Columbus IQ Instruments
Columbus IQ Instruments
Columbus IQ Instruments
Knee Arthroplasty
Operating Technique with IQ Instruments
Aesculap Orthopaedics
Aesculap® Columbus®
1. The IQ Instruments
The IQ Columbus® instrumentation has been designed to facilitate the workflow not only for the surgeon, but the operating
room (OR) team as a hole, by enhancing ergonomics and operative efficiency. IQ stands for „Intuitive and Quick“. The system
offers multiple options covering different implantation philosophies that allow each surgeon to follow his/her preferred surgical
JJ Precise and less instruments
JJ Quick couplings
JJ Ergonomic handles and
JJ Colour coding
are some aspects that will facilitate the surgical process in the operating room
The instruments as well as the instrument trays are colour coded to enease instrumentation and organization during the
complete workflow:
JJ red = femur
JJ blue = tibia
JJ yellow = general instruments
JJ grey = patella
The IQ Columbus® instruments are stored in the specially developed OrthoTrays. Both together, the IQ instruments plus OrthoTray
offer a high end reprocessing solution. The trays not only store the instruments in a secure and safe manner but also clearly
facilitate the reprocessing procedure for the CSU (Central Sterilization Unit) as the instruments can remain in the tray during
the washing process. This time saving solution generates an economic advantage and eliminates a potential source of error as
complete set reassembling is needless.
Note: This wash tray system is only approved for the use with the cleaning validated instruments from Aesculap. Complex
instruments, e. g. cutting guides or instruments that are introduced in the intramedullary (IM) canal during the procedure as
drills and reamers requires a manual pre-cleaning according to standard requirements.
2. Content
1. The IQ Instruments 2
2. Content 3
3. Indications/Patient Selection 4
4. Preoperative Planning 5
5. Approach 6
7. Workflow Synopsis 14
8. Tibia Preparation 18
9. Femur Preparation 31
16. Closure 51
17. Instruments 52
Optional Instruments 62
Order Information 68
Implant Matrix 79
Aesculap® Columbus®
3. Indications/Patient Selection
cemented/ cemented
cementless cemented/ cemented
4. Preoperative Planning
Aesculap® Columbus®
5. Approach
The Columbus® IQ instrumentation is designed for use Three basic types of arthrotomies are recommended for
with or without the OrthoPilot® Navigation, for both use to carry out the intra-articular exposure: the medial
conventional and less invasive approaches to the knee. parapatellar, the mid-vastus or the sub-vastus.
The initial skin incision is a straight midline or slightly
oblique parapatellar skin incision starting 2 to 4 cm
5.1 Medial parapatellar Arthrotomy
proximal to the superior pole of the patella and
extending distally to the medial aspect of the tibial With the knee in flexion or extension, the arthrotomy is
tubercule. The surgeon should decide on a patient performed starting proximal to the superior pole of the
basis which length of an incision is necessary for proper patella, incising the rectus femoris tendon longitudinally.
visualization of the knee anatomy. A parapatellar skin Continuing the arthrotomy distally around the medial
incision will be of benefit to patients when attempting aspect of the patella, and ending medial to the tibial
to kneel after the operation. tubercule is then carried out.
The length range of the incision is generally between
8 and 14 cm symmetrically distributed above and
below the joint line. Extension of the skin incision may
be necessary during the procedure depending on the
patient anatomy, the soft tissues and the skin tension.
5.2 Mid-vastus Arthrotomy 5.3 Sub-vastus Arthrotomy
With the knee in flexion, the arthrotomy is performed With the knee in flexion, the arthrotomy is performed
starting by a split of the fibers from the vastus medialis starting with a 4 to 6 cm incision of the fascia at the
oblique (VMO), continuing distally around the medial inferior border of the VMO, running horizontal to the
aspect of the patella, and ending medial to the tibial medial aspect of the patella, continuing and ending
tubercule. distally medial to the medial tubercule.
Aesculap® Columbus®
6. Assembly Instructions and Instrument Handling
A – Tibia Extra-Medullary Alignment – Assembly Instructions
1 2 3
JJ press the upper button on the JJ turn the wheel of the tibial JJ push on the handle adjusting
bimalleolar clamp alignment handle to the open wheel to release the locking
JJ engage the support in the groove position, OP-EN will be displayed mechanism
JJ when the neutral position is JJ engage the handle onto the JJ engage the holding rod in the
reached, release the button bimalleolar support handle
JJ adjust to the neutral position JJ release the wheel when the
desired level is reached
JJ turning the wheel will allow a
fine adjustment on the height
4 5 6
JJ engage the holding rod in one JJ the proximal fixation is set JJ the connection square of the
of the connection squares of the through the proximal opening of stylus is engaged in one of the
tibial cutting guide the holding rod connection squares of the tibial
JJ lock the assembly by turning the JJ turn the tab into a horizontal cutting guide
frontal wheel position to fix the assembly JJ the connection is fixed by locking
the wheel on the stylus
JJ the resection height is adjusted
to the desired bone cut level
JJ the stylus can be placed over the
proximal fixation
Aesculap® Columbus®
B – Tibia Intra-Medullary Alignment
JJ push on the button of the JJ choose the IM orientation sleeve JJ mount the assembly into the
T-handle to release the locking corresponding to the desired alignment block
mechanism posterior slope resection of the JJ connect the alignment system to
JJ couple the T-handle to the IM rod tibia (default is 0° sleeve; sleeves the tibia cutting guide in one of
JJ release the button to lock the with 3°, 5° and 7° posterior slope its connection squares
assembly are optionally available) JJ fix the connection by locking the
JJ connect the sleeve to the IM wheel
alignment system
JJ push on the button of the JJ choose the IM orientation sleeve JJ mount the assembly into the
T-handle to release the locking corresponding to the desired valgus alignment system
mechanism alignment (standard 5°, 6° or 7°; JJ connect the alignment system
JJ couple the T-handle to the IM rod optionally available 8° and 9°). to the tibia cutting guide in the
JJ release the button to lock the JJ connect the sleeve to the IM central connection square
assembly alignment system JJ fix the connection by locking the
JJ connect a distal femur contact wheel
plate, standard: large (small
optionally available)
D – A/P and Rotation Alignment Block
Aesculap® Columbus®
D – A/P and Rotation Alignment Block
E – Tibial-Distal Cutting Guide
Aesculap® Columbus®
7. Workflow Synopsis
1a 2
Tibia First
1. Tibia IM or EM Alignment
2. Tibia Resection
3. Gap Balancing (optional)
4. Femur IM Alignment
5. Distal Resection
6. Femur A/P Sizing and
7. Femur APC Resections
8. PS Box Preparation (optional) 8
9. Trial Reduction
10. Tibia Keel and/or Stem
11. Patella Preparation
12. Component Implantation
4 5 6
9 10 12
Aesculap® Columbus®
7. Workflow Synopsis
1 2
Femur First
1. Femur IM Alignment
2. Distal Resection
3. Femur A/P Sizing and
4. Femur APC Resections
5. PS Box Preparation (optional)
6. Tibia IM or EM Alignment
7. Tibia Resection
8. Gap Balancing (optional) 6b 8
9. Trial Reduction
10. Tibia Keel and/or Stem
11. Patella Preparation
12. Component Implantation
6a 7
3 4
9 10 12
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
8.1 extramedullary (eM) Referencing JJ When the rotation has been adjusted to the mid-third
of the tibial tuberosity and the second toe axis
JJ The EM alignment system assembly is placed in a
(or according to the patients individual anatomy
parallel fashion with the frontal tibia with the leg
since these landmarks may not be in line with the
positioned in flexion.
mechanical axis of the tibia), the second spike can
JJ The bimalleolar clamp, previously set in a neutral be impacted defining the final tibia rotation.
position, is fixed around the lower limb just above the
ankle joint and centered on the tibio-tarsian joint.
JJ Proximally, the EM alignment system can be
stabilized with the proximal fixation first by engaging
the longest spike between the tibia spines.
A B C D e
A: Bimalleolar clamp NS345R, B: Bimalleolar clamp support NS344R, C: Alignment system handle NS342R,
D: Holding rod for cutting guide NS341R, E: Tibia cutting guide NS334R
F: Proximal fixation NS343R, G: Tibia stylus NS347R
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
Height Adjustment (3) JJ The planned value is set on the stylus, which is then
mounted into the tibia cutting guide. The extra-
JJ The resection height is determined in preoperative
medullary alignment instrument is then lowered until
planning. The aim is to remove any defect on the
the stylus comes into contact with the chosen point.
tibial joint surface as completely as possible in order
to create a bed for the tibia plateau on intact bone JJ Referencing the healthy tibia plateau is helpful to
for optimal support of the implant. determine the level of the joint line. Referencing
the deepest point of the worn side of the tibia helps
to reduce the cut by resecting only 2 mm. Preope-
rative planning and surgeon preference are used to
determine which reference to use.
A B C D e
A: Bimalleolar clamp NS345R, B: Bimalleolar clamp support NS344R, C: Alignment system handle NS342R,
D: Holding rod for cutting guide NS341R, E: Tibia cutting guide NS334R
JJ The cutting block is fixed with two headless pins in JJ The EM tibia alignment system is then discon-
position „0“. The +/-2 mm pinholes are available on nected from the tibia cutting guide by turning the
the resection blocks to further adjust the resection connecting wheel counterclockwise. The proximal
level if needed. To avoid movements during the fixation can be removed by disengaging the spike
resection, additional pins are set in convergent holes from the tibial spine.
as marked.
F: Proximal fixation NS343R, G: Tibia stylus NS347R, H: Headless pins 63 mm NP583R, I: Pin driver NP613R, J: Acculan drill
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
8.2 Intramedullary Referencing JJ The intramedullary rod is inserted into the prepared
canal, after the contents are irrigated and suctioned,
JJ The medullary canal of the tibia is opened with the
with the help of the T-handle. Once the T-handle
Ø 9 mm starting drill bit. The surgeon has to pay close
is removed, the intramedullary alignment system is
attention of the drilling direction in order to avoid
mounted on the rod with the chosen posterior slope
cortical violation of the posterior metaphysis.
angle sleeve (0° standard, 3°, 5°, or 7° optional) and
the cutting guide.
A: Drill Ø 9 mm NS330R, B: T-handle NE198R, C: IM alignment rod NS331R, D: IM alignment system NS332R
JJ The stylus is set on the deepest point of the tibia JJ The alignment of the cutting block can be checked
plateau to define the 0-level cut. The height of the with the alignment rod.
cut is then adjusted by turning the tuning wheel to
the desired amount of resection in millimeters.
NoTe: The surgeon should realize that the matched
implant resection for the tibia is 10 mm.
e F G H
E: Tibia cutting guide NS334R, F: Tibia IM stylus for orientation sleeves NS847R, G: Alignment rod long NP471R, H: Tibia orientation sleeve
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
JJ The cutting block is fixed with two headless pins in 8.3 Tibia Resection
position „0“. The +/-2 mm pinholes are available on
JJ Once the cutting block is positioned and fixed, the
the resection blocks to further adjust the resection
proximal tibial resection is performed. (See NOTE)
level if needed. In order to avoid movements during
the resection, additional pins are set in convergent JJ After performing the proximal tibial resection the
holes. block is removed and the resected bone taken away.
A careful inspection of the peripheral resection
JJ The IM tibia alignment system is removed in one
is mandatory in order to check that no remaining
step with the T-handle after unlocking the cutting
bone stock is present. Further removal of meniscal
block from the alignment system by turning the
remnants and osteophytes that affect the posterior
locking wheel in a counterclockwise direction.
capsule is then performed.
NoTe: The protection of the surrounding soft tissue
sleeve of the knee joint is paramount. A special attention
has to be paid: use of Hohmann retractors, collaterals
retractors, PCL retractor is recommended in order to
protect them during the resection.
A B C D e F
A: IM alignment system NS332R, B: Tibia IM stylus for orientation sleeves NS847R, C: Tibia cutting guide NS334R, D: Headless pins 63 mm
NP583R, E: Tibia Orientation Sleeve NS843R-NS846R, F: IM alignment rod NS331R
8. Tibia Preparation – oPTIoN: Hemi Spacer For Tibia Augmentation
JJ For small defects of the tibia plateau the Columbus® (see picture below). Two additional headless pins are
knee system offers hemi spacers in heights of 4 mm inserted in the requested depth. After removing the
and 8 mm. move block and the first two parallel pins, the tibia
cutting guide can be placed over the new drilled pins.
JJ After the standard resection the tibia cutting guide
When the cutting guide is fixed with two convergent
is removed. Depending on the used holes of the tibia
pins, the hemi spacer resection can be performed.
cutting guide, the tibia move block is placed over
the two headless pins with frontal side „C“ or „L R“
A B C D e
A: Tibia cutting guide NS334R, B: Headless pins 63 mm NP583R, C: Tibia move block NQ1078R, D: Acculan drill, E: Pin driver NP613R
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation – oPTIoN: Hemi Spacer For Tibia Augmentation
A B C D e F G
A: Tibia cutting guide NS334R, B: Headless pins 63 mm NP583R, C: Acculan saw, D: Screw driver NQ1070R, E: Tibia trial/preparation
plateau NQ1079R-NQ1089R, F: Trial hemi spacer NQ1160-NQ1196, G: Plug remover for final CRA/PSA tibia plateau NP744R
medial lateral
internally rotated
medial lateral
8.4 Tibia Keel Preparation femur trial implant with the adequate trial gliding
surface. By exercising flexion extension movements
JJ The size of the tibia is determined by superposing
combined with slight rotational stresses, the tibia
the different tibia preparation plateau sizes onto the
plateau will find a natural position under the femur
created surface trying to reach a proper transverse
trial. This position is marked anteriorly using the
rotational alignment of the trial baseplate while
electric cautery right where the plateau has a central
avoiding ML and A/P overhang.
anterior laser marking. Care should be taken to
JJ The chosen tibia trial preparation is placed flush onto assess the stability of the extensor mechanism before
the tibia resection and the rotation is assessed with accepting this “free float” alignment of the tibial
the help of the EM rod placed through the holder. baseplate.
References for the rotation are the mid-third of the
anterior tuberosity and the second toe axis of the leg. NoTe: Columbus® implants have a symmetric tibia
These two landmarks are often not coincident with plateau. Therefore it is essential to reach a good
mechanical axis of the tibia and the surgeon should transverse rotational alignment. A perfect bony
consider the rotation with respect to the tubercle to coverage is not aspired (see picture above).
maintain extensor mechanism alignment. The plateau
is fixed by the short headed pins in the marked holes.
JJ Another option consists in building the tibia and
A B C D e
A: Acculan drill, B: Tibia trial/preparation plateau NQ1079R-NQ1089R, C: Tibia trial/prep. plateau holder NQ378R,
D: Headed pins 30 mm NP585R, E: Pin driver NP613R
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
JJ The holder is removed. The guiding tower is placed JJ The wing stem preparation is performed by using
on the tibia plateau by engaging the posterior teeth the winglet chisel connected to its handle through
first. The anterior part can be maintained steady by the guiding tower down to the stop. If necessary,
replacing and locking the holder back in place. it is removed using the slap hammer or if no stem
preparation is utilized the handle is removed.
JJ According to the planned tibia size, the corresponding
tibia drill sleeve is placed on the guiding tower. JJ For every tibia size there is an own winglet chisel, as
the tibia wing stem of the final implant is growing by
JJ The drill with stop is first used to prepare the bone for
the winglet chisel. The drill is available in 12 mm as
standard for sizes T1-T3+, in 14 mm as standard for
sizes T4-T5.
A B C D e F G
A: Tibia trial/preparation plateau NQ1079R-NQ1089R, B: Headed pins 30 mm NP585R, C: Guide for winglet chisel NQ1096R, D: Drill with
stop NQ1116R, NQ1126R, E: Acculan drill, F: Tibia drill sleeve NQ1111R-NQ1113R, NQ1124R-NQ1125R, G: Tibia trial/prep. plateau holder
28 NQ378R
8.5 Tibia Stem Preparation Length and diameter of this long drill should be assessed
on the pre-operative X-rays. The drilling is performed
JJ In case of poor bone quality, the primary fixation can
through the tibia drill sleeve on the guiding tower and
be enhanced by using a stem extension. According
the diameter (Ø 12, 14 or 16 mm) corresponds to the
to the surgeon’s philosophy, a cemented stem or a
trial stem diameter. Two laser markings are available
cementless stem can be chosen.
on the drill in order to define the right depth for short
or long stems. For the winglet preparation, the corre-
option 1: Priority to the Tibia Resection sponding trial tibia stem is connected to the winglet
chisel for the final preparation.
In this case, the tibia preparation is performed following
the steps described previously (§ 8.1 to § 8.4). At the last Please note that this option is indicated for cemented
stage, instead of using the drill with stop, a long drill is stems.
used for preparing the site of the future stem.
NoTe: The cemented implant stems have diameters
Ø 10, 12 and 14 mm in order to manage a 1 mm cement
mantle thickness around the stems.
A: Winglet chisel/Trial keel NQ1090R-NQ1095R, B: Osteodenser holder NQ1097R, C: Drill for cemented stem NS376R-NS377R, NS380R,
D: Trial stem cemented NS384T-NS389T
Aesculap® Columbus®
8. Tibia Preparation
option 2: Priority to the extension Stem Fixation The height of the cut is then adjusted by turning the
tuning wheel. The alignment of the cutting block can
In this case, the medullary canal of the tibia is opened
be checked with the EM alignment rod. The cutting
according to the preoperative planning (entry point)
block is fixed with two headless pins in position „0“; the
with the Ø 9 mm drill. The thinnest reamer (for short or
+/-2 mm pinholes are available on the resection blocks
long stem) is then coupled to the T-handle and inserted
to further adjust the resection level if needed. In order
into the tibia medullary canal as deep as possible
to avoid movements during the resection, additional
until a primary stability is achieved and a depth laser
pins are set in convergent holes if necessary. The IM
marking reaches the estimated level of the tibia resection
tibia alignment system is removed in one step with
according to the planned tibia size (T0-T5). If not, a
the T-handle after unlocking the cutting block from
thicker diameter is used until stability is achieved. Once
the alignment system. Please note that this option is
the T-handle is removed, the intramedullary alignment
indicated for cementless stems and the surgeon must
system is mounted on the reamer with the 0° angle
take into account the alignment of the tibia as directed
sleeve (angled sleeve for slope is not possible here!) and
by the cementless stem since it may not coincide with
the cutting guide. The stylus is set on the deepest point
the mechanical axis of the tibia.
of the tibia plateau to define the 0-level cut.
NoTe: For the cementless stems the reamer diameter
corresponds to the final implant stem diameter.
A B C D e F
A: Reamer for cementless stem NQ1151R-NQ1156R, B: IM alignment rod NS331R, C: IM alignment system NS332R, D: Tibia IM stylus for
orientation sleeves NS847R, E: Tibia cutting guide NS334R, F: Tibia orientation sleeve 0° NS843R
9. Femur Preparation
9.1 Femur Intramedullary Alignment JJ A laser marking on the alignment system shows in
which direction the sleeve has to be assembled. For
JJ The medullary canal of the femur is opened according
a right leg, the „R“ on the sleeve is connected with
to the preoperative planning (entry point) with
the laser marking on the alignment system. For a left
the drill Ø 9 mm. The rod is inserted into the intra-
leg, the „L“ on the sleeve is connected with the laser
medullary canal using the T-handle. Once the rod is
inserted, the T-handle can be removed.
JJ The planned height of the distal resection is adjusted
JJ In order to compensate the anatomical valgus
by turning the wheel (1) until the desired thickness
angulation of the femoral bone, the appropriate angle
matches the anterior laser marking. The standard
sleeve 5°, 6° or 7° according to the preoperative
resection is 9 mm and corresponds to the distal
planning is set into the intramedullary alignment
thickness of the implant.
system. The distal femur contact plate and the
cutting block are connected to this system. The
assembly is placed on the IM rod in contact with
at least one distal condyle.
A B C D e F G
A: Drill Ø 9 mm NS330R, B: Acculan drill, C: T-handle NE198R, D: Tibia alignment system NS332R, E: Distal femur contact plate NS834R,
F: Femur orient. sleeve NS335R-NS337R, G: Tibia cutt. guide NS334R
Aesculap® Columbus®
9. Femur Preparation
A B C D e F G
A: IM alignment rod NS331R, B: Tibia alignment system NS332R, C: Distal femur contact plate NS834R, D: Femur orient. sleeve NS335R-
NS337R, E: Tibia cutt. guide NS334R, F: Headl. pins 63 mm NP583R, G: Acculan drill
9.3 Femur A/P Sizing and Rotation JJ The femur sizing is achieved by reading frontally the
marked size on the scale when the stylus tip is placed
JJ The medio-lateral (ML) size of the resected femur
at the intended exit point of the saw blade on the
should be checked with the ML femoral sizing gauge.
anterior lateral cortex in order to avoid any notching.
One side specifies standard sizes, the other side
A scale on the surface of the stylus indicates the
narrow sizes. (For size information, see table on page
femur size depth and the position can then be fixed
by tightening the screw.
JJ The femur alignment block is placed flush onto the
resected distal surface of the femur. The posterior ML
foot plate must be in contact with the posterior AP
condyles. The femoral alignment block is fixed with
two headless pins against the distal femur through
the posterior holes.
A B C D e F
A: T-handle NE198R , B: Tibia protection plate NQ377R, C: Acculan saw, D: ML femoral size gauge NS339R, E: Pin driver NP613R,
F: Femur alignment block NS340R
Aesculap® Columbus®
9. Femur Preparation
JJ It is possible to adjust the external rotation by JJ Two long headless pins are fixed through the 2 frontal
moving the posterior lever arm in the right direction holes in order to reference the position of the 4-in-1
(clockwise for right knees, anticlockwise for left cutting guide. It is recommended to check the level of
knees). The rotational position is confirmed by the anterior resection by using the check plate in the
assessing the trans-epicondylar axis perpendicularity alignment block slots. The size to choose is to be read
or by checking the Whiteside‘s line through the slot on the scale (see § 6 handling instructions).
at the middle of the instrument. Size and rotation
JJ The posterior pins and the block are removed, leaving
are fixed by tightening the screw at the bottom lever
the headless pins in place.
A: Femur alignment block NS340R, B: Headless pins 63 mm NP583R, C: Pin driver NP613R, D: Acculan drill
9.4 Femur Anterior, Posterior and Chamfer Resections JJ The resections are performed as follow: anterior
cut, posterior cut, removal of sizing pins, posterior
JJ The 4-in-1 cutting guide that matches the femur size
chamfer, anterior chamfer. Thereby, the maximum
is placed over the two headless pins into the marked
distal contact surface and cutting block fixation is
“0” mm pinhole and pressed onto the distal resection.
preserved up to the last resection, ensuring stability.
It is advised to check the level of the anterior
resection by using the check plate in the alignment JJ Convergent pins and cutting guide are removed, and
block slots before placing the converging pins for the resections are carefully checked in order to detect
fixation. any remaining bone stock.
JJ Before fixing the guide with convergent headless
pins, it is possible to adjust the A/P position by using
the holes marked +/-2 mm in order to remain as close
as possible to the anterior cortex without notching it.
A: 4-in-1 femur cutting guide NQ1041R-NQ1048R, B: Cutting depth check blade NS850R, C: Acculan saw
Aesculap® Columbus®
9. Femur Preparation
The quality of the resections and the fit of the When the frontal headless pins have been removed, it
prosthesis can be assessed by placing the femur is possible to downsize the femur as follow: place the
trial implant onto the bone preparation. Using the femur alignment block on the distal resected bone.
corresponding holder with the fitting insert (small With the help of the cutting depth check plate the
for sizes F1-F5, large for sizes F6-F8), make sure anterior reference can be found. When the alignment
to apply a force toward anterior in order to avoid block is in a proper position, the pins are drilled
a flexed position. through the anterior holes. Now a smaller cutting
guide can be placed over the pins.
For downsizing the femur, a smaller 4-in-1 cutting
guide is placed directly onto the same anterior
headless pins using the same holes as previously The peg holes for the femoral implant are drilled
(-2/0/+2 mm). Since the reference is anterior, you with the Ø 6 mm drill with stop. They determine the
will achieve the same anterior cut but recut the final position of the femoral implant. Therefore it
posterior condyles, the posterior chamfer as well as is strongly recommended that these holes are only
the anterior chamfer. This will open your posterior drilled after the joint function test has been carried
gaps correspondingly. out.
A: Trial femur insertion instrument NS600R, B: Trial femur NQ451R-NQ458R, NQ461R-NQ468R, NQ1052R-NQ1057R, NQ1062R-NQ1067R
C: Tibia trial/preparation plateau NQ1079R-NQ1089R, D: Tibia trial/prep. plateau holder NQ378R, E: Trial gliding surface, F: Insert for
36 NS600R, NQ1031R-NQ1032R, G: Drill with stop D 6 mm NQ449R, H: PS trial peg NQ499RM
9.5 PS Box Preparation JJ The drilling guide for the Ø 14 mm drill is put into
the hole of the PS preparation guide. It is moved in
JJ In order to perform the femoral preparation for the PS
both lateral and medial direction in order to drill the
version, the trial femoral implant and the trial gilding
two box corners. Then the cutting guide for the Ø
surface must be removed. The trial tibia plateau can
22.5 mm cutter is attached and the bone is milled
remain on the bone.
with the cutter up to its stop.
JJ The appropriately sized PS preparation guide is
selected (size of the femoral component) and inserted NoTe: The PS screw of the final meniscal component
with its two pegs in the peg holes for the femoral is fixed with the screw driver SW4.5 after cement
component. It should then be pressed firmly onto the hardening.
bone. The guide is fixed to the bone with two headed
A B C D e F G
A: PS femur box preparation guide NQ571R-NQ578R B: Headed pins 50 mm NP586R, C: Pin driver NP613R, D: Acculan drill, E: Milling guide
14 mm NQ589R, F: Milling guide 22.5 mm NQ591R, G: Reamer with stop 14 mm NQ590R
Aesculap® Columbus®
9. Femur Preparation
A B C D e F
A: Headed pins 50 mm NP586R, B: PS femur box preparation guide NQ571R-NQ578R, C: Blade chisel NQ593R, D: Femur box holder/
extractor NS428R, E: Trial femur box NQ581T-NQ588T, F: Reamer with stop 22.5 mm NQ592R
10. Gap Balancing
10.1 Tibia First – Measurement with Spacers ments with the spacers until stability is reached.
JJ After performing the tibia resection, check the plane JJ If the flexion and extension gaps are incongruent then
of the resection by inserting the thinnest spacer block please refer to the chapter 10.4 strategies and define
(10 mm) in the joint. If the resection needs correction the right corrective action.
then apply the cutting block accordingly and recut the
JJ The thickness of the last spacer that allows good
proximal tibia accordingly. The soft tissue gaps can be
balance and stability of the knee corresponds to the
assessed by applying a varus/valgus stress in extension
needed polyethylene thickness that should be used.
and in flexion. If the joint is too lax, insert the next
spacer and repeat the operation until a spacer thickness JJ At each step, the leg axis can be checked by inserting
allows the knee to reach a stable point in flexion and the alignment rod through the spacer handle; the rod
extension. (Note: The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) should point respectively at the femoral head center
must be released and removed prior to assessing gaps in and the ankle joint center.
flexion and extension since it will increase the flexion
JJ The measurements can also be done after the distal
gaps once removed.)
resection is performed by adding the distal cut spacer
JJ If the medial and lateral gaps are asymmetrical, it is for the extension measurement.
necessary to perform the appropriate release on the
contracted side and then repeat the gaps measure-
A: Tibia cut spacer NS852R-NS854R, B: Alignment rod long NP471R
Aesculap® Columbus®
10. Gap Balancing
10.2 optional Tibia First – JJ When the joint is balanced in extension, note the
Measurement with Distractor thickness of the gaps, and move to the flexion gap
measurement and repeat the same operation. In
JJ After performing the tibia resection, check the plane
flexion, the possible future rotation of the femoral
of the resection so that it corresponds with the
component should be taken into account.
mechanical axis of the tibia. Insert the distractor into
the joint and use the clamp to distract sequentially JJ When the flexion gaps (FG) differ from the extension
the medial and lateral gaps in extension. gaps (EG), calculate the needed thickness of the distal
resection in order to equalize flexion and extension:
JJ If the medial and lateral gaps are asymmetrical, it is
distal resection height = 9 mm – EG + FG. (Note: the
necessary to perform an appropriate release on the
PCL must be released and removed prior to this step
contracted side and then repeat the gaps measure-
since its removal will increase the flexion gaps.)
A: Distraction clamp NP609R, B: Femur-tibia distractor NP604R
10.3 Femur First – Measurement with Spacers
JJ After completion of the femoral and tibial resections, the
trial femur implant is placed on the femur. The height of
the resection and flexion/extension gaps can be checked
by inserting the spacers like in chapter 10.1.
A: Tibia cut spacer NS852R-NS854R, B: Added femur cut spacer NS498, C: Alignment rod long NP471R
Aesculap® Columbus®
10. Gap Balancing
Flexion gap
optimal tight wide
JJ increase tibia slope JJ posterior capsule release and thicker insert
JJ downsize the femur JJ increase distal cut and thicker insert
optimal JJ increase femur size
Extension gap
JJ posterior capsule release JJ thinner insert JJ increase distal cut, release posterior capsule
JJ increase distal cut JJ increase tibia cut and thicker insert
tight JJ upsize femur and increase distal cut
JJ upsize femur and release posterior capsule
JJ decrease distal cut JJ downsize femur and thicker insert JJ thicker insert
JJ downsize femur and thicker insert JJ downsize femur and decrease distal cut
wide JJ decrease distal cut
10.4 Strategies
When the flexion and extension gaps are incongruent,
an individualized strategy has to be defined in order to
correct it.
The table presents some possible options to follow
in order to correct a situation where the flexion and
extension gaps are not both equally optimal but either
tight or wide.
This does not pretend to be an exhaustive and systematic
solution matrix. The surgeon has to make his own
choices depending on the clinical evaluation, the
surgical situation, patient specific issues and his own
11. Patella Preparation
A: Caliper AA847R, B: Patella resection clamp NS840R, C: Acculan saw
Aesculap® Columbus®
11. Patella Preparation
A: Patella drill/impaction clamp NS841R, B: Acculan drill, C: Drill with stop Ø 6 mm NQ449R, D: Trial Patella NQ281-NQ285
12. Trial Reduction
JJ The trial femoral and tibial implants are placed onto The following sequence is recommended for trial
the prepared bony surfaces. prosthesis removal:
JJ The polyethylene trial corresponding to the gap - PS peg
measurements with the spacer or the distractor is - Trial gliding surface
placed between both trial implants. The RP gliding - Trial femoral prosthesis
surfaces are available in thicknesses from 10 to 16 mm. - Trial tibia wing stem with/without extension stem
For the DD, UC and PS version the range is from 10 - Trial tibia plateau
to 20 mm. A 6 mm trial spacer is therefore supplied
JJ The stability of the joint is assessed by applying varus/
for each of the DD, UC and PS trial tibia plateau. The
valgus stresses in extension and flexion. If the joint
18 mm size is achieved using the 6 mm trial spacer
appears to be lax (opening of gaps under stress), then
+ 12 mm trial gliding surface, the 20 mm size using
a thicker trial gliding surface is tested.
the 6 mm trial spacer + 14 mm trial gliding surface.
JJ The range of motion is assessed. Intra-operative
JJ For the PS version the appropriate trial femoral
limited extension and flexion and marked hyper-
prosthesis is connected to the PS femoral box and
extension must be avoided.
placed on the bone. The PS trial peg is fixed on
the tibia trial implants using the holder for the PS NoTe: Bone rests in the dorsal region of the femur
trial femoral box template. The knee kinematics have to be removed with a curved osteotome to avoid
are checked with the help of the trial prostheses. implant-bone conflicts in flexion.
A B C D e F G
A: Tibia trial/preparation plateau NQ1079R-NQ1089R, B: Tibia trial/prep. plateau holder NQ378R, C: Trial gliding surface, D: PS trial peg
NQ499RM, E: Trial femur NQ451R-NQ458R, NQ461R-NQ468R, NQ1052R-NQ1057R, NQ1062R-NQ1067R, F: Trial spacer 6 mm NQ544, 45
G: Osteotome NS366R
Aesculap® Columbus®
13. Preparation and Assembly of Extension Stems
JJ The length that has to be prepared for implanting the JJ For the assembly of the extension stem on the final
cementless extension stem can be determined with implant the stem has to be tightened with a torque
the marking on the reamer. The reamer (for short or of 20 NM. It is recommended to tighten the extension
long stem) has to be inserted on the resected tibia stem on the table and ensure that the components
until the marking of the planned tibia size (T0-T5) is are hold by an assistant during the tightening.
reached. To ensure that the final extension stem will
fit a trial stem can be inserted.
A: Tibia holder for stem torque fixation NS390R, B: Torque wrench NE184RM, C: Stem Adapter for NE184RM for Extension stems
Ø 12, 14 mm NE185R, D: Stem Adapter for NE184RM for Extension stems Ø 10 mm NS835R, E: Tibia Extension stem NX060K-NX068K,
46 NX082K-NX087K, F: Reamer for cementless stem NQ1151R-NQ1156R
14. Component Implantation
A: Tibia plateau impactor NS425, B: Tibia implant
Aesculap® Columbus®
14. Component Implantation
JJ Using the femur holder and its insert of the corre- JJ The femoral impactor is used to knock the implant
sponding size group (small for sizes F1-F5, large for into place.
sizes F6-F8), the final femur implant is brought into
alignment and implanted. Care must be taken to
assure the holder is properly seated and attached
to the femoral implant so that it does not dislodge
during cementing. A special attention has to be
placed to the sagittal orientation: forcing the holder
to the anterior direction helps to avoid an implan-
tation in a flexion position.
JJ The femur holder is opened by turning its handle
D e F G H
D: Implant holding/insertion instrument NS600R, E: Femur insert to NS600R, NQ1031/NQ1032, F: Femur impactor NS424,
G: Femur implant, H: Tibia implant
JJ If using a fixed platform, the gliding surface is placed JJ The patella is implanted using the patella drill/
into position by inserting first its posterior part in the impaction clamp and the concave plastic cap, which
tibia plateau and impacting the anterior part with the allows good transmission of forces during the cement
help of the tibia impactor. hardening process.
A: Gliding surface, B: Patella drill/impaction clamp NS841R, C: Inlay for NS841R, NS842, D: Patella implant NX041-NX045,
Aesculap® Columbus®
15. Cementing Technique
JJ Regardless of what fixation method is utilized it is JJ Preparation of the bony surfaces and cancellous bone
critical that correct techniques are employed in order should be performed with pulsatile type lavage with the
to avoid complications and early failure. Also, even with knee under a pressure tourniquet. This step allows for
accurate cuts it is important to ensure that components optimal cement penetration and interlocking to the bony
are fully seated, as it is easy for this to be obscured prepared surfaces and also removes bone debris that can
when cementing is taking place. Varus-valgus alignment serve as third body particles that increase polyethylene
can be significantly affected by unequal medial-lateral wear after surgery. The surfaces should be properly dried
cement mantles and poorly seated components and prior to cementation and appropriate exposure of all
there can be a tendency to place femoral components in bony surfaces achieved. All of the surfaces should be
relatively flexed positions if specific care is not taken. pressurized for optimal cement penetration. Emphasizing
the importance of effective cementation of the posterior
JJ It should also be noted that when definitive components
femoral condylar surfaces is also recommended since
are cemented in, they may prove more stable and seat
it can have a significant effect on the longevity of the
better than the trials, which are often a little loose. It
fixation of the femoral implant. A further point worth
is therefore worthwhile to recheck the balancing and
noting is that if holding the knee out in full extension
stability at this point so that further adjustments can
while cement is hardening is used to compress compo-
be made if necessary. It has been possible to relate
nents down and possibly improve cement intrusion.
poor cementing techniques to early and continuous
component migration, which in turn is of positive JJ Care should be taken to completely remove all excess
prognostic significance when predicting aseptic cement that protrudes from the implant bone interface.
loosening so proper attention to the cementation steps Any remnants of overhanging cement can impinge on
must be taken. surrounding soft tissue or can provide a source of debris
that can serve as a generator of third body wear and
may contribute to the demise of the fixation earlier than
16. Closure
Aesculap® Columbus®
17. Instruments
X-ray templates
Item No. Description
NQ192 Columbus® X-ray templates set 1.1:1
NQ193 Columbus® X-ray templates set 1.15:1
Patella Preparation
Qty. Item No. Description Qty. Item No. Description
1 NS719R Tray patella preparation 1 NQ281 Trial patella 3 pegs P1 Ø 27 x 7 mm
1 NS840R Patella resection clamp 1 NQ282 Trial patella 3 pegs P2 Ø 30 x 8 mm
1 NS841R Patella drilling and impacting clamp 1 NQ283 Trial patella 3 pegs P3 Ø 33 x 9 mm
1 NS842 Insert for NS841R 1 NQ284 Trial patella 3 pegs P4 Ø 36 x 10 mm
1 AA847R Caliper 1 NQ285 Trial patella 3 pegs P5 Ø 39 x 11 mm
1 NQ449R Drill with stop Ø 6 x 28 mm
Navigation Instruments
Qty. Item No. Description Qty. Item No. Description
1 NS721R Tray navigation instruments 1 NP615R Drill, Ø 3.2 mm
1 NP617RM Tibial cut control plate 1 KH398R Screw length measuring device
1 FS604 Straight pointer 1 NQ941R Soft-tissue protector for transmitter screw
1 FS633 Passive transmitter yellow Soft-tissue protector handle for
1 NQ940R
1 FS634 Passive transmitter blue transmitter screw
1 FS635 Passive transmitter red 1 NS320R Navigated femur alignment block
1 NM769R Footplate 1 NQ958R Y-footplate for alignment block
2 NM743 2x elastic holding strap 1 NS423R Screw driver SW 3.5
Aesculap® Columbus®
optional Instruments
NM640 Force controlled spreader NS845R IQ Tibia IM Orientation NS578R IQ Femur IM Orientation
set Sleeve 5° Sleeve 8°
NE150R Leg positioner for TKA NS579R IQ Femur IM Orientation NS333R IQ Distal Femur Contact
NE153R Fixation frame Sleeve 9° Plate
Pin set (NP742R, NP743R, NS199R Columbus® UCR Tibia NP604R Femur-Tibia Distractor
NP748R, NP749R, NP750R) Plateau Holder/Impactor
NQ488R Alignment control plate NQ1429R Tray Optional NE331R Alignment Rod with
Instruments Large Sleeve
NS374R Tibial Plateau Holder/ NE1029R Tray Optional NS407R Medialised cutting guide
Impactor Instruments Small right
NS406R Medialised cutting guide NS338R Posterior femur plate NS848R Posterior femur plate 3°
left neutral left
Aesculap® Columbus®
Length 90 mm GE276SU 23 mm 1.27 mm
Acculan 3 Ti GE231SU 9 mm 1.27 mm
Length 75 mm
Length 90 mm GE246SU 23 mm 1.27 mm
Acculan 3 Ti GE249SU 19 mm 1.27 mm
Length 100 mm
System 5 XX 0123
System 6
System 7
Battery Power Line GE323SU 13 mm 1.27 mm
Length 90 mm
Universal GE326SU 25 mm 1.27 mm
Length 90 mm
You will find the sawblades with Aesculap coupling in our Burrs & Blades catalog O17599.
GC769R GC771R
7° 3°
A 45°
Dimensions in mm
Size ML AP Box A B C Peg Z
F1 56 50 34 18.5 34 14 12
F2N 56 53 37 20 36 14.5 13.5
F2 59 53 37 20 36.5 14.5 13.5
F3N 59 56.5 40 21.5 39 16 15
F3 62.5 56.5 40 21.5 39.5 16 15
F4N 62.5 60.5 43.5 23 42 17.5 15
F4 66.5 60.5 43.5 23 42.5 17.5 15
F5N 66.5 65 47.5 26 45.5 20 15
F5 71 65 47.5 26 46 20 15
F6N 71 70 52 28 49 21.5 15
F6 76 70 52 28 49.5 21.5 15
F7 82 75.5 57 30 53.5 23 15
F8 82 80.5 62 32 58 26 15
Aesculap® Columbus®
6 3
AP nails ML nails
4 7
Overview of extension stem lengths
Dimensions in mm
T0/T0+ T1/T1+ T2/T2+ T3/T3+ T4/T4+ T5
D 28 28 33 38 43 48
D + Stem
80 80 85 90 95 100
52 mm
D + Stem
120 120 125 130 135 140
92 mm
D + Stem
160 160 165 170 175 180
132 mm
Dimensions in mm
Patella x H
Patella P1 Ø 26 x 7
Patella P2 Ø 29 x 8
Patella P3 Ø 32 x 9
Patella P4 Ø 35 x 10
Patella P5 Ø 38 x 11
Aesculap® Columbus®
Order Information AS version
Tibia plateau RP Rotating Platform modular, cementless
Standard AS
NN281K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T1
NN282K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T1+
NN283K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T2
NN284K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T2+
NN285K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T3
NN286K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T3+
NN287K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T4
NN288K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T4+
NN289K Columbus® RP Tibia Plateau T5
Aesculap® Columbus®
order Information
PE gliding surface CR Cruciate Retaining Deep Dish
NN200 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 10 mm
NN201 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 12 mm
NN202 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 14 mm
NN203 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 16 mm
NN204 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 18 mm
NN205 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T0/0+ 20 mm
NN210 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 10 mm
NN211 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 12 mm
NN212 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 14 mm
NN213 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 16 mm
NN214 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 18 mm
NN215 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T1/1+ 20 mm
NN220 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 10 mm
NN221 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 12 mm
NN222 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 14 mm
NN223 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 16 mm
NN224 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 18 mm NN242 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 14 mm
NN225 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T2/2+ 20 mm NN243 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 16 mm
NN230 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 10 mm NN244 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 18 mm
NN231 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 12 mm NN245 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 20 mm
NN232 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 14 mm NN250 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 10 mm
NN233 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 16 mm NN251 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 12 mm
NN234 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 18 mm NN252 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 14 mm
NN235 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T3/3+ 20 mm NN253 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 16 mm
NN240 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 10 mm NN254 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 18 mm
NN241 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T4/4+ 12 mm NN255 Columbus® CR Deep Dish gliding surface T5 20 mm
Aesculap® Columbus®
Order Information
Columbus® UCR gliding surface
NN600 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 10 mm
NN601 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 12 mm
NN602 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 14 mm
NN603 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 16 mm
NN604 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 18 mm
NN605 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T0/0+ 20 mm
NN610 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 10 mm
NN611 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 12 mm
NN612 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 14 mm
NN613 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 16 mm
NN614 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 18 mm
NN615 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T1/1+ 20 mm
NN620 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 10 mm
NN621 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 12 mm
NN622 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 14 mm
NN623 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 16 mm
NN624 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 18 mm NN642 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 14 mm
NN625 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T2/2+ 20 mm NN643 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 16 mm
NN630 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 10 mm NN644 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 18 mm
NN631 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 12 mm NN645 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 20 mm
NN632 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 14 mm NN650 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 10 mm
NN633 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 16 mm NN651 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 12 mm
NN634 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 18 mm NN652 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 14 mm
NN635 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T3/3+ 20 mm NN653 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 16 mm
NN640 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 10 mm NN654 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 18 mm
NN641 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T4/4+ 12 mm NN655 Columbus® UCR gliding surface T5 20 mm
Aesculap® Columbus®
Order Information
Tibia Obturator
Standard AS
NN261K NN261Z Obturator Ø 12 mm T1-T3+
NN264K NN264Z Obturator Ø 14 mm T4-T5
Peek Plug
NN260P Peek Plug T1-T5
Aesculap® Columbus®
Order Information
Patella 3-Peg
NX041 Patella Size P1, Ø 26 x 7 mm
NX042 Patella Size P2, Ø 29 x 8 mm
NX043 Patella Size P3, Ø 32 x 9 mm
NX044 Patella Size P4, Ø 35 x 10 mm
NX045 Patella Size P5, Ø 38 x 11 mm
Columbus ® Implant Matrix – Femoral Parts
Femur CR cemented
Types: F1 F2N F2 F3N F3 F4N F4 F5N F5 F6N F6 F7 F8
Left NN001K NN800K NN002K NN801K NN003K NN899K NN004K NN900K NN005K NN901K NN006K NN007K NN008K
Right NN011K NN810K NN012K NN811K NN013K NN909K NN014K NN910K NN015K NN911K NN016K NN017K NN018K
Femur PS cemented
Types: F1 F2N F2 F3N F3 F4N F4 F5N F5 F6N F6 F7 F8
Left NN161K NN840K NN162K NN841K NN163K NN939K NN164K NN940K NN165K NN941K NN166K NN167K NN168K
Right NN171K NN850K NN172K NN851K NN173K NN949K NN174K NN950K NN175K NN951K NN176K NN177K NN178K
Femur CR cementless
Types: F1 F2N F2 F3N F3 F4N F4 F5N F5 F6N F6 F7 F8
Left NN021K NN820K NN022K NN821K NN023K NN919K NN024K NN920K NN025K NN921K NN026K NN027K NN028K
Right NN031K NN830K NN032K NN831K NN033K NN929K NN034K NN930K NN035K NN931K NN036K NN037K NN038K
Types: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
F1-F8 NX041 NX042 NX043 NX044 NX045
Columbus ® Implant Matrix − Tibial Parts
Tibia cemented CR/PS CRA/PSA RP UCR CRA/PSA Tibia Hemispacers with screws
Types: T0 T0+ T1 T1+ T2 T2+ T3 T3+ T4 T4+ T5 4 mm
CR/PS NN070K NN058K NN071K NN072K NN073K NN074K NN075K NN076K NN077K NN078K NN079K Types: T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
CRA/PSA NN470K NN469K NN471K NN472K NN473K NN474K NN475K NN476K NN477K NN478K NN479K RM/LL NN560K NN563K NN566K NN569K NN572K NN575K
RP — — NN271K NN272K NN273K NN274K NN275K NN276K NN277K NN278K NN279K RL/LM NN580K NN583K NN586K NN589K NN592K NN595K
UCR NN670K NN668K NN671K NN672K NN673K NN674K NN675K NN676K NN677K NN678K NN679K
8 mm
Types: T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
RM/LL NN561K NN564K NN567K NN570K NN573K NN576K
RL/LM NN581K NN584K NN587K NN590K NN593K NN596K
Tibia cementless CR/PS RP
Types: T0 T0+ T1 T1+ T2 T2+ T3 T3+ T4 T4+ T5
CR/PS NN080K NN059K NN081K NN082K NN083K NN084K NN085K NN086K NN087K NN088K NN089K Obturator Peek Plug
RP — — NN281K NN282K NN283K NN284K NN285K NN286K NN287K NN288K NN289K Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm NN260P
NN261K NN264K
Tibia stems cemented Tibia stems cementless
Types: Ø 10 mm Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm Ø 10 mm Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm
52 mm 92 mm 52 mm 92 mm 52 mm 92 mm 92 mm 132 mm 92 mm 132 mm 92 mm 132 mm
T0-T5 NX060K NX061K NX062K NX064K NX063K NX065K NX082K NX083K NX084K NX086K NX085K NX087K
Gliding Surfaces CR DD UC UCR RP PS
T0/T0+ T1/T1+ T2/T2+
Types: 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
CR — — — — — — NN110 NN111 NN112 NN113 — — NN120 NN121 NN122 NN123 — —
DD NN200 NN201 NN202 NN203 NN204 NN205 NN210 NN211 NN212 NN213 NN214 NN215 NN220 NN221 NN222 NN223 NN224 NN225
UC fix. NN400 NN401 NN402 NN403 NN404 NN405 NN410 NN411 NN412 NN413 NN414 NN415 NN420 NN421 NN422 NN423 NN424 NN425
UCR NN600 NN601 NN602 NN603 NN604 NN605 NN610 NN611 NN612 NN613 NN614 NN615 NN620 NN621 NN622 NN623 NN624 NN625
RP — — — — — — NN310 NN311 NN312 NN313 — — NN320 NN321 NN322 NN323 — —
PS NN500 NN501 NN502 NN503 NN504 NN505 NN510 NN511 NN512 NN513 NN514 NN515 NN520 NN521 NN522 NN523 NN524 NN525
Gliding Surfaces CR DD UC UCR RP PS
T3/T3+ T4/T4+ T5
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
CR NN130 NN131 NN132 NN133 — — NN140 NN141 NN142 NN143 — — NN150 NN151 NN152 NN153 — —
DD NN230 NN231 NN232 NN233 NN234 NN235 NN240 NN241 NN242 NN243 NN244 NN245 NN250 NN251 NN252 NN253 NN254 NN255
UC fix. NN430 NN431 NN432 NN433 NN434 NN435 NN440 NN441 NN442 NN443 NN444 NN445 NN450 NN451 NN452 NN453 NN454 NN455
UCR NN630 NN631 NN632 NN633 NN634 NN635 NN640 NN641 NN642 NN643 NN644 NN645 NN650 NN651 NN652 NN653 NN654 NN655
RP NN330 NN331 NN332 NN333 — — NN340 NN341 NN342 NN343 — — NN350 NN351 NN352 NN353 — —
PS NN530 NN531 NN532 NN533 NN534 NN535 NN540 NN541 NN542 NN543 NN544 NN545 NN550 NN551 NN552 NN553 NN554 NN555
Columbus ® Implant Matrix – AS Femoral Parts
AS Femur CR cemented
Types: F1 F2N F2 F3N F3 F4N F4 F5N F5 F6N F6 F7 F8
Left NN001Z NN800Z NN002Z NN801Z NN003Z NN899Z NN004Z NN900Z NN005Z NN901Z NN006Z NN007Z —
Right NN011Z NN810Z NN012Z NN811Z NN013Z NN909Z NN014Z NN910Z NN015Z NN911Z NN016Z NN017Z —
AS Femur PS cemented
Types: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Left NN161Z NN162Z NN163Z NN164Z NN165Z NN166Z NN167Z —
Right NN171Z NN172Z NN173Z NN174Z NN175Z NN176Z NN177Z —
Types: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
F1-F8 NX041 NX042 NX043 NX044 NX045
Columbus ® Implant Matrix – AS Tibial Parts
AS Tibia cemented CR/PS CRA/PSA RP Obturator Peek Plug
Types: T0 T0+ T1 T1+ T2 T2+ T3 T3+ T4 T4+ T5 Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm NN260P
CR/PS NN070Z NN058Z NN071Z NN072Z NN073Z NN074Z NN075Z NN076Z NN077Z NN078Z NN079Z NN261Z NN264Z
CRA/PSA NN470Z NN469Z NN471Z NN472Z NN473Z NN474Z NN475Z NN476Z NN477Z NN478Z NN479Z
RP — — NN271Z NN272Z NN273Z NN274Z NN275Z NN276Z NN277Z NN278Z NN279Z
Fixation Screw for PS Gliding Surfaces
Types: 10/12 14/16 18/20
NN497Z NN498Z NN499Z
CRA/PSA Tibia Hemispacers with screws
4 mm 8 mm
Types: T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
RM/LL NN560Z NN563Z NN566Z NN569Z NN572Z NN575Z NN561Z NN564Z NN567Z NN570Z NN573Z NN576Z
RL/LM NN580Z NN583Z NN586Z NN589Z NN592Z NN595Z NN581Z NN584Z NN587Z NN590Z NN593Z NN596Z
Tibia stems cemented Tibia stems cementless
Types: Ø 10 mm Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm Ø 10 mm Ø 12 mm Ø 14 mm
52 mm 92 mm 52 mm 92 mm 52 mm 92 mm 92 mm 132 mm 92 mm 132 mm 92 mm 132 mm
T0-T5 NX060Z NX061Z NX062Z NX064Z NX063Z NX065Z NX082Z NX083Z NX084Z NX086Z NX085Z NX087Z
Gliding Surfaces CR DD UC UCR RP PS
T0/T0+ T1/T1+ T2/T2+
Types: 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
CR — — — — — — NN110 NN111 NN112 NN113 — — NN120 NN121 NN122 NN123 — —
DD NN200 NN201 NN202 NN203 NN204 NN205 NN210 NN211 NN212 NN213 NN214 NN215 NN220 NN221 NN222 NN223 NN224 NN225
UC fix. NN400 NN401 NN402 NN403 NN404 NN405 NN410 NN411 NN412 NN413 NN414 NN415 NN420 NN421 NN422 NN423 NN424 NN425
UCR NN600 NN601 NN602 NN603 NN604 NN605 NN610 NN611 NN612 NN613 NN614 NN615 NN620 NN621 NN622 NN623 NN624 NN625
RP — — — — — — NN310 NN311 NN312 NN313 — — NN320 NN321 NN322 NN323 — —
PS NN500 NN501 NN502 NN503 NN504 NN505 NN510 NN511 NN512 NN513 NN514 NN515 NN520 NN521 NN522 NN523 NN524 NN525
Gliding Surfaces CR DD UC UCR RP PS
T3/T3+ T4/T4+ T5
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
CR NN130 NN131 NN132 NN133 — — NN140 NN141 NN142 NN143 — — NN150 NN151 NN152 NN153 — —
DD NN230 NN231 NN232 NN233 NN234 NN235 NN240 NN241 NN242 NN243 NN244 NN245 NN250 NN251 NN252 NN253 NN254 NN255
UC fix. NN430 NN431 NN432 NN433 NN434 NN435 NN440 NN441 NN442 NN443 NN444 NN445 NN450 NN451 NN452 NN453 NN454 NN455
UCR NN630 NN631 NN632 NN633 NN634 NN635 NN640 NN641 NN642 NN643 NN644 NN645 NN650 NN651 NN652 NN653 NN654 NN655
RP NN330 NN331 NN332 NN333 — — NN340 NN341 NN342 NN343 — — NN350 NN351 NN352 NN353 — —
PS NN530 NN531 NN532 NN533 NN534 NN535 NN540 NN541 NN542 NN543 NN544 NN545 NN550 NN551 NN552 NN553 NN554 NN555
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