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Advances in Radiation Oncology (2021) 6, 100739

Scientific Article

Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic

Body Radiation Therapy Dose Prescription Method
Using Uncomplicated Tumor Control Probability
Michael L.M. Cheung, MSc,a,b,* Monica W.K. Kan, PhD,a,b
Vanessa T.Y. Yeung, FRCR, FHKAM,a,b Darren M.C. Poon, FRCR, FHKAM,b
Michael K.M. Kam, FRCR, FHKAM,b Louis K.Y. Lee, PhD,b and
Anthony T.C. Chan, MD, FRCPa,b
Department of Clinical Oncology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China; bState Key Laboratory of
Translational Oncology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

Received February 22, 2021; revised May 12, 2021; accepted June 8, 2021

Purpose: This work was to establish an uncomplicated tumor control probability (UTCP) model using hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC) stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) clinical data in our institution. The model was then used to analyze the current
dose prescription method and to seek the opportunity for improvement.
Methods and Materials: A tumor control probability (TCP) model was generated based on local clinical data using the maximum
likelihood method. A UTCP model was then formed by combining the established TCP model with the normal tissue complication
probability model based on the study by Dawson et al. The authors investigated the dependence of maximum achievable UTCP on
planning target volume equivalent uniform dose (EUD) at various ratio between planning target volume EUD and normal liver EUD
(T/N EUD ratios). A new term uncomplicated tumor control efficiency (UTCE) was also introduced to analyze the outcome. A UTCE
value of 1 implied that the theoretical maximum UTCP for the corresponding T/N EUD ratio was achieved.
Results: The UTCE of the HCC SBRT patients based on the current dose prescription method was found to be 0.93 § 0.05. It was
found that the UTCE could be increased to 0.99 § 0.03 by using a new dose prescription scheme, for which the UTCP could be
maximized while keeping the normal tissue complication probability value smaller than 5%.
Conclusions: The dose prescription method of the current HCC SBRT in our institution was analyzed using a UTCP model established
based on local clinical data. It was shown that there could be a potential to increase the prescription dose of HCC SBRT. A new dose
prescription scheme was proposed to achieve better UTCP. Additional clinical trials would be required to validate the proposed dose
prescription scheme in the future.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Radiation Oncology. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Sources of support: This work had no specific funding.

Disclosures: none.
Research data are stored in an institutional repository and will be shared upon request to the corresponding author.
*Corresponding author: Michael L.M. Cheung, MSc; E-mail: [email protected]
2452-1094/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Radiation Oncology. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2 M.L.M. Cheung et al Advances in Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021

Introduction Table 1 Characteristics of HCC SBRT patients in this

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth most
Characteristic Data
common cause of cancer-related mortality in the world.1
Surgical resection and liver transplantation are the stan- Age (y) 70 (45-89)
dard treatments for HCC. However, not all HCC patients Sex
are eligible for surgery. Stereotactic body radiation ther- Male 39 (76%)
apy (SBRT) is considered as an alternative. With the use Female 12 (24%)
Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging
of modern radiation therapy techniques such as intensity
A 30 (59%)
modulated radiation therapy or volumetric modulated arc B 20 (39%)
therapy, it is possible to deliver a highly conformal pho- C 1 (2%)
ton beam dose to the lesion, while minimizing the dose to Tumor volume (mL) 78.0 (2.2-972.6)
the normal liver. SBRT involves the delivery of a precise PTV margin from GTV (mm) 5-10
and high intensity dose to treat the lesion with a small No. of lesions 1-2
number of fractions. Several investigations have shown No. of fractions 5
that the use of SBRT for the treatment of HCC resulted in *Prescription dose (Gy) 41.6 (27.5-50)
high local control rates of 70% to 100%.2-5 PTV mean dose (Gy) 45.8 (28.9-56.1)
There had been some institutions reporting existence Median follow-up (mo) 12.8
of dose-response relationship for their HCC patients * Dose by which at least 95% of PTV volume was covered.
receiving SBRT.6-8 However, the authors of a recent Abbreviations: GTV = gross tumor volume; HCC = hepatocellular
carcinoma; PTV = planning target volume; SBRT = stereotactic
HyTEC organ-specific article claimed that they did not
body radiation therapy.
find evidence of dose-response relationship for primary
liver tumor after qualitatively analyzing reported data
from 13 institutions from different parts of the world.9 measurements of alpha-fetoprotein biomarkers. The
This implied that the dose-response for HCC patients follow-up frequency was every 4 to 8 weeks after
might vary among different regions and races so that a SBRT. CT/MR scans were performed every 3 months
worldwide dose-response model may not fit all. There- after day 1 of SBRT. Local control was defined as
fore, it was worthwhile for our institution to investigate less than 20% increase in diameter of tumors.10 An
the dose-response relationship for local HCC SBRT endpoint of 6-month local control was chosen for our
patients based on our own clinical data. In this study, the dose response relation analysis in this study. This
dose-response relationship for HCC SBRT patients in our study was approved by the Joint CUHK-NTEC Clini-
institution would be investigated and the possibility for cal Research Ethics Committee, Hong Kong (CREC
improving the current dose prescription scheme would be Ref Number: 2020.506).
Treatment planning techniques
Methods and Materials
The HCC SBRT were delivered using Truebeam
(Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) flattening
Local clinical data filter free mode via volumetric modulated arc ther-
apy. The diaphragm, lipiodol, or fiducial markers
Records of patients with HCC treated with SBRT were used as surrogates for the tumors. The ampli-
at our institution from 2014 to 2017 were reviewed. tude of the movement of the surrogates was limited
Clinical data of 51 patients in our institution who to less than 1 cm by either active breathing control
received their first HCC SBRT were retrospectively or abdominal compressor. The internal target volume
analyzed (Table 1). Patients who had previous was generated as a union of gross tumor volume
regional or systemic therapy were included in the (GTV) of all phases of 4-dimensional computed
analysis if their previous treatment concluded before tomography. The planning target volume (PTV) was
the start of SBRT. Patients who underwent additional generated by adding 5 to 10 mm margin to the inter-
concurrent therapy or previous radiation therapy were nal target volume. The treatment plans were gener-
excluded from the study. The number of lesions in a ated using Eclipse Treatment Planning System
patient was limited to 1 to 2. No limit was placed on version 13.6 (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto,
the size of the target lesions. Follow-up data typically CA). Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm version
included computed tomography/magnetic resonance 13.6.23 was used to perform dose calculation. The
(CT/MR) scan-based measurements of tumor size and prescription dose ranged from 27.5 Gy to 50 Gy in 5
Advances in Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 Analysis of HCC SBRT dose prescription using UTCP 3

fractions depending on the normal liver (excluding Where pi was the TCP for patient i, D50 was the EUD that
all GTVs) mean dose, following the Radiation Ther- led to 50% tumor control probability, Di was the PTV
apy Oncology Group (RTOG) 1112 dose prescription EUD of patient i and k was a parameter that controlled
approach.11 For a typical treatment plan, the isodose the slope of the TCP curve.
line of 80% was used for dose prescription and the The TCP modeling was implemented using MATLAB
center of the GTV was boosted to around 100% iso- 2019a in the present study (The MathWorks, Inc, Natick,
dose line. The dose constraints to organs at risk were MA). Maximum likelihood method was used to itera-
also adopted following RTOG 1112. tively adjust the parameters of a in Eq. (2) and k and D50
in Eq. (3) such that maximum likelihood of the patient i
is obtained in Eq. (4).
Statistical analysis for factors affecting tumor l¼ log pi Ri ð1  pi Þð1Ri Þ ð4Þ
local control i

Where pi was the TCP for patient i, Ri was the control of

Univariate analysis for local control was carried out
tumor of patient i. If the tumor had no signs of progres-
using log-rank test. All factors having P values < .1 were
sion within 6 months, then Ri was equal to 1. Otherwise,
subjected to multivariate analysis using Cox proportional
Ri was equal to 0. Tumor volume was not included as an
hazards regression model with backward conditional
input parameter of our TCP model because the tumor
stepwise approach to find out the independent significant
dose prescription scheme currently used in our institution
factors that affects the local control. The statistical analy-
was based on liver mean dose, which was related to
ses were performed using SPSS Statistics version 17.0
tumor volume. Therefore, the tumor dose and tumor vol-
(SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL).
ume were dependent on each other.

Normal tissue complication probability model

Tumor control probability model
A complication of the liver was defined as RTOG
The local clinical data was used to fit a tumor control grade 3 or higher radiation-induced liver disease.19 Due
probability (TCP) model.12,13 The dose volume histo- to the limited number of radiation-induced liver disease
grams (DVH) of the HCC SBRT patients were extracted incidences in our institution to fit our own normal tissue
from the Eclipse treatment planning system. The physical complication probability (NTCP) model, one of the most
dose was converted into biologically effective dose commonly used NTCP model for liver, the Lyman
(BED)14,15 with a/b ratio of 10 using the Eq. (1). Kutcher Burman model fitted by Dawson et al, was used
d in this study as shown in Eq. (5).19-21 An a/b ratio of 2.5
BED ¼ Nd 1 þ ð1Þ for normal tissue was used in BED calculation.21
Where N was the number of fractions, d was the dose per Zt
ex =2
fraction, a and b were the linear and quadratic compo- NTCP ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi dx ð5Þ
nents of cell survival curve, respectively. 1
The DVHs in BED were used to calculate the PTV
equivalent uniform dose (EUD)16-18 for the patients using
Eq. (2). EUD  TD50
t ¼ ð6Þ
!1a m ¢ TD50
EUD ¼ vi ¢ Di a
ð2Þ !n
X 1
EUD ¼ vi ¢ Di n ð7Þ
Where vi was the partial volume, Di was the absorbed i

dose and a was the radiobiological parameter. Parameters EUD was the equivalent uniform dose of an organ.
vi and Di could be obtained using the BED-converted TD50 was the tolerance dose for a homogeneous irradia-
DVHs. Parameter a would be found during the fitting pro- tion to an organ which would result in 50% risk of com-
cess of the TCP model. plication. Parameter m determined the gradient of the
The calculated PTV EUD then was used for modeling dose response at TD50. Parameter n determined the vol-
of TCP using a logistic function12,13 in Eq. (3), ume effect which related the tolerance doses of uniform
1 whole organ irradiation to uniform partial organ irradia-
pi ¼ TCPi ¼  k ð3Þ
tion. TD50, n and m were 39.8, 0.97, and 0.12,
1 þ D50
Di respectively in the study by Dawson et al.19
4 M.L.M. Cheung et al Advances in Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021

Uncomplicated tumor control probability


Uncomplicated tumor control probability (UTCP) is one

of the most common measures of therapeutic gain.22-25 It
was defined as:
UTCP ¼ TCP ¢ ð1  NTCPÞ ð8Þ

The fitted TCP model of our institution and the NTCP

model based on Dawson et al would be used to form a
UTCP model. The variation of UTCP with PTV EUD, as
well as with the ratio between PTV EUD and normal liver Fig. 1 Tumor control probability (TCP) model of hepatocellu-
EUD (T/N EUD ratio) were analyzed. The T/N EUD ratio lar carcinoma stereotactic body radiation therapy fitted with
was defined as: local clinical data. Abbreviation: EUD = equivalent uniform
T=N EUD ratio ¼ ð9Þ
Normal Liver EUD ðGyÞ TCP model
A similar concept had been used to describe uptake of
The fitted TCP model using local clinical data was
radiopharmaceutical in liver.26,27 However, EUD dose
shown in Figure 1. The observed local control data were
ratio was used instead of radiopharmaceutical uptake
divided into 4 bins by equally dividing the dose range
ratio in this study. The value of this EUD dose ratio
(45.3-118.6 GyBED) into 4 ranges. The TCP of each bin
depends on the size the tumor and its location inside the
was calculated for comparison with the fitted TCP model.
liver. For example, a small PTV located at the peripheral
The error bars in Figure 1 represent 2 standard deviation
of the liver will lead to a lower normal liver EUD and a
of the distribution of the EUD for each bin.
higher T/N EUD ratio resulting in a higher UTCP, while
The fitted value of a in Eq. (2) was 0.033 with the
a large PTV near the center of the liver will lead to a
95% confidence interval between 10.26 and +1. The
higher normal liver EUD and a lower T/N EUD ratio
fitted value of D50 was found to be 67.4 GyBED with the
resulting in a lower UTCP.
95% confidence interval between 55.2 GyBED and 81.5
GyBED. The fitted value of k was found to be 3.42 with
the 95% confidence interval between 1.58 and 5.67.

Uncomplicated tumor control efficiency

To facilitate the analysis of the UTCP of HCC SBRT UTCP model

plans using current dose prescription scheme, a new con-
cept of UTCE was introduced: A UTCP model22,23 of HCC SBRT was formed by
combining TCP model fitted based on local clinical data
UTCE ¼ ð10Þ and NTCP model of Dawson et al for different PTV EUD
Max UTCP achievable
to normal liver EUD ratio (T/N EUD ratio). The optimal
The value of UTCE had to be between 0 and 1. A PTV EUD and the theoretical achievable maximum
UTCE value of 1 implied that the theoretical maximum UTCP value with T/N EUD ratio are shown in Figures 2
UTCP of the corresponding T/N EUD ratio was and 3, respectively (see Appendix E2 for the derivation
achieved. of optimal PTV EUD and theoretical achievable maxi-
mum UTCP for different T/N EUD ratio). It was
observed that the values of the optimal PTV EUD
increased almost linearly with the T/N EUD ratio in
Results Figure 2. From Figure 3, it was shown that the higher the
T/N EUD ratio, the higher the maximum UTCP could be
achieved with an optimal PTV EUD. The maximum
Statistical analysis for factors affecting tumor UTCP was close to 1 when T/N EUD ratio was 5, com-
local control pared with 0.24 when T/N EUD ratio was 1.
The PTV EUD of the patients who were prescribed
The univariate and multivariate analyses showed that according to RTOG 1112 mean liver dose prescription
PTV mean dose was a prognostic factor of HCC SBRT method11 were compared with the optimal PTV EUD to
tumor control (Appendix E1). achieve maximum UTCP (Fig 2). For T/N EUD ratio
Advances in Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 Analysis of HCC SBRT dose prescription using UTCP 5

Fig. 2 Planning target volume (PTV) equivalent uniform dose

(EUD) versus normal liver EUD (T/N EUD) ratio for hepatocel-
lular carcinoma (HCC) stereotactic body radiation therapy
(SBRT) local cases. The dotted line indicated the beginning of Fig. 4 Uncomplicated tumor control probability (UTCP) ver-
plateau region where the PTV EUD did not increase anymore sus normal liver equivalent uniform dose (T/N EUD) ratio using
with further increase in T/N EUD ratio. the new dose prescription scheme based on liver UTCP model
compared with the original dose prescription scheme.
<2.5, the actual PTV EUD were much closer to the opti-
mal PTV EUD, although still being underprescribed in optimal EUD to achieve maximum UTCP. For a T/N
general. The actual PTV EUD correlated to the optimal EUD ratio <1.9, the optimal EUD that achieved maxi-
PTV EUD with Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.957. mum UTCP would lead to NTCP >5%, which was the
When the T/N EUD ratio approached 2.5, the prescription maximum acceptable local tolerance of normal liver
dose reached the highest level by following the RTOG NTCP. Therefore, an iso-NTCP approach with NTCP
1112 method. As a result, the PTV EUD did not increase equal to 5% was used for dose prescription for a T/N
anymore with further increase in T/N EUD ratio >2.5, EUD ratio <1.9. For a T/N EUD ratio >3.5, a maximum
indicating that the actual given mean doses to the tumor EUD was also set at 160 GyBED (corresponding to about
were lower than the optimal values. 68 Gy physical dose) such that it resulted in at least 95%
Figure 3 illustrates the comparison between the UTCP TCP. The TCP curve entered a relatively flat region for
of the patients with the maximum UTCP achievable. The dose larger than 160 GyBED and the increase in TCP was
estimated UTCPs of the patients were in general lower less than 0.1% per GyBED.
than the maximum achievable values, especially when T/ The patients were represcribed following the new pre-
N EUD ratios were >2.5. Figure 4 shows the plot of scription scheme to increase the overall UTCE and keep
UTCE versus T/N EUD ratio for the HCC SBRT cases in the liver NTCP within 5%. The PTV EUD and TCP under
our institution, where the average UTCE was 0.93 § the new scheme were compared with that under the
0.05. This implies that there was a potential to improve original RTOG 1112 prescription scheme. It was found
the dose prescription method for this group of patients that the change in PTV EUD ranged from 2.7% to
such that the UTCE could be closer to one. 40.9%, and the change in TCP ranged from 4.6% to
A new dose prescription scheme was proposed to 15.3% (Fig 5). There was an average increase of 16.5%
achieve higher UTCP values. For a T/N EUD ratio in PTV EUD and an average increase of 7.7% in TCP.
between 1.9 and 3.5, the prescribed PTV EUD was the The average UTCE of the new prescription scheme was

Fig. 3 Uncomplicated tumor control probability (UTCP) ver-

sus normal liver equivalent uniform dose (T/N EUD) ratio for Fig 5 Percentage change in planning target volume (PTV)
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) stereotactic body radiation equivalent uniform dose (EUD) and TCP using the new dose
therapy (SBRT) local cases. The dotted line indicated the begin- prescription scheme based on liver uncomplicated tumor control
ning of plateau region where the UTCP did not increase any- probability model compared with the old dose prescription
more with further increase in T/N EUD ratio. scheme following Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 1112.
6 M.L.M. Cheung et al Advances in Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021

increased to 0.99 § 0.03 compared with 0.93 § 0.05 of TCP. Two cases had a decrease in PTV EUD and TCP.
the original prescription scheme (Fig 4). This was because the original liver NTCP of these 2 cases
were >5%. Therefore, the PTV EUD was decreased such
that the liver NTCP was kept within 5%.
Discussion The UTCE of the cases using the new dose prescrip-
tion schemes were closer to one than the original dose
UTCP had been used in other investigations together prescription scheme except those with T/N EUD ratio
with parameters such as quality adjusted life years to pre- less than 1.9 owing to the limit of 5% NTCP. The average
dict the overall outcome of the different treatment UTCE of the cases using the new dose schemes was
plans.24 It had been applied to other SBRT evaluations boosted up to 0.99 § 0.03, comparing to 0.93 § 0.05 of
such as non-small cell lung cancer.25 With its usefulness, the RTOG 1112 dose prescription scheme.
building local UTCP model and using it to evaluate HCC
SBRT treatments locally as well as to seek room for
potential dose escalation were the purpose of this study. Conclusions
A 6-month TCP model was fitted using local clinical
cases and the fitted value of D50 was 67.4 GyBED. Lausch
There was a dose-response relationship for the patients
et al reported a 2 Gy Equivalent D50 of 53 Gy (63.6
undergoing HCC SBRT in our institution. A TCP model
GyBED) for a 6-month TCP model.7 Jang et al reported a
fitted with clinical data of local HCC SBRT patients was
3-fraction D50 of 34.9 Gy (75.5 GyBED) for a 2-year TCP
combined with a published NTCP model to form a new
model.8 Our fitted value of D50 was found to be more
UTCP model. Current dose prescription method used in
comparable to the 6-month model of Lausch et al.
our institution was analyzed using the newly established
The fitted TCP model was then combined with the
UTCP model to evaluate if theoretical maximum UTCP
NTCP model proposed by Dawson et al to form the
was achieved. It was suggested that there could be a
UTCP model to assess if maximum theoretical UTCP
potential to increase the current prescription dose for
had been achieved under the current dose prescription
HCC SBRT to obtain higher UTCP. A new dose prescrip-
protocol based on RTOG 1112 and to see whether there
tion scheme was proposed accordingly in this study and
was any room for dose escalation. For cases with a T/N
further clinical trials would be required to validate the
EUD ratio greater than 2.5, most of the cases already
proposed dose prescription scheme in the future.
reached the highest level of dose prescription following
the RTOG 1112 scheme (100 GyBED corresponding to 50
Gy physical dose). Therefore, there was no more increase
in the PTV EUD with further increase in the T/N EUD Acknowledgments
ratio above the value of 2.5 in Figure 2. The prescription
dose seemed to be far below the values to achieve opti- We would like to thank all colleagues involved in this
mal UTCP. research project for their kind efforts in the process of
A new prescription scheme was proposed to increase data collection, paper reviewing, and research guidance.
the overall UTCE and keep the liver NTCP within 5%.
Under the new prescription scheme, a higher T/N EUD
ratio resulted in a higher percentage increase PTV EUD Supplementary materials
in general (Fig 5). It was because the cases with a low T/
N EUD ratio usually had higher normal liver EUD, limit- Supplementary material associated with this article
ing the potential to increase dose prescription. Also, the can be found in the online version at https://doi.org/
higher T/N EUD ratio cases were originally limited by 10.1016/j.adro.2021.100739.
the RTOG 1112 highest dose prescription level of 50 Gy,
which was far from the optimal prescription dose to
achieve theoretical maximum UTCP.
The percentage increase in TCP versus T/N EUD ratio
(range, 2.7% to 40.9%) showed a different pattern com-
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