06 Calculations and Design Procedures

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Calculations/Design Procedures

Basic Fire Protection Requirements

for Hydrocarbon Hazards
Offshore Platforms

The primary purpose of this design manual is to on a level where there are no operating personnel,
present a recommended calculation procedure to the fire fighting personnel will have access to the
determine basic fire protection requirements for deck from only the two stairways. This dictates the
hydrocarbon hazards encountered in today's positioning of major fire fighting equipment at the
"typical" offshore platforms. point where the stairways connect to each deck. If
operating personnel are on the level where the fire
Today's offshore platform operator must be safety occurs, the first reaction is to run to the stairway.
and fire conscious, and concerned about minimizing Therefore, the most accessible points for the
fire losses and operational down time. The location of the major fire fighting equipment is the
requirements, type of equipment and quantity of stairway area of each deck.
extinguishing agent for fire control on offshore
drilling platforms are dictated by location. The flow rate of extinguishing agent from a handline
is effectively limited by the amount of reaction force
Due to the different kinds of hazards encountered one man can withstand and still maintain accurate
on offshore platforms, it is recommended that two control of the discharge nozzle. The maximum flow
types of extinguishing agents be provided. rate of dry chemical a man can accurately control is
5 to 8 lbs. /sec. The maximum flow rate of AFFF is
Dry Chemical Protection should be provided to approximately 60 gpm per hand line using 1" hose.
extinguish three-dimensional fires, pressure fed
fires (both gaseous and liquid) and electrical fires. The maximum flow rate required from a given piece
Aqueous Film Forming Foam should be provided of equipment is the flow rate per handline times the
to extinguish spill and pool fires and to secure and maximum number of handlines which could be used
cool liquid hydrocarbon spills. Systems of this type, to combat any single fire.
combining the rapid fire extinguishing capabilities of
dry chemical as well as their ability to extinguish This maximum flow rate should be reviewed as to
three-dimensional fires with the sealing and the maximum flow rate available vs. the potential
securing capabilities of an aqueous film forming hazards on that particular deck. (Drip pan size etc.)
foam, are of particular importance for protection of In review, the following standards should be used:
flammable liquid hydrocarbon hazards. D.C.
(Max area size in sq. ft.)x(.04 lbs./sec./sq.
DESIGN PARAMETERS ft.) x (60 sec. flow) = Unit size
The parameters of sizing fire-extinguishing Example:
equipment for any platform should include the
following points: (100 sq. ft.)x (.04 lbs. /sec. /sq. ft.)x
(60 sec. flow) = 240 lbs. Unit Capacity
• Flow rate of extinguishing agent

• Minimum flow time of extinguishing agent Taking into consideration that based on a horizontal
impinging natural gas pressure fire each 8 lbs.
• Accessibility of equipment by platform personnel /sec., hand line can extinguish a fire fed at the rate
of 8 mm s.c.f.d. This is based on data covering a
THESE FACTORS DICTATE gas pressure range up to 750 psi. The information
is applicable for higher pressures since the primary
Taking into consideration that offshore platforms effect of pressure in this case is an extension in
normally are designed with two levels. The decks detachment of the flame zone from the gas source.
are normally connected by two stairways on
opposite sides of the platforms. If a fire breaks out Due to the complexity of equipment, possible wind
204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005
conditions, presence of rapidly heated material 1 - CDC1500 Lb. Capacity DC Unit
(stainless steel tubing etc.), it is recommended that 3 - Remote Reels with 100' x 1" Hose & Nozzle
the unit capacity size be calculated by taking the 3 - Remote Actuators Stations
maximum flow rate from the unit times a minimum
flow time of one minute. 1 - CPM150 AFFF Unit
4 - Remote Reels with 100' x 1" Hose & Nozzle
CALCULATIONS: FOUR-PILE PLATFORM 3 - Remote Actuators Stations

On a "typical" four-pile platform, there are two CALCULATIONS: EIGHT-PILE PLATFORM

stairways on opposite sides of the platform
On a "typical" eight-pile platform, there are two
connecting the two decks. At these two locations,
stairways on opposite sides of the platform. There
position both an AFFF and a dry chemical hose
is a multiple wellhead area separated from the
reel. The dry chemical unit, which contains two
production area by a firewall.
hose reels, should be mounted on the sub-deck
(where it will be least susceptible to damage). If the
Position both an AFFF and a dry chemical hose reel
unit is placed adjacent to a stairway connection, it
at the stairway connection points on both decks. In
will be necessary to furnish only one remote reel
addition, due to the extremely large wellhead
(via the other stairway) on the sub-deck.
hazard area, position an AFFF and a dry chemical
reel on the production side of the firewall adjacent
Position two remote reels by each stairway location
to both doors. The dry chemical unit contains two
on the upper deck. There should be five dry
hose reels and should be mounted on the sub-deck
chemical hose reels on the platform. (2 on the dry
if possible. With the unit placed adjacent to a
chemical unit and 3 remotes.) The maximum
stairway connection it will be necessary to provide
number, which would normally be used at one time,
only three remote reels on the sub-deck. Position
would be three on the lower deck. With a maximum
two remote reels on the top deck. The total number
of three 8-lbs. /sec. reels being used at once, a total
of hose reels on the platform will be seven. (2 on
flow rate from the unit of 24 lbs. /second would be
the D.C. unit and 5 remote reels).
required. Taking a minimum flow time of 1 minute,
we calculate the size of the unit to be:
With a maximum of five reels being used on the
(24 lbs. /sec.) x (60 sec.) = 1,440 lbs. of D.C. lower deck for one fire and allowing a maximum
flow rate of 8 lbs. /sec. for each handline, the
The closest size available dry chemical unit would maximum flow rate from the unit would be 40 lbs.
be a 1,500-lb. capacity, which will supply up to sec. With a minimum flow, time of one min. the
50/70-lbs. /sec. flow if required. size of the required unit is calculated at:
(40 lb. /sec.) x (60 sec.) = 2,400 lbs. of D.C.
A review of the systems fire extinguishing ability vs.
the platform hazards, the extinguishing capabilities The closest available dry chemical unit would be
are as follows: 2,500 lbs. and have a maximum flow rate capacity
of 100/125 lbs. /sec. Reviewing the systems fire
Max. Hazard Area extinguishing capability vs. the platform hazards we
(24 lb. /sec.) x (.04 lb./sec./ft.2) = 600 ft.2 find the following:
Max. Hazard Area
Max. Pressure Fire (40 lbs. /sec.) ÷ (.04 lb./sec./ft.2) = 1,000 ft.
(24 lb. /sec.) x (8 mm scfd.) = 24 mm scfd.
(8 lb. /sec.) (40 lbs. /sec.) (8 mm scfd.) = 40 mm scfd.
(8 lbs. /sec.)
Unless a four pilons platform has unusually large This system should be adequate for hydrocarbon
hazards, the above system should handle all the hazards found on most eight-pile platforms. To
pressure and (3) three-dimensional fires that could calculate the AFFF unit size, six hose reels will be
be expected. required, one by each stairway connection on both
decks and one by each fire wall door. With each
The calculations determine that the system required reel having a flow rate of 60 gpm, the maximum
on four-pile platform consists of the following number to be used on any single fire would be the
equipment: four on the sub-deck. The maximum flow rate
204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005
required from the AFFF unit would be (60 gpm) x
(4) = 240 gpm. The calculations dictate a unit size
of not less than 240-gallon capacity. A 300-gallon
capacity unit is to be supplied. The unit will provide
a maximum flow rate of 300 gpm.

A review of the fire extinguishing capabilities of the

system vs. the platform hazards indicates:
Max. Area:

( 240 gpm. ) x (2.5 min.) = 600 sq.ft.

(.16 gpm. sq. ft.)

Under normal conditions, an eight-pile platform will

not have potential spill areas (drip pans etc.) in
excess of 600 ft.2.

By consolidating the calculations, the system

required on an eight pile consists of the following

1 - CDC2500 Lb. Capacity Dry Chemical Unit

5 - Remote Reels with 150' x 1" Hose & Nozzle
5 - Remote Actuation Stations

1 - CPM300 AFFF Unit

6 - Remote Reels with 150' x1" Hose & Nozzle
5 - Remote Actuation Stations

Individual platforms could have hazards, which the
basic fire protection system should not be required
to handle. These hazards should be analyzed for
system application completely separate from the
rest of the platform. Examples of these hazards
are: storage tanks, compressors, and electrical
generating rooms. In many cases, the system
application on these hazards should involve
automatically actuated systems.

204 S. 6th Ave • Mansfield, Tx 76063 • (817) 473-9964 • FAX (817) 473-0606
REVISION: 09/2005

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