Make A Local Network Multiplayer Game Godot Unreal

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Let's create a simple local network turn-based strategy game as an example to get you started.

We'll use vanilla JavaScript and WebSockets for communication. Here's a basic outline:

1. Setting Up the Project:

● Create a folder for your project and open it in your preferred code editor (Visual Studio Code
● Create three HTML files: index.html for the main game interface, game.js for core game logic,
and server.js for the local server handling communication.

2. index.html Structure:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
<title>Local Multiplayer Strategy</title>
<h1>Local Multiplayer Strategy</h1>
<div id="game-board"></div>
<script src="game.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

This sets up a basic webpage with a heading and a div element with the id game-board where
we'll display the game visuals. It also includes references to the game.js script and the
Socket.IO library for WebSockets.

3. game.js (Core Game Logic):


const socket = io(); // Connect to the local server

let playerId; // To identify this player's instance

let gameState; // Represents the current game state
// Function to update the game board based on the state
function updateBoard(state) {
// Implement your logic to display the game board visually based on
the state object
const gameBoardElement = document.getElementById('game-board');
// Clear the previous board
gameBoardElement.innerHTML = "";
// ... (logic to create and display visual representation of the

// Function to handle player actions (clicking, selecting units)

function handlePlayerAction(action) {
// Send the player's action to the server using socket
socket.emit('playerAction', { playerId, action });

// Event listener for receiving updated game state from the server
socket.on('gameStateUpdate', (newState) => {
gameState = newState;

// Get player ID and initial game state from the server upon
socket.on('connect', () => {
playerId =; // Get unique player ID from the server
socket.emit('getPlayerData'); // Request initial game state

// ... (Additional functions for game logic like turn management, win

This script connects to the local server using Socket.IO, defines functions to update the game
board based on the game state, handle player actions, and receive updates from the server.

4. server.js (Local Server):


const http = require('http');

const { Server } = require('');

const app = http.createServer();

const io = new Server(app);

let gameData; // Holds the current game state

let connectedPlayers = {}; // Stores connected player information

io.on('connection', (socket) => {

connectedPlayers[] = { // Add player to connected list
// Send initial game state to the new player
socket.emit('gameStateUpdate', gameData);

socket.on('getPlayerData', () => {
// Send the current game data to the player upon request
socket.emit('gameStateUpdate', gameData);

socket.on('playerAction', (data) => {

// Validate and process player action (logic depends on your game)
const { playerId, action } = data;
// Update the game state based on the action
gameData = updateGameState(gameData, playerId, action);
// Broadcast the updated game state to all players
io.emit('gameStateUpdate', gameData);

// Handle player disconnection (remove from list and potentially

update game state)
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
delete connectedPlayers[];

app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server listening on port 3000');

// Function to update the game state based on player actions



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