10th STD Science Target 90 2023 by FRZN Edutainment

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FrZn Edutainment

SSLC 2023

Target 90 +
1. Chemical reaction 10. Light
2. Acids , bases 11. Human eye
3. Metal /non metals 12. Electricity
4. Carbon & its comp. 13. Magnetic effect
5. Classification of elem. 14. Sources of energy
6. Life process 15. Our environm.
7. Control & cordina. 16 Management of NR.
8. How do org. 17. Model paper
9. Heredity & evol. 18. Preparatory paper

Date Day Paper

31-03-2023 Friday 1st Language
03-04-2023 Monday Mathematics
06-04-2023 Thursday 2nd Language
10-04-2023 Monday Science (Jazba)
12-04-2023 Wednesday 3rd Language
15-04-2023 Saturday Social science

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1. State joule’s law of heating

The amount of heat produced in a conductor is:
• Directly proportional to the squire of the current through the conductor
• Directly proportional to the resistance of the conductor
• Directly proportional to the time for which the current is passed
2. Mention the function of devices
Device Function
Ammeter The Instrument used to measure current in a
circuit is called ammeter.
An ammeter is always connected in series in a
circuit through which the current is to be
Votlmeter A Voltmeter is a device used to measure the
potential difference.
Connecred in parallel.
Rheostat A component used to regulate current without
changing the voltage source is called variable
resistance. In an electric circuit, a device called
rheostat is often used to change the resistance in
the circuit
Plug key/ A switch makes a conducting link between the cell and
switch the bulb.
Battery / cell It maintain the potential difference across a conductor
Solenoid A coil of many circular tums of insulated copper wire
wrapped closely in the shape Coil of a cylinder is called
Electromagnet An electromagnet is a device in which soft iron
core placed inside a solenoid behaves as a
powerful magnet when a current is passed
through the solenoid.
Electric motor An electric motor is a rotating device which converts
electric energy into mechanical energy.
Split ring The function of split ring commutator is to
reverse the direction of current in the coil after
every half rotation.
Armature It is a rectangular coil having a large number of turns of
thin insulated copper wire wound over a soft iron core
Brushes It is made of graphite. It maintains a sliding contact with
split rings.

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Galvanometer A galvanometer is an instrument that can detect the

presence of current in the circuit
Electric A generator is a device used to convert mechanical energy
generator into electrical energy
3. More about salts
Bleaching Ca(OH)₂+ Cl₂ → CaOCl₂ + H₂O
Powder Uses
Calciumoxychloride • for bleaching cotton and linen in the textile
industry, for bleaching wood pulp in paper
factories and for bleaching washed clothes in
• as an oxidising agent in many chemical
industries; and
• to make drinking water free from germs.
Baking soda NaCl +H₂O +CO₂ +NH₃ → NH₄Cl + NaHCO₃
Sodium hydrogen • For making baking powder
carbonate • Sodium hydrogencarbonate is also an
ingredient in antacids
• It is also used in soda-acid fire extinguishers.
• used in the kitchen for making tasty crispy
pakoras, etc.
Washing soda Na₂CO₃ + 10H₂O → NaCO₃. 10H₂O
Sodium carbonated • Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is used in
deca hydrated glass, soap and paper industries.
• It is used in the manufacture of sodium
compounds such as borax
• Sodium carbonate can be used as a cleaning
agent for domestic Purposes
• It is used for removing permanent hardness of
Plaster of Paris On heating gypsum at 373 K, it loses water
CaSO₄. ½ H₂O +1 ½ molecules and becomes calcium sulphate
H₂O → CaSO₄. 2H₂O hemihydrate CaSO₄. ½ H2O This is called Plaster
of paris
• Doctors use as plaster for supporting Fractured
bones in the right position
• Used for making toys,
• materials for decoration And
• for making surfaces smooth.

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4. What are the differences between the fragmentation and Regeneration

methods of reproduction?
Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction in which an organism is split into
fragments. Each of these fragments develop into mature, fully grown individuals.
Spirogyra simply breaks up into smaller pieces upon maturation. These pieces or
Fragments grow into new individuals.

Regeneration is a process in which an individual which has got cut or broken up into
many Pieces grow into separate individuals.
For example: Simple animals like Hydra and Planaria.
5. Explain mensuration that occurs in women.
• Since the ovary of female release one egg every month, therefore, the uterus
also Prepares every month to receive a fertilized egg.
• The inner lining of the uterus becomes Soft and thick with lots of blood
capillaries in it.
• This preparation is necessary as in case The egg is fertilized by the sperm, it
helps to keep the egg and nourish it.
• If the Egg is not fertilized, then the thick lining of the uterus is not required
and the uterus lining Breaks down and comes out through the vagina in the
form of blood and mucous.
6. Explain the role of small intestine in the human digestive
Digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin, etc. help in the breaking
down of complex food particles into simple ones. These simple particles can be easily
absorbed by the blood and thus transported to all the cells of the body.
The small intestine has milions of tiny finger-like projections called villi. These villi
Increase the surface area for more efficient food absorption. Within these villi, many
Blood vessels are present that absorb the digested food and carry it to the blood
stream.From the blood stream, the absorbed food is delivered to each and every cell
of the body.
7. Explain the role of „nose‟ and alveoli in the human respiratory System.
Nasal cavity has external nostrils through which air is drawn into nasal cavity.
Nasal cavity Has fine hairs which filter the dust particles for the air passing
through it. The passage is Also lined with mucus which moistens to avoid friction
and trap dust particles.

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Within the lungs, the passage divides into smaller and smaller tubes which
terminate in Balloon-like structures which are called alveoli.
The alveoli provide a surface where the exchange of gases can take place.
8. Construct below given types of food chains that comprise algae, Aquatic
birds,Large fish, and small fish.
I) Food chain that shows the flow of energy in the increasing order
Ii) Food chain that shows the flow of harmful chemicals in the
Increasing order.
• Birds-------- Large fish------------small fish--------------algae
• Algae ------- small fish --------- large fish--------------- Birds.
9. .“Functioning of reflex arc is more efficient than the thinking process Of
the Brain. Clarify this statement with scientific explanation.
• Thinking is a complex activity, so it is bound to involve a complicated
Interaction of many nerve impulses from many neurons.
• the thinking tissue in our body consists of dense networks of Intricately
arranged neurons.
• It receives signals from all over the body which it thinks about before
Responding to them.
• this thinking part of the brain must be connected to nerves coming From
various parts of the body.
• if this part of the brain is to instruct muscles to move, nerves must Carry
this signal back to different parts of the body.
• If all of this is to be done when we touch a hot object, it may take Enough
time for us to get burnt!
10. In the conservation of environment „reuse‟ method is better than
Recycling Method. Why?
Because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the ‘reuse’ strategy, You
simply use things again and again. Instead of throwing away used Envelopes, you
can reverse it and use it again
11. Write two problems caused by the construction of large dams.
a) Economic problems because dams swallow up huge amounts of public money
without generation of proportionate benefits.
b) Environmental problems because there is deforestation at a large scale. Tis
causes lot of loss of biological diversity to displacement of large number of people.

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c) Social problems because they displace large number of peasants and tribals
without adequate compensation or rehabilitation,
12. “Carbon atom neither loses nor gains the electron.” Explain this Statement
• It could gain four electrons forming C4– anion. But it would be difficult For
the nucleus with six protons to hold on to ten electrons, that is, Four extra
• It could lose four electrons forming C4+ cation. But it would require A large
amount of energy to remove four electrons leaving behind a Carbon cation
with six protons in its nucleus holding on to just two Electrons.
13. How are esters formed? How can soap be obtained from Easters.
Ethanoic acid reacts with absolute ethanol in the Presence of an acid catalyst to give
an ester .
On treating with sodium Hydroxide, which is an alkali, the ester is converted back
to alcohol And sodium salt of carboxylic acid. This reaction is known as
Saponification because it is used in the preparation of soap.
14. How Zinc metal extracted from zinc carbonates and zinc sulphide Ores.
Zinc carbonates
Calamine or ZnCO₃ is changed into zinc Oxide by heating strongly in limited air.
ZnCO₃ (s) --------> ZnO(s) + CO₂
Zinc oxide is heated with carbon to reduce it to metallic zinc.
ZnO(s) + C(s) → Zn(s) + CO(g)

sulphide Ores
Zinc blende (ZnS) is converted into zinc oxide by heating strongly in the presence of
2ZnS(s) + 30₂--------> 2ZnO(s) + 2SO₂
Zinc oxide is heated with carbon to reduce it to metallic zinc.
ZnO(s) + C(s) → Zn(s) + CO

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15. Magnesium forms ionic compound with chlorine. Why? Explain

Magnesium atom has two electrons in its outermost shell. It loses two electrons and
Becomes magnesium ion. Chlorine has seven electrons in its outermost shell and
requires One electron to complete its octet. If magnesium and chlorine react, two
electrons lost by Magnesium are taken by chlorine and magnesium chloride is
16. Aluminium oxide is an amphoteric oxide whereas sodium oxide Is a basic
oxide. Why? Write suitable chemical equations.
Aluminium oxide is reacts with both acid and base to give salt and Water.
Al₂O₃ + 6HCl → 2AlCl₃ + 3H₂O
Al₂O₃ + 2NaOH → 2NaAlO₂ + H₂O
Sodium oxide dissolves in water to produce alkalis.
Na₂O + H₂O → 2NaOH
17. What is neutralisation reaction?Give example.
The reaction between an acid and a base to give a salt and water is Known as a
neutralisation reaction.
Base + Acid → Salt + Water
NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H₂O (l)
18. What are alkalis?
Bases which are soluble In water are called alkalis.(eg: sodium hydroxide)
19. How ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid?
Alkaline potassium permanganate or acidified potassium dichromate are oxidising
ethanol to ethanoic acids

20. Mention two limitations of Newlands classification of elements.

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• Newland law of octaves was applicable only upto calcium as after calcium
every Eighth element did not possess properties similar to that of the first
• Newland assumed that only 56 elements existed in nature. Several new
element Were discovered, whose properties did not fit into the Law of
• In order to fit elements into his Table, Newlands adjusted two elements in the
same Slot, but also put some unlike elements under the same slot.
21. How did Mendel identify the tall trait as dominant and short trait As
recessive Traits in the experiments conducted on plants?
• When Mendel crossed pollinated pure tall pea plant

With pure dwarf pea plant, he got tall plants in F1


• When Mendel self-pollinated F1 tall plant, he got

Both tall and dwarf plants in the ratio of 3 : 1

• This shows that dwarf character was present in F1

Generation but it was not expressed and only trait

of Tallness was expressed.

• From this we conclude that the traits may be

Dominant or recessive.

• The trait which gets expressed in the presence of its

Contrasting form is called dominant trait and the

Trait which remain unexpressed in the presence of

Its contrasting form is called recessive trait.

22. A ray light travelling in air enters obliquely into water. Does the light ray
bend towards the normal or way from the normal? Why?

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The light ray bends towards the normal as it travels from a rarer medium of air to a
Denser medium of water, under goes refraction. Refraction is due to change in the
speed Of light as it enters from one transparent medium to another. The speed of
light increases In rarer medium and decreases in denser medium.
23. Explain the experiment conducted by Newton to show that the white Light
contains seven colours.
• Isaac Newton was the first to use a glass Prism to obtain the spectrum of

• He Tried to split the colours of the spectrum of White light further by using
Another similar Prism. However, he could not get any more Colours.
• He then placed a second identical Prism in an inverted position with respect
To The first prism,
• This allowed all the colours of the spectrum to pass through the second
24. Write four characteristics of good source of energy.
a) should give large amount of energy per unit volume or mass.
b) must be easily accessible.
c) must be easy to store and transport.
d) must be economical.
25. Write the effects caused due to overuse of fossil fuels.
a) Air pollution is caused by burning coal or petroleum products.
b) The oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur that are released on burning fossil
fuels form acidic oxides cause acid rain. Acid rain affects water and soil resources.
c) Greenhouse effect is caused due to gases like carbon dioxide.
26. Explain the structure and function of nephron.

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Nephrons are the basic filtering units of kidneys. Each kidney possesses large
number of Nephrons. The main components of the nephron are glomerulus,
Bowman’s capsule, and A long renal tubule.
27. How is the vegetative propagation in plants useful to the field of
• Plants raised by vegetative propagation can bear flowers and fruits earlier than
those Produced from seeds.
• It makes possible the propagation of plants such as banana, orange, rose and
jasmine That have lost the capacity to produce seeds.
• All plants produced are genetically similar enough to the parent plant to have
all its Characteristics.
28. What needs of the local people are fulfilled by the forest?
• Implements for agriculture, fishing and hunting are largely made of wood;
forests provide Sites for fishing and hunting.
• In addition to people gathering fruits, nuts and medicines from the forests, their
cattle also Graze in forest areas or feed on other fodder which is collected from
29. What is the function of ozone layer?
Ozone (O3) is a molecule formed by three atoms of oxygen.
Ozone at higher levels of the atmosphere shields the surface of the earth from
uultraviolet UV) radiation from the Sun. This radiation is highly damaging to
organisms, for example,it is known to cause skin cancer in human beings.
30. What are structural isomers? Write the structural isomers of butane.
Compounds with identical molecular formula but different structures are called
structural Isomers.


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31. Silver chloride exposed to the sunlight turns grey colour. Why? Write The
balanced chemical equation for this reaction and mention the type Of
• Silver chloride decomposes into silver and chlorine. The white silver chloride
turns grey when exposed to sunlight.
• 2AgCl ------------->2Ag+ Cl2
• It is decomposition reactions. (Photolytic decomposition)
32. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron Nail
is dipped into it? Write the balanced chemical equation for this Reaction.
The iron nail becomes brownish in colour by deposition of copper and blue colour of
Copper sulphate changes green colour due to formation of FeSO4. Iron displaces
copper From copper sulphate solution.
Fe + CuSO4 ------->FeSO4+ Cu
33. What is concentrated acid? Name the acid present in the stinging hair Of
nettle leaves.
Acids that give rise to more H+ ions or acids in which complete dissociation of
hydrogen Ion takes place are called strong acid. Ex: Hydrochloric acid, sulphuric
acid, nitric acid.
The acid present in the stinging hair Of nettle leaves is methanoic acid.
34. Write the electron dot structure of methane.
Compound : Methane
• Molecular formula: CH4
• Valency of carbon: 4
• Valency of hydrogen: 1
• Methane has molecule formula CH4
• Carbon is tetravalent because it has 4
valence electrons and hydrogen has 1 electron
• In order to achieve noble gas configuration
carbon shares valences electrons with 4 Atoms of hydrogen.
35. Mention the number of single bonds and double bonds present in the
Structure of C₂H₅COOH molecule
Number of single bonds – 9
Number of double bonds – 1

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36. What is solenoid? List the properties of the magnetic field due to the flow
of electric current in a solenoid.
• Solenoid A coil of many circular tums of insulated copper wire wrapped
closely in the shape Coil of a cylinder is called solenoid.
• The magnetic field produced by a solenoid is very much similar to that of a
bar Magnet.
• Like a bar magnet, one end of the solenoid has N-polarity while the other End
has S-polarity.
• The magnetic field of a solenoid and that of a bar magnet is identical.
37. How does rainbow form in nature? Explain.
• A rainbow is a natural spectrum appearing in the sky after a rain shower. It
is caused by Dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets, present in the
• A rainbow is Always formed in a direction opposite to that of the Sun. The
water droplets act like small Prisms.
• They refract and disperse the incident sunlight, then reflect it internally, and
Finally refract it again when it comes out of the raindrop
38. What is Tyndall effect.
The phenomenon of scattering of light by the colloidal particles is called Tyndall
39. Explain Presbyopia. How can this be corrected?
• Presbyopia is a common defect of the eye in which a person finds it difficult to
see nearby Objects comfortably and distinctly without corrective eye-glasses.
• It is caused when the Power of accommodation of the eye decreases with
40. Stars appear to twinkle but planets do not appear to twinkle why?

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The planets are much closer to the earth, and are thus seen as extended sources. If
we Consider a planet as a collection of a large number of point-sized sources of light,
the total Variation in the amount of light entering our eye from all the individual
point-sized Sources will average out to zero, thereby nullifying the twinking effect.
41. What is magnetic field? Write the properties of magnetic field lines.
The region surrounding a magnet, in which the force of the magnet can be
experienced is called magnetic field.
• A magnetic field lines originate from North Pole and end at its south pole.
• A magnetic field line is a closed and continuous curve.
• The magnetic field lines are closer near the poles of a magnet where the
magnetic field is strong and farther apart where the magnetic field is weak.
• The magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
42. What is electric power? Write any two formulae used to calculate electric
• Electric power of an appliance is the rate at which it consumes electric energy.
• It is the rate at which work is done in maintaining an electric current in an
electric Circuit.
• P=VI P=I²R P= V²/R
43. What is Myopia? Causes of it. Name the lens used to correct Myopia.
• Myopia is a common defect of the eye in which a person is able to see nearby
objects Clearly but cannot see distant objects distinctly. The image is formed
in front of the retina And not on the retina.
• Myopia may be caused due to:
(i) Excessive curvature of the eye lens.
(ii) Elongation of the eyebal.
• Myopia can be corrected by using a concave lens of suitable power.
44. Explain the preparation of plaster of paris with the help of balanced
Chemical Equation.
On heating gypsum at 373 K, it loses water molecules and becomes Calcium
sulphate hemihydrate .
CaSO₄. ½ H₂O
Plaster of Paris is a white powder And on mixing with water, it changes to gypsum
once again giving a Hard solid mass.
CaSO4. ½ H₂O + 1 ½ H₂O → CaSO₄. 2 H₂O.

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45. Write the four properties of ionic compounds.

• Ionic compounds are solids. They are brittle and break into pieces when
pressure is Applied.
• Ionic compounds are soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents such
as Kerosene, petrol etc.
• Ionic compounds have high melting and boling points.
• Ionic compounds conduct electricity in molten state.
46. Which coloured fumes are obtained when lead nitrate is heated? Write the
Balanced chemical equation for this reaction. Name the type Of this
chemical Reaction.
• It gives brown colour.
• Pb(NO₃)₂ → 2PbO + 4NO₂ + O₂
• It is thermal decomposition reaction.
47. What are functional group?
Hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by atom or
Group of atoms of other elements are called functional groups.
Chlorine Chloro

Bromine Bromo

Alcohol Ol

Aldehyde Al

Ketone One

Carboxylic acid Oic acid

48. Write limitations of producing electricity from wind Energy.
• Wind energy farms can be established only at those places where wind blows for
the greater part of a year.

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• The wind speed should also be higher than 15 km/h to maintain the required
speed of the turbine.
• There should be some back-up facilities (like storage cells) to take care of the
energy needs during a period when there is no wind.
• Establishment of wind energy farms requires large area of land.
• The initial cost of establishment of the farm is quite high.
• Since the tower and blades are exposed to rain, Sun, storm and cyclone, they
need a high level of maintenance.
49. State the two laws of refraction of light.
• The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the interface of two
Transparent media at the point of incidence, all lie in the same plane.
• The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is a
Constant, for the light of a given colour and for the given pair of media.
(Snell’s law )
= 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
50. “The refractive index of diamond is 2·42.” Write the meaning of This
• The ratio of speed of light in air and the speed of light in medium.
• The ratio of speed of light in air and the speed of light in diamond Is 2·42.
51. Write uses of concave mirror and convex mirror.
Uses of convex mirror :
• Convex mirror is commonly used as rear- view Mirrors in vehicle. These
mirrors are Fitted on the sides of the vehicle, enabling the driver to see traffic
behind him/her to Facilitate safe driving.
• Convex Mirrors are preferred because they always give an erect, though
diminished Image. Also, they have a wider field of view as they are curved
Uses of concave mirrors:
• Concave mirrors are commonly used in torches, search – lights and vehicles
headlights To get powerful parallel beam of light.
• Concave mirrors are often used as shaving mirrors to see a large image of the
• The dentist use concave mirrors to see large images of teeth of patients.
• Large concave mirrors are used to concentrate sunlight to produce heat in solar

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52. Write the factors on which resistance of a conductor depends.
a) On its length
b) On its area of cross-section
c) On the nature of its material
d) Temperature of the conductor
53. In domestic electric circuit electrical Appliances are not connected in
series. Why?
• A parallel circuit divides the current through the electrical appliances. The
total Resistance in a parallel circuit is decreased.
• This is helpful particularly when each Gadget has different resistance and
requires different current to operate properly.
• When one component of the circuit fails rest of them work properly.
54. .State the modern periodic law and mendeleev periodic law.
Mendeleev periodic law
The properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses.
Modern periodic law
Properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic number.
55. The chemical reaction that takes place between sodium sulphate and
Barium chloride is called double displacement reaction. Why ? Write The
balanced chemical equation for this reaction.
It is doble displacement reaction
The other product formed is sodium chloride Which remains in the solution. Such
reactions in which there is an Exchange of ions between the reactants are called
double displacement Reaction.
Na₂SO₄(aq) + BaCl₂(aq) → BaSO₄(s) + 2NaCl(aq)
56. Write the limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
• No fixed position can be given to hydrogen in the Periodic Table.
• Isotopes were discovered long after Mendeléev had proposed his Periodic
classification of elements.
• Atomic masses do not increase In a regular manner in going from one
element to the next.
• It was not Possible to predict how many elements could be discovered
between Two elements — especially when we consider the heavier elements.

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57. Why is silicon Called metalloid ?

Because it exhibits some Properties of both metals and non-metals.

58. Explain the formation of ionic bond between sodium atom and Chlorine

• Sodium atom has one electron in its outermost shell. It loses one electron and
becomes Sodium ion.
• Chlorine has seven electrons its outermost shell and it requires one more
Electron to complete its octet.
• If sodium and chlorine react, the electron lost by sodium is Taken up by chlorine.
Sodium and chloride ions, being oppositely charged, attract each Other and are
held by strong electrostatic forces of attraction to exist as sodium chloride
59. What is ‘biological magnification’ ?
The accumulation of chemicals in the individuals of higher trophic level is called
biological Magnification.
60. Can the wing of butterfly and the wing of bat be considered as Analogous
organs ? If yes, why ? If no, why ?
Wings of a butterfly are composed of membrane, while wings of a bat are composed
of Bony skeleton. Thus, both butterfly and bat are not homologous but analogous in
wing Structure, i.e., have similar functions not similar structure.
61. Explain the ‘double circulation’ of the blood in humans.
• The Carbon dioxide-rich blood has to reach The lungs for the carbon dioxide
to be Removed, and the oxygenated blood from The lungs has to be brought

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back to the Heart. This oxygen-rich blood is then Pumped to the rest of the
• Oxygen-rich blood from The lungs comes to the thin-walled upper Chamber of
the heart on the left, the left atrium. The left atrium relaxes When it is
collecting this blood. It then contracts, while the next chamber, The left
ventricle, relaxes, so that the blood is transferred to it. When the Muscular
left ventricle contracts in its turn, the blood is pumped out to The body.
• De-oxygenated blood comes from the body to the upper Chamber on the right,
the right atrium, as it relaxes. As the right atrium Contracts, the
corresponding lower chamber, the right ventricle, dilates. This transfers blood
to the right ventricle, which in turn pumps it to the Lungs for oxygenation.
• The type of circulation in which blood flows through the heart twice during
each cycle is Called double circulation.
62. Mention the events that occur during photosynthesis in plants.
• Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.
• Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting of water molecules
into hydrogen and oxygen.
• Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.
63. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory Products ?
• Many plant Waste products are stored in Cellular vacuoles.
• Waste products May be stored in leaves that fall off.
• Other waste products are stored as Resins and gums, especially in old Xylem.
• 0Plants also excrete some Waste substances into the soil Around them.
64. “An individual organism cannot pass the experiences acquired During its
life time to the progenies of the next generation.” Explain This concept
with the help of an illustration.(Why are traits acquired during the life-
time of an individual not inherited?)
This happens because an acquired trait involves change in non-reproductive tissues
(somatic cells) which cannot be passed on to germ cells or the progeny. Therefore,
these Traits cannot be inherited.
65. What are fossils ? Mention the methods of estimation of dating fossils and
explain briefly.
• Preserved traces of living organisms in deep layers of the earth are called
Methods :

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• Relative method : The fossils we find closer to the surface are more Recent
than fossils we find in deeper layers. 1
• Determining the time period by using isotopes ( dating ) Detecting the ratios
of different isotopes of same element in the fossil Material.

66. What is speciation ? Mention any four main factors that lead to the rise of
new Species..
• The process of origin of a new species is called speciation.
Factors responsible for the rise of new species :
• Geographical isolation
• Natural selection
• Inheritance of traits
• Genetic drift / gene flow
• Variation / mutuation / changes in DNA.
67. What is trophic level ? Flow of energy in an ecosystem is always
Unidirectional. Why ? Explain.
• Each step or level of the food chain forms a trophic level.
• Because, The energy that is captured by autotrophs does not revert back to
the Solar input.
• The energy which passes to the herbivores do not come back to Autotrophs.
• As energy moves progressively through the various trophic levels it is no
Longer available to the previous level.
• At different levels energy is lost in the form of heat.
68. What is refraction of light ?
The change in direction of light when it passes from one medium to another
obliquely is Called refraction of light.
69. What is refractive index of light ?
The ratio of speed of light in air and the speed of light in medium.
70. Explain Faraday’s experiment related to electromagnetic induction.
• The phenomena of inducing an electric current in a coil by changing magnetic
field around It is called electro magnetic induction .
• Take a coil of wire AB having a large number of turns and connect the ends of
the coil to A galvanometer .

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• Take a strong bar magnet and move it’s north pole towards the ends B of the
coil .
• Now there is a deflection in the needle of the galvanometer which indicates
the presence Of a current in the coil AB .
• Now withdraw the north pole of magnet away from the coil . Now the
galvanometer is Deflected towards the left , showing that the current is now
set up in the direction opposite To the first.
• When the coil is kept stationary with respect to the magnet , the deflection of
the Galvanometer drops to zero.
71. How the process of budding in hydra is different from Bryophyllum ?
Budding in hydra :
In Hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth due to repeated cell division at one
specific site. These buds develop into tiny individuals and when fully mature, detach
from the parent body and become new independent individuals.
Buds produced in the notches along the leaf margin of Bryophyllum fall on the soil
and Develop into new plants.
72. How would you distinguish experimentally between an alcohol and
Carboxylic Acid?
Sodium bicarbonate test (NaHCO₃ test)
Alcohol + NaHCO₃ → No effervescence
Acid + NaHCO₂ → Brisk effervescence
The sample which produces brisk effervescence when treated with NaHCO, due to
release of CO₂ is a carboxylic acid.

Carboxylic acid reacts with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates to

give rise to a salt, carbon dioxide and water.
Alcohol will not react with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates.
73. Give reason :
A) Food chains generally consist of only three or four steps.
Since only 10% of energy is available for the next level of consumers, food chains
generally Consist of only three or four steps. The loss of energy at each step is so
much that very Little usable energy remains after four trophic levels.
B) Decomposers play an important role in an ecosystem.
Decompose dead wastes ( organic ) of plants and animals thus keep
Surroundings clean and maintain ecological balance.

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C) Protecting of ozone layer is necessary.

Ozone at higher levels of the atmosphere shields the surface of the earth from
ultraviolet(UV) radiation from the Sun. This radiation is highly damaging to
organisms, for example,It is known to cause skin cancer in human beings.
74. Explain how tooth decay is caused. How can it be Prevented ?.
Tooth decay is the corrosion of the tooth enamel.

When the pH in the mouth is below 5.5, bacteria present in the mouth produce acids
by Degradation of sugar and food particles remaining in the mouth after eating.
This Corrodes the tooth enamel causing tooth decay.
The best way to prevent tooth decay is to clean the mouth after eating food. Using
Toothpastes, which are generally basic, for cleaning the teeth can neutralise the
excess Acid and prevent tooth decay.
75. What is a strong acid ?
Acids that give rise to more H+ ions or acids in which complete dissociation of
hydrogen Ion takes place are called strong acid. Ex: Hydrochloric acid, sulphuric
acid, nitric acid.
76. How are the functions of arteries, veins and capillaries are interrelated in
The Circulation of blood ?
Arteries Veins Capillaries

Arteries carry Veins carry Exchange of materials

oxygenated deoxygenated between blood and
blood from heart to blood from various surrounding cells take
various organs of the organs to heart place in the capillaries.
They have thick and They are thin walled. They are thin walled
elastic walls and extremely narrow
tubes or blood vessels
which connect arteries
to veins.

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They do not have valves They have valves to They do not have
ensure that the blood valves.
flows only in one

77. Explain how is nuclear energy generated in power reactors. How is
Electricity Produced from nuclear energy ?
The process in which nucleus of a heavy atom (such as uranium, plutonium or
thorium),When bombarded with low-energy neutrons splits apart into lighter nuclei
with release of A tremendous amount of energy is released is called nuclear fission.
78. Mention two hazards of nuclear power reactor.
• Improper nuclear-waste storage and disposal result in environmental
• There is a risk of accidental leakage of nuclear radiation.
• The cost of installation of a nuclear power plant is high.
• There is limited availability of uranium.
79. Explain why we are looking at the alternative sources of energy.
These sources of energy are limited and cannot replenish on their own. They are
being Consumed at a large rate. If this rate of consumption continues, then the
fossil fuels Would be exhausted from the Earth.
80. Which element is used in making solar cell ?Mention the advantages and
Disadvantages associated with solar Cells.Mention the practical
• Silicon is used in making solar cell.
• They work satisfactorily without the use of any focusing device.
• Solar cells have no moving parts
• so they require little maintenance.
• They can be set up in remote and inaccessible areas where laying of power
transmission lines may be expensive or not possible.
Disadvantages :
• The cost of installation of solar cells is very high.

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• It produces direct current which needs to be converted into alternating

current for Use
• Silver used for interconnection of the cells in the panel is very costly.
• Their efficiency is low
• Availability of special grade silicon for making solar cells is Limited
• Solar cells are used in artificial satellites and space probes.
• Radio & wireless transmission systems.
• Traffic signals, calculators and many toys are fitted with solar cells.
81. Mendel crossed plants bearing red flowers ( RR ) with the plants bearing
White Flowers ( rr ) and produced progeny from them. The plants with red
Flowers Obtained in 1F generation were different from the plants with red
Flowers of Parental generation. Why ? Explain with reasons.

• In parent generation, plant bearing red flowers has

both the dominant traits RR. In parent generation,
plant bearing white flowers has both the recessive
traits rr.
• F1 generation plant inherits one copy of dominant trait
( red ) and one copy of recessive trait ( white ) from the
parental plants Rr. But only the dominant trait ( red )
is expressed.
82. Strips of zinc, iron, magnesium and copper are taken in the test tubes A, B,
C And D respectively. Same quantity of ferrous sulphate solution is Added
to these Test tubes. In which test tubes chemical reaction will Occur ? Why
? Write the Chemical equations for the reactions taking place Here.2020
• Chemical reaction occurs in test tubes A and C.
• Because zinc and magnesium are more reactive than iron. Zinc and
magnesium are found above iron in the reactivity series of Metals.
• Zinc + Ferrous sulphate → Zinc sulphate + Iron ( Zn + FeSO 4 → ZnSO4 +Fe)
• Magnesium + Ferrous sulphate → Magnesium sulphate + Iron
Mg + FeSO 4 → MgSO 4 + Fe

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83. How are the limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table rectified in the
Modern Periodic table ?
• In Mendeleev’s periodic table, since the elements were arranged Based on
increasing order of atomic mass, the sequence was Inverted so that the
elements with the similar properties could be Grouped together ( For
example, Cobalt appeared before Nickel ) Isotopes did not have any places.
• Limitations of Mendeleev periodic table were rectified in the modern Periodic
table by arranging the elements in the increasing order of Atomic number
and also electronic configuration.
• The problem of isotopes was solved.
84. A person’s face has become pale and his breathing rate has increased due
To Fear. Analyse the process which enables the person to deal with this
• Adrenaline is directly secreted into the blood. The blood to the skin is reduced
due to contraction of muscles around small arteries.
• The breathing rate increases because of the contractions of the diaphragm and
the rib muscles. The heart beats faster, resulting in supply of more oxygen to the
85. Eating chapati by chewing it very slowly tastes sweeter. Why ?
• While chewing chapathi saliva is secreted.
• Chapathi contains starch.
• The salivary amylase breaks down starch into simple sugars.
86. A student sitting in the last bench has difficulty in reading the blackboard
Writing. Which is the defect of vision the student has ? How can it be
Corrected ?
• The student is suffering from Myopia.
• This defect is corrected by using a concave lens of suitable power
87. Can detergent be used to test hardness of water ? Give reason.
Detergents give foam / lather with both hard water and soft water and do not form
88. What are amphoteric oxides ?
Metallic oxides that show both acidic and basic behaviour are called Amphoteric oxides.

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Ex: Al₂O₃ and ZnO

89. Sun appears red in colour during sunrise but appears white at noon.
Explain With the reasons.
Light from the Sun near the horizon passes through thicker layers of air and larger
Distance in the earth’s atmosphere before reaching our eyes. Near the horizon, most
of The blue light and shorter wavelengths are scattered away by the particles.
Therefore, the Light that reaches our eyes is of longer wavelengths. This gives rise
to the reddish Appearance of the Sun.
90. The plants bearing round yellow coloured ( RrYy ) seeds are self
pollinated. Represent the result obtained in the 2F generation of dihybrid
cross with The Help of a checker board. Mention the varieties of plants
obtained in f2 Generation
Gametes RY Ry rY ry
Ry RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy
rY RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy
ry RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy
The plants obtained are
Round yellow — 9
Round green — 3
Wrinkled yellow — 3
Wrinkled green — 1
91. What is evolution ? Explain the three evidences for evolution.
Phenomenon of gradual change of organisms from simple form into Complex form in
a long period is called evolution.
Three evidences are :
Homologous organs :
• The organs which have same basic structures but modified to perform
different functions are called homologous organs.
• Provide the information that organisms of different species might be evolved
from common ancestor.
Analogous organs :
• The organs which have different basic structures but they perform similar
function are called analogous organs.

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• Provide the information that though the organs of different organisms

perform same function, they may not have same function but they may not
be evolved from common ancestor.
Fossils :
• The dead remains of past organism under the rocks/deep earthen layers are
called fossils.
• They help to study evidence and missing link between different species.
• They help to understand the sequence of evolution and help in classification
of organisms.
92. Explain the structure and important role of placenta during gestation
period of woman.
• During pregnancy period the embryo gets nutrition from the Mother’s blood
with help of disc shaped special tissue embeded in The uterine wall is called
• It contains villi on the developing side of the tissue.
• Villi provide glucose and oxygen to pass from mother to embryo.
• Removes the wastes generated from the embryo.
93. Draw the diagram showing sectional view of the human heart. Label The
Following parts.

94. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following chemical
(i) Potassium bromide reacts with Barium iodide

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2KBr + BaI2 → 2KI + BaBr2

(ii) Zinc carbonate is heated.
ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2
95. Calculate the power of convex lens with a focal length of + 0·5 m.
1 1
𝑃= = = 2𝑚
𝑓 0.5
96. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following chemical
reactions. How Can we confirm by observation that these chemical
reactions are Taking place ?
• Lead nitrate is heated.
2Pb( NO₃)₂ → 2PbO + 4NO₂+ O₂
By the formation of brown coloured fumes.

• Sodium sulphate reacts with Barium chloride.

Na₂SO₄+ BaCl₂→ BaSO₄ + 2NaCl
By the formation of white coloured precipitate.
97. Draw the diagram showing the structure of the human brain. Label the
Following parts

98. Write the human eye parts, meaning, functions

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Retina • The lens system forms an image on a light-

sensitive screen called the retina.
• The retina is a delicate membrane having
enormous number of light-sensitive cells.
Cornea • Light enters the eye through a thin membrane
called the cornea
• Most of the refraction for the light rays entering
the eye occurs at the outer surface of the cornea.
Crystalline • The crystalline lens merely provides the finer
Lens adjustment of focal length required to focus objects
at different distances on the retina.
• The eye lens forms an inverted real image of the
object on the retina.
Iris • Iris is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls the
size of the pupil
Pupil • The pupil regulates and controls the amount of
light entering the eye.
Optic • The signals are sent to the brain via the optic
nerves nerves.
99. Define water of crystallization?
Water of crystallisation is the fixed number of water molecules present In one
formula unit of a salt.

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1. Write the importance of pH in everyday life.

pH of the soil
Plants require a specific pH range for their healthy growth
pH in our digestive system
• stomach produces hydrochloric acid.
• During indigestion the stomach produces too much acid and this causes
pain and irritation.
• To get rid of this pain, people use bases called Antacids.
• These antacids neutralise the excess acid. Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of
magnesia), a mild base, is often used for This purpose.
pH change as the cause of tooth decay
• Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth is lower than 5.5.
• The best way to prevent This is to clean the mouth after eating food. Using
toothpastes, which are Generally basic, for cleaning the teeth can neutralise
the excess acid and Prevent tooth decay.
Self defence by animals and plants through chemical warfare
• Bee-sting leaves an acid Which causes pain and irritation.
• Use of a mild base like baking soda On the stung area gives relief.
• Stinging hair of nettle leaves inject Methanoic acid causing burning pain.
2. What are involuntary actions? Name the parts of the human brain that
control voluntary And involuntary actions?
• Involuntary actions cannot be consciously controlled.
• For example, we cannot consciously control the movement of food in the
alimentary canal. These actions are however directly under the control of the
• Involuntary actions in the body are controlled by medulla.
• Forebrain is responsible for controlling the voluntary actions in the body.
3. ‘Bio-mass is a renewable source of energy’. Justify the statement.
Biomass is a renewable source of energy because it can be produced/reproduced
easily in A short period of time.
4. Mention the factors influencing the strength of the magnetic field
produced in a Circular coil.
a) It is inversely proportional to the radius of the coil.
b) It is directly proportional to the number of turns of the coil.
c) It is directly proportional to the strength of current passing through the coil.
5. What changes are seen in boys and girls at the time of puberty?

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In boys
• Thick hair growing in armpits and the genital area between the thighs.
• The area between the thighs also become darker in colour.
• Thinner hair can also appear on legs and arms.
• Thick hair growth on the face.
• The skin frequently becomes oily and we might begin to develop pimples.
• Their voices begin to crack.
• The penis occasionally begins to become enlarged and erect, either in day
dream at night.
In girls
• Thick hair growing in armpits and the genital area between the thighs.
• The area between the thighs also become darker in colour.
• Thinner hair can also appear on legs and arms.
• The skin frequently becomes oily and might begin to develop pimples.
• The breast size begins to increase.
• They begin to menstruate at around this time.
6. You have 2 solution A and B. pH of a solution A is 6 and pH of a solution
B is 8. Which Solution has more hydrogen ion concentration? Which of
these is basic?
A pH value of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, while greater than 7
indicates a basic solution. Therefore, the solution with pH = 6is acidic and has
more hydrogen ion concentration than the solution of pH =8 which is basic.
7. What are the major constituents of biogas?
CH4 methane
8. How does the light ray change its direction when it travels from a
denser medium to a rarer Medium?
It bends away from the normal.
9. A doctor applies a white powder mixed with water to a fractured leg of
his patient to get hard support. Name the powder used and hard
substance formed. Write the equation.
• Plaster of paris.
• CaSO4. ½ + 1 ½ H2O → CaSO4. 2H2O
10. Stars twinkle why ?
The twinkling of a star is due to atmospheric refraction of starlight. The
starlight, on Entering the earth’s atmosphere, undergoes refraction continuously

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before it reaches the Earth. The atmospheric refraction occurs in a medium of

gradually changing refractive Index. Since the atmosphere bends starlight
towards the normal, the apparent position of The star is slightly different from
its actual position. The star appears slightly higher (above) than its actual
position when viewed near the horizon. This apparent position of The star is not
stationary, but keeps on changing slightly, since the physical conditions of The
earth’s atmosphere are not stationary.
11. Sky appears blue why?
The molecules of air and other fine particles in the atmosphere have size smaller
than the Wavelength of visible light. When sunlight passes through the
atmosphere, the fine Particles in air scatter the blue colour (shorter
wavelengths) more strongly than red. The Scattered blue light enters our eyes.
12. During sunset and sunrise the sky appears red why?
Light from the Sun near the horizon passes through thicker layers of air and
larger Distance in the earth’s atmosphere before reaching our eyes. Near the
horizon, most of The blue light and shorter wavelengths are scattered away by
the particles. Therefore, the Light that reaches our eyes is of longer
wavelengths. This gives rise to the reddish Appearance of the Sun.
13. Write the characteristics of formation images in plane mirror.
a) The image formed by the plane mirror is always virtual and erect.
b) The size of the image is equal to that of the object.
c) The image formed is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.
d) The image is laterally inverted.
14. How does Auxin promotes the growth of a tendril around a support.
Auxin is synthesized at the shoot tip. It helps the cell grow longer. When a
tendril comes In contact with a support, auxin stimulates faster growth of the
cells on the opposite side, So that the tendril forms a coil around the support.
This makes the tendrils appear as a Watch spring.
15. Name the first member of Alcohol group? Write its molecular formula
and structural Formula. Also write the electron dot structure of this
• the first member of Alcohol group is methanol.

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16. How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival?
During reproduction (also inaccuracies in DNA replications), many variations
occur in the Offspring. Some individuals have more favourable variations than
the other. Such Individuals survive and pass these variations to the next
17. Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the
Variations allow organisms to exist in diverse habitats. In the absence of
variations, a species may be restricted to particular area. If this area gets
drastically altered, due to various natural or man-made causes, the species may
be wiped out. If some variations were present in a few individuals, these colonize
other habitats and could survive. But if variations are present in a single
organism there would be very little for it to survive.
18. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following chemical
(a) Iron sulphate → Iron oxide + Sulphur dioxide + Sulphur trioxide
(b) Sodium sulphate + Barium chloride → Barium Sulphate + Sodium
(c) Copper + Oxygen → Copper oxide
(d) Calcium hydroxide + Carbon dioxide → Calcium carbonate +
(e) Zinc + Silver nitrate → Zinc Nitrate + Silver
(f) Aluminium + Copper chloride → Aluminium Chloride + Copper
(g) Hydrogen + Chlorine → Hydrogen chloride
(h) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate → Barium sulphate +
Aluminium chloride
(i) Sodium + Water → Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen

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19. Balance the following chemical equations:

(a) HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca(No3)2 + H2O
(b) NaOH + H2SO4 →Na2SO4 + H2O
(c) NaCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + NaNO3
(d) BaCl2 + H2SO4 → BaSO4 + HCl
(e) Fe + H2O → Fe3O4 + H2

20. Detergents are effective in hard water. Why ?

Detergents are generally ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic
acids.The charged ends of these compounds do not form insoluble precipitates with
thecalcium and magnesium ions in hard water. So they clean better even in hard
21. Mention the functions of ATP produced during cellular respiration.
ATP is the energy currency for most cellular processes. ATP is used to supply
energy in the Cells for contraction of muscles, protein synthesis, conduction of
nerve impulse etc.
22. Explain the functions of stomach in the human digestive system.
• The stomach is a large Organ which expands when food Enters it. The
muscular walls of the Stomach help in mixing the food.
• The digestion in stomach is taken Care of by the gastric glands present in
the wall of the stomach.
• These Release hydrochloric acid, a protein digesting enzyme called pepsin.
And mucus.
• The hydrochloric acid creates an acidic medium which Facilitates the
action of the enzyme pepsin.
• The mucus protects the inner lining of the Stomach from the action of the
acid under normal conditions.
23. Mention the events that occur during photosynthesis.
• Absorption of light energy by Chlorophyll.
• Conversion of light energy to chemical Energy and splitting of water
molecules Into hydrogen and oxygen.
• Reduction of carbon dioxide to Carbohydrates.
24. Explain the reaction of Ethanol with sodium.
2Na + 2CH3CH2OH → 2CH3CH2O–Na+ + H2

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Alcohols react with sodium leading to the Evolution of hydrogen. With ethanol,
the other Product is sodium ethoxide

25. What will happen if we kill all the organisms in one trophic level?
If we kill all the organisms in one trophic level, the lower trophic level will grow
more in Number and the higher trophic level will not survive and flow of ene rgy
from one trophic Level to other will not take place.
26. How are fat digested in our body? Where does this process take place?
• Fats are present in the intestine in the form of large globules which
makes it difficult for enzymes to act on them. Bile salts break them down
into smaller globules increasing the efficiency of enzyme action.
• This process take place in small intestine.
27. Name the plant hormone responsible for Phototropism. Explain it’s
• Auxin
• Auxin is synthesized at the shoot tip. It helps the cell grow longer. When a
tendril comes In contact with a support, auxin stimulates faster growth of
the cells on the opposite side, So that the tendril forms a coil around the
support. This makes the tendrils appear as a Watch spring.
28. Explain the extraction of mercury from cinnabar.
• Cinnabar (HgS) is an ore of mercury. It is heated in air to convert into
mercuric oxide (HgO).
• Mercuric oxide is then reduced to mercury on further heating.
• 2HgS(s) + 3O2 → 2HgO(s) + 2SO2
• 2HgO(s) → 2HgO+ O2
29. Define the following
• Malleability: The ability of metals to be beaten into thin sheets is called
• Ductility : The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wires is called
• Sonorous: The metals that produce a sound on striking a hard surface are
said to be sonorous.
30. Explain the versatile nature of carbon?

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• Carbon has the unique ability to form bonds with other atoms of carbon,
giving rise to Large molecules This Property is called Catenation.
• These compounds may have long chains of carbon, branched chains of
carbon or even Carbon atoms arranged in rings. In addition carbon atoms
may be linked by single, double Or triple bonds.
• Compounds of carbon having single bond between carbon atoms are called
Saturated Compounds.
• Compounds of carbon having double or triple bonds between their carbon
atoms are Called unsaturated compounds
• Since carbon has a valency of four. It is capable of bonding with four other
atoms of carbon Or atoms of some other monovalent elements.
• Compounds of carbon are formed with oxygen, hydrogen nitrogen,
Sulphur chlorine and Many other element giving the rise to Compounds
with specific property which depend On the elements other than carbon
Present in the molecule.
31. Write the dual purpose served by urethra in males.
• The urethra of male function both for the passage of sperms and urine .
32. Refractive index of water is 1.33, what does it mean?
The refractive index of water is 1.33. This means that the ratio of the speed of
light in air And the speed of light in water is equal to 1.33.
33. Define Magnification.
• Magnification is the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒
• 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡
34. Explain Thermit Reaction.
Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) → 2Fe(l) + Al2O3 (s) + Heat
The amount of heat evolved is so large that the metals are produced in the
molten state. In fact, the reaction of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) with aluminium is
used to join railway tracks or cracked machine parts. This reaction is known as
the thermit reaction.
35. State Ohms law.

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The potential difference, V, across the ends of A given metallic wire in an electric
circuit is directly Proportional to the current flowing through it, provided its
Temperature remains the same. This is called Ohm’s law
36. What is synapse?
The very fine gap between axon of one neuron and dendrite of another neuron is
called Synapse.
37. What is homologous series? Give Example.
Series of compounds with some functional groups and similar chemical
properties in which each successive member differ by CH2

38. What is rancidity? Mention ways by which rancidity can be prevented.
The oxidation of fats and oils when exposed to air is known as rancidity.
a) Keeping food in air tight containers.
b) Filling an inert gas like nitrogen in packets containing food items.
c) By adding antioxidants.
39. Balance the chemical equation
• Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate in water react
To give insoluble barium sulphate and the solution of sodium
• Sodium hydroxide solution (in water) reacts with hydrochloric
acid solution (in water) to produce sodium chloride solution and
• Hydrogen gas combines with nitrogen to form ammonia.
• Hydrogen sulphide gas burns in air to give water and sulpur
• Barium chloride reacts with aluminium sulphate to give
aluminium chloride.And a precipitate of barium sulphate.
• Potassium metal reacts with water to give potassium hydroxide
and hydrogen Gas.

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40. A shiny brown coloured element ‘X’ on heating in air becomes black in
colour. Name the element ‘X’ and the black coloured compound formed.
X is copper (Cu) and the black-coloured compound formed is copper oxide (CuO).
The equation of the reaction involved on heating copper is given below.
2Cu + O2 → 2CuO
41. Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances That are
reduced in the following reactions.
(i) 4Na(s) + O2(g) → 2Na2O(s)
(ii) CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(l)

• Na is oxidised to Na2O
• CuO is reduce to Cu. And H2 is oxidised to H2O.
42. Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal?
Illustrate with an example. How will you test for the presence of This
• Hydrogen gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal.
• Take few pieces of zinc granules and add 5 ml of dilute H2SO4. S
• hake it and pass the gas Produced into a soap solution, The bubbles of the
soap solution are formed. These soap Bubbles contain hydrogen gas.
• We can test the evolved hydrogen gas by its burning with a Pop sound
when a candle is brought near the soap bubbles.
• H2SO4 + Zn → ZnSO4 + H2
43. Under what soil condition do you think a farmer would treat the soil of
his Fields with quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium
hydroxide) or Chalk (calcium carbonate)?
If the soil is acidic and improper for cultivation, then to increase the basicity of
soil, the farmer would treat the soil with quick lime or slaked lime or chalk.
44. What will happen if a solution of sodium hydrocarbonate is heated?
Give the equation of the reaction involved.
When baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbanate) is heated during cooking
sodium Carbonate is formed.
2NaHCO3 →Na2CO3 +H20+C02
45. Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a
Reactive metal? Write the chemical reaction when iron reacts with
dilute H2SO4.

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• Hydrogen is liberated
• Fe+ 2HCI → FeCl2 +H2
46. What would you observe when zinc is added to a solution of iron(II)
Sulphate? Write the chemical reaction that takes place.
• Zinc will displace iron from its Solution i.e. Iron sulphate and form zinc
sulphate solution.
• Zn + FeSO4 → Fe + ZnS04
47. Define the following terms.
(i)Mineral – The elements or compounds, which occur naturally in the earth’s
crust, are known as Minerals.
(ii)Ore – The elements or compounds, which occur naturally in the earth’s crust,
are known as Minerals.
(iii)Gangue - Large amounts of impurities such as soil, sand, etc., present along
with the ore are called gangue.
48. Name two metals which are found in nature in the free state.
• The metals that are found at the bottom of the activity series which are
least reactive.
• Example: gold, silver, platinum and copper.
49. What are alloy.
An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals, or a metal and a
50. State two ways to prevent the corrosion of metals.
a) By painting.
b) By oiling.
c) By greasing.
d) By galvanizing.
e) By anodising
f) making alloys.
51. What are oxidising agents?
The substances which are capable of providing oxygen to other substances are
called Oxidising agents. Ex: Alkaline KMnO, and acidified K,Cr,0, can both
behave as oxidising Agents.
52. Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap.

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Soap does not work properly when the water is hard. A soap is a sodium or
potassium salt of long chain fatty acids. Hard water contains salts of calcium
and magnesium. When soap is added to hard water, calcium and magnesium
ions present in water displace sodium or potassium ions from the soap molecules
forming an insoluble substance called scum. A lot of soap is wasted in the
53. What is hydrogenation? What is its industrial application?
Hydrogenation is the process of addition of hydrogen. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
are Added with hydrogen in the presence of palladium and nickel catalysts to
give saturated Hydrocarbons.

This reaction is applied in the hydrogenation of vegetables oils, which contain

long chains Of unsaturated carbons.
54. What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism
Have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?
Terrestrial organisms take up oxygen from the atmosphere whereas aquatic
animals need to utilize oxygen present in the water. Air contains more O, as
compared to water. Since the content of O, in air is high, the terrestrial animals
do not have to breathe faster to get more oxygen. Therefore, unlike aquatic
animals, terrestrial animals do not have to show various adaptations for better
gaseous exchange.
55. Which part of the brain maintains posture and equilibrium of the body
• Cerebellum
56. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
The importance of DNA copying during reproduction is that:
(i) It is responsible for the transmission of parental characteristic to its
(ii) It also leads to certain genetic variation.
57. Name some sources of direct current. Which sources produce alternating

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Some sources of direct current are cell, DC generator, etc are the sources of durect
AC generators, power plants, etc., produce alternating current produce
alternating current.
58. What precaution should be taken to avoid the overloading of domestic
Electric circuits?
(a) Too many appliances should not be connected to a single socket.
(b) Too many appliances should not be used at the same time.
C) Faulty appliances should not be connected in the circuit
(d) Fuse should be connected in the circuit.
59. Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?
a) To prevent loss of ecological stability
b) To preserve biodiversity
c) To obtain medicine, wood, fruits, etc., products in a sustainable manner
d) To promote social and economic growth.
60. An individual organism cannot pass the experiences acquired During
its life time to the progenies of the next generation.” Explain this
concept with the help of an illustration.
• Change in non-reproductive tissues cannot be passed on to the DNA of the
germ cells.
• Therefore the experiences of an individual during its lifetime cannot be
passed on to its progeny, and cannot direct evolution.
• If we breed a group of mice, all Their progeny will have tails, as expected.
• Now, if the tails of these mice Are removed by surgery in each generation,
do these tailless mice have Tailless progeny?
• The answer is no, and it makes sense because removal Of the tail cannot
change the genes of the germ cells of the mice.
61. Principles
Motor An electric motor works on the principle that a current
carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences
a force.
Generator Electromagnetic induction
Fuse Joules law of heating
62. Electron dot structure of

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A) sodium b) oxygen c) magnesium d) Chlorine

A) F2 b) H2S c) propanone d) Ethane e) Ethene
63. Explain the process of nutrition in Amoeba?
• Amoeba takes in food using temporary finger like
Extensions of the cell surface which fuse over the food –
Particle forming a food vacuole.
o Inside the food vacuole complex substances are
broken Down to simplex ones which then diffuse
into the cytoplasm.
o The remaining undigested material is moved to the
surface Of the cell and thrown out of the body.
64. Explain female reproductive system?
The female germ cell or eggs are made in ovaries and also responsible for the
production Of some hormones.
Ovaries Paired, oval-shaped organs located in the abdominal
cavity near the kidney
Produce thousands of egg cells.
Secrete female sex hormone like oestrogen and
Oviduct It has a funnel shaped opening near the ovary.
Carries ova or egg from ovary to the uterus .
It is the site of fertilisation
These open into the uterus from both the sides.
Uterus Hollow, pear shaped bag like structure .
Here the growth and development of foetus take place.
Cervix It is lower and narrower portion of uterus which opens
into vagina
Vagina Receives the sperms from the male partner and serves
as a birth canal.

65. A Potted plant when falls horizontally on soil how does it grows explain
with a reason.
The shoot tips will begin to grow Towards the sun, against gravity due to
negative Geotropism and positive geotropism while the roots will grow Towards
the ground due to positive Geotropism. The plant Will be bent at two places.

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66. A food chain in a polluted aquatic ecosystem is given. Observe it and
answer the Following questions.
Fresh water → Algae → Fishes → Birds.
(i)Which organisms are disturbed more due to biomagnification ? Why ?
(ii)This ecosystem will be destroyed gradually due to biomagnification.
Why ?
67. In laboratory Pradeep takes test tubes “A” and “B” he takes iron nail
and ferrous sulphate Solution in test tube “A” and in test tube “B” he
takes iron nail and copper sulphate solution. Then in which test tube
displacement reaction takes place. State the with reason.
In test tube B the reaction takes place .
Because iron displaces copper from its compound.

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1. How do you trace the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet using
Compass needle ? Explain.
• Take a small compass and a bar magnet. Place a magnet on a sheet of
white paper fixed on a drawing board. Mark the boundary of the magnet.
• Place the compass near the north pole of the magnet mark the Position of
two ends of the needle.
• Now move the needle to a new position such that the south pole Occupies
the position previously occupied by its north pole.
• In this way proceed step by step till we reach the south pole of the magnet.
Join the points marked on the paper by a smooth curve. This represents
field line.
• Repeating above procedure we can draw as many lines as possible.
2. A doctor prescribes a corrective lens of power – 0·5 D to a person. Find
the Focal Length of the lens. Is this lens diverging or converging ? Give
reason. How does the Property of this lens can be used to correct eye
defects ?
1 1 1
𝑃 = => 𝑓 = = = −2𝑚
𝑓 𝑃 −0.5
• This lens is diverging
• Because power of a lens is negative means the given lens is Concave.
• The diverging property of the lens is used to correct myopia. In Myopic eye the
image of a distant object is formed in front of the Retina and not on the retina.
• A concave lens of suitable power diverges the light rays and brings The image
back on the retina.
3. Explain the addition and substitution reaction with the help of
examples. C2H6 Undergoes substitution reaction but not addition
reaction. Why ?
• Unsaturated hydrocarbons combine with hydrogen atoms in the presence of
catalysts to give saturated hydrocarbons.
• Example : Hydrogenation of vegetable oil.


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In the presence of sunlight other group of atoms can replace Hydrogen atoms one
by one from carbon compounds.
Example : In the presence of sunlight Chlorine replaces hydrogen atoms one by
one from methane.
Methane + Chlorine → Chloromethane + Hydrogen chloride
CH 4 + Cl 2 → CH3 Cl + HCl.

C 2 H6 is saturated hydrocarbon.
In C2 H6 there will be single bond between carbon atoms / This is Not an
unsaturated compound. No hydrogen atoms can be added But hydrogen atoms
can be substituted.
4. Explain the mechanism of cleaning action of soaps. More amount of
soap is required To clean The clothes in hard water. Why ?
• The molecules of soap are sodium or potassium salts of long chain
Carboxylic acids.
• The ionic end of soap interacts with water while the carbon chain
Interacts with oil.
• The soap molecules thus form structure called micells. This forms An
emulsion in water.
• The soap micelles thus helps in pulling out the dirt in water and we Can
wash our clothes clean.

• The reaction of soap with calcium and magnesium salts in hard Water
develop scum ( precipitation, insoluble substance ). Hence we Need large
amount of soap to clean clothes in hard water.
5. Explain the significant function of each structure in human male
Reproductive System.
The male reproductive system consists of different parts they produce the germ
cells and deliver the germ cells to the site of fertilisation.
Testis • Testis are paired, oval shaped male sex
• Male gametes sperms are produced.
• Produce a male sex hormone called
testosterone.(responsible for secondary
sexual characters in male)
Scrotum • Small pouch that contains testis. Present
outside the abdominal cavity.

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• As sperms are formed here, this requires

a lower temperature than the normal
body temperature.
Vas deferens • Tube- like structure which connects
testis to the urethra in order to allow the
passage of semen
Urethra • Common passage for not the sperms and
urine. It never carries both of them at
the same time. Secretes seminal fluid
and nutrients
Prostate gland and • Fluid and nutrients combine with sperm
seminal vesicles to form semen, for nourishing and
stimulating sperms
Penis • External male genital organ. Transfer
sperms into the vagina of the female
during copulation.

6. Explain the working of electric filament bulb.
• A strong metal with high melting point such as tungsten is used for Making bulb
• The bulbs are usually filled with chemically inactive nitrogen and Argon gases to
prolong the life of the filament.
• Most of the power consumed by the filament appears as heat, but a Small part of
it is in the form of light radiated.
7. “As energy moves progressively through various trophic levels of food
chain It is no Longer available to the previous level.” Give reasons.
• The flow of energy in the food chain is unidirectional.
• The energy that is captured by autotrophs does not revert back to The solar
• The energy which passes to the herbivores does not come back to Autotrophs.
• The energy available at each trophic level gets diminished Progressively due to
loss of energy at each level.
8. A) CuO + H2 → Cu + H 2O
B) ZnO + C → Zn + CO
C) MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
In this reaction name the reactant

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That is oxidised
that is reduced.
9. The gene for brown coloured hair is recessive over gene for black
coloured Hair. What is the hair colour of a person who has inherited a
gene for Brown coloured hair From mother and black coloured hair
from father ?
• Black coloured hair
10. Name the products of chlor-alkali process. Write one use of each.
Products of electrolysis of brine are i) chlorine gas i) hydrogen gas ii) sodium
Uses of chlorine gas:
• It is used for water treatment.
• It is used in swimming pools as disinfectant.
Uses of hydrogen gas:
• It is used as fuel.
• It is used in the manufacture of ammonia.
Uses of sodium hydroxide:
• It is used in making paper.
• It is used for the manufacture of soaps and detergents.
11. Explain the application of heating effect of electric current in The fuse
used in an electric circuit.
• Application of Joule’s heating is the fuse used in electric circuits.
• It protects circuits and appliances by stopping the flow Of any unduly high
electric current. The fuse is placed in series with The device.
• It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of Appropriate
melting point.
• If a current larger than the specified value flows through the circuit
• The temperature of the fuse wire increases. This melts the fuse wire and
Breaks the circuit.
12. A) How does combustion of fossil fuels cause greenhouse effect ?
B) List the reasons for failure in sustaining ground water.
C) Reuse of plastic products is better than recycle method. Why ?
D) “Local people are stakeholders of forest resources.” Explain.

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13. What is hypermetropia or far-sightedness ?what are causes? Name the

type of lens used to Correct it.
A Person with hypermetropia can see distant objects Clearly but cannot see
nearby objects distinctly.
• The focal length of the eye lens is too Long,
• the eyeball has become too small.
This defect Can be corrected by using a convex lens of appropriate Power.
14. What is meant by the power of accommodation of the eye ?What are the
far point And near point of the human eye with normal Vision ?
• The ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called
• The minimum distance, at which objects can be seen most distinctly
without strain, is called the least distance of distinct vision or near point
of the eye.For a young adult with normal vision, the near point is about 25
• The farthest point upto which the eye can see objects clearly is called the
far point of the eye. It is infinity for a normal eye.
15. Name the gas liberated when an acid reacts with metallic carbonate.
Write the Chemical equation of the reaction when this gas is passed
through lime water. What Is the colour of the precipitate obtained in
this reaction ?
• The gas liberated when an acid reacts with metallic carbonate is carbon
diodide CO2
• On passing the carbon dioxide gas evolved through lime water,
Ca(OH) 2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
• White Colour of the precipitate obtained in this reaction.
16. Explain overload and short-circuit occur in an electric circuit ?
• Overloading can occur when the live wire and the neutral wire come into
direct Contact.
• Overloading occurs when the insulation of wires is damaged or there is a
fault In the appliance or when many electrical appliances are connected to
one circuit Simultaneously.
• In such a situation, the current in the circuit abruptly increases and short
Circuit occurs.

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• Fuse is an electrical safety device that made of alloys and has high
resistance And low melting points.
• When excess current flows during over loading and short circuit the fuse
wire Melts and breaks the circuit and protect the devices from damage.
17. Types of reactions
Combination A reaction in which two or more reactant combine to form a
single product is called combination reaction.
CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) + Heat
Decomposition The reaction in which a compound splits into two or more
simple substances is called decomposition reaction.
CaCO3(s) →CaO(s) + CO2(g)
2AgCl(s) →2Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
Displacement The chemical reaction in which more reactive element
displaces less reactive element from its salt solution is
called displacement reaction.
Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) →FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Double Reactions in which ions are exchanged between two
displacement reactants forming new compounds are called double
displacement reactions.
Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq)
Precipitation A reaction that produces a precipitate is called a precipitate
Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl
Exothermic A Reaction in which heat is released along with formation of
products is called exothermic reaction.
CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) + Heat
Endothermic Reactions in which energy is absorbed in the form of heat,
light or electricity to break reactants are known as
endothermic reactions.
2AgCl(s) →2Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
18. What is dispersion of light ? Mention the colour that bends the least and
the Colour That bends the most when light undergoes dispersion
through a prism.
• The splitting Of light into its component colours is called dispersion.
• The red light bends the least while the Violet the most.

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19. Growth of thread like structures along with the gradual spoilage of
tomato can be Observed when a cut tomato is kept aside for four days.
Interpret the causes for This change.
• The Blobs are sporangia, which contain cells, or spores.
• The spores Are covered by thick walls that protect them until they come
into Contact with another moist surface and can begin to grow.
20. List the advantages of ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’ to save environment.
This means that you use less. You save electricity by Switching off unnecessary
lights and fans. You save water By repairing leaky taps. Do not waste food.
Instead Of throwing away used envelopes, you can reverse it and Use it again.
The plastic bottles in which you buy various Food-items like jam or pickle can be
used for storing things In the kitchen.
21. What is acid rain? And it’s effect.
• When pH of rain water is Less than 5.6, it is called acid rain.
• When acid rain flows into the rivers, it Lowers the pH of the river water.
The survival of aquatic life in such rivers Becomes difficult.
22. Name the factors that influence the refractive index.
• Nature of the medium
• Density of a medium
• Colour of light (wave length)
23. Give Reasons
A) Power of lens is +2.0D. What do you means by this statement?
Lens of +2.0D this means the lens is convex lens. And its focal length is +0.5
B) Power of lens is -3.0D. What do you means by this statement.
Lens of -3.0D this means the lens is concave lens. And its focal length is -0.3
24. In the following food chain , grass provides 4000j of energy to the
grasshopper, Grass, Grasshopper, frogs, snake. How much energy will
be available to snake and Frog?
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → snake
4000j → 400 j → 40j → 4j
• Energy available to frog is 40j

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• Energy available at snake is 4j

25. What is ozone? What are the effects of Ozone depletion.
• Ozone (03) is a molecule formed by three atoms of oxygen.
• Due To depletion of ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet radiations will reach
the surface of Earth Which may lead to skin diseases and cancer.
26. State Fleming right hand rule and left hand rule.
Fleming right hand
Stretch the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of right hand so that they are
Perpendicular to each other.
If the and the thumb shows the direction of motion of conductor, then the middle
Finger will show the direction of induced current.
Stretch the Thumb, forefinger and middle finger of right hand so that They are
perpendicular to each other.
• If the forefinger indicates the direction of the Magnetic field
• the thumb shows the direction of motion Of conductor
• the middle finger will show the direction Of induced current

Fleming Left hand rule

Stretch the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of your left hand such that they
are Mutually perpendicular. If the first finger points in the direction of magnetic
field And the second finger in the direction of current, then the thumb will point
in the Direction of motion or the force acting on the conductor.
Stretch the thumb, Forefinger and middle finger of your left hand Such that they
are mutually perpendicular.
• If the first finger points in the Direction of magnetic field
• the second Finger in the direction of current
• the Thumb will point in the direction of mmotion/ force
27. What is lymph? Mention the functions of lymph.
• Lymph is a type of fluid that is colourless and involved in transportation.
• Lymph carries digested and absorbed fat from intestine and drains excess
fluid from extra Cellular space back into the blood.
28. Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injection of insulin.
Diabetes is a disease in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high. Insulin,
a hormone secreted by the pancreas, helps in regulating the blood sugar levels.
Hence diabetic patients are treated by giving injections of insulin.

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29. What are the different method of contraception? What could be the
reason for Adopting contraceptive method?
(a) Barrier method - In the barrier method of contraception, a mechanical barrier
like condom is worn on the penis by men to prevent the sperm from reaching the
vagina. Similar covering can also be worn in the vagina by women to prevent the
entry of sperms into the uterus.

(b) Chemical method - The chemical method of contraceptives is in the form of oral
pills. The oral pills contain hormones which change the hormonal balance of the
body so that eggs are not released and fertilization cannot occur.

(c) Surgical method-

a) In men, the vas deferens in the male is blocked, sperm transfer will be prevented.
b) In women, the fallopian tube in the female is blocked, the egg will not be able to
reach the uterus.
In both cases fertilization will not take place.

The reasons for adopting contraceptive methods are:

() To avoid frequent pregnancies, which in turn helps in population control
(ii) To prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
30. Name a sexually transmitted disease and a method to avoid it
• These include bacterial infections Such as gonorrhoea and syphilis, and viral
infections such as warts And HIV-AIDS.
• Using a covering, called a condom, for the penis During sex helps to prevent
transmission of many of these infections to Some extent.
31. Mention the changes that occur in the flowers after fertilization.
• After fertilisation, the zygote divides several times to form an Embryo
within the ovule.
• The ovule develops a tough coat and is Gradually converted into a seed.
The ovary grows rapidly and ripens To form a fruit.
• Meanwhile, the petals, sepals, stamens, style and Stigma may shrivel and
fall off.
32. Termologies related to lens.
• Convex lens : A convex lens has two spherical surfaces which are bulging
outwards and thicker at the middle as compared to the edges.

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• Concave lens : Concave lens is bonded by two spherical surfaces,which are

curved inwards and thicker at the edges than at the middle.
• centre of curvature: A lens has two spherical surfaces each of those surfaces
form a part of a sphere. this centre of this sphere is called centre of curvature.
• Radius of curvature: The Radius of the spherical reflecting surfaces of a lens
forms a part of a sphere this is called as radius of curvature.
• Optical centre: the centre point of a lens is optical centre.
• Aperture: The effective diameter of the circular outline of a spherical lens is
called aperture.
• Principal focus: A number of Rays parallel to the principle axis after
reflection all the rays Will be meeting at a point on the principle axis.
• Principal Axis : A straight line passing through the pole a d the centre of
curvature of a spherical lens is called as principle axis.
• Focal length: The distance between the pole and the principle focus of
spherical lens is called focal length.
• 1 dioptre : It is the power of a lens whose focal length is 1 metre.
33. Termologies related to mirror.
• Pole: it lies on the centre of the reflecting surface of the spherical mirror
this point is called The pole.
• Centre of curvature: The reflecting surface of a spherical mirror forms
part of sphere this sphere as a centre this point is called the centre of
• Radius of curvature: The radius of the sphere which the reflecting surface
of a spherical mirror forms a part is called radius of curvature.
• Principal Axis: A straight line passing through the pole and the centre of a
spherical mirror is called the principal axis.
• Principal focus: A number of rays parallel to the principle axis after
reflection all the rays will be meeting at a point on the principle axis is
called principle focus.
• Focal length: The distance between the pole and the principle focus is
called focal length.it is represented by the Letter (f).
• Relationship between radius of curvature and focal length (f) : R=2f
• Concave mirror : A Spherical mirror, whose reflecting Surface is curved
inwards are called a concave mirrors.
• Convex mirror: A Spherical mirror, whose reflecting surface is curved
outwards is called a Convex mirror.

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34. Name the type of the mirror used in the following.

(a)Headlights of a car - concave
(b)Rear-view mirror of vehicles - convex
(c)Solar furnace – concave
(d)Shaving Mirror – concave
35. Termologies related to electricity.
Electric A continuous and closed path of an electricity is called
Circuit electric circuit
Electric Electric current is expressed by the amount of charge
current flowing through a particular area in unit time.
It is the rate of flow of electric charges.
One Ampere One Ampere is constituted by the flow of one coulomb of
charge per second.
Potential Electric potential difference between two points in an
Difference electric circuit carrying some current is the work done
to move a unit charge from one point to anothe
One Volt Electric potential difference between two points in a
current carrying conductor when 1 joule of work done to
move a 1 coulomb of charge from one point to another.
Resistance Resistance is the property of a conductor to resist the
flow of charges through it.
One ohm
Resistivity Resistivity is defined as the electrical resistance of a
conductor of unit cross-sectional area and unit length.
Electric Power Electric power gives the rate at which electric energy is
dissipated or consumed in an electric circuit.
1 Watt It is the power consumed by a device that carries 1A of
current when operated at a potential difference of 1V.
One watt hour 1 Watt Power consumed when 1 watt of power is used
for 1 hour.
36. State Maxwell’s thumb rule.
Imagine that you are holding a current-carrying straight conductor in your right
Hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current, then the
fingers That wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the
magnetic Field.

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37. “The body temperature of frogs and lizards depend on temperature in
the Environment.” Justify.
• Both frogs and lizards have three chambered heart
• Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix in the heart.
• Production of energy became slightly less. This energy cannot be Used for
maintaining constant temperature.
38. Sex of a child is determined by the father. How ?
• Male gametes (sperms) possess XY combination of

sex chromosomes while female

• Gametes (eggs) have one pair of X chromosome (XX)

as sex chromosomes.

• When a sperm carrying X-chromosome fertilises an

egg, the zygote (XX) will develop into A girl.

• When a sperm carrying Y-chromosome fertilises an

egg, the zygote (XY) will develop into A boy.

• Thus it is only the father or male who is responsible

for the sex of a new born child.

39. What are the functions of earth wire?
• Earthing of an electrical appliance means connecting the metallic body of the
high powered appliance (electric iron, toaster, refrigerator, oven etc.) to the
earth through the earth wire of the domestic circuit.
• The earth wire is green colour.
• This prevents any electric shock to the user. That is why earthing of the
electrical appliances is necessary.

40. What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide
energy in Various Organisms?

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Important formulae

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Important structures

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• Methane
• Ethane
• Propane.
• Butane.
• Pentane.
• Hexane.
• Ethene.
• propene.
• Butene.
• Pentene.
• Hexene.
• Ethyne.
• Propyne.
• Butyne.
• Pentyne.
• Hexyne.
• Benzene.
• Cyclo hexane.
• Cyclo pentane.

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Reactivity series

Remember this understanding questions may can ask

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Balancing equation

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41. Explain Trends in the Modern Periodic Table

• Valency first increases 1 to 4 then decreases from 4 to 0 (1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1,
0) as we move period on going from left to right.
• Valency remains the same because valence electrons do not change on
going down in a Group.

• The valencies of the first twenty elements

Atomic size:The term atomic size refers to the radius of an atom. The Atomic size may
be visualised as the distance between the centre of the Nucleus and the outermost shell
of an isolated atom.
• The atomic radius decreases in moving from left to Right along a period.
This is due to an increase in nuclear charge which Tends to pull the
electrons closer to the nucleus and reduces the size of The atom.
• the atomic size increases down the group. This is because new shells are
being added as we go down the group. This increases the distance
between the outermost electrons and the nucleus so that the atomic size
increases in spite of the increase in nuclear charge.

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Metallic and Non-metallic Properties

• As the effective nuclear charge acting on the valence shell electrons Increases
across a period, the tendency to lose electrons will decrease.
• Down the group, the effective nuclear charge experienced by valence electrons
is decreasing because the outermost electrons are farther away From the
nucleus. Therefore, these can be lost easily.
• Hence metallic Character decreases across a period and increases down a
42. Give reason from light reflection and refraction
❖ Hold the mirror and the paper in the same position for a few minutes. What do
you observe? Why?
The light rays from the Sun, are concentrated at focus, and form a sharp spot of
light on the sheet. Paper starts burning after some time due to increase intensity
of reflected sunlight from the mirror
❖ Why, we should not look at the Sun directly or even into a mirror reflecting
Because the intense heat resulting from the concentrated sun light through eye
lens may burn the retina wall with dark spots. This may result in partial or
complete vision impairment.
❖ Concave mirror is used in headlight of vehicles.
Concave mirrors can produce powerful parallel beam of light when the light
source is Placed at their principal focus.
❖ Concave mirror is used as shaving mirror.
To see a larger image of the face while shaving.
❖ Dentists use concave mirror.
To see large images of the teeth of patients.
❖ Concave mirrors are used in solar furnace.
To concentrate sunlight to produce heat.
❖ Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles?
Convex mirrors are commonly used as rear-view (wing) mirrors in vehicles
because they Give an erect, virtual, full size diminished image of distant objects
with a wider field of View. Convex mirrors enable the driver to view much larger
area than would be possible With a plane mirror.
❖ Why does the bottom of a tank or a pond containing water appears to be raised?
This is due to the refraction. The light rays pass through the air-water interface,
they get Bent due to refraction. The light rays are bent away from the normal
making us perceive The bottom of the pond or tank as shallow or raised.

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❖ Why does a thick glass slab placed over some printed matter, the letters appear
The letters appear raised because of a phenomenon known as refraction.When
light Travels from one medium to another, it bends (either towards or away from
the normal).This happens because different media have different densities and
thus, the speed of light Is different in each one of them. This causes the light to
slow down or speed up,Depending on the medium.
❖ Why does a lemon kept in water in a glass tumbler appears to be bigger than its
actual Size, when viewed from the sides.
Light is refracted as it passes from water into air. Tumbler with water acts as
convex lens Which curves outward in the middle and can focus light rays to
magnify object.
❖ A pencil partly immersed in water in a glass tumbler appears to be displaced at
the Interface of air and water.
The light reaching the eye from the portion of the pencil inside water seems to
come From a different direction, compared to the part above water. This makes
the pencil Appear to be displaced at the interface.
❖ The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1. What does this mean?
The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1. It shows that the image
formed by the plane mirror is of the same size as that of the object. The positive
sign shows that the image formed is virtual and erect.
43. Give reason from control and coordination
❖ Why has reflex arc evolved in animals?
Reflex arcs have evolved in animals beca use the thinking process of the brain is
not fast Enough.
❖ Give reason: Most multicellular organisms use chemical communications rather
than Electrical impulses.
Not each and every cell in the animal body can be reached by electrical impulse
and cells Cannot continually create and transmit electrical impulses.
❖ Why is the use of iodised salt advisable?
Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to make thyroxin hormone.
Deficiency of iodine In our diet causes goitre. To reduce the occurrence of goitre,
it is made mandatory to use Iodised salt.
❖ Give reason: There is a swelling in the neck region of a person suffering from
Goitre is cause due to low secretion of thyroxin. Thyroxin is produced by thyroid
gland Which is located in the neck region. A swelling in the neck is caused due to
an enlarged Thyroid gland.

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44. Give reason from carbon and its compound.
❖ Covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points.
Covalent compounds have small inter-molecular force hence they have low
melting And boiling points.
❖ Covalent compounds do not form charged particles.
The electrons are shared between atoms so no charge particles are formed.
❖ Why are carbon-carbon bonds very strong and stable?
Carbon is small in size. This enables the nucleus to hold on to the shared pairs of
electrons strongly.
❖ Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction?
Since the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid involves the addition of oxygen
to Ethanol, it is an oxidation reaction.
45. Give reason from human eye and the colourful world.
❖ Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut?
The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut because there is no
atmosphere in the outer space that can scatter the sunlight. As the sunlight is
not scattered, no scattered light reach the eyes of the astronauts and the sky
appears black to them.
46. Give reason from Sustainable management of natural resources.
❖ Why is sustainable management of natural resources necessary?
Sustainable management of natural resources means judicious use of natural
resources So that they fulfil our needs and last for generations to come.
Economic development is Linked to environmental conservation. Thus
sustainable development implies a change in All aspects of life.
❖ Why do we need to use our resources carefully?
Because the resources are not unlimited and with the human population
increasing at a Tremendous rate due to improvement in health-care, the demand
for all resources is Increasing at an exponential rate.
47. Give reason from periodic classification of elements.
❖ Why do you think the noble gases are placed in a separate group?
Noble gases are also called inert gases because they havea complete octet and
are very Stable. They do not react with other elements due to their stability.
Since they all are Unreactive, have complete octet and similar behaviour so they
are placed in a separate Group.
❖ Why are fluorine (F) and chlorine (CI) placed in the same group?

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Fluorine and chlorine have seven electrons in the outermost shell. They have an
identical Outer shell electronic configuration.
❖ Why does the atomic size decrease across the period?
Atomic size decreases due to an increase in nuclear charge which tends to pull
the Electrons closer to the nucleus and reduces the size of the atom.
❖ Why does the atomic size increase down the group?
The atomic size increases down the group because new shells are being added as
we go Down the group. This increases the distance between the outermost
electrons and the Nucleus so that the atomic size increases in spite of the
increase in nuclear charge.
48. Give reason from sources of energy.
❖ Why is there a need to conserve fossil-fuels?
Fossil fuels are non-renewable source of energy. If we continue to consume at
such a Rate, soon we will run out of energy. Hence we need to conserve fossil
❖ Why is there a need for improvement of efficiency in biomass fuel?
Biomass does not produce much heat on burning and a lot of smoke is given out
when They are burnt. Therefore, there is a need to improve the efficiency of
❖ What kind of mirror – concave, convex or plain – would be best suited for use in a
solar Cooker? Why?
A solar cooker uses heat of the sunlight to cook and heat food. A mirror is used in
order to Reflect and focus sunlight at a point. A concave mirror is used in a solar
cooker for this Purpose. The mirror focuses all the incident sunlight at a point.
The temperature at that Point increases, thereby cooking and heating the food
placed at that point.
49. Give reason from metals and non. Metals
❖ State the property utilized in the following:
a) Electric wires are coated with PVC or rubber like material.- Metals are good
conductors are electricity.
b) Metals are used for making bells and strings of musical instruments. -Metals
are sonorous.
c) Silver foil is spread over sweets.
Metals are malleable
d) Copper is used as cables -Metals are good conductors of electricity / Metal are
e) Aluminium is used in making utensils - Metals are good conductors of heat

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f) Gold is used in making ornaments - Metals are lustrous.

❖ Why metals like potassium and sodium are kept immersed in kerosene oil?
Metals such as potassium and sodium react so vigorously that they catch fire if
kept in the open. Hence, to protect them and to prevent accidental fires, they are
kept immersed in kerosene oil.
❖ Why hydrogen gas is not evolved when some metals react with nitric acid?
Nitric acid is a strong oxidising agent. It oxidizes the hydrogen gas produced to
❖ Give scientific reason for:
a) lonic compounds are solids and hard.
Due to the strong force of attraction between the positive and negative ions.
b) lonic compounds have high melting & boiling points.
As considerable amount of energy is required to break the strong inter-ionic
c) lonic compounds in solid state do not conduct electricity.
Ionic compounds in the solid state do not conduct electricity because movement
of Ions in the solid is not possible due to their rigid structure.
d) lonic compounds conduct electricity in molten state.
Ionic compounds conduct electricity in the molten state since the electrostatic
forces Of attraction between the oppositely charged ions are overcome due to the
❖ Give reason: Highly reactive metals are used as reducing agents.
Highly reactive metals such as sodium, calcium, aluminium, etc., are used as
reducing Agents because they can displace metals of lower reactivity from their
❖ Give reason: Thermite process is used to join railway tracks or cracked machine
parts. Thermite reactions are highly exothermic. The amount of heat evolved is
so large that the Metals are produced in the molten state. Hence used to join
railway tracks or cracked
Machine parts.
❖ Why highly reactive metals cannot be reduced with carbon?
Carbon cannot reduce the oxides of sodium, magnesium, calcium, aluminium,
etc., to the Respective metals because these metals have more affinity for Oxygen
than carbon.
❖ Give reasons:
a) Silver articles become black after exposure to air.
Silver reacts with sulphur in the air to form a coating of silver sulphide.
b) Copper articles becomes green after exposure to air.

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Copper reacts with moist carbon dioxide in the air and slowly loses its shiny
brown Surface and forms a green copper carbonate.
c) Iron articles acquires a coating of a brown flaky substance.
Iron on exposure to moist air for a long time forms iron oxide.
❖ Why is silver or copper added to make gold jewellery?
Pure gold (24 carat) is very soft, so to make it hard silver or copper is added.
❖ Give reason: Solder is used for welding electrical wires together.
Solder an alloy of lead and tin has a low melting point hence used for welding
electrical Wires together.
❖ Give reasons
(a) Platinum, gold and silver are used to make jewellery.
Platinum, gold, and silver are used to make jewellery because they are very
lustrous. Also, they are very less reactive and do not corrode easily.
(b) Sodium, potassium and lithium are stored under oil.
Sodium, potassium, and lithium are very reactive metals and react very
vigorously With air as well as water. Therefore, they are kept immersed in
kerosene oil in order to Prevent their contact with air and moisture.
C )Aluminium is a highly reactive metal, yet it is used to make utensils for
cooking.Though aluminium is a highly reactive metal, it is resistant to corrosion.
This is Because aluminium reacts with oxygen present in air to form a thin layer
of aluminium Oxide. This oxide layer is very stable and prevents further reaction
of aluminium with Oxygen. Also, it is light in weight and a good conductor of
heat. Hence, it is used to Make cooking utensils.
(d) Carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxides during the
process of Extraction.
Carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxides during the process
of Extraction because metals can be easily extracted from their oxides rather
than from Their carbonates and sulphides.
50. Give reason from Acids bases and salts.
❖ Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in brass and copper vessels?
Curd and other sour substances contain acids. Therefore, when they are kept in
brass and Copper vessels, the metal reacts with the acid to liberate hydrogen gas
and harmful Products, thereby spoiling the food.
❖ Why do HCI, HNO,, etc., show acidic characters in aqueous solutions while
solutions of Compounds like alcohol and glucose do not show acidic character?
The dissociation of HCl or HNO, to form hydrogen ions always occurs in the
presence of Water. Hydrogen ions (H+) combine with H,o to form hydronium ions
(H30+).Although aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol contain hydrogen,

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these cannot Dissociate in water to form hydrogen ions. Hence, they do not show
acidic character.
❖ Why does dry HCl gas not change the colour of the dry litmus paper?
Colour of the litmus paper is changed by the hydrogen ions. Dry HCl gas does
not contain H+ ions. It is only in the aqueous solution that an acid dissociates to
give ions. Since in this Case, neither HCl is in the aqueous form nor the litmus
paper is wet, therefore, the colour Of the litmus paper does not change.
❖ Why does distilled water not conduct electricity, whereas rain water does?
Distilled water is a pure form of water and does not contain any ions. So it does
not Conduct electricity. Rain water, being an impure form of water, contains
many ionic Species such as acids and therefore it conducts electricity.
❖ Why do acids not show acidic behaviour in the absence of water?
Acids do not show acidic behaviour in the absence of water because the
dissociation of Hydrogen ions from an acid occurs in the presence of water only.
It is the hydrogen ions That are responsible for the acidic behaviour.
❖ Give reason.
A ) Why is baking powder used in bakery industry?
When baking powder is used in bakery products like bread or cake, carbon
dioxide Produced makes the products soft and spongy.
B )Why does bread or cake become soft and spongy when baking powder is added
to the dough?
When the dough is mixed with baking powder and water and heated, carbon
dioxide is Produced which makes the bread or cake to rise making them soft and
C )Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate used in antacids?
Sodium hydrogen is alkaline; it neutralizes the excess acid in the stomach and
provides Relief.
❖ Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why?
Plaster of Paris (POP) should be stored in a moisture-proof container because
Plaster of Paris, a powdery mass, absorbs water (moisture) to form a hard solid
known as gypsum.
❖ Explain why dry crystals of copper sulphate change colour on heating.
When the crystals of copper sulphate are heated, they lose their water of
crystallisation Which is responsible for its colour.
51. Give reason from Magnetic effect of electric current.
❖ Why don’t two magnetic lines of force intersect each other?

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No, if two magnetic lines of force intersect, then there will be two tangents
and Hence two directions of the magnetic field at the point of intersection.
This is not Possible.
❖ Why is alternating current preferred over direct current? List any three
1) The generation of A.C is more economical than D.C
2) Alternating voltage can be easily stepped up or stepped down by using a
3) The alternating currents can be transmitted to distance places without any
Significarnt line loss.
❖ Why do we use power supply of two different current ratings at our homes?
Different appliances have different power ratings. The 5 Ampere current
rating is Used for electric bulb, fans, etc.
The 15 Ampere current rating is used for heater, geysers, air conditioners,
electric Iron box, etc.
52. coil made of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer.
a) What will happen to the deflection of the galvanometer if this coil is moved
towards a stationary bar magnet.
B) Moved away from it. Give reason for you answer and name the phenomenon

a) When the coil is moved towards the bar magnet, the galvanometer shows
deflection in one direction.When the coil is moved towards the bar magnet, the
magnetic flux linked with it increase and a current is induced in it shown by
deflection in the galvanometer.
b) When the coil is moved away from the coil, the galvanometer shows deflection
in opposite direction.When the coil is moved away from the magnet, the magnetic
flux linked with it decreases and a current is induced in the coil in the opposite
direction, shown by deflection in the galvanometer in opposite direction.
53. Give reason from How do organism reproduce.
❖ Why is DNA copying an essential part of the process of reproduction?
Chromosome in the nucleus of a cell contain information for inheritance of
features from Parent to next generation in the form of DNA. The DNA in the
cell nucleus is the Information source of making proteins. Therefore, a basic
event in reproduction is Creation of DNA copy for the next generation.
❖ Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the

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Variations allow organisms to exist in diverse habitats. In the absence of

variations, a Species may be restricted to particular area. If this area gets
drastically altered, due to Various natural or man-made causes, the species
may be wiped out. If some variations Were present in a few individuals, these
colonize other habitats and could survive. But if Variations are present in a
single organism there would be very little for it to survive.
❖ Give reason: Regeneration is not a form of reproduction.
Regeneration is not the same as reproduction, since most organisms would
not normally Depend on being cut up to be able to reproduce.
❖ Why are the testes located outside the abdominal cavity?
Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity in scrotum because sperm
formation Requires a lower temperature than the normal body temperature.
❖ Give reason: The seminal vesicles and prostate add secretions to the sperms.
The secretions of seminal vesicle and prostate help the sperms form a fluid
which makes Their transport easier and this fluid also provides nutrition.
❖ If a women is using a copper-T, will it help in protecting her from sexually
transmitted Diseases?
No, copper-T does not prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted
diseases. Copper-T only prevents implantation. The only safe method used to
prevent the transmission of Sexually transmitted diseases is the use of
54. Give reason from heredity and evolution
❖ Why are the small numbers of surviving tigers a cause of worry from the
point of view of Genetics?
Small numbers of tigers means that fewer variations in terms of genes are
available. This Means that when these tigers reproduce, there are less
chances of producing progeny With some useful variations. Hence, it is a
cause of worry from the point of view of Genetics.
❖ Will geographical isolation be a major factor in the speciation of a self-
pollinating plant species? Why or why not?
Geographical isolation can prevent the transfer of pollens among different
plants.However, since the plants are self-pollinating, which means that the
pollens are Transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the
same flower or of another Flower of the same plant, geographical isolation
cannot prevent speciation in this case.
❖ Will geographical isolation be a major factor in the speciation of an organism
that reproduces Asexually? Why or why not?

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Geographical isolation prevents gene flow between populations of a species

whereas Asexual reproduction generally involves only one individual. In an
asexually reproducing Organism, variations can occur only when the copying
of DNA is not accurate. Therefore, Geographical isolation cannot prevent the
formation of new species in an asexually Reproducing organism.
55. Give reason from Electricity.
❖ Why are coils of electric toasters and electric irons made of an alloy rather
Than a pure metal?
The coils of electric toaster and electric iron are made of alloys instead of pure
Metal due to:
a) Alloys have higher resistivity than that of their constituent metals.
b) Alloys do not oxidize (or burn) readily at high temperatures.
❖ Why do we use parallel circuit arrangement for domestic wiring?
A parallel circuit divides the current through the electrical appliances. The
total resistance in a parallel circuit is decreased. This is helpful particularly
when each gadget has different resistance and requires different current to
operate properly. When one component of the circuit fails rest of them work
❖ What are the disadvantages of connecting electrical devices in series?
In a series circuit the same amount of current passes throughout the electric
circuit. This is impractical to connect an electric bulb and an electric heater in
series; because they need currents of widely different values to operate
properly.Another major disadvantage of a series circuit is that when one
component fails the circuit is broken and none of the components works.
❖ Explain why tungsten is used almost exclusively for filament of electric
The melting point and resistivity of tungsten are very high. It does not burn
readily At a high temperature. The electric lamps glow at very high
temperatures. Hence,Tungsten is mainly used as heating element of electric
56. Give reason from life process
❖ Why do herbivores need a longer small intestine but Carnivores have a
shorter small intestine.
Herbivores eating grass needa longer small intestine to allow the cellulose to
be digested.Meat is easier to digest. Hence carnivores have a shorter small

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❖ Give reason: In plants, carbon dioxide elimination is a major exchange at

At night, there is no photosynthesis occurring. Hence carbon dioxide is the
major Exchange taking place. During the day, carbon dioxide generated
during respiration is used up for Photosynthesis; hence there is no release of
carbon dioxide.
❖ Give reason: The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than
that of Terrestrial organisms.
Since the amount of dissolved oxygen is low compared to the amount of
oxygen in the air, The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster
than that that of terrestrial Organisms.
❖ Why heart has different chambers?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide have to be transported by the blood. To prevent
the oxygen-rich blood from mixing with the blood containing carbon dioxide.
❖ Why ventricles have thicker muscular walls?
The ventricles have to pump blood into various organs, so they have thicker
muscular walls than atria.
❖ Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in
mammals and birds?
The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood provides high oxygen
supply to the organs. This is useful in animals that have high energy needs
such as birds and mammals which constantly us energy to maintain their
body temperature.
❖ Give reason: Valves are present between the left atrium and left ventricle as
well as Right atrium and right ventricle.
Valves present between left atrium & left ventricle and right atrium & right
ventricle Allow the flow of blood only in one direction (atrium to ventricle)
and prevent the back Flow of blood from ventricle to atrium at the time of
ventricular contraction.
❖ Why veins are not thick walled?
Veins need not be thick walled because the blood is no longer under pressure.
❖ Why veins have valves?
Veins have valves to ensure that the blood flows only in one direction.
❖ Give reason: Transpiration is a necessary evil.
Transpiration is the process by which land plants lose water. Plants absorb
large amount.Of water and lose most of the water by transpiration.
Transpiration helps the absorption And upward movement of water and
dissolved mineral salts to the leaves.
❖ Give reason: Urinary bladder is muscular.

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The bladder is muscular and under nervous control so we can usually control
the urge to Urinate.
57. Give reason from chemical reactions and equations.
❖ Why should magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air?
Magnesium is an extremely reactive metal. When stored, it reacts with
oxygen to form a Layer of magnesium oxide on its surface. This layer of
magnesium oxide is quite stable and Prevents further reaction of magnesium
with oxygen. The magnesium ribbon is cleaned By sand paper for removing
this layer so that the underlying metal can be exposed to air.
❖ Why does the colour of ferrous sulphate change when it is heated in a dry test
Ferrous sulphate crystals lose water when heated and the colour of the
crystals changes.
❖ Why is the conversion of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide a thermal
decomposition Reaction?
Calcium carbonate on heating decomposes to calcium oxide so it is referred to
as Decomposition reaction.
❖ Why is silver bromide stored in dark bottle?
Silver bromide decomposes when exposed to light. Hence it is stored in dark
❖ Give reason: Silver metal is dipped in copper nitrate, no reaction takes place.
Silver metal is less reactive than copper.
❖ Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
Iron articles are painted because it prevents them from rusting. When
painted, the Contact of iron articles from moisture and air is cut off. Hence,
rusting is prevented. So Presence of air and moisture is essential for rusting
to take place.
❖ Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen. Why?
Nitrogen is an inert gas and does not easily react with these substances. On
the other Hand, oxygen reacts with food substances and makes them rancid.
Thus, bags used in Packing food items are flushed with nitrogen gas to
remove oxygen inside the pack. When Oxygen is not present inside the pack,
rancidity of oil and fat containing food items is Avoided.
58. Give reason from our environment.
❖ Why are many man-made materials like plastics not broken down?

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Specific enzymes are needed to break-down of particular substance. Bacteria

and Saprophytes do not have enzymes to broken down materials like plastic
❖ Why is there a loss of energy when energy is transferred from one trophic
level to Another?
When green plants are eaten by primary consumers, some amount goes into
digestion And in doing work and the rest goes towards growth and
❖ Why is food chain having two steps most advantageous in terms of energy?
There will be maximum energy transfer from producer to the primary
consumers. There Will be least loss of energy trapped by plants, as heat in
❖ Why is food chain having two steps most advantageous in terms of energy?
There will be maximum energy transfer from producer to the primary
consumers. There will be least loss of energy trapped by plants, as heat in
❖ Why are pesticides and other chemicals accumulate in large quantities in
human Beings?
Pesticides and other chemicals are not degradable. They get accumulated
progressively atEach trophic level. As human beings occupy the top level in
any food chain, maximum Concentration of these chem icals get accumulated
in human beings.

Ray Diagrams
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at infinity of the
concave Mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept beyond C of the
concave Mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at C of the
concave Mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept between C and
F of the Concave mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and
nature of image.
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at F of the

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➢ Mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of image.
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept between P and
F of the Concave mirror. With the help of the diagram mention the position and
nature of image.
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at infinity of the
convex Lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept beyond 2F1 of
the Convex lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at 2F1 of the
convex Lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept between F1 and
2F1 of The convex lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and
nature of image.
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept at focus F1 of
the convex Lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and nature of
➢ Draw the ray diagram for the image formed when the object is kept F1 and optic
centre O of The convex lens. With the help of the diagram mention the position and
nature of image.

Numerical on light
1. Find the focal length of a convex mirror that has a radius of curvature 32cm.
2. Find the focal length of a lens of power -2.0D.
3. Find the power of lens whose focal length is 2m.
4. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 30cm. What is its focal length?
5. A convex mirror used for a rear-view on an automobile as a radius of curvature of
3.00m. If a Bus is located at 5.00m from this mirror, find the position, nature and
size of the image.
6. An object, 4.0cm in size, is placed at 25.0cm in front of a concave mirror of focal
length 15.0cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in
order to obtain a sharp Image? Find the nature and size of the image.
7. A concave lens has focal length of 15cm. At what distance should the object from
the lens be Placed so that it forms an image at 10cm from the lens? Also, find the
magnification produced By the lens.

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8. A 2.0cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens
of focal Length 10cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 15cm. Find the
nature, position and Size of the image. Also, find its magnification.
9. An object 4.0cm in length is placed a distance 20cm in front of a convex mirror of
radius of Curvature 30cm. Find the position of the image, its nature and size.
10. An object of size 7.0cm is placed at 27cm in front of a concave mirror of focal
length 18cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed, so that
a sharp focused image can Be obtain? Find the size and nature of the image.
1. A )How much current will an electric bulb draw from a 220V source, if the
resistance of the Bulb filament is 1200Ω.
B)The current drawn by a electric heater coil is 2A from 220V source. Calculate
its Resistance. If it draws 1A current find the potential difference of the circuit.
2. An electric lamp where resistance is 20Ω and a conductor of 4Ω resistance are
connected in Series to a 6V battery calculate.
A)The total resistance of the circuit
(b)The current through the circuit and
(c)The potential Difference across the electric lamp and conductor.
3. An Electric Lamp whose resistance is 20Ω and a conductor of 4Ω resistance are
connected in Series to a 6V battery. Find the current through the circuit and the
potential difference across The electrical lamp and conductor
4. The potential difference between the terminals of an electric heater is 60V when
it draws a Current of 4A from the source. What current will the heater draw if
the potential difference is Increased to 120V?
5. 100J of heat is produced each second in a 4Ω resistance. Find the potential
difference across The resistor.
6. An electric bulb is connected to a 220V generator. The current is 0.50A. What is
the power of The bulb?
7. An electric heater of resistance 8Ω draws 15A from the service mains 2hrs.
Calculate the rate At which heat is developed in the heater.
8. Four resistors 5Ω ,6Ω ,4Ω and 8Ω are connected in parallel. Find the resistance
of the circuit.
9. Calculate the monthly bill for a heater of resistance 30Ω. Used on 220V mains
when it is Used daily for 1hour, at the cost of ₹5.00per kWh?
10. An electric refrigerator rated 500W operates 8hrs a day. What is the cost of the
energy to operate it for 30 Days at ₹5 per one kWh?


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Target 40+
List of Biology diagrams:
Stomata, Human heart, Nephron ,Neuron, Excretory system, Human brain
,Longitudinal section of flower, Human digestive system, Germination of pollen on

• photosynthesis?List the events occur during Photosynthesis.

• Role of small intestine in digestion
• Role of enzymes in digestion
• Page no.67–Flow chart of breakdown of glucose
• Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration Difference and products obtained
during aerobic Respiration and anaerobic respiration
• Transportation in plants
• Double circulation
• Function of lymph
• Structure and function Nephron
• How do plants excrete
• What is the importance of separation of oxygenated And deoxygenated blood
• Why do ventricles have thick valves
• Structure and function neuron
• Path way involved in the reflex action
• Human brain parts and its functions
• Plant hormones and functions
• Animals hormones and functions
• Trophic movements–Positive and negative tropic Movements
• Why is adrenaline hormone called an emergencyHormone
• Iodized salt is advisable.Givereason
• Food chain and foodweb
• Learn to identify the different tropic levels
• Which tropic level has highest toxic substances
• OZONE LAYER–How is ozone layer formed,what is The importance of ozone
layer,How do ozone Depletion takes place?
• Role of decomposers in ecosystem
• CFC free refrigerators are ecofriendly.Give reason
• Flow of energy is unidirectional.Give reason
• Asexual reproduction and its types
• How sexual reproduction flowering plants does Takes place?

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• Explain the seed and fruit formation in flowering Plants.

• Functions of parts of male and female Reproductive system
• What happens egg does not get fertilized
• What isthe role of placenta?
• Different contraceptive methods and their uses
• How to avoid Sexually transmitted diseases
• Consistency of DNA copying during reproduction Is important.Why?
• Mono hybrid and di-hybrid checker board
• How can we determine the sex of the child
• Acquired and inherited traits
• Tools to determine the evolutionary relationship in Human beings.
• How can we determine the age of the fossils?
• Evolution of eye and feathers.
• Developing different vegetables cabbage is artificial selection.Why?
• How do genes control the characteristics of tallness of a plant
• Factors responsible for speciation
• Concepts related to reduce,reuse and recycle
• Whom do we call stakeholders? justify
• Problems caused due to the construction of dams
• Rain water harvesting?
• Advantages of watershed management
• Management of forest and wildlife is challenging.Give reason
• Reuse is better than the recycle. Give reason
• Management of natural resources require along Term.Why?
• Reaction of calcium oxide with water–type of Reaction.
• Oxidation reaction
• Decomposition reaction and types
• Reaction of sodium with water
• CuO+H2→CuO+H2O the substance that is Oxidized or reduced
• Oxidizing and reducing agent
• Double displacement reaction example based Question
• Decomposition activity based questions
• Balanced chemical equations
• Rancidity & corrosion
• Diagram of electrolysis of water
• Name the gas liberated when acid react with metallic carbonate
• ph of acidic solution,basic solution and neutral solution
• What happens if pH value of the solution increases And deceases

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• What are the gases liberated whenDil.HCl react With zinc carbonate.
• Products obtained during Chlor alkali process and Their uses
• Uses of Baking soda,Bleaching powder,washing soda,POPand Gypsum
• Why dry Hcl gas does not change the colour of dry Hcl gas
• Dilution of acid.
• Reaction of zinc granules with dil.H2SO4 diagram
• Acid solution in the water conducts electricity-Diagram
• Why tooth paste is basic in nature.Give reason
• Physical properties of metals and non metals
• Chemical properties of metals
• Metals react with cold water-potassium and sodium
• There action of calcium with water is less violent.
• Properties of ionic compounds
• Compulsory to learn the electron dot structure
• Formation of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride
• Amphoteric oxides definition and examples
• Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid.
• Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity.Give reason
• Ionic compounds have high melting point.give reason.
• How can we prevent corrosion
• What is galvanization
• Alloys definition and alloys of brass,bronze and Solder
• Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
• Definition of Isomerism, Homologous series ,substation reaction,hydrogenation
reaction, Combustion reaction with their equation
• How can you convert alcohol to carboxylic acids
• Write the electron dot structures of Ethene, Ethane,Ethyne,Cyclohexane,Cyclo
propane and Benzene
• Difference between soaps and detergents
• How many covalent bonds are present between for Ex:Ethane or propane
• How many single and double bonds are present Between for eg:alcohol,ethanoic
acid etc….
• Difference between Mendeleev’s & Modern Periodic law
• Reasons:Na & Mg are present in 3rd period.How Many shells are present
• What happens atomic radius in the modern Periodic table as we go from left to
right and top to Bottom?
• What happens metallic character in the modern Periodic table as we go from left
to right and top to Bottom?

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• Why 18th group is called Inert?

• What happens non-metallic character in the Modern periodic table as we go from
left to right And top to bottom
• Four laws
• Diagram : motor and generator
• Ray diagram : Beyond C, At C, B/w C and F (Concave mirror)
• Ray diagram : beyond 2f1 , at 2f1, between 2f1 and f1. (Convex lens)
• Ohm’s law, Joule’s law
• Factors on which resistance depend.
• All definitions, SI unit, series and parallel.
• One numerical from electricity is compulsory
• Fleming’s left hand rule and Right hand rule
• Faraday’s electro magnetic induction experiment
• Principle of motor
• Overloading / short circuit
• Laws of refraction
• Refractive index
• Power of lens
• 1 numerical problem.
• Give reasons from light.
• Myopia , Hypermetropia
• Diapersion of light, Rainbow formation,Twinkling of Star
• Early sunrise and delayed sunset,Blue colour of sky
• Colour of sun is red during sunrise and sunset.
• Newton Experienment
• Disadvantages of fossil fuels.
• Limitation of wind energy
• Limitation of hydro-power energy
• Advantages of bio energy
• Hazards of nuclear energy

For revision Classes

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