9 - NCP Computer Science PG

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National Curriculum of Pakistan


Grades 6-12


National Curriculum of Pakistan

Grades 6-12


It is with great pride that we, at the National Curriculum Council Secretariat, present the first core
curriculum in Pakistan's 75-year history. Consistent with the right to education guaranteed by
Article 25-A of our Constitution, the National Curriculum of Pakistan (2022-23) aspires to equip
every child with the necessary tools required to thrive in and adapt to an ever-evolving
globalized world.

The National Curriculum is in line with international benchmarks,

yet sensitive to the economic,
religious, and social needs of young scholars across Pakistan.As such, the National Curriculum
aims to shift classroom instruction from rote learning to concept-based learning.

Concept-based learning permeates all aspects of the National Curriculum, aligning textbooks,
teaching, classroom practice, and assessments to ensure compliance with contemplated student
learning outcomes. Drawing on a rich tapestry of critical thinking exercises, students will acquire
the confidence to embark on a journey of lifelong learning. They will further be able to
acknowledge their weaknesses and develop an eagerness to build upon their strengths.

The National Curriculum was developed through a nationwide consultative process involving a
wide range of stakeholders, including curriculum experts from the public, private, and
non-governmental sectors. Representatives from provincial education departments, textbook
boards, assessment departments, teacher training departments, deeni madaris, public and private
publishers, private schools, and private school associations all contributed their expertise to
ensure that the National Curriculum could meet the needs of all Pakistani students.

The experiences and collective wisdom of these diverse stakeholders enrich the National
Curriculum, fostering the core, nation-building values of inclusion, harmony, and peace, making
the National Curriculum truly representative of our nation's educational aspirations and

| take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents who
contributed to developing the National Curriculum of Pakistan (2022-23)

Dr. Mariam Chughtai

National Curriculum Council Secretariat
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
Computer Science (6-8)
Progression Grid
The Progression Grid template below is taken from the English Curriculum 2020. There are two changes made. First, the template
begins with the Domain name instead of Competency. Second, the columns are extended to Grade 12. Please note that some
Standards and Student Learning Outcomes will not begin until a higher grade or learning level. This template format must be
consistent for all subjects.

The Domains in this are:

A. ICT Fundamentals
Digital Skills

Algorithmic Thinking and Problem Solving

Digital Citizenship
Entrepreneurship in Digital Age

Progression Grid
Domain A: ICT Fundamentals

Standard: Students develop an understanding of ICT, ICT devices, computer systems (hardware), and networks

SLO: CS-06-A-01] Students will be able to

recognize various ICT devices and their
[SLO: CS-07-A-01]Students will be able [SLO: CS-08-A-01] Students will be able
to identify the use of emerging to analyze the usage of emerging
technologies in various walks of life technologies in various walks of life (e.g.
(e.g. artificial intelligence, biometrics, artificial intelligence, 5G, robotics,
robotics, computer-assisted translation, computer-assisted translation, 3D and
3D and holographic imaging, virtual holographic imaging, virtual reality,
reality, Cloud Computing, and distributed applications, block-chain, and
open-source software. Machine Learning.)
[SLO: CS-06-A-02] Students will be able to
define and differentiate between computer
hardware and software.
[SLO: CS-06-A-03] Students will be able to [SLO: CS-07-A-02] Students will be
identify and analyze (basic) hardware able to identify (advanced) hardware
components of a computing system components of a computing system
(e.g.processor, memory and storage). (e.g. different types of 1/0 ports,
different types of peripherals, and
networking components).
[SLO: CS-08-A-02] Students will be able
to identify and analyze a network and
identify core networking components and
their roles.

Domain B: Digital Skills

Standard: Develop various digital skills pertaining to usage of operating systems, image processing, word processing, presentation,
and data handling.
SLO: CS-06-B-01] Students will be able to
navigate around an Operating System (e.g.
Microsoft Windows, MAC OS, Linux,
Ubuntu, Android, iOS, etc).
[SLO: CS-06-B-02] Students will be able to [SLO: CS-07-B-01] Students will be [SLO: CS-08-B-01] Students will be able
develop and demonstrate able to develop and demonstrate to develop and demonstrate data handling
image-processing skills (using various word-processing and presentation skills
software tools e.g. Paint, 3D Paint, Tux, (using various software tools e.g. MS skills (using various software tools e.g.
etc.), while efficiently using computer Word, MS PowerPoint, Prezi, Canva, MS Excel, Google sheets, etc.)
hardware (e.g. mouse, keyboard, etc.) Photo Story, Movie-maker, etc.)
[ - -08-B-,

SLO: CS-06-B-03] Students will [SLO: CS-07-B-02] Students will get Additional SLO
demonstrate how to navigate the internet to introduced to electronic mailing systems Students will learn how to research
conduct a search query and arrive at an (e-mail) and learn appropriate usage. information from the internet for a report
authentic result. that answers a research question and
communicates results and conclusions.

Domain C: Algorithmic Thinking and Problem Solving

Standard: Identify, define, and analyze a problem, and apply algorithmic thinking and problem-solving strategies to develop
step-by-step solutions to solve problems

SLO: CS-06-C-01] Students will be SLO: CS-07-C-01] Students will be [SLO: CS-08-C-01] Students will be able to
able to identify, define and analyze a able to apply the concept of apply the concepts of computational thinking
problem computational thinking to handle and problem-solving strategies to solve
complex problems. complex problems by identifying the most
efficient algorithm
SLO: CS-06-C-02] Students will be SLO: CS-07-C-02] Students will be [SLO: CS-08-C-02] Students will be able to
able to apply basic algorithmic thinking able to apply concepts of conditional apply the concepts of nesting in algorithmic
to solve different types of problems. statements, finite and infinite loops to design thinking.
write different algorithms.
Domain D: Programming

Standard: Understand and apply fundamental programming constructs using visual and textual programming tools

SLO: CS-06-D-01] Students will be able [SLO: CS-07-D-01] Students will be

to analyze the fundamentals of computer able to explain how computers encode
programming. and decode computer programs (i.e.
identification of decimal to binary and
vice versa, conversion of texts, images
and sounds in binary).
SLO: CS-06-D-02]Students will be able to [SLO: CS-07-D-02] Students will be [SLO: CS-08-D-Add1]Students will be able to
analyze and apply basic programming able to apply fundamental programming apply intermediate-level programming
constructs (e.g. sequence, selection, constructs to create multi-sprite, constructs (e.g. functions, cloning,
repetition, variables, inputs/events); by multi-script programs using visual conditional movement); by creating
creating simple single-sprite, single-script programming tools. mini-games using a visual programming
programs using a visual programming tool. [SLO: CS-07-D-Add] tool.
[SLO: CS-06-D-Add] Additional SLO: [SLO: CS-08-D-Add2]
dditional SLO: Students will be able to apply Additional SLO:
tudents will be able to apply basic fundamental programming constructs to Students will be able to apply
‘ogramming constructs (e.g. sequence, create multi-sprite, multi-script intermediate-level programming constructs
election, repetition, variables, programs using textual programming (e.g. functions, cloning, conditional
inputs/events); by creating simple tools. movement); by creating mini-games using a
single-sprite, single-script programs using textual programming tool.
textual programming tools.
[SLO: CS-10-D-Add]
Additional SLO
Students will be able to analyze constructs
and fundamentals of textual (syntax-based)
Domain E: Digital Citizenship

Standard: Learn the basics of the internet, write an email, identify risks involved in an online exchange of information and apply
digital safety protocols.

SLO: CS-06-E-01] Students will analyze [SLO: CS-07-E-01] Students will identify | [SLO: CS-08-E-01] Students will identify
the basics of information literacy and digital | ways to protect against malicious ways of protecting against cybercrimes.
civility and appropriate uses of technology. | activities or behaviors in the digital
Domain F: Entrepreneurship in Digital Age

Standard: Students apply problem-solving skills to solve a market need.

SLO: CS-06-F-01] Students will define [SLO: CS-07-F-01]Students will

and analyze entrepreneurship subtypes analyze the uses and benefits of design [SLO: CS-08-F-01] Students will develop
and summarize the entrepreneurship thinking for entrepreneurs. an understanding of the basics of digital
process marketing platforms and social media
marketing to develop a marketing plan for
a business.
[SLO: CS-08-F-02] Students will be able
to identify and create different
components of a business plan i.e.
market need, product design, costing,
operations, and marketing.

Computer Science & Entrepreneurship (9-12)

Progression Grid
Domain A: Computer Systems

Standard: Students will learn about components and interactions between computer systems, stages of software
development, data representation and transmission across networks of computing systems, and the implications on
usability, reliability, security, etc

Benchmark I: Students will identify and analyze Benchmark I: Students will identify and analyze logic
components of computer systems and different levels of gates in digital systems
interactions between hardware, software, users, and Benchmark II: Students will identify stages of system
computer networks software development
Benchmark II1I: Students will learn about scalability,
reliability, and security of computer networks

[SLO CS-09-A4-01] Students [SLO CS-10-4-01] Students [SLO CS-11-4-01] Students [SLO CS-12-A-01] Students
will define and describe will be able to understand will be able to understand will explain the usability,
types of systems (artificial, and describe number and apply logic gates in security and accessibility of
natural), computer systems and encoding digital systems, define and devices, the systems they
hardware components such schemes for data create truth tables using are integrated with.
as computer architecture representation in computer Boolean operators like
(CPU, microprocessors, systems AND, OR, NOT, NAND, [SLO CS-12-4-02] Explain
etc.), XOR) and logic diagrams human interaction with
computer systems in terms
- Usability
- Common problems
- Methods for
- Ethical, social,
economic, and

[SLO CS-09-A4-02] Students [SLO CS-10-4-02] Students [SLO CS-11-4-02] Students

will be able to identify and will be able to explain how will be able to understand
explain system software, system software controls the and evaluate stages of the
application software, low- flow of information between systems design, e.g.
level and high-level hardware components used software development life
programming languages, Jfor input, output, cycle (analysis, design,
and their uses. storage, and processing coding, and testing etc.),
and software development
[SLO CS-10-4-03] Students methodologies

will identify and learn
common sofitware tools such
as translators, integrated
development environments,
online and offline
computing platforms, code
repositories, etc.

[SLO CS-09-4-03] [SLO CS-11-A-03] Students [SLO CS-12-A4-03] Identify

Students will be able to will be able to understand and explain tradeoffs
identify and analyze data and explain the scalability between the usability and
communication, computer and reliability of security of computing
networks, networking networking systems via systems, recommend
devices, basic networking network topology cybersecurity measures by
systems and understand considering different
how data is transmitted and [SLO CS-11-A4-04] Jactors such as efficiency,
key concepts such as Understand and explain the cost, privacy, and ethics
protocols, speeds, etc. need for cybersecurity and
contrast different methods
of encryption to transmit

Domain B: Computational Thinking & Algorithms

Standard: Students will identify and decompose simple and complex problems, create & evaluate appropriate solutions
using computational approaches, and understand and apply common algorithms used in solving computational problems

Benchmark I: Students will understand and apply Benchmark I: Students have core concepts of basic data
computational thinking techniques to solve complex, real- structures and algorithms used extensively in computer
world problems. science and knowledge of how to apply these techniques
toward solving more complex and real-life problems.

[SLO CS-09-B-01] [SLO CS-10-B-01] Students [SLO CS-11-B-01] Plan, [SLO CS-12-B-01]
Understand and apply will identify common develop, systematically test, Understand and evaluate
techniques to decompose algorithms used to develop and refine computational the computational solutions
problems sofitware, store, search, or artifacts for problem- in terms of efficiency,
sort information solving such as pseudocode, clarity, and correctness

[SLO CS-09-B-02] Solve [SLO CS-10-B-02] Develop [SLO CS-11-B-02] Apply [SLO CS-12-B-02]
simple and complex and apply abstractions to common search, and sort Understand and apply
problems computationally create generalized, modular algorithms complex algorithms on data
solutions structures such as trees and
binary search
Domain C: Programming Fundamentals

Standard: Students will create and debug projects in programming languages Python, HTML, and JavaScript,
learning how to translate algorithms into code and define & apply fundamental programming constructs such as
sequence, selection, and iteration

Benchmark I: Students will develop, test, and Benchmark I: Students will develop, test, debug command-
debug static website (using HTML and CSS) line interface (CLI) applications in Python
and a dynamic website (using JavaScript)

[SLO CS-09-C-01] [SLO CS-10-C-01] [SLO CS-11-C-01] Students [SLO CS-12-C-01] Students should
Students will Students should be able should understand the be able to understand and evaluate
understand web to differentiate between importance of computer applications of various
development and front-end development, programming and programming paradigms.
differentiate between a and back-end applications
website and a web development of a
application website

[SLO CS-09-C-02] [SLO CS-10-C-02] [SLO CS-11-C-02] Students [SLO CS-12-C-02] Students should
Students should be able Students should be able should be able to write and be able to use more advanced
1o create a static to use more advanced execute simple programs in programming constructs such as
website using HTML/CSS features in Python. data structures (lists etc.), file
HTML/CSS in an an appropriate handling (disk 10 to write to
appropriate environment [SLO CS-11-C-03] Students storage), and databases in Python.
environment should be able to draw
[SLO CS-10-C-03] shapes using Turtle
[SLO CS-09-C-03] Students should be able Graphics functions in Python
Students should be able to use more advanced
to create dynamic programming [SLO CS-11-C-04] Students
websites using constructs (lists, etc.) to should be able to understand
JavaScript as the create dynamic the need for libraries and
frontend scripting websites using learn the use of some simple
JavaScript as backend libraries in Python.

[SLO CS-09-C-04] [SLO CS-10-C-04] [SLO CS-11-C-05] Students [SLO CS-12-C-03] Students should
Students should be able Students should be able should be able to translate be able to implement complex
to implement common to implement complex simple algorithms that use algorithms that use lists etc. in
algorithms that use algorithms that use sequence and repetition in Python
sequence, selection, and more complex data Python.
repetition in JavaScript structures (lists, etc.) in
JavaScript [SLO CS-11-C-06] Stu

should be able to decompose
a problem into sub-problems
and implement those sub-
problems using functions in

[SLO CS-09-C-05] [SLO CS-10-C-05] [SLO CS-11-C-07] Students [SLO CS-12-C-04] Students will
Students will determine Students will determine will determine ways of determine more advanced
ways of debugging their more advanced debugging their code in techniques (unit tests, breakpoints,
code in JavaScript techniques (unit tests, Python watches) for testing and debugging
breakpoints, watches) their code in Python
Jfor testing and
debugging their code in

Domain D: Data and Analysis

Standard 1: Students will be able to understand the scope of data science, how computer systems collect, store, process,
visualize, and interpret data

Standard 2: Students will get an introduction to the relational data model, relational database engines, and SQL and how
to design good schemas.

Standard 3: What is Al and machine learning, and how does it relate to data and data science

\Benchmark I: Students will be able to define and explain how to \Benchmark I: Students will be able to represent
lcollect, store, analyze, visualize data latabases using UML diagrams and extract data
sing queries, and create data visualizations using
software tools

SLO CS-09-D-01] Students will 'SLO CS-10-D-01] Students SLO CS-11-D-01] SLO CS-12-D-01]
xplain the scope of the data science will understand and explain IStudents will be able to \Students will be able to
ield as an interdisciplinaryfield \the scope of data science, elate the role and nalyse data and identify
(computer sciences, mathematics & rtificial Intelligence (A1), importance of model ey model performance
statistics, and business knowledge & nd Machine Learning (ML), uilding with their real- etrics of real-world
understanding). lincluding types of supervised world applications achine learning models.
land unsupervised learning
odels, and their SLO CS-11-D-02]
ipplications to common real- tudents will understand
world problems. nd explain
lexperimental design in
lata science
'SLO CS-09-D-02] Students will SLO CS-10-D-02] Students SLO CS-11-D-03] SLO CS-12-D-02]
lefine and explain data types, data will understand and explain IStudents will analyze \Students will explain and
ollection, and data storage. ithe types, uses, and methods pre-existing datasets to create a data visualization
lof data visualizations and fcreate summary using Structured Query
lunderstand the benefits of \Language (SOL), or

sualizing data isuals (such as bar \Python, or R
charts, pie charts, line
raphs, etc.)
SLO CS-09-D-03] Students will be |[SLO CS-10-D-03] Students Advanced SLO
ble to define and explain big data, will be able to apply stages o) 'SLO CS-12-D-03]
land applications of big data in real- he data science life cycle e.g. \Students will learn how to
world business nderstanding a real-world [form hypotheses and
usiness problem, data perform hypothesis testing.
lgathering, building model, \Students will learn to
interpreting results). lcommunicate findings
lusing advanced data
visuals and tie them back
lto hypotheses.

Domain E: Applications of Computer Science

Standard 1: Students will understand computer technologies such as Blockchain / AI/ IoT / Cloud Computing / Game
design and development
Standard 2: Students should be able to understand how computers learn, make decisions, and the applications,
challenges, and social implications of Al

Benchmark I: Students learn about different popular Benchmark I: Students learn about different technologies
fields in Computer Science like AI, Cloud Computing, IoT, that support the latest applications of CS and their
and Blockchain. relevance to Pakistan.
Benchmark I1: Students learn about data techniques in Al
applications and the social implications of technology.

[SLO CS-09-E-01] Students [SLO CS-10-E-01] Students [SLO CS-11-E-01] Students [SLO CS-12-E-01] Students
will be able to describe uses will be able to describe uses should be able to describe should be able to design
and applications of and applications that are technologies that are the ideas of applications
computing like AI, Machine enabled by technologies like foundations of IoT systems, relevant to Pakistan using
Learning, and Cloud 10T, and Blockchain Cloud Computing, and 10T, Cloud computing, and
Computing Blockchain Blockchain

[SLO CS-10-E-02] Students [SLO CS-12-E-02] Students

will be able to explain that should be able to describe
Al can be applied to deep learning and its
specific applications in applications
areas like NLP, Robotics,
Speech Recognition, etc.

[SLO CS-09-E-02] Students [SLO CS-10-E-03] Students [SLO CS-11-E-02] Students [SLO CS-12-E-03] Students
will be able to discuss the will be able to demonstrate should be able to evaluate should be able to assess
social implication of the the social implications of Al how different st policies that can help

usage of Al in decision- culture, values, and protect different
making that affects humans (sometimes conflicting) stakeholders' interests
interests affect AI System
designs. [SLO CS-12-E-04] Students
should be able to evaluate
scenarios with data sharing
and privacy conflicts and
suggest policy decisions
that can help achieve
acceptable compromises.

Domain F: Impacts of Computing

Standard: Students will be able to understand ethics and laws related to computing and the use of computing devices,
media, data, the internet, and the application of personal privacy and network security.
Standard 2: The environmental, cultural, and human impact of computing and assistive technologies for the modern

Benchmark I: Students will obtain knowledge of ethical Benchmark I: Students will interpret documents related
and legal issues surrounding the use of computing. to computing systems and evaluate their legal and ethical
Benchmark II: Students will understand privacy and implications.
network security issues surrounding computing Benchmark I1: Students will be able to illustrate how they
applications and devices they use everyday can maintain privacy online and address security concerns
Benchmark I11: Students will understand the role of they may encounter with the use of computing devices and
assistive technologies and understand the implications of applications
the digital divide Benchmark III: Students will demonstrate their ability to
collaborate and communicate on the design of computing

[SLO CS-09-F-01] [SLO CS-10-F-01] [SLO CS-11-F-01] [SLO CS-12-F-01] Identify

Understand and apply safe Understand and apply safe Understand and apply safe and apply safe practices
and responsible use of & responsible use of the & responsible use of when collaborating on
computers (responsible use internet to prevent information sources, digital or online platforms.
of hardware, appropriate addiction, promote identifying sources of
use of software, and safe information and data reliable information
use of digital platforms like security compared to unreliable
data searches, social information and its sources
networking, etc.)

[SLO CS-09-F-02] [SLO CS-10-F-02] [SLO CS-12-F-02] Discuss

Analyze the beneficial and Evaluate the impact of and security threats and
harmful effects of apply strategies to prevent mitigation such as 2FA,
computing innovations such cyberbullying/harassment biometric verification, and

as social networking, fake secure techniques for
news, etc. transmitting data etc.

[SLO CS-09-F-03] [SLO CS-10-F-03] Analyze [SLO CS-11-F-02] Define [SLO CS-12-F-03]
Evaluate the ways the impacts of the digital and discuss how computing Collaborate on strategies to
computing impacts divide on access to critical has increased connectivity provide equity and equal
personal, ethical, social, information by enabling communication access to information
economic, and cultural between people and the
practices environmental, cultural,
and human impact of
increased connectivity

Domain G: Digital Literacy

Standard: Collect & analyze information and publish to various audiences using digital tools and media-rich resources,
and use digital tools to design and develop a significant digital artefact through research design, data collection, and

Benchmark I: Collect & analyze information and publish Benchmark I: Use digital tools to design and develop a
to various audiences using digital tools and media-rich significant digital artefact through research design, data
resources. collection, and communication.

[SLO CS-10-G-01] [SLO CS-11-G-01] Perform [SLO CS-12-G-01] Students

Communicate and publish advanced searches to locate will create an artifact that
key ideas and details to a information and/or design a answers a research

variety of audiences using data-collection approach to question, communicates

appropriate digital tools gather original data (e.g., results and conclusions
and media-rich resources qualitative interviews, through digital resources or
surveys, prototypes, tools


Domain H: Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age

Standard: Students will create a business using design thinking with the help of digital tools

Benchmark: Students will learn how to identify Benchmark: Students will learn how to build successful
problems and create and present business solutions products or services by creating and testing prototype and
launching a minimum viable product

[SLO EN-09-H-01]: Students [SLO EN-10-H-01]: [SLO EN-11-H-01]: Students [SLO EN-12-H-01]: Students
identify a problem and create Students will use digital will create, test, and iterate a will create and test a
a business idea using design tools to conduct prototype for a business idea minimum viable product for
research to collect their business
market and customer
insights for a business

[SLO EN-09-H-02]: Students [SLO EN-10-H-02]:

will use digital tools to create Students will pitch a
and present a business plan business idea

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