Optimization of Transient Response Radiation of Printed Ultra Wideband Dipole Antennas (Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method)

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2, JUNE 2007 9

Optimization of Transient Response Radiation

of Printed Ultra Wideband Dipole Antennas
(Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method)

Dept. of Electromagnetic Field, Czech Technical University, Technická 2, 166 27 Praha, Czech Republic

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. In case of particular ultra wideband applica- European Telecommunications Standards Institute
tions (i.e. radar, positioning, etc.), it is crucial to know the (ETSI) and US Federal Communications Commission
transient responses of antennas. In the first part of the (FCC) defined the frequency mask, which determines the
paper, the optimization process searches for the dipole maximal radiated power of the ultra wideband signal. This
shape that accomplishes two required parameters i.e. a mask indicates the frequency band ranging from 3.1 to
good matching and a minimal distortion. The particle 10.6 GHz within which the ultra wideband signal is
swarm optimization method was used in the process of the transmitted with a maximum power. For the ultra wideband
dipole shape optimization. As a result, the optimized ultra signals, the first derivative (or higher) of the Gaussian
wideband dipole is perfectly matched. Moreover, it mini- impulse is mostly used.
mally distorts the applied signal. The second part of the
paper discusses the influence of the feeding circuit on
radiating parameters and on the dipole antenna matching. 1.2 UWB Antennas and Parameters
The ultra wideband antennas with a flat amplitude
and a linear phase of the transmission coefficient radiate
Keywords the applied impulse without any distortion. These antennas
are predominantly directional and could be used as meas-
Ultra wideband antennas, UWB, particle swarm urement antennas. To give an example of such type of
optimization, PSO, transient response radiation, antenna, we can mention the Vivaldi antenna, whose fi-
dipole feeding. delity of radiated and applied impulse is very high (0.969,
see [2]). However, the key advantage of the planar dipoles
is represented by the fact that they have omni-directional
1. Introduction radiation patterns, substantially smaller dimensions and
turn out to be more suitable for any communication de-
The ultra wideband (UWB) radio represents an vices, radars, positioning devices, etc. Moreover, the dipole
emerging technology that attracts attention of both, indus- antennas derivate the applied signal at the antenna port, [3],
try and academia. An antenna represents the indispensable [4]. Basic shapes of wideband dipoles, such as elliptical,
component of every radio system. Consequently, in this diamond and thick, are discussed in [3], [4], [5].
paper, the antenna is studied from the pulse radiation point
of view. Firstly, the required ultra wideband antenna In this paper, the optimization process searches for
should be perfectly matched to the feeding line. Secondly, the dipole shape, which meets the required parameters, i.e.
it could serve as a Gaussian impulse-shaping filter and, at a good matching and a minimal distortion of radiated
the same time, radiate impulses similar to the higher orders impulses.
of the Gaussian impulses.

1.1 Ultra Wideband Technology 2. Dipole Shape Optimization

Procedure Using PSO
The ultra wideband technology is defined as any radio
technology using signals that have a spectrum occupying a The implementation of the optimization procedures
bandwidth either greater than 20 % of the centre frequency contains the optimization function, the evaluating function,
or a bandwidth greater than 500 MHz, see [1]. This the start conditions, the object of optimization and its para-
represents the main difference from the narrow band meterization. The entire optimization process is imple-
technologies whose bandwidth typically does not exceed mented in MATLAB® except for the part of the evaluation
10 % of the centre frequency. function, which solves the simulated structure in the full-

wave electromagnetic field simulator CST Microwave results obtained by CST®), [4]. The part of the fitting func-
Studio®. tion that describes the distortion is evaluated as fidelity
from the derivative of the excitation impulse with the radi-
The discretization of the dipole structure is carried out
ated impulse. The excitation impulse is the second deriva-
by the following parameters: the dipole element length by
tive of the Gaussian impulse, see Fig. 2. The part of the
L, the shape by w0–w20 and the dipole parts gap by s, see
fitting function of the matching is evaluated as an average
Fig. 1.
of numbers (at each frequency) between zero (for the re-
flection better then the required limit) and one (for the total
reflection) within the required frequency band.
w20 1








w0 -0.4
w2 -0.6

Fig. 1. Optimized dipole dimensions. -0.8 excitation

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
t [ns]
2.1 Particle Swarm Optimization Method
Fig. 2. Excitation impulse (solid, left) and impulse used in
The particle swarm optimization (PSO) represents a computing of fidelity (dashed, right).
robust stochastic evolutionary optimization method bene-
fiting from the movement and intelligence of swarms, [6].
To clarify the philosophy of the technique, it is possible to 2.2 Results of Dipole Shape Optimization
give the following example: there is a swarm of bees in a Using PSO Method
field, where the bees are searching for a location with the
The optimization process was carried out by means of
highest density of flowers. The bees have no priori infor-
the particle swarm optimization method. The result shape is
mation about the field. Consequently, when looking for
shown in Fig. 3a. This serrated shape was manually
flowers, they start in random locations with random ve-
smoothed, see Fig. 3b.
locities. Every bee is capable of remembering the locations
where it found the highest number of flowers. The swarm
is also capable of remembering the location where the
whole swarm found the highest density of flowers.
The swarm is initialized with 42 particles (bees) with
the random positions xn and the random velocities vn in the
solution space. After solving the evaluating function, the
best positions of the whole swarm and of each particle are
updated. Subsequently, the velocities and positions are
updated using the equations Eq. (1) and Eq. (2). The opti-
mization process is repeated except for the swarm initiali- Fig. 3. Optimized dipole shapes, a) the original shape using
zation PSO, b) the smoothed shape.

vn+1 = w * vn + c1 * rand () * ( pbest ,n − xn ) The values of the fitting functions are compared for
+ cc * rand () * ( g best − xn ), the serrated (original) and the smoothed dipole shapes in
Tab. 1. The simulations of these dipoles are performed
xn+1 = xn + Δt * vn . (2) with the 100 Ω non-physical feeding differential port. The
reflection coefficients for both dipole shapes are depicted
The evaluating of the fitting function consists of the in Fig. 3. The radiated impulses to the normal direction are
updating of discretization parameters of the dipole struc- shown in Fig. 4 for both dipole shapes. Fig. 5 shows the
ture, solving the transient analysis of the dipole structure in radiated impulses that go with the original as well as the
CST® and solving the fitting function (with the help of the dipole shapes smoothed to the side direction.

0 seen from the comparison of the charts in Fig. 4 – 6. The

original shape
smoothed shape matching coefficients are above -10 dB limit when the
frequency is lower than 3.65 GHz. The matching is on the
-4 level of -6.1 dB on the frequency equal to 3.1 GHz. The
radiated impulses are very similar to the third derivative of
the Gaussian impulse and the distortion of these impulses
S11 [dB]

-8 is exactly expressed in the following table.

-10 Fitting function original shape smoothed shape

Matching 0.9854 0.9850
Fidelity – side
0.9457 0.9381

Fidelity – normal
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.9624 0.9666
f [GHz]

Tab. 1. Summarization of the results obtained by PSO method.

Fig. 4. Comparison of the reflection coefficient of the original
dipole (dashed line) and the smoothed dipole (solid line).

original shape
3. Dipoles with Real Feeding Circuits
smoothed shape
The feeding circuit represents an indispensable part of
all antennas and determines significantly antenna parame-
ters. The differential feeding port used for the excitation of
optimized dipoles in the previous chapter is a non-physical
port and was used only for the simplification of the opti-
s(t) [V/m]

mized structure and acceleration of the optimization
process. On the other hand, it is necessary to feed the opti-
mized structures by a circuit that would be more suitable
and more satisfactory from the physical point of view. Two
-20 very different feeding circuits were used for the dipoles
feeding. These methods were designed to be used in
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
printed structures.
t [ns]

Fig. 5. Comparison of the radiated impulse to the side direction

of the original dipole (dashed line) and the smoothed
dipole (solid line).

original shape
smoothed shape


Fig. 7. Resulting structures with feeding circuits, a) dipole with

s(t) [V/m]

0 balun transformer, b) monopole with planar ground

-10 In general, the dipoles have zero radiation in the di-
rection of the dipole axis. Thus, the most suitable way to
-20 feed the dipole is to guide the feeding signal in the dipole
axis. For the feeding of the optimized dipole structure, the
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
50 Ω microstrip line was used. In the first case, a feeding
t [ns] planar balun transformer progressively transforms from the
impedance 50 Ω of the microstrip line to impedance 100 Ω
Fig. 6. Comparison of the radiated impulse to the normal of the parallel-plate line. This parallel plate line is directly
direction of the original dipole (dashed line) and the
smoothed dipole (solid line). connected to the feeding gap between the dipole parts. This
solution avoids coupling between the radiation near-field
The obtained results are very similar and the differ- around the dipole and between the feeding circuits. Com-
ence between overall fitting functions equals approxi- monly used feeding balun also reduces the dipole reflec-
mately to 0.13 %. This very insignificant difference can be tions and transforms the asymmetrical feeding line into the

symmetrical line. The resulting dipole structure together 30

with the feeding balun transformer is depicted in Fig. 7a. A planar dipole
planar monopole
similar solution can be found in [5]. 20

The second solution is based on feeding of the mono-

pole directly by the 50Ω microstrip feeding line. The 10
monopole element and the planar ground plane are situated

s(t) [V/m]
on the same microwave substrate, but on opposite sides. 0
The monopole ground plane is simultaneously the ground
plane of the microstrip line. The gap between the monopole -10
element and the ground plane is half as big as the dipole
elements gap. The advantage of this solution is simplicity -20
of the realization. But on the other hand, the reflection
coefficient of this solution is very sensitive to the antenna -30
mounting or holding. The different holding of the mono- 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
t [ns]
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

pole antenna by the hand can make difference more than

5dB. The resulting monopole structure with planar ground Fig. 8. Comparison of the radiated impulse to the side direction
plane is depicted in Fig. 7b. A similar solution can be of the dipole structure with the balun transformer (dashed
found in [7]. line) together with the monopole with the planar ground
plane (solid line).

3.1 Performances of Dipoles with Feeding 30

Circuits – Simulation planar dipole
planar monopole

The feeding parts of the dipole and monopole were 20

tuned step-by-step in order to minimize the reflection coef-

ficient in the required frequency band. The values of the 10

fitting functions are compared for the dipole and the

s(t) [V/m]

monopole structures in Tab. 2. The simulations of these 0

dipoles are performed with the excitation by the waveguide
port with the impedance equal to 50 Ω. The radiated im- -10
pulses to the side direction are shown in Fig. 8 for both
structures. The radiated impulses to the normal direction -20
are shown in Fig. 9. The reflection coefficient for the di-
pole structures with the balun transformer is shown in Fig. -30
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
10. The reflection coefficient for monopole structures with t [ns]
the planar ground plane is depicted in Fig. 11.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the radiated impulse to the normal
Fitting function dipole shape monopole shape direction of the dipole structure with the balun
transformer (dashed line) together with the monopole
Matching 0.8802 0.8113
with the planar ground plane (solid line).
Fidelity – side
0.9435 0.9210
Fidelity – normal measured
0.9628 0.9680
radiation up simulated

Tab. 2. Summary of the obtained results of dipole or monopole

antennas with feeding circuits.
The reflection coefficient of antennas for mobile de-
S11 [dB]

vices is acceptable at the level of -6 dB. Antennas with -8

perfect matching are more sensitive to the reflections on
the touching by hand or by head. Reflections of the tuned -10

dipole and monopole are better then the level of -7 dB. It is -12
obvious that the mismatching at the level of -7 dB has an
insignificant influence on the fidelity of the radiated im- -14

pulses, in comparison to the previously optimized dipoles.

The amplitudes of radiated impulses are lower in compari- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
f [GHz]
son to the previously optimized dipoles. The difference
approximately amounts to 16 %. The time shift between Fig. 10. Comparison of the reflection coefficient of the dipole
impulses is caused by the different length of the feeding with the balun transformer simulation (solid line)
structures. together with the dipole measurement (dashed line).

3.2 Performances of Dipoles with Feeding
Circuits – Measurement
-4 The previously presented and tuned dipole with the
balun transformer and the monopole with the planar
-6 ground plane antennas were manufactured and measured.
S11 [dB]

In the Fig. 15 the manufactured antennas are presented.
The comparison between the simulated and measured re-
-10 flection coefficient in case of the dipole antenna is depicted
in Fig. 10, while the one in case of the monopole antenna is
shown in Fig. 11.
The differences between the measurement and simu-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
lation for the dipole and monopole antennas are significant.
f [GHz] There are several factors that made rise to aforementioned
disconformities. The key ones follow - the connector body,
Fig. 11. Comparison of the reflection coefficient of the monopole the discontinuities of the feeding connector as well as the
with planar ground plane simulation (solid line) together
with the monopole measurement (dashed line).
feeding cable were not included in the antenna simulation.


-15 1000


-30 0
S21 [dB]



-45 -1000

-60 0 0.5 1 1.5
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
t [ns]
f [GHz]

Fig. 12. Measurement of the transmission coefficient between the Fig. 14. Computed impulse transmission response between the
dipole with the balun transformer and the monopole with dipole and monopole in case of planar monopole
the planar ground plane – amplitude response. excitation carried out by the second derivative of
Gaussian impulse.

500 Reflections are worse than the level of -7 dB, mainly

at lower frequencies and around 11 GHz for the dipole
0 antenna, respectively around 7 GHz for the monopole an-
tenna. The amplitude response of the transmission coeffi-
-500 cient between the dipole and the monopole antenna is de-
picted in Fig. 12. The amplitude response is flat in the
range of ±3 dB. The phase response of the transmission
S21 [°]

coefficient between the dipole and the monopole antenna is
presented in Fig. 13. The phase response is flat and linear
in the UWB frequency range with insignificant deviations.
Furthermore, the computed impulse transmission response
between the dipole and monopole antenna can be seen in
Fig. 14. This impulse transmission response is obtained by
2 4 6 8
f [GHz]
10 12 14 16 the inverse Fourier transformation of the measured trans-
mission coefficient to an impulse response. Moreover, the
Fig. 13. Measurement of the transmission coefficient between the computed impulse transmission response, with the help of
dipole with the balun transformer and the monopole with impulse response, is solved as the convolution with the
the planar ground plane – phase response. excitation impulse (the second derivative of the Gaussian

impulse). The fidelity of the computed impulse transmis- University in Prague in the frame of the research project of
sion with the excitation impulse equals to 0.8587. The the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
ringing around the main parts of the impulse transmission Republic No. LC06071 Centre of quasi-optical systems
is caused mainly by the non-ideal flatness of the transmis- and terahertz spectroscopy. The measurement was sup-
sion coefficient amplitude response. But the main part of ported by the project Research in the Area of the Prospec-
the impulse has substantially larger amplitude than the tive Information and Navigation Technologies MSM
ringing, approximately ten times. On the other hand, the 6840770014.
impulse transmission response has not the same transient
response as the radiated impulse that has been discussed in
the previous parts of the paper. References
[1] Federal Communications Commission, First Order and Report,
Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding UWB
Transmission Systems, FCC 02-48, April 22, 2002.
[2] PIKSA, P., SOKOL, V. Small Vivaldi antenna for UWB. In
Proceedings of the Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2005. Brno
(Czech Republic), 2005, p. 490-493.
[3] ČERNÝ, P., MAZÁNEK, M. Optimized ultra wideband dipole
antenna. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of
Applied Electromagnetics and Communications. Dubrovnik
(Croatia), 2005.
T. Transient response optimization of ultra wideband antennas (using
particle swarm optimization). In Proceedings of the European
Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Nice (France), 2006, p.
Fig. 15. Photography of realized dipole and monopole antennas. 168.
[5] SCHANTZ, H. G. Bottom fed planar elliptical UWB antennas. In
Proceedings of the Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies.
4. Conclusion Reston (USA), 2003, p. 219-223.

The optimization using PSO method of the planar [6] ROBINSON, J., RAHMAT-SAMII, Y. Particle swarm optimization
ultra wideband dipole shapes has been performed and its in electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, 2004, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 397-407.
results have been presented and compared with the results
obtained by the analysis of the dipole shape, whose shape [7] KI-HAK KIM, YOUNG-JUN CHO, SOON-HO HWANG. Design of
a Band-rejected UWB planar monopole antenna with two parasitic
was smoothed from the optimized shape. The optimized
patches. In Proceedings of the Conference ISAP2005. Seoul (Korea),
and smoothed dipole shapes offer very good performance, 2005, p. 957-960.
see Tab. 1.
The smoothed dipole shape was used as the radiating
element for the dipole or monopole antennas expanded About Authors...
about the feeding circuits. In order to design the dipole
antenna, the balun transformer was used. In case of the Petr ČERNÝ (*1976) received his M.Sc. degree from the
monopole antenna, the direct microstrip feeding line and Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) in 2001. Now
the planar ground plane for the monopole were used. he is working on his Ph.D. thesis that is focused on the
radio electronics. His research interest is in ultra wideband
These two antenna structures were analyzed, tuned
antennas and technology, measurement system and high-
and manufactured. The antennas are suitable for radiating
resolution terahertz spectroscopy. He is a member of IEEE.
and transmitting of the ultra wideband impulses, see results
in Tab 2. The results of measurements confirm the very Miloš MAZÁNEK (*1950) received his M.Sc and Ph.D.
good impulse radiation performances of these antennas. degrees from the CTU in 1974, and 1980 respectively. He
has been a head of the Dept. of Electromagnetic Field
(CTU) since 1997. He is a senior member of IEEE, the
Acknowledgements head of the Radioengineering Society and Radioengineer-
ing journal executive editor. His research interests are in
The research is a part of the activities of the Depart- the field of antennas, EMC, microwave radiometry and
ment of Electromagnetic Field of the Czech Technical propagation.

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