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Research paper on

Influence of AI on education

Course title: ENG103

Section: 20

Submitted By Submitted To
MD Shanto Hossain Mr Mohammed Shahedul Haque (Shq)
ID: 2121498630 Assistant Professors of North South University
Department of Modern & English Language
Roll: 15

Table of content

1. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………...2
2. Abstract………………………………………………………………3
3. Introduction……………………………………………………………………4
4. Background……………………………………………………………………5
5. Research Questions…………………………………………………………..7
6. Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………..8
7. Methodology…………………………………………………………………..9
8. Data Presentation and Analysis…………………………………………….10
9. Summary of research findings……………………………………………...15
10. Recommendations…………………………………………………………….18
11. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..19
12. References……………………………………………………………………..20
13. Appendix………………………………………………………………………21

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Mohammed Shahedul Haque of the
English Department at North South University for his invaluable guidance and support throughout
the course. His expertise and mentorship have been a major part in shaping my understanding of
the subject matter and have contributed significantly to the successful completion of this project.
His unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to his students has been a constant
source of inspiration. I am truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from such a
distinguished educator. Also, I would like to thank the students who participated in the survey and
gave their valuable contributions regarding the topic.

The main objective of my research is to find out how AI affects student’s education, how students
are using AI to improve their education, and whether AI is helping students or creating problems
for themselves. The study reveals that AI has gained significant attention in the educational sector,
with most participants acknowledging its usage. However, the findings also indicate that while AI
is widely utilized, most individuals only depend somewhat on it. This relationship between AI and
education says the evolving role of technology in improving educational fields suggests a balance
between students rather than an overreliance on AI tools and systems for educational purposes.


Influence of Artificial Intelligence on education refers to the effects of Artificial Intelligence

on student’s educational activities. This topic is mainly about how students use Artificial
Intelligence in their education tasks and how it helps students to gain knowledge. It also represents
how Artificial Intelligence is creating challenges in student's lives.

The topic “ Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Education” is essential to understanding AI's

potential to revolutionize how we learn and teach. Here are some specific reasons why AI’s effect
on education is important to understand.
• To understand the potential benefit and risks of Artificial Intelligence. AI has the potential
to improve education in many ways, but this can also create concerns for biases unfair
assessments, and ethical aspects. Thus it is essential to understand the potential risks and
benefits of AI in education so that teachers and learners can make the best use of it.
• To customize the way of learning by creating Educational tools or resources using AI. Ai
can also be used to create tools which can help to make learning more effective. According
to Chace (2020), AI has the potential to revolutionize the field of education by modifying
the educational tools and experiences for every student's needs, identifying students in need
of assistance based on behavioral measurements, and assisting teachers in real-time
decision-making to enhance student outcomes.
• To prepare teachers for the future of education. AI has drastically changed the way people
teach and learn. So, Educator need to be prepared for these changes. According to Perez
(2023) AI can also help teachers create customized lesson plans and assessments that align
with each student’s unique strengths and weaknesses, which can improve student
experience and motivation.

Mainly students and teachers will benefit from my research findings. Students can understand
the potential benefits and risks of AI so, they can make the best decision for their betterment and
avoid the risks involving Artificial Intelligence. Teachers can use these research findings to
improve the learning experience. Also, they can gather more information about students’
perspectives on AI, which will help them to teach more effectively.


According to Pedro , Subosa , Rivas , and Valverde (2019) starting from its inception during the
1956 Dartmouth Conference, the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) has consistently captivated
both individuals and industries. Few technological advancements in recent times have generated
as much controversy as AI. Despite having a history spanning nearly six decades, AI remained on
the fringes until very recently. This transformation, often called "the big leap," was driven by
significant changes, including the availability of vast amounts of data (big data), more affordable
access to computational power, and strides made in Machine Learning. According to Pedro ,
Subosa , Rivas , and Valverde (2019), Only a few years after the invention of AI, in 1959, Arthur
Samuel created the phrase "machine learning," characterizing the idea as "the ability to learn
without being explicitly programmed." Machine learning is fundamentally just a method for
achieving AI. It is crucial to note that artificial intelligence (AI) can be created without the use of
machine learning, but doing so would entail writing millions of lines of code with intricate rules
and decision trees.. Additionally, concepts like machine learning and learning analytics are
explored, highlighting how these technologies synergize. It's worth noting that these terms are
occasionally used interchangeably in news and articles, leading to confusion. The landscape of
work, lifestyle, communication, education, and recreation is undergoing transformation due to
digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI). Individuals, whether consciously or not, are
increasingly coming into contact with advanced technologies like AI in their day-to-day
experiences. This includes activities as varied as seeking a loan or scrolling through social media,
some of which could profoundly shape their lives. As we progress two decades into the twenty-
first century, numerous professions are feeling the impact of human innovation and
resourcefulness, enabling the extraction of value from novel technologies. National policies are
progressively centering around AI, integrating it into and affecting sectors such as industry,
agriculture, services, value chains, and workplace structures. While AI holds the promise of
enhancing the quality of life, it also introduces vital concerns related to policies, ethics, and society.
These encompass matters like job generation and the potential for job obsolescence. AI stands as
a source of societal and political tension, with the potential to exacerbate disparities within and
between nations.

According to Anonymous (2023), The history of AI in education (AIED) can be traced back to
the early 1950s, when Alan Turing published his paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence."
In this paper, Turing proposed the Turing test, which is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit
intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. According to
Anonymous (2023) The first AIED system was developed in 1960 by Patrick Suppes and Richard
Atkinson. This system called the Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) system, was designed to
teach students basic arithmetic.

According to Anonymous (2023),In the 1970s, AIED research focused on developing

intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). ITSs are computer programs that can provide individualized
instruction to students. One of the most well-known ITSs is the SCHOLAR system, which was
developed to teach students about physics. ITSs typically work by first assessing the student's
knowledge and skills. Then, they provide instruction that is tailored to the student's individual
needs. ITSs can also provide feedback and support to help students learn.

In the 1980s, AIED research began to focus on using artificial neural networks to develop
learning systems. Artificial neural networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human
brain. They can be used to recognize patterns and make predictions. Neural networks have been
used to develop a variety of AIED systems, including systems that can grade essays, diagnose
learning disabilities, and recommend personalized learning paths.
In the 1990s, AIED research began to focus on using large language models to develop natural
language processing (NLP) systems. NLP systems can be used to understand and generate human
language. NLP systems have been used to develop a variety of AIED systems, including systems
that can answer students' questions, provide feedback, and generate personalized learning content.
In the 2000s, AIED research began to focus on using big data to develop personalized learning
systems. Personalized learning systems can tailor instruction to the individual needs of each
student. Big data analytics can be used to collect and analyze data about students' learning to
identify patterns and trends that can help improve instruction.
The field of AIED is still relatively new, but it has the potential to revolutionize education. AI-
powered educational technologies can help to personalize learning, provide real-time feedback,
and make education more accessible to everyone.
Here are some of the specific ways that AI is being used in education today:

• Intelligent tutoring systems: These systems provide individualized instruction to students

based on their individual needs and abilities. For example, the Carnegie Learning system
uses AI to provide personalized instruction to students in math and science.
• Virtual reality and augmented reality: These technologies can be used to create immersive
learning experiences that can help students learn in a more engaging and effective way. For
example, the Metaverse Learning platform uses VR to allow students to explore virtual
worlds and learn about different subjects.
• Natural language processing: This technology can be used to create chatbots that can
answer students' questions and provide support. For example, the Google Assistant can be
used to help students with their homework or answer their questions about a particular
• Big data analytics: This technology can be used to collect and analyze data about students'
learning to identify patterns and trends that can help improve instruction. For example, the
Knewton platform uses big data analytics to personalize instruction for each student.

Research Questions
In my research, I plan to investigate if there is any influence of AI on student’s education. My
research addresses the following research questions:
1. How can we ensure the benefits of the usuage of AI for all students?
2. Does students consider ethical aspects while using AI?
3. What are the level of benefits of using AI to students on their education?
4. What is the quality of information AI gives to students?
5. How much dependant has students became due to AI?
6. Does students takes plagiarism seriously?

From my research, I expect to find that all students gets their satisfied level of benefits from AI
because I believe that AI has an enormous amount of data so it can help all types of students , also
I expect that students are less likely to focus on ethical aspects. I expect that students get high level
of benefits from AI. I believe that students gets very good quality of feedback from AI because AI
has enormous amount of data in his database. I also believe that majority of students has become
dependant on AI because students can get mostly all answers of their questions on one click. I
believe that most of the students does not take plagiarism seriously.

For my Primary research, I planned to do two types of primary researches. Firstly, Survey. In
order to understand students perspective I planned to create a online forum using Google Forms.
Using this, I will send this form to students from different educational backgrounds like school,
College, University, and Graduated. This form will contain open ended and close ended questions
to understand the opinions of students regarding the effects of Artificial Intelligence on their
education. Secondly, Interview. In order to understand student’s situation in depth, I will take an
interview of a teacher, who is one of the reputated faculty of an IGCSE and IAL preparation
coaching center named Institute of British Collegiate. I will ask him 5 questions regarding
Artificial Intelligent’s impact on education.
For my secondary research, I'll use my university's library to find books and journals that can
help with my study. I'll also search online for good websites, articles, and news. I want to find
research papers that are similar to mine for references.
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Data Presentation and Analysis

In my survey 33 people responded, and we presented data’s as follows:

1. First question was the Age of the participants. Out of 33 participants, 49% of people
belongs to the age range of 15 to 20 years. 48% of people lies on the age range between 21
to 30 years, 3% of participant fall in the range of 31 to 40 years and no one falls in the
range of 41 years to above.

21 to 30 years
49% 48%
15 to 20 years
31 to 40 years
41 years to above

2. Secone question was the gender of the participants. Within 33 participants, 49% of them
are female, and 51% of them are male.


49% 51% Male

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3. Third question was the education background of the participants. Out of 33 participants,
54.5% of participant are from University, 36.4% are from College, and 9.1% of participants
are from school and none of the participants are graduated.

Education Background

36% 55% College

4. Third question is that “ Do you agree that you get all the answers for your academic
tasks/activities using Artificial Intelligence”. Out of 33 participants, 42.4% participants
opinion is neutral, 30.3% of people agree that they get all the answers from AI, 3% of
people highly agrees on this question. On the other hand, 12.1% of people strongly
disagree on this also 12.1% of people disagee on this statement.

do you get all the answers for your academic tasks/activities using Artificial

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
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5. The fifth question was “ it is ethical to copying / paraphrasing data from Artificial
Intelligence for educational purposes without using proper citation”. Out of 33
participants, 3% of participant strongly agreed on this, 24.2% of participants agreed on
this statement. 21.2% of people neither agree or disagree on this statement. Whereas
42.4% of participants disagree on this statement and 9.1% of people strongly disagrees
on this statement.

it is ethical to copying / paraphrasing data from Artificial Intelligence for educational

purposes without using proper citation

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

6. Sixth question is “ What level of benefit/ help do you think you get from Artificial
intelligence for educational purposes?”. Out of 33 participants, 30.3% of people said
that they got high level of benefit from Artificial Intelligence, 66.7% of people said that
they got medium level of benefit, and 3% of people said that they got low level of

What level of benefit/ help do you think you get

from Artificial intelligence for educational

67% Medium
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7. Seventh question is “Have you ever used AI to measure the quality of your writing? If
yes then what was the quality of feedback you received?”. Out of 33 participants majority
of participants doesn’t use Artificial Intelligence to measure the quality of their writing,
Some of them used AI to measure their quality of writing, and the quality was good.

8. Eighth question is “ Do you agree that you use Artificial Intelligence for majority of
educational activities/tasks? “. Out of 33 participants, 6.1% of people strongly agrees
with this statement, 27.3% of people agree that they use AI for majority of their
education tasks, 30.3% of people are neutral in using AI for education tas ks. On the
other hand, 27.3% of people disagree with this, and 9.1% of people strongly disagree
with this statement.

Do you agree that you use Artificial Intelligence for

majority of educational activities/tasks?
Highly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

9. Nineth question is “ Have you ever cited the data that you have taken from Artificial
Intelligence? If yes, then what citation style did you used?”. Out of 33 participants,
majority of people does not cite their work or does not use any citation method. Some
of them use citation to cite their work, and they use APA style 7 th as their citation method.
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10. Tenth question is “Do you think that you are very dependent on Artificial Intelligence?”.
Out of 33 participants, 84.8% of people said no, and 15.2% of people said yes

Do you think that you are very dependent on

Artificial Intelligence?



11. Eleventh question is “Have you ever taken any steps to ensure a balance between your
own work and using Artificial Intelligence?”. Out of 33 participants, 51.5% of people
said no, and 48.5% of people said yes.

Have you ever taken any steps to ensure a

balance between your own work and using
Artificial Intelligence?

52% 48% Yes

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Summary of research findings

In today’s education, Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in making the process/ activities
more effective. Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way we teach and learn. To understand
more in depth of Artificial Intelligence effect on education, We have done some researches to
understand its impact on educational sector. So, to know more about Artificial Intelligence we have
used three ways to collected data they are: Survey, Secondary research findings, and Interview.
Firstly, survey. We have taken survey of around 33 participants, We have used random
sampling method to collect data, Our participants mainly represents students from different
education backgrounds. For our research we mainly chosed participants from 3 educational
backgrounds they are school, college, university. Out of 33 participants, 48.5% of participants is
aged between 21 to 30 years, 3% is aged between 31 to 40 years, and 48.5% of students is aged
between 21 to 30 years. We tried to target different genders for our research so, in this research,
48.5% of participants are female and 51.5% of participants are mail. According to our survey, we
found out that majority of people is neutral in finding all answers for their academic tasks from
Artificial Intelligence, means that they get answers from AI but not all of them and some of the
participants agree that they gets all answers from AI, this data represents that AI helps students in
finding majority of the data. Also we found out that majority of participants disagrees that it is
ethical to copy/ paraphrase data from AI without using proper citation. Very few of them finds it
ethical, this represents that students thinks about the ethical aspect of AI while using it, they prefer
using AI for knowledge rather than copying or paraphrasing data from Artificial Intelligence for
educational tasks/activities. According to our survey we also found out that, Majority of people
got medium level of benefits from AI for their educational purpose and some of them gets high
level of benefits from Artificial Intelligence, this indicates that AI doesn’t fulfill 100% of the
requirement by students, there are little lacking on the database of AI for which students gets data
but it does not match exactly like their expectations also from our survey we got to know that,
Majority of the participants doesn’t use AI to check the quality of their writing which means most
of the people uses Artificial Intelligence only for the knowledge, however some people uses
Artificial Intelligence to check the quality of their writing and they said that the quality was good,
probably most of the students doesn’t know the full strength of Artificial Intelligence. According
to our survey we also found out that some people uses Artificial Intelligence for majority of their
educational tasks and activities also some people neutral in this topic also some people prefer not
to use Artificial Intelligence for majority of educational activities. We also found out that majority
of people don’t use citation when they take data from Artificial Intelligence, however Some people
use citation and they use APA style 7th as their citation method. We also got to know that majority
of participants believe that they are not very dependant on Artificial Intelligence, very few of them
agreed that they are very dependant on Artificial intelligence. We also got to know that majority
of people didn’t taken any step to ensure a balance between own work and AI’s data however,
some people taken some measures to ensure the balance.
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Secondly, Secondary research findings. We also used secondary research findings to gather
knowledge regarding our topic. We used many articles to understand the impact of Artificial
Intelligence in depth. We used articles like “Artificial Intelligence in Education: Challenges and
Opportunities for sustainable development” from this article we got to know that, The most
effective AI systems are mainly designed to support teachers and students, rather than replace
them. AI is very effective if it is used to personalize the learning experience, provide feedback to
students, and help teachers in their teaching. It is essential to make sure that AI systems used in
education are ethically used and transparent in their operation. From this we also got to know some
datas they are:

• AI might reduce the global dropout rate by 50% by 2030.

• AI-powered personalized learning can increase student achievement by 20%.
• AI can help to reduce the cost of education by up to 50%.
• AI can provide access to education for over 100 million children.
.We also studied “Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on skills development” This
article argues that AI has the strength to transform education and training systems and help to
ensure that everyone has the skills they need to score in the AI covered economy. However, in
order to achieve this it is very important that we must adapt education and training systems. We
also used search engines like Google, also used websites like Wikipedia.
Thirdly, Interview. We have taken interview of MD Anwar Hossain to understand the impact
of AI on students education. He said that AI has the strength to improve students' educational
experiences in many ways. For example, with AI, personalised learning experiences may be built
for each student based on their unique needs, interests, and learning preferences. AI may be utilised
to create intelligent tutoring programmes that can give students customised support and direction.
AI is also capable of gathering and analysing data on student learning, which may be used to spot
trends and patterns and create interventions and strategies to enhance student outcomes. Some of
AI examples are DreamBox Learning is a math tutoring system that uses AI. It gives students
personalized lessons and practice. It looks at how students are doing and figures out where they
need extra help, then gives them specific feedback. Duolingo is a well-liked language app that
employs AI to customize the learning process for each student. The app follows how students are
doing and offers them personalized advice and suggestions. He also pointed out that artificial
intelligence in education has strength to do many good works, However, it also bring many ethical
considerations and challenges for example artificial intelligence doesn’t know the background of
the students it can lead to discrimination and biasness, also AI systems might make decisions about
students' education without their choice or preference, also AI might collect students data this can
lead to trouble. He also said that these problems can be solved by developing ethical knowledges
in students mind, students should be trained to understand the proper way to use data, students
should be taught to use citation methods so that they can cite their data that has been taken from
AI or from other sources. He also pointed out important parts about how AI can be integrated in
teaching. He said that teaching can be made effective through AI by making their resources more
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in detailed through AI, also they can make creative ways to deliver knowledge to students by
creating creative worksheets and notes. He also said that, teacher should start integrating AI in
their teachings, they can start by knowing the basics of AI, at first stage they should start with the
simple tasks which will help them to learn the AI and its capabilities so, also they can learn about
AI from many platforms like Youtube, etc due to advancement of technology it has became easier
to learn things.
In conclusion, AI has created lots of opportunities in both learning and teaching but also created
lots of constrains. In this summary of findings we have used Survey, Secondary research findings,
and Interview to understand impacts of AI in depth.
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AI has done such marvellous job that it shaped many nature of the industries. AI has pulled off
many creative ways to take education to next level, But also it bring some risks for example it
might hamper students creative thinking strength, We have gathered various kinds of data related
to impact of AI on education. We have studid those datas and we think that students and teachers
should take some steps to minimize the negative impact created by Artificial Intelligence.
According to MD Anwar Hossain Sawon, students should be taught to understand the ethical
aspects related to plagiarism and other aspects, also students should be thought to use proper
citation. Based on the results of our survey we found out that students are not serious in maintaining
a balance between their own work and using AI so its high time that students should focus on this
topic or else it might lead them to overly dependent on Artificial Intelligence. From secondary
research findings we understood that AI is mainly created to help people to make their life easier,
not to replace them. With all the data we can conclude to one thing that AI can make our life easier
if we know how to effectively use it.
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In conclusion, the influence of artificial intelligence on education is a topic of many aspects. It
has the ability to reshape the entire educational landscape in many ways. This transformation will
impact the education sector in both positive and negative aspects. In survey, We saw that majority
of people find AI very useful, also we got to know that majority of people are not very dependant
on artificial intelligence also students are concerned about the ethical aspects of using AI which is
a very good note for the future. In interview, we understand that it is very important to educate
students about ethical aspects of using data taken from online. It is also essential that teachers
should adapt the changes made by AI to enhance the teaching experience.
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1. Chace, C. (2020). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education. Fobes.
iiiiiion ieducation/?sh=8635fd050dfb.
2. Educational technology. (2023). Wikipedia.
3. History of artificial intelligence. (2023,). Wikipedia.
4. Holmes, W., Bialik, M., Fadel, C. (2019). Artificial Intelligence In Education: Promises and
iiiiiImplications for Teaching and Learning. Center for Curriculum Redesign.
5. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Enhancing Learning through AI. (2023). TPR Education.
6. Pedro, F., Subosa, M., Ivas, A., Valverde, P (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: challenges
iiiiiand opportunities for sustainable development. United Nations Educational Scientific and
iiiiiCultural Organization, 07(01), 11-32
7. Perez, J. (2023). Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education: Impact & Examples. Questionpro.
8. Shiohira, K. (2021). Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on skill development.
iiiiiUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
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Date: August 03, 2023
To: Mohammad Shahedul Haque
From: MD Shanto Hossain,
ID# 2121498630,
Course: ENG103
section: 20

Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on the influences of artificial intelligence on


Influences of artificial intelligence on education refer to the effects of artificial intelligence on
students' education. This represents how AI is helping students in their education, and the
influences of AI on student's knowledge. It also represents how AI is degrading students in
decision-making skills.

My research will focus on the level of students’ dependency on Ai for their educational purposes,
how AI can be used to personalize learning for students based on their individual learning styles
and needs, and how AI helps students to learn new things. My research will also focus on whether
students copy the exact data from AI or use the knowledge to make their own version. We will
also get to know how AI is making students weaker in decision-making skills. My research will
also focus on is students use proper referencing and citation methods to give credit to the rightful
owner for the data they get from AI.

Research question
In my research, I plan to investigate the influences of artificial intelligence on education. My
research will address the following research questions.
• How can we ensure the benefits of the usage of artificial intelligence for all students?
• What are the ethical considerations for using artificial intelligence in education?
• What are the benefits of using AI for students in their education?
• What is the quality of feedback the AI gives to students based on their work?
• How dependent have students become on artificial intelligence?
• Do students use proper referencing and citation methods to cite their sources?

From my research, I expect to find that all students get equal benefits from artificial intelligence
because I believe that artificial intelligence has an enormous amount of potential to provide large
amounts of data so it can help all types of students, also I expect that students are less likely to
focus on ethical aspects because over;y dependant of AI has made students weaker in knowledge
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so instead of gathering knowledge they just use the easy way which is copy and pasting data also
AI helps students in many ways to make educations more efficient. I also believe that AI has made
students very dependent on them because students can get mainly all the information in one click.

Research Methodology
For my primary research, I will survey a representative sampling of students from different
educational positions and interview a teacher at a university/ A-level/ O-level who has an idea of
the impact of AI on education. I will design a questionnaire with different questions to get helpful
information for my research.
For my secondary research, I will collect data from the library. Also, I will collect data from books
and articles related to AI, browse the internet, and collect data from search engines like Google.


My paper will be divided into many sections. Some of the important ones are Introduction,
Background, data presentation and analysis, and summary of findings. Within the sections, my
organization will be based on my research questions.


I will complete my survey and interview by the end of September and my research works by the
middle of October. I shall finish writing the final draft of my research paper by the end of October
and submit it by the specific deadline towards the end of this semester.

Request for Approval

Please accept my request for your approval of my study proposal. Please suggest any changes that
need to be made to my research paper to make it look decent. I'll take note of the advice and submit
it after making the required adjustments. In order to make my research paper more efficient, I
would appreciate your suggestions and guidance.
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Influence of Artificial Intelligence on education

o 15 to 20 years
o 21 to 30 years
o 31 to 40 years
o 41 years to above

o Male
o Female
o Others

Education position:

o School
o College
o University
o Graduated

Do you agree that you get all the answers for your academic tasks/activities using Artificial

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

Do you agree that it is ethical to copying / paraphrasing data from Artificial Intelligence for
educational purposes without using proper citation?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
24 | P a g e

What level of benefit/ help do you think you get from Artificial intelligence for educational

o High
o Medium
o Low

Have you ever used AI to measure the quality of your writing? If yes then what was the quality
of feedback you received?

Do you agree that you use Artificial Intelligence for majority of educational activities/tasks?*
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

Do you think that you are very dependent on Artificial Intelligence?

o Yes
o No

Have you ever taken any steps to ensure a balance between your own work and using Artificial

o Yes
o No

Have you ever cited the data that you have taken from Artificial Intelligence? If yes, then what
citation style did you used?
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Interview questions and answers

1. How do you believe AI can enhance the educational experience for students?

Ans: AI can improve students' educational experiences in many ways. For example, with
AI, personalised learning experiences, Creating intelligent tutoring programmes for
customised support and direction. AI can analyse data on student learning, which may be
used to spot trends and patterns and create interventions and strategies to enhance student
outcomes. Some of AI examples are DreamBox Learning for maths tutoring system that
uses AI. It gives students personalized lessons and feedback. Also Duolingo is a good
example of AI creates customize the learning process for student. This app provides
personalized advice and suggestions.

2. Can you share your thoughts on the potential ethical considerations and challenges
related to the use of AI?

Ans: ethical considerations and challenges from AI are since AI doesn’t know the
background of the students so AI might make discrimination and biases, also AI might
make decisions about students' education without their choice or preference, also AI might
collect students data without their permission.

3. Can you share solutions based of these problems?

Ans: These problems can be solved by giving students ethical knowledges, By training
them to understand the proper way to use data, Also they should be trained to use citation

4. What are some practical ways in which AI can be integrated into the classroom to
enhance learning experience for students?
Ans: AI can make teaching very effective by making their resources more in detailed
through AI, also they can make creative designs or worksheets and notes.

5. What skills and knowledges teachers need to have in order to use AI effectively?
Ans:, Teachers should know the basics of AI, so they should start with the simple tasks ,
also Youtube and other platforms can help them to learn AI and its implications very easily.
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