Term Paper About Hiv

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and sensitive topic

like HIV. As a student, you are expected to conduct thorough research, analyze data, and present
your findings in a coherent and well-written paper. However, when it comes to a topic as complex as
HIV, the challenges can seem insurmountable.

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a global health crisis that has affected millions of people
around the world. It is a virus that attacks the body's immune system, making it difficult for the body
to fight off infections and diseases. The impact of HIV on individuals, families, and communities is
immeasurable, making it a critical topic of study for students in various disciplines.

One of the main challenges of writing a thesis on HIV is the vast amount of information available on
the topic. With numerous studies, statistics, and theories, it can be overwhelming to sift through all
the information and determine what is relevant to your research. Additionally, the constantly
evolving nature of the virus and its treatments can make it difficult to keep up with the latest

Another challenge is the sensitivity of the topic. HIV is still highly stigmatized, and many people
may not feel comfortable discussing it openly. This can make it challenging to find participants for
interviews or surveys, which are crucial for gathering primary data for your thesis.

Furthermore, writing a thesis on HIV requires a high level of sensitivity and empathy. As a student,
you must ensure that you are not perpetuating any harmful stereotypes or biases in your research.
This can be a delicate balance, and it is essential to approach the topic with care and consideration.

Given these challenges, it is understandable why many students may struggle with writing a thesis on
HIV. However, there is a solution – ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔. This professional writing service
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Actually it's very difficult to find effective and professionally written academic papers online,
especially for free. All four interviewees based their answers on the study. In countries where there is
adequate knowledge, the access to life saving drugs, condoms and clean sterile equipments is a
rarity. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Nghien c?u, phan lo?i cac d?ng s?t,
tru?t mai taluy du?ng H. Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during
the late. Disease Control and Prevention in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s.
Bristol Myers Squibb provided atazanavir, didanosine-EC and efavirenz (with consent of Merck);
Gilead Sciences, Inc. They scientists from different world laboratories share their opinion on the right
way of creation of this vaccine. Establishing or associating oneself with social coalitions set up to
lessen the impact and vulnerability of HIV infected individuals can go a long way in addressing this
issue. The purpose of this short story 's elements is to bring to life the horror of the aforementioned
themes—the point of view, symbolism, and imagery function to achieve this end. To reach every part
of the body, blood is distributed by artery tissues. AIDS was first recognized by the U.S. Centres for
Disease Control and Prevention in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s. These
results suggest that the provision of ARV treatment generates a wide variety of benefits to
households in resource-poor settings. HIV grows in the body for many years, breaking down and
overpowering your own immune mechanisms, until your body can no longer fighter off sickness.
Weekly hours of school attendance increase by over 20% within 6 months after treatment is initiated
for the adult patient. Hence, the effect of HIV is not a joke and it gives a big impact to the society.
A pharmacogenetics study has reported higher levels of ZDV- triphosphates 9 up to 49%) in HIV
cases heterozygotes for ABCC4G3724A on ZDV treatment as compared to wild type GG
homozygote. However, oral sex is not entirely safe, as HIV can be transmitted through both insertive.
Since that time, as the number of victims has increased a lot, medical science has been making
progressive discoveries concerning hiv, AIDS and the ways of its treatment. Teens do not know what
kinds of diseases can occur from unprotected sex. It is also important to educate the public to adopt a
safer sexual behavior. Although humanitarian efforts on a global level have helped organizations to
address the issue in a more assertive manner, the situation still remains critical due to the sheer
outreach of the deadly disease and its lethal consequences which continues to claim millions of lives
worldwide. AIDS has been under research since the times it was discovered. The scientific literature
describes some 4,621 confirmed cases of HIV-free people dying of AIDS diseases, including
homosex uals and heroin addicts in the U.S., Europe and central Africans. The competencies of each
of these networks vary across different line of work. Such children have problems with a stiffness of
the arms or legs, have problems with coordination. A pre-tested guide was used as instrument of data
collection. The results o f the analysis suggest that the education of the adoptive parents has a
positive impact on the. The virus is spread through a specific type of body fluid called CD4 cells,
also known as T-cells.
The association is strongest when the deceased adult was living with the elderly individual at the time
of death and for deaths in the distant past, suggesting that shorter-run studies may not capture the
full extent of the consequences of adult mortality for survivors. Moreover, the vogue of preparing
men to understand the lasting effects of this disease and make them realize that they have to protect
their women is another important psychological issue that the social health care workers have to take
into the account. The awareness among the new generation is the best solution to prevent the
dangerous infection. In 1982 the term “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” was coined to
describe the array of symptoms noted in individuals with AIDS (AVERT, 2006). Symbolic
instructionism emphasizes the significance of understanding the various explanations and significance
of illness, the impact of illness, and the need to adapt the services and programs in accordance with
each individual case, rather than applying a blanket rule for all those affected. This kind of HIV tran
smis sion is extr emel y rare ” (Be ll 257). (Add more here about this). The pharmaceutical sponsors
(Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, and GlaxoSmithKline) provided
study drug and Gilead Sciences provided funding to purchase study drug that was not otherwise
available. Such patients fall into serious psychological trauma of having the nightmares of disgrace.
The objective of such structure agreements is to make procurement of consultant services as well-
organized and useful as probable. We study outcomes such as time devoted to housework, firewood
and water collection, as well as care-giving and care-seeking. This paper, therefore, examined the
attitude and perception of CSWs to their susceptibility to hazards of renal diseases in the context of
their professional activities. The social work induces in them the spirit of collaborating with the
patients and makes them feel at ease and a part of the existing society. However, the existence of
disease is traced long back in 1959 and is reported as one of the articles in CNN states that “1959
and all that: Immunodeficiency viruses” by Simon Wain-Hobson of the Pasteur Institute in Nature
(Vol. 391, 5 February 1998, pp. 532-533). It is evident that both forms of the AIDS causing virus
called as Human Immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 and HIV-2 originated in Africa and came to human
race from chimpanzees (HIV-1) and sooty mangabeys (for HIV-2) (History of AIDS). There is also
an apparent involvement between AIDS and all male-male sexual behavior, together with sex
between uninfected men. While the donor countries often attach stringent measures, conditionality,
and reform policies with these aid in such a manner that the positive impact of the aid in the
recipient countries is nullified, the very essence of the institutional structures, policies and corruption
in the recipient countries even make worse the situation by aggravating the ineffectiveness of the aid
received. Many drugs have been invented to minimize the effect of the disease of ceasing the
formation of the antibodies and in many cases the antibodies are being introduced into the body of
the host. Methodology to Analyze Prevalence in Teenage HIV or AIDS cases have been diagnosed in
individuals belonging to the age group of 13 to 24 years in various states of United States. Het
Spinhuis. Charles Zastrow, K. K.-A. (2009 ). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social
Environment. If HIV cases decline then simultaneously the AIDS epidemics will fall too. The risk of
transmission that is associated with unprotected oral sex has been found to be lower than all other
forms of sex, however, it has also been found to have a none zero probability of transmission, the
risk of transmission for the receptive partner also increases with ejaculation from the insertive partner
(Shuper et al, 2011). However, because Kaposi’s sarcoma has long been synonymous with AIDS, the
absence of the virus in this cancer seriously undermines the HIV hypothesis. The main problem is that
no viable cure has been found for a patient suffering from aids. Controlling the spread of AIDS is
not a possibility unless considerably more effort is put into doing so in Africa. Women and children
are by far, the worst affected of the lot. Condoms were distributed for free to sex workers and sex
workers are. Several guidelines released by WHO which provides safety knowledge about the
prevention of ART, infant feeding and MTCT. The campaign was established by the New York
based group of charity to fight against the AIDS. Using nationally representative data from 13
countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, this paper confirms that formerly married individuals are at
significantly higher risk for HIV. Furthermore, the report also stated that there was a substantial fall
in the number of HIV positive cases during the year, despite of a significant rise in number of
partners was observed. ODA has over the years been plagued by corruption, in effectiveness, and
inefficiencies, thereby receiving tough criticisms and calling for various restructurings.
In case the child was cut somewhere a bandage should be put for 24 hours. Clin Infect Dis. 45(4),
S213-S220. Gayle, H. D., Hill, G. L. (2001). Global Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and
AIDS. The length of this asymptomatic or symptom free phase varies from individual depending
only on how fast the virus multiplies in their blood system. They scientists from different world
laboratories share their opinion on the right way of creation of this vaccine. If HIV was actively
infecting -cells or other members of the immune system, cell free virus particles, known as Virions,
should easily be found in the blood. Apart from that, more Whites get better jobs that Blacks. Every
human body has immune defense system that helps to defend against any virus. Sexual assault
greatly increases the risk of HIV transmission as. GAP coordinated with CDC to look after the
health services around the world. During the year 2005, the number of newly infected population
rose to 5 million resulting in 3 million deaths, a substantial rise as compared to the previous years. On
the other hand, instead of writing emails letters would still be the main mode of communication for
official matters.On the notion that computers have made the world a global village maybe there
would other means that would be serving the same purpose. Moreover, many people also
discriminate towards people with HIV by seperating them from society. Moreover, many people also
discriminate towards people with HIV by seperating them from society. Term papers aim at
developing analytical skills first of all. TF has stock ownership in Abbot, Bristol- Myers Squibb,
Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline and has served as a consultant for Gilead Sciences. This is
because, it clearly dismisses the role played by the other groups in spreading AIDS. American Journal
of Public Health, 100(3), 435-445. HIV, C. (2012). AIDS. Medical Care, 916, 874-7720. CDC offers
many resources for partners to use in their education and prevention efforts. Is it rather due to
unhealthy lifestyle or inappropriate diet. Poor access to health care and the existence of coexisting
infections such. The second argument suggests that the epidemic in some sub-Saharan African
nations may cause state instability and failure. The imagination of having to wait days r even weeks
to receive a telegram letter or overall a message from someone in different geographical locations is
extremely unpleasing. Additionally, the economic market mentality provides more incentive for
making a product for mass consumption. It is therefore if opportune preventive medicines and
preventive care is taken it prevents the onset of disease which is very crucial in case of dreaded
diseases like AIDS. The transmission of the virus from the mother to the child can occur in the
uterus during the. This virus is spread from one individual to the next through various ways. The
virus is spread through a specific type of body fluid called CD4 cells, also known as T-cells. The
combat took place entirely in North america, giving the colonists a home advantage. Some of the
signs of being HIV positive are; “rap id weig ht loss, seiz ures, sev ere diff icu lty swal lowi ng chro
nic pneu mon ia, purp le blotches that do not go away, and extreme tiredness for no reason” (Bell
259). Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) contend that in accordance with the theory of reasoned action,
individuals can play a key role in changing the perception, thoughts and behavior of other
individuals, while the diffusion innovation theory, states that individuals often act as agents of
change, and can influence the rest of their social group to behave a certain way (Rogers 1983).
The paper features an overview of the HIV problem in the country which mainly features the severity
of the problem, the number AbstractThis paper is written with the aim of providing a detailed look at
the HIV status in the united states of america. Holding more assets seems to buffer older adults from
having to work more after these shocks. Human immunodeficiency virus is the highly variable virus
which leads to AIDS. Figure: Global Statistics However, available statistics suggest, that despite
such rise in HIV infected people each year, globally several countries have made substantial progress.
Using household survey data from 21 countries in Africa, this study examines trends in orphanhood
and living arrangements, and the links between the two. Study design details are available at
ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00084136 and in the study protocol provided in Text S1. The proposal aims at
correcting the situation by suggesting various alternatives towards ensuring early hiv infection
diagnosis among the Africans in UK. Teaching students about HIV, the risks and its preventive
measures is an essential part of reducing the spread of the virus. It is therefore if opportune
preventive medicines and preventive care is taken it prevents the onset of disease which is very
crucial in case of dreaded diseases like AIDS. However, attention on CSWs has generally been
placed on their susceptibility to communicable diseases, with little attention on the non-
communicable ones, like renal diseases. The efforts put in by the agency mostly revolve around the
significance given to having only one partner or encourages sexual intercourse only with one’s
spouse or regular partner. Any kind of adaptation that microbes make is solely related to the changing
ecological niches and habitats, in 1982, the American Red Cross referred the immune deficiency
disease as AIDS. AIDS was first recognized by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s. In United States, more than 1.1 million
people are infected by HIV virus. From 1.1 million people, every 1 people out of 6 are not aware of
the infection that could be so harmful (AIDS, 2012). These preventive measures takes place in three
steps: Primary preventive measures prevent the disease from its onset. This virus is spread from one
individual to the next through various ways. The main reason behind the transmission of AIDS is
sexual activity. Lashley, 2009 ). There is no proper relationship that could be built between the HIV
aids and that of the social workers’ social counseling but it is apparent that the effects of social
counseling have been very optimistic in changing the attitudes of these patients towards life. The
human immune system consists of two types of crucial cells: B cells and T cells. The red ribbon
symbolizes the commitment and solidarity. There has been a great role of different not for profit
organizations to help the patients of aids lead a normal life and to educate the people of the society
to spare these individuals as the regular members of the society and flourish along with the changes
in their lives(Larry M. Enrollment in the US was limited to no more than 18% of total; the rem ain
ing enr oll men t was dis tri bute d equa lly acr oss the international sites with an option for
international sites to request additional enrollment once their initial quota of 100 participants was
filled. While there have been many initiatives made to cure this dreaded disease and alleviate the
plight of those afflicted by it, it still is a sad reality that these initiatives as well as the advances in
medical technology have not been able to reach those who need it the most - individuals from
developing countries where there are inadequate facilities and a less then satisfactory health care
system. Prevention of AIDS is possible by joining of the government agencies and NGOS to set up
campaign and public awareness program. Most of people are hiv infected so this project will be a
very good effort for providing them relief. There is a strong proposal to improve follow up and.
Therefore, a rough correlation exists between HIV and AIDS diseases, but it is imperfect and
misleading. Today, we live in a highly dynamic world, which owing to rapid development in
technology, and globalization has shrunk like never before. Lashley, 2009 ). “HIV is transformed in
numerous ways, such as anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion or contaminated hypodermic
needles, switch over amid mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

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