03 Unit Three or
03 Unit Three or
03 Unit Three or
Yalew Mamo
• Industries require to transport their products available at
several sources or production centers to a number of
destinations or markets.
• Minimizing the transportation cost will benefit the
organization by increasing the profit. To analyze and
minimize the cost of transportation, transportation model
is used.
• The name “transportation model” is, however, misleading.
This model can be used for a wide variety of situations
such as scheduling, personnel assignment, product mix
problems and many others, so that the model is really not
confined to transportation or distribution only.
• The development of transportation models involve a
number of production centers / sources and a number of
destinations / markets. Each shipping source has a
certain capacity and each destination has a certain
requirement associated with a certain cost of
transportation from the sources to the destinations.
• The objective is to minimize the cost of transportation
while meeting the requirements at the destinations.
• Transportation problems may also involve movement of a
product from plants to warehouses, warehouses to
wholesalers, wholesalers to retailers, retailers to
customers, etc.
Assumptions in the Transportation Model
1. Total quantity of the items available at different sources/
supply is equal to the total requirement/ demand at
different destinations / markets.
2. Items can be transported conveniently from all sources
to destinations.
3. The unit transportation cost of the item from all sources
to destinations is known.
4. The transportation cost on a given route is directly
proportional to the number of units shipped on that
5. The objective is to minimize the total transportation cost
for the organization as a whole and not for individual
supply and distribution centers.
Definition of the Transportation Model
• Suppose that there are m sources and n destinations. Let
ai be the number of supply units available at source i(i =
1,2,3,….., m) and let bj be the number of demand units
required at destination j(j = 1,2,3,….., n). Let cij represent
the unit transportation cost for transporting the units from
source i to destination j.
• The objective is to determine the number of units to be
transported from source i to destination j so that the total
transportation cost is minimum. In addition, the supply
limits at the sources and the demand requirements at the
destinations must be satisfied exactly.
• If xij (xij ≥ 0) is the number of units shipped from source i
to destination j.
• A few terms used in connection with transportation
models are defined below.
• Feasible solution: A feasible solution to a transportation
problem is a set of non-negative allocations, x thatij
1 2 3 4
3 11 7
1 2 (6) 6/0
1 2 3 4
3 11 7
1 2 (6) 6/0
1 2 3 4
3 11 7
1 2 (6) 6/0
1 2 3 4
3 11 7
1 2 (6) 6/0
Select the unoccupied cell having the highest negative net cost
change i.e. cell (1,3) or cell (2, 3) and draw a closed path from
cell (1, 3) or cell (2, 3).
• Since cell evaluation is – 1 and 1 unit has been
reallocated, the total transportation cost should be down
by birr (100 x1) = birr 100. This can be verified by actually
calculating the total cost for the 2nd feasible solution.
• The total cost of transportation for this 2nd feasible solution
= birr (3x5 + 11x1 + 1x1 + 7x5 + 2x15 + 1x9) x 100
= 10,100 birr.
Check this Solution is Optimal
• Write down again the feasible solution in question (i.e.
second feasible solution)
• For this allocation matrix the transportation cost is
Z = (5x3 + 1x11 + 1x6 +1x15 + 2x9 + 7x5) x 100
= 10,000
The Modified Distribution (MODI) Method
• In the modified distribution method, cell evaluations of all the
unoccupied cells are calculated simultaneously and only one
closed path for the most negative cell is traced.
• Step-1: Find an initial basic feasible solution
• Step-2: Find ui and vj for rows and columns. To start
• a. assign 0 to ui or vj where maximum number of allocation in
a row or column respectively.
• b. Calculate other ui's and vj's using cij=ui+vj, for all
occupied cells.
• Step-3: For all unoccupied cells, calculate dij=cij-(ui+vj), .
• Step-4:Check the sign of dij
• a. If dij>0, then current basic feasible solution is optimal and
stop this procedure.
• b. If dij=0 then alternative solution exists, with different set
allocation and same transportation cost. Now stop this
• c. If dij<0, then the given solution is not an optimal
solution and further improvement in the solution is
• Step-5: Select the unoccupied cell with the largest
negative value of dij, and included in the next solution.
• Step-6: Draw a closed path (or loop) from the unoccupied
cell (selected in the previous step). The right angle turn in
this path is allowed only at occupied cells and at the
original unoccupied cell. Mark (+) and (-) sign alternatively
at each corner, starting from the original unoccupied cell.
• Step-7: 1. Select the minimum value from cells marked
with (-) sign of the closed path.
• 2. Assign this value to selected unoccupied cell (So
unoccupied cell becomes occupied cell).
• 3. Add this value to the other occupied cells marked with
(+) sign.
• 4. Subtract this value to the other occupied cells marked
with (-) sign.
• Step-8: Repeat Step-2 to step-7 until optimal solution is
obtained. This procedure stops when all dij≥0 for
unoccupied cells.
ui/vj 0 -6 3 -4 -4 4
6 9
9 3 5 5
6 6 9
6 6 2 2
• ui + vj matrix for non-allocated cells
ui/vj 0 -6 3 -4 -4 -4
6 6 0 . 2 2 2
9 9 . 12 5 . .
6 . 0 . 2 2 2
6 . 0 9 . . 2
3 12 . 4 7 8
-2 . -5 2 . .
. 5 . 9 1 9
. 8 2 . . 8
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5
2 4 Ɛ 2
3 1 1
4 3 2 4
This new allocation gives the same cost of transportation 112 birr