Summative Disaster Poster

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Interesting details Nina

Floods can happen anywhere, anytime, anyplace so
● Floods are measured by stream gauges that are installed in
bodies of water located near populated areas. If the water
level rises dramatically in a specific area, the ALERT gauge
sends the warning through a satellite to be analyzed
● The most deadly flooding was in 1931 in China and killed
watch out. about 2,500,000 people.
● Over the past 100 years, no other natural disaster in the U.S
has caused more death and distraction than floods
Why these happen Nina
Floods are the most frequent type Where they happen? Sean What happens?
of natural disaster and occur when ● Ares mostly surrounded by water. Social, economic and environmental impact
● Floods happen in this area because ● The floods impact the community by
an overflow of water submerges when something such as a lake, ocean, drowning people and make them sick of the
usually dry land. Floods are often dirt get too full then water starts to dirty water.
caused by heavy rainfall, rapid overflow and cover all the street with ● It impacts the environment by killing trees and
water. Floods also happen when there animals.
snowmelt, or a storm surge from a is to much rain because the dirt can’t ● During the flood lots of houses get destroyed
tropical cyclone or tsunami in hold it all. and damaged of the strong current
coastal areas.
: Recent Examples jakob

● In September 2020, profuse and continuous rainfall

in Sudan caused a devastating flood across at least
16 Sudanese states. The flood affected more than
500,000 people, destroyed more than 40,000
homes, and left about 100 people dead to date.
Sources: Health topics Sudan Flood Link Restoration ● The Federal Territories ministry is seeking a
long-term solution to prevent flash floods Flood Britannica National similar to those which hit parts of the capital
Geographic yesterday afternoon.

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