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Congratulations, Maggy! ☰
Your Main Power Exchange
Dynamic Is Switch

Your Main Power Play Styles

Brat tamer Masochist Primal Dominant

83% 72% 61%

Introduction To Your Results

In the detailed report below, you will learn a lot more about the different shades of your kinkiness and how to get the most out of it in real life.

So What Does This All Mean?

Well, kinks and fetishes are totally normal… and while you might find some of your results surprising (especially if you’re new to the world of BDSM
shouldn’t worry you! We all have fantasies, and they’re generally a mixture of things you’d love to enact in real life and those you prefer to remain
fantasy world.

You’ll find that most kinks and fetishes have an aspect of power play, and that’s because power imbalance, social hierarchy, and control are what go
our lives… playing around with those dynamics can be thrilling material for our sex lives!

Before any kind of kinky or BDSM play with a partner, the most important thing is agreeing on the terms, rules, and limi
of your play. This means clearly communicating what you do and do not want to happen together..

Make sure you agree on safe words and signals to be able to communicate without disrupting the play! This can be anything you like, but a traffic li
system works well. Red for stop immediately, orange for slow down, green for go.

A Few Terms To Get Familiar With

BDSM: Bondage & Discipline, Domination & Submission, Sadism & Masochism

SSC: Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Despite how BDSM scenes look from the side, these rules are a must for any healthy BDSM interaction. It’s
key that these three points are covered regardless of the kink you engage in, or it risks being abusive and dangerous.
RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink. This model for BDSM interactions is usually applied where partners’ interest in more risky activities
may challenge the ‘safe’ and ‘sane’ definition. The aim is still to keep all parties safe. That although there is risk involved, all parties are well
aware of these and have clearly communicated their consent to the risk.

Your Power Exchange Dynamic

Dominant 48.67% 51.33% Subm

Switches are the kinksters who find pleasure in exploring both sides of the Dominance-Submission spectrum.

For some, identifying as a Dom or Sub is tied deeply with who they are, for Switches picking one side simply feels restricting. Like Yin and Yang, the
dominance and submission are two inseparable parts of their sexuality.

One day they might crave to be in control and dish out the discipline, while on the next day their biggest desire is to be used and treated like a dirty
sex toy.

The truth is, there is no need to choose! It is completely normal to desire the power and give it up sometimes too.

Furthermore, there isn’t one way to be a Switch. Your feel for particular dynamic may depend on the mood, the scene or even the partner you are w

Whatever your power play style is, we’ll help you explore it!

Your Main Power Play Styles

Brat Tamer

Brat Tamers are dominants who get a kick out of dealing with and punishing sassy, strong-willed
submissives, a.k.a Brats.

Where other Dom/mes get frustrated by a Brat’s misbehavior, the Brat Tamer sees it as playfulness
and an invitation for harsher means of domination.

Brat Tamers tend to love a challenge and are usually quite competitive in nature. They love to win,
sure! But they get just as much pleasure from the game of bending that cheeky Brat to their will.

And for Brat Tamers, that game can be a battle of wits with a smart-mouthed Brat. The more the Brat
talks back, the more turned on the Brat Tamer gets.

Brat Tamer

It’s like a form of foreplay!

«BT: Get down on your knees and put that mouth to good use.»

«B: I’d like to see you make me.»

«BT: Oh, I’ll make you alright…»

Some Brat Tamers also have sadistic tendencies, gaining sexual pleasure from teaching their brat a lesson for their disrespectful behavior.

The main pleasure, however, is when they finally over-power the brat into submission.

Got What It Takes To Be A Good Brat Tamer?

A good Brat Tamer is a strict and quick-thinking master of invention.

They always have an answer ready for a smart-mouthed brat! And they love coming up with new rules, sexy rewards, and harsh punishments to ke
their brat on their toes.
Brat tamers also need to be pretty patient. Brats can be really...well, bratty! Being able to keep your cool but not let bad behavior go unpunished is

Of course, being a good communicator is also really important for both Brat Tamer and Brat.

Discuss your limits with each other beforehand.

Your Brat needs to know how far they can push you and you should know what kind of punishments you can dish out and how hard you can be.

Then, you can let those creative kinky juices flow!

New To Brat Taming?

If you’re in a relationship with someone who isn’t a natural Brat in the bedroom, you might want to start by telling them what kind of behavior turn
on and see if they would be comfortable exploring that with you.

For more bratty behavior, you could ask your partner to be more of a smart-ass, to be cheeky, somewhat rude to you. Then agree on the type of
consequences you can subject them to.

You can go the punishment route- things like a cold shower, orgasm denial, or even writing ‘lines’... “I am a very naughty brat and should be punishe

Or, “funishments”... pleasurable things wrapped up in a cloak of punishment! Think of spanking with a paddle, butt-plug wearing, or being tied up a
fucked hard.

It’s up to you (and your brat).

Of course, brat taming doesn’t have to stay in the bedroom…

If you’re feeling comfortable and want to be more spontaneous, agree on certain phrases that will act as a signal or an invitation to play. These ‘Go
can be common phrases but said in a specific way with a certain look.

They can be things like:

«What did you say to me?» «Watch your mouth.»

«Sure about that?» «That sounded like sass.»

«I’m warning you…» «Do that one more time, I dare you...»

These give your sub the opportunity to be ‘bratty’ if they wish and open up the scene for the Brat Tamer to assert their dominance and play with

Think about it… you’re making dinner with your significant other when you drop one of these phrases into the exchange. The sass-back begins and
blood starts to get hot...

You can play the cat and mischievous mouse until you pounce!

Bend that sub over the counter and give their buttocks a good seeing to until they apologize for their disrespect.

Of course, as well as ‘go words’, you should always agree on the ‘no words’ or safe words. Sometimes even kinksters don’t want to play.

Have fun!
Masochistic submissives get a kick from feeling pain inflicted by a dominant partner with a sexy
sadistic streak. This particular Dominant/submissive duo is quite the match made in heaven, so much
so that they have a whole area of kink dedicated to them…S&M.

Masochists can find themselves a little misunderstood by the general vanilla public. Why would
anyone get aroused from receiving pain? But masochists aren’t so different from any other thrill-

For example, people enjoy watching horror movies and feeling fear, or doing dangerous sports
risking injury. Masochists get the same sort of adrenaline rush but through pain.

The only difference is, that for the Masochist this thrill is also sexual. Masochist

Of course, the Masochist’s pleasure doesn’t just come from physical pain. Being subjected to verbal-sadism or cruel humiliation can also be hugely

Being called all manner of filthy things (worthless whore/slut/ fuckmeat etc.) can make a Masochist feel super nasty, sexy, and horny!

What Makes A Good Masochist?

There is no one way of being a Masochist. What hurts and turns-on one person may hurt and upset another! But the ability to fully immerse yourse
your own form of Masochistic pleasure requires open and honest communication with your pain-provider.

Before you even let a sadist partner near your body, you need to have a conversation, lots of them in fact!

Here are just a few things you need to discuss:

What kind of pain turns you on (stinging slaps, deep thuds, pinching, heat);

What pain-play implements they can/can’t use (wooden spoons, floggers, nipple clamps, candles);

Words they should use or steer clear of (slut/whore/sissy/pig/cow);

What sort of aftercare you need from them (cuddles, tenderness, being bathed).

You also need to discover what their motivations are. Your sadistic Dom/me should want to give you pleasure through pain, not just inflict pain. Yo
pleasure and comfort should be their top priority.

Open conversations help you stay safe, while at the same time gives your partner the opportunity to provide you with the most enjoyable S&M
experience. You call the shots in your own sexual-pain party!

How to Bring Masochism to the Bedroom?

«Baby, I’m so horny, I want you to twist my nipples until I cry.»

Expressing sexual desires can be awkward, but even more so when your particular kink involves asking a loved one to hurt you. It can be hard to ex
but choosing the right words can help.

For example, instead of stating, «I want you to hurt me during sex» drop some subtle hints that will let your lover know that you find pain aro
Here are some phrases you can adapt to your particular likes and needs:

I love it when you pull my hair. Can you do that more, maybe even harder?

I love feeling your nails digging into my skin. I’d love you to leave scratch marks.

When you nibble my ear, I am just waiting and hoping you’ll bite down harder.

I want to be reminded of you spanking me. Bruises I could see and feel for days would be amazing.

Tweaking my nipples like that gets me really hot, maybe we can get some nipple clamps to play with?

When you’re feeling more confident and comfortable, expand the conversation. Explain that the things you like are actually part of S&M play, and
them if they would be interested in exploring that with you.

If yes, then the next step is to discuss each other’s expectations and limits. These are not only important for an enjoyable session but also a safe on

Talking about safety…

One other thing you really should agree on before entering any serious kinky play… SAFEWORDS.

S&M can be rough, intense, extreme, and exciting! But that also means there is more room for things to go wrong. With your partner, agree on ver
AND non-verbal safewords so that play can be stopped anytime either of you feels uncomfortable.

Once you have everything agreed, it’s time to get naughty and very very nasty!

Primal Dominant

Take a walk on the wild side! When it comes down to getting freaky in the bedroom, Primal
Dominants like to tap into the more animalistic side of themselves. Think- growling, licking, biting,
scratching, yelping...even howling!

When it comes to the throes of passion, these kinksters don’t worry too much about society’s norms
and niceties, labels, or rules. For Primal Dom/mes, it’s all about releasing their raw and natural
feelings, urges, and impulses.

Letting your inner animal out can be extremely liberating and HOT!

When matched with a Primal Sub (or even another Primal Dom/me), their playtime can look like a
physical, even violent power struggle. Primal Dominant

There may be chasing and wrestling as they (consensually) overpower and devour their « prey». In fact, Primal Dom/mes are often called the Hun

Primal kinksters tend to prefer the BDSM tools they were born with. Opting for hair, nails, teeth, and personal strength instead of ropes, whips, an

But of course, since being Primal is all about doing what feels natural to you, you can use whatever you like!

How to Be a Good Primal Dom/me

Being a Primal Dom/me is all about giving in to natural urges, but that doesn’t mean you are beyond the limits of consent. You can go as wild, as cra
as rough as you like...just as long as it has been discussed and agreed to with an aware and willing partner beforehand.

To ensure you and your partner(s) have the most amazing, savage sex experience, you need to work out the details of what is expected and where e
other’s limits lie.

Communication and trust are hugely important to any kink but even more so when you are dealing with rough sex.

Your Primal partner needs to be able to trust you to stay within the agreed limits. While you need to be able to trust them to communicate clearly
during, and after a play scene.

Likewise, you should communicate your own primal desires. For example, here are a few questions you might want to discuss:
Do you want them to fight back?

Do you want to leave marks?

What kind of overpowering techniques are you allowed to use?

Is biting/slapping/scratching okay?

Being completely open and honest with each other BEFORE you enter into primal play allows you both to focus on your raw, sexual energy and do
comes naturally!

Exploring and Introducing Primal Sex to a «Mate»

Before you can experience primal sex with a partner, you need to know what it means to you first. Get to know yourself as a ‘primal being’ and beco
comfortable with your urges.

Practice what feels good to you.

Want to growl like a wild animal when you cum? Do it!

Want to gnash your teeth and bite down on a pillow as you masturbate? Try it!

It’s all about losing your inhibitions, throwing off the shackles of shame, and just doing what feels ‘right’. Revel in and accept the raw sensuality and
fierceness of your own existence and sexuality!

Once you feel like you have «untamed» yourself, and feel confident in your primal-ness, you can talk to your partner. Primal play can sound scary
vanilla ear, especially if you go in straight away with all the rough stuff!

So, begin by telling them how exploring primal play on your own has made you feel…

You might choose to describe the sense of freedom it has given you, the raw energy you feel, the empowerment, and the deeper, more intense arou

If they are interested in exploring these feelings with you, then move the conversation on to how it might play out. Discuss each other’s expectatio
limits. These are not only important for enjoyable primal play but also safe!

Here are a few questions to help you work out the details:

What are your soft and hard limits? (Soft: things that will push you to the edge/ hard: absolute no-go areas.)

Are there any health issues to be aware of? (Physical, mobility, mental)

What type of rough play is acceptable? ( biting / scratching / slapping / wrestling / hair-pulling / ‘forced’ bondage etc.)

Agree on a SAFEWORD - agree on a verbal and non-verbal signal so that anyone can stop play or tone things down if necessary.

Once you have everything agreed, it’s time to unleash the beast!
Other Power Play Styles

Primal Submissive

When it comes down to getting freaky in the bedroom, Primal Submissives like to tap into
the more animalistic side of themselves. It’s all about releasing...

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Sadists are a particular breed of Dominants who get sexual satisfaction from giving
pleasure through pain to their willing submissives, known...

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A Restrainer is a dominant who gets a thrill from controlling their submissive partner
through bondage, be it with tape, ropes, or other kinky restraints. ...

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Brats are submissives who are rebels at heart that love to push the boundaries and the
buttons of their dom/me either for attention or for punishments....

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Master Mistress

A Master/Mistress is at the more hardcore end of the dominant personality scale. The
Master/Mistress has complete control over their submissive making them a...

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Littles or Little Ones are a certain type of submissive that likes age-play. Littles may be
strong, independent people in their day-to-day...

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Daddies/Mommies are dominant personalities who love to care for and nurture their
submissive, taking on a kind of parental-style role. ...

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A slave is a submissive at the hardcore end of BDSM. Slaves often prefer being a part of a
serious 24/7 lifestyle rather than just kinky “playtime”. ...

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The God/Goddess persona is a Dominant who loves having their submissive worship the
very ground they walk upon and treat them like a living god/goddess. ...

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The Worshipper is a submissive who sees and treats their Dom/me as more than a
“master” but as a God/Goddess. For the Worshipper, their...

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A Restrainee is a submissive who gets a thrill from being tied up and controlled by a
Dominant partner. Some Restrainees simply enjoy being...

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A degrader is a dominant personality who gets their kicks from humiliating and degrading
their submissive. Degraders love the build-up of sexual tension that...

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A degradee is a submissive who gets a sexual thrill from being humiliated and degraded
by a Dominant partner, a BDSM dynamic known as...

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Being a Pet is really just another form of submission and power-play dynamics.
Embodying the role fully and 'switching off' complex human behaviors and...

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Pet Owner

Pet Owners are Dominants who assert power over a submissive who takes on an animal
status. Pet Owners (also called Handlers or Trainers) will often prefer...

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Exclusivity VS Openness
Monogamy 93% 7% Non-Monog

Monogamy is a relationship style of having one partner at one time and being committed to that partner usually for a longterm period.

Non-monogamy, on the other hand, is a relationship style that includes more than one partner and those partners may frequently change.

A non-monogamous person may have multiple partners but be committed to none of them. Or they may commit to one partner but have an open
relationship experiencing other partners simultaneously.

For some, the monogamous way of experiencing life, love, and sex is «normal» while others might think it’s boring (vanilla) or unrealistic. Some m
non-monogamy as being untrustworthy or disrespectful. But others see trust, honesty, and excitement there.

The truth is, neither one is «correct».

Being one or the other doesn’t limit your kinkiness nor the quality of your relationships. It’s just about finding out what works best for you and you

It doesn’t matter whether you want to explore your kinks with just one person or you’re open to threeways or massive orgies! There is no one size
So just enjoy it!

What Do My Results Mean?

You prefer to keep your kink play between you and one significant other. And that’s okay! Being kinky doesn’t mean you have to share the
goods with lots of other people. You can still get freaky and filthy with just one partner. The main thing is to communicate your desires with
your partner to craft the relationship you want and need.

Hide & Show


Exhibitionists are those who love being seen... especially in a state of undress or sexual scenario. Exhibitionism can range from enjoying a
partner checking you out during a sexual

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Voyeurs are visual creatures and get their kicks from watching others, particularly activities that are conventionally seen as private affairs. Fo
example, getting undressed, bathing, and

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Fantasies... Sensations... Limits



Fantasists love roleplaying and really embodying a fantasy role. The spectrum here is huge, from whispering erotic stories into the partner’s e
enjoying the costumed roleplay to fully embodying

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WAM Curious

Wet And Messy is a fetish also known as sploshing which involves a playful use of messy substances (generally non-bodily fluids). The most
common is food... think cream and chocolate sauce, but some

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Dirty Sex Fan


Dirty Sex Fans just love it when things get grimy. They're all about the dirty.. sweaty.. messy joy of sex. This can be called pig play in the gay
community, and the idea is the same. Embracing the

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Psychological Player

Psychological Players need to engage on a much deeper level than just physical sensations. They like to play with emotions and push the limits
play. The complexity of the power dynamics, the

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Taboo Lover

These kinksters are lovers of all things taboo! They get off on pushing the limits and playing with what's not generally acceptable in polite
society. This can sometimes be referred to as 'Edgeplay',

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Cucking Enthusiast

Cucking, hotwifing, cuckolding... there's a lot of terms for this type of play. Traditionally there's been the idea that it's a way of eroticizing male
anxieties (your wife having sex with a hotter,

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One Last Thing...

By now, you probably know that communication is key to successful and joyful kinky playtime!

We have prepared an extra bonus for you which will make talking about your preferences easy.

Click the button below to see a list of the different sexual activities. You can go through it and mark which ones you would and wouldn't be open to

Then save the list as a PDF, send the link to your partner, and compare the results. Enjoy!

Check Your Limits 

If you have a suggestion for us on how to improve the test, please give us a hint at [email protected].
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