Chapter 1.2

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1.2 Sampling and Data Collection

Noor Fadhilah Mohd Ramlan
The process of selecting a sample from a population
Advantages : save cost, time, energy and can give better analysis

Sampling Techniques
The sampling processes of selecting samples from population
The samples selected must be random and represent the population
Choose the sampling techniques depends on homogeneity or heterogeneity of the population, the
availability of the sampling frame, the research budget and the important of the research.

Sampling Frame
A list of update information (eg: name, ic) of all elements in the population
The sampling frame must be homogeneous, complete and updated
Eg : a list name of all students, telephone directory
Types of Sampling Techniques
Non - probability Probability
Sampling Techniques Sampling Techniques
Judgmental Simple random
sampling sampling
Quota Cluster Stratified
sampling Snowball sampling sampling
Convenience sampling
Non – probability Sampling Probability Sampling Techniques
Not all elements of the population has the Each element of the population has the same
same chance of being selected as a sample chance of being selected as a sample
The sampling frame is not needed The sampling frame is need to obtain
More convenient and less costly Used it when a researcher plans to make
inference about the population
Non - probability Sampling Techniques
Judgmental sampling Quota sampling
Elements are not selected randomly but by using the Researcher are usually looking for a specific
judgment of the researcher type of respondent – age, gender, race (the
most frequently used as quota controls)
The selection depends on a certain characteristics
that represent the population based on researcher Quota indicating the number of
experiences respondents to be interview but it is not
concern about the randomness of selection
Eg: TV reporter will meet some individuals to ask Eg: To study the opinion of the KTM service
their opinions about certain political changes. The - the respondents : 60% male, 40% female
reporter will choose depends on his/her experiences
Convenience Sampling Snowball Sampling
Respondent are selected because they Often used when trying to interview hard to reach groups.
happen to be in the right place at the
Researcher will identify one respondent and make an
right time
interview. After being interviewed, these respondent are
The researcher simply stops anyone in asked to identify others who belong to the target
the street and asking anyone to population of interest
participate and interviewing anyone
This procedure is applied until the researcher obtains the
that willing to help
required number of respondents
Eg: To select 50 customers who enter a Eg: To study the behavior of drug addicts, to interview the
shopping complex to study about the unemployed people or Minority Ethnic residents
perception of the goods’ price
Advantages & disadvantages
Sampling technique Advantage Disadvantage
Judgmental sampling Reduced cost and time Selection bias

Quota sampling Sample can be controlled for certain characteristics Selection bias

Convenience sampling Easily applied Selection bias

Snowball sampling Can estimated rare characteristics Time consuming

Probability Sampling Techniques
Simple random sampling
Drawn randomly from a sampling frame
Similar to a lottery system / lucky draw
Process involved :
i. Get a list of N elements and sort it
ii. Label each element with unit number
iii. Random number are generated by a computer to determine which n elements are to be
selected as a sample
20 students from part one AC110 which consist of 100 students are to be
selected using simple random sampling
i. Get a list name of 100 students from part one AC110 and sort it
ii. Label each name with unit number
iii. Random number are generated by using computer to determine which 20
names are to be selected as a sample
Systematic sampling
The random starting point (r) is selected and then every kth element of the population is selected
Process involved :
i. Get a list of N elements and sort it
ii. Find k = N/n
iii. Choose r between 1-k
iv. Sample selection : rth, (r+k)th, (r+2k)th, (r+3k)th, …, until get n element as a sample
20 students from part one AC110 which consist of 100 students are to be
selected using systematic sampling
i. Get a list name of 100 students from part one AC110 and sort it
ii. Find k = N/n N = 100, n = 20, k = 100/20 = 5
iii. Choose r between 1-5. Choose r = 2
iv. Sample selection : 2nd, 7th, 12th, …, until get 20 names as a sample
Stratified sampling
Divide the population into several mutually exclusive strata (group) and then select the samples
randomly from each of these strata
Elements within each stratum should be homogeneous and between strata should be heterogeneous
x x oo *
x x x o o o * *
x x oo o * *
* *
BM119 CS111 AC110
There are 10 students from BM119, 12 students from CS111 and 8 students from
AC110. Explain how to select 15 students randomly.
Formula = (Size / N) x n N = 30, n = 15
BM119 = (10 / 30) x 15 = 5
CS111 = (12 / 30) x 15 = 6
AC110 = (8 / 30) x 15 = 4
Cluster sampling
The population is divided into cluster (group) and then a random sample of cluster is selected
All elements for each selected cluster are selected as a sample
The element within each group are heterogeneous as possible and the groups are homogeneous
Road A 1 2 3 4

Road B 1 2 3 4

Population Road C 1 2 3 4 Sample

Road D 1 2 3 4

Road E 1 2 3 4
Hotlink is conducting a survey to find out the average monthly prepaid in a certain college in
UiTM Shah Alam. The area consists of 10 blocks of college. Each blocks consist of 5 levels. A
random sample of 5 blocks is selected. All students who stay at the all levels in each block
are chosen are include in the sample
Multistage sampling
Is an extension of cluster sampling and involving several stages of sampling
The purpose is to reduce time and cost when working with samples from very large population

Road A 1 2 3 4

Road B 1 2 3 4 Road A 1 2 3 4

Population Road C 1 2 3 4 Road C 1 2 3 4 Sample

Road D 1 2 3 4 Road D 1 2 3 4

Road E 1 2 3 4
Advantages & disadvantages
Sampling technique Advantage Disadvantage
Simple random Easily applied
Not efficient
sampling Represent the population
Simple to design Can decrease representativeness if certain
Systematic sampling
Represent the population patterns exist in sampling frame
Precision is improved Expensive
Stratified sampling
Represent the population Time consuming
Cluster / Multistage Easily applied
Difficult to compute and interpret results
sampling Represent the population
Data Collection Methods
To determine the best way to reach the respondents in order to obtain the required data
Do it at minimum cost
Choose the methods depend on:
i. Budget available for the research
ii. Time allocation for the research
iii. Accuracy of the result needed
Face to face Direct SMS, email,
interview questionnaire Mail (postal)
Telephone Internet survey
questionnaire Direct
interview observation
Face to face Telephone Direct Mail (postal) Direct
interview interview questionnaire questionnaire observation
Personal interview An interviewer asks The researcher will A questionnaires is To study the habits
questions from a greet respondents sent to or human behavior
2 methods: prepared and explain briefly respondents via
questionnaire his intention before pos with stamped All information
i) The interviewer needed is being
giving the addressed
will meet the Respondents are recorded by the
questionnaires to envelope attached
respondent and ask only who can be researcher
the respondents.
questions reached by The respondents
telephone Questionnaires is a are request to fill
ii) Respondent will
printed list of up the
have to go to the Normally short in questions to be questionnaires and
interview center duration answered by return it to the
whereby a few
respondent researcher within a
interviewers will ask specific time
some question
Face to face interview Telephone interview Direct Mail (postal) Direct observation
questionnaire questionnaire

Advantages Advantages Advantages Advantages Advantages

High response rates Less expensive Easily applied Cheaper Fast to get
Respondents will give a Respondents can be The research
spontaneous answer contacted easily coverage is wider Disadvantages
Disadvantages Disadvantages Disadvantages Enables the
Expensive researcher to record
Expensive Low response rates Low response rate what actually
Respondent might be too Only a few and short Only simple happens
embarrassed to answer a questions can be asked questions can be Time consuming
personal question asked
Designing a Questionnaire
The questions should be short and simple
Begin with simple and less controversial question first
Should not require calculation
Allow a answer to be ticked
The question should not too personal
Ample space should be given for the answers to be written down
Avoid open-ended questionnaires

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