Algorithms RWHung

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Introduction to Algorithms

Professor Ruo-Wei Hung(洪若偉)

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

Chaoyang University of Technology,
Wufeng, Taichung 41349, Taiwan
E-mail: [email protected]

Algorithms by R.-W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 11
Course Introduction

Algorithms by R.-W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 11
洪若偉 (Prof. Ruo-Wei Hung)
 E-mail: [email protected]
 Web-site:
 Tel: 04-2332-3000 ext. 7758
 Office Hours:
週二 13:30~15:30 (E724研究室)
週四 10:30~12:30 (E724研究室)
 Personal Information

R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
Text & Reference books
 教科書 (Textbook):
1. R.C.T. Lee(李家同), R.C.
Chang(張瑞川), S.S. Tseng(曾憲
雄), and Y.T. Tsai(蔡英德),
“Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms A Strategic
Approach”, McGraw-Hill, Taipei,
2005. (旗標代理)

 參考書目 (Reference Books):

1. T.H. Cormen , C.E. Leiserson, and
R. Rivest, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, MIT press, 2001. (開
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S.
Rajasekaran, “Computer
Algorithms C++”, Computer
Science press. 1997. (台北圖書代
3. Udi. Manber, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, Addison-Wesley,
R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
1. 投影片挖洞+例題講解 (課堂上課例題,請抄筆記)。
2. 隨時隨堂考。(不舉行補考)

R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Complexity of Algorithms and Lower Bounds of
Chapter 3: The Greedy Method
Chapter 4: The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
Chapter 5: Tree Searching Strategies
Chapter 6: Prune-and-Search Strategy
Chapter 7: Dynamic Programming
Chapter 8: The Theory of NP-complete
Chapter 9: Approximation Algorithms
__________________________________________________ ________
Chapter 10:Amortized analysis (Option)
Chapter 11:Randomized algorithms (Option)
Chapter 12:On-line algorithms (Option)

R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
How to solve a problem or study a new topic?


R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
Why do we need to study Algorithms ?

• To learn strategies to design efficient algorithms.

。design algorithms
。validate algorithms
。analyze algorithms
• To understand the difficulty of designing good
algorithms for some problems, namely
NP-complete problems.

R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
End of Course Introduction

R.-W. Hung 2014 Introduction to Algorithms
Chapter 1

Algorithms by R.-W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 21
Topic Overview
1.1 What is an Algorithm ?
1.2 Why should We Study Algorithms ?
1.3 Algorithm Specification
1.4 Varieties of Algorithms
1.5 Goals of Learning Algorithms
1.6 Analysis of Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.1 What is an algorithm ?
An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that, if followed,
accomplishes a particular task. In addition, all algorithms
must satisfy the following criteria:
。Input (零或多個)
。Output (至少一個)
。Definiteness (每個指令要清楚不模糊)
。Finiteness (每種情況都必須在有限步驟完成)
。Effectiveness (每個指令是基本、可執行的)
A program is the expression of an algorithm in a
programming language.
 Algorithm + Data Structure = Program
Ex 1.1
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.2 Why should we study algorithms ?
 Confused Concept:
。In general, we believe that a high speed computation needs a
very high speed computer only.
。That is not entirely true.
。A good algorithm implemented on a slow computer may
perform much better than a bad algorithm implemented on a
fast computer.
better computer

bad algm

performance comparison

good algm

Introduction to Algorithms worse computer 21 R.-W. Hung  2014
 Example: Sorting (排序)
。Problem definition:
Input: A sequence of unsorted data elements
Output:A sequence of sorted data elements in an increased manner
。Two algorithms:
Insertion sort
Quick sort

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
 Example: Sorting (Cont.)
。Insertion sort (內插法)
Examine the elements from the left to right one by one, and it
will be inserted into an appropriate place. (撲克牌排序)

。Example: S = {11, 7, 14, 1, 5, 9}

Sorted Sequence Unsorted sequence
11 7, 14, 1, 5, 9
7, 11 14, 1, 5, 9
7, 11, 14 1, 5, 9
1, 7, 11, 14 5, 9
1, 5, 7, 11, 14 9
1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 Ex 1.2
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
 Example: Sorting (Cont.)
。Quicksort (快速排序法) (Divide-and-Conquer strategy)
1. Select the first element x as a pivot (樞紐)
2. Let the elements < x be in the left set L of x
3. Let the elements > x be in the right set R of x
4. Recursively, process L and R

。Example: S = {11, 7, 14, 1, 5, 9}

7, 1, 5, 9, 11, 14
7, 1, 5, 9
1, 5, 7, 9
 In general, Quicksort is more efficient than insertion sort.
Ex 1.3
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Comparison of two algorithms implemented on two
 Compare the performance between insertion sort and QuickSort




20 Insertion
sort by
10 by PC/XT

200 600 1000 1400 1800
numer of data items
Figure 1-1
A fast computer with a poor algorithm may perform
worse than a slow computer with a good algorithm. Ex 1.4
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.3 Algorithm specification
 Description:
。Natural language (不夠精確)
。Flow chart (只能表示小程式)
。Pseudo code
。Combination of NL and PC

 Example: (Selection sort)

。From those elements that are currently unsorted, find the
smallest and place it next in the sorted lists.
。pseudo code of Selection sort:
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
examine A[i] to A[n] and suppose the smallest element is at A[j];
interchange A[i] and A[j];
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.4 Varieties of algorithms
• Sequential Algorithms (*)
。The execution of algorithm is in sequential order
• Approximation Algorithms (*)
。Does not guarantee to produce optimal solutions
• Parallel Algorithms (distributed, cluster computing, and
grid computing)
。The execution of algorithm can be in parallel
• On-Line Algorithms
。Paging problem (OS), the data arrive OS on-line (Dynamic
• Randomized Algorithms
。A randomized algorithm is to perform random choices during
the execution
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.5 Goals of learning algorithms
 4 Goals of learning algorithms
。How to design algorithms  學習各種設計演算法的技巧,
。How to validate algorithms  判斷一個演算法是否正確。
Algorithm validation, program proving, program verification.
。How to analyze algorithms 分析某個演算法所需用到的
time 與 space 的多寡,如此可比較演算法的好壞。
performance analysis
。How to test a program  debugging and profiling,測試演算

加分題#1 Ex 1.5
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1.6 Analysis of algorithms
• Measure the goodness of algorithms
。asymptotic notations, e.g., O(n2)
。worst case
。average case
• Measure the difficulty of problems
。lower bound
• Is the algorithm optimal?

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
0/1 Knapsack Problem
 Problem definition:
Input: a set of n items with that each item Pi has a value Vi
and weight Wi, and a limit M of the total weights
Output: a subset of items such that the total weight does not
exceed M and the total value is maximized
(A bag can contains weight M, select the maximum value of items to
put them into the bag s.t. the sum of their weights  M)

• Example: Input

P1 P P P4 P P P7 P8
2 3 5 6 Algorithm
Value 10 5 1 9 3 4 11 17
Weight 7 3 3 10 1 9 22 15 Output
。M (weight limit) = 14
。best solution: P1, P2, P3, P5 (optimal)
。This problem is NP-complete.
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Traveling Salesperson Problem
 Problem definition:
Input: a set of n planar points
Output: a closed tour which includes all points exactly once
such that its total length is minimized.

• This problem is NP-hard.


P1 P4 P8

P2 P5

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Partition Problem
 Problem definition:
Input: A set of positive integers S
Output: two subsets S1 and S2 of S such that S1S2 = , S1S2
= S, and  i   i
iS1 iS 2

• Example:
。S = {1, 7, 10, 9, 5, 8, 3, 13}
 S1={1, 10, 9, 8} and S2={7, 5, 3, 13}.

• This problem is NP-complete.

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Art Gallery Problem
 Problem definition:
Input: an art gallery
Output: min # of guards and their placements such that the
entire art gallery can be monitored.

• Example:

• This problem is NP-complete.

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Minimal Spanning Trees
 Spanning tree:
。Given a weighted graph G, a spanning tree T is a tree where all
vertices of G are vertices of T and if an edge of T connects vi and vj,
its weight is the weight of e(vi, vj) in G.
。A minimal spanning tree of G is a spanning tree of G whose total
weight is minimized.

 Problem definition:
Input: a weighted graph G with weights on edges
Output: a minimal spanning tree of G.

• Example:
。# of possible spanning trees for n points: nn2
。n=10 →108, n=10098 → 10196
。greedy method
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Convex Hull
 Problem definition:
Input: a set of planar points
Output: a smallest convex polygon which contains all

• Example:

。It is not obvious to find a convex hull by examining all possible

。divide-and-conquer strategy
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
1-Center Problem
 Problem definition:
Input: a set of planar points
Output: a smallest circle which contains all points.

• Example:


Ex 1.6
Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Many strategies, such as the greedy approach, the
divide-and-conquer approach and so on, will be
introduced in this course.

Many classes of problems, such as NP-complete

problems, NP-hard problems and so on, will be also
introduced in this course.

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
End of Chapter 1

Introduction to Algorithms
21 R.-W. Hung  2014
Chapter 2
The Complexity of Algorithms and
the Lower Bounds of Problems

Algorithms by R.-W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 70
Topic Overview
2.0 Performance Measurement
2.1 The Time Complexity of an Algorithm
2.2 The Best-, Average-, Worst-Case Analysis of
2.3 The Lower Bound of a Problem
2.4 The Worst-Case Lower Bound of Sorting
2.5 Heap Sort: Optimal Sorting in Worst Cases
*2.6The Average-Case Lower Bound of Sorting (option)
*2.7Improving a Lower Bound through Oracles (option)
*2.8Finding the Lower Bound by Problem Transformation
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.0 Performance Measurement
Definition (complexity)
。The space complexity of an algorithm is the amount of
memory it needs to run to completion.
。The time complexity of an algorithm is the amount of
computer (CPU) time it needs to run to completion.

。The time complexity is a more important factor in

determining the efficient of an algorithm

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Time complexity

 Notes:
。我們用 program steps 來表示一個 program 的執行時間。
每個 statement 都算一次。
• For instance: return (a + b + bc + (a+bc)/(a+b) + 4.0); 就當
作是一個 program step。
。可以在每個 statement 的地方增加一個 counter (global
• Example:

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Add counter to algorithm
float Sum(float a[ ], int n) {
float s = 0.0; s = 0.0
count++; //count is global
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
count++; j <= n

s += a[j]; s += a[j]; j++

} j = 1; j = n+1 <= n?
return s
return s;

。 Total Time = 3n+4.

Ex 2.1
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Attentions about time complexity

。Time complexity is a function of the number of input.

。Constant 都可以當作一個 step。10個加法、100個乘法都
可以當作一個 step,但 n/100 個加法就不行。
。Time complexity 有時並不容易分析、特別對於並不是每
個 input 的執行時間都一樣,因此會有所謂的 best-case、
worst-case 與 average case。其中,最常用的是 worst-case
的 time complexity。
。要精確算法 step 數有時是很困難的,而且通常不太需要
精確算出 step 步驟也可以比較兩個演算法的快慢。例如
兩個演算法的時間分別為 c1n2 + c2n 與 c3n,其中 c1, c2, c3
都是非負的整數,可知當 n 大到某個程度以上時,第二

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Measurement of the goodness of an algorithm

 Time complexity of an algorithm

。amortized analysis (分期攤還分析)

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Measurement of the difficulty of a problem
• NP-complete? (Chapter 8)
• Is the algorithm the best?
。optimal (algorithm)
• Lower bound of a problem
• Example:
。We can use the number of comparisons to measure a sorting

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.1 The Time Complexity of an Algorithm
 Asymptotic notations (漸近符號)

Definition (Big O)
。f(n) = O(g(n)) “at most”, “upper bound”
  c, n0,  |f(n)|  c|g(n)|  n  n0
 f(n) = 3n2 + 2; g(n) = n2  n0 = 2, c = 4
 f(n) = O(n2)
 f(n) = n3 + n = O(n3)
 f(n) = 3n2 + 2 = O(n3) or O(n100 )

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition ()
。f(n) = (g(n)) “at least”, “lower bound”
  c, n0,  |f(n)|  c|g(n)|  n  n0

 f(n) = 3n2 + 2 = (n2) or (n)

Definition ()
。f(n) = (g(n)) “exactly”
  c1, c2, n0  c1|g(n)|  |f(n)|  c2|g(n)|  n  n0

 f(n) = 3n2 + 2 = (n2)
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Advanced illustration on asymptotic notations

 Big “Oh” (Order)  Worst case Enumeration

。f(n) = O(g(n)) (read as “f of n is big oh of g of n” or “order of
g of n”) if and only if there exist positive constants c and n0
such that f(n)  c  g(n) for all n, n  n0
c n0
4 2 • 3n+2 = O(n) • 3n2+3 = O(n2)
4 3 • 3n+3 = O(n) • 6*2n+n2 = O(2n)
101 6 • 100n+6 = O(n) • 3n+2 ≠ O(1)
11 5
• 10n2+4n+2 = O(n2) • 10n2+4n+2 ≠ O(n)
• O(1): constant • O(n3): cubic
• O(n): linear • O(2n): exponential
• O(n2): quadratic • O(log n), O(n log n)
當 f(n) = O(g(n)) 時,表示 g(n) 是 f(n) 的一個 upper bound (上限),這個 upper bound 是愈小愈好。
因此雖然 n = O(n), n = O(n2), n = O(2n) 都成立,但是以最小的 O(n) 是最有意義的。
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Omega ()  Lower bound Enumeration
。f(n) = (g(n)) (read as “f of n is omega of g of n”) if and
only if there exist positive constants c and n0 such that f(n) 
c  g(n) for all n, n  n0

• 3n+2 = (n) • 6*2n+n2 = (2n)
• 3n+3 = (n) • 6*2n+n2 = (n)
• 100n+6 = (n) • 6*2n+n2 = (1)
• 10n2+4n+2 = (n2) • 3n+2≠ (n2)
• 3n2+3 = (n) • 10n2+4n+2 ≠ (n3)

當 f(n) = (g(n)) 時,g(n) 只能算是 f(n) 的一個 lower bound (下限),這個 lower bound 是愈大愈好。

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Theta () Optimal Enumeration
。f(n) = (g(n)) (read as “f of n is theta of g of n”) if and only
if there exist positive constants c1, c2 and n0 such that c1*g(n)
 f(n)  c2*g(n) for all n, n  n0

• Theta的符號精確性比較高,f(n) = (g(n)) 的話,代表 g(n)

是 f(n) 的 upper bound 與 lower bound。
• 3n + 2 = (n), 因為 3n+ 2  3n and 3n + 2  4n, for n  2
• f(n) = (g(n)) if and only if f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) = (g(n))

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Diagram (、O、)

A way to compare “sizes” of functions:


Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Upper Bound and Lower Bound

Definition 1: Problem Complexity (Upper Bound)

Given a problem P, the time complexity upper bound of P is
O(g(n)) if  algorithm for P whose running time is O(g(n)) .
Definition 2: Problem Complexity (Lower Bound)
Given a problem P, the time complexity lower bound of P is
(g(n)) if any algorithm for P has at least (g(n)) running

Time Complexity of P is (g(n)) if its upper bound is

O(g(n)) and its lower bound is (g(n)).
Upper Bound

Lower Bound
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Time complexity function

Time Problem size : n

function 10 102 103 104

log2n 3.3 6.6 10 13.3

n 10 102 103 104

n log2n 0.33102 0.7103 104 1.3105

n2 102 104 106 108

2n 1024 1.31030 >10100 >10100

n! 3106 >10100 >10100 >10100

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Rate of growth of common computing time functions



Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Comparison among time functions
。O(1)  O(log n)  O(n)  O(n log n)  O(n2)  O(n3)  O(2n)
 O(n!)  O(nn)

 Polynomial time algorithm

。Any algorithm with time-complexity O(p(n)), where p(n) is a
polynomial function, is a polynomial algorithm.
。On the other hand, algorithms whose time complexities
cannot be bounded by a polynomial function are exponential

Ex 2.3 Ex 2.2
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Algorithm A: O(n3), algorithm B: O(n).
。Does Algorithm B always run faster than Algorithm A?
Not necessarily.
。But, it is true when n is large enough!

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.2 The Best-, Average-, Worst-Case
Analysis of Algorithms
 Analysis of Algorithms
。Best case  easiest
。Worst case
。Average case  hardest

 Notes:
。Best Case analysis is the easiest, Worst analysis is the second
easiest, and Average Case analysis is the hardest.
。Many Open problems concerning the average case analysis.

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 The examples concerning the three cases analysis
。Straight Insertion Sort
。Binary Search
。Quick Sort
。2-D Ranking Finding* (follows Sec. 4.1)

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Example 2-1: Straight Insertion Sort

 Method: Algorithm Straight_Insertion_Sort

。 Given a sequence of Input: x1, x2, ..., xn
numbers x1, x2, ..., xn, it Output: The sorted sequence of x1,
scans these numbers from x2, ..., xn
left to right and puts xj to the Method:
(suitable) left of xj1 if xj < For j := 2 to n do
xj1. Begin
 Example: i := j1 loop
x := xj (moving)
input: 7,5,1,4,3 While (x<xi and i>0) do
7,5,1,4,3 Begin
xi+1 := xi (moving) inner
5,7,1,4,3 i := i1 loop
1,5,7,4,3 xi+1 := x (moving)
1,4,5,7,3 End

1,3,4,5,7 sorted list xj

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Inversion Table Analysis of # of Movements
。(a1, a2, ..., an) : a permutation 。M: # of data movements in
of numbers straight insertion sort

。(d1, d2, ..., dn): the inversion  inner loop
table of (a1, a2, ..., an) movements
1 5 7 4 3
。dj: the number of elements to   outer loop
the left of aj that are greater x
than aj
。d4 = 2: the number of
。Example: movements for element 4 in
 permutation (7 5 1 4 3 2 6) the inner loop
inversion table (0 1 2 2 3 4 1) 。 M   (2  d j )
 permutation (7 6 5 4 3 2 1) j 2
inversion table (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)  2(n  1)   d j .
j 2

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Analysis by Inversion Table

Best case: already sorted Average case:

。dj = 0 for 1 j  n 。 xj is being inserted into the
sorted sequence x1 x2 ... xj1
 M = 2(n  1) = O(n).
。 The probability that xj is the
Worst case: reversely sorted largest is 1/j.
。d1 = n1 • In this case, 2 data

d2 = n2 movements are needed.
。 The probability that xj is the
second largest is 1/j.
di = ni • In this case, 3 data
... movements are needed.
dn = 0 。 ...
 M   (2  d 。 # of movements for inserting xj:

j 2
2 3 j 1 j  3
n   ...   .
 2(n  1)   d j j j j 2
j 2
j  3 (n  8)( n  1)
n(n  1) M   O(n 2 ).
 2(n  1)  j 2 2 4 Ex 2.4
2 24
Introduction to Algorithms
 O (n ).2
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Example 2-2: Binary Search

 Example: Algorithm Binary_Search

Sorted sequence : (search 9) Input: A sorted elements a1, a2, …,
an and x, where a1 a2  … an.
1 4 5 7 9 10 12 15 Output: j if aj = x and 0 if no j exists
 such that aj = x.
 Method:
 1. i = 1 (the first element);
2. k = n (the last element);
3. While i  k do
j = (i+k)/2;
If x = aj then output j and
• best case: 1 step = O(1) stop;
• worst case: (log2 n+1) steps = If x < aj then k = j 1;
O(log n) else i = j +1;
• average case: O(log n) steps 4. Output (0);

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Average case analysis for binary search

k = log2n + 1
found after i steps
 2i1 nodes

n cases for successful search

n+1 cases for unsuccessful search
。 There are 2i1 elements which will cause the binary search to
terminate after i steps, for i = 1, 2, ..., logn+1.
。 Average # of comparisons done in the binary tree: (Total cases =
2n+1) 1  k 
A(n)    i  2i 1  k (n  1) , where k  log n  1.
2n  1  i 1 26 
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 Prove that  i 2  2 (k  1)  1.
i 1 k

i 1
Proof. (By1 Mathematic Induction on k)
 k = 1:  i 2  2 (1  1)  1  1.
i 1 1
 Assume that k = m, m  1, such that  i 2  2 (m  1)  1.
i 1 i 1 m

i 1
 Let k = m+1.
m 1 m
Then,  i 2   i 2i 1  [( m  1)2 m ]
i 1

i 1 i 1

 [2m (m  1)  1]  [( m  1)2 m ]
 2 m  2m  1
 2 m1  m  1.
By induction, the equation holds true.

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 Average case analysis for binary search (Cont.)

。 Hence, Average # of comparisons done in the binary tree: (Total

cases = 2n+1) is 1  k 
A(n)    i  2  k (n  1) 
i 1
2n  1  i 1 

2n  1
 
2 k (k  1)  1  k (n  1) .

。 When n is very large (n = 2k), we have

1 k
A(n)  k 1
(2 (k  1)  k 2k )
k 1 k 1
  k
2 2 2
 O(k )  O(log n).

Ex 2.5
Introduction to Algorithms
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Example 2-4: Quick Sort

 Basic Concept
。 Quick Sort is based upon the divide-and-conquer strategy (see
Chapter 4).
。 Divide a problem into two sub-problems and solves these two sub-
problems individually and independently. Then, we merge the
 Idea
。 Pick an element x as pivot. Let the elements < x be in the left set L
and the elements > x be in the right set R.
。 Apply QuickSort to solve the sorting problem on L and R,

x <x x >x

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Example: (a round)

11 5 24 2 31 7 8 26 10 15

↑ 小

11 5 10 2 31 7 8 26 24 15
↑ ↑
11 5 10 2 8 7 31 26 24 15
△ △
7 5 10 2 8 11 31 26 24 15
|← <11 →| |← > 11 →|

。Recursively apply the same procedure on L and R.

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 Best Case: O(n log n)
。A list is split into two sublists with almost equal size.

。log n rounds are needed.

。each round requires n comparisons (ignoring the element
(pivot) used to split).
。Total time T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n  T(n) = O(n log2n). How?

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Worst Case: O(n2)

。In each round, the number used to split is either the smallest
or the largest. (each round only sorts one element)
。Total time T(n) = (n1) + (n2) + ... + 2 + 1 = n(n1)/2 =
T(n) cn
T(1) T ( n -2) c ( n- 2)

T(1) T ( n -4) c ( n- 4)

T(2) +) c2
T(1) T(1) O ( n 2)

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 Average Case: O(n log n)

。Let the list be split in one round as follows:

s ns
include the splitter (pivot)

。The average running time is (consider all cases: 1  s  n)

T(n): 輸入n項資料的處
T (n)  Avg(T ( s )  T (n  s ))  cn 理時間
1 s  n

1 n
  (T ( s )  T (n  s ))  cn
n s 1
 (T (1)  T (n  1)  T (2)  T (n  2)  ...  T (n)  T (0))  cn, where T (0)  0
 (2T (1)  2T (2)  ...  2T (n  1)  T (n))  cn.

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 Average Case: (Cont.)
T (n)  (2T (1)  2T (2)  ...  2T (n  1)  T (n))  cn
 nT (n)  2T (1)  2T (2)  ...  2T (n  1)  T (n)  cn 2
 (n  1)T (n)  2T (1)  2T (2)  ...  2T (n  1)  cn 2 ..............Eq. (1)

。Substituting n = n  1 into Eq. (1), we get

(n  2)T (n  1)  2T (1)  2T (2)  ...  2T (n  2)  c(n  1) 2 ..............Eq. (2)

。Eq. (1)  Eq. (2):

(n  1)T (n)  (n  2)T (n  1)  2T (n  1)  c(2n  1)
 (n  1)T (n)  nT (n  1)  c(2n  1)
T (n) T (n  1)  1 1 
   c  .
n n 1  n n 1 

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 Average Case: (Cont.)
。Recursively, T (n) T (n  1)  1 1 
  c  
n n 1  n n 1 
T (n  1) T (n  2)  1 1 
  c  
n 1 n2  n 1 n  2 
T (n  2) T (n  3)  1 1 
  c  
n2 n3  n  2 n 3

T (2) T (1)  1 1 
  c  
2 1  2 1

T ( n)  1 1 1  1 1 
。We then have  c   ...    c   ...  1
n  n n 1 2   n 1 n  2 
 c( H n  1)  cH n 1
 1   n  1
 c 2 H n   1  c 2 H n  .
 n   n 
Introduction to Algorithms
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 Average Case: (Cont.)
。Harmonic number (調和數) [Knuth 1986]
H n  1  12  13  ...  1n
 ln n  γ  21n  121n  1201n  ε, where 0  ε  2521n and γ  0.5772156649....
2 4 6

 H n  O(log n).

。Finally, we have
T ( n)  n  1
 c 2 H n  
n  n 
 T (n)  2cnH n  c(n  1)  O(n log n)  1.40n log n.

 This is the best among all sorting algorithms until now.

 QuickSort is the fastest in practice for random inputs. That is,
QuickSort is the best sorting algorithm until now if the input is not

Ex 2.6
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.3 The Lower Bound of a Problem
 What ?
。How do we measure the difficulty of a problem?

Definition (lower bound)

A lower bound of a problem is the least time complexity
required for any algorithm which can be used to solve this

• Use the  notation to describe the lower bound.
• The lower bound for a problem is not unique.
• (1), (n), (n log n) are all lower bounds for sorting. ((1),
(n) are trivial)
• Each higher lower bound is found by theoretical analysis, not
by pure guessing.
Introduction to Algorithms
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 Categories of Lower bound
。Worst-case lower bound
▫ the worst-case time complexity is used, the lower bound is
called the worst-case lower bound.
。Average-case lower bound
▫ the average-case time complexity is used, the lower bound is
called the average-case lower bound.

The lower bound mentioned in this course is the worst-case

lower bound.
The lower bound that is higher is better.

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 Explanation on lower bound

Assume that there is a problem P whose highest lower bound

is found to be (n log n). And the time-complexity of the
best available algorithm to solve P is O(n2).
▫ We may try to find a higher lower bound.
▫ We may try to find a better algorithm.
▫ Both of the lower bound and the algorithm may be improved.
Assume that there is a problem P whose highest lower bound
is found to be (n log n). And there is an algorithm with
time complexity O(n log n) for solving P.
▫ The algorithm whose time is O(n log n) is the optimal.
▫ The lower bound as well as the algorithm can not be improved
An algorithm is optimal if its time complexity equals the lower bound of problem it solved.

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Summary of lower bounds

一個問題的lower bound是解決此問題的最少Time
lower bound越高越好.
假使問題P的lower bound低於解決P的最佳Algorithm A, 則
lower bound可能被改進 or 解決P的Algorithm A可能更好.
假使問題P的lower bound等於解決P的最佳Algorithm OPT,
則lower bound與OPT均不能被改進, 而Algorithm OPT稱為

Ex 2.7
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.4 The Worst-Case Lower Bound of Sorting
 Permutation for data elements
。6 permutations for 3 data elements a1, a2, a3
a1 a2 a3
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 1 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
3 2 1

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Straight Insertion Sort:

。input data: (2, 3, 1) = (a1, a2, a3)

a1 : a2  Since a1 < a2, no exchange of data elements occurs.
a2 : a3  a2  a3
a1 : a2  a1  a2

。input data: (2, 1, 3) = (a1, a2, a3)

a1 : a2  a1  a2
a2 : a3  Since a2 < a3, no exchange of data elements occurs.

 Any sorting algorithm whose basic operation is a compare and

exchange operation can be described by a binary decision tree.

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Decision Tree for Straight Insertion Sort:
a1  a2

a2  a3

a1  a2
a1  a2 sequence

a2  a3

Figure 2-6: Straight insertion sort with 3 elements by a tree

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Decision Tree: (or called “Comparison Tree”)
。 Each node in the tree represents a comparison between two
。 Since there are n! permutations, there are at least n! leaves
。 Example: Decision Tree for Bubble Sort

If we sort a list in a
a1  a2 increasing manner,
then exchange (ai, aj)
when ai > aj.
a2  a3

a1  a2

Figure 2-7: The binary decision tree describing the bubble sort
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Lower Bound of Sorting

 Lower Bound of Sorting

。To find the lower bound of sorting, we have to find the
smallest depth of a binary tree.
。n! distinct permutations  n! leaf nodes in the binary
decision tree.
。balanced tree has the smallest depth:
log(n!) = (n log n) (?  next two slides)
lower bound for sorting: (n log n)

 smallest depth = log(3!) = 3

n = 3  3! nodes

Introduction to Algorithms
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Approximating log n!

 Method 1:
log n! log(n(n  1)...(2)(1))
 log n  log(n  1)  ...  log 2  log1
  log i
i 1

 (2  1) log 2  (3  2) log 3  ...  (n  n  1) log n

 1 log xdx

 log e 1 log e xdx  ... n log n  n log e  1.44


 n log n  1.44n  (n log n).

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 Method 2: (Stirling approximation)
。When n is very large, we have from calculus formula that
n! S n  2πn   , where S n is called the Stirling approximation.
。Then, n
log n! log( 2πn   )
1 n
 log 2 π  log n  n log
2 e
 n log n  1.44n  (n log n).
n n! Sn
1 1 0.922
2 2 1.919
3 6 5.825
4 24 23.447
5 120 118.02
6 720 707.39
10 3,628,800 3,598,600
20 2.433x1018 2.423x1018
47 100 9.333x10157 9.328x10157
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Theorem 2.1
Any comparison-based sorting algorithm must at least log(n!)
Thus, the lower bound of any comparison-based sorting
algorithm is (n log n).

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
2.5 Heap Sort: Optimal Sorting in Worst Cases
 Heap
A heap (堆積) is a binary tree satisfying the following conditions:
。 it is complete balanced
。 if its height is h, then leaves can be at level h or h 1
。 All leaves at level h are as far to the left as possible
。 parent  children
The maximum

Figure 2-11 A heap 49

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Output the maximum and then restoration
。If we output the maximum (root) of a heap, then the
remainder is not a heap.
。In this case, we should make it be a heap as follows: (restore)
• let A[n] be the root;
• compare the root with its children and if it is smaller then swap
them (recursively).

Figure 2-12 The restoration of a heap

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Heap Sort
1) Construction of the heap
2) Output the maximum and restore the heap (recursively)

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Phase 1: Construction of a heap
。Input data: 4, 37, 26, 15, 48 (put them in a balanced tree

。restore A(n/2) to A(1):

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Phase 2: Output the maximum and restore the heap

Introduction to Algorithms
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Implementation of heap sort

 Using a linear array, not a binary tree.

。The children of A(h) are A(2h) and A(2h+1).

 Time complexity: O(n logn)

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Time complexity of heap sort

 Phase 1: Construction of a heap

。The depth d of a completely balanced binary tree is log n.
。For each internal node, two comparisons are needed.
Rough 。Considering the nodes in level L, 2(d  L) comparisons are needed.
(Ex 2.8) and there are at most 2L nodes in level L.
# of comparisons is at most: d
d 1 d 1 d 1
L L 1
 2(d  L)2  2d  2  4  L 2 d-L
L 0 L 0 L 0

 2d (2 d  1)  4(2 d 1 (d  1  1)  1)
[  L 2 L 1  2 k (k  1)  1......See Slide 27]
L 0
 ...
 cn  2 log n   4, where 2  c  4
 O(n).
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 Phase 2: Output the maximum and restore the heap
。After deleting one node of the heap, 2log i comparisons are
needed to restore the heap if i elements remains.

i nodes
log i

# of comparisons needed to delete all nodes is:
n 1
2  log i   2(log 1  log 2    log n  1)
i 1

 2(log 1 2  3  (n  1))
 2log(n!)  O(n log n).
 2n log n   4cn  4, where 2  c  4
 O(n log n).
Heap sort is optimal for sorting in worst case.
Ex 2.8
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
*2.6 The Average-Case Lower Bound of Sorting

 Average-case lower bound of sorting

。The analysis is based on binary decision trees

 The average time complexity of a sorting algorithm:

The external path length of the binary tre e

, where the external path length of a tree is the sum of the lengths
of paths from root to each of the leaf nodes.

。 The external path length is minimized if the tree is balanced.

(All leaf nodes on level d or level d1)

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
external path length = 43+1 = 13

An unbalanced binary tree can be modified

so that its external path length is minimized

external path length = 23+32 = 12

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
Compute the minimum external path length

 Balanced binary tree

。Depth of balanced binary tree with c leaf nodes:
d = log c
• Leaf nodes can appear only on level d or d1.
。x1 leaf nodes on level d1; x2 leaf nodes on level d
(For simplicity, assume x1 is even)
 x1  x2  c

 x2 d 1
 x1   2 , since each two nodes on level d there is one parent on level d  1
Solving the above equations, we get
 x1  2 d  c

 x2  2(c  2 d 1 ).

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
。External path length:
M  x1 ( d  1)  x2 d
 ( 2 d  c)(d  1)  2(c  2 d 1 )d
 cd  c  2 d , d  log c 
 c log c   c  2 log c .

。c = n!
M  n! log n!  n!2 log n!.
Then, the average-case time complexity is therefore
M n! log n!  n!2 logn!

n! n!
 log n!  1  1
 (n log n).

 Average-case lower bound of sorting: (n log n)

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70 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Quick Sort
。Quick sort is optimal for sorting in the average case.
(O(n log n) in average)

 Heap Sort
。Worst case time complexity of heap sort is O(n log n).
。Average case time complexity of heap sort is O(n log n).
。Average case lower bound of sorting: (n log n).
。Worst case lower bound of sorting: (n log n).
 Heap sort is optimal in the average case and worst case.

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*2.7 Improving a Lower Bound through Oracles

 Problem P: merging two sorted sequences A and B with

lengths m and n.

Conventional 2-way merging:

。 Compare the top elements of two sorted lists and output the smaller
one (the two sorted lists are in increasing manner)
2 3 5 6
1 4 7 8
。 Complexity: at most m + n  1 comparisons

Introduction to Algorithms
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(1) Binary decision tree:
m  n
。There are   ways to merge list A into list B!
 n 

m  n
   leaf nodes in the decision tree.
 n 

 The lower bound for merging:

  m  n 
log    m  n  1 (conventional merging )
  n 
。We have never found any merging algorithm achieves this
lower bound.

Introduction to Algorithms
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。When m = n  m  n (2m)!
log   log  log(2m)!2 log(m!)
 n  ( m!) 2

 Using Stirling approximation, we get

n! 2 πn   .
m  n
 Then, log   log(2m)!2 log(m!)
 n 
 (log 2 π  log 2m  2m log )
 2(log 2 π  log m  m log )
 2m  log m  O(1)  2m  1.
。Optimal algorithm: conventional merging needs 2m  1
comparisons (How to prove this ? use oracle)
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
(2) Oracle:
。When m = n, we will increase the lower bound of merging as
m+n1 = 2m1 by the oracle approach.
。The oracle tries its best to cause the algorithm to work as
hard as it might (to give a very hard data set).
。Two sorted sequences:
A: a1 < a2 < ... < am
B: b1 < b2 < ... < bm

 The very hard case: a1 < b1 < a2 < b2 < ... < am < bm

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
(2) Oracle: (Cont.)
。We must compare:
a1 : b1
b1 : a2
a2 : b2
bm1 : am1
am : bm
Otherwise, we may get a wrong result for some input data.
e.g. If b1 and a2 are not compared, we can not distinguish
a1 < b1 < a2 < b2 < ... < am < bm and Which one of b1 or a2
will be put next to a1?
a1 < a2 < b1 < b2 < ... < am < bm
。Thus, at least 2m1 comparisons are required.
 The conventional merging algorithm is optimal for m = n.
Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
*2.8 Finding the Lower Bound by Problem
 Problem A reduces to problem B (denoted by A  B)
。 iff A can be solved by using any algorithm which solves B.
。 If A  B, then B is more difficult than A.
。 Diagram:
instance transformation instance of B
of A T(tr1)
T(A) T(B) solver of B
answer transformation
of A T(tr2) answer of B
(1) T(tr1) + T(tr2) < T(B)
(2) T(A)  T(tr1) + T(tr2) + T(B)  O(T(B))

Introduction to Algorithms
70 R.-W. Hung 2014
The lower bound of the Convex Hull problem

 Sorting (A)  Convex hull (B)

 For an instance (x1, x2, ..., xn) of A, construct an instance of B: n
points (x1, x12), (x2, x22), ..., (xn, xn2).
 A convex hull implies a sorted list.

。Lower bound of B
 Time of solving A
= Time of solving B + transform-time
 lower bound of B Figure 2-17
= lower bound of A  transform-time
∵The lower bound of Sorting = (n logn)
∴The lower bound of Convex hull
= (n logn)  (n) = (n logn)
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2.9 Exercises (練習題)
1. (a) Describe an O(n log n)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n
integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist
two elements in S whose sum is exactly x. (b) Please give an example
to illustrate your algorithm.
2. Is 2n+1 = O(2n)? Is 22n = O(2n)?
3. What are the minimum and maximum numbers of elements in a heap
of height h?
4. Show that an n-element heap has height log n?
5. Show that quicksort’s best-case running time is (n log n).

加分題#3 加分題#4
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End of Chapter 2

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Chapter 3
The Greedy Method

Algorithms by R.W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 63
Topic Overview
3.0 The Greedy Method
3.1 Kruskal’s Method for Minimal Spanning Trees
3.2 Prim’s Method for Minimal Spanning Trees
3.3 The Single-Source Shortest Path Problem
3.4 The 2-Way Merging Problem
*3.5The Minimal Cycle Basis Problem
*3.6The 2-Terminal One to Any Special Channel Routing
3.7 Fraction Knapsack Problem
Introduction to Algorithms
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3.0 The Greedy Method
 What ?
。Suppose that a problem can be solved by a sequence of
decisions. The greedy method has that each decision is
locally optimal. These locally optimal solutions will finally
add up to a globally optimal solution.
 How?
。Step by step to construct a “ feasible ” solution.
。At each step, “ select ” the best feasible candidate.
 Notes:
。Useful to construct heuristic or approximation algorithms.
。Only a few optimization problems can be solved by the
greedy method. heuristic源自希腊语 heuriskein(發現),中文意
思是“啟發式的” 。
heuristic algorithm通常找到的答案都非最佳的
(optimal) 。
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Algorithm Greedy(A, n)
// A : a set of n input data items
// S : is the solution Select是根據順序
找出下個元素 x
S ← ;
for i:=1 to n do
x ← select the “best” candidate(候選人) in the set A;
if (S  {x}) is feasible
then S ← S  {x} ;
A ← A –{x};
如果將 x 加進來還是
end for feasible solution 的話,就
end Greedy
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 A Simple Example
Problem: Given a set A of n numbers, we are asked to pick
out k numbers such that the sum of these k numbers is the
largest among all possible ways of picking out these k
Greedy Algorithm:
for i = 1 to k
compare with select the largest number of A and delete it from A.
the sorted

Example: A = {7, 5, 3, 9, 10, 8} and k = 3.

1. S = {10}; A = {7, 5, 3, 9, 8}
2. S = {10, 9}; A = {7, 5, 3, 8}
3. S = {10, 9, 8}; A = {7, 5, 3}  S will be the solution.
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 Shortest path on a special graph
。Problem: Find a shortest path from v0 to v3 in the following
。The greedy method can solve this problem.
At each stage, the shortest edge is selected.
。The shortest path: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7.

Figure 3-1
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 Shortest path on a multi-stage graph
。Problem: Find a shortest path from v0 to v3 in the following
multi-stage graph.

Figure 3-2

。Greedy method: v0v1,2v2,1v3 = 23

。Optimal: v0v1,1v2,2v3 = 7
The general greedy method does not work.
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 Shortest path on a multi-stage graph (Cont.)
。Solution of the above problem (使用Dijkstra's algm或動態規劃)
• dmin(i, j): minimum distance between i and j.
 3  d min ( v1,1 , v3 )
1  d ( v , v )

d min ( v 0 , v3 )  min 
min 1, 2 3

5  d min ( v1, 3 , v3 )
7  d min ( v1, 4 , v3 )

• This problem can be solved by the dynamic programming

method which will be introduced in Chapter 7.

Introduction to Algorithms Figure 3-2 R.-W. Hung 2014
Illustrations on Greedy Method

 Remarks
。Greedy method 大部份都是找 optimal solution 。
。n 個 data items,找出一些 feasible solution,再從這些
feasible solution 中根據某個 objective function 找出
maximum 或 minimum 的解。
。Greedy method 最大的特色就是根據某個順序每次考慮一
個 input 資料,在增加這個 input 資料之前已經有一個原
先的最佳解,增加新的 input 資料後如果不是最佳解的話,
這個 input 資料就不放入目前的最佳解中。
佳解的部份。(Not look ahead)
。Greedy method 不見得可用於任何問題, 但它是一種解決
Ex 3.2 Ex 3.1
Introduction to Algorithms
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3.1 Kruskal’s Method for Minimal Spanning
Definition (Spanning Tree)
。Given a weighted connected undirected graph G = (V, E)
with weights on edges, a spanning tree of G is an undirected
tree T = (V, E’) with that E’  E. That is, T covers all vertices
of G.

Definition (Minimum Spanning Tree _ MST)

。Given a weighted graph G = (V, E), construct a spanning tree
(V, E’) of G such that E’ has minimum weight among all
spanning tree of G.

。Note: It may be defined on Euclidean space points. (see Slide

Ch1 p. 17)

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 Example:
。A weighted graph G v.s. A spanning tree of G

a 5 b a 5 b
4 4
4 6 6

c 2 d c d

。A spanning tree of G is a tree such that it covers all vertices

of G.
。A MST T is a spanning tree of G such that the sum of weights
on T is minimum among all spanning trees of G.

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 Two famous algorithms for MST problem:
Kruskal’s algorithm: O(|E| log|E|)
Prim’s algorithm: O(|E|+|V|log|V|)
Both are greedy algorithms.

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Kruskal’s Algorithm

 Based upon edges of graphs

 Algorithm Kruskal
Input: A weighted, connected and undirected graph G = (V, E).
Output: A minimum spanning tree T for G.
1. T = ;
2. Sort the edges of G in a non-decreasing manner;
3. While T contains less than n1 edges do // n = |V| Selection
(3.1) Choose an edge (u, v) from E of the smallest weight;
(3.2) If (the adding of (u, v) to T does not form a cycle in T)
then Add (u, v) to T;
(3.3) Delete edge (u, v) from E;

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 Example 1:
a 5 b a 5 b
4 4
3 3
4 6 4 6

c 2 d c 2 d

a 5 b a 5 b
4 4
3 3
4 6 4 6

c 2 d c 2 d

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 Example 2:

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 The details for constructing MST
。How do we check if a cycle is formed when a new edge is
• By the SET and UNION method.
• A tree in the forest is used to represent a SET
• If (u, v)  E and u, v are in the same set, then the addition of (u,
v) will form a cycle
• If (u, v)  E and u  S1 , v  S2 , then perform UNION of S1
and S2.
 Each operation runs in amortized time O(1).

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 The details for constructing MST (Cont.)
。How do we check if a cycle is formed when a new edge is
added? (Cont.)
• Union and Find Operations

S1 S2
Find(3)=S1 =
Figure 3-9: A spanning forest
• If (3, 4) is added, since 3 and 4 belong to the same set, a cycle
will be formed.
• If (4, 5) is added, since 4 and 5 belong to different sets, a new
Find(4)=S1 
Find(5)=S2 forest (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) is created.
 Thus we are always performing the union of two sets.
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Time Complexity of Kruskal’s Algorithm

 Time complexity analysis

。Sort the weights of edges of G : O(|E| log|E|)
。Union two disjoint trees (sets): |V|1 times (union operation)
。Find an element in a set (Check whether an edge can be
added or not ): 2|E| times (find operation)
• (To understand the above two operations, see Section 10-6 or
[CLR90] T. Cormen , C.Leiserson and R. Rivest, “Introduction
to Algorithms”, MIT press 1990.)
• Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Dinesh P. Mehta,
“Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press,
2008. (第5.10節-Representation of Disjoint Sets.)
。The totally running time = O(|E|log|E|) = O(n2 log n),
where n = O(|V|).

Ex 3.3
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Correctness of Kruskal’s Algorithm

 The Correctness of Kruskal’s Algorithm

。How to prove the solution of Kruskal’s algorithm is optimal
• Let e1, e2, ... , em be the set of edges such that w(e1) < w(e2) < ...
< w(em) where w(ei) is the weight of edge ei, and m = |E|.
• Let T be a spanning tree produced by Kruskal’s algorithm and
let T’ be the minimum spanning tree of G.
• We shall prove that T = T’ by contradiction. First, assume that T
 T’.
• 假設T內有一最小weight的edge ei滿足ei T’但ei  T.
• 因為ekT’ and ekT, for 1 k  i1, 所以當加入ei時, T’形成
一cycle, 故T’非spanning tree. 一個矛盾產生. 故T = T’.

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3.2 Prim’s Method for Minimal Spanning
 Based upon vertices of graphs
 Algorithm Prim
Input: A weighted, connected and undirected graph G = (V, E).
Output: A minimum spanning tree T for G.
1. Let x be any vertex of G; T = {x} and Y = V  {x};
2. While Y is not empty do
(2.1) Choose an edge (u, v) from E such that u  T, v  Y
and (u, v) is the smallest weight among edges between T
and Y;
(2.2) Connect u to v;
(2.3) T =T+{(u, v)}; Y = Y  {v}; u v

20 T Y
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 Example 1:
a 5 b a 5 b
4 4
3 3
4 6 4 6

c 2 d c 2 d

a 5 b a 5 b
4 4
3 3
4 6 4 6

c 2 d c 2 d
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 Example 2:

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Time Complexity of Prim’s Algorithm

 Time complexity analysis

。Each time, we check whether a vertex v in Y can be added to
T. That is O(|V|) time.
。we must repeat the checking process at |V| times.
。The totally running time = O(|V|2) = O(n2), where n = O(|V|).

 Correctness of Prime’s Algorithm

。Please show that the solution obtained by Prim’s Algorithm
is the optimal.

Ex 3.4
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3.3 The Single-Source Shortest Path Problem
Definition (SSSP Problem)
。Given a directed (or undirected) graph G = (V, E) with non-
negative weights on edges and a vertex x in V, find all of the
shortest paths from x.

Example 1: Given a graph in the following graph and x = v0,

find all shortest paths from v0.
v0 v2
30 v0 v1 : 10
10 v0 v2 : 10+15
15 10 v4
10 v0 v3 : 10+20
v1 v3 v0 v4 : 25+4
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 Example 2: Shortest paths from v0 to all destinations

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Dijkstra’s Algorithm

 Method
。Construct a set S  V such that the shortest path from v0 to
each vertex  S lies wholly in S.
 Algorithm Dijkstra
Input: A weighted connected graph G = (V, E) and v0.
Output: The shortest paths from v0 to all other vertices in G.
S = {v0};
for i = 1 to n do /*|V|=n+1*/
if (v0, vi)  E then L(vi) = cost(v0, vi) else L(vi) = ;
for i = 1 to n do
choose u from VS such that L(u) is the smallest;
Greedy步驟 S = S  {u}; /*put u into S*/
for all w in VS do
L(w) = min{L(w), L(u)+cost(u, w)};
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 Illustration on Dijkstra’s Algorithm
v0 30 v2
29 u
v1 3 v3 v0 w

Figure 3-17: Two vertex sets S and V  S S VS

v0 30 v2 L(w) = min{L(w), L(u)+cost(u, w)}
L(u)+cost(u, w)}: the length of shortest path
v1 3 v3 from v0 through u to w

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 Example 1: Shortest paths from v0 to all destinations
v0 30 v2
。 S: 包含已計算完成的所有v0到x的 4
shortest path的頂點x的集合 10 15 10 v4
。 L(vi): 記錄目前v0到vi的shortest path的length 20
v1 v3

。 Initially, S = {v0} and vi L(vi)

。 Greedy loop v1 10

 L(v1) = 10 is the smallest v2 30  25

S = S {v1} = {v0, v1} v3   30  30  30

Update L(vi) where vi V  S v4   29

L(v2) = min{L(v2), L(v1)+cost(v1, v2)} = min{30, 10+15} = 25

 L(v2) = 25 is the smallest; S = S {v2} = {v0, v1 , v2}
Update L(vi)
 L(v4) = 29 is the smallest; S = S {v4} = {v0, v1 , v2 , v4}
Update L(vi)
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 Example 2: Shortest paths from v0 to all destinations

Vertex Shortest distance to v0 (length)

v1 v0v1 (1)
v2 v0v1v2 (1 + 3 = 4)
v3 v0v1v3 (1 + 4 = 5)
v4 v0v1v2v4 (1 + 3 + 2 = 6)
v5 v0v1v3v5 (1 + 4 + 3 = 8)

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Time Complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

 Time complexity = O(|E|)

。Due to the repeated operations to calculate L(w).
。The lower bound to solve the single source shortest path
problem is (|E|).
Dijkstra’s algorithm is optimal. (Why?)

Please solve the all pairs shortest path problem.

Ex 3.5
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3.4 The 2-Way Merging Problem
Definition (2-Way Merging Problem)
。Merge k sorted lists into a sorted list. (k  2)

 Merge 2 sorted lists into a sorted list

Linear Merge Algorithm
Input: Two sorted lists, L1 = ( a1 , a2 , ... , an1) and L2 = (b1 , b2 , ... , bn2).
Output: A sorted list consisting of elements in L1 and L2 .
i : = 1; ai
j : = 1;
compare ai and bj ;
if ai > bj then output bj and j : = j + 1;
else output ai and i : = i + 1;
while (i  n1 and j  n2);
if i > n1 then output bj , bj+1 , ... , bn2;
else output ai , ai+1 , ... , an1;
End. 31
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 Example: Merge 2 sorted lists into a sorted list with lengths m
and n
。L1 = 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and L2 = 4, 6, 12, 23, 56
。L = 1, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 23, 56
。Total time = m + n 1 comparisons

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 How to solve the 2-way merge problem?
。If more than two sorted lists are to be merged, we can still
apply the linear merge algorithm, which merges two sorted
lists, repeatedly.
。These merging processes are called 2-way merge because
each merging step only merges two sorted lists.
。merge k sorted lists into one sorted list: Let (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5)
= (20, 5, 8, 7, 4)
• Merge L1 and L2 into Z1: 20+5=25
• Merge Z1 and L3 into Z2: 25+8=33
• Merge Z2 and L4 into Z3: 33+7=40
• Merge Z3 and L5 into Z4: 40+4=44
Total = 25+33+40+44 = 142 comparisons

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 2-way merge tree
。The merging pattern can be represented as a binary tree:

44 Z4
40 Z
3 L5

33 Z L4 4 24 Z3 L1
25 Z L3 9 Z 15 Z2

L1 L2 L5 L2 L3 L4
20 5 4 5 8 7
Comparisons = 25+33+40+44=142 Comparisons = 9+15+24+44=92
Introduction to Algorithms
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Optimal 2-Way Merge Tree

 Algorithm 2-way-merge
Input: k sorted lists
Output: an optimal 2-way merge tree
Step 1: Generate k trees, each tree has a node with weight ni (the
length of the list);
Step 2: Choose two trees T1 and T2 with minimum weights;
Step 3: Create a new tree T whose root has T1 and T2 as its subtree,
and the weight of T is the sum of weights of T1 and T2;
Step 4: Replace T1 and T2 by T;
Step 5: If there is only one tree left then stop; else goto Step 2.

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 Example: Input 6 sorted lists with lengths 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.

Step 1. 2 3 5 7 11 13
Step 2 5 10
Step 5. 2 3 5 7 11 13 5 5 7 11 13
41 2 3

17 24
10 7 11 13 10 7 11 13
5 5 5 5
2 3
2 3
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Time Complexity of 2-Way Merge Algorithm

 Time complexity
。Time complexity for generating an optimal 2-way merge tree:
O(n log n)
。n is the number of merged lists

Ex 3.6
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Huffman codes

 Huffman code
。In telecommunication, how do we represent a set of messages,
each with an access frequency, by a sequence of 0’s and 1’s?
。To minimize the transmission and decoding costs, we may
use short strings to represent more frequently used messages.
。This problem can by solved by using the 2-way merge

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 Example:
。Symbols: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
freq. : 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 15, 18
。Huffman tree:
。Huffman codes:
A: 10100 B: 10101 C: 1011 E F G
D: 100 E: 00 F: 01
G: 11 D

Figure 3-22: A Huffman code Tree
Ex 3.7
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*3.5 The Minimal Cycle Basis Problem
Definition: Cycle operation  (ring sum, exclusive-or)
。For two cycle C1 and C2, the ring sum operation on them,
denoted by C = C1C2, is defined as: C = (C1C2)(C1C2).
。That operation is used to combine two cycles into another

 Example: 3 cycles C1 = {ab, bc, ca}, C2 = {ac, cd, da}, C3 = {ab,

bc, cd, da} (The number of total cycles is 3)
。C3 = C1  C2
。C2 = C1  C3
。C1 = C2  C3

Figure 3-23: A graph consisting of cycles

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Definition (cycle basis)
。A cycle basis of a graph is a set of cycles such that every
cycle in the graph can be generated by applying  on some
cycles of this basis.

Definition (The weighted cycle basis problem)

。Given an undirected graph, find a minimal cycle basis of this
graph. (the weight of the cycle basis is the minimum)

 Cycle basis: {C1, C2} or {C1, C3} or {C2, C3}
 The minimum cycle basis: {C1, C2}, weight = 30
C1 C2

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 A greedy algorithm for finding a minimal cycle
Step 1: Determine the size of the minimal cycle basis, denoted
as k.
Step 2: Find all of the cycles. Sort all cycles by weights.
Step 3: Add cycles to the cycle basis one by one.
Check if the added cycle is a combination of some cycles
already existing in the basis. If yes, delete this cycle.
Step 4: Stop if the cycle basis has k cycles.

Introduction to Algorithms
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Detailed Steps for the Minimal Cycle Basis Problem

 Step 1 :
。A cycle basis corresponds to the fundamental set of cycles
with respect to a spanning tree.

a fundamental set of
a graph a spanning tree cycles

# of cycles in a
cycle basis:
= |E|  (|V|1)
= |E||V|+1

Introduction to Algorithms
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 Step 2 :
。Find all of the cycles. Sort all cycles by weights.
How to find all cycles in a graph?
[Reingold, Nievergelt and Deo 1977]
How many cycles are there in a graph in the worst case?
In a complete digraph of n vertices and n(n1) edges:

i 2
(i  1)! (n  1)!

Two edges form a cycle

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 Step 3 :
。Add cycles to the cycle basis one by one.
How to check if a cycle is a linear combination of some
Using Gaussian elimination (see Linear Algebra)

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 Step 3 : (Gaussian elimination)
 2 cycles C1 and C2 are represented by
a 0/1 matrix
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
C1  1 1 1 
C2  1 1 1
Add C3
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
C1  1 1 1  C1  1 1 1 
C2  1 1 1 C2  1 1 1
   
C3  1 1 1 C3  1 1 1 1
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Exclusive-or operation on rows 1 and 3
C1  1 1 1  Exclusive-or operation on rows 2 and 3
C2  1 1 1 Thus, C3 is a linear combination of C1
 
C3   and C2
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A polynomial time algorithm to find the minimal cycle
 Algorithm
Step 1: Find all pairs shortest paths.
Step 2: For each vertex v  V and for each edge (x, y)  E, the
cycle consists of shortest path (v, x), edge (x, y) and shortest
path (y, v) is a candidate. Compute the weight of each
candidate. x

Step 3: Sort all candidate cycles. (by weight) v

Step 4: Add the candidate cycles to the minimal cycle basis one
by one.

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 Time complexity = O(n7)
。|V| = n, |E| = m (m = O(n2) in the worst case).
。Step 1: O(n3)
n  Dijkstra’s algorithm (=O(n2))
Floyd algorithm O(n3)
。Step 2: O(mn2), find mn cycles and their weights
。Step 3: O(mn log(mn))  sorting mn cycles
。Step 4: O(msmn), s = mn+1 (the size of basis) = O(m3n)

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*3.6 The 2-Terminal One to Any Special
Channel Routing Problem
Definition: (track)
。Given two sets of terminals on the upper and lower rows,
respectively, each marked upper row terminal must be
connected to a marked lower row terminal in a one-to-one
fashion. It is required that no two lines can intersect. That is,
all the lines are either vertical or horizontal. Each horizontal
line corresponds to a track.

Definition: (2-terminal one to any channel routing

。Given two sets of terminals on the upper and lower rows,
respectively, 2-terminal one to any channel routing
problem is to find a connection such that the number of
tracks used is minimized.
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 Example: (Two feasible solutions for the problem instance)


Figure 3-29: Two feasible solutions for the problem instance in Figure 3-28
Introduction to Algorithms
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Definition: (density)
。Redraw the solution of 2-terminal one to any channel routing
problem by connecting upper terminals to lower terminals
directly. Then, we use a vertical scan line to scan these
connection lines. The density of the solution is the maximum
number of connection lines the scan line intersects.

Definition: (2-terminal one to any special channel

routing problem)
。Given two sets of terminals on the upper and lower rows,
respectively, 2-terminal one to any special channel routing
problem is to find a connection such that the density is

Introduction to Algorithms
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(a) Optimal solution


(b) Another solution


Figure 3-30: The redrawn for Figure 3-29

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 Why ?
。Why do we solve the 2-terminal one to any special channel
routing problem instead of 2-terminal one to any channel
routing problem?
。It is simple.
。The density is a lower bound of the number of tracks.
 Assumption
。Upper row terminals: P1, P2, ..., Pn from left to right.
。Lower row terminals: Q1, Q2, ..., Qm from left to right with
It would never have a crossing connection:

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63 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Algorithm 2T1-A-Special
Input: Upper row terminals, Lower row terminals, and
minimum density d (finding d is not the topic in this chapter)
Output: A connection with density d
Step 1 : P1 is connected to Q1.
Step 2 : After Pi is connected to Qj, we check whether Pi+1 can
be connected to Qj+1. If the density is increased to d+1, try to
connect Pi+1 to Qj+2.
Step 3 : Repeat Step 2 until all Pj’s are connected.

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Figure 3-31: The problem instance in Figure 3-28 solved by the greedy algorithm
, where d=1 is first discovered

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3.7 Fraction Knapsack Problem
Definition: (Fraction Knapsack Problem)
。n objects, each with a weight wi > 0 and a profit pi > 0
。capacity of a knapsack: M
。The fraction knapsack problem is to
maximize  pi xi
1 i  n

subject to w x
1i  n
i i  M , where 0  xi  1 and 1  i  n.

 Example: 若有 3 個東西,knapsack 的重量限制是 20,(p1, p2,

p3) = (25, 24, 15) 而 (w1, w2, w3) = (18, 15, 10).
 4 feasible solutions: (x1, x2, x3) Σwixi Σpixi
1. (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) 16.5 24.25
2. (1, 2/15, 0) 20 28.2
3. (0, 2/3, 1) 20 31
4. (0, 1, 1/2) 20 31.5
Introduction to Algorithms
63 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (p1, p2, p3) = (25, 24, 15), (w1, w2, w3) = (18, 15, 10),
M =20.
(x1, x2, x3) Σwixi Σpixi

1. (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) 16.5 24.25

2. (1,2/15,0) 20 28.2 profit (pi)大的先放入背包

3. (0, 2/3, 1) 20 31 weight (wi) 小的先放入背包
4. (0, 1, 1/2) 20 31.5 pi / wi 大的先放入背包  *

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63 R.-W. Hung 2014
 Algorithm Greedy-Knapsack
Input: n objects, each with a weight wi > 0 and a profit pi > 0, and the
capacity M of a knapsack
Output: xi, 1  i  n, such that  pi xi is maximum with  wi xi  M .
1i  n 1 i  n
// 假設物品已經按照 pi / wi 作遞減排序了
int j;
for (j=1; j <= n; j++) x[j] = 0.0;
int U = M;
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (w[j] > U) break;
x[j] = 1.0; Time complexity = O(n)
U  = w[j];
if (j <= n) x[j] = U / w[j];
Introduction to Algorithms
63 R.-W. Hung 2014
If p1/w1 ≧ p2/w2 ≧ ... ≧pn/wn, then Algorithm
GreedyKnapsack generates an optimal solution to the
given instance of the knapsack problem.

令 (x1, x2, …, xn) 是用 GreedyKnapsack 算出來的答案,其中 x1到xj-1 都等於 1, 而 0
< xj < 1, xj+1 到 xn 都等於0,且Σwixi = m。而 (y1, y2, …, yn) 是一個 optimal solution
且與 (x1, x2, …, xn) 不相同。令 yk 是第一個不等於 xk 的數字。
若 k < j 則 yk < xk, 因為 xk = 1
若 k = j 則 yk < xk, 不然的話 Σwiyi > m
若 k > j,這是不可能的,因為 Σwiyi > m
因為 Σwiyi = m,從 (y1, y2, …, yn) 中將 yk 增加到 xk 不會使 total profit 變小。用這
種方法可以將每個不同的數字都變成相同,因此可證出(x1, x2, …, xn) 也是 optimal
Ex 3.8
Introduction to Algorithms
63 R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition: (0/1 Knapsack Problem)
。n objects, each with a weight wi > 0 and a profit pi > 0
。capacity of a knapsack: M
。The 0/1 knapsack problem is to
maximize px
1i  n
i i

subject to w x
1 i  n
i i
 M , where either xi  0 or 1 and 1  i  n.

The 0/1 Knapsack problem is a classic NP-complete problem.

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63 R.-W. Hung 2014
3.8 Exercises (練習題)
1. (a) Show why Dijkstra’s algorithm will not work properly when the considered graph
contains negative cost edges. (b) Modify Dijkstra’s algorithm so that it can compute the
shortest path from source node to each node in an arbitrary graph with negative cost
edges, but no negative cycles.
2. 【Node Cover】Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph. A node cover of G is a subset U
of the vertex set V such that every edge in E is incident to at least one vertex in U. A
minimum node cover is one with the fewest number of vertices. Consider the following
greedy algorithm for this problem: (the degree of a vertex is the number of vertices
adjacent to it)
Algorithm Cover(int V[], int E[])
{ 7

U = ; 2 6

Do { 4
Let q be a vertex from V of maximum degree;
Add q to U; eliminate q from V; 1
5 8
E = E - {(x, y) | x = q or y = q};
} while (E  ) 3
Output U; // U is the node cover
(a) Please use the above algorithm to find a node cover of the above graph? (b) Does the
above algorithm always generate a minimum node cover?

Introduction to Algorithms
63 R.-W. Hung 2014
3.8 Exercises (Cont.)
3. 【0/1 Knapsack Problem】(a) What is the 0/1 Knapsack Problem? (b) Please give a
greedy algorithm, which is heuristic, to solve the 0/1 Knapsack Problem. (Note that the
solution of your algorithm may not be optimal) (c) Please give an example to show that it
does not always yield an optimal solution.
4. Given a graph shown in the following figure, please use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the
shortest path from u0 to v.
a 4 b
4 2 1
2 3 1
u0 v
2 3
c 5 d
5. (a) What is an optimal Huffman code for the following set of frequencies, based on the
first 8 Fibonacci numbers? a: 1 b:1: c:2 d:3 e:5 f:8 g:13 h:21
(b) Can you generalize your answer to find the optimal code when the frequencies are
the first n Fibonacci numbers?

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End of Chapter 3

Introduction to Algorithms
63 R.-W. Hung 2014
Chapter 4
The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy

Algorithms by R.W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 82
Topic Overview
4.0 The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
4.1 2-D Maxima Finding Problem
4.2 The Closest Pair Problem
4.3 The Convex Hull Problem
*4.4 The Voronoi Diagram Problem
*4.5 Applications of the Voronoi Diagrams
*4.6 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
4.7 Techniques for Solving Recurrence
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.0 The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
 How ?
。Divide-and-conquer 的方法基本觀念就是將問題分解成 k
個(k  2)比較小的、相同的問題,得到每個小問題的答案
。其 complexity 的分析常需要解遞迴函數。其格式:
T (1) , if n  1
T ( n)  
aT (n / b)  f (n) , if n  1

Recursive Programming:
加分題#5 費伯那西數的計算
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
1. Divide: Partition the problem into “independent”
subproblems recursively until the subproblem’s size is small
2. Conquer: solve the independent “small” subproblems.
3. Combine (Merge): merge the subsolutions into a solution.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Method (Illustration)
1. Divide:
If small Else, split


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Method (Illustration)
2. Recursively divide until enough small:

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Method (Illustration)
3. Conquer and Merge:

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
General Structure (Recursive Structure)
。S(P): solution of problem P.
。small(P): decide P small or not.
Algorithm D_and_C(P)
if small(P) then return S(P)
divide P into small subproblems P1, P2, ..., Pk , k  1;
D_ and_C(Pi), for k  i  1; // recursive calls
return Merge (S(P1), S(P2), ..., S(Pk) );
End D_and_C.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A Simple Example

 Finding the maximum of a set S of n numbers

。Top-down dividing
。Bottom-up merging

Figure 4-1: Divide-and-conquer strategy to find the maximum of 8 numbers

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Time complexity:
2T ( n2 )  1, n  2
T ( n)  
1, ,n2

。Calculation of T(n):
• Assume n = 2k,
T (n)  2T ( n2 )  1
 2(2T ( n4 )  1)  1  4T ( n4 )  2  1
 ...
 2k 1T (2)  2k 2  2k 3  ...  4  2  1
 2k 1  2k  2  2k 3  ...  4  2  1 何?
 2k  1  n  1.

10 Ex 4.2 Ex 4.1
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A General Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm

 Step 1:
。If the problem size is small, solve this problem directly;
otherwise, split the original problem into k ( 2) sub-
problems with equal sizes.
 Step 2:
。Recursively solve these k sub-problems by applying this
 Step 3:
。Merge the solutions of the k sub-problems into a solution of
the original problem.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
• Time complexity of the general algorithm:
kT ( n )  S (n)  M (n), n  c
T ( n)   k
b, ,nc

, where S(n) : time for splitting,

M(n) : time for merging,
b, c : constants.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.1 2-D Maxima Finding Problem
Definition (2-D Maxima Finding Problem)
。A point (x1, y1) dominates (x2, y2) if x1 > x2 and y1 > y2. A
point is called a maxima if no other point dominates it.
。Given a set of n planar points, the 2-D maxima finding
problem is to find all of the maxima points of the set.

Straightforward method : Compare every pair of points.

Time complexity: O(n2)

Figure 4-2: Maximal points

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Algorithm Straightforward_2D_Maxima
Input: A set of n planar points P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2), ..., Pn = (xn, yn)
Output: A set S of maxima points
1. S = ;
2. for i = 1 to n do
3. maximai = true; // indicate whether Pi is a maxima point
4. for j = 1 to n do
5. if xj > xi and yj > yi then maximai = false;
6. if maximai = true then S = S  {Pi};
7. output S.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Divide-and-Conquer for Maxima Finding

Figure 4-3: The maximal points of SL and SR

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The divide-and-conquer algorithm
。Input: A set S of n planar points.
。Output: The maximal points of S.
Step 1: If S contains only one point, return it as the maxima.
Otherwise, find a line L perpendicular to the X-axis which
separates S into SLand SR, with equal sizes.
(initial and divide step)
Step 2: Recursively find the maximal points of SLand SR.
(conquer step)
Step 3: Find the largest y-value of SR, denoted as yR. Discard
each of the maximal points of SL if its y-value is less than yR.
(merge step) Please think: why does the step
produce all maximal points!
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Time complexity: T(n)
。Step 1: O(n)
Step 2: 2T(n/2)
Step 3: O(n)
2T ( n2 )  O(n)  O(n), n  1;
T ( n)  
1, , n  1.
By Substitution Method to solve T(n):
Assume n = 2k, we get T(n) = O(n log n).

Example 2-5: 2-D Rank finding problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Example 2-5: 2-D Ranking (分級) Finding

Definition (dominate)
Let A = (a1, a2), B = (b1, b2) be two points in 2-dimension
。A dominates B  a1 > b1 and a2 > b2.

Definition (rank)
Given a set S of n points in 2-dimension space, the rank of a
point x is the number of points dominated by x.

。rank(A)=0; rank(B)=1; B
rank(C)=1; rank(D)=3; C
rank(E)=0. E
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition (the ranking problem)
Given a set S of n points in 2-dimension space, find all ranks
of each point in S.

 A Straightforward Strategy
。Conduct an exhaustive comparison of all pairs of points.
。For instance, in Figure 2-2, find the rank of point A: compare
A, B, A, C, A, D, A, E and find its rank is 0.

。O(n2) time algorithm


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014 Figure 2-2
Algorithm Straightforward_rank_finding
Input: A set of n planar points P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2), ..., Pn = (xn, yn)
Output: Rank ri of point Pi for 1  i  n
1. for i = 1 to n do
2. ri = 0; // store the rank of point Pi
3. for j = 1 to n do
4. if xi > xj and yi > yj then ri++;
5. Output ri for 1  i  n.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Divide-and-Conquer 2-D Ranking Finding (more efficient)

Step 1: Split the points along the median line L into A and B.
(Divide S into 2 equal spaces A and B by a straight line L)

Step 2: Find ranks of points in A and ranks of points in B,

recursively. (Local Ranking of A and B)

Step 3: Sort points in A and B according to their y-values.

Update the ranks of points in B. (Modification of ranks)

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Step 1: Split the points along the median line L into A and B.
(Divide S into 2 equal spaces A and B by a straight line L)


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Step 2: Find ranks of points in A and ranks of points in B,
recursively. (Local Ranking of A and B)


1 1

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Step 3: Sort points in A and B according to their y-values.
Update the ranks of points in B. (Modification of ranks)


1 1+4

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Time complexity
。Step 1 = O(n) (finding median)
。Step 3 = O(n log n) (sorting)
。Total time : T (n)  2T ( n2 )  O ( n)  O (n log n)
T (n)  2T ( n2 )  O(n)  O(n log n)
2T ( n2 )  4T ( n4 )  2O( n2 )  2O( n2 log n2 )
4T ( n4 )  8T ( 8n )  4O( n4 )  4O( n4 log n4 )
2k T ( 2n )  2k 1T ( 2 n )  2k O( 2n )  2k O( 2n log 2n ), where n  2k 1
k k 1 k k k

。Finally, we have T (n)  O(n  2  n2  4  n4  ...  2k  n )  k


O (n log n  n log n2  n log n4  ...  n log 2n )


 O (nk )  O (n(log n  log n2  ...  log 2))

1  log n
 O (n log n)  O(n   log n)  O (n log 2 n).
25 Ex 4.4 Ex 4.3
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.2 The Closest Pair Problem
Definition (The Closest Pair Problem)
。Given a set S of n points, find a pair of points which are
closest together.

1-D version : Solved by sorting

Time complexity: O(n log n)
2-D version :
Straightforward method :
Compare every pair of points.
Time complexity: O(n2)

Figure 4-4: The closest pair problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Algorithm Straightforward_ClosestPair
Input: A set of n planar points P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2), ..., Pn = (xn, yn)
Output: A pair of closest pair Pa, Pb and their distance dist(Pa, Pb)
1. closest_dist = ; // record the closest distance until now
2. for i = 1 to n do
3. for j = i+1 to n do
4. if dist(Pi, Pj) < closest_dist then closest_dist = dist(Pi, Pj); Pa = Pi ; Pb = Pj;
5. Output Pa, Pb, and dist(Pa, Pb)=closest_dist.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The divide-and-conquer algorithm
。Input: A set S of n planar points.
。Output: The distance between two closest points.
Step 1: Sort points in S according to their y-values.
Step 2: If S contains only one point, return infinity as its
Step 3: Find a median line L perpendicular to the X-axis to
divide S into SL and SR, with equal sizes. (split step)
Step 4: Recursively apply Steps 2 and 3 to solve the closest
pair problems of SL and SR. Let dL(resp. dR) denote the
distance between the closest pair in SL (resp. SR).
Let d = min(dL, dR). (conquer step)
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The divide-and-conquer algorithm (Cont.)
Step 5: For a point P in the half-slab bounded by Ld and L,
let its y-value be denoted as yP. For each such P, find all
points in the half-slab bounded by L and L+d whose y-value
fall within yP+d and yPd. If the distance d’ between P and a
point in the other half-slab is less than d, let d = d’. The final
value of d is the answer. (merge step)

maximum region
to be examined

Ld L L+d Ld L L+d

Figure 4-5: The limited region to examine in the merging step
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
For each point P, there are at most 6 points in area A to be
examined in merge step.
Why? Please verify it!


Ld L L+d

Figure 4-6: Rectangle A containing possible nearest neighbors of P

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Time complexity: O(n log n)
。Step 1: O(n log n)
Step 2  Step 5:
2T ( n2 )  O (n)  O (n), n  1;
T ( n)  
1, , n  1.
 T (n)  O (n log n).

31 Ex 4.5
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.3 The Convex Hull Problem
Definition (Convex polygon)
。A convex polygon (凸多邊形) is a polygon with the property
that any line segment connecting two points inside the
polygon must itself lie inside the polygon
。concave polygon

Figure 4-7: concave and convex polygons

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition (The Convex Hull Problem)
。The convex hull of a set of planar points is the smallest
convex polygon containing all of the points.
。Given a set S of n planar points, the convex hull problem is to
find a convex hull of S.

33 Figure 4-8: A convex hull

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A simple algorithm
面,若是的話,它就不會是 convex hull 上的點,不然就
是 convex hull 上的點。
。每個點都需要檢查 O(n3) 次 (個數=C(n, 3)=O(n3)),共有
n個點,因此,time complexity = O(n4)。

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A simple algorithm (Cont.)
 How to test whether point (x, y) falls within the interior of ABC, where
A = (xa, ya), B = (xb, yb), and C = (xc, yc) ?

xa ya 1
1 1 1
(1) ABC面積 ( AB與AC向量的外積) = 2
| xb yb 1 | | det( ABC ) |
xc yc 1

(2)共線: if det(ABC)=0, then ABC三點共線

(3)Concept: A
If det(ABX)=0 or det(ACX)=0 or det(BCX)=0
then X falls within the side of ABC and return ‘No’;
If ABX面積 + ACX面積 + BCX面積 = ABC面積
then X falls within the interior of ABC and return ‘Yes’;
else X falls out of ABC and return ‘No’;

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A simple algorithm (Cont.)
 How to test whether point (x, y) falls within the interior of ABC, where
A = (xa, ya), B = (xb, yb), and C = (xc, yc) ? (Cont.)
(4) Procedure TestLocation
Input: X=(x, y) and ABC
Output: Yes if X is in ABC ; otherwise, No;
1. if det(ABX)=0 or det(ACX)=0 or det(BCX)=0 then return ‘No’;
2. If ABX面積 + ACX面積 + BCX面積 = ABC面積
3. then return ‘Yes’;
4. else return ‘No’.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A simple algorithm (Cont.)
 Algorithm Straightforward_Convex-Hull
Input: A set of n planar points P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2), ..., Pn = (xn, yn)
Output: A set S of points to form a convex hull
1. S = ;
2. for i = 1 to n do
3. corneri = true; // indicate whether Pi is a corner point
4. for any other three points Px, Py, Pz do
5. if TestLocation(Pi, PxPyPz )=Yes then corneri = false;
6. if corneri = true then S = S  {Pi};
7. Output S.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm

 Algorithm Convex-Hull
。Input: A set S of n planar points.
。Output: A convex hull for S.
Step 1: If S contains no more than five points, use exhaustive
searching to find the convex hull and return.
Step 2: Find a median line perpendicular to the X-axis which
divides S into SL and SR, with equal sizes.
Step 3: Recursively construct convex hulls for SL and SR,
denoted as Hull(SL) and Hull(SR), respectively.
Step 4: Apply the merging procedure to merge Hull(SL) and
Hull(SR) together to form a convex hull. (Graham Scan or
upper-lower tangents Algorithm)
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The convex hull algorithm using divide-conquer


upper tangent

lower tangent

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Find the lower tangent
Procedure LowerTangent(SL, SR)
1. let l be the rightmost point of SL;
2. let r be the lettmost point of SR;
3. while lr is not a lower tangent for SL and SR do
4. while lr is not a lower tangent for SL do l = l  1;
5. while lr is not a lower tangent for SR do r = r + 1;
6. return lr.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014 lower tangent82
 Graham Scan Algorithm
。Input: A set S of planar points.
。Output: A convex hull for S.
Step 1: Select an interior point as the origin.
Step 2: Each other point forms a polar angle, and all points
sorted by polar angles.
Step 3: Eliminate the points cause reflexive angles.
Step 4: The remaining points are convex hull vertices.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Graham Scan Algorithm (Cont.)
。Illustration (Sort polar angles)


P P0

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Graham Scan Algorithm (Cont.)
。Illustration (Eliminate points)
令 P0, P1, P2 座標各為
Y (x0,y0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
x0 y0 1
det  x1 y1 1
P3 x2 y2 1
 x0 y1  x1 y 2  x2 y0 
x2 y1  x1 y0  x0 y2
P5 If det < 0 then 順時針
If det > 0 then 逆時針
If det = 0 then 三點共線

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Use Graham Scan Algorithm to merge two convex
hulls L
Y 找小於/2 最大的

j d

e c
k p

a b
找大於 3/2 最小的
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Use Graham Scan Algorithm to merge two convex
hulls (Cont.) – sort the angles and merge


j d

e c
k p

a b

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Time complexity of Algorithm Convex-Hull
。Step 1: O(1)
。Step 2: 2T(n/2) + O(n)
。Step 3: O(n)  merging process by using Graham Scan
(tangents finding) Algorithm
。Thus, T (n)  2T ( n2 )  O(n).
 T (n)  O(n log n)

46 Ex 4.6
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
*4.4 The Voronoi Diagram Problem
Definition (Voronoi diagram for 2 points)
。Let P1 and P2 be two planar points.
。Line L12 is a perpendicular bisector of the line connecting P1
and P2
。L12 is the Voronoi diagram for P1 and P2

 Any point X located in the left of L12 is closer to P1


P1 P2

Figure 4-12: A Voronoi diagram for two points

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition (Voronoi diagram for 3 points)
。Let P1, P2, and P3 be three planar points.
。Line Lij is a perpendicular bisector of the line connecting Pi
and Pj for 1  i < j  3
。L12, L13, and L23 construct the Voronoi diagram for P1, P2,
and P3
 Any point X located in region Ri is closer to Pi
R1 R2
P1 P2

L13 L23
P3 R3
Figure 4-13: A Voronoi diagram for three points
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition (Voronoi polygon(多邊形))
。Given two points Pi, Pj  S (a set of n points), let H(Pi, Pj)
denote the half plane containing the set of points closer to Pi.
。The Voronoi polygon associated with Pi is a convex polygon
region having  n 1 sides, defined by
V ( Pi )   H ( Pi , Pj ).
i j

V ( P1 )  H ( P1 , P2 )  H ( P1 , P3 )
V ( P2 )  H ( P2 , P1 )  H ( P2 , P3 )
P1 P2
V ( P3 )  H ( P3 , P1 )  H ( P3 , P2 )

L13 L23

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014


Figure 4-14: A Voronoi polygon

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Definition (Voronoi diagram)
。Given a set S of n points, the Voronoi diagram consists of all
the Voronoi polygons of these points.

The vertices of the Voronoi diagram

are called Voronoi points and
its segments are called Voronoi edges.
applications: all closest pairs problem,
the minimum spanning tree problem, ...

Figure 4-15: A Voronoi diagram for 6 points

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A Delaunay triangulation
。 The straight line dual of a Voronoi diagram is called the Delaunary
。 Each Lij is perpendicular bisector of the line
。 Lij connects Pi and Pj  the Voronoi polygons of Pi and Pj share
the same edge
。 Three perpendicular bisectors of a triangle must intersect on a point

Figure 4-16: A Delaunay triangulation

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Divide-and-Conquer for Voronoi Diagram

 Algorithm D_C_Voronoi-Diagram
。Input: A set S of n planar points.
。Output: The Voronoi diagram of S.
Step 1: If S contains only one point, return.
Step 2: Find a median line L perpendicular to the X-axis
which divides S into SL and SR, with equal sizes.
Step 3: Construct Voronoi diagrams of SL and SR recursively.
Denote these Voronoi diagrams by VD(SL) and VD(SR).
Step 4: Construct a dividing piece-wise linear hyperplane HP
which is the locus of points simultaneously closest to a point
in SL and a point in SR. Discard all segments of VD(SL)
which lie to the right of HP and all segments of VD(SR) that
lie to the left of HP. The resulting graph is the Voronoi
diagram of S.
The merging step will be
53 introduced in slide Ch4 p.55
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014

 Divide the points into two parts and construct their

Voronoi diagrams

Figure 4-17: Two Voronoi diagrams after Step 3

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Merging Two Voronoi Diagrams
。 Merging along the piecewise linear hyperplane HP
。 How to construct HP ? (See latter)

Figure 4-18: The piecewise linear hyperplane

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
• After merging

Figure 4-19: The Final Voronoi Diagram

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Merge two Voronoi diagrams

 Example:
。Construct the convex hulls for these two Voronoi diagrams

Figure 4-20: Two Voronoi diagrams and their convex hulls

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。Find the upper and lower tangent lines (all points are in one
side of the line)

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。 Construct the perpendicular bisection L15 of P1P5
。 Find the point b such that the first Voronoi edge intersects L15 at b

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。 Construct the perpendicular bisection L14 of P1P4
。 Find the point c such that the first Voronoi edge intersects L14 at c

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。 Continue to find the points of HP until the lower tangent line occurs


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。 Continue to find the points of HP until the lower tangent line occurs


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。 Discard all segments of VD(SL) which lie to the right of HP and all
segments of VD(SR) that lie to the left of HP.


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example: (Cont.)
。Final Voronoi diagram.

Figure 4-22: The resulting Voronoi diagram

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Merges Two Voronoi Diagrams into One Voronoi
 Algorithm Merge-2-Voronoi-Diagrams
。Input: (a) SL and SR where SL and SR are divided by a
perpendicular line L; and (b) VD(SL) and VD(SR).
。Output: VD(S), where S = SL ∪ SR.
Step 1: Find the convex hulls of SL and SR, denoted as Hull(SL)
and Hull(SR), respectively. (A special algorithm for finding a
convex hull in this case will by given later.)
Step 2: Find segments PaPb and PcPd which join Hull(SL) and
Hull(SR) into a convex hull (Pa and Pc belong to SL and Pb and
Pd belong to SR)
Pa Pb
Assume that PaPblies above PcPd.
Let x = a, y = b, SG = PaPb and HP = .
Pc Pd
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Algorithm Merge-2-Voronoi-Diagrams (Cont.)
Step 3: Find the perpendicular bisector of SG. Denote it by
BS. Let HP = HP∪{BS}. If SG = PcPd, go to Step 5;
otherwise, go to Step 4.
Step 4: The ray from VD(SL) and VD(SR) which BS first
intersects with must be a perpendicular bisector of either PxPz
or PyPz for some z. If this ray is the perpendicular bisector
of PyPz, then let SG = PxPz; otherwise, let SG = PyPz. Go to
Step 3.
Step 5: Discard the edges of VD(SL) which extend to the right
of HP and discard the edges of VD(SR) which extend to the
left of HP. The resulting graph is the Voronoi diagram of S =

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Construct a Convex Hull from a Voronoi Diagram

 After a Voronoi diagram is constructed, a convex hull can be

found in O(n) time.

Figure 4-25: Construct a convex hull from a Voronoi diagram

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Algorithm ConvexHull-from-VoronoiDiagrams
。Input: A Voronoi diagram VD(S).
。Output: A convex hull of S.
Step 1: Find an infinite ray by examining all Voronoi edges.
Step 2: Let Pi be the point to the left of the infinite ray. Pi is a
convex hull vertex. Examine the Voronoi polygon of Pi to
find the next infinite ray.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until we return to the starting ray.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Properties of Voronoi Diagrams

。Given a point p and a set S of points, the distance between p
and S is the distance between p and Pi which is the nearest
neighbor of p in S.

The HP obtained by Algorithm Merge-2-Voronoi-Diagrams

is the locus (track) of points which keep equal distances to SL
and SR.
The HP is monotonic in y, i.e., each horizontal line intersects
with HP at one and only one point.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 # of Voronoi Edges
。# of edges of a Voronoi diagram  3n  6, where n is # of
given planar points.

(1) # of edges of a planar graph with n vertices  3n  6.
(2) A Delaunay triangulation is a planar graph.
(3) Edges in Delaunay triangulation
1  1
Edges in Voronoi diagram.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 # of Voronoi Vertices
。# of Voronoi vertices  2n  4, where n is # of given planar

(1) Let f, e and v denote # of face, edges and vertices in a planar
 Euler’s relation: f = e  v + 2.
(2) A Delaunay triangulation is a planar graph.
(3) In a Delaunay triangulation,
v = n, e  3n  6
 f = e  v + 2  3n  6  n + 2 = 2n  4.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Time Complexity

 Time complexity for merging 2 Voronoi diagrams:

(Algorithm Merge-2-Voronoi-Diagrams)
。Total time: O(n)
• Step 1 = O(n)
• Step 2 = O(n)
• Step 3 ~ Step 5 = O(n)  at most 3n  6 edges in VD(SL) and
VD(SR) and at most n segments in HP
 Time complexity for constructing a Voronoi diagram:
(Algorithm D_C_Voronoi-Diagram)
。T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n)
 T(n) = O(n log n)

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
The Lower Bound of the Voronoi Diagram
 The lower bound of the Voronoi diagram problem is
(n log n)

 sorting problem  Voronoi diagram problem

Figure 4-26: The Voronoi diagram for a set of points on a straight line

Algorithm D_C_Voronoi-Diagram is an optimal algorithm for the Voronoi diagram problem.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.7 Techniques for Solving Recurrence
 Substitution method
Example: 2T ( n2 )  n , n  1;
T ( n)  
2 , n  1.
T (n)  2T ( n2 )  n
 2[2T ( n4 )  n2 ]  n  4T ( n4 )  2n
 8T ( 8n )  3n
 ...
 2k T ( 2n )  kn.

Let n = 2k. Then, k = log n.

T (n)  2log n T ( 2 n )  n log n
log n

 nT (1)  n log n
 2n  n log n
 O(n log n).
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Substitution method (Cont.)
Example: T (n)   2 )  n , n  1;
 2T ( n

2 , n  1.
Let n = 2k. Then, k = log n.
T (n)  2T ( n2 )  n

2T ( n2 )  2 2 T ( 2n2 )  n

2 2 T ( 2n2 )  23 T ( 2n3 )  n

+) 2 k 1T ( 2nk 1 )  2 k T ( 2nk )  n

T (n)  2 k T ( 2nk )  kn

 2 k T (1)  kn
 2 k 1  kn
 2n  n log n
 O(n log n)
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Assume that a, b, c  0 and k is a constant.
Let aT ( nc )  b  n k , n  1;
T ( n)  
b , n  1.

O(n k ) , a  ck ;

T (n)  O(n k log n) , a  c k ;
O(n log a ) , a  c k .


Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Examples: please solve the following recurrences
。 4T ( n2 )  3n , n  1;
T ( n)  
2 , n  1.

2T ( n4 )  3n , n  1;
T ( n)  
2 , n  1.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Transformation

2T ( n )  log n , n  1;
Example: T ( n )  
1 , n  1.
Let n = 2k. Then, k = log n.
 T(2k) = 2T(2k/2) + k.
Assume that S(m) = T(2m). Then, S(m/2) = T(2m/2).
 S(k) = 2S(k/2) + k.
 S(k) = O(k log k)
∵ k = log n
∴ S(k) = T(n) = O( log n loglog n)

79 Ex 4.8 Ex 4.7
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Recursion Tree
2T ( n2 )  n 2 , n  1;
Example: T (n)  
1 , n  1.
 Cost n2 is to divide T(n) into 2 subproblems with size n/2
T(n) n2 n2

T(n/2) (n/2)2 T(n/2) (n/2)2 1/2n2

T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4)

(n/4)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2 1/4n2
T (n)  n 2  12 n 2  14 n 2  ...  21 n 2
 (1  12  14  ...  21 )  n

 2n 2

 O(n 2 ).
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
4.8 Exercises (練習題)
1. (a) Does binary search use the divide-and-conquer strategy? Please give your
reason. (b) Prove the time complexity k
of the binary search algorithm in the
average case is O(log n). [Hint:  i 2  2k (k  1)  1. ]
i 1

i 1

2. Prove that in Quick sort algorithm, the maximum stack needed is O(log n).
3. Let T ( n r )  nT (n)  bn 2 , where r is an integer and r  1. Please find T(n).
4. Solve the following recurrence by using the recursion tree method.
2T ( n )  n 3 , n  1;
T ( n)   2
1 , n  1.
5. Show that the solution of T(n) = T(n/2)+1 is O(log n).
6. Give asymptotic upper and lower bound for T(n) in each of the following
recurrences. Assume that T(n) is constant for n  2. Make your bounds as
tight as possible, and justify your answers. (a) T(n) = 2T(n/2)+n3. (b) T(n) =
T(n1)+n. (c) T(n) = 2T(n/4)+ n . (d) T(n) = T( n )+1.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
End of Chapter 4

Introduction to Algorithms
82 R.-W. Hung 2014
Chapter 5
The Tree Searching Strategy

Algorithms by R.W. Hung, Dept. CSIE, CYUT, Taiwan 72
Topic Overview
5.0 The Tree Searching Strategy 5.10 A* Algorithm
5.1 The Breadth-First Search (BFS) *5.11 The Channel Routing
5.2 The Depth-First Search (DFS)
*5.12 The Linear Block Code
5.3 The Hill Climbing
Decoding Problem
5.4 The Best-First Search Strategy
5.5 Branch-and-Bound Strategy
*5.6 The Personnel Assignment
5.7 The Traveling Salesperson
Optimization Problem
5.8 The 0/1 Knapsack Problem
*5.9 The Job Scheduling Problem
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.0 The Tree Searching Strategy
 Concept
。Better searching (branch) method based on bound (one
flexible solution). (branch and bound strategy)
。Generally, solving NP-complete problem for avoiding
exhaustive search. (Note: only useful in average case)
。Certainly, it can also solve general problem.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Tree Searching Problems
。The solutions of many problems may be represented by trees.
。These problems can be solved by tree searching strategy.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Examples of tree searching problems

1. Satisfiability problem (SAT problem)

Boolean logical formula: (x1  x2  x3)  (x1)  (x2)
• Assignment(指派/設定): x1 = F, x2 = F, x3 = T.
• If an assignment makes a formula true, then this assignment
satisfies the formula; otherwise, it falsifies the formula.
• If there exists at least one assignment which satisfies the given
formula, then this formula is satisfiable; otherwise, it is
• A typical unsatisfable formula: x1  x1.
Satisfiability problem:
• Given a Boolean logical formula, determine whether this
formula is satisfiable or not
• The first NP-complete problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 # of possible assignments
If there are n variables x1, x2, ..., xn, then there are 2n possible
Example: A formula consisting of 3 variables
x1 x2 x3 x1=T x1=F
F F T x2=T x2=F x2=T x2=F
F T T x3=T x3=F x3=T x3=F
T F F x3=T x3=F x3=T x3=F
T T T Figure 5-1: Tree representation of 8 assignments

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Classify each class of assignments
。An instance:
x1……..…… (1)
x1………….. (2) x1=T x1=F
x2  x5….…. (3)
x3…….……. (4)
x2…….……. (5) (1) is falsified (2) is falsified
Figure 5-2: A partial tree to determine the left SAT problem

。We may not need to examine all possible assignments.

。But, all possible assignments almost need to be examined in
the worst cast.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
2. the Hamiltonian cycle (circuit) problem (HC):
。A Hamiltonian cycle is a round trip path along n edges of G
= (V, E) which visits every vertex once and returns to its
starting vertex, where n = |V|.
。Hamiltonian cycle problem:
• Given a graph G, determine whether a Hamiltonian circuit
exists in G or not
• This is an NP-complete problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
• Given the following graphs G1 and G2, G1 has two Hamiltonian
circuits which are 12347561 and
16574321, and G2 has no Hamiltonian circuit.

1 2 7 5 1 2 4

6 3 4 3 5
G1 G2

Figure 5-6: A graph containing Figure 5-7: A graph containing

a Hamiltonian cycle no Hamiltonian cycle

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
The tree representation for the solution of the HC problem:
• Given a graph G as follows: 1 2 7 5

6 3 4
• The tree representation of the solutions of the HC problem is in
the following: 1
2 6 3
3 5 2 4

4 4 7 5 7
5 7 3 7 4 7 6 5
  
7 6 5 2 3 6
   
6 2
1 10 1
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.1 The Breadth-First Search (BFS, 先寬)
 Method
。Traversal the tree representation by breadth-first manner and
test whether it has obtained a solution. (Level-by-Level)
。A Queue can be used to guide BFS
Example: 1 1
1 2 7 5 2 2 6 3 3 4
3 5 5 6 2 7 4 8
6 3 4 
49 10 4 7 11 12 5 7 13
14 5 15 7 16 3 17 7 4 18 19 7 20 6 21 5
  
22 7 23 6 245 252 3 26 27 6
   
6 28 2 29
1 30 1
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.2 The Depth-First Search (DFS, 先深)
 Method
。Traversal the tree representation by depth-first manner and
test whether it has obtained a solution. (Top-Down & backtracking)
。A Stack can be used to guide DFS
Example: 1 1
1 2 7 5 2 2 6 3
3 3 5 2 4
6 3 4 
4 4 4 7 5 7
5 5 8 7 3 7 4 7 6 5
  
6 7 7 6 95 2 3 6
   
10 6 2
11 1 1
12 Ex 5.2 Ex 5.1
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The sum of subset problem
。Given a set S and a number k, determine whether there exists
a subset S’ of S such that the sum of S’ equals to k ?
Example: S = {7, 5, 1, 2, 10} and k = 9


x2=5 x2=2
12 8 9 Goal node
 x =2 x3=10

10 18
 
Figure 5-11: A sum of subset problem solved by depth-first search

13 Ex 5.3
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.3 The Hill Climbing (爬山策略)
。In DFS, one problem is how to select one child of the present
node to expand!
 Hill Climbing
。A variant of depth-first search
。The method selects the locally optimal node to expand.
Example: 8-puzzle problem
• Given a initial arrangement and the goal state, the problem is to
determine whether there exists a sequence of movements from
initial state to goal state, where each item can be moved only
horizontally or vertically to the empty spot.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 8-puzzle problem
。 Given a initial arrangement and the goal state, the problem is to
determine whether there exists a sequence of movements from
initial state to goal state, where each item can be moved only
horizontally or vertically to the empty spot.
。 Example:
2 8 3 1 2 3

1 4 8 4

7 6 5 7 6 5

Figure 5-3: The initial arrangement and the goal state

of the 8-puzzle problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Hill Climbing strategy for 8-puzzle problem
。 evaluation function f(n) = d(n) + w(n)
, where d(n) is the depth of node n and w(n) is # of misplaced tiles
in node n.
。 The hill climbing strategy is to select the least f(n) to expand the
present node

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Hill Climbing strategy for 8-puzzle problem (Cont.)
1 2 3 2 8 3 f(n) of the node
1 4
8 4
7 6 5 expanding order 7 6 5
1 2 3 4
goal state 2 3 2 8 3 2 8 3 2 8 3
1 8 4 (4) 1 4 (4) 1 4 (5) 1 6 4 (5)
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 5
5 6
2 3 2 3
1 8 4 1 8 4
(4) (6)
7 6 5 7 6 5
1 2 3
8 4
7 6 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
7 8 4
Figure 5-15: An 8-puzzle problem solved by the
8 4 (6)
hill climbing method
Goal Node 7 6 5 6 5
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.4 The Best-First Search Strategy
 Method
。 Combing depth-first search and breadth-first search
。 Selecting the node with the best estimated cost among all
。 This method has a global view
 Best-First Search Scheme
Step 1: Form a one-element list consisting of the root node
Step 2: Remove the first element from the list. Expand the first
element. If one of the descendants of the first element is a goal
node, then stop; otherwise, add the descendants into the list.
Step 3: Sort the entire list by the values of some estimation function
Step 4: If the list is empty, then failure. Otherwise, go to Step 2

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Best-First search scheme for 8-puzzle problem
1 2 3 2 8 3 f(n) of the node
1 4
8 4
7 6 5 expanding order 7 6 5
1 2 3 4
goal state 2 8 3 2 3 2 8 3 2 8 3
1 4 (4) 1 8 4 (4) 1 4 (5) 1 6 4 (5)
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 5
5 6 7 8
8 3 2 8 3 2 3 2 3
2 1 4 7 1 4 1 8 4 1 8 4
(5) (6) (4) (6)
7 6 5 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
1 2 3
8 4 (4)
7 6 5
10 11
1 2 3 1 2 3 Figure 5-16: An 8-puzzle
(6) 7 8 4 8 4 problem solved by the best-first
6 5
7 6 5 search scheme
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014 Ex 5.4
72 Goal Node

 Comparison
。Hill Climbing
。Best-First Search
 Useful
。In general, they are only used in solving decision problems
。For optimization problems, we can use branch-and-bound
strategy or A* algorithm to solve them

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Note: Decision Problems v.s. Optimization Problems

 Decision problem
。Any problem for which the answer is either zero or one is
called a decision problem. An algorithm for a decision
problem is termed a decision algorithm.

 Optimization problem
。Any problem that involves the identification of an optimal
(either minimum or maximum) value of a given cost function
is known as an optimization problem. An optimization
algorithm is used to solve an optimization problem.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.5 The Branch-and-Bound Strategy
 What ?
。 The previous strategies apply to the decision problems only
。 The branch-and-bound strategy can be used to solve the
optimization problems
 Branch-and-bound strategy
• It needs to define a feasible solution as an upper bound for a
minimization problem (lower bound for a maximization
problem). All nodes with cost > upper bound will be discarded.
• When we expand a node, we select the next expanded node
whose feasible solution is the least (Best-first search strategy).
This feasible solution will become a new upper bound of the
solved minimization problem.
upper bound • How to obtain a “Bound” (one flexible solution): Using DFS,
Hill climbing or Best-first search to find it. This bound can be
used to reduce the branch space.
The most cost of a minimization problem 22
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A multi-stage graph searching problem
。Given a multi-stage graph and a source s and a destination t
in it, the problem is to find the shortest path from s to t.
。The problem cannot be solved by greedy method, see Chapter
3. But, it can be solved by dynamic programming (Chapter 7)
 The branch-and-bound strategy
• An instance

Figure 5-17: A multi-stage graph with s = v0 and t = v3

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
• An illustration of the branch-and-bound strategy
– Use the hill climbing scheme as the searching strategy

a v0
1 2
v1,1 b v1,2 c v1,3 d
5 3
v2,1 e f v2,3
g v3 A feasible solution is found whose cost is 5

Figure 5-19: An illustration of the branch-and-bound strategy find bound

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
• An illustration of the branch-and-bound strategy (Cont.)
– Use the hill climbing scheme as the searching strategy

a v0
1 2
v1,1 b v1,2 c v1,3 d
5 3 4 3 2 7
v2,1 e f v2,3 v2,1 h v2,2 i v2,2 j v2,3 k
x>6 x>7 x>6 1 x>9
   
g v3 l v3
An optimal solution is found whose cost is 5
Figure 5-19: An illustration of the branch-and-bound strategy branch bounding
• Any solution with cost > 5 cannot be an optimal solution.
• Any node with cost > 5 will be terminated.

25 Ex 5.5
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
*5.6 The Personnel Assignment Problem
 What ?
。 A linearly ordered set of persons P = {P1, P2, ..., Pn}, where
P1<P2< ...<Pn
。 A partially ordered set of jobs J = {J1, J2, ..., Jn}
。 Suppose that Pi and Pj are assigned to jobs f(Pi) and f(Pj),
• If f(Pi)  f(Pj), then Pi  Pj.
• Cost Cij is the cost (pay) of assigning Pi to Jj. We want to find
a feasible assignment with the minimum cost (pay), i.e.,
Let Xij = 1 if Pi is assigned to Jj and Xij = 0 otherwise.
Minimize i,j CijXij

 An optimization and NP-hard problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Topological sorting
。Let S = {S1, S2, ..., Sn} be a partial ordering set.
A linear sequence S1, S2, ..., Sn is topologically sorted w.r.t. S
if Si  Sj implies that Si is located before Sj
Example: 1
7 9
4 5
6 8
Figure 5-20: A partial ordering
• A topologically sorted sequence is 1, 3, 7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 8, 6
• The topologically sorted sequence is not unique

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The Personnel Assignment Problem
。Let P1  Jk1, P2  Jk2, ..., Pn  Jkn be a feasible solution.
Then, Jk1, Jk2, ..., Jkn must be a topologically sorted sequence.
Example: Consider P = {P1, P2, P3, P4} and J = {J1, J2, J3, J4}
J1 J2

J3 J4
Figure 5-21: A partial ordering of jobs
• After topological sorting, one of the following topologically
sorted sequences will be generated: P1 P2 P3 P4
J1, J2, J3, J4
J1, J2, J4, J3
• A feasible assignment: J1, J3, J2, J4
J2, J1, J3, J4
P1  J1, P2  J2, P3  J3, P4  J4 J2, J1, J4, J3

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
A Solution Tree

 A Solution Tree
。All possible solutions can be represented by a solution tree
person J1 J2

1 J3 J4
1 2

2 3 1 2

3 4 2 4 3 3

4 3 4 3 4 4

Figure 5-22: A tree representation of all

topologically sorted sequences for Figure 5-21
Note: we only traverse the solution tree while solving the problem
using branch-and-bound strategy
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Cost matrix  Apply the best-first
search scheme:

0 person
Jobs Assigned
1 2 3 4
Persons 1 29 2 19 1
1 29 19 17 12 2 59 3 55 1 51 2
2 32 30 26 28
66 3 4 68 2 76 58 4 3 60 3
3 3 21 7 9
81 4 3 78 4 73 3 4 70 4
4 18 13 10 15
only one node is
pruned away

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Reduced Cost Matrix

 Cost matrix  Reduced cost matrix

Jobs Jobs
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Persons Persons
1 29 19 17 12 12 1 17 4 5 0
2 32 30 26 28 26 2 6 1 0 2
3 3 21 7 9 3 3 0 15 4 6
4 18 13 10 15 10 4 8 0 0 5

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 How to obtain a reduced cost matrix
。A reduced cost matrix can be obtained:
subtract a constant from each row and each column
respectively such that each row and each column contains at
least one zero.

 Use of a reduced cost matrix

。Total cost subtracted: 12+26+3+10+3 = 54
。This is a lower bound of our solution.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Branch-and-Bound for the Personnel Assignment Problem

 Reduced cost matrix  Bounding of subsolutions:

0 54 person
Jobs Assigned
1 2 3 4
1 71 2 58 1
1 17 4 5 0
2 3 1 64 2
2 6 1 0 2
66 3 4 2 68 4 3 70 3
3 0 15 4 6
81 4 3 78 4 73 3 4 70 4
4 8 0 0 5

8 nodes are pruned away

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
5.7 The Traveling Salesperson Optimization
 What ?
。 Given a directed graph with weights on edges, determine the
minimum closed tour (Hamiltonian cycle) if it exists
。 An NP-complete problem
 A cost matrix i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1  3 93 13 33 9 57

2 4  77 42 21 16 34

3 45 17  36 16 28 25

4 39 90 80  56 7 91

5 28 46 88 33  25 57
Table 5-3: A cost matrix
6 3 88 18 46 92  7
for a traveling
7 44 26 33 27 84 39  salesperson problem
34 Ex 5.6
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Compute the reduced cost matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 reduced: 84
1  0 90 10 30 6 54 3
2 0  73 38 17 12 30 4

3 29 1  20 0 12 9 16

4 32 83 73  49 0 84 7

5 3 21 63 8  0 32 25

6 0 85 15 43 89  4 3
Table 5-4: A reduced cost
7 18 0 7 1 58 13  26 matrix for that in Table 5-3

每列減去某一cost,不影響optimal solution

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Compute the reduced cost matrix (Cont.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1  0 83 9 30 3 50

2 0  66 37 17 12 26

3 29 1  19 0 12 5

4 32 83 66  49 0 80

5 3 21 56 7  0 28

6 0 85 8 42 89  0 Table 5-5: Another

reduced cost matrix for
7 18 0 0 0 58 13  that in Table 5-4
7 1 4
total reduced: 84+7+1+4
讓cost matrix中,每一列和每一行至少有一個0
= 96  a lower bound

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Branch-and-bound strategy
。split a solution into two groups:
• one group includes a particular arc
• the other excludes this arc
Example: (Table 5-5)
• includes arc (4, 6)  lower bound = 96
• excludes arc (4, 6) lower bound = 96+32 (since the group
must include the arcs (4, x) and (y, 6), x  6, y  4, and the least
cost of the arcs is 32+0)

Figure 5-25: The high level of a decision tree

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Branch-and-bound strategy (Cont.)
Example: (Table 5-5) (Cont.)
• If we use arc (3, 5) to split, the difference on the lower bounds
is 17 + 1 = 18. arcs (3, 2) and (2, 5)
• The selection of splitting arc is to cause the largest increase of
the lower bound.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Branch-and-bound strategy (Cont.)
Example: (Table 5-5) (Cont.)
• A reduced cost matrix if arc (4, 6) is included in the solution.
• Arc (6, 4) is changed to be infinity since it cannot be included
in the solution. Note that row 4 and column 6 will be eliminated.
1 2 3 4 5 7
1  0 83 9 30 50

2 0  66 37 17 26

3 29 1  19 0 5

5 3 21 56 7  28

6 0 85 8  89 0
Table 5-6: A reduced cost matrix
7 18 0 0 0 58  if arc (4, 6) is included

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Branch-and-bound strategy (Cont.)
Example: (Table 5-5) (Cont.)
• The reduced cost matrix for all solutions with arc (4, 6).
1 2 3 4 5 7
1  0 83 9 30 50

2 0  66 37 17 26

3 29 1  19 0 5
total reduced: 96+3 =
5 0 15 53 4  25 3 99  a new lower
6 0 85 8  89 0
7 18 0 0 0 58 

Table 5-7: A reduced cost matrix for that in Table 5-6

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Branch-and-bound strategy (Cont.)
Example: (Table 5-5) (Cont.)

lower-bound <
upper bound


4 3
An upper 6
bound is 7
found Figure 5-26: A branch-and-bound solution of
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014 a traveling salesperson problem
5.8 The 0/1 Knapsack Problem
 What ?
。 Given
• Positive integers P1, P2, ..., Pn (profits when putting objects
into Knapsack)
• W1, W2, ..., Wn (object weights)
• M (capacity of Knapsack)
。 Find X1, X2, ..., Xn, each Xi is either 0 or 1, such that
maximize  PX
i 1
i i

subject to Wi X i  M .
i 1

。 A maximization and NP-complete problem

。 It can be modified as minimization problem: minimize   Pi X i
i 1
42 Ex 5.7
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Example
。n = 6, M = 34, and
i 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pi 6 10 4 5 6 4

Wi 10 19 8 10 12 8

• Pi/Wi  Pi+1/Wi+1

。A feasible solution: X1 = 1, X2 = 1, X3 = 0, X4 = 0, X5 = 0, X6
• (P1+P2) = (6+10) = 16  upper bound
• Any solution higher than 16 cannot be an optimal solution.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Relax the Restriction

 Relax our restriction from Xi = 0 or 1 to 0  Xi  1

(knapsack problem)
。Let  i 1 Pi X i  Y be an optimal solution for 0/1 knapsack

。Let  i 1 Pi X i  Y  be an optimal solution for knapsack

 Y  Y

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Upper Bound and Lower Bound

 Lower bound
。We can use the greedy method to find an optimal solution for
knapsack problem: (Recall Section 3.7)
• M = 34
• X1 = 1, X2 =1, X3 = 5/8, X4=X5=X6=0
• (P1+P2+5/8P3) = 18.5 (lower bound)
 18 is our lower bound (only consider integers)

i 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pi 6 10 4 5 6 4
Wi 10 19 8 10 12 8

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Upper bound
。Consider the case that X1 = 1, X2 =0, X3 = 0, X4 = 0
• Let X5 = 1, X6 = 1.
• Then, an upper bound is obtained: (P1+P5+P6) = 16
 16 is our initially upper bound
i 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pi 6 10 4 5 6 4
Wi 10 19 8 10 12 8

 Optimal solution
。18  optimal solution  16
。optimal solution : X1 = 1, X2 =0, X3 = 0, X4 = 1, X5 = 1, X6 = 0
 (P1+P4+P5) = 17

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The Branching Mechanism

Figure 5-27: The Branching Mechanism in the

Branch-and-Bound Strategy to Solve 0/1 Knapsack

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The Branch-and-Bound strategy
 Expand the node with the best
lower bound

48 Figure 5-28: 0/1 knapsack problem

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014 solved by branch-and-bound strategy
5.10 A* Algorithm
 Strategy
。 Used to solve optimization problems
。 Using the best-first strategy
。 If a feasible solution (goal node) is obtained, then it is
optimal and we can stop.
 Method
。 Cost function of node n : f(n)
root 。 f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
g(n) • g(n) : cost from root to node n
• h(n) : estimated cost from node n to a goal node
n • h*(n): “real” cost (optimal cost) from node n to a goal node
 unknown
h*(n) 。 If we guarantee h(n)  h*(n), then
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)  g(n)+h*(n) = f*(n) (optimal solution)
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
An Example for A* Algorithm

 A multi-stage graph searching problem

。Define h(n) = min{cost(x)}, where x is the unvisited and
adjacent node of node n

Figure 5-34: A multi-stage graph to illustrate A* algorithm

。Stop if the selected node is also a goal node.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 1 :
a c
b 4
2 3

g(A)=2 g(B)=4 g(C)=3

h(A)=min{2,3}=2 h(B)=min{2}=2 h(C)=min{2,2}=2
f(A)=2+2=4 f(B)=4+2=6 f(C)=3+2=5

Figure 5-35: The first level of a solution tree

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 2 : Expand node A
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
2 e 3

g(D)=4 g(E)=5
h(D)=min{3,1}=1 h(E)=min{2,2}=2
f(D)=4+1=5 f(E)=5+2=7

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 3 : Expand node C
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
d k
2 e 3 2 f 2
D 5 E 7 F G

g(F)=5 g(G)=5
h(F)=min{3,1}=1 h(G)=min{5}=5
f(F)=5+1=6 f(G)=5+5=10

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 4 : Expand node D
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
d k
2 e 3 2 f 2
D 5 E 7 6 F G 10
1 i 3

g(H)=5 g(I)=7
h(H)=min{5}=5 h(I)=0
f(H)=5+5=10 f(I)=7+0=7

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 5 : Expand node B
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
d k
2 e 3 g 2 2 f 2
D 5 E 7 J 6 F G 10
1 i 3 g(J)=6
H 10 I 7 h(J)=min{5}=5

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 6 : Expand node F
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
d k
2 e 3 g 2 2 f 2
D 5 E 7 J 6 F G 10
h h
1 i 3 1 i 3
H 10 I 7 K L

g(K)=6 g(L)=8
h(K)=min{5}=5 h(L)=0
f(K)=6+5=11 f(L)=8+0=8

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Step 7 : Expand node I
a c
b 4
2 3
A 4 B 6 C 5
d k
2 e 3 g 2 2 f 2
D 5 E 7 J 6 F G 10
h h
1 i 3 1 i 3
H 10 I 7 K L

Since node I is a goal node, we stop and return the optimal solution.

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
*5.11 The Channel Routing Problem
 Ordinary A*
。 When a goal node is selected, the algorithm stops.
 A Specialized A*
。 When reaching a goal node, the algorithm stops.
。 Used to solve the channel routing problem



t h(t) = h*(t)


Figure 5-37: A special situation when the A* is applied

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
The Channel Routing Problem

 A channel specification

Figure 5-38: A channel specification

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 The channel routing problem
。Input: a channel, two rows of terminals, and a set of nets
。Output: a layout with minimum tracks
。In a layout, it does not allow the illegal connections:
(horizontal and vertical constrains)

Figure 5-39: Illegal writings

We want to find a routing which minimizes the number of

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A Feasible Routing

Figure 5-40: A feasible layout for Figure 5-38

7 tracks are needed

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 An Optimal Routing

Figure 5-41: An optimal layout for Figure 5-38

only 4 tracks are needed

This problem is NP-complete

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014

 Horizontal constraints
。If nets x = (a, b) and y = (c, d) are in the same track and they
satisfy that a < c, then net x must be wired to the left of net y.
。A horizontal constraint graph (HCG)

Net 7 with nets 5, 3, 6, 2, 1

 no intersection

Figure 5-42: A horizontal constraint graph from Figure 5-38

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Vertical constraints
。If nets x = (a, b) and y = (b, c) share the same terminal b, then
net y must be wired before net x.
。A vertical constraint graph (VCG)

Figure 5-43: A vertical constraint graph from Figure 5-38

。 Only those nets without predecessors in VCG can be assigned to
any track
• For instance, initially, only nets 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8 can be assigned to a track.
Suppose nets 1 and 3 have already been assigned, then nets 2 and 4 can be
assigned consequently

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 Vertical constraint and Horizontal constraint
。While VCG gives us information about which nets can be
assigned, the HCG informs us which nets can be assigned to
a track.
• From Figure 5-43 (VCG), we know that nets 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8
may be assigned.
• Consulting Figure 5-42 (HCG), we note that among nets 1, 3, 5,
7, and 8, there are 3 maximal cliques: {1, 8}, {1, 3, 7}, and {5,
7}. Each maximal clique can be assigned to a track.

Figure 5-44: The first level of a tree

65 to solve a channel routing problem
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
Note: maximal clique

 Maximal clique
。A clique of a graph is a subgraph in which every pair of
vertices are connected.
。A maximal clique is a clique whose size cannot be made
。The maximal clique problem is to determine the size of a
largest clique in a graph. (Exercise 8.7)  NP-complete

maximal cliques :
{a, b}, {a, c, d},
{c, d, e, f}
maximum clique :
{c, d, e, f}

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A* algorithm
。Expand the subtree in Figure 5-44:
• After nets 7, 3, 1 are assigned, consulting VCG in Figure 5-43,
the nets which can be assigned become nets 2, 4, 5, 8
• After nets 8, 1 are assigned, consulting VCG in Figure 5-43, the
nets 2, 3, 5. 7 can be assigned

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A* algorithm (Cont.)
。Expand the subtree in Figure 5-44: (Cont.)
• Then, after nets 7, 3, 1 are assigned, consulting HCG in Figure
5-42, the maximal cliques in {2, 4, 5, 8} include {4, 2}, {8, 2}
and {5}.
• Thus, if we only expand node {7, 3, 1}, the solutions become
those shown in Figure 5-45.

4, 2 8, 2 5

Figure 5-45: The tree in Figure 5-44 further expanded

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A* algorithm (Cont.)
。cost function
• g(n) : the level of node n at the tree (Viewed the number of track).
• h(n) : maximal local density
– draw the vertical line at terminal i, the density is k if the vertical line
intersects k horizontal lines.
– after assigning node n a track, the maximal number of intersecting
horizontal lines except terminals in node n is called maximal local density,
for instance, the maximal local density of node {7, 3, 1} is 3)

After assigning a

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A* algorithm (Cont.)

Figure 5-46: A partial solution tree for the channel routing problem
by using A* algorithm
Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
 A* algorithm (Cont.)

An optimal routing

Introduction to Algorithms_ R.-W. Hung 2014
End of Chapter 5

Introduction to Algorithms
72 R.-W. Hung 2014

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