Benefits of Alkaline Water Ebook

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Published by Alkaline People Publishing

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© 2009 Alkaline People Press

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1st Printing November 2008
Revised Edition 2011

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These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administra-
tion. The preceding information and/or products are for educational purposes
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during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

The Benefits of Alkaline Water.....................................................11
Alkaline Water Helps Slow Aging...............................................15
Alkalinization and Osteoporosis.................................................17
Alkalinization and Detoxification...............................................21
Benefits at a Cellular Level............................................................25
The New Sports Drink.....................................................................27
Acidity and the American Diet....................................................33
Alkaline/Acidic Score of Food.....................................................35
ORP and Alkaline Water.................................................................43
Snowflakes and Restructured Water.........................................45
Is Alkaline Water ‘Natural’?............................................................47
The Truth About Alkaline Water..................................................51
Alkaline and Acidic Water Uses...................................................57
Alkaline Diet Recipes......................................................................65
How Ionizers Work..........................................................................77

Due to the industrial excesses of modern society, our

water has been “treated” with so many chemicals in order
to make it “safe” that it has been rendered a lifeless,
tasteless liquid. Chemically, it is still H 2O but the positive
qualities of water found in nature have been lost. Ironi-
cally, many of the chemicals used to make our lifeless
water “safe” such as chlorine make our water toxic!

The good news is that toxic, lifeless water can be restored

to its healthy natural form. By filtering out toxins, and ion-
izing water you can transform tap water into the healthy
ionized water that is found only in a few places on Earth.
Ionized water is charged with antioxidant hydroxyl ions,
which have a negative electrical charge. This kind of
water is experienced in nature at Hawaiian waterfalls.
In the presence of those falls, you can smell the negative
ions coming off the water and mixing with the air around
you. It is a beautiful experience that invigorates you with
every breath.

The hydroxyl ions generated by water ionizers and given

off naturally by Hawaiian waterfalls are antioxidants.
Water ionizers concentrate needed minerals, such as
calcium, potassium and magnesium in water during
the ionization process. This process returns water to its
natural state, identical to water found in glaciers.
When water is ionized its surface tension is reduced,
the static “stickiness” created by chemicals used to
“treat” water is eliminated. This process is known as
micro-clustering and it makes ionized alkaline water
actually become “wetter” than ordinary water by
reducing the number of water molecules that are linked
together! Alkaline water provides better hydration than
tap water, bottled water and reverse osmosis water.
None of them have had the naturally hydrating effect
of the micro-clustering that comes from ionization. This
wonderful, wetter water can improve health and even
improve flavors in cooking and enhances the tastes of
drinks like coffee and tea.

I am most concerned with its health applications. People

need to drink more water. We are clearly a dehydrated
society. Next to the air we breathe nothing is more
needed by the human body than water. Why not drink
the best water available and at the same time embrace
a technology that eliminates the ecological disaster of
plastic water bottles by creating healthy water in your
home or office?

Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.,

Chief Science Advisor

The Benefits of Alkaline Water

Restores the pH Balance in the Body

Alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body
caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution and many
bottled waters. One of the ways the body protects itself
from being destroyed by acids is by storing the acid in fat
cells. A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and
cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids.

Weight Loss
Research by Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH
Miracle for Weight Loss, suggests that the epidemic of
obesity in the industrialized world is result of acidity in
the body.

The body creates fat cells to trap and neutralize

acids in the system.
• The modern diet of meats, grains and beverages,
such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol is
extremely acidic.
• Some acids are voided through urination, defeca-
tion and perspiration, but many acids remain in
the system.
• Excess acids in the body break down healthy
tissue, so the body protects itself by creating a
natural buffer of fat.
• Fat cells bind to acids. Some fat cells are voided
from the system, but many fat cells are stored in
the body, resulting in weight gain. 11
Traditional weight loss methods are doomed to fail.
• Reducing portion size of meals only minimally
decreases acid intake.
• Reducing calories will not decrease the acidity of
the body—and may increase it if large amounts of
acidic beverages are included.
• Reducing fats in the diet will not reduce the acidity
of the body or result in weight loss.
• Increasing the intake of meat will increase the
acidity in the body.
• Exercise increases the production of acids, such
as lactic acid. Many acids are released through
perspiration, but some are retained by the system,
causing pain in muscles.

Drinking alkaline water releases fats and creates weight

• Alkaline water can reduce the body’s acidity and
stop fat storage.
• Micro-clusters of ionized water help flush acid and
toxins from the system.
• Once fat cells are not needed to store acids, the
12 body will eliminate them—the fat melts away.
A healthy body causes weight loss, not the other way
• A healthy, non-acidic body will return to its natural,
ideal weight.
• Freed of toxins, the body’s cells, tissues and organs
achieve a healthier state.
• A detoxified, non-acidic body has more energy and

“Your body can—and will—let go of the excess fat,”

writes Dr. Young. “If your food and drink are alkaline
(meaning, in basic chemistry, the opposite of acid), all
that acid-binding fat will just melt right off. There will
be no need for the body to hold on to it anymore.” 1

1. Young, Dr. Robert O., The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York:
Grand Central Publishing, 2005, p. 15.

Alkaline Water Helps Slow Aging

Alkaline water is negatively charged and an “antioxidant.”

Antioxidants reduce cellular and DNA damage caused by
free radicals.

Getting older and aging is not the same thing.

• Getting older relates to the passage of time.
• Aging relates to the breakdown of tissues in the body.
• The outward signs of aging include wrinkles, sagging
and gray hair.
• Getting older by itself does not cause aging.

Aging is the result of damage to bodily tissues by

organic acids and by active oxygen (free radicals).
• Organic acids in the body break down tissues,
causing aging and age-related diseases.
• Common waste products in the body such as acetic
acid, carbonic acid, fatty acids, lactic acid and uric
acid have been linked to aging.
• Active oxygen (free radicals) causes oxidative
damage to molecules within cells of the body.
• Free radicals are associated with numerous diseases,
including arthritis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s
disease and diabetes.

Drinking ionized alkaline water can help neutralize
acids and scavenge free radicals in the body.
• Drinking ionized alkaline water causes the stomach
to produce bicarbonates, which are absorbed into
the blood stream and can neutralize acids.
• Ionized alkaline water contains active hydrogen, a
proven scavenger for active oxygen.
• Active hydrogen is produced using electrolysis, the
process used to ionize drinking water.

“As we start to lose bicarbonates in our blood, around age

45, we begin to age physiologically,” writes Sang Whang,
author of Aging and Reverse Aging. “All we have to do to
stop aging and maintain good health is to recharge bicar-
bonates to the blood.” 2

Alkalinization and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, a Consequence of the Acid-forming Western

Diet, versus the Beneficial Effects of Alkalinization
Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C

In October 2004, the U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona,

M.D. issued a report on the topic of bone health. He warned
Americans that by 2020, one in two Americans over the age
of 50 will be at risk for fractures from osteoporosis or low
bone mass. In the U.S. today it is estimated that 10 million
people over the age of 50 have osteoporosis, and another
34 million have osteopenia (low bone mass) and are at risk
for developing osteoporosis. According to the National In-
stitutes of Health (NIH), osteoporosis accounts for an esti-
mated 1.5 million fractures annually in the U.S. In fact, it is
estimated that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 8 men will suffer an
osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime.

Other findings in the report include:

• About 20 percent of senior citizens who suffer a hip
fracture die within a year of that fracture.
• About 20 percent of individuals with as hip fracture
end up in a nursing home within a year.
• Hip fractures account for 300,000 hospitalizations
each year.
• The direct care costs for osteoporotic fractures alone
are already up to $18 billion each year. The number
is expected to increase if action to prevent osteopo-
rosis is not taken now. If this is not alarming enough, 17
according to this report, osteoporosis is a silent condi-
tion because many Americans are unaware that their
bone health is in jeopardy. In fact, four times as many
men and nearly three times as many women have
osteoporosis than report having the condition. One of
the most dangerous myths about osteoporosis is that
only women need to worry about bone health. Further,
osteoporosis affects men and women of all races.

All researchers and health care providers agree that the key
to treating this potentially life threatening and disabling
condition is prevention. Early intervention is considered to
be the best way to stop osteoporosis. Intervention includes
recognition of risk factors and modifying or eliminating
them as well as making lifestyle changes. Here are two of
the leading risk factors:
• Chronic acidemia from protein-rich, meat-based diets.
• Chronic acidemia from the over consumption of
carbonated soft-drinks, coffee and alcohol.
It is my opinion after 26-years of clinical experience that
absent the side-effects of certain prescription medica-
tions, which are certainly a risk factor for osteoporosis, the
underlying primary risk factor is chronic acidemia. It has
been well documented that the traditional Western diet of
protein-rich foods and the over consumption of soft-drinks,
coffee and alcohol can lead to a chronic low-grade meta-
bolic acidosis. This diet increases the net dietary acid load,
lowers the pH of the blood and acidifies the urine.

So what can we do on a daily basis to combat this

chronic acidemia?
In my practice I recommend drinking ionized, micro-clus-
tered alkaline water along with dietary changes, exercise,
calcium and Vitamin D supplementation. Why alkaline
water? Every time the body suffers from low-grade meta-
bolic acidosis, the body must regain its balance to avoid
becoming sickened. The blood pH level must remain in a
very narrow range, or organ systems and enzyme func-
tions that are critical to health become at risk for fail-
ing. The body defends itself from becoming too acidic
by leaching calcium out of the bones which provides an
alkaline buffer which counters the acidity. I call this
process the “Tums effect”. It is analogous to taking Tums
when your stomach is upset. Tums is primarily calcium just
like your bones. When your body uses the calcium in your
bones like Tums day after day, your bones get leached out,
and your calcium bank gets depleted. Once the calcium in
your bones becomes depleted you develop osteoporosis.

The Acid-forming Potential of Food
The traditional Western diet is highly acidifying. Accord-
ing to Sang Whang, an engineer, scientist, inventor who is
recognized as an expert on anti-aging and alkalinity, drink-
ing one glass of cola with a pH value of 2.5 could lower the
blood pH to dangerous levels if it were not for this bone
calcium buffer. In fact, without this bone calcium leaching
mechanism, one would need to drink 32 glasses of alkaline
water to neutralize one cola’s acidity, according to Sang

Researchers Remer and Manz developed a system for calcu-

lating the acidifying potential of foods in the body. The acidic
potential of foods is measured as their Potential Renal Acid
Load (PRAL), which refers to the amount of acids produced
that the kidneys must try to dispose of. Fats and oils have
a relative value of zero; they do not produce an acidic load
on the kidneys. As the PRAL goes up in positive numbers, so
goes up the potential acid load. Negative numbers represent
an alkaline effect.
• Milk and Dairy Products: +1.0 to +23.6
• Meat and Meat Products: +9.5
• Fish: +7.9
• Grain Products: +3.5 to +7.0
• Vegetables: -2.8
• Fruits and Fruit Juices: -3.1

We all know that it is very important to drink good clean

water every day to maintain health. Why not optimize that
mandatory requirement for excellent health by drinking
ionized, micro-clustered alkaline water and mitigate the
ill effects of acidic foods and help reverse the progression
of conditions like osteoporosis?
Alkalinization and Detoxification

How Alkalinizing the Body Promotes Detoxification

Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

The Western diet, rich in proteins from meat, dairy prod-

ucts and processed grains, has been shown to create a
medical condition called metabolic acidosis. Acidosis
taxes the organs and systems of the body. The fact is, most
Americans have highly acidic urine which is a symptom of
acidosis. The majority of patients that have been tested in
my office that are not vegetarians run a urine pH of 4.5-5.5
which in my opinion is overly acidic.

What happens when the body becomes too acidic?

Metabolic acidosis most often results from the over
ingestion of acidic foods. The breakdown of proteins in the
body creates acidic byproducts which must be eliminated
by the kidneys. This problem is further complicated by the
ingestion of tap water, which itself has been found to be at
best neutral or a pH of 7 and often acidic or below a pH of
7. When the body is in a chronic state of metabolic acido-
sis our liver detoxification mechanisms are compromised.
The liver enzymes which are involved in detoxification
are referred to as phase I and phase II detoxification liver
enzymes. These enzymes are highly pH sensitive and are
responsible for the chemical biotransformation of toxins
into water-soluble metabolites for excretion in the urine.
The pH sensitivity of phase I and phase II detoxification
liver enzymes cause them to become compromised when 21
the body suffers from metabolic acidosis. The detoxifying
effects of enzymes in the liver are enhanced by alkaliniz-
ing the urine to a pH of 7.1 to as high as 8.3.

This very same process is performed every day in emergency

rooms to accelerate the excretion of ingested poisons by the
kidneys. In hospital emergency rooms, poisoning victim’s lives
are saved by injecting them with intravenous sodium bicar-
bonate to alkalinize the urine to a pH of 7.5 to 8.3. The way
urine alkalinization detoxifies is called ion trapping. Higher
alkalinity of the kidneys chemically draws toxins in and traps
them; the kidneys can then process them for excretion.

Most poisons and toxins are acidic and weak acids; there-
fore by creating a more alkaline physiological environment,
we can enhance and accelerate the detoxification process
on an ongoing, daily basis. It is the chronic acidification
caused by metabolic acidosis which hinders the body’s
ability to detoxify itself.

What can we do to alkalize our bodies?

Drink alkaline water daily to greatly enhance the physi-
ological processes responsible for attaining and maintain-
ing the proper blood pH balance and urine alkalinity. Most
people today are aware that they need to drink more water,
but the importance of the water’s pH though has not been
emphasized enough. You can enhance the body’s alkalinity
by drinking 6-8 glasses of alkaline water daily.

How to get alkaline water
You need a home water filtration system that not only
filters water, but adjusts the pH as well. Home water ion-
izers accomplish this. These systems also micro-cluster
water so that the large, 15- molecule clusters normally
found in tap water are reduced to hexagonal-shaped
clusters of six molecules. As you may recall, the process of
microclustering actually makes water “wetter” and allows
for better hydration and delivery of nutrients to the cells.
Another positive aspect of ionizers is that they create
hydroxyl ions, which are natural anti-oxidants. These
water-borne antioxidants help neutralize free radicals
and slow down the aging process.

Benefits at a Cellular Level

Alkaline Water Provides Superior Hydration

and Nutrition at the Cellular Level
• Negatively charged alkaline water neutralizes free
radical positive ions.
• Ionization breaks clusters of water molecules into
smaller micro-clusters, reducing the size of the clus-
ters from the 11-16 molecules in standard water to
just 5-6 molecules in ionized water. Smaller clusters
pass through cell walls more easily and hydrate the
cells more quickly.
• Faster hydration allows the body to regulate its
temperature more efficiently.
• Micro-clusters of mineral-rich ionized water also
deliver nutrients more efficiently to the cells.

The New Sports Drink

The New Sports Drink: Alkaline, Ionized,

Micro-clustered Water
By: Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

The process of drinking water before and during exercise

is referred to as pre-hydration and hydration respectively.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the
purpose of pre-hydration is to start an exercise activity in
a euhydrated state—where the body is normally hydrated
and plasma electrolyte levels have normalized.

Pre-hydration should be performed several hours before

exercise to enable fluid absorption and allow urine output
to return to normal levels. The goal of drinking water dur-
ing exercise is to prevent excessive water loss—or dehy-
dration—through sweat. Monitor your average water loss
during exercise by calculating your body’s sweat rate. This
can be estimated by measuring total body weight before
and after exercise. For approximately one pound of body
weight lost, estimate one pint or eight ounces of water lost.
Prevent water loss in excess of 2 percent of your total body
weight to avoid dehydration.

Studies that were originally performed in the 1940s have

shown that dehydration resulted in impaired athletic per-
formance. More recent studies have demonstrated perfor-
mance loss at dehydration levels of less than 2 percent of
body weight. Research proves that even mild to moderate 27
dehydration reduces aerobic endurance performance and
results in increased body temperature, heart rate, perceived
exertion and possibly increased reliance on carbohydrates
as a fuel source. Dr. Judelson, et al., in a study published in
October, 2007, demonstrated that dehydration significantly
decreased resistance exercise performance as would be
performed commonly in a gym with weights or machines.

Clearly, drinking water before and during exercise is

important. The composition of this fluid replacement has
also gone through many changes. Conventional wisdom
for many years was that salt (sodium) needed to be added
to the water to replace sweat- lost sodium. Recently, scien-
tists have arrived at the conclusion that most people eating
the standard Western diet have consumed too much salt
and that it does not need to be replaced during workouts
when exercise lasts less than two hours. The main question
before researchers today is: what’s the best water to replace
exercise-induced water loss though sweating?

When exercising you are consuming more oxygen, and metab-

olizing energy through muscle work these processes create
free radicals, lactic acid and a mild metabolic acidosis.

Drinking alkaline, ionized, micro-clustered water can help
ameliorate all three of these exercise-induced acidic by-
products. Alkaline water by definition contains alkaline
forming minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and
sodium. Water that has been ionized has been shown to
act as a free-radical scavenger. Ionized water by definition
has more negatively charged hydroxyl ions than tap or fil-
tered water. Ionized water has the ability to give up these
extra negative charges and may help act as a free-radical
scavenger. Lastly, when water is micro-clustered it may be
absorbed at a faster rate. This can help with general rehy-

It is recommended that you drink 400-600 ml of water 2

hours before exercise and 150-300 ml every 15 to 20 min-
utes of exercise, varying the volume depending on your
total body weight and sweating rate.

pH Balance Energy & Diet Drinks

Originating in Japan in the early 1960s, energy drinks such
as Red Bull are sold in 134 countries worldwide. Global
sales have surpassed $10 billion a year in 2010. Along with
energy drinks, the popularity of diet soda continues to grow
amid concerns about it causing obesity. About 59 percent
of Americans say they drink diet soda, and worldwide sales
have surpassed $20 billion a year. Sales of sports drinks,
which originally were designed to help athletes rehydrate,
total $3 billion a year. Each of these beverages contributes
to acidity in the body.
Energy drinks cause dehydration and increase bodily
• The key ingredient in most energy drinks is caffeine,
often from guarana or yerba mate.
• Caffeine is the source of much the energy boost,
but it also causes dehydration. To rehydrate, you
need to drink two cups of water for every cup of
energy drink consumed.
• Energy drinks are extremely acidic. For example,
Red Bull has a pH level of 3.26, almost 10,000 times
more acidic than pH neutral water. 1

Diet soda has been linked to weight gain and acidity.

• A 2008 study at Purdue University found that rats on
diets containing the artificial sweetener saccharin
gained more weight than rats given sugary food2
perhaps because the body does not receive a signal
to “rev up” the metabolism.3
• An eight-year study with 1,550 participants con-
ducted at University of Texas Health Science Center,
San Antonio, found that drinkers of diet soft drinks
had a greater risk of gaining weight than drinkers of
regular soft drinks.4
• Diet soda is even more acidic than energy drinks.
Diet Coke has a pH level of 3.57, more than 10,000
times more acidic than pH neutral water.5

Sports drinks are designed for athletes exercising
more than two hours.
• Sports drinks contain electrolytes, carbohydrates
and other nutrients meant to be burned up
through extended periods of exercise.
• Most sports drinks have between 13 and 19 grams
of sugar per eight ounce serving. Drinking sports
drinks without working out increases caloric
• Sports drinks are even more acidic than energy
drinks and diet soda. Gatorade has a pH level of
2.95, more than 10,000 times more acidic than pH
neutral water. 6

Americans are spending billions of dollars each year on

beverages that may provide a short-term boost but also
increase the likelihood of gaining weight and increasing
acidity in the body. A better solution is to hydrate fre-
quently with ionized alkaline drinking water, which hydrates
better than diet soda and energy drinks and helps to neu-
tralize the acidity of the body.

1. Young, Dr. Robert O., The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York: Grand
Central Publishing, 2005, p. 125.
2. “A Role for Sweet Taste: Calorie Predictive Relations in Energy Regulation by
Rats,” Susan E. Swithers, PhD and Terry L. Davidson, PhD, Purdue University;
Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 122, No. 1.
3. American Psychological Association (2008, February 11). Artificial Sweeteners
Linked To Weight Gain. Science Daily.
4. Abstract 1058-P. Sharon P. Fowler, MPH, University of Texas Health
Science Center School of Medicine, San Antonio.
5. Young, Dr. Robert O., The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York: Grand
Central Publishing, 2005, p. 125.
6 .Young, Dr. Robert O., The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York: Grand
Central Publishing, 2005, p. 125.
Acidity and the American Diet

The human body creates acid every day as a by-product of

metabolism. In addition, acid is introduced into the system
through eating and digestion. Many secreted and digested
acids are swept away by the blood stream, filtered out by
the kidneys and released from the body in the urine. Other
acids leave the body through perspiration. Your body can
only process a certain amount of acids, however, so it is
possible to overload the system and for the body to
become acidic.

The American diet is extremely acidic.

• Meat, including beef, pork, chicken and turkey, is
• Dairy, such as milk, butter and cheese, is acidic.
• Grains, such as rice and barley, are acidic.
• Beverages, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks, are
very acidic.
• Simple carbohydrates, such as potatoes, pasta and
bread, contain large amounts of acids.

Acidity in the body is related to disease.
• Acid reflux is a painful condition that occurs when
acidic stomach liquid backs up (refluxes) into the
esophagus causing irritation, inflammation and
damage to the lining of the esophagus.
• High cholesterol occurs when the body produces
excessive amounts of cholesterol to neutralize
large amounts of acids in the blood stream before
they damage living cells.
• Heart disease is the result of cholesterol build-up
in the coronary arteries that reduces the blood
flow to the heart muscle. As stated above, choles-
terol forms to protect the arterial wall from acidity
in the blood.
• Fat is produced by the body to trap and neutralize
acidic waste in the body. As Dr. Robert O. Young,
author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, puts it,
“The body retains fat as a protection against the
overproduction of acids produced by the typical
American diet....Your fat is actually saving your life.”
• Inflammatory related diseases, such as allergies,
arthritis, fibromyalgia, psoriasis and even stroke,
are related to low-grade metabolic acidosis.

Drinking alkaline water can help restore the body’s pH

balance and reduce its acidity.

Alkaline/Acidic Score of Food

Alkalinization and the PRAL Score of Food

By: Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

Measuring the pH (alkalinity or acidity) of water is easy: you

simply place 2-3 reagent drops in an ounce of water and
look at the color of the water. Measuring the pH of solid
foods is much more difficult. Today, there are two basic
methods for calculating the pH of foods.

The first method is known as ash analysis. This method

requires food stuff to be incinerated at a high tempera-
ture. The ashes are analyzed for mineral content. Acidic
anions in food include chloride, phosphorous, sulfates
and other organic acids. Basic/alkaline cations in food
include sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
The problem with this method is that it did not take into
account the bioavailability of the food’s constituents. It
was in a sense an in vitro (in a laboratory) test as opposed to
an in vivo (in life) analysis.

In 1995, two researchers, Dr. Thomas Remer and Dr. F. Manz,

developed a new way to measure the acid/base effect of
specific foods on the human body. This pH measuring tool
is referred to as the Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL). The
PRAL of an ingested specific food is determined by mea-
suring the acidity and ammonium appearing in the urine
and then subtracting out the measured urinary bicarbon-
ate. This method yields a net acid excretion score based on 35
direct measurements of the urine. Previous to the imple-
mentation of the PRAL score method, ash analysis was

The PRAL method is far superior to ash analysis in that it

takes into effect the digestion and absorption of a food and
its direct effect on the kidneys and urine. However, in my
opinion, the PRAL method has some limitations as well in
that a specific food may elicit a pH homeostatic balancing
mechanism and that would influence the end result in the
urine. This may be evidenced by the PRAL score of coffee.
Nevertheless, the PRAL method remains the best method
to date.

Let’s calculate a total PRAL score for an average Western diet

meal. Take 250g (about ½ lb.) of chicken. The PRAL value
for chicken is 8.7 per 100 grams. We have 250 grams which
is 2.5 times 100, so we multiply 8.7 by 2.5 which equals
+21.75. Add ½ pound of potatoes, that would be -4 times
2.5 which equals -10. Add 8 oz. whole milk, so multiply 1.1
by 2.5(8 oz. equals about 250g), which equals +2.75. The
total for the meal would be +14.50. That is a highly acidic
load and typical of the average American diet. Using other
typical foods yields the same acidic story. It is not until you
incorporate several servings of vegetables and fruits and
limit the amount of meat, poultry and fish before you reach
a net alkaline PRAL score. Go back to the PRAL table above
and look at the food group averages. The whole story is
there. Meats, grains and dairy products are all highly acidic.
Vegetables, fruits and nuts are all alkaline. Interesting isn’t
it? All the foods you have always been told to eat because
36 they are healthy are alkaline forming!
1) Remer and Manz, J. Am Diet Assoc. 95: 791-797, 1995.
ORP and Alkaline Water

A Paleo-Biological View of the Oxidation-Reduction

Potential (ORP) and How it Relates to Alkaline, Ionized,
Microclustered Water
Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

A very simple and at the same time complex event took

place approximately 2.5 billion years ago. This is when a
special form of bacteria called blue-green algae learned
how to use sunlight to strip hydrogen off of water and
combine it with carbon dioxide to make sugars—the
origin of photosynthesis. But what does this have to do
with oxidation-reduction potentials? The answer is the
creation of oxygen.

A by-product of photosynthesis is the formation of free

oxygen or O2. As the predominant blue-green algae uti-
lized photosynthesis and stripped hydrogen off water, the
“waste gas” produced was oxygen. At this stage of the
planet’s development, oxygen was a new comer. At first, it
was bound to oxygen-hungry minerals like iron and silicon
and then absorbed into solution in the oceans. Once these
reservoirs were full it began to accumulate in the atmo-
sphere, fundamentally changing the chemistry of the planet
forever. And it is this chemistry that we are interested in.

Chemistry is essentially the science of moving electrons

around. A chemical bond between two atoms is actually
a pair of electrons shared by the atoms, and a chemical 43
reaction is the movement of electrons from some bonds
to others. In any chemical reaction, the bonds between
certain atoms are broken and at the same time new bonds
are formed in the resulting chemicals. Chemists call this a
coupled oxidation and reduction reaction. The bond that
gives up its electrons is oxidized (oxygen added to it) and
the bond that received the electrons is reduced. When it
comes to human physiology and life itself it is better to
receive electrons than to give them. The theory of aging is
that we age as cells lose electrons and become oxidized.
This happens when free radicals strip away electrons
from cells causing them to “rust”. The rusting of metal,
the browning of a cut apple and the aging of human cells
whether they be skin cells or heart cells are all examples
of free radical oxidation.

How to fight ageing

The game of survival is to not get oxidized to death, liter-
ally. We can take anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, etc.,
all of which are free-radical scavengers. These substances
give up electrons and help restore the cells and molecules
to a healthy state. What is amazing is that drinking water
can do the same thing

Ionized, alkalinized, microclustered water has free electrons

available to do free radical scavenging. This is referred to
as the negative ORP or oxidation-reduction potential. The
ORP potential of alkaline water is a measure of its ability
to neutralize free radicals. The higher the negative number,
the more powerful the antioxidant effect is. Alkaline water
produced by water ionizers has strong ORP power, so it
can protect cells in the body from the aging effects of free
44 radical oxidation.
Snowflakes and Restructured Water

Snowflakes and Restructured Water

The Hexagonal Connection
Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

A snowflake has six arms or six sides, which by definition

makes it hexagonal. While pentagonal patterns (five sided)
abound in living forms, the mineral world favors twofold,
threefold, fourfold, and sixfold symmetry. The hexagon is a
“close-packing” shape that allows for maximum structural
efficiency. It is very common in the realm of molecules and
crystals, where pentagonal forms are almost never found.
Steroids, cholesterol, benzene, TNT, vitamins C and D, aspirin,
sugar, graphite – all show sixfold symmetry. The most famous
hexagonal architecture is built by bees, wasps and hornets. So
what does this have to do with restructured water?

Restructured water is water that has been ionized, micro-

clustered and alkalinized. The hexagonal connection lies
in the fact that microclustered water is water that has
become “wetter.” In other words, when the surface tension
of a liquid is reduced, the liquid becomes more “liquid.” In
the case of restructured water, ordinary tap or processed
bottled water, which has 13-16 molecules per cluster is
reduced to 6 molecules per cluster. Water beads up on a sur-
face because of high surface tension. The ability of a water
spider to “walk on water” is due to the high surface tension
of the water. Restructured microclustered water is just the
opposite. It has tiny clusters and less surface tension which 45
makes it ideal for drinking and optimal absorption. It is
believed that natural glacial water has the optimal cluster
size at six. Why?

It is a fact of physical science that as a liquid or gas cools,

the molecules contract and become more organized, as in
a crystal or solid. Conversely, as you heat a liquid or solid,
the molecules expand and become more disorganized, (a
gas). As water chills and approaches freezing, it contracts
and forms ice crystals, which are composed of six water
molecules. This appears to be nature’s way of best orga-
nizing water into ice crystals. It is my opinion that nature’s
chosen hexagonal pattern is the most efficient geometric
pattern for receiving, storing and transmitting energy from
water molecules to other molecules, specifically living tis-
sues. Remember: Nature is already using this pattern in
bio-chemicals like steroids, cholesterol, sugar, vitamin C,
etc., why not water? Water molecules apparently can retain
information. It is my opinion that many homeopathic rem-
edies work on this premise and that their “information” is
stored and transmitted via water molecules. Furthermore,
as glacial six-sided water crystals melt, they produce, in my
opinion; naturally microclustered hexagonal water.

The technology of ionization through electrolysis creates

microclustered water with a predominance of clusters with
six molecules. Experiments have been done on this water
with NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) instrumentation
shows the hexagonal nature of restructured water.

Unless you live next to a glacier, an ionizing, microcluster-

ing, alkalinizing water machine is your best bet for getting
46 water in its natural form.
Is Alkaline Water ‘Natural’?

Is “Machine Made” Ionized, Microclustered, Alkaline

Water ‘Natural’?
Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

Some companies make water ionizing “sticks” which use

chemicals, crystals and other additives to restructure water.
They claim that their “additive” restores water to its “perfect,
natural” state, and that it is more natural than running water
through a “machine.” They further claim that they possess a
technology and a “proprietary substance” that they add to
the water to accomplish this.

Their methods are not found in nature yet they criticize all
other water technologies as being unnatural and therefore
potentially harmful or just wrong. Some claim that alkaline
water would be harmful to someone who is already physi-
ologically overly alkaline, but the fact is nearly all people
are acidic.

Medical literature is replete with references that allude to the

consequences of the Western Acidogenic Diet as being over-
ly acidic, producing a low-grade, chronic metabolic acidosis.
By far the average meat-based diet eating person is overly
acidic. There is no real argument here. This is an attempt to
discredit a concept by finding the single subclass that would
not benefit. A weak argument at best. Furthermore, our
product has several different settings to fine tune the level
of pH required based on their present state of health, diet
and other factors like urine and saliva pH. 47
People today are not in a perfect state of health. They are
in an“unnatural” state of health. Cardiovascular disease,
cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, do I need to go on? What is
“natural” about defibrillating a dying heart? Nothing, but
please defibrillate mine if it stops! I once treated an 81 year
old on fifteen different medications including blood thin-
ners that were causing horrible spontaneous bruising. As
a doctor of chiropractic, darkfield microscopist and nutri-
tionist for over 25 years, I can tell you with authority that
eating some oranges, the natural way, would not have
remotely addressed this unnatural drug bruising side-
effect. Drinking alkaline water returned that person to a
natural state of health.

According to some skeptics, purifying, alkalinizing, ionizing

and microclustering water with a machine render it harm-
ful or useless. Quite the contrary. The Japanese have used
this technology and water for decades with great success.
Medical and veterinarian peer reviewed literature is replete
with evidence of its beneficial uses.

Skeptics claim that by ionizing water you are trying to turn

it into a “food.” This is the weakest of all arguments. A simi-
lar argument could be made that when adding more fruits
and vegetables to one’s diet, thus increasing antioxidants,
you are using food as a medicine. What’s wrong with that?
Let food be your medicine. If ionizing and alkalinizing
water adds beneficial alkaline minerals (calcium, magne-
sium, potassium) and increases it’s antioxidant potential,
which it does, if that makes it a “food,” so be it. They further
claim that when water becomes a “food” it takes longer to
be absorbed. Taken literally, this is true. Tap water is more
quickly absorbed than soup broth. However, through
darkfield microscopy we have objectively demonstrated
repeatedly that in a person with evidence of red blood cell
hypercoagulation (blood sludge), in as little as 30 minutes
with the ingestion of 3/4 of a liter of ionized, alkalinized,
microclustered water, was able to reverse the hypercoagu-
lation. This is evidence of the water being rapidly absorbed.

The Truth About Alkaline Water

The Truth About Alkaline, Ionized, Microclustered Water

By Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

Let’s begin by making one thing perfectly clear: “pure

water” cannot be alkalinized or treated with electrolysis.
Pure water by definition is mineral-less or de-ionized.
In fact the “purest” of pure water is distilled water. “Pure
water” does not exist in nature. Minerals are always pres-
ent in water in nature, e.g., rain water, glacial water, lake
water, etc. “Pure water” is really a misnomer and a creation of
marketing by bottled water companies.

This misunderstanding widely repeated by poorly-in-

formed “skeptics” comes about from changing the word
purified to pure. Purification is the process where water is
filtered to remove chemicals like chlorine, fluoride, heavy
metals, etc. Purification leaves in beneficial alkaline miner-
als (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium). In fact, when
people have reverse osmosis units which do remove 95
percent of everything in water, good and bad, they must
add a “Remineralization filter” BEFORE the water enters the
electrolysis process. Ionizers cannot apply electrolysis to
pure, de-ionized distilled-like water.

How Purified Water is Ionized
When water has minerals in it, such as calcium, magnesium,
potassium, sodium, water acts as a solvent and combines
with these minerals, putting a net magnetic charge on them,
they have become “polarized”. When this water is passed
through negatively and positively charged electrodes, some
of its molecules “split” into positive hydrogen, and negatively
charged hydroxyl ions, H + and (OH) -. This process gives a
net negative ORP charge to alkaline water resulting in anti-
oxidant hydroxyl ions.

How antioxidants in water work

When a substance has a positive ORP, it will oxidize
another substance. Air oxidizes metal, creating rust. When
a substance has a negative ORP, it will reduce the oxidation
of another substance. In other words, help preserve it. The
antioxidant properties of alkaline water don’t last forever,
hydrogen and hydroxyl ions will recombine at a predict-
able rate. But for a while (about 24 hours) the water has
great antioxidant activity because of the negative ORP.

This is similar to drinking fresh carrot juice versus juice that

has been left out for several hours. It goes without saying
that the fresher juice has greater potential health benefits.
The reason is that the juice becomes oxidized - much like
when a cut apple starts to turn brown. When you make
fresh carrot juice, you drink it within minutes to hours,
don’t you? The same idea applies to alkaline, ionized,
microclustered water. The “chi” or inherent energy in the
water will be lost over time. The antioxidant (negative
ORP) benefits of ionized water don’t last forever. This water
52 is to be consumed the day it is made.
Alkaline or acidic ionized water was not recently invented
It is referred to in medical literature as “alkaline reduced
water” or electrolyzed water produced by electrolysis. Here
is one example of many articles that can be found easily
on medical literature data base search engines. This article
talks about how reduced water, i.e., negative ORP water
helps protect against superoxide radicals. Superoxide free
radicals are extremely harmful to the human body. That is
why they are called superoxide radicals.

The mechanism of the enhanced antioxidant

effects against superoxide anion radicals of
reduced water produced by electrolysis.

Biophys Chem. 2004

Jan 1;107(1):71-82.

Hanaoka K, Sun D, Lawrence R, Kamitani Y, Fernandes G.

Bio-REDOX Laboratory Inc. 1187-4, Oaza-Ueda, Ueda-shi,
Nagano-ken 386-0001, [email protected]

We reported that reduced water produced by elec-

trolysis enhanced the antioxidant effects of proton
donors such as ascorbic acid (AsA) in a previous paper. We
also demonstrated that reduced water produced by elec-
trolysis of 2 mM NaCl solutions did not show antioxidant
effects by itself. We reasoned that the enhancement of
antioxidant effects may be due to the increase of the
ionic product of water as solvent. The ionic product of
water (pKw) was estimated by measurements of pH and 53
by a neutralization titration method. As an indicator of oxi-
dative damage, Reactive Oxygen Species- (ROS) mediated
DNA strand breaks were measured by the con version of
supercoiled phiX-174 RF I double-strand DNA to open and
linear forms. Reduced water had a tendency to suppress
single-strand breakage of DNA induced by reactive oxygen
species produced by H2O2/Cu (II) and HQ/Cu (II) systems.
The enhancement of superoxide anion radical dismutation
activity can be explained by changes in the ionic product.

The article below references the use of acidic, ionized

water, known in the medical literature as EO-A, electro-
lyzed oxidizing water. It too has a purpose. This research
elucidates the use of what is referred to as EO-A water
which stands for acidic electrolyzed water which has a
pH of 2.6 and an ORP of positive +1,150. This water is a
cost effective and environmentally safe because there is
no chemical residue.

Comparison of electrolyzed oxidizing water with

various antimicrobial interventions to reduce
Salmonella species on poultry.

Poult Sci.
2002 Oct;81(10):1598-605.
Fabrizio KA, Sharma RR, Demirci A, Cutter CN.

Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State

University, University Park 16802, USA.
Foodborne pathogens in cell suspensions or attached to
surfaces can be reduced by electrolyzed oxidizing (EO)
water; however, the use of EO water against pathogens
associated with poultry has not been explored. In this
study, acidic EO water [EO-A; pH 2.6, chlorine (CL) 20 to
50 ppm, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of 1,150
mV], basic EO water (EO-B; pH 11.6, ORP of -795 mV), CL,
ozonated water (OZ), acetic acid (AA), or trisodium phos-
phate (TSP) was applied to broiler carcasses inoculated
with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and submerged (4 C,
45 min), spray-washed (85 psi, 25 C, 15 s), or subjected to
multiple interventions (EO-B spray, immersed in EO-A; AA
or TSP spray, immersed in CL). Remaining bacterial popu-
lations were determined and compared at Day 0 and 7 of
aerobic, refrigerated storage. At ST 1.41 log10, whereas
EO-A water reduced ST approximately 0.86 log10. After 7
d of storage, EO-A water, OZ, TSP, and AA reduced ST, with
detection only after selective enrichment. Spray-washing
treatments with any of the compounds did not reduce
ST at Day 0. After 7 d of storage, TSP, AA, and EO-A water
reduced ST 2.17, 2.31, and 1.06 log10, respectively. ST was
reduced 2.11 log10 immediately following the multiple in-
terventions, 3.81 log10 after 7 d of storage. Although effec-
tive against ST, TSP and AA are costly and adversely affect
the environment. This study demonstrates that EO water
can reduce ST on poultry surfaces following extended
refrigerated storage.PMID: 12412930

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Alkaline and Acidic Water Uses

Alkaline and Acidic Water Uses

Ionized, alkaline mineral water delivers nutrients to the
cells efficiently; it hydrates our bodies better; it cleanses
our systems; and it energizes us far more than tap or spring
water. It contains natural antioxidants that neutralize free
radicals and gives us more energy.

The use of alkaline water is not new. Many Eastern cultures

have been using it for over a half century. There are numer-
ous health benefits to drinking alkaline water, but what
many people might not realize is how many other uses ion-
ized water can provide. The scientific process of Ionization
splits the water into two streams, Alkaline and Acidic. Both
streams can be used in different ways. Alkaline, ionized
water is great to drink, but it can also be used to prepare
and cook food. Experiment with these suggestions on pre-
paring food, let them give you inspiration and let me know
how they turn out.

As you read over the following suggestions keep in mind

that when first approaching someone about an ionizer, it is
important that you find out exactly in what way the person
will benefit from the water and what applications will be
key for them.

Ionized alkaline water for food preparation:
• Soaking & Sprouting seeds, nuts, legumes, grains &
more (activates enzymes).
• Smoothies (neutralizes acidity in fruit and delivers
nutrients more efficiently).
• Add to acidic fruit juices to make them alkaline.
(Many people’s stomachs react poorly to acidic
fruit juices.)
• Adding alkaline water to acidic juices will make
them easier to digest.
• Soups (contents of soup taste better).
• Storage of fruits & vegetables—they last much
• Removes pesticides, herbicides, waxes & more
from fruits & vegetables.
• Any recipe that calls for water.

Cooking with Ionized Water

• Use alkaline water when cooking to get the best
tasting food. Acidic tap water breaks down the
food, so you tend not to get the real flavor. The
taste comes out full, food is tender, and not as
much seasoning is required.
• Astringent-tasting vegetables can be soaked in
alkaline water for 20-30 minutes before they are
cooked. They will taste wonderful!
• Rice turns softer and fluffier. First, wash the rice in
level one alkaline water. Next, soak the rice in level
four alkaline water for 20-30 minutes. Cook the rice
in the high alkaline water that it was soaking in
and you will create moist, soft rice.
• Boil your eggs in acidic water and the yolks turn
out bright yellow not gray, and are perfectly
symmetrical and taste better. The shells come off
with such ease too!
• Vegetables will be a brighter green since the
chlorophyll isn’t broken down. Acids are also
neutralized, so any harsh tastes will be removed.
• Noodles cooked in alkaline water will prevent the
noodles from becoming soggy.

Alkalize your body with beverages

• Tea with alkaline water will make the color of the
tea vivid, lessen the astringency, and make it
mellow and delicious.
• Coffee with alkaline water allows you to use less
grounds with the same flavor and strength.
Bitterness will be replaced by a smooth, aromatic
• Alcohol: imparts a mellow and delicious taste and
prevents the negative physical reactions associ-
ated with drinking alcohol as it will neutralize the
acid. When drinking alcohol, drink three to four
cups of level two alkaline water before and after
drinking to prevent effects. You can also add it to
cocktails to soften and smooth the taste.
• Fruit juice can be mixed with alkaline water to
reduce the acidity and sugar content.

Physical Uses of Alkaline Water:
Alkaline Water helps to regulate your physical condition.
Here are some examples of conditions alkaline water can
help with:
• Gastrointestinal Fermentation: If you drink alkaline
water on an empty stomach, it will ease your
• Constipation: Drink alkaline water before you eat
and it will hydrate your bowels and improve this
• Diarrhea: Since you quickly become dehydrated
with diarrhea, alkaline water, with three times the
concentration of water molecules, will help keep
you hydrated and reduce discomfort.
• High or Low Blood Pressure: Alkaline water will
help regulate your blood pressure if you drink it
one hour before eating.
• Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: Drink three
cups or more on an empty stomach.

Household Uses of Alkaline Water:

Animals and pets:

• Can be used in their drinking water to maintain
their health & less odor in feces.

Dying Garments:
• Results in vivid colors.

Plants and Flowers:
• Healthier
• Live Longer
• Need Less Water
• Won’t need pesticides
• Extends the life of cut flowers

Uses for Acidic Ionized Water:

• Acidic ionized water has an astringent and con-
stricting effect on what it comes in contact with.
For this reason, it will tighten and smooth your
skin. It is particularly effective in the treatment
and prevention of pimples and rashes.
• Your Face: improves the health of your face, makes
it smoother, and more compatible with makeup.
• Shampooing: Use acidic water before and after
shampooing. This will protect your hair by pre-
venting hair loss, itching, and dandruff. It leaves
your hair soft and non-sticky.
• Bathing: Mix in six to ten liters of acidic water in
your bath, it will improve the overall health and
beauty of your skin. 61
Home Remedies with Acidic Water:
Natural acidic water has a slight disinfecting and sterilizing
ability, which makes it effective in treating minor skin
wounds. It even kills the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Here are some other benefits:

• Gargling: Prevents infection of germs by killing the
microbes that cause colds and tonsillitis.
• Burns: Alleviates the pain of burns and hastens
• Chapped Hands: Accelerates recovery from
chapped hands.
• Sunburn: relieves inflammation and accelerates
• Abrasions and Cuts: disinfects and accelerates
• Eczema and Acne: kills bacteria, keeps skin clean,
improves its’ condition.

Other Uses for Acidic Water
Natural acidic water has a slight bleaching effect. Here are
some useful cleaning applications:
• House cleaning: dirt and grime are removed.
• Polishing: effectively cleans mirrors, glass, knives
and eyeglasses.
• Washing Vehicles: dirt is removed easily.
• Baths: the bath water is quickly heated, scale won’t
adhere to tub. Great for use in your hot tub.
• Cutting Board: quickly washes and sanitizes.
• Pots and pans with baked food: when soaked
62 overnight, stains and burns are removed.
• Sponges: Fungal and bacterial growth is stopped,
preventing bad smells and contamination.
• Odors on your hands: smell is removed and the
itching is eliminated.
• Pets: Acid water is great for bathing your pets as it
helps address skin disease and itching and leads to
an overall healthier coat of fur.
• Sprouting seeds: sprouts have a higher chlorophyll
content and it prevents mold.
• Soaking legumes (beans): Makes beans taste better
and reduces phytate content.

Brushing Teeth and Shaving:

• Both brushing your teeth and rinsing with alkaline
water will help maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Also, the natural healthy bacteria of the oral mucosa
will be maintained, limiting bad breath.
• Rinsing and soaking your toothbrush in acidic water
will help keep it sanitary.

Sanitizing Effect:
• Acidic water is an effective agent for sanitizing bug
bites, and through its skin toning effects, it will
ease itching.
• Flower Arrangement: Use acidic water in vases to
keep cut flowers fresher for a longer time. You will
see the difference!

Alkaline Diet Recipes

The Alkaline Diet Recipes

Katy Joy Freeman
Raw Food Chef

These two soups are Live soups. What does that really
mean? It means we are preserving the enzymes and good
nutrients by not heating the soup over 105 degrees. You’ll
reap many more benefits from your foods by eating them
raw or slightly heated.

Creamy Cucumber Soup

• 1 cucumber, peeled and cubed

• 1 medium ripe avocado
• 1/2 lemon, juiced (or just squeeze, but be careful to
omit the seeds)
• 1/2 cup ionized alkaline water
• 2 tablespoons of fresh Dill / can use dry but use less
• sea salt to taste / be sure not to good salt!

Blend all ingredients and slightly heat if you want or enjoy

at room temperature.

Top with any or all of the following: micro greens (sprout

mixture), spouted sunflower seeds, diced celery, small
avocado chunks.
Live Cream of Tomato Soup
(Serves 4)

This has become an all time comfort food in our house! The
ionized water used in this soup really gives it an energy
boost! Play around with the ingredients and have fun add-
ing what sounds good to you.

• 3-4 medium tomatoes

• handful of fresh basil
• tsp fresh oregano (can use dried as well; but use less)
• 1-2 cloves minced garlic
• 1 medium avocado
• 1/4 cup soaked sun-dried tomatoes
• 3/4 to 1 cup ionized alkaline water
• mineralized salt to taste

Blend all ingredients in Vitamix or any powerful blender.

Transfer to soup pan and slightly heat.

Suggestions for toppings: pine nuts, chopped sprouts,

chopped celery, chopped mushrooms, chopped olives,
chopped onions, chopped sun-dried tomatoes.

Master Cleanse Detox Program

This drink is a great way to start your day! It’s mostly ion-
ized water with lemon and cayenne pepper give a nice
boost to your immune system. We regularly enjoy this
cleansing elicitor in our house first thing in the morning or
sometimes all day for a mild detox and cleanse.

• 16 oz ionized alkaline water

• 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed organic lemon juice
• 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
• 1 tablespoon organic grade B maple syrup

Seasonal Green Smoothie
A great way to maintain an alkaline lifestyle is getting
enough leafy greens and ionized water in your diet. What
better way to do this than starting your day with a delicious
green smoothie. Try to drink a green smoothie a couple
times a week and see if you notice a difference! They just
may become your newest healthy addiction!

• 1 ripe banana
• 2 persimmons - diced
• 2 dates/ pitted and soaked in 3/4 cup ionized alkaline
water - may add more water if you want it thinner
• 2 handfuls of greens of your choice - try one or more
of the following: romaine lettuce, kale- de-stemmed,
spinach, cilantro,parsley,etc...

Mix all ingredients including the date soaking water in a

high speed blender, pour, and, enjoy!

Alkaline Comfort Soup
I was recently healing from a cold and had not gone out
to the grocery store for almost a week. I wanted to make
something soothing and warm to comfort myself and got
real creative with some ingredients I had on hand. This
wonderful soup was the result. I hope you enjoy it as much
as I did!

• 1 zucchini – chopped
• 1 ripe avocado
• 1 cup ionized alkaline water
• 1 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
• 1 tbsp lime juice
• ¼ cup fresh salsa – I used one that had fresh garlic,
tomato, onion, and cilantro in it!
• ¼ cup diced red bell pepper
• 2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds
• Handful of fresh parsley
• Handful of fresh cilantro
• 1 tbsp of fresh basil
• 1 tsp dried cumin
• Salt to taste

Put all ingredients in a high speed blender and mix until

smooth and creamy. Transfer to a medium sauce pan and
slightly heat – best not to get it over 110 degrees to pre-
serve all the enzymes.

Suggested toppings: raw pumpkin seeds, chopped celery,

fresh cilantro, diced tomatoes.
The Perfect Egg

If you have an ionizer in your house, chances are you are

mostly using the alkaline water function more frequently
than the acid water option. One reason might be because
you are not quite sure how to get the most use from it.
Today I have a great tip for your getting the most out of
your acid water and will continue to provide practical
applications for you over time.

Boiling eggs in acid water results in a perfectly centered

yellow egg yolk and the shell comes off very easily!)

Directions: Press the acid water function on your ionizer or

use the drain off from the alkaline function and fill a sauce-
pan about half way full. Place eggs in the water and heat on
high. Once the water boils let the eggs boil for one minute.
Turn off heat and cover. Let the eggs sit in the covered hot
water for 15 minutes.

Enjoy your Perfect Egg!

Successfully Storing Celery and Carrots

How many times have you bought fresh veggies to snack

on, use in salads, or other recipes only to find that you don’t
use them before they become limp and wilted? Do you
throw away veggies because of this? This tip will decrease
waste and keep your veggies crisp and crunchy!

Cut up celery and carrots into desired sizes. Use container

of choice and place veggies inside. Fill up the container
with ionized alkaline water and store in refrigerator for up
to two weeks.

You will be amazed how fresh the ionized water will keep
your veggies! The water can be changed after one week if
you prefer, but it’s not really necessary.

Sundried Tomato and Garlic Spread

• 10-12 sundried tomatoes soaked in ionized alkaline

• 3 tbsp Water from the tomato soak–really helps make
this creamy and spreadable!
• 2 tbsp Fresh basil
• 3 tbsp organic olive oil
• 1-2 cloves garlic
• Pinch of sea salt (optional)

Soak sundried tomatoes in ionized alkaline water for 30


Mix all ingredients in high-speed blender or food processor

until smooth. I use the magic bullet for spreads like this.
Also works great for salad dressings!

I spread this on manna bread (found in the refrigerated sec-

tion of your health food store – contains no flour) then de-
hydrate for a couple hours to make a wonderful healthy ver-
sion of garlic bread. Manna bread is as close to a raw bread
that you will find. The bread consists of sprouted grains and
is cooked at a low temperature. By dehydrating the spread
you are still preserving the integrity of the enzymes, but
this spread is delicious just as it is and can be eaten at room
temp on any bread or cracker. Get creative and enjoy!

Date Delights
Makes 10 large date balls or 20 small ones

If you are looking for something easy and tasty to make for
your next social gathering this is a great choice. It’s sure to
be a crowd pleaser! Enjoy.

• 15 dates – soaked in ionized alkaline water and pitted

(I soak for 20-30 minutes to soften)
• 3 tbsp shredded raw coconut
• 1 tbsp coconut oil
• 1 vanilla bean- cut open and scrape out insides
• 1 tsp non-alcohol vanilla extract
• Pinch of cinnamon
• Pinch of sea salt – optional
• ¾ cup chopped nuts – I prefer walnuts, almonds, or

Mix all ingredients expect nuts in food processor with S

blade until smooth. Roll into balls and then roll in the nuts.

Alkalize your Juice

Many of us like a fresh glass of fruit juice but sometimes find

this does not settle too well. That may be because most
fruit juices are acidic. A friend of mine recently shared that
he takes ionized alkaline water and dilutes his juice and
has noticed a big difference. He says that he can now
enjoy his juices without the discomfort he experienced in
the past. I tried this and boy is he on to something! The
added ionized alkaline water creates a smooth alkaline

Try it yourself and see what you think.

Our Version of a Chocolate Shake!

Some people really want to make sure they are getting a

lot of calories during the day. Body builders and other ath-
letes as well as those wanting to increase their weight may
enjoy this delicious chocolate shake! It can also be enjoyed
as a satisfying meal replacement!

Chocolate Shake
• 1/2 ripe avocado - remove the skin
• 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
• 1/2 tbsp greens powder or a big handful of fresh
greens (kale, romaine or spinach)
• 2 soft dates - pitted
• 1 ripe banana- can use a pear if you prefer
• 1 tbsp raw almond butter or any other nut butter- or 8
raw almonds
• 8 oz ionized alkaline water
• 8 oz almond milk or any other nut milk

Blend all ingredients and enjoy!

How Ionizers Work

Developed in the 1950s, the Japanese invented water

ionizers. By adding a strong electrical current to ordinary
tap water, ionized, alkaline and acidic water are produced.
This electrical process is known as electrolysis, which
separates the water into two streams: alkaline mineral
water for drinking and acidic mineral water for the skin,
cleaning and sanitizing. The process also breaks large
clusters of water molecules into “micro-clusters” that are
readily absorbed by tissues and cells, leading to better
hydration at the cellular level.

Before the electrolysis process begins, the water is filtered

to reduce a wide variety of chemicals, heavy metals, and
other contaminants. The highest quality ionizers use a
nine-stage, dual filter system to clean the source water.
The best ionizer companies actually review water reports
from the customer’s local water authority to customize the
water filters being used with the consumer’s ionizer. This
improves the quality and health of the source water being

The higher quality water ionizers are manufactured with

nine platinum-coated titanium plates to deliver a more
efficient electrical charge to the water. These water ionizers
come in counter top and under the counter models. The
newest ionizers are powered with a Switched-Mode Power
Supply (SMPS) to more efficiently deliver amperage to the 77
plates. The combination of mesh technology and SMPS
boosts the pH and Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) of
the hexagonal water by five to ten percent.

A water ionizer has a chamber system with a series of

platinum coated titanium plates that have positive and
negative electrodes. The negative electrodes attract pos-
itively charged minerals such as calcium, magnesium,
manganese and potassium, these are alkaline minerals.
The positive electrodes attract negatively charged
minerals, such as chlorine, fluoride, sulfur, phosphorus,
bromine, silicon and copper these are acidic minerals.
A porous membrane separates the two chambers but
allows the alkaline and acidic minerals to move towards
the positive and negative electrodes. The membrane
separates the two types of water created; alkaline and
acidic. The water ionizer then produces a stream of alka-
line water from one outlet, and a stream of acidic water
from the other. About 70 percent of the water produced
by the ionizer is alkaline; about 30 percent of the water is
acidic. In addition to creating two different types of water,
ionization also creates “micro-clustered” water molecules.

Two factors determine the ability of a water ionizer to

produce “micro-clustered” water:
1. The number and type of electrodes
2. The wattage being delivered to the water.

Quality electrodes are designed to maximize contact time

with the water. MESH plate technology increases the flow of
the water over and through the electrodes. Because there
is more contact time between the water and the mesh
electrodes, a more consistent quality of ionized water is

Standard water molecules tend to cluster together in

groups of 13 to 16 molecules. The ionization process breaks
these larger clusters of water molecules apart, creating
smaller clusters of five to six molecules known as “micro-
clustered” water. These “micro-clusters” are more easily
absorbed at the cellular level. This improves the delivery of
nutrients and hydration at the cellular level. It also facilitates
the flushing of toxins and acids out of the cells.

Water ionizers produce both acidic and alkaline water. Both

alkaline and acidic water have benefits. Alkaline water is
ideal for drinking, cleaning vegetables, and cooking. Its
antioxidant properties (ORP) promote good health and
slow the aging process.

You should not drink acidic water. The astringent prop-

erties of acidic water in the 4.0 to 6.0 pH range are ideal
for cleaning and toning the skin. Acidic water rinses are a
miracle for your hair; acidic water helps the scalp, reduces
tangles, and gives hair a radiant shine. It can also improve
the appearance and quality of your pet’s fur! Strong acidic
water has excellent sanitizing properties and can be used
for cleaning hard surfaces around the house, cleaning
toothbrushes, hands and even as a mouthwash.

Preventative Measures for a Healthy FutureTM

About the Author
Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C.
Dr. Kopko is a board certified doctor of
Chiropractic with a sub-specialty in Sports
Medicine. He became the first Certified
Chiropractic Sports Physician in San
Diego County and 90th in the world. He
is a nutritionist and dark field microsco-
pist with over 28 years experience. Dr. Kopko has been
consulting for LIFE Ionizers where he performs literature
research, science laboratory research and has served as
their Chief Science Advisor for ten years now.

$7.97 US

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