the packet between
two systems on the same network (links), the network layer ensures that
each packet gets from its point of origin to its final destination.
 The network layer is responsible for the delivery of individual
packets from the source to the destination host.
 The network layer adds a header that includes the logical addresses of
the sender and receiver to the packet corning from the upper layer. If a
packet travels through the Internet, we need this addressing system to help
distinguish the source and destination.
 When independent networks or links are connected together to create an
internetwork, routers or switches route packets to their final destination.
One of the functions of the network layer is to provide a routing
Functions of Network Layer
Network layer is majorly focused on getting packets from the source to the
destination, routing error handling and congestion control. Before learning
about design issues in the network layer, let’s learn about it’s various
 Logical Addressing: Maintains the address at the frame header of both
source and destination and performs addressing to detect various devices
in network.
 Packetizing: This is performed by Internet Protocol. The network layer
converts the packets from its upper layer.
 Routing: It is the most important functionality. The network layer
chooses the most relevant and best path for the data transmission from
source to destination.
 Inter-networking: It works to deliver a logical connection across
multiple devices.
Network Layer Design Issues
The network layer comes with some design issues they are described as
1. Store and Forward packet switching: The host sends the packet
to the nearest router. This packet is stored there until it has fully arrived
once the link is fully processed by verifying the checksum then it is
forwarded to the next router till it reaches the destination. This
mechanism is called “Store and Forward packet switching.”
2. Services provided to Transport Layer: Through the
network/transport layer interface, the network layer transfers it’s
services to the transport layer. Based on the connections there are 2
types of services provided:
 Connectionless – The routing and insertion of packets into subnet is done
individually. No added setup is required.
 Connection-Oriented – Subnet must offer reliable service and all the packets must
be transmitted over a single route.
3. Implementation of Connectionless Service: Packet are termed
as “datagrams” and corresponding subnet as “datagram subnets”. When
the message size that has to be transmitted is 4 times the size of the
packet, then the network layer divides into 4 packets and transmits
each packet to router via. a few protocol. Each data packet has
destination address and is routed independently irrespective of the
4. Implementation of Connection Oriented service: To use a
connection-oriented service, first we establishes a connection, use it
and then release it. In connection-oriented services, the data packets
are delivered to the receiver in the same order in which they have been
sent by the sender. It can be done in either two ways :
 Circuit Switched Connection: A dedicated physical path or a circuit is established
between the communicating nodes and then data stream is transferred.
 Virtual Circuit Switched Connection: The data stream is transferred over a
packet switched network, in such a way that it seems to the user that there is a
dedicated path from the sender to the receiver. A virtual path is established here.
While, other connections may also be using the same path.
 Adopted in 1970 for long distance communication.
 In packet switching message is broken up into packets of fixed or variable
 Each of the packets contain header with the information of sender,
receiver and other control information.
 No resources are dedicatedly allocated before the transfer of packets.
Resources are allocated on demand on first come first server bases.
 These networks are also called as store and forward networks as at each
node stores the packet briefly and route it according to the information
stores in header.
Advantages of Packet Switching
 Line efficiency increases as node to node link can be shared by many
packets over time.
 As the routing is done on packet basis, intermediate nodes do not have
to wait for the entire message, hence transmission is fast.
 Buffer requirement at the nodes is small as packets are small.
 More effective for real time bursty data.
 Packets are accepted even when network is busy.
 Priorities can be used.
 Switching nodes can route the packets as and when required.
Disadvantages of Packet Switching
 Packets may be lost while routing.
 Sequence number increases the overhead.
 Header information is repeated for all the packets.
Approaches in Packet Switching
There are two different approaches in packet switching:
 Datagram packet switching
In this approach, message is divided into stream of packets of
fixed or variable size. Each packet is separately addressed
(contains header with sender and receiver address)
 Virtual Circuit Packet Switching
A virtual-circuit network is a cross between a circuit-switched
network and a datagram network.
 In a datagram network, each packet is treated independently of all
 Even if a packet is part of a multipacket transmission, the network
treats it as though it existed alone.
 Packets in this approach are referred to as datagrams.
 Datagram switching is normally done at the network layer.
 The datagram networks are sometimes referred to as connectionless
networks. The term connectionless here means that the switch (packet
switch) does not keep information about the connection state.
 There are no setup or teardown phases. Each packet is treated the
same by a switch regardless of its source or destination.
Figure show how a datagram approach is used to deliver four packets from
station A to station D. All the four packets belong to same message but
they may travel via different paths to reach the destination i.e. station D.

Switching in the Internet is done by using the datagram approach to

packet switching at the network layer.
A virtual-circuit network is a cross between a circuit-switched network
and a datagram network. It has some characteristics of both.
 As in a circuit-switched network, there are setup and teardown phases in
addition to the data transfer phase.
 Resources can be allocated during the setup phase, as in a circuit-
switched network, or on demand, as in a datagram network.
 As in a datagram network, data are packetized and each packet carries an
address in the header.
 As in a circuit-switched network, all packets follow the same path
established during the connection.
 A virtual-circuit network is normally implemented in the data link layer,
while a circuit-switched network is implemented in the physical layer
and a datagram network in the network layer.
 Before the data transfer begins, the source and destination identify
a suitable path for the virtual circuit.
 All intermediate nodes between the two points put an entry of the
routing in their routing table for the call.
 Additional parameters, such as the maximum packet size, are also
exchanged between the source and the destination during call
 The virtual circuit is cleared after the data transfer is completed.
Advantages of virtual circuit switching
 Packets are delivered in order, since they all take the same route;
 The overhead in the packets is smaller, since there is no need for each
packet to contain the full address;
 The connection is more reliable, network resources are allocated at call
setup so that even during times of congestion, provided that a call has been
setup, the subsequent packets should get through;
 Billing is easier, since billing records need only be generated per call and
not per packet.
Disadvantages of a virtual circuit switched network
 The switching equipment needs to be more powerful, since each switch
needs to store details of all the calls that are passing through it and to
allocate capacity for any traffic that each call could generate;
 Resilience to the loss of a trunk is more difficult, since if there is a failure
all the calls must be dynamically reestablished over a different route.
Difference b/w Datagram & Virtual Circuit Approach
Datagram Switching Virtual Circuit
It is connection less service. There is no need Virtual circuits are connection-oriented,
for reservation of resources as there is no which means that there is a reservation of
dedicated path for a connection session. resources like buffers, bandwidth, etc. for the
time during which the new setup VC is going
to be used by a data transfer session.
All packets are free to use any available path. The first sent packet reserves resources at
As a result, intermediate routers calculate each server along the path. Subsequent
routes on the go due to dynamically changing packets will follow the same path as the first
routing tables on routers. sent packet for the connection time.
Data packets reach the destination in random Packets reach in order to the destination as
order, which means they need not reach in data follows the same path.
the order in which they were sent out.
Every packet is free to choose any path, and All the packets follow the same path and
hence all the packets must be associated with hence a global header is required only for the
a header containing information about the first packet of connection and other packets
source and the upper layer data. will not require it.
Datagram Switching Virtual Circuit
Datagram networks are not as reliable as Virtual Circuits are highly reliable.
Virtual Circuits.

Efficiency high, delay more Efficiency low and delay less

But it is always easy and cost-efficient to Implementation of virtual circuits is costly as

implement datagram networks as there is no each time a new connection has to be set up
need of reserving resources and making a with reservation of resources and extra
dedicated path each time an application has information handling at routers.
to communicate.
A Datagram based network is a true packet A virtual circuit network uses a fixed path
switched network. There is no fixed path for for a particular session, after which it breaks
transmitting data. the connection and another path has to be
set up for the next session.
Widely used in Internet Used in X.25, ATM(Asynchronous Transfer

 Routing is the act of moving information

across an inter-network from a source to a
 It’s also referred to as the process of choosing
a path over which to send the packets.
Routing Protocols

Static Routing Dynamic Routing

Interior Gateway Exterior Gateway

Protocols (IGPs) Protocols (EGPs)
Static Routing Protocols
Dynamic Routing Protocols
Distance Vector Routing Protocols
Distance vector means that routes are advertised by providing
two characteristics:
 Distance: Identifies how far it is to the destination network
and is based on a metric such as the hop count, cost,
bandwidth, delay, and more
 Vector: Specifies the direction of the next-hop router or
exit interface to reach the destination
Distance Vector Routing or Bellman Ford
Algorithm is a type of algorithm used by routing protocols to
learn routes on an interconnected network. Routing protocols
that use distance-vector routing protocols include:
1. Routing Information Protocol RIP.
2. Cisco's Internet Gateway Routing Protocol IGRP.
3. Apple's Routing Table Maintenance Protocol RTMP.
 In distance vector routing when a router is booted it
maintains a routing table advertising vector of distance and
direction. Direction is represented by next hop address,
whereas Distance uses metrics such as hop count.
 After every fixed period of time router exchanges its routing
table with its neighbouring router and we get a new merged
When Routers are booted Routers gathers information from attached
networks and maintains following routing tables:
After a fixed period of time routing tables of the neighbouring tables
are shared:
 Router A swaps its information with Router B , Router C and Router D.
 Router B swaps its information with Router A and Router C
 Router C swaps its information with Router A, Router B and Router E
 Router D swaps its information with Router A
 Router E swaps its information with Router C
After a fixed period of time updated routing tables of the
neighbouring tables are shared:
 Router A swaps its information with Router B , Router C and Router D.
 Router B swaps its information with Router A and Router C
 Router C swaps its information with Router A, Router B and Router E
 Router D swaps its information with Router A
 Router E swaps its information with Router C

 Note: See example of Bellman Ford Algorithm.

Link-State Routing Protocols
 Router configured with a link-state routing protocol can
create a complete view or topology of the network.
 This is done by gathering information from all of the other
 Link-state update is only sent when there is a change in the
Link-state protocols work best in situations where:
 The network design is hierarchical, usually occurring
in large networks.
 Fast convergence of the network is crucial.
 The administrators have good knowledge of the
implemented link-state routing protocol

There are two link-state IPv4 IGPs:

 OSPF: Popular standards-based routing protocol
 IS-IS: Popular in provider networks
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is another Interior Gateway
Protocol. OSPF was created because the Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) was increasingly incapable of serving large inter-
 OSPF is based on the Shortest Path First algorithm, which is also
referred to as the Dijkstra’s algorithm.
 OSPF is a link-state routing protocol as it sends state of all other
 This protocol is open, which means anyone can implement it
without paying license fees.
 It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routed protocols.
 There are certain disadvantages of OSPF also, it requires extra CPU
process to run SPF algorithm, it requires more RAM and is more
complex to setup and hard to troubleshoot.
Link State of can be measured using following metrics:
 Measuring link utilization
 Number of hops (hop count)-Path length is the most common routing
metric. Some routing protocols allow network administrators to assign
arbitrary costs to each network link. In this case, path length is the sum
of the costs associated with each link traversed. Other routing
protocols define hop count, a metric that specifies the number of
passes through internetworking products, such as routers, that a
packet must take a route from a source to a destination.
 Speed of the path
 Packet loss (router congestion/conditions)
 Latency (delay)-Routing delay refers to the length of time required to
move a packet from source to destination through the internetwork.
Delay depends on many factors, including the bandwidth of
intermediate network links, the port queues at each router along the
way, network congestion on all intermediate network links, and the
physical distance to be travelled. Because delay is a conglomeration of
several important variables, it is a common and useful metric.
Path reliability-Reliability, in the context of routing algorithms, refers to
the dependability (usually described in terms of the bit-error rate) of
each network link. Some network links might go down more often
than others. After a network fails, certain network links might be
repaired more easily or more quickly than other links. Any reliability
factors can be taken into account in the assignment of the reliability
ratings, which are arbitrary numeric values usually assigned to
network links by network administrators.

Path bandwidth-Bandwidth refers to the available traffic capacity of a

link. All other things being equal, a 10-Mbps Ethernet link would be
preferable to a 64-kbps leased line. Although bandwidth is a rating
of the maximum attainable throughput on a link, routes through
links with greater bandwidth do not necessarily provide better
routes than routes through slower links. For example, if a faster link
is busier, the actual time required to send a packet to the
destination could be greater.
Load on link-Load refers to the degree to which a network resource, such
as a router, is busy. Load can be calculated in a variety of ways,
including CPU utilization and packets processed per second.
Monitoring these parameters on a continual basis can be resource-
intensive itself.

Communication cost is another important metric, especially because

some companies may not care about performance as much as they
care about operating expenditures. Although line delay may be longer,
they will send packets over their own lines rather than through the
public lines that cost money for usage time.

MTU maximum transmission unit

Perform the Bellman Algorithm
for the following graph:

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