Lesson Plan Week7

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Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan

Learning Center: Lecturer: Chhoeum Thanya
Level: Phonic 2 Students’ ages 6-12ages Times: 7:30-9:00am/1:30-3:00pm
Date: 11 march 24 Topic: unit4 (ib sound) Lesson Length: 60mins
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 students will be able to recognize, pronounce, and use words containing the "IB" sound correctly
in context.


Lesson Sequencing: ESA/EASA model and PPP

Stage Typical Activities
-Good morning and sing phonics and clap hands.
Engage/preparation: -Check who will absent.
Line up and warm up -Ask Ss how was your weekend?
20mins -Where did you go on the weekend?

Activity#1 -T introduce the “ib” sound and explain that it is a combination of letter “I” and
I SOUND. (whiteboard, letter “B” that make a specific sound.
marker and -T say a word containing the “iB” sound and have Ss clap or raise their hands when
flashcard35mins) they hear the sound. Example words,rib,bib,nib,crib,etc.

-play the record and student repeat after the Sound and the words “iB” sound the
words, bib, rib, nib, and crib.
-Song for make them feel enjoy more with is
Activity# sing a song

-T encourage ss to draw their picture by follow with the book including four picture
and colors what they want too that the word is Ib sound as a homework.
Activity#3 explain

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Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan
Learning Center: Lecturer: Chhoeum Thanya
Level: Phonic 2 Students’ ages 6-12ages Times: 7:30-9:00am/1:30-3:00pm
Date: 12 March 24 Topic: Dictation Lesson Length: 75mins
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
-students will be able to understand the concept of dictation, improve their listening and writing skills,
and correctly transcribe sentences dictated to them.

Lesson Sequencing: ESA/EASA model and PPP

Stage Typical Activities
-T Begin to sing good morning to Ss
-Check and text student names
-T begin by explaining what dictation is in simple terms: when someone speaks, and
warm up 15mins
you write down that they heard.

Activity#1 listening -T start to read aloud a few time in one word

-T tell ss listen carefully once or twice time as a needed.
-Encourage the ss to think about the word and visualize them in their mind.

-Give them to do homework in workbook for two page 18 to 19

-T explain homework to Ss in class and then ask them to make clear any question
Activity#2Homework everyone?
T Tell to Ss don’t forget to practices at home for dictation can be with friend or
-T will play the letter phonics song
Activity#3 sing phonics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjfDfRCHe0w&pp=ygUicGhvbmljcyBzb3VuZH
song Mgb2YgYWxwaGFiZXRzIGEgdG8geg%3D%3D
-T say thank you everyone for coming and Bye see you tomorrow.

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Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan

Learning Center: Lecturer: Chhoeum Thanya

Level: Phonic 2 Students’ ages 6-12ages Times: 7:30-9:00am/1:30-3:00pm
Date: 13 March 24 Topic: Quizzes Lesson Length: 75mins
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

Lesson Sequencing: ESA/EASA model and PPP

Stage Typical Activities

Engage/preparation: -Sing Phonics song together

Line up and warm up -Before they sit ss have to say one word that they study already

Activity#1 -T start to do the quizzes on the website

test.30mins https://wordwall.net/resource/15925512/oxford-phonics-world-2-unit-3-sentences

-T start to play the picture from unit1 to unit4 and share to the screen
Activity#2 paly the -Let the Ss say two-time in one words.
radios 15mins

-T explain homework and give them to do on workbook.

Activity#3 homework -Last but not least, T will ask Ss If you have question you can ask me?

-T say goodbye to the ss and don’t let

Oxford phonics world2 29| Page

Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan
Learning Center: Lecturer: Chhoeum Thanya
Level: Phonic 2 Students’ ages 6-12ages Times: 7:30-9:00am/1:30-3:00pm
Date:14 March 24 Topic: short speaking (introduce Yourself) Lesson Length: 75mins
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Aim: students will be able to speak with improved clarity, confidence, and coherence in both individuals.


Lesson Sequencing: ESA/EASA model and PPP

Stage Typical Activities

Engage/preparation: -Good morning everyone.

Line up and warm up -check attendance list.
-T Will Tell Ss today we going to have speaking
-Get Ss attention ( T say give me once clap , twice clap , If you ready please copy
Activity#1 from me T will do lovely action is index finger and middle finger)
Speaking 40mins -T start write down a short paragraph and invite the ss complete their personal
-After that Will ask who want to try first and will go to the whiteboard
-T walk around and if the Ss need help T will go faster as possible.
-After that, T will give them to do homework on workbook and T explain them
how to do.
Activity2 -T goodbye Ss and T Encourage Ss to review more lesson a t home and wish ss
Have good day and see you when you see me.( everyone always smile while T say
this sentence)

Oxford phonics world2 29| Page

Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan

Learning Center: Lecturer: Chhoeum Thanya
Level: Phonic 2 Students’ ages 6-12ages Times: 7:30-9:00am/1:30-3:00pm
Date: 15 March 24 Topic: Review and movie Lesson Length: 60mins
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 Express their opinions about movies they like.
 Identify different types of movies.


Lesson Sequencing: ESA/EASA model and PPP

Stage Typical Activities

Engage/preparation: -Good morning everyone.

Line up and warm up -Check attendance list.
-T ask Ss what did you learn from yesterday?
Activity#2 Review -Ss will raise their hand or T will point 4 or 5 Ss to answer the question?
lesson -At the same time, T will tell them today we going to watch the fantastic movies.

-this movies about Coco

Activity#3 Movie and mll
homework _T give them to find three word and blend for T next week one by one, Goodbye
Everyone in the class, have a lovely day.

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Salariin Kampuchea Lesson plan

Quizzes https://wordwall.net/resource/15925512/oxford-phonics-world-2-unit-3-sentences

Ib word
Song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvuN_WvF1to&pp=ygUKZWFydGggc29uZw%3D%3D

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