Extended Duration SCBA in Tunnels

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Need for Extended Duration

in Tunnels
Not just Duration – Life Expectancy

Shan Raffel AFSM EngTech CFIFireE CF

2010 Churchill Fellowship

 10 week - Planning, Preparation and Response to Emergencies

in Tunnels.
 Canada
 Germany
 Austria
 Denmark
 Sweden
 Norway
 Switzerland
Technical Solutions
Technical Solutions
Technical Solutions
Technical Solutions
International Best Practice References

Thematic Network FIT – Fire in Tunnels

Fire Safe Design. Technical Report – Part 3

RISE (Research Institute of Sweden)

METRO Project – Large Scale Research Findings, and Final Report.
Required Vs Effective Penetration
The depth of penetration firefighters would need to cover from a
portal, emergency exit, or from a Fire and Rescue Train to fulfil
their assignment.


The effective penetration depth is the distance that firefighters
wearing breathing apparatus can cover in a specific incident.
Key Factors in Determining “Effective” Distance

− SCBA type and weight (single/twin/closed circuit).

− Wearers air consumption rate variables:

−physical fitness,
−level of education and training,
−operational experience,
−psychological stress (subjective).
*FF Operations in Railway Tunnels p92
Key Factors in Determining “Effective” Distance

− Air flow and smoke conditions (Critical velocity of


− Conditions Encountered:
−Visibility conditions with/without thermal
imaging camera,
−Impact of gradient (= incline when retreating),
−Ambient temperature and radiation,
−Other obstacles.
*FF Operations in Railway Tunnels p92
Progressing from Upstream XP through Smoke
Based on the following:
• A BA team tasked with suppression, advances through smoke “on air”.
• Equipped with two cylinders, each with a volume of 6.8 litres @ 300 bars,
giving a total air supply of approximately 3700 litres. *
• Consumption rate is calculated at an average of 50 litres per minute.

• The calculated total duration of use is 74 minutes.

• 1/3 allowed to incident scene.

• 2/3 reserve for return.

*FF Operations in Railway Tunnels p92
Air calculation at 50 lpm by IFA. AU is 40 lpm
Progressing from Upstream XP through Smoke
3700 litres @ 50 l/min gives total estimated full duration of 72 min.

Allow twice the time taken to incident as a safety margin.

1233 litres to incident (3700/3) 24 min.
2466 litres for return 48 min.
Walking pace @25m/min.
Allowing a safety margin - 500m is considered as the maximum.
*guide based on tenable conditions, actual consumption during
progression must be monitored and adjusted as required.
Variations 40 lpm with 15 min Safety Margin
Twin 6.8l x 2 x 300 = 4080 l gives Total Duration of 102 min
Working Duration = 87 min

Twin 9L x 2 x 200 =3600 l gives 90 min TD

Working Duration = 75 min WD
Fire Attack from Upstream XP Through Smoke (On-Air)
TVS Air Flow
Litres used
160 320 480 640 800 960 1120 1280 1440 1600 1760 1920 2080 2240 2400 2560 2720 2880 3040 3200 3360 3520 3680

Mins 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92

XP 100 200 300 400 500 m 500 m 400 300 200 100 XP

Working Duration* = 77 min

20 min travel time to incident @25m/min (25 x 20=500m) Smoke present in tube.
17 min working time @incident Twin cylinder config @300 bar giving 3700 litres of air.
40 min reserve for return Rate of travel to incident 25 m/min (1.5km/h)
Rate of return travel 12.5 m/min.
*Working Duration (WD) = Full Duration (FD) – Safety Margin (SM)
Where: Full Duration = 92.5 min (3700l/40l/min)
Safety Margin = 15 min (13.6 min with whistle warning @ 44 bar for 2 x 6.8@300 bar
Critical Assumptions

Based on “hard working” consumption rate of 40 – 50 lpm of air.

Actual consumption rates vary enormously with the:
- individual fitness level
- perception and reaction to stress
- terrain, temperature, humidity
- workload

Based on the sets being at full capacity.

- Most procedures allow for a minimum of 80% being acceptable.
Critical Factors in Extended Duration
Twinning the cylinders will add approximately 7 kg to the weight of the SCBA.

Twin cylinder configurations are bulky.

The require more locker space for the set and spare cylinders.
Critical Factors in Extended Duration
Usually only carried on specialist appliances. Not immediately
available. response actions.
Conversion from single to twin cylinder configuration takes
several minutes and requires the support of specialist
Closed circuit Oxygen Rebreathers are expensive to purchase
and maintain, arduous to wear, require additional training and
competency maintenance, and a high level of fitness.
Why Bother with Innovation?

This new technology has the potential to significantly

increase single cylinder (and twin) CABA to provide
extended duration with very little extra weight.

When used for routine structural firefighting contexts the

extended duration has the potential to extend the safety
margin from 10 minutes to over 30 minutes!!!
This is Why!!!!

In the event of a mayday or firefighter down situation In the context

of normal duration operations, the total duration of the SCBA
becomes the “Life Expectancy”
Extended duration incidents can be dealt with in the initial response
This technology can bridge the existing gap between the capability
of twin cylinder open circuit SCBA and closed circuit re-breathers.
Izabella “Izzy” Nash, 46,
died in hospital on the
night of May 2 after her
colleagues pulled her
from a large factory fire at
Slacks Creek, south of
Brisbane, about 2am that

Thank you

Winston Churchill
We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give.

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