Syntonics FSS-Antenna AMTA2005

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Eugene Lee
The ElectroScience Laboratory, The Ohio State University, 1320 Kinnear Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43220

This paper describes the design and testing of a feed
network for a transparent flat plate array antenna. This
antenna is the top of a stack of three antennas that must
occupy the same volume while pointing in different
directions. At many pointing angles, the antenna will
create blockage for the antennas underneath. In order to
minimize the blockage, the array and its transmission
lines must be as transparent as possible to the antennas

The flat plate array consists of active elements over a

frequency selective surface (FSS) ground plane that is
transparent at the frequencies of the antennas below. The
Figure 1 - Concept Drawing of Nested Antennas [1]
feed lines must also be transparent to the antennas below.
This is achieved by minimizing the total area occupied We will show the details of the design of the network as
by the feed lines. Rather than the traditional corporate well as a set of measurements and simulations that
feed network, a series feed network was designed. Such a demonstrate performance.
network requires that each individual feed point must be
fed with a coupler where the coupling coefficient is 2.0 Feed Network
adjusted to distribute the same power to each array The feed network (shown in Figure 2) is a star shaped
element. series transmission line structure designed to reduce the
blockage presented to the underlying antennas. The
We will show the details of the design of the network as transmission line is located in a layer behind a FSS
well as a set of measurements that show the performance. ground plane and the active elements. This transmission
line utilizes four quarter panels that can be fed with a 4
Keywords: Antenna Measurements, Design Errors, way power divider or can be used for monopulse tracking.
Arrays, FSS, transmission lines, coupler,

1.0 Introduction
For a new type of communications antenna system, 3
antennas must occupy the same volume while pointing in
different directions [1]. At many pointing angles, the
antennas above will create blockage for the antennas
underneath, as seen in Figure 1. In order to minimize the
blockage, the array and its transmission lines must be as
transparent as possible to the antennas underneath.
Each antenna is a flat plate array that consists of active
circular polarized elements over a frequency selective
surface (FSS) ground plane that is transparent at the
frequencies of the antennas below. The traditional
corporate feed is a common feed network for antenna Figure 2 - Feed Network, full
arrays. However a corporate feed network occupies a large Each quarter panel consists of a main line (ML in Figure
surface area with its feed lines. A new type of series feed 3) and 6 branch lines (BL1, BL2, BL3, BL4, BL5 BL6
network was developed which minimizes the total area in Figure 3) of multiple lengths. The main and branch
occupied by the feed lines. lines both consist of a number of couplers connected in
series with the coupled port of the coupler going to an
output and the through output being connected to the 3 -6.02 -1.25 -7.78 -6.99 -6.02 n/a
input of the succeeding coupler. Each output of the main
line is connected to a single branch line. Each branch line 4 -4.77 -1.76 -7.78 -6.99 -6.02 -4.77
output is connected to a radiating element via a vertical 5 -3.01 -3.01 -7.78 -6.99 -6.02 -4.77
microstrip transmission line.
6 0 -Inf -7.78 -6.99 -6.02 -4.77
The main line output OMLm is connected to BLm and can
BL1 be calculated from the individual coupling and through
outputs as below. Likewise, the branch line BLm output
OBLn is connected to the feed point output Fmn.
F 24 m −1
OMLm = C MLm + ∑ TMLm
OBL4 1
OML2 n −1
OBLn = C BLn + ∑ TBLn

Fmn = OMLm + OBLn

Figure 3 - Feed Network, quarter panel
Units for the above equations are in dB. Using the above
This type of network requires a coupler where the equations yields a result of -14.77 dB for each feed point
coupling coefficient can be adjusted to distribute the same output Fmn
power to each array element. The power division must be
carefully calculated in order to ensure equal power is The transmission lines are printed on both sides on a
delivered to the individual elements (see Table 1 and layer of low loss substrate to reduce blockage (see Figure
Table 2). 4). Each side is identical. It is a simple exercise to use
image theory to demonstrate that this is similar to the
Table 1 - Main Trunk, Coupling traditional method of printing microstrips over a ground
plane [2]. This method provides a balanced transmission
Connected Fed Coupling Through Output line to feed the radiating elements, eliminates a ground
Branch Elements/ C MLm (dB) TMLm OMLm plane which would degrade transmissivity, and allows us
line BLm Branch (dB) (dB) control the transmission line impedance in order to obtain
a good match between the transmission lines and the
BL1 6 -6.99 -0.97 -6.99 active elements.
BL2 6 -6.02 -1.25 -6.99
BL3 6 -4.77 -1.76 -6.99
BL4 5 -3.80 -2.34 -7.78
BL5 4 -2.43 -3.68 -8.75
BL6 3 0 -Inf -10.00

Figure 4 - Parallel strips

Table 2 - Branch Line, coupling

3.0 Couplers
n Coupling Through Output OBLn for m =
C BLn (dB) TBLn 1,2,3 4 5 6 Multiple types of couplers were considered as the basic
(dB) building block for the feed network. The only restriction
on the type of coupler is being able to achieve the tight
1 -7.78 -0.79 -7.78 n/a n/a n/a coupling requirements. Two-line [3][4] and Lange
2 -6.99 -0.97 -7.78 -6.99 n/a n/a couplers [5] were used in early designs.
The quadrature hybrid coupler (see Figure 7) is an
Coupled Output Isolated
alternative that is typically configured as a 3 dB
directional coupler. We can control the coupling ratio
between the through and coupled output by adjusting the
widths WA and WB [6]. Widths WA and WB are calculated
from impedances Z0A and Z0B (given below) using
S standard microstrip design formulas [3]. P A and P B are
the linear power outputs for the coupled and through
Input Through Output outputs respectively.
Z0 W
 PA  2
 PB 
Z oA = Zo ×  
Figure 5 - Two-line Coupler
 1 + PA 
A two-line coupler (see Figure 5) was the initial coupler  PB 
considered. The coupling ratio for a two-line coupler is
dependent on the separation between the two horizontal PA
lines (S in Figure 5). A prototype was fabricated using 2- Z oB = Z o ×
line couplers, as shown in Figure 6. It utilizes 4 couplers PB
in series in addition to a through port.
The quadrature hybrid coupler was simulated using
Agilent Design Software Momentum which uses a
Method of Moments (MoM) technology to analyze the
circuits. The design formulas yielded results with less
than a 0.25 dB difference from desired coupling values.
An iterative process was used to adjust the coupler
dimensions to better match the ideal coupling. Final
coupler values and simulation results are given in Table 4
Figure 6 - Transmission Line Prototype and Table 5.
Data from the 2-line coupler transmission line is given in
Table 3. Note that the designed values for this Table 4 - Main Line Coupler simulation results
transmission line differs from the values given in Table 2. m Z0A Z0B C BLm TBLm
This was done due to inability of the two line coupler to (Ω) (Ω) (dB) (dB)
achieve extremely tight coupling.
The design requires a separation of 3 mils was in order to 1 44.54 98.06 -7.11 -0.94
achieve the required coupling performance. The 2 43.09 84.91 -6.11 -1.22
minimum spacing specified by most PCB fabrication
facilities is 3 mils. The design also requires a relative 3 40.57 69.42 -4.85 -1.73
dielectric of 10.2 with a thickness of 0.25 inches. The 4 37.91 58.14 -3.85 -2.31
high dielectric and thickness of substrate presents a
5 32.73 43.30 -3.60 -2.50
significant problem for transmissivity.

Table 5 - Branch Line Coupler simulation results

Table 3 - Coupler Measurement Data
n Z0A Z0B C MLn TMLm
Port Designed Measured ∆dB (Ω) (Ω) (dB) (dB)
(dB) (dB)
1 45.52 110.02 -7.80 -0.79
Through -4.01 -5.61 -1.60
2 44.54 98.06 -7.11 -0.94
S21 -8.74 -8.67 0.07
3 43.09 84.91 -6.11 -1.22
S31 -8.73 -8.56 0.17 4 40.57 69.42 -4.85 -1.73
S41 -8.57 -9.12 -0.55 5 35.35 50.00 -3.10 -2.92
S51 -8.40 -8.09 0.31
Using a quadrature hybrid coupler as the basic building elements. In order to achieve equal phase for each
block we can use a substrate with a relative dielectric of radiating element we can compensate by rotating the
2.2 and a thickness of 0.031 inches, a substantial circularly polarized radiating elements. The vertical stub
improvement over the two line coupler substrate. A full between the active elements and the branch coupler output
transmission line structure utilizing quadrature hybrid is a turn in the microstrip transmission line. In order to
coupler is currently being fabricated. accommodate the rotated CP elements, the microstrip
transmission line and the substrate are twisted with
WA Coupled Output respect to the plane of the couplers. The substrate chosen
(Rogers Duroid 5880) retains the deformation without any
λ/4 resistance.
The method of rotating the CP antennas was
demonstrated on a 1x4 array (see Figure 9). The phase of
each element was measured by using a small loop antenna
Input WA Through Output and disconnecting the remaining 3 antennas (see top half
of Figure 10). The phase of the rotated antennas is given
in the bottom half of Figure 10.
Figure 7 - Quadrature Hybrid Coupler
Note that the individual measured phase of unrotated
4. Transmissivity elements ‘a’ and ‘b’ are equal. Observe that in Figure 9,
A 2230 MHz array of active elements looking through the the left two elements are rotated by the same amount.
L band transmission line structure was modeled using a The measured phase of each rotated element is nearly
wire-grid method of moment (MOM) code developed at equal at the design frequency of 1695 MHz (see the
OSU [7][8]. The model is very accurate, however bottom half of Figure 10). For the final layout, each of
simulation runs can take several days (Pentium IV 3.0 the CP elements will be oriented such that the radiated
GHz 1.0 GB RAM) depending on the simulation CP signals are in phase.
The transmission line structure was rotated with respect to
an axis set behind the 2230 MHz active elements. The
2230 MHz array was stationary. The maximum
deviation from the free space boresight gain of the 2230
MHz array was 0.16 dB at ±5o rotation.

Figure 9 - Rotated Elements, from left to right,

elements a, b, c, and d

Figure 8 - Dipole looking through transmission Line


5. Phase distribution
In contrast to a corporate feed system, this transmission
line design results in an unequal distribution of phase to
the feed points due to different distances between the Figure 10 - Phase Measurement Data – unrotated
input and the individual feed point for the radiating antennas (top), rotated antennas (bottom)
This work was supported by Syntonics, LLC and the
7. Summary Space and Naval Warfare Sys. Command. under contract
The design and data is presented for a 12x12 L band N00039-04-C-003.
array. The same concept is utilized for an underlying
14x14 S band array. Full transmission line structures
using the quadrature hybrid coupler for the L and S band
are currently being fabricated. Data on the new
transmission line structures is expected in August 2005.

The three antenna structure is presently under

construction. When completed, it will be possible to
have three antennas operating independently in a single
radome occupying the space normally needed for each of
the three antennas. New data on the performance of the
overall antenna structure will be available in early 2006.
(A provisional patent has been filed.)

[1] E.K. Walton, E. Lee, D. Kohlgraf, R. Pavlovicz, G.
Bruce, B. Montgomery, “Compact Shipboard Antenna
System For Simultaneous Communication With Three
Separate Satellites.” MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2005,
Washington, D.C.
[2] Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bahl, and
Apisak Ittipiboon. Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook,
pages 782:783. Artech House, 2001. 4
[3] David M. Pozar. Microwave Engineering. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., 2nd edition, 1998.
[4] S.D. Shamasundara, K.C. Gupta, and I.J. Bahl.
Apply standard curves to strange substrates. Microwaves,
16:116:118, September 1977.
[5] W.P. Ou. Design equations for an interdigitated
coupler. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques,
MTT-23:p253:255, 1976.
[6] Branchline Couplers – Microwave Encyclopedia – [Online]. [April 28, 2005] Available
from World Wide Web:
[7] L. W. Henderson, “Introduction to PMM, Version
4.0,” The Ohio State Univ., EletroScience Lab.,
Columbus, OH, Tech. Rep. 725 347-1, Contract SC-
SP18-91-0001, Jul. 1993.
[8] E.H. Newman, A User’s Manual for the
Electromagnetic Surface Patch Code: Release Version
ESP5.3, The Ohio State Univ., ElectroScience Lab.,
Columbus, OH, 2004.

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