Develop Intelligence - Kubernetes Installation: Deploying Applications To Kubernetes

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Develop Intelligence - Kubernetes Installation

Deploying Applications to Kubernetes

1. Docker Desktop
2. Minikube

Kubernetes Installation
A local machine Kubernetes solution can help developers to configure and run a Kubernetes cluster in their local
development environments and test their application during all development phases, without investing
significant effort to configure and manage a Kubernetes cluster.

Docker Desktop for Windows and Mac includes a standalone Kubernetes server that runs on our Windows host,
so that we can test deploying our Docker workloads on Kubernetes.

• To enable Kubernetes support and install a standalone instance of Kubernetes running as a Docker
container, select Enable Kubernetes.
• This instantiates images required to run the Kubernetes server as containers, and installs the kubectl.exe
command in the path. If we have kubectl already installed and pointing to some other environment, such
as minikube, be sure to change context so that kubectl is pointing to docker-desktop:
• When Kubernetes is enabled and running, an additional status bar item displays at the bottom right of the
Docker Desktop Settings dialog. The status of Kubernetes shows in the Docker menu and the context
points to docker-desktop (Kubernetes cluster)
• To delete all stacks and Kubernetes resources, select Reset Kubernetes Cluster.
• To disable Kubernetes support at any time, clear the Enable Kubernetes check box. The Kubernetes
containers are stopped and removed, and the /usr/local/bin/kubectl command is removed.

Note: By default, Kubernetes containers are hidden from commands like docker service ls, because managing
them manually is not supported. To make them visible, check "Show system containers (advanced)" checkbox
under Kubernetes menu.

Testing the installation

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Develop Intelligence - Kubernetes Installation

We can run a quick and easy test, to make sure that Kubernetes is actually running on the machine. Open
command prompt / terminal window and run the command:

kubectl version

To get detailed information about the cluster:

kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes should report that both Kubernetes master and KubeDNS are running on localhost:6443

Kubectl performs all its operations against the current context:

> kubectl config get-contexts
Note: C:\Users\<user-name>\.kube\config – Contains all Clusters and Contexts information

To set the current context:

kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

View the cluster and context configuration

kubectl config view
Note that the above command shows the content of the file C:\Users\<user-name>\.kube\config

Installing Minikube
Docker Desktop for Windows has native Kubernetes integration and to use it we need a very recent OS version
(Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise). If we have an older version (e.g. Windows 7) or a non-Pro edition then Minikube
is the only option.

Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac uses Type-1 hypervisor such as Hyper-V, which are better compared to Type-
2 hypervisors, such as VirtualBox. Minikube supports both hypervisors. Unfortunately, there are limitations in
which technology we are using, since we cannot have Type-1 or Type-2 hypervisors running at the same time on
our machine:
Hyper-V can run on three versions of Windows 10: Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Professional, and
Windows 10 Education.

Step1) Install a Hypervisor

If we do not already have a hypervisor installed, install one of these:
• Hyper-V
• VirtualBox

Step2: Depending on our needs and our development environment, we need to make a choice between Docker
Desktop and Minikube.

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Develop Intelligence - Kubernetes Installation

Both solutions can be installed either manually or by using the Chocolatey package manager for Windows.
For installation of Chocolatey, use the following command from PowerShell in administrative mode:
PS:> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object

Step2: We can install kubectl according to the instructions available at
Option 1) Install Kubectl.exe using Chocolatey command.
choco install kubernetes-cli
Option 2) Download from Direct link (Gets specific version)
Place kubectl.exe in some folder and add the folder path in classpath

Step4: Minicube Installation

Install Minikube using Chocolatey: The easiest way to install Minikube on Windows is using Chocolatey (run as
an administrator):
C:\> choco install minikube
After Minikube has finished installing, close the current CLI session and restart. Minikube should have been
added to our path automatically.

Step4: Start Minikube and create a cluster:

C:\> minikube start --driver=<driver_name> (hyperv / virtualbox / none(linux))
C:\> minikube status
C:\> minikube stop

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