Hydrotechnical Construction: Development of The Design For The No. 2 Spillway at The Boguchany Hydroproject

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Power Technology and Engineering Vol. 43, No.

3, 2009




A. V. Toloshinov,1 A. N. Volynchikov,2 V. A. Prokof’ev,3 and G. A. Sudol’skii3

Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 2, February 2009, pp. 2 – 9.

A design is proposed for a stepped spillway.

A detailed design of the Boguchany HPP with a rated ca- hydroproject by installing a second spillway (No. 2) in addi-
pacity of 3000 MW (nine generating sets each with a capac- tion to the existing and partially constructed No. 1 spillway.
ity of 330,000 kW and a reservoir at elevation 208 m was ap- In the design, the No. 2 spillway is to be placed in the
proved in 1979 by order of the Council of Ministers of the segment containing the unfinished No. 20 – 22 sections of
USSR in an agreement reached with the State Committee on the concrete dam alongside the partially constructed No. 1
Construction. In 1982, the first cubic meter of concrete was spillway using the pit opened for resumed construction of
placed in the basic structures of the hydroproject. From 1993 generating sets No. 10 – 12 of the powerhouse (a decision to
through 2005, construction proceeded at extremely low rates cancel construction of these sets was made after the pit had
on structures of the hydroproject. After the decision was been opened). Three alternate construction schemes of the
made to resume construction on the BoHPP in 2006, the in- No. 2, spillway, which are distinguished one from the other
stitute Gidroproekt (Moscow) was commissioned to render a primarily by the method used to dissipate the energy of the
partial adjustment to technical solutions of the 1979 design. discharge flow, are called for in the design. In two of the
Basic premises for partial revision of the technical solutions alternate schemes, it is specified that the energy of the flow
were: be dissipated in a tow basin, and a scheme whereby the flow
— a change in basic positions of the regulatory base for is discharged into the lower pool beyond the limits of the
the design of water-development works; structures being erected is called for in the third.
— a deficiency of carrying capacity of the spillway In hydrotechnical construction, problems associated with
structures at the hydroproject in periods of permanent and effective dissipation of excess flow energy, and erosion con-
temporary service; and, trol of the surface of the water-passing structures determine
— the need to ensure operational reliability of the spill- their design for the most part. Preliminary analysis indicated
way structures, and the possibility of performing their run- that the installation of a stepped overflow face for the No. 2
ning repairs. spillway will ensure:
Agricultural and water-power analyses performed in — operation of the spillway in a cavitation-free
compliance with requirements of the Construction Rules and regime by reducing the velocities of the flow, and its vigor-
Regulations indicated that the carrying capacity of the ous aeration;
hydroproject in the periods of temporary and permanent ser-
— lessening of the hydrodynamic influence exerted by
vice is lower than that required for passage of the spring
the flow on elements of the structure and apron facilities;
flood and high water of the summer and fall. To retain the de-
sign values for the maximum water level in the upper pool,
and ensure reliable passage of flows into the lower pool, it — diminution of the effect of the flow on the rocky
was necessary to increase the carrying capacity of the channel in the lower pool by lowering the velocities of the
flow at the outlet from the toe basin.
1 JSC “RusGidro,” Russia.
The broad geographic and lengthy history of the use of
2 JSC “Institut Gidroproekt,” Moscow, Russia. stepped spillways demonstrates the effectiveness and sim-
3 JSC “VNIIG im. B. E. Vedeneeva,” St. Petersburg, Russia. plicity of the design under consideration. There are examples

1570-145X/09/4303-0135 © 2009 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
136 A. V. Toloshinov et al.

Rockfill dam at Boguchany HPP. Spillway No. 1.

of the use of stepped designs for dissipation of the energy of People’s Republic), while the width of the steps is deter-
the flow being discharged [1]. Stepped spillways are usually mined by the slope of the downstream face of the dam. The
designed for specific flow rates of up to 30 m2/sec (for ex- stepped overflow face of these spillways is built either from
ample, the De Mist Kraal hydroproject in the Republic of vibrated concrete, which is placed at the site, or from spe-
South Africa, and the Vel hydroproject in Spain), and are cially fabricated concrete blocks.
used at dams with a height of up to 90 m. Stepped spillway The existence of a smooth spillway head, the profile of
dams are constructed even under severe climatic conditions. which is built vacuum-free [6] in order to ensure a sufficient
Thus, the 88-m high Upper Stillwater Dam on the Rocky flow velocity near the lower aerator when there are no steps
Creek River was built in 1987 in the United States [2 – 5] at in the spillways is characteristic of stepped-spillway designs.
river-channel elevations of more than 2400 m above sea These heads are constructed of vibrated concrete, and the
level. The stepped spillway of this hydroproject is intended transitional section with steps having a height lower than that
essentially for the annual passage of flows, and its design in the remaining section of the spillway is eliminated beyond
makes it possible to lower cavitation resistance requirements the head. This transitional section makes it possible to elimi-
for the concrete in the spillway face. Dissipation of approxi- nate to some degree significant splashing of the flow, which
mately 70% of excess kinetic energy of the flow occurred on may be observed at small discharge flow rates, and is speci-
the stepped face of this spillway with slopes of 1:0.32 and fied, for example, for the dams at La Puebla de Cazalla Dam
1:0.6 in the upper and lower sections, respectively. Bottom (Spain) [7], Monksville (United States) [8], M’Bali (Central
velocities of the flow at the design rate did not exceed African republic) [9], and Vel (Spain) hydroprojects [10].
10 m/sec at the inlet to the toe basin. Were a spillway with a In recent years, smooth spillway heads have been
smooth overflow face used, these flow velocities would merged with a lower stepped spillway face at a number of
reach 30 m/sec. hydroprojects in China. This design of the merge between
Different step heights are used when building stepped the spillway head and overflow face provides for significant
spillways. The maximum height of a step is, for example, aeration of the flow on the steps, air enters the flow from
1.2 m at the Vel Dam (Spain) (4 m according to certain data below, and the jet is aerated simultaneously from the sides.
for the dam at the Dachaoshan hydroproject in the Chinese According to Peterka [11], a concentration of air of from 5 to
Development of the Design for the No. 2 Spillway at the Boguchany Hydroproject 137

8% is sufficient for the flow to avoid cavitation of the con- The specific flow rates for the No. 2 spillway at the Bo-
crete. For stepped spillways, therefore, cavitation can be guchany hydroproject, which are 34 and 45 m2/sec for up-
avoided at specific flow rates of up to 140 m2/sec [12]. Ne per-pool elevations equal to the normal and forced backwater
Guangtong [13] indicates that specific flow rates of up to levels are considerably lower, respectively, than the design
139.2 m2/sec can be passed through a spillway with no risk values of these flows in a number of the above-discussed
of cavitation when the height of the steps is 1.2 m and the stepped spillways, and lower than those actually passed
slope of the face 1:0.84. through the stepped spillway of the Dachoashan hydro-
Operating experience with stepped spillways in the Chi- project without any unfavorable consequences. Optimal con-
nese People’s Republic suggests their high effectiveness. At ditions for passage of flows and sufficient extinguishment of
the Zhuidong hydroproject, which was placed in service in the energy of the flow on the spillway face and in the toe
basin using the stepped design version of the No. 2 spillway
1994, a stepped spillway 62 m high with a downstream-face
are therefore actually ensured.
slope of 1:0.65 is equipped with four flat 15.0 × 15.0-m
gates, and is designed for passage of a 100-year flow rate Development of Design of Stepped Version of No. 2
Spillway. In developing the design of the stepped version of
of 6010 m3/sec, and a 1000-year flow rate of 8323 m3/sec
the No. 2 spillway, it is necessary to ensure:
[13]. The specific flow rates for these cases is 120 and
— dissipation of energy on the overflow face of the
139 m2/sec, respectively. A toe basin, which is fitted with an
apron approximately 3 m high, is constructed in the lower
— absence of cavitation erosion due to a supplemental
pool of this spillway. Over the greater part of the length, this
air feed;
basin was constructed virtually with no anchoring of the
granite blocks in the base, with exception of the short nose at — reduction in the volumes of earth and rock work;
the beginning of the bracing. In 1994, a flow of 5397 m3/sec, — optimization of the dimensions of the toe basin, and
i.e., close to the design flow rate of the 100-year flood (spe- reduction of the thickness of the apron slab; and,
cific flow rate of 90 m2/sec) was passed through the spillway — minimum scouring of the rock channel in its dis-
at the hydroproject. The entire buttress-merging system func- charge section.
tioned satisfactorily, and no damages to the surface of the Let us examine the design version proposed for the No. 2
concrete were recorded. spillway.
The crest of the spillway is set at elevation 199.0 m. The
In 2001, the Dachaoshan hydroproject was placed in
configuration of the spillway head is selected to be vac-
service in the Chinese People’s Republic [14, 15] with a
uum-free on the basis of the profile recommended by the
111-m-high dam. The surface spillway of the hydroproject is
United States Corps of Army Engineers in compliance with
fitted with five 14.0 × 17.0-m radial gates on the crest. The
the equation
smooth spillway head is merged with a stepped overflow
face with a bench approximately 2 m high. The slope of the
downstream face of the dam is 1:0.7, and the height of the x = 2H0.85y, (1)
steps is 1 m. This spillway is intended to pass design and
test flows amounting to approximately 11,500 and where H is the profiling head, which is equal to 10.5 m, and x
16,600 m3/sec, respectively. The specific flow rates for these and y are, respectively, the horizontal and vertical axes drawn
cases amount to 165 and 250 m2/sec, respectively. from the center on the crest of the spillway (Fig. 1).
A bench 1 with a height of 1 m was specified at elevation
In 2002, the year following the start-up of the Dachao-
194.13 m to merge the smooth head with the stepped portion
shan hydroproject, field investigations of the operating con-
of the spillway. A transitional section with seven steps 0.5 m
ditions of the spillway were conducted during passage of a
high, which were smaller than those over the remaining
6173 m3/sec flow, and the operation of a portion of the spans
length of the overflow face, were deployed below in the ele-
(specific flow rate of approximately 80 m2/sec). The energy vation range from 193.13 to 190.13 m. The outer edges of
within the limits of the spillway run was successfully dis- these steps come in contact with the continuation of the
sipated. Although certain pressure drops below atmospheric curvilinear WES profile. Beginning with elevation 190.13 m
were observed on the steps, there was no danger of cavitation right down to the elevation of the bottom of the basin, the
in connection with significant saturation of the flow with air. outer edges of the steps with a constant height of 1.5 m are
After passage of flows in 2002 over a period of 1000 h, united with the conditional profile of the “smooth” overflow
no damages of a cavitation nature were observed on the face with a slope of 1:0.85 (Fig. 1).
spillway. In selecting the height of the steps, we examined design
At the present time, the Beis hydroproject with a dam schemes of the spillway face with steps 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, and
height of 130 m is under design in Chinese People’s Repub- 3 m high. Forty-three steps 1.5 m high (Fig. 1), and 22 of
lic; the specific flow rates for the basic and test cases are 180 these steps for the version with steps 3 m high were arranged
and 205 m2/sec, respectively. The height of the vertical on the overflow face beyond the bench at the terminus of the
bench in the terminal section of the buttresses is 3 m. buttresses.
138 A. V. Toloshinov et al.

Inset A

Dividing axis
Axis of groove for repair gate
of structure (DAS)
Axis of groove
for flat working gate

Inset A

x = 2.0Hd0.85y
1.0 Buttresses in span
198.55 199.00

195.75 0 X
NBL 209.50 1.1 194.13

FBL 208.00 Y 190.14

0 X

Y 190.14
Joints between powerhouse
and dividing wall

From DAS 10,790

173.00 Profile of left-
166.00 bank abutment
From DAS 10,600
Initial surface of bottom
beyond toe basin
Left-bank mating wall
Qmax = 12,700 m3/sec
137.00 Qmin = 1100 m3/sec 134.50
Stone fill
Grouted gallery


126.80 117.00

Weep holes


6.7 17.5 9





Fig. 1. Longitudinal section and plan of single span of stepped No. 2 spillway at Boguchany hydroproject: NBL, normal backwater level;
FBL, forced backwater level.

The design of the spillway buttresses is shown in Fig. 1. tal section of the bottom of the basin is 28.4 m, and the
The intake heads are withdrawn into the upper pool by 6.7 m downstream inclined section with a slope of 1:3 is concreted
relative to the thrust face of the dam, and are curved along to elevation 126.0 m. A version of the toe basin, which elimi-
the arc of an ellipse. Grooves for the installation of emer- nates the clearing of rock in the existing trench for the pow-
gency-repair and working gates are built into the upstream erhouse is proposed for a reduction in the volumes of exca-
portion of the span in the buttresses. At a distance of 17.5 m vated rocky soil, and volumes of concrete work. The eleva-
from the thrust face of the dam, a bench (expanded in plan tion of the horizontal section with a length of 7.9 m along the
from 10 to 11.5 m) is built into the span by reducing the bottom is raised to 117.0 m. The length of the basin is short-
width of one buttress by 0.5 m, and the other by 1 m. In plan, ened to 78 m, and its inclined downstream slope will be con-
this bench is combined at elevation 194.13 m with a creted to elevation 130.7 m.
1-m-high bench in the vertical plane to ensure aeration of the Experimental Installation and Procedure Employed
flow over the entire perimeter of the cross section. for Investigations. A fragmentary 1:30-scale model, which
The thickness of the buttresses in their outlet section at a reproduces one span of the spillway with a width of 15 m be-
distance of 26.5 m from the thrust face of the dam is 3 m for tween the axes of the buttresses in the field was constructed
one of the buttresses, and 4 m for the other. The bench on the in a laboratory room at the VNIIG im. B. E. Vedeneeva
stepped overflow face with a height of 3.6 m at elevation (St. Petersburg) to conduct experimental hydraulic investiga-
184.12 m joins the terminal line of the buttresses, which tions. The model consists of a metallic pressure tank, an
forms the bench in plan (Fig. 1). acrylic mock-up of the overflow face, toe basin, and a sec-
In working-out the design for the toe basin, we consid- tion of the channel in the lower pool, which are placed in the
ered two alternate schemes for its construction. A basin with 0.5-m-wide discharge chute of the model.
a base elevation of 114.6 m and length of 102.0 m was ini- In the model, the height of the dam was 2.8 m, and the
tially adopted in the detail design. The length of the horizon- height of the steps was varied from 1.7 to 10 cm. The hy-
Development of the Design for the No. 2 Spillway at the Boguchany Hydroproject 139

Elevation, m

FBL 209.50
210 NBL 208.0

9.2 10.1

No, –2

15 4.9

No, 5


No, 15

24 .1
No, 25 1

3 6

150 2
4 LPL = 141.45

28 8.8
No, 35




16 .4
No, 49

from DAS, m
–40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Fig. 2. Distribution of water levels 1, averaged piezometric heads 2, flow velocities on overflow face and in toe basin 3 along axis of span, posi-
tion of transit jet 4 and crests on surface of flow 5, as well as longitudinal profiles of scouring along axis 6 and near right merging wall: FBL,
forced backwater level; NBL, normal backwater level; LPL, lower-pool level.

draulics of the flow was simulated in conformity with the model in the critical state such that its contracted section was
Froude number, and the Reynolds number on the stepped positioned near the lower surface of the dam. After measur-
face ranged from 1 × 107 to 5 × 107 during passage of the de- ing the second combined depth of the hydraulic jump on the
sign flows. model, the depth in the contracted section of the jump, and
The depths of flow, and the averaged and pulsation com- the velocity and velocity coefficient in this section were de-
ponents of the pressure on the head of the spillway, stepped termined by calculation based on the jump equation.
overflow face, and in the toe basin on its bottom and lateral Basic Results of Investigations. Flow Conditions on
walls were measured on the model. The hydrodynamic load Overflow Face of Spillway. Separation of the flow was ob-
on the first slab in the bottom of the toe basin was measured served at the terminus line of the buttresses; this results in the
in a series of tests. The following basic characteristics were formation of pockets in plan, through which air freely pene-
determined as a result of reducing the data on pressure pulsa- trates to the flow over the entire perimeter of the lower sur-
tion: standards (standard deviations), distribution laws, and face of the jet due to the existence of the vertical bench at
spectral-density functions. The velocities and air content this location. The flow is expanded, and comes in contact
(aeration) of the flow were also measured on the model. with the lateral walls forming crests on the surface of the
According to data derived from geologic-engineering flow in which the depth of the water is substantially greater
surveys, a section of the lower pool in the bedrock zone is than that along the axis of the flow. Figure 2 presents data on
comprised of dolerites, the average block size of which var- the variation in water level and flow velocities over the run
ies from 0.2 to 0.7 m. These dolerites are covered from of a span of the No. 2 spillway, in the toe basin, and in the
above by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary rocks, which, discharge section of the channel.
however, has withstood scouring during the everyday pas- The following were established as a result of the hydrau-
sage of flows through the Angara River channel; this indi- lic investigations:
rectly suggests its sufficiently high resistance to scouring. — the profile configuration adopted for the head ensures
Using a noncohesive material in the model — gravel with an separation-free passage of the flow, and a pressure greater
average individual-particle size of approximately 0.8 cm — than atmospheric on its surface;
only the original heavily cracked dolerites were reproduced, — no vacuums on the surfaces of the steps;
and they were comprised of the minimum size of the pre- — flow velocities increase gradually on the stepped
served rock blocks. The jointings of the rock with an average overflow face; they do not, however, exceed 20 m/sec prior
dimension amounting to approximately 0.25 m in the con- to entering the jet (Fig. 2); and,
version to full-scale were reproduced in this manner on the — entrainment of air in the flow through pockets
model with the noncohesive material. formed at the bench in the median section of the buttresses is
To verify the dissipation of energy on the overflow face negligible. Flow separation at the site of the bend in the ter-
of the spillway, a hydraulic jump was established on the minal section of the buttresses provides for its considerable
140 A. V. Toloshinov et al.

55 low over the spillway run and the flow is in a jump regime,
50 -2 the spectral-density functions of pressure pulsation on the
-4 steps assumes the form of white noise to frequencies of
45 -5 40 – 50 Hz. At the design flow rate and with a sliding flow
40 regime, a significant part of the spectral-density functions re-
side in the range of frequencies at or below 3 Hz [1]. Thus,
35 the hydrodynamic effect of the flow on the stepped overflow
face does not present a risk to the strength and stability of the
q, m2/sec

massive concrete dam of the Boguchany hydroproject, and
25 cannot result in the vibration of this structure, since the aver-
20 aged loads are negligibly small, and the frequencies driving
the load pulsation on the steps due to the effect of the flow
15 are substantially lower than the natural frequencies of the
The dynamic-pressure pulsation on the vertical faces of
5 the steps may result in vacuum formation, and consequently,
0 ö possible cavitation erosion of the steps. Appreciable satura-
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 tion of the downstream portion of the flow with air (up to
Fig. 3. Dependence of velocity coefficient ö on specific flow rate q: 10 – 15%), and the comparatively low velocities of the cur-
1 – 2, for spillway-crest elevation of 199 m and steps 1.5 and 3 m rent (less than 20 m/sec) on the stepped overflow face, how-
high, respectively; 3, for spillway-crest elevation of 176 m (tempo- ever, provide cavitation protection to the surface of the con-
rary threshold) and steps 1.5 m high; 4 – 6, from data in [17] for crete. In continued studies, it is planned, nevertheless, to
steps 1.9, 2.6, and 4.6 m high, respectively. conduct additional hydraulic investigations of the hydrody-
namic pressure pulsation of the flow on the stepped overflow
face, and designate the composition of the concrete in con-
aeration, especially near the bottom, where the air content formity with the results obtained.
reaches 20%. The amount of air in the flow is diminished Energy Dissipation on Overflow Face of Spillway. En-
somewhat along the length of the face. On the line connect- ergy dissipation on the stepped overflow face is provided by
ing the upper edges of the steps (conditional line of the bot- interaction between the flow and eddy regions, which are
tom of the face), the air content is 10 – 15%. Within the formed in the pockets of the steps. The average values of
pockets created by the steps below this line, the amount of air the drag coefficient of the stepped overflow face increases
in the flow remains virtually undiminished. with increasing height of the steps, and for step heights of
Thus, the surface of the steps is protected from cavita- 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, and 3 m, they are, respectively, 0.17, 0.28,
tion erosion by low flow velocities, which does not exceed 0.53, and 1.8. It is approximately these values of the coeffi-
20 m/sec over the entire length of the face prior to the point cient of hydraulic friction that are recorded for rocky river
where the jet enters the water, and by the absence of vacuums channels [16].
on the faces of the steps. Let us examine results of variation in the coefficients
There is essentially no risk of significant spray formation characterizing velocity and energy losses on the overflow
during operation of the stepped spillway. During a sliding face of the spillway as a function of specific discharge flow.
flow regime, the flow on the overflow face is rather smooth Basic data on the values of the coefficient ö, which charac-
in its upper section, and only when the jet interacts with the terizes the reduction in flow velocities near the lower surface
lateral walls are crests formed on the surface of the flow. The of the dam as compared with those determined under condi-
height of the flow is 2 – 2.5 times greater in the crests than tions where their is no energy loss, are presented in Fig. 3 as
along the axis of the flow. a function of the specific flow rate q. The average values of
Analysis of the hydrodynamic effect of the flow on the the velocity coefficient is virtually independent of the height
stepped surface of the spillway indicates the following. The of the steps. The velocity coefficient j for steps with a height
averaged pressure on the vertical faces of the steps is close to of 1.5 and 3 m on the overflow face is 0.57 at a point near the
atmospheric, but its maximum values are recorded on the lower surface of the foundation when the maximum flow rate
horizontal surfaces of only those steps close to the outside is passed [17, 18]. The dissipation (loss) of the total specific
corner. The averaged pressure on the steps increases along energy of the flow in the section from the upper pool to the
the length of the face, and reaches 50 – 60 kPa on the lower lower surface of the dam is about 70%; this agrees approxi-
steps near the lower surface of the dam. The intensity of the mately with experimental data [19] obtained for a 50° slope
pulsation component of the pressure on the steps (the ratio of of a stepped spillway.
its standard deviation to the velocity head) in the down- It should be pointed out that the optimal height of the
stream portion of the face is 0.05 – 0.10, and the maximum steps is 1.5 m; this also corresponds to half the height of the
standard deviation is 20 kPa [1]. When the flow rates are concrete blocks. An increase in the height of the steps to 3 m
Development of the Design for the No. 2 Spillway at the Boguchany Hydroproject 141

will result in additional spray formation over the overflow Significant hydrodynamic-pressure pulsations will lead
face, but dissipation of the energy will not improve. to an increase in suspended loads on the slabs of the toe ba-
Conditional Energy Dissipation in Toe Basin, Flow-Re- sin. Pressure-pulsation standards for the bottom of the basin
gime Parameters, and Scouring of Bottom in Discharge Sec- are about 5% of the velocity head in the contracted section of
tion of Channel in Tail Water. For the toe-basin design under the hydraulic jump, and diminish over the length.
consideration, the jump-submergence factor is about 2.5, and The required thickness of the slabs in the bottom of the
the contracted section of the jump is situated on the spillway toe basin, which can be determined for the condition
face. Accordingly, the length of the path of the transit jet in whereby the joints between the slabs are completely airtight,
the water from the contracted section of the jump to the is 4.5 m.
lower surface of the foundation provides additional dissipa- The maxima of the functions of the spectral density and
tion of flow energy, and a reduction in flow velocities in the energy spectrum of the pressure pulsation are situated pri-
redisvisions of the downstream section of the overflow face. marily at low frequencies of up to 1 – 2 Hz, but at high fre-
The appreciable thickness of the roll of the hydraulic jump quencies, these attenuate in accordance with an established
will result in vigorous dissipation of energy in the latter rule. The natural-vibrations frequencies of spillway but-
(Fig. 2). tresses are usually 6 – 8 Hz; there is therefore no need for dy-
Bottom flow velocities in the transit jet at the beginning namic analysis of the slabs of the toe basin and lateral walls.
Assessment of Operational problems with Passage of
of the toe basin are diminished by essentially two times as
Flood Flows Through No. 2 Spillway. It is planned to oper-
compared with the point where the jet enters the water. Near
ate the No. 2 spillway occasionally, only during passage of
the lower surface of the dam, they are approximately 9 –
the spring flood and high water during the summer and fall.
10 m/sec. If the hydraulic jump were to be located in the
Despite development of the optimal design of a stepped spill-
critical state near the lower surface of the dam when there is
way, the appearance of the following problems, which may
no underflooding from the direction of the lower pool, the
also be critical for the other alternate design schemes of spill-
bottom flow velocities would be 24 m/sec at this point.
way, is possible during its service:
Thus, the hydraulic jump will, through dissipation of energy,
— formation of an ice cover on the overflow face due to
provide for an approximate threefold reduction in velocities
possible leakage of water through the seals of the gates on
near the lower surface of the dam.
the head of the spillway; and,
Flow velocities remain virtually unchanged over the — the need to protect the spillway face against possible
length of the bottom of the toe basin from the lower surface impingement of individual cakes of ice, logs, and debris
of the dam to its downstream slope. At the upstream site of from the reservoir when a gate is opened and the passage of
concrete stabilization with an elevation of 130.7 m, maxi- flows is begun.
mum bottom flow velocities are all of 2 – 3 m/sec (Fig. 2). The Boguchany hydroproject under construction is the
As the flow exits into the horizontal section of the channel fourth (lower) stage of a series of hydroprojects on the
with an elevation of 133 m, flow velocities are somewhat in- Angara River. During operation of the up-river Irkutsk,
creased due to a reduction in the free cross-sectional area of Bratsk, and Ust’-Ilimsk hydroprojects, considerable practical
the flow. In the tailwater beyond the limits of the dividing experience has been gained with the passage of flood flows
walls of the spillway, the flow velocities are in virtual corre- through surface spillways. Analysis of this experience, and
spondence with everyday values. also codification of data on other hydroprojects in Russia,
Relatively small scours of the rocky discharge channel which operate under severe climatic conditions, has made it
were recorded beyond the toe basin (Fig. 2). The maximum possible to develop measures to ensure the fail-safe operat-
depth of a scour funnel reaches 5 m after passage of the de- ing regime of the No. 2 spillway with the continued improve-
sign flood. The bottom elevations of the scour pits are above ment of its design.
the lower surface elevations of the enclosing walls of the
No. 1 spillway under construction; such scouring of the rock CONCLUSIONS
will therefore not threaten the safety of the dividing walls of
the spillway. 1. A design for the No. 2 stepped spillway at the Bogu-
Determination of Hydrodynamic Loads on Slabs of Bot- chany hydroproject, which ensures reliable conditions for
tom and Lateral Walls of Toe Basin. In the toe basin, the passage of flows during continuous operation, is developed
elevations of the water levels are lower than the elevation of as a result of hydraulic investigations.
the lower-pool level, despite a rather high degree of jump 2. The design of the stepped spillway consists of a
submergence. Accordingly, the values of the averaged piezo- smooth overflow head, a transitional section with steps 0.5 m
metric heads on the bottom of the toe basin are also lower high, and an overflow face with steps 1.5 m high. A vertical
than those determined by calculation as a function of lower- bench 3.6 m high is specified for aeration of the flow at the
pool level (Fig. 2). The values of the averaged piezometric terminus of the buttresses.
heads are diminished from 20 to 10 m over the length of the 3. The design of the toe basin corresponds to the con-
toe (at the end of the concrete stabilization). figuration of the existing pit for the powerhouse, and no ad-
142 A. V. Toloshinov et al.

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