Ninth Lecture Video

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NINTH LECTURE VIDEO prosecuted. The insurer refused to pay the proceeds of the
Q. Where assault or murder is excepted in the life policy on the ground that Basilio's death was caused by
insurance policy, will the insurer be automatically "murder of assault" and, therefore, excepted from the policy.
exempted from liability for violent death of the insured? Question: Was the insurer liable?
Answer: The insurer was still liable. There was no proof that
Basilio's death was caused by murder or assault nor can it be
A. In a life insurance policy where death of the insured by said that the killing was intentional for there was the possibility
"assault or murder, or intentional killing" is excepted from its that the robber fired the shot merely to scare away the people
coverage, the mere fact that the insured suffered a violent around and not necessarily to kill the victim. The happening
death by the hands of another person will not necessary was pure accident on the part of the victim. It cannot be
relieve the insurer of liability. pretended that the robber aimed at the diseased precisely
because he wanted to take his life.
The insurer's liability in such case will depend on whether the
insured's death was intended or not. (2). Carlie Surposa was insured with Finman General
Thus, if the insured was killed by another person Assurance under a personal accident insurance policy. While
intentionally the insurer is not liable, but where the insured the policy was in full force and effect, the insured died as a
was not an intended victim of felonious assault the insurer is result of a stub wound inflicted by one of three unidentified
still liable. men without provocation and warning on the part of the former
as he and his cousin, Winston Surposa were waiting for a ride
Q. What are facts and issue in the case of Calanoc vs way home after attending the their on celebration of the
Court of Appeals? "Maskarra Annual Festival. The beneficiaries filed a claim with
Illustrations: the insurerbwhich refused to pay on the ground that murder
and assault were not within the scope of the coverage of the
(a) Insurer still liable. personal accident insurance. Question: Was the death of the
insured covered by the policy?
Q. Philippine American Life Insurance Co. issued a life
insurance policy on the life of with a Melencio Basilio, a Answer: The death of the insured was covered by the policy.
security guard, supplementary contract covering death by The cause of death was purely accidental insofar as the
accident. The policy excepted from its coverage, death caused insured was concerned there being no showing that the
by "assault or murder'". Basilio was on duty as a watchman on malefactor aimed at the insured precisely because the killer
January 25, 1951. Atty. Ojeda whose residence was a block wanted to take the life of the insured. The insured died from an
away from Basilio's station asked for the latter's noticed event that proceeded from an unusual effect of a known cause
something Ojeda help because suspicious in his house. Basilio and therefore, not expected. Neither can it be said that there
refused because he was not a regular policemen. Ojeda then was a capricious desire on the part of the insured to expose his
secured the help of a traffic policeman who prompted Basilio to life to danger considering that he was just going home after
come along. While they were standing in front of the main gate attendinga festival. Where death or injury is not the natural or
of Ojeda's residence, a shot was fired by a robber. Basilio was probable result of the insured's voluntary act, or if something
hit in the abdomen and died. It was discovered that Ojeda's unforeseen occurs in the doing of the act which produces the
house was ransacked by robbers who were later arrested and injury, the resulting death is within the protection of the policies

insuring against death or injury from accident. convicted of robbery with homicide. The and insurer refused to
pay the additional sum of P5,000 under the accidental benefit
clause on the ground that the insured's death resulted from
injuries intentionally inflicted by third parties and therefore, not
covered by the policy. Question: Was the insurer liable?

Answer: The insurer was not liable because the nine wounds
inflicted on the insured were intentionally caused. "Where a
gang of robbers enter a house and coming face to face with
the owner, even if unexpectedly, stab him repeatedly, it is
contrary to all reason and logic to say that his injuries were not
(b) Insurer not liable. intentionally inflicted." This case was different from the Calanoc
case where it was found that the victim was not intentionally
Q. A Co. issued a life insurance policy on the life of B with an killed for there was the possibility that the robber had fired the
"Accidental Death Benefit Clause", providing that an additional shot to Scare the people around for his Own protection and not
sum of P5,000.00 would be payable to the beneficiary if the and not necessarily to kill or hit the victim. While a single shot
death was due to accidental means but excepting death fired from a distance, and by a person who was not even seen
resulting from injury "intentionally inflicted by a third party". The aiming at the victim, Could have been fired without intent to kill
insured died from a bullet wound inflicted, without provocation or injure, nine wounds inflicted with bladed weapons at cannot
by C, who was found guilty of murder. Question: Was A Co. be considered as innocent close range insofar as such intent is
liable under the "Accidental Death Benefit Clause"? concerned.

Answer: The insurer was not because B's death was due to NOTE: The diff. between the Calanoc and Biagtan case, is that
murder which was a third undoubtedly inflicted intentionally by in Calanoc, a single shot was fired, Basilio the insured was hit,
a third party and, therefore excepted by the policy. and there was no proof that he was intentionally killed as the
victim. In the case of Biagtan, it cannot be said that Biagtan
Q. What are facts in the case of Biagtan vs Insular Life was not the intended victim, he was stabbed 9 times.
Assur. Co., Ltd? So the insurance co. in this case, was not liable.

Q. Biagtan was insured with Insular Life Assurance Co., and Q. Is the insurer liable if the person insured was executed
under a supplementary contract, an additional sum of P5,000 for a crime he committed?
would be paid if the death of the insured resulted from an
accident. However, death due to injury "intentionally inflicted by A. A policy of life insurance does not insure against the legal
a third party" was expressly excepted. While the policy was in execution of the insured for crime even though he may in fact
force, the house of Biagtan was robbed. In committing the have been innocent, and therefore unjustly convicted and
robbery, the robbers rushed towards the doors of the second executed and furthermore, it is against public policy.
floor room where they suddenly met a person near the door of
one of the rooms who turned out to be Biagtan. Biagtan was CHIKA CHIKA.. Under the Insurance Act, and the former
stabbed nine times. Five of the wounds inflicted caused the Insurance Code of 1978, there was no provi in the law about
death of Biagtan. The robbers were apprehended, charged and suicide, and because of the confusion whether suicide is

compensable or not. And sir nani introduced a bill about premiums were paid partly with conjugal funds, the proceeds
suicide. Later it was copied in the Insurance, and adopted in are in like proportion paraphernal or separate property and
the present Insurance Code. conjugal, However, where the proceeds are payable to an
belong irrevocable beneficiary, such proceeds belong
RULES TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE CASE OF SUICIDE exclusively to the beneficiary and not to the conjugal estate of
the person whose life was insured although the premiums were
Q. Is the life insurer liable in case the insured committed paid out of conjugal funds.
A. The insurer in a life insurance contract shall be liable in NA DIN.*****
case of suicide only when it is committed after the policy has NOTE: What is Industrial Life Insurance? Insurance for the
been in force for a period of two (2) years from the date of its poor. Insurance of the poorest of the poor.
issue or of its last reinstatement, unless the policy provides a
shorter period: Provided, however, That suicide committed in
the state of insanity shall be compensable regardless of the Q. What is industrial life insurance?
date of commission. A. Industrial life insurance means that form of life insurance
under which the premiums are payable monthly or oftener, if
This section is a copy of Section 180-A of the Insurance Code the face amount of insurance provided in any policy is not
of 1978. There was no similar provision in the Insurance Act. more than five hundred times that of the current statutory daily
Parliamentary Bill No. 1342 which later became Batas wage of the City of Manila, and if the words industrial policy"
Pambansa Blg. 874 inserted Section 180-A in the Insurance are printed upon the policy as part of the descriptive matter.
Code of 1978. It was introduced by Assemblyman H. B. Perez
who explained the purpose of the amendment as follows: Such kind of policy shall not lapse for non-payment of premium
if such non-payment was due to the failure of the insurer to
"The present Insurance Code of 1978 like the previous send its representative or agent to the insured at residence of
Insurance Act failed to provide for consequences of suicide. the insured or someplace indicated by him for the purpose of
Whether the life the insurer should be liable or not in case the collecting such premium. However, this does not apply when
insured the subject of commits suicide has been conjectures the premium on the policy remains unpaid for a period of three
and speculations. To clarify the legal consequences of suicide months or twelve weeks after the grace period has expired.
and put an end to speculations, approval of this bill is earnestly
recommended." Industrial life insurance is usually acquired by those without a
fixed income or belonging to the low income bracket.
Q. When are the proceeds of a life insurance policy
payable to the insured's estate considered as conjugal Q. What is Industrial Life Insurance?
assets? A. Industrial life insurance means that form of life insurance
under which the premiums are payable monthly or oftener,
A. The proceeds of the lnsurance policy payable to the if the face amount of insurance provided in any policy is not
insured's estate, on which premiums were paid by the conjugal more than five hundred times that of the current statutory daily
partnership, constitute conjugal property and belong one-half wage of the City of Manila, and if the words industrial policy are
to the husband exclusively and the other half to the wife. If the printed upon the policy as part of the descriptive matter.

Such kind of policy shall not lapse for non- payment of 3.) In Industrial Life Insurance, the insured has a grace
premium if such non-payment was due to the failure of the period of thirty days within which to pay the
insurer to send its representative or agent, to the insured at the succeeding premium while no such privilege is
residence of the insured or someplace indicated by him for the provided in Micro insurance."
purpose of collecting such premium.
4.) Premiums of Industrial Life Insurance are payable
However, this does not apply when the premium on the policy monthly or oftener" while such scheme is not provided
remains unpaid for a period of three months or twelve weeks for in Micro insurance.
after the grace period has expired.

Industrial life insurance is usually acquired by those without a Q. Can a life insurance policy be assigned?
fixed income or belonging to the low income bracket.
A. A life insurance is property in the nature of nonnegotiable
chose in action even before the death of the insured. It has all
Q. Distinguish Microinsurance from Industrial Life the characteristics of personal property and can be delivered
Insurance. and transferred as other personal property. The transferee of
the life policy need not have insurable interest and notice to the
A. Industrial Life Insurance may be distinguished from insurer of such assignment need not be given unless expressly
Microinsurance as follows: required by the policy.

1.) The maximum amount of Industrial Life Insurance Illustration:

is 500 times that of the current statutory daily wage in
the City of Manila while A, a partner in A & Co., obtained a life insurance policy on his
Micro insurance’s maximum is 1000 times of the own life. Later on, he borrowed money from the partnership
current daily minimum wage in. Metro Manila. and executed a document stating that he assigned his policy to
Thus, while Micro insurance is for the "risk protection the partnership so that the proceeds would go to the
of the poor", partnership in whatever amount was needed to satisfy his
Industrial Life Insurance is for the protection of the obligation. Such document was a valid assignment of the
poorer people. policy.

2.) Industrial Life Insurance shall not lapse for non- Q. Distinguish assignment of life insurance policy from
payment of premium. if such non-payment was due to change of beneficiary.
the failure of the insurer to send its representative or
agent to the insured at the residence of the insured or A. An assignment of a policy is to be distinguished from a
someplace indicated by him for the purpose of change of beneficiary in that assignment rests on contract
collecting such premium," while failure to collect the- rather than merely on the exercise of a power of appointment.
premium of Micro insurance is not an excuse for non- Being based on contract, assignment must be supported by a
payment of premium and the policy will lapse if the consideration while the change of beneficiary need not be
premium is not paid;" based on a valid consideration.

by a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) and/or

An assignment of the policy with the consent of the beneficiary imprisonment for not more than six (6) months. The violation of
where the latter was designated irrevocably or even without the Section 390 by a land transportation operator shall be a
consent of the revocable beneficiary, extinguishes the interest sufficient cause for the revocation of the certificate of public
of the beneficiary since an assignment has the effect of a convenience issued by the Land Transportation Franchising
change of beneficiary. and Regulatory Board covering the vehicle concerned.

Q. Is consent of the beneficiary in life insurance necessary The motor vehicle cannot be registered nor the
to the assignment of the said life insurance policy? registration renewed with the Land Transportation Office
unless the motor vehicle is covered by insurance, cash deposit
A. (1) In case the designation of beneficiary is irrevocable: or surety bond as previously mentioned.
Where the policy is payable to a beneficiary other than the
insured or his estate or personal representatives, and the right Q. In case of a third-party liability insurance or motor
to change the beneficiary is expressly waived, the consent of vehicle liability insurance, may a third person directly, sue
such beneficiary to the assignment of the policy must be the insurer of the motor vehicle?
obtained since the beneficiary, in such case, has a vested
right on the policy that cannot be defeated by an assignment or NOTE: We studied that insurance should be applied
transfer without his consent. exclusively to the proper interest of the person in whose name
it is insured. We have learned that only the insured or the
(2) In case the designation of beneficiary is revocable: On beneficiary may file an action against the insurer as a general
the other hand, the consent of the beneficiary to an rule.
assignment by the insured is not necessary where the
insured has not expressly waived the right to change the The reason why a third person cannot sue the insurer is
beneficiary, for in such case the beneficiary has no vested right because there is no privity of contract between the insurer and
as the insured may still change him. the person insured.

MOTOR VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE However, there are instances where a third party may sue the
Q. What is necessary to be provided by the operator or insurer.
owner of a motor vehicle to operate it in highways? 1.) When there is stipulation in favor of a third
A. It is unlawful for any land transportation operator or owner of person.
a motor vehicle to operate the same in highways unless there 2.) When an insurance is against liability.
is: (a) a policy insurance, or (b) guaranty in cash, or (c) surety MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE is an insurance against
bond, to indemnify the death or bodily injury of a third-party or liability.
passenger arising from the use. Section 387 now includes in
the compulsory third party liability coverage damage to A. Since a third-party liability insurance insures against liability
property of a third-party or passenger instead of limiting the to third persons, the injured party for whom the contract of
same to death or bodily injuries arising from motor vehicle insurance is intended can directly sue the insurer. Thus, in a
accidents. vehicular accident, a person injured by the motor vehicle
covered by third-party liability insurance directly sue the
Violation of the aforesaid provision shall be punished insurer. The general purpose of statutes enabling an injured

person to proceed directly against the insurer is to protect liability of the insurer under indemnity contracts against third-
injured persons against the insolvency of the insured who party liability does not mean that the insurer can be held
causes such injury, and to give such injured person certain solidarily liable with the insured and/or the other parties found
beneficial interest in the proceeds of the policy and statutes are at fault. The liability of the insurer is based on contract; that of
to be liberally construed so that their intended purpose may be the insured is based on tort.
accomplished. Such a provision creates a contractual relation,
which inures to the benefit of any and every person who may Q. What are the facts and issue in the case of Vda. De
be negligently injured by the insured, as if such injured persons Maglana vs Consolacion?
were specifically named in the policy. In such case, the liability NOTE: Ire recite daw to.
of the insurer to such third person is based on contract while
the liability of the insured to the third party is based on tort. Illustrations:.
(1) Lope Maglana was on his way to work driving a
Q. Shafer obtained a third-party liability insurance policy motorcycle. A PUJ jeep driven by Pepito Ito and owned by
from Makati Insurance Company over his Ford Laser car. Destrajo, bumped the motorcycle driven by Maglan
During the effectivity of the policy, an information for aMaglana while overtaking another passenger jeep. As a
reckless imprudence resulting in damage to property and result of the accident, Maglana died. The PUJ jeep of
serious physical injuries was filed against Shafer for Destrajo was insured for P20,000 with AFISCO against
bumping a Volkswagen car resulting to damage to said car third-party liability. The heirs of Maglana after receiving
and injuries to its passenger. The owner of the damaged P5,000 from AFISCO under the "no fault indemnity"
Volkswagen filed a separate civil action against Shafer. clause, filed a civil case against Destr ajoDestrajo and
Shafer filed a third-party complaint against his insurer, AFISCO. Question: What is the nature of the liability of
Makati Insurance co. The insurer filed a motion to dismiss AFISCO to the heirs of Maglana?
on the ground that the third-party complaint was
premature because the criminal case against Shafer was Answer: The liability of AFISCO based on the
not yet terminated. Question: Must Shafer wait for his insurance contract is direct, but not solidary with that of
conviction before filing a case against the insurer? Destrajo which is based on torts. As such, the heirs of Maglana
have the option either to claim the amount of P15,000
A. There is no need for the insured to wait for the decision of (insurance coverage of P20,000 less P5,000 already paid
the court finding him guilty of reckless imprudence before filing under the "no fault indemnity" clause) from AFISCO and the
a case against the insurer.. The occurrence of the injury to the balance of their claims from Destrajo or enforce the entire
third party immediately gives rise to the liability of the insurer judgment from Destrajo who has right of reimbursement from
under its policy." AFISCO to the extent of the insurance coverage.

(2) A truck driven by Corbeta and owned by

Q. In a motor vehicle liability insurance, is the insurer National Food Authority (NFA) collided with a Toyota
solidarily liable with the insured? Tamaraw owned by Uy.The Toyota Tamaraw was insured
with Mabuhay Insurance and Guaranty, Co. (MIGC) while
A. While it is true that where the insurance contract provides NFA's truck was insured with GSIS against liabilities for
for indemnity against liability to third persons, such third death and injuries to third persons for the maximum
persons can directly sue the insurer, however, the direct indemnity of P12,000 Five passengers died and ten others

were injured in the accident. All of them were passengers NOTE: That this claim, applies only to physical injuries or
of the Toyota Tamaraw. A case was filed by the injured death, it does NOT apply to damage to property. So, there is
parties against Corbeta, NFA, Uy, Uy, GSIS and MIGC. no need for the injured party to prove who is guilty. The mere
Judgment was rendered by the trial court ordering fact that they filed a claim against the insurer is enough to
Corbeta, NFA, GSIS and MIGC jointly and severally liable make the insurer is liable.
to pay damages to the victims of the collision, after
finding that the negligence of Corbeta was the proximate Q. What are the rules on claims under the "no fault
cause of the collision. GSIS claimed that it was not indemnity" clause?
solidarily liable with NFA. Question: Can GSIS be held
solidarily liable with its insured, NFA? A. The following rules on claims under the "no fault indemnity"
provision where proof of fault or negligence is not necessary
Answer: GSIS cannot be made solidarily liable with for payment of any claim for death or injury to a passenger or a
NFA. While it is true that where the insurance contract provides third party are established:.
for indemnity against liability to third persons, the latter can 1. A claim may be made against one motor vehicle
directly sue the insurer however, the insurer cannot be held only.
liable in solidum with the insured and/or the other parties found 2. If the victim is an occupant of a vehicle, the claim
at fault. The liability of the insurer is based on contract; that of shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which he is riding,
the insured carrier or vehicle owner is based on tort. The mounting of dismounting from.
liability of GSIS based on the insurance contract is direct, but 3. In any other case, (i. e. if the victim is not an
not solidary with that of the NFA. The latter's liability is based occupant of a vehicle), the claim shall lie against the insurer of
separately on Article 2180 (quasi-delict) of the Civil Code. the directly offending vehicle.
Furthermore, although the victims may proceed directly against 4. In all cases, the right of the party paying the claim to
GSIS as insurers the extent of the amountfor indemnity, the recover against the owner of the vehicle responsible for the
third party liability is only, covered by the insurance policy. accident shall be maintained. 1276.

Q. How can / When is an insurer be held liable under the

"no fault indemnity" clause in motor vehicle liability
insurance? Q. What are the facts and issue in the case of Perla
NOTE: This has been asked many times in bar. Compania de Seguros, Ins. vs. Ancheta?

A. An insurer may be held liable under the “no fault indemnity" Q. On December 27, 1977, in a collision between the IH
provision without the necessity of proving fault or negligence of Scout in which Ramos, et. al. were riding and a Superlines
any kind provided the following requisites are present: bus along Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte, Norte, plaintiffs
(a) The claim is for death or injury to any passenger or Ramos et al. sustained physical injuries. The injured
third party; parties filed a case against Superlines, the bus driver and
(b)The total indemnity in respect of any one person Perla Cia. De Seguros, the insurer of the bus. The bus was
does not exceed P15,000; and. insured with Perla Cia. De Seguros for P50,000 for
(c) The necessary proof of loss under oath to passenger liability and P50,000 for third party liability. The
substantiate the claim must be submitted. IH Scout was insured with Malayan Insurance. Even before
the service of summons, respondent Judge issued an

order granting plaintiffs' prayer to order Perla Cia. De A. It is a common practice of the insurers to provide in the
Seguros to immediately pay P5,000 under the "no fault policy that the authorized drivers of the vehicle insured are the
indemnity" provision of Section 378. Perla Cia. De Seguros insured himself, or a person permitted or ordered by him to
claimed that the insurer liable under the "no fault" drive who has a license to do so.
provision was Malayan Insurance, the insurance of the
vehicle the plaintiffs were riding at the time of the It means if the insured, the owner of the vehicle is the one
accident, and not Perla Cia. De Seguros. Question: Which driving and he has expired license, and he met an accident,
insurer was liable to the plaintiffs' for the "no fault” then the insurance co. is nonetheless liable.
indemnity? But if the vehicle is being driven by someone who is authorized
by the owner, and he has no valid driver’s license at the time of
A. The plaintiffs are not free to choose from which insurer they the accident, then the insurance co. is NOT liable.
will claim the "no fault indemnity".
By using the word "shall" the law makes it mandatory that the Q. When is driver's license not necessary to hold the
claim be made against the insurer of the vehicle in which the insurer in a motor vehicle insurance liable?
occupant is riding, mounting, or dismounting from. Irrespective À, Driver's license is not necessary to hold the insurer of the
of whether or not fault or negligence lies with the driver of the motor vehicle liable in the following cases:
Superlines bus, as plaintiffs were not occupants of the bus, (1) If the insured himself is the driver of the vehicle
they cannot claim the “no fault indemnity" from the insurer of insured, he has the right to recover the damage
the bus. The claim should be made against Malayan thereto even if he has no driver's license or the same
Insurance, the insurer of the vehicle plaintiffs were riding. had expired at the time of the accident.

Q. What is the "collateral source rule"? Illustration:

Q. Palermo insured his car with Pyramid Insurance against
A. Under this rule, if an injured person receives compensation loss or damage and third-party liability, While Palermo
for his injuries from a source wholly independent of the was driving his car, a La Carlota City fire truck bumped
tortfeasor, the payment should not be deducted from the said car head-on causing injuries to palermo, thus death
damages which he would otherwise collect from the tortfeasor. of his father who was then a passenger, and total damage
The collateral source rule applies in order to place the of the car insured. At the time of the accident, the license
responsibility for losses on the party causing them. Its of Palermo was expired. The insurer refused to pay the
application is justified so that "the wrongdoer should not benefit proceeds of the insurance on the ground that the insured
from the expenditures made by the injured party or take was not an authorized driver since his license had expired
advantage of contracts or other relations that may exist at the time of the accident. Question: Is the insurer’s
between the injured party and third persons." refusal to pay meritorious?
Answer: There is no merit in the insurer's allegation that
Q. Is a driver's license on the part of the authorized driver the insured was not authorized to drive the insured motor
of the insured motor vehicle necessary? Yes. vehicle because his driver's license had expired. The driver of
the insured vehicle at the time of the accident was the insured
CHIKA CHIKA..Q. The driver has no valid license and he met himself, hence, an "authorized driver” under the policy. While
an accident, would the insurer of the vehicle be made liable? the Motor Vehicles Law prohibits a person from operating a
motor vehicle on the highway without a license or with an

expired license, an infraction of the Motor Vehicles Law on the

part of the insured, is not a bar to recovery under the insurance In case the insurance on the motor vehicle does not include
contract. It however, renders him subject to the penal theft or comprehensive, then the driver of the vehicle, if a
sanctions of the Motor Vehicles Law. The requirement in the person other than the owner, must duly be licensed to drive
policy that the driver must be licensed to drive under the law otherwise, the insurer is not liable.
does not apply when the person driving is the insured himself. NOTE: Pero yung ni carnap moa ng kotse, na aksidente, tapos
(2) When a motor vehicle is covered by a comprehensive yung carnapper walang valid license, THE INSURANCE CO.
policy that includes theft, the insurer is liable for the IS STILL LIABLE BECAUSE IT IS PART OF THE
damage to the motor vehicle in case such damage is INSURANCE AGAINST THIEF.
sustained on the occasion of or while the theft is being Q. Is the authority of the authorized driver affected by
committed even if the thief is not licensed to drive. This unauthorized trip?
principle applies notwithstanding the provision in the EXAMPLE: Ginamit yung kotse ni driver at yaya, biglang liko
policy that requires the driver at the time of the sabay yuko, nabangga yung kotse. The insurance co. refused
accident to be duly licensed. to pay because the trip was not authorized, the driver was
When the thief had expired license when the car insured was authorized, but he was not authorized to bring the car to the
stolen, the insurer is nonetheless liable because there is no motel. Is the insurance co. liable? YES, because where the
causal connection between the possession of a valid driver's driver is authorized to drive, the purpose of the trip is not
license and the loss of a vehicle. To rule otherwise would material.
render car insurance practically a sham since an insurance A. A car Owner who entrusts his car to an established car
company can easily escape liability by citing restrictions which service and repair shop necessarily entrusts his car key to the
are not applicable or germane to the claim, thereby reducing shop owner and employees who are presumed to have the
indemnity to a shadow. insured's permission to drive the car for legitimate purposes of
checking or road-testing the car. The happenstance that the
Illustration: employee of the shop owner diverts the use of the car to his
Lacson insured his car under a comprehensive car policy own illicit or unauthorized purpose in violation of the trust
which covered loss due to theft. Lacson brought his car purposed in the shop by the insured car owner does not mean
for repairs to a repair shop. While at the shop, Mahinay that the authorized driver clause has been violated such as to
together with his co-employees in the shop took and bar recovery, provided that such employee is duly qualified to
drove the car insured as a result of which it met an drive under a valid drivers license.
accident causing damage thereto. The insurer refused to When the driver is authorized to drive, the fact that the purpose
pay the damage on the ground that the driver was not a of the trip was not authorized will not affect the right of the
duly licensed driver in violation of the policy which owner-insured to recover from the insurer should the vehicle
required the driver of the car to be insured, Mahinay was be damaged during the unauthorized trip.
charged of qualified theft to which he pleaded guilty.
Question: was the insurer liable? Illustration:
Answer: The insurer was liable. The taking of the vehicle by X was the owner of a car which he brought to Y Repair
another person without permission or authority from the owner Shop for general checkup and repairs. Said car was
or person in charge thereof is sufficient to place it within the insured under a comprehensive policy with A Co. While
policy and therefore, compensable. The damages were the car was in the custody of Y Repair Shop,Z, an
sustained in the course of the unlawful taking. employee of Y Repair Shop together with five persons

brought the car out of the shop and drove to Montalban, CHIKA CHIKA, Dini delay yung claim ng insurance co. until
Rizal. The car was damaged in a vehicular accident. The matapos yung 1 year, para mag prescribed. Pero si Sir nani,
insurer refused to pay the damage on the ground that Z nag pasa ng amendment ng batas, that the period of the
was not an authorized driver of the insured. Question: prescription, should be counted not from the date of the
Was the insurer's refusal to pay correct? accident, but from the denial of the claim.
Now, the claim should be filed within one (1) year from denial
Answer: The refusal of the insurer to pay was not correct. A of the claim.
car owner who delivers his car to a repair shop is presumed to A, Any person having any claim upon the policy issued
have authorized the shop owner and his employees to drive pursuant to this chapter shall, without any unnecessary delay,
the car. The unauthorized purpose of trip does not mean that present to the insurance company concerned a written notice
the driver is unauthorized The situation is not different from the of claim setting forth the nature, extent and duration of the
regular or family driver, who instead of carrying out the owner's injuries sustained as certified by a duly licensed physician.
order to fetch the children from school takes out his girl friend Notice of claim must be filed within six (6) months from the
instead for a joy ride and wrecks the car. There is no question date of accident, otherwise, the claim shall be deemed waived.
of his being an "authorized driver" which allows recovery of the Action or suit for recovery of damage due to loss or injury must
loss although his trip was for a personal or illicit purpose be brought, in proper cases, with the Commissioner or the
without the owner's authorization. courts within one (1) year from denial of the claim,
Q. What are the facts and issue in the case of Stokes vs. otherwise, the claimant's right of action shall prescribe."
Malayan Ins. Co., Inc.? This section is a copy of Section 384 of the Insurance Code of
The insured obtained a car insurance policy covering own 1978, as amended. The original provision of Section 384 was
damage and third-party liability. He authorized an Irish tourist that the action or built for recovery of damage due to injury
to drive the car insured. Said tourist had been in the under this chapter must be brought within one year from the
Philippines for more than 90 days and had a valid Irish driver’s date of accident. This was amended by Batas Pambansa Blg.
license but without a Philippine driver’s license. While being 874 by providing that the period of prescription should be
driven by said tourist, the car insured collided with another counted from the date of denial of the claim by the insurer
vehicle. The insurer denied the claim on the ground that the instead of counting the period from the date of the accident As
tourist was not an “authorized driver” under the policy which explained by Assemblyman H.B. Perez! in Parliamentary Bill
required the person authorized by the insured to drive the car No. 1343 which later became Sec. 4 of B.P. BLg. 874;
to be licensed to drive the vehicle. The period of prescription of insurance claims should be
ISSUE: Was the insurer liable? counted from the denial or rejection of the claim by the insurer
A: The insurer was not liable because the driver did not have a and not from the time of loss. However, in motor vehicle liability
valid license to drive in the Philippines. Under the law, a tourist insurance, Section 384 of the Insurance Code of 1978 as
duly licensed to drive in his country is allowed to drive in the amended, makes the period of prescription run not from the
Philippines during but not after 90 days of his sojourn in the denial of the insurance claim but from the date of the accident.
Philippines. The tourist had been in the Philippines for more The said provision places an insurance claimant at a very great
than 90 days and therefore, he was not an authorized driver disadvantage. He could not sue the insurer until the latter
under the term of the insurance contract. denies the claim because before denial of the claim, there is no
Q. Within what time should notice of claim he filed by the cause of action against the insurer. But if the insurer denies the
insured in a motor vehicle insurance and what is the claim only after one year from the accident has elapsed, the
period of prescription in a motor vehicle insurance? claimant's cause of action will accrue only when it has already


The period of prescription should be made to run from the

denial of the claim and not from the date of the loss."

The notice of claim under the compulsory motor vehicle

insurance must be filed within six months from the date of the
accident while the action to enforce the claim for loss or injury
sustained must be filed within one year from denial of the


An extra-judicial demand was made by the insured on the

insurer but the latter failed to respond to the same.
Nevertheless, the complaint was filed even before a denial of
the claim was made by the insurer. For all legal intents, the
one-year prescriptive period provided for in Section 384 of the
Insurance Code has not begun to run. The cause of action
arises only and starts to run upon the denial of the claim by the

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