Focus5 2E Unit Test Unit2 Dictation Vocabulary Grammar UoE GroupA

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Dictation, Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: ________________________ Class: ____________

4 ‘So have you made a decision yet?’ ‘No, I’m still
_____________ on the edge.’
DD Dictation 5 Whether you’re tired is irrelevant: if you want the
scholarship, you have to _____________ the
1 [Track 3] Listen and write the sentences that you hear. deadline.
______________________________________________ 4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
______________________________________________ 1 Let’s keep things ______ perspective; one poor exam
______________________________________________ result is not the end of the world.
______________________________________________ 2 ‘Why has Mike dyed his hair orange?’ ‘I suppose he
just likes standing ______ from the crowd.’
______________________________________________ 3 A good music tutor is difficult to come ______.
______________________________________________ 4 She worries about many things, but when actually
faced ______ difficulties, she shows impressive self-
______________________________________________ 5 There are lots of ways to top ______ your phone: you
______________________________________________ can do it online, by text, through the operator’s
helpline, or using a special app.
______________________________________________ /5
VV Vocabulary
5 Choose the correct option.
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1 You could still __ the competition next year.
There are more words than you need. A try B be trying C have tried
2 I’m afraid Peter __ have written this essay himself.
bundle calm cold comfort He doesn’t write such flawless French.
common manic proactive A can’t B must C may
3 They must __ for a long time to achieve this level.
1 The tension is huge at this time of year; there’s A be learning B learn C have been learning
a really _____________ atmosphere around the 4 He __ a driving course next month.
school. A will probably start B probably will start
2 If you want to learn new things, you have to step C will start probably
outside your _____________ zone from time to time. 5 The test questions must __ in a hurry. Some of them
3 I thought I was relaxed, but on the day of the have more than one correct answer.
interview I suddenly got _____________ feet. I almost A have prepared B have been prepared
ran away! C be prepared
4 ‘Taking a _____________ approach’ basically means 6 They __ you to use your own laptop in the exam; it’s
you take steps to make things happen, rather than sit against the rules.
and wait for them to happen. A definitely won’t allow B won’t definitely allow
5 Use your _____________ sense. The worst that can C will definitely allow
happen is you fail the exam now and retake it in 7 I’m not sure about this instructor; she seems
September. competent enough but __ the right person to teach
small children.
A can’t be B may not be C might have been
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box 8 These two responses to questions 1 and 2 are
in the correct form. There are more verbs than you
identical. One of the students must __ from the other.
A have been copying B be copying
C have been copied
loom meet muster pound 9 You seem surprised by his methods. They __
regurgitate teeter venture unconventional, but he’s trained many successful
dancers in this way.
1 You’ve learned everything you could learn in this
A may not appear B may have appeared
college. It’s time to _____________ further afield,
C may appear
don’t you think?
10 Why is this equipment here?’ ‘They __ our lesson
2 I’ve finally succeeded in _____________ the energy
to go swimming before my morning classes.
Look! There are some TV people in the hall!’
3 After all those years he still remembered how his
A must have filmed B may be filming
heart _____________ on the day of the exam. C can’t have filmed

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

Dictation, Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

9 Complete the text with words formed from the words

VV Use of English
6 Write a, an or – (no article) in the gaps. PUBLIC SPEAKING STUDY GROUP
1 Pat missed three weeks of school after she broke her Some things are best learned from a teacher. For
leg. Perhaps she needs _______ help to catch up. example, it makes sense to learn Mathematics or Latin
2 You look tired. Make sure you get _______ good 1
from someone with a good ______________ (KNOW) of
night’s sleep. those subjects. But ‘soft’ practical skills, such as public
3 It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of speaking, can be practised by a group of peers who share
_______ education to a democratic society. 2
their ______________ (EXPERT) without a formal
4 It was _______ incredibly exciting experience for all leader. In a study group the members help each other by
of us. 3
being a friendly, ______________ (SUPPORT) ‘practice
5 Do you think the minister of education has _______ audience’, watching videos of their presentations together,
good understanding of what really goes on in 4
giving feedback and sharing ______________
schools? 5
(SUGGEST). Why not use your ______________
(INITIATE) and start such a study group in your school,
college or community? You may see your skills improve
7 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 6
______________ (SUBSTANTIAL) in a short time.
Starting in a new school can be stressful, especially when
you’re young. I was eleven when my family moved from
a small town to a big city, and I felt quite ____________ Total /60
of my depth. Everything was new, I had no friends, school
work seemed more difficult, and my parents telling me to
‘____________ a grip’ didn’t help. My form teacher was
____________ great help to me at that time. She was
also new to the school, and she used to say that we were
____________the same boat and should look out for
each other. She would stay with me after school to help
me with homework. She ____________ have spent
hours teaching me for free. Thanks to her encouragement
I summoned ____________ the courage to join the
school choir, which was the beginning of a wonderful

8 Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first. Use no more than six words
including the word in CAPITALS.
1 He’s a very talented dancer who’s definitely had lots
of practice over the years. MUST
He’s a very talented dancer who ________________
______________ for years.
2 I very much doubt they were shooting scenes for the
film on my street. HAVE
They _____________________________ scenes for
the film on my street.
3 I absolutely adore my 6:00 a.m. judo classes every
morning. GREAT
My 6:00 a.m. judo classes every morning are one
_____________________________ pleasures for
4 Several interesting things happened before I finally
managed to land a role in Bollywood. LEADING
Several interesting things happened _____________
_________________ finally managing to land a role
in Bollywood.


© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

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