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Nurse Administration Roles

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American Nurses Association (ANA) is a trade union that advocates and protects the

nursing profession in the United States. It started back in the year 1896, as Nurses Alumni

Association, and later renamed as the American Nurses Association. The organization fosters for

advanced levels of nursing practice, advocate for a favorable working condition, bolster the

willingness of nurses and advocates for excellent services (Peterson, et al., 2017).

Scope and Standers of Nursing Administration

ANA, like any other professional association, has the responsibility to develop the scoop

and standards for the American nurses and citizens. The scope of practice refers to the services

provided by a professional nurse deemed competent and permitted to perform in line with the

requirements highlighted in the nursing license. Also, the scope and standers of a nurse are an

authoritative guide on how a professional nurse should practice. This statement guides

professional nurses on how to perform their tasks. Referring to the ANA, the standard of nursing

as a profession consists of diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation competencies as their core

components (Burke et al., 2017).

Scope of nursing can be described as "who," "what," "where," "when," and "why." Who:

refers to the nurse who is trained, educated, and licenses to carry out the nursing practice. What:

relates to the functions of a nurse, which are to protect, to promote, and to optimize health

capabilities to safeguard one from injuries and infections, facilitate healing. Where: refers to the

locality of the sick patient to be treated. When: applies to the time nursing services are required.

Lastly, why relates to the reasons why the profession exist to achieve the most favorable results

after treating patients (Burke, Richardson, & Smith, 2017).


The definition of the scope of practice can be two general steps, like the state legislature

passed referred to as the nurse practice act and the regulatory bodies that implement those rules

and regulations. The American Nursing Association believes that patients are served best when

there is a sound health system in place with many qualified nurses, doctors, and other medical

experts (Rudolph et al., 2016). ANA has established the Coalition for Patient's Right (CPR)

intending to improve patient's access to health care services. CPR has more than 35 registered

members who provide medical services to the people of America.

Once the above questions are answered, then one understands the complex consideration

of the scope of practice. The nursing profession is very dynamic, and there is much to put in

place evolving around health care demand due to a large aging population, changes in the area of

operation, and overlapping responsivities which affect the delivery of nursing services currently

and in the future. The extent to which a registered nurse engages in the understanding of the

requirement as a nurse profession depends on so many things. For clarity about the range of

nursing, registered nurses should understand the following terms.

Healthcare Consumers; Refers to the patients, parsons, clients, communities, and the

population that needs to consume nursing services. All registered nurses are supposed to provide

nursing services as per the guidelines given by the governing body. A Registered Nurse (RN)

refers to trained officers in the field of nursing and registered by the government or state

regulatory body to offer nursing services to individuals (Burke et al., 2017). A graduate-level

prepared nurse registered nurse is a nurse who has attained masters or doctorate education.

Meaning they have an advanced level of knowledge, skills, abilities, or judgment. They are at

high standards as described by the element of the nurse's decision. They believed to be self-

driven, and they don't require additional supervision.


Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) refers to nurses who are done with their

education and have been prepared for the four recognized roles of APRNs requirement as a

nurse, midwife, and clinician. The APRNs have acquired advanced clinical qualification to serve

as a nurse to the patient as well as care. Also, they qualify after passing a national certification

exam to obtain a license as a measure of APRN role and population-focused competent and

maintained effectiveness as a requirement for the award of certificate (Burke et al., 2017).Hence,

they have advanced knowledge and skill preparing a nurse to provide good and direct care to

patients, and the main component of APRN is the essential element of education and the nursing

skills on patients. Also, the skills build the experience of recognized nurses by showing high

acquisition of the skills that enable greater analysis of data, complex skills, and autonomy.

Protecting and Advancing Scoop Practice of Nursing

This great initiative established by the American Nurses Association to facilitate nurses

to meet the demand of the fast-moving health care demand in the world. Nurses are supposed to

practice the full extent of their education and abilities to deliver the most efficient and world-

class services. This body is supposed to provide evidence of safety and cost-effective services

provided but APRNs and to remove all barriers to full practice and to improve health care.

Development of Standards of Nursing Practice

The standards of nursing practice accompany the scoop of nursing are demands from

nurses, irrespective of their education, role, demographic factors, or specialization, is expected to

perform competently. These requirements may change due to the changing nature of the nursing

profession and the public (Burke et al., 2017). However, some conditions and clinical

circumstances may affect the standards of the nursing profession at a given time. These

conditions include disasters and epidemics. The standards of the nursing profession are always

subjected to the formula, periodic, review, and revisions. The standards of professional nursing

include standards of practice and professional performance as described below

Standards of Practice in Nursing

The standard practice deals with the competent part of the nursing profession, as

demonstrated by the critical thinking model called the nursing process. The model includes

assessment components, diagnosis, identification outcomes, planning, evaluation, and

implementation. Also, the nursing process involves necessary actions formed by registered nurse

and foundation of the nurse's sound decision-making (Rudolph et al., 2016).

Standard 1: Assessment

Members of the American Nurses Association collect the necessary data and information

resulting in the healthcare of customers' health and situation. Also, the nurse should analyze

knowledge from global and environmental into factors to improve healthcare.

Standard 2: Diagnosis

The nurse who is a registered member of ANA analyzes the assessment data collected to

establish possible causes of the problem or issue through diagnosis. Similarly, the nurse comes

up with different diagnoses basing on the surrounding situation.

Standard 3: Outcomes Identification


Nursing identifies the predicted results that enable the planning of the individual's

healthcare, problem, or situation. During the determination of the outcome, a nurse should set the

time required to attain the required results.

Standard 4: Planning

The nurse comes up with a strategy to attain specific results. The nurse should come up

with a way ford to solve the problem identified above. A good nurse will always identify the cost

and economic implications of a plan.

Standard 5: Implementation

They should implement the possible plan provided above. The implementations are

meant for the full realization of a suitable outcome or goal (Burke et al., 2017). Changes,

omissions should be corrected during implementations by the nurse.

Standards 5a: Coordination of Case

The nurse should foresee the coordination of care delivery. A nurse should also assist

healthcare consumers in identifying options for healthcare services.

Standards 5b: Health Teaching and Health Promotion

The registered nurse employs techniques for promoting health and a safe environment as

well as gives special teachings to the identified case so that to improve on health.

Standard 6: Evaluation

The registered nurses assess the attainment of the desired goal and outcomes. This is

achieved through collaboration with healthcare consumers to measure the extent to which the

goals were achieved.

Standards of Professional Performance in Nursing

This refers to the highlights the level of competence role of the profession, including

ethics, cultural practice, communication, collaboration, communication, collaboration,

leadership, education, evidence-based practice, research, and quality practice, the practice of

professionalism evaluation, resource utilization, and environmental health. Registered nurses are

supposed to reengage themselves in leadership activities according to the education level and roll

they play in the profession (Fisher, 2017). According to the standard of professional

performance, registered nurses are supposed to be accountable for their professional actions,

healthcare, peers, among others.

Standard 7: Ethic

All members of the American Nursing Association (ANA) operate with a lot of ethics, as

stipulated in the rules and regulations of the association. A registered nurse should practice with

competence and respect so that to attain a good image, worth, and respect from the public too.

Also, a nurse should advocate for patient's rights to informed decision making. A nurse should

also advocate for good healthcare among healthcare workers and healthcare consumers.

Standard :; Culturally Congruent Practice

The registered nurses should carry themselves around respectfully following the norms of

the cultural diversity they work from. Also, a nurse should demonstrate respect, equality, and

empathy in action as the nurse interacts with healthcare consumers and healthcare workers.

Besides, a registered nurse should participate in the innovation of one's values, beliefs, and

cultural heritage.

Standard 9: Communication

All registered nurses are supposed to converse fluently and diligently while in their place

of work. The registered nurse should be able to demonstrate cultural empathy while

communicating with other workers and patients. Also, use language translation resources to be

able to communicate effectively (Fisher, 2017). During interactions with healthcare consumers

and healthcare workers, a nurse should convey accurate information as well as communicating

with other departments to encourage the safe transition of services to society.

Standard 10: Collaboration

Nurses under ANA are supposed to work in harmony with other nurses, people of

America, and the authorities. Also, it should identify other experts to contribute to the nursing

profession. A nurse should work as a team with other health workers to attain its goal. A nurse

should build a strong team for service delivery through consensus and conflict management.

Standard 11: leadership

A registered nurse is a leader by nature as required within the nursing profession and

even outside the profession. Also, the nurse should be able to communicate and resolve conflicts

whenever they occur. Also, a nurse should be accountable for all the duties he/she has delegated.

Lastly, a nurse should influence ideas to acquire wealth (Burke et al., 2017).

Standard 12: Education

A nurse should gather information through reading of books, journals, and newspapers

that are updated and promote critical thinking (Fisher, 2017). This will be achieved through

participating in the ongoing nursing education activities and focus on interdisciplinary

knowledge-based and professional topics.

Standard 13: Evidence-based Practice and Research

Registered nurses are supposed to incorporate evidence in their fro their research to put

them into practice. The nurse should also use evidence-based knowledge, including research

outcomes, to enable the research goals to be achieved (Fisher, 2017). Also, the nurse should

engage in research to formulate evidence-based knowledge and analyze research-based practice

in all settings.

Standard 14: Professional Practice Evaluation

Nurses should evaluate their professional skills in nursing practice. A nurse to follow the

regulations about the professional scope as specifies in Nursing Scope (Fisher, 2017).

Standard 15: Quality of practice

Registered nurses under ANA should be competent and provide services of high quality.

Also, it should come up with strategies that will improve strategies to service delivery through

the use of creativity and innovations to enhance nursing care. A registered nurse should

participate in a quality improvement initiative.

Standard 16: Resource Utilization


Registered nurses should make good use of the resources provided to provide quality

services. Also, the nurse should examine healthcare resources required by a healthcare consumer

and resources to achieve healthcare goals (Burke et al., 2017).

Standard 17: Environmental Health

Registered nurses should work in conducive environments for effectiveness and

competence. Besides, the nurse should analyze the environment and identify risks.

The Functions Competencies in Standards

Competencies are always evidence of achieved the required standards of nursing services.

The list of competencies above has not been exhausted. As seen above, some standards

application depends on circumstances. For instance, a nurse collecting data to an unconscious

patient rushed into the hospital by good Samaritans without a relative accompanying the patient

it is hard for the nurse to collect data exhaustively. The service delivery may be compromised

and be incompetent in one way or another (Burke et al., 2017).

Health Work Environment of Nursing Practice

Competency in the nursing profession can be achieved through the provision of a

conducive, safe, satisfying, and habitable environment. The environment should be appealing,

mentally supportive, social well-being, supportive, optimal health, and safety. In any working

environment, safety is paramount. Both the healthcare consumer and healthcare workers should

work in harmony to ensure that there is safety in the health facilities through providing

healthcare safety, respect and empowerment (Fisher, 2017)


Factors like economic challenges, rapid formation of healthcare, and the introduction of

healthcare technologies, demographic shift, obesity, and aging, for both the nursing force and the

general public. These factors have created significant changes in the healthcare environment.

The Five Models Components of the Magnet Recognition Program

According to Haller, Berends, and Skillin (2018), this model provides a framework for

the practice that is very important in the nursing profession's surroundings. Hence, to achieve

this, the following model components must be demonstrated. They are;

Transformational Leader

Transformational leaders are leaders who can articulate the future of that align a great

strategic goal across the organization or a health facility. This leader brings hope to the whole

organization system. They inspire their followers to succeed by empowering them to achieve to

attain their professional goals and as well as being developed into good leaders.

Structural Empowerment

Structural empowerment is achieved through coming up with structures and processes

that support the decentralized, which includes shared good leadership and decision-making

platform, support of continuous learning, professional development, advancement in academic

qualification, making inclusive decisions with all nurses so that they feel being part of the system

(Haller Berends, & Skillin, 2018).

Exemplary Professional Practice


Exemplary professional practice shows professional nursing practice can be attained with

structures and process that supports professional nursing roles like consultant, teacher, and

relating with other professions. This model also emphasizes on quality improvement,

professional models of care, and quality of care.

New Knowledge, Innovation and Improvement

The organizations must integrate innovation into their master plans to enable nurses to

acquire more knowledge that will be used to improve service delivery at the healthcare facility.

Empirical Outcome

An organization's outcome can be achieved when the organization recognizes the

outcome from research concerning the organization and implement them. In the 2008 Magnetic

Manual shows the important shifts in attention to outcome standards that have been carried all

through to the 2014 Magnet Manual ((Haller Berends, & Skillin, 2018).


Nursing professions require strong leadership that will enable the transformation of the

health care system has attained. The nursing profession should mentor visionary leaders who can

serve the members of the association diligently and be accountable for the contributions towards

the association and work min collaborations with other healthcare professions like doctors and

public health offers. The education system of the nursing profession should be adjusted to

produce nurses who have leadership qualities and are leaders in design to ensure that the

healthcare goals are achieved even with this dynamic environment.


Research and practice institutes must identify evidence-based improvement in healthcare,

and these improvements must be examined and incorporated as a policy to improve health care

in the United States. These policies or findings nurses' leaders must be translated into ideas to

the conducive environment that will enable nurses to offer quality services to their customers.

At some point, the nursing profession requires strong leadership and will to protect their

rights that will be applied within the required context and in collaboration with other health

professions. The partnership will involve taking collective and enabling health care workers to

take note of challenges and areas of waste and implementation of the plan on improvement

(Rudolph et al., 2016). Monitoring the improvement process is very key as it will involve

making the necessary adjustment to achieve the targeted goal. In some instances where nurses

are serving a strong patient, they consult among themselves so that they provide quality health

care services.

Nurses should have a voice and uses all rights bestowed before to make independence.

The partnership and collaboration between health service providers must be highly applauded in

the health care sector. Nurses' leaders must take collective responsibility and start pushing for

policies irrespective of academic or professional level. They must engage in political processes

collectively and work as cohesively as professionals. Nurses should advocate for policy

implementation of health care reforms through their leaders.

Leadership Characteristics of Christ in Nursing

The leadership characteristics of Christ can also be referred to as servant leadership.

Servant leadership is where leaders are not greedy for powers, but they seek authority. A

Christian nurse leader should be one with an upstanding character with a well-defined code of

ethics and good morals. Should be extremely humble and always strive to choose the right path

that will benefit members (Howell, 2017).

Also, it should have unwavering commitment since this leader should work for the sake

of nurses, not personal interests. Leaders should strive to put the need of other nurses, patients,

and health care facilities before his/her own.

Lastly should be courageous enough to face the challenges while representing other

nurses in the profession. Should fight for their rightfully. They should not accept intimidations

from the management as well as bribes so that the ideas of nurses are not articulated to the later

(Rudolph et al., 2016).


The paper has focused on the scope and standards of the American Nursing Association

while showing the functions of each practice concerning the quality and safety of patients. Also,

it has discussed the five model components while addressing the support f a nurse leader to them.

Further, the recommendations of future nurse leaders and how they can adapt to changes in

healthcare have been adequately addressed. Finally, the research has addressed the

characteristics of Christ in current nurse leadership and the expectations of a nurse.



Burke, K. G., Richardson, C., & Smith, B. A. (2017). Implementing Nursing Professional

Development: Scope and Standards of Practice: One Organization's Journey. Journal for

nurses in professional development, 33(5), 269-271.

Fisher, M. (2017). Professional standards for nursing practice: How do they shape contemporary

rehabilitation nursing practice? Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses

Association, 20(1), 4.

Haller, K., Berends, W., & Skillin, P. (2018). Organizational culture and nursing practice: the

magnet recognition program® as a framework for positive change. Revista Medica

Clinica Las Condes, 29(3), 328-335.

Howell, A. (2017). Review of Tod Bolsinger, Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in

Uncharted Territory.

Peterson, J., Pearce, P. F., Ferguson, L. A., & Langford, C. A. (2017). Understanding scoping

reviews: Definition, purpose, and process. Journal of the American Association of Nurse

Practitioners, 29(1), 12-16.

Rudolph, J. W., Palaganas, J., Fey, M. K., Morse, C. J., Onello, R., Dreifuerst, K. T., & Simon,

R. (2016). A DASH to the top: Educator debriefing standards as a path to practice

readiness for nursing students. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12(9), 412-417.

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