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Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz

P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

Unit 1: Movement Qualities No. of Days: 5


 Promote optimum development of every learner physically, emotionally, and socially through
varied activities.
 Use Physical Education skills in meaningful and purposeful context.

Day 1: Subject Orientation

Day 2: Body Shapes and Actions
Day 3: Manipulative Skills “Dribbling and Kicking”
Day 4: Rhythmic Routines with Implements “Rhythm Sticks”
Day 5: Simple Folk Dance “Tiklos”


The pupils in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 execute simple movement skills


The pupils will understand that…  What is the importance of creating body
 Creating body shapes and movements can shapes and movements?
show balance and stillness of movements.  How important is to know the kinds of
 It is important to know the kinds of movement skills?
movement skills so that we can perform
using them.


The pupils will know… The pupils will be able to…

 Body Shapes and Body Actions  Demonstrate momentarily stillness in
 Manipulative Skills “Dribbling and Kicking” symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes
 Rhythmic Routines with Implements using the body parts.
“Rhythm Sticks”  Perform movement skills accurately by
 Simple Folk Dance “Tiklos” differentiating one movement skill from the
 Indigenous Games “Patintero” other.
 Demonstrate locomotors skills in response
to even and uneven music.
 Execute correctly the different body
balancing and transferring weight.


 G – to enhance their talent in singing and dancing and also build confidence to their selves
 R – dancer
 A – teacher and classmate
 S – The school is looking for a new talent showcasing their talent in singing and dancing. to those
will pick and be champion will have a chance to perform in this coming foundation day
 P – they are going to display their abilities in singing and dancing and also to face their fear and
build their confidence
 S – see attached rubric

Criteria 10 9 8 7 6 Total
Execution 100% of the 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the 60% of the
target skills target skills target skills target skills target skills
were were were were execu- were
executed executed executed ted executed
Following 100% of the 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the 60% of the
Direction given given given direc given direc- given
directions directions tions were tions were directions 10
were were followed followed were
followed followed followed
Posture Demon- Demon- Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate
Accuracy strate the strate the the expected the expected the expected
expected expected body posture body posture body
body body with 80% with 70% posture with 10
posture with posture accuracy accuracy 60%
100% with 90% accuracy
accuracy accuracy
Coordi- Shows Shows Shows 80% Shows 70% Shows 60%
nation of 100% 90% accuracy in accuracy in accuracy in
Move- accuracy in accuracy in the coordina the the
ments the the tion of move- coordination coordination
coordinatio coordina- ments of of 10
n of move- tion of movements movements
ments move-

 Book Exercises
 Oral Recitation
 Long Test
 Practical Test

Day 1: Subject Orientation
 Sharing of what they know about the subject.
 Executing of some exercises that are commonly used.
 Doing Think, Pair, Share
 Doing Picture Analysis
 Doing Guess This…
 Doing Socialize Recitation

Day 2: Body Shapes and Actions

 Present the One Liner
 Performing Quick Talk
 Performing the Total Physical Response (TPR).
 Doing Socialize Recitation.
 Doing Rotational stations
 Answering Engage activity.

Day 3: Manipulative Skills “Dribbling and Kicking”

 Showing of real objects.
 Doing Video Analysis.
 Doing Picture Analysis.
 Doing Trio Talk Strategy.
 Doing Group Activity

Day 4: Rhythmic Routines with Implements “Rhythm Sticks”

 Doing the Think, Pair, Share.
 Performing Quick Talk
 Doing Socialize Recitation.
 Doing Rotational stations
 Answering Engage activity.
Day 5: Simple Folk Dance “Tiklos”
 Doing Socialize Review.
 Doing Picture Analysis.
 Doing the Dyad.
 Perform the Description Wheel.
 Group Activities
 Doing Minute Paper

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date
Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz
P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

Unit 1: Movement Qualities

Day 1: Subject Orientation

Week No. _________ Week Date: ___________________

Transfer Goal: The pupils/students in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 Execute simple movement skills

Essential Understanding: The pupils will understand that…

 Creating body shapes and movements can show balance and stillness of movements.
 It is important to know the kinds of movement skills so that we can perform using them.
 With music, we can easily create steps using movements.
 Manipulative skills are skills used to handle implements like balls.
 Indigenous games showcase the rich culture of the Filipinos.
 For us to do our activities properly and avoid misinterpretation, injuries and accidents.

The pupils will know….
 Body Shapes and Body Actions
 Manipulative Skills “Dribbling and Kicking”
 Rhythmic Routines with Implements “Rhythm Sticks”
 Simple Folk Dance “Tiklos”
 Indigenous Games “Patintero”

The pupils will be able to….

1. recognize the different rules and routines in the subject
2. fulfill one’s obligations and promises faithfully

The pupils will be skilled at….

1. Demonstrating the different routines in the subject.

I. Preliminaries

Guessing Game
As Marians, how do we follow to rules and regulations?

A. Prelection
1. Review
Pupils will share what they know about the subject.(MI9)

2. Activating Prior Knowledge

Quick Talk
The pupils will be given a minute to share with their classmates what they know about the subject.

3. Motivation
Picture Analysis:
The pupils will analyze picture/s of activities being done in the subject (LS1, MI1)

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
 Guess This…
The pupils will be asked to get an object from a bag. The pupil will be asked to describe
the object that her/his classmate will guess such as basketball, badminton cock, whistle
(LI3, MI2)
 Use the result of the game to
a. discuss the overview , rules/routines in the subject
b. identify the requirements needed in the subject

 Pupils will perform exercises to be used in the class (MI4)

a. Why do you think you need to have physical education as one of your subjects?
b. What benefits can we get when we perform activities in P.E. class?
c. What are the things that you need to remember when performing an activity in
d. How can we get a physically fit body?

B. Broadening of Concept

 Valuing Question
As a good Marians, how will you show to others your support in the campaign for Health

 EQ leading to the EU
What is the essence in following procedures?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Faith
Related Value: Justice

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Josh 21:45 “Not a single promise that the Lord made to the house of
Israel was broken; everyone was fulfilled”.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: Justice and Peace

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: AP: Philippine Constitution
CL: Ten Commandments
III. Evaluation/Assessment

_____ Oral
Recitation based from the orientation

_____ Creative
The pupils will practice the warm-up exercises

IV. Summary/Action

What is Physical education?

What are the things that you can develop in performing activities in P. E.?

V. Purposive Assignment

What is body movement?

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability  Information Literacy
 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
 Communication  Information, Communications
 Productivity and and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and
References/Instructional Materials

a. Enjoying Life through MAPEH 10

b. Power point Presentation

c. LCD Projector
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections Remarks Reason for Partial Accomplishment/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz
P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit 1: Movement Qualities

Day 2: Body Shapes and Actions

Week No. _________ Week Date: ___________________

Transfer Goal: The pupils/students in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 Execute simple movement skills

Essential Understanding: The pupils will understand that…

 Creating body shapes and movements can show balance and stillness of movements.
 It is important to check one’s body positions to become aware of having good physical shape.

The pupils will know….
 Body Shapes and Body Actions

The pupils will be able to….

1. understand body shapes and body actions needed in various movement activities
2. identify the uses and functions of the different parts of the body

The pupils will be skilled at….

1. demonstrating momentarily stillness in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes using body parts
other than both feet as a base of support

I. Preliminaries

Games (Picture Puzzle & Statue Dance)

How do we work with others?

A. Prelection
1. Warm-up Exercises
2. Review
What is physical education?

3. Activating Prior Knowledge

Can your body create shapes? (MI9)

4. Motivation
Picture Analysis
The pupils will analyze pictures showing the form symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes.
(LS1, MI2)

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
 Picture Puzzle
The pupils will paste on the board pieces of cut pictures to form the symmetrical and
asymmetrical shapes. (LS1, MI2, MI1).
 Use the picture puzzle to…
discuss and recognize the different body shapes and body actions
recognize the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes using body
shapes and body actions

 Statue Dance
Pupils will listen to a song and dance. When the music stopped, the pupils will
execute body shapes and freeze.
( LI3, MI4,MI5 )

 Group Activity: “Paint Me a Picture”

The pupils will be grouped and will be asked to create/ paint an object, scene that
will be in symmetrical and /or asymmetrical forms. (MI2, MI8, MI9)

a. How do you perform body shapes and actions showing stillness of movements?
b. What did you discover about the shapes?
c. What is the importance of creating body shapes and movements?

B. Broadening of Concept

 Valuing Question
Why do you think it’s important to know and understand the parts of our body?
Do you set your standard in everything that you do?

 EQ leading to the EU
What is the importance of creating body shapes and movements?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Faith
Related Value: Communion

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 1Tim. 4:4 “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to
be rejected when received with thanksgiving”.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: Engaged Citizenship

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Science: Body Parts
III. Evaluation/Assessment

_____ Oral Activity

Recitation based from the discussion

_____ Written Activity

Book Exercises pp. 3-15

_____ Group Activity

Form a group and have a contest on “Paint Me a Picture”.

IV. Summary/Action

What is the difference between body shapes and body movements? (MI9)

How will you show that you are thankful to God for giving you the ability to perform body shapes and
movements? (MI9)

V. Purposive Assignment

What does “motion” mean?

21ST Century Skills

Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills Information, Media and
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability  Information Literacy
 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural  Information, Communications
 Communication  Productivity and and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and
References/Instructional Materials

a. Enjoying Life through MAPEH 10

b. Power point Presentation
c. LCD Projector

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections Remarks Reason for Partial Accomplishment/ New Date of /

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

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__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz
P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit 1: Movement Qualities

Day 3: Manipulative Skills

Week No. _________ Week Date: ___________________

Transfer Goal: The pupils/students in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 Execute simple movement skills

Essential Understanding: The pupils will understand that…

 It is important to know the kinds of movement skills so that we can perform using them.
 Manipulative skills are skills used to handle implements like balls.

The pupils will know….
 Movement Skills “Dribbling and Kicking”

The pupils will be able to….

1. describe kicking and dribbling skills
2. recognize the different kicking and dribbling skills

The pupils will be skilled at….

1. performing kicking a ball and dribbling continuously while traveling and changing direction

I. Preliminaries

Group Activity
As Marians, what are our actions to take care the living things?

A. Prelection
1. Warm-up Exercises
2. Review
What is balance? (MI3)

3. Activating Prior Knowledge

Show the pupils a real soccer ball. (LS1)
 What kind of game uses this kind of ball?
 What are the basic skills needed in playing the game? (MI3)

4. Motivation
Video Analysis
 The pupils are going to watch a short video showing players playing kick ball.
Picture Analysis
 The pupils will analyze picture of players playing kickball (LS1, LS2, MI2)
 Ask the pupils to formulate question/s about the game. (MI3)
II. Lesson Development
A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
 Present the pictures in pp. 100 of your MAPEH book. Ask the pupils to analyze the
picture and talk about it using Trio Talk Strategy.
 Let the pupils answer pp. 101-102.
 Use the pupils’ answer to…
 discuss the importance of basic skills of dribbling and kicking
 demonstrate the different basic skills properly

Group Activity
 Divide the pupils into four groups.
 Do pp. 103-104, items no. 1 and no.2. Let the pupils know the proper stance in playing kick
 Do Let’s Practice, letter D on pp. 107 (MI4, MI6, LI3)

a. How did you dribble the ball?

b. What is the proper way to kick the ball?
c. How can you become a good player in kickball game?
d. How do you apply all the basic skills learned in kickball?

B. Broadening of Concept

 Valuing Question
How would you encourage your classmate who is having difficulty to perform well?
How will you show your understanding of his/her weaknesses and limitations?

 EQ leading to the EU
How important is to know the kinds of movement skills?
What is the essence in following procedures?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Service
Related Value: Stewardship

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Rom 15:1 “We who are strong ought to put up the failings of the
weak and not to please ourselves”.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: Ecological Integrity

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Science: Living Things and Non-Living Things

III. Evaluation/Assessment

_____ Oral Activity:

Recitation based from the discussion

_____ Written Activity:

Book exercises pp. 100-104, and pp. 107

IV. Summary/Action

What is Motion skill?

How will you appreciate God’s gift of movements?

V. Purposive Assignment

Make a collage picture of different movement skills.

21ST Century Skills
Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability  Information Literacy
 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
 Communication  Information, Communications
 Productivity and and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and
References/Instructional Materials

a. Enjoying Life through MAPEH 10

b. Power point Presentation
c. LCD Projector

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections Remarks Reason for Partial Accomplishment/ New Date of /

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz
P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit 1: Movement Qualities

Day 4: Rhythmic Routines with Implements

Week No. _________ Week Date: ___________________

Transfer Goal: The pupils/students in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 Execute simple movement skills

Essential Understanding: The pupils will understand that…

 It is important to know the kinds of movement skills so that we can perform using them.
 With music, we can easily create steps using movements.

The pupils will know….
 Rhythmic Routines with Implements “Rhythm Sticks”

The pupils will be able to….

1. describe rhythmic activities with implement, such as ropes and sticks
2. expresses confidence and gracefulness in using implement

The pupils will be skilled at….

1. performing rhythmic routines using ropes and sticks

I. Preliminaries

Group Activity/Interpretation & Demonstration

How do we work in perfect timing? Do we pass our requirements on-time or

A. Prelection
1. Warm-up Exercises
2. Review
Pupils will recall the importance of learning the proper way of dribbling a ball.(MI9)

3. Activating Prior Knowledge

Picture Analysis
The pupils are going to analyze picture of a gymnast manipulating an apparatus. (LS1, MI2)

Discovery Approach
Some pupils will be called to manipulate a material once the music start. Instruct the pupils to move
the materials in time with the music and try to go to different places.
- Can you dance while holding something in your hands?
(LS2, LS3, MI4, MI5)
II. Lesson Development
A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
 Picture Analysis / Pair Share
The pupils will read and analyze pp. 64-68. By pair, the pupils will answer the question on page 72.
(MI6,LS1, LS2)
 Use the picture analysis to:
a. discuss the meaning of rhythmic
b. demonstrate proper execution of rhythmic positions
 Group Interpretation
a. The pupils will be divided into 6 groups.
b. Each group will be given a figure to interpret.
c. Using the activity on page 67 Rhythm Sticks, the pupils will try to come up with an
output which they will present to the class. (MI4, MI5, MI6, LS1, LS2, LS3)

Was it difficult to perform while holding and manipulating implements?

What should a group do to make their performance well presented?
How can you perform routine movements using a stick?

B. Broadening of Concept

 Valuing Question
Why is it important to make some standards in everything that we do?
In what way can we show our understanding of our weaknesses and that of others?

 EQ leading to the EU
Why do you think movements are exciting especially when it is done with music?
What is the essence in following procedures?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Competence

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Phil. 4:9 “Keep on doing what we have learned and received and
heard and seen in me’.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: Youth Empowerment

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: EPP:Measurement in Cooking
Music: Rhythm
III. Evaluation/Assessment

_____ Oral Activity:

Recitation based from the lesson

_____ Written Activity:

Book Exercises, pp. 64-68, pp. 72.

_____ Creative Activity:

Doing a simple stick rhythmic

IV. Summary/Action

What is Rhythmic Pattern?

How can you perform movements responding to even and uneven music?

V. Purposive Assignment
Do advanced reading on pp. 86-91 for your lesson next meeting.

21ST Century Skills

Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills Information, Media and
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability  Information Literacy
 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
 Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
 Information, Communications
 Communication  Productivity and and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and
References/Instructional Materials

a. Enjoying Life through MAPEH 10

b. Power point Presentation
c. LCD Projector

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections Remarks Reason for Partial Accomplishment/ New Date of /

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

__________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz
P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit 1: Movement Qualities

Day 5: Simple Folk Dance

Week No. _________ Week Date: ____________________

Transfer Goal: The pupils/students in the long run and on his/her own will be able to….
 Execute simple movement skills

Essential Understanding: The pupils will understand that…

 Practice how you can invade your opponent’s area.
 It is important to check one’s body positions to become aware of having good physical shape.

The pupils will know….
 Simple Folk Dance “Tiklos”

The pupils will be able to….

1. understand the importance of knowing simple rhythmic activities
2. describe the steps of simple rhythmic activities

The pupils will be skilled at….

1. performing creative dance gracefully

I. Preliminaries

Like the peasant, are we contented to the things we have?

1. Warm-up Exercises
2. Review
How do we manipulate objects? (MI3, MI9)

3. Activating Prior Knowledge

Description Wheel
The pupils will write on the spokes of the wheel meaning, example that describe the word DANCE.
(MI3, MI6, LS3)
Listening Activity
The pupils will listen to the music of My First Dance. (LS2, MI5)

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
 Using the answer in APK the pupils will be asked what they now, what they want to know about
folk dance (LS1, MI3, MI5)
 Use the pupils’ answer to:
a. discuss the importance of knowing and learning simple dance steps
b. demonstrate the correct way of doing the dance steps

Total Physical Response (TPR)

 The pupils will read, answer, and perform activities on pp. 86-88, 90-91 on their book.
 After learning the basic foot work application of the skills will be done by the pupils on pp. 88-89.
(LS3, MI4,MI5,MI6)

- What can you say about the dance you’ve learned?

- Why do you need to learn even just simple dance like My First Dance?
- How can you perform simple folk dance that will develop your ability to dance gracefully?

B. Broadening of Concept

 Valuing Question
Knowing and accepting your limitations, what can you do to improve yourself?
How can you show consistency in performing your task?

 EQ leading to the EU
Why do you think movements are exciting especially when it is done with music?
What is the essence in following procedures?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Service
Related Value: Humility

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 2 Cor. 8:7 “Now as you excel in every aspect, in faith, discourse,
knowledge, all earnestness and in the love we have for you, may you excel in this gracious act also”

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: Engaged Citizenship

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: HEKASI: Philippine Festivals

III. Evaluation/Assessment

_____ Oral Activity:

Recitation based from the lesson

_____ Written Activity:

Book Exercises, pp. 86-91.

_____ Group activity:

Execution of simple dance routines

IV. Summary/Action

Quick Talk
Using the quick talk, the pupils will answer the L in KWL presented earlier. They will be given a minute to
share their answer to the question…
Today, I learned that ____________ (MI3,MI9)

V. Purposive Assignment
List down famous indigenous games played by the youth of today.

References/Instructional Materials

a. Enjoying Life through MAPEH 10

b. Power point Presentation
c. LCD Projector

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability  Information Literacy
 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural  Information, Communications
 Communication  Productivity and and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections Remarks Reason for Partial Accomplishment/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation

___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

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