SANS10019 2021 Ed9
SANS10019 2021 Ed9
SANS10019 2021 Ed9
ISBN 978-0-626-39343-4
SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
This document references other
documents normatively.
In terms of the Standards Act 8 of 2008, the copyright in all South African National Standards or any
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South African National Standards is limited to use specifically prescribed by the SABS. In the case of a
South African National Standard based on an international standard, ownership of the copyright vests in
the organization from which the SABS adopted the standard, whether it be under licence or
membership agreement. The SABS is obliged to protect such copyright and is authorized to make the
relevant international organization aware of any misuse thereof. Unless exemption has been granted,
no extract or full text of any South African National Standard may be copied, reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the
SABS Standards Division. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details
are to be used for any purpose other than implementation, prior written permission must be obtained.
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The objective of the SABS Standards Division is to develop, promote and maintain South African
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The SABS continuously strives to improve the quality of its products and services and would therefore
be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this standard would inform the
secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found in the foreword.
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Information on Standards
SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
This South African standard was prepared by National Committee SABS/TC 058, Vessels and
systems under pressure, in accordance with procedures of the South African Bureau of Standards,
in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.
This document is referenced in the Regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act,
1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in 3.2 and 7.4.2 to the "relevant national body". In South Africa this means the
South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), established by the Accreditation for
Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006).
Reference is made in the note 2 to 3.26, 4.1.1, 4.1.2(d), 8.7.1 and 8.7.2 to the "relevant national
legislation". In South Africa this means the Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER) of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in 3.6(a) and G.10.2.3(b) to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa
this means the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in 3.6(b) to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this means the
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996).
Reference is made in 4.8.1, 4.8.3, 4.8.8 and 4.9.2 to the “relevant national department”. In
South Africa this means the Department of Employment and Labour.
Reference is made in 4.8.8 and 8.5.2 to the "relevant national association". In South Africa this
means the Liquefied Petroleum Gas South Africa (LPGSA), as approved by the Department of
Reference is made in to the "relevant national association". In South Africa this means the
Southern Africa Compressed Gases Association (SACGA).
Reference is made in, note 2 to table 10 and table 13 to the "relevant national association".
In South Africa this means the South Africa Fluorocarbon Association (SAFA).
Reference is made in 8.6.4,, 9.2.1 and 9.3 to the "relevant national legislation". In
South Africa this means the Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014).
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Edition 9
Foreword (concluded)
Reference is made in 8.8 to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this means the
Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008).
Reference is made 9.6 to the "relevant national department". In South Africa this means the
Department of Employment and Labour.
Reference is made in and to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this
means the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996).
Reference is made in 10.5.1 to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this means section
9a of the Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Substances of the Occupational Health and Safety
Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in 11.3 to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa this means section
24 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).
Reference is made in B.2 to the ʺrelevant national bodyʺ. In South Africa this means the Aluminium
Federation of South Africa (AFSA).
Reference is made in note 7 to tables F.1 and G.3 to the "relevant national authority". In South Africa
this means the South African Maritime Safety Authority.
Annexes A, B, F, G and H form an integral part of this document. Annexes C, D and E are for
information only.
Compliance with this document cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 3
5 Valves ................................................................................................................................. 26
Annex F (normative) Frequency of inspections and tests for pressure receptacles ............. 68
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 87
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 Scope
1.1 This standard covers the minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, use and
maintenance of refillable and non-refillable pressure receptacles of water capacity 0,5 L to 3 000 L
and cartridges of water capacity greater than 0,5 L, and includes requirements over and above
those contained in the pressure receptacles design and manufacturing standards (see table 1 and
annex A).
1.2 In addition to industrial, refrigerant, medical and domestic type pressure receptacles, this
standard also covers cylinders for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) for
recreational and professional diving, and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). In the absence
of specific areas addressed in the respective codes of practices for commercial diving, or the
absence of SANOP 96 for military diving, this standard should apply, unless documented mitigations
in line with best practices are in place.
1.3 This standard covers the design requirements for carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs), and high-pressure inert gas mixtures used in portable and fixed fire-fighting systems.
1.4 This standard does not cover special pressure receptacles used in aircraft or air-brake
1.5 This standard does not cover cryogenic vessels (see EN 1251-1 for fundamental requirements,
EN 1251-2 for design, fabrication, inspection and test and EN 1251-3 for operational requirements).
1.6 This standard does not cover pressurized road tankers, rail tankers, intermediate bulk containers
(IBCs), ISO containers and mobile air receivers which are deemed to be pressure vessels as given
in SANS 347.
1.7 This standard excludes cylinders used for aerosols, cartridges used for carbonated drinks, paint
ball cartridges and other cartridges less than 0,5 L water capacity.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
2 Normative references
2.1 Standards
The following referenced documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this
document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national and international standards can be
obtained from the South African Bureau of Standards.
ADR, European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road.
BS 341-1:1991, Transportable gas container valves – Specification for industrial valves for
working pressures up to and including 300 bar.
CGA V-1, Standard for compressed gas cylinder outlet and inlet connections.
DIN 477-1, Gas cylinder valves for cylinder test pressures up to 300 bar – Part 1: Valve inlet and
outlet connections.
DIN 477-5, Gas cylinder valves – Part 5: For test pressure up to 450 bar max.; outlet connections.
DOT 39, Specification for welded steel – Non-refillable – Transportable pressure receptacles.
EIGA IGC Doc. 33/06, Cleaning of equipment for oxygen service – Guideline.
EN 144-3, Respiratory protective devices – Gas cylinder valves – Part 3: Outlet connections for
diving gases Nitrox and oxygen.
EN 10338, Hot rolled and cold rolled non-coated products of multiphase steels for cold forming –
Technical delivery conditions.
EN 14208, Transportable gas cylinders – Specification for welded pressure drums up to 1 000 litre
capacity for the transport of gases – Design and construction.
ISO 3807, Gas cylinders – Acetylene cylinders – Basic requirements and type testing.
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Edition 9
ISO 5145, Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures – Selection and dimensioning.
ISO 9809-4, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
testing – Part 4: Stainless steel cylinders with an Rm value of less than 1 100 MPa.
ISO 10297; Gas cylinders – Cylinder valves – Specification and type testing.
ISO 11114-1, Gas cylinders – Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents –
Part 1: Metallic materials.
ISO 11114-2, Gas cylinders – Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents –
Part 2: Non-metallic materials.
ISO 11117, Gas cylinders – Valve protection caps and guards – Design, construction and tests.
ISO 11118, Gas cylinders – Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders – Specification and test methods.
ISO 11119-1, Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
and testing – Part 1: Hoop wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes up to 450 L.
ISO 11119-2, Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
and testing – Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes up to 450 L
with load-sharing metal liners.
ISO 11119-3, Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
and testing – Part 3: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes up to 450 L
with non-load-sharing metallic or non-metallic liners or without liners.
ISO 11119-4, Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders – Design, construction and
testing – Part 4 Fully wrapped fibre reinforced wrapped composite gas cylinders up to 150 L with
load-sharing welded metallic liners.
ISO 11363-1, Gas cylinders – 17E and 25E taper threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders –
Part 1: Specifications.
ISO 11372, Gas cylinders – Acetylene cylinders – Filling conditions and filling inspection.
ISO 11515, Gas cylinders – Refillable composite reinforced tubes of water capacity between 450 L
and 300 L – Design, Construction and testing.
ISO 11439, Gas cylinders – High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a
fuel for automotive vehicles.
ISO 13088, Gas cylinders – Acetylene cylinder bundles – Filling conditions and filling inspection.
ISO 13338, Gas cylinders – Gases and gas mixtures – Determination of tissue corrosiveness for the
selection of cylinder valve outlets.
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Edition 9
ISO 18172-1, Gas cylinders - Refillable welded stainless steel cylinders – Part 1: Test pressure
6 MPa and below.
ISO 18172-2, Gas cylinders – Refillable welded stainless steel cylinders – Part 2: Test pressure
greater than 6 MPa.
ISO 22434, Transportable gas cylinders – Inspection and maintenance of cylinder valves.
SANS 39/ISO 407, Small medical gas cylinders – PIN-index yoke-type valve connections.
SANS 199, Shut-off valves for transportable, refillable liquefied petroleum gas cylinders.
SANS 277/EN 12021, Respiratory protective devices – Compressed air for breathing apparatus.
SANS 289, Labelling requirements for prepackaged products (prepackages) and general
requirements for the sale of goods subject to legal metrology control.
SANS 347, Categorization and conformity assessment criteria for all pressure equipment.
SANS 1306-1/ISO 228-1, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads –
Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation.
SANS 1739, Low pressure welded steel cylinders for fire extinguishers.
SANS 1700-2-5/ISO 965-1, Fasteners – Part 2: Screw threads – Section 5: ISO general purpose
metric screw threads – Tolerances – Principles and basic data.
SANS 1700-2-6/ISO 965-2, Fasteners – Part 2: Screw threads – Section 6: ISO general purpose
metric screw threads – Tolerances – Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw
threads – Medium quality.
SANS 1700-2-7/ISO 965-3, Fasteners – Part 2: Screw threads – Section 7: ISO general purpose
metric screw threads – Tolerances – Deviations for constructional screw threads.
SANS 1825, Gas cylinder test stations – General requirements for periodic inspection and testing of
transportable refillable gas pressure receptacles.
SANS 4706/ISO 4706, Gas cylinders – Refillable welded steel cylinders – Test pressure 60 bar and
SANS 6406, Gas cylinders – Seamless steel gas cylinders – Periodic inspection and testing.
SANS 7866/ISO 7866, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders – Design,
construction and testing.
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Edition 9
SANS 9809-1/ISO 9809-1, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design,
construction and testing – Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less
than 1 100 MPa.
SANS 9809-2/ISO 9809-2, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design,
construction and testing – Part 2: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength
greater than or equal to 1 100 MPa.
SANS 9809-3/ISO 9809-3, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design,
construction and testing – Part 3: Normalized steel cylinders.
SANS 10006, Colour marking and identification of medical gas cylinders and anaesthetic apparatus.
SANS 10087-1, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial, and industrial installations – Part 1: Liquefied petroleum gas installations
involving gas storage containers of individual water capacity not exceeding 500 L and a combined
water capacity not exceeding 3 000 L per installation.
SANS 10087-3, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial, and industrial installations – Part 3: Liquefied petroleum gas installations
involving storage vessels of individual water capacity exceeding 500 L.
SANS 10087-4, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 4: The transportation of LP gas including
the design, construction, inspection, fittings, filling, maintenance and repair of LP gas bulk vehicles
and rail tank cars.
SANS 10087-6, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 6: The application of liquefied petroleum
and compressed natural gases as engine fuels for internal combustion engines.
SANS 10087-7, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 7: Storage and filling premises for refillable
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers of gas capacity not exceeding 19 kg and the storage of
individual gas containers not exceeding 48 kg.
SANS 10087-8, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 8: Filling containers for LP gas operated
fork lift vehicles in-situ.
SANS 10228, The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport by road and rail
SANS 10229-1, Transport of dangerous goods – Packaging and large packaging for road and rail
transport – Part 1: Packaging.
SANS 10234, Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS).
SANS 10263-2, The warehousing of dangerous goods – Part 2: The storage and handling of gas
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Edition 9
SANS 10461/ISO 10461, Gas cylinders – Seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders – Periodic
inspection and testing.
SANS 11120/ISO 11120, Gas cylinders − Refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity between
150 L and 3 000 L – Design, construction and testing.
SANS 11623/ISO 11623, Gas cylinders – Composite construction – Periodic inspection and testing.
SANS 17020/ISO/IEC 17020, Conformity assessment − Requirements for the operation of various
types of bodies performing inspection.
SANS 20067/ECE R67, Uniform provisions concerning: I. Approval of specific equipment of motor
vehicles using liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system; II. Approval of a vehicle fitted
with specific equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum gases in its propulsion system with regard
to the installation of such equipment.
SANS 20110/ECE R110, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific components of
motor vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system; II. Vehicles with
regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type for the use of compressed
natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system.
SANS 20703/ISO 20703, Gas cylinders – Refillable welded aluminium-alloy cylinders – Design,
construction and testing.
acceptable to the authority administering this standard, or to the parties concluding the purchase
contract, as relevant
accreditation body
relevant national body (see foreword)
approved by the approving authority
approved inspection authority
inspection authority that is approved or recognized by the approving authority
approved test station
test station that is accredited in accordance with the requirements of SANS 1825 and SANS 17020
approving authority
appropriate of the following:
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Edition 9
assembly of cylinders that are fastened together, that are interconnected by a manifold and are
transported as a unit
verification that a pressure receptacle complies with the relevant manufacturing standards given in
charging pressure
pressure that is stamped on a pressure receptacle for a permanent gas to indicate the maximum
gauge pressure (measured or corrected to 20 °C that may be applied at the time of filling
class of pressure receptacle
category into which a pressure receptacle is placed based on whether the pressure receptacle is
seamless, or of welded construction (the weld being fully or partially radiographed), refer to tables 4
and 11
acceptable interaction of gas and cylinder or gas and cylinder equipment under conditions of use
competent person
person that has the knowledge, training and experience specific to the work or task being performed
compressed gas
gas that, when packed under pressure for transport, is entirely gaseous at −50 °C
NOTE This category includes all gases with a critical temperature less than or equal to −50 °C.
transportable pressure receptacle (that may be seamless, welded or composite) with a water
capacity of 0,5 L to 150 L
developed pressure
pressure that is achieved by the contents of a pressure receptacle, that is filled in accordance with
this standard, when raised to the reference temperature given in table 5
dissolved gas
gas that, when packed under pressure for transport, is dissolved in a liquid phase solvent
filling ratio
ratio of the mass of gas in the cylinder to the water capacity of the cylinder, refer to tables 2 and 3
gas cartridge
non-refillable container filled once only with gas or a mixture of gases for fuelling portable gas
appliances which burn the gas or gases in use
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Edition 9
liquefied petroleum gas
commercial butane, commercial propane, or a mixture of light hydrocarbons (predominantly
propane, propylene butane and butylene) that is gaseous under conditions of ambient
temperature and pressure, and that is liquefied by an increase of pressure or a lowering of
low-pressure liquefiable gas
gas that, when packaged under pressure for transport, is partially liquid at temperatures above
−50 °C and has a critical temperature above +65 °C
action that includes one or more of the following activities:
c) changing of valves; or
d) restoring the external appearance of the pressure receptacle, including labelling and painting.
maximum permissible operating pressure
highest pressure that may be developed during service
non-refillable cylinder
cylinder that is designed to be filled only once after original manufacture
heat treat
to heat a cylinder to a uniform temperature above the upper critical point of the steel to regenerate
or homogenize the metallurgical structure of the steel to a sufficient degree to achieve the desired
mechanical properties, and then to cool it in a controlled or still-air atmosphere
pressure drum
welded transportable pressure receptacle with a water capacity greater than 150 L but not more
than 1 000 L
EXAMPLE Cylindrical pressure receptacles that are equipped with rolling rings, spheres on skids,
and dumpy tanks that incorporate forklift truck or crane facilities.
pressure receptacle
collective term that includes cylinders, bundles, tubes and pressure drums for the storage and
transportation of liquefied or compressed gases with a water capacity from 0,5 L to 3 000 L
NOTE 1 All types of pressure receptacle, excluding non-refillable cylinders, are refillable.
NOTE 2 The terms "transportable gas containers", "transportable pressure containers" and "containers" as
used in SANS 347 and the relevant national legislation (see foreword), the relevant European Industrial Gases
Association (EIGA) documents, and the various manufacturing standards listed in table 1 and annex A, are
deemed to have the same meaning as a pressure receptacle as defined in this standard.
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Edition 9
pressure relief device
device that is fitted to the cylinder or cylinder valve and that is designed to relieve gas pressure in
the event of abnormal conditions resulting in the development of excess pressure inside the cylinder
professional diving
diving for remuneration as part of a diving operation, either commercial, military, or civil service,
within the scope of the relevant national legislation (see foreword)
NOTE This does not include person or operations operating in the recreational industry.
certification of previously certified equipment where the required traceability (to the applicable
statutory regulations and supporting documentation) is no longer available
working fluid in a refrigeration cycle that absorbs heat from bodies at a low temperature and rejects
heat to bodies at a higher temperature
periodic inspection and testing of transportable pressure receptacles in accordance with an
approved standard
special gas
gas or gas mixture that has specific properties and that is prepared for special applications
tare mass
empty mass of the cylinder including other fittings that are not removed during the filling operation,
such as the valve, dip tube and any permanent or semi-permanently fixed valve protection device(s)
critical temperature
temperature above which the gas cannot exist in a liquid state
reference temperature
maximum temperature that the gas in the gas pressure receptacle can be expected to reach
under normal service conditions
test pressure
pressure to which a pressure receptacle is subjected in accordance with its design standard
seamless transportable pressure receptacle with a water capacity greater than 150 L but not more
than 3 000 L
act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing or otherwise determining and documenting
whether items, processes, services or documents comply with specified requirements
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Edition 9
working pressure
settled pressure of a compressed gas at a uniform reference temperature of 20 °C in a full pressure
4.1.1 Pressure receptacles shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant national legislation (see foreword), in conjunction with the appropriate
design and manufacturing of the standards given in table 1 (see also annex A).
4.1.2 The preferred standards given in table 1 do not preclude the design, manufacture and use of
pressure receptacles in accordance with
d) the standards given in the relevant national legislation (see foreword), subject to 4.8.4.
NOTE It is recommended that bundles are designed, and prototype tested only in accordance with the
associated clauses in ISO 10961.
4.2.1 The developed pressure of a gas at its reference temperature shall not exceed the test
pressure of the pressure receptacle. The elevated minimum test pressures of low-pressure and
high-pressure liquefiable gases given in tables 2 and 3 shall also apply as they take into account
additional safety factors with regard to the properties of the contained gas.
NOTE Annex C contains information regarding the developed pressure for permanent gases.
4.2.2 The purchaser shall comply with the requirements given in 4.1 for both new and
second-hand pressure receptacles.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2
Type of pressure receptacle Standard
Refillable welded stainless steel cylinders ISO 18172-1 and ISO 18172-2
Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders of water capacity up to 150 L SANS 9809-1, SANS 9809-2
and SANS 9809-3
Refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity from 150 L to 3 000 L SANS 11120
Dissolved acetylene cylinders of water capacity up to 150 L ISO 3807
Gas cylinders – High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas
as a fuel for automotive vehicles ISO 11439
Refillable welded steel pressure receptacles of water capacity up to 500 L SANS 4706a
Steel pressure drums of water capacity 150 L to 1 000 L with welded seams EN 14208
Seamless aluminium gas cylinders of water capacity up to and including 150 L SANS 7866
Fully wrapped composite cylinders up to 450 L EN 12245b
Hooped wrapped composite cylinders ISO 11119-1
Fully wrapped fibre-reinforced composite gas cylinders with load-sharing metal
ISO 11119-2
Fully wrapped fibre-reinforced composite gas cylinders with non-load-sharing
ISO 11119-3
metal or non-metallic liners
Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders – Design, construction and
testing – Part 4 Fully wrapped fibre reinforced wrapped composite Gas ISO 11119-4
Cylinders up to 150 L with load sharing welded metallic liners
Composite Reinforced Tubes of Water Capacity between 450 L and 3000 L ISO 11515
Design, Construction & Performance
Low pressure fire extinguishers with a gross mass that does not exceed 23 kg SANS 1151, SANS 1739 and
SANS 1910
Welded LPG fuel cylinders for motor vehicles up to 150 L SANS 20067
Welded compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel cylinders for motor vehicles up to
SANS 20110
150 L
Welded aluminium-alloy gas cylinders up to 150 L SANS 20703
Brazed steel cylinders for compressed gases up to 20 L AS 2468c, d
Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders DOT 39 and ISO 11118
Refillable seamless stainless steel gas cylinders ISO 9809-4
Non refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases, total capacity EN 417
between 50 ml and 1 000 ml
a Welded steel cylinders manufactured for LPG shall use a test pressure of 3 000 kPa and a filling ratio of 0,425
for cylinder design.
b These containers shall have a lining as described in EN 12245 when manufactured for use in South Africa for
LPG, butane and propane service. This requirement applies to all other composite cylinder standards.
c Cylinders made in accordance with AS 2468 shall be fitted with a pressure relief device.
d Notwithstanding the requirements of AS 2468, LPG cylinders may only be accepted in the normalized
condition. AS 2468 refers only to compressed gases; LPG cylinders made in accordance with AS 2468 are
acceptable. Specific gas types are listed in AS 2030.1, and in the definitions of that standard, LPG is referred
to as a compressed gas.
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SANS 10091:2021
Table 2 — Low-pressure liquefiable gasesa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Edition 9
Critical Minimum test
Chemical Dangerous Pressure relief pressure at
Name of gas UN number temperature pressure Filling ratioc
symbol propertiesb device 65 °C
°C kPa gauge kPa gauge
Ammonia 1005 NH3 C, T 132,4 2 900 0,54 Forbidden 2 848
Boron trichloride 1741 BCI3 C, T 178,8 1 000 1,19 Forbidden 20 703
Bromochlorodifluoromethane (R 12 B1) 1974 CBrCIF2 A 153,7 1 000 1,61 d 693
1,2 – Butadiene 1010 CH2:C:CHCH3 F 176,1 1 000 0,59 d –
1,3 – Butadiene 1010 CH2:CHCH:CH2 F 152,0 1 000 0,52 d –
n-Butane 1011 C4H10 F 152,0 3 000 0,52 Mandatory 620
Carbonylsulfide 2204 COS F 105,0 3 000 0,87 d 2 976
Chlorine 1017 CI2 C, T 144,0 2 200 1,25 d and f 1 886
Chlorine trifluoride 1749 CIF3 C, T, O 153,7 3 000 1,40 d 614
Table 2 (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Critical Minimum test Developed
UN Chemical Dangerous temperature pressure Filling Pressure relief pressure at 65 °C
Gas name b
number symbol properties ratioc device
°C kPa gauge kPa gauge
Ethylamine 1036 C2 H7 N F 183,4 1 000 0,61 Forbidden 20 703
Ethylene oxide 1040 C2H4O F, T 195,8 1 500 0,78 Forbidden 483
Hydrogen cyanide 1051 HCN F, T(A) 183,5 10 000 0,55 Forbiddene 275
Hydrogen sulfide 1053 H2 S F, T 100,0 48 00 0,67 Forbidden 4 714
LPG 1075 – F 95,0 3 000 0,425 Mandatory 2 655
Methylamine 1061 CH3NH2 F 156,9 1 300 0,58 Forbidden 1 081
Methyl bromide (R 40 B 1) 1062 CH3Br T 194,0 1 000 1,51 Forbidden 559
Methyl chloride (R 40) 1063 CH3Cl F 143,0 1 700 0,81 Forbidden 1 463
Edition 9
SANS 10091:2021
a Gases that have a critical temperature below −10 °C.
b The properties are indicated as follows:
A = asphyxiant, C = corrosive, F = flammable, O = oxidizing, T = toxic, T(A) = classified as class A poison.
c For design purposes, LPG cylinders use the ratio 0,425.
d The fitting of a pressure relief device to a cylinder, cylinder valve and drum is subject to P200 of ADR.
e ADR states that it is forbidden to fit relief valves to cylinders or drums which contain a gas with a LC50 of 200 ppm or less.
f If relief devises are fitted to chlorine cylinders and drums they shall be fusible plug type with the yield temperature of 70°C to 74 °C.
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SANS 10091:2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Critical Minimum test
Name of gas Chemical Dangerous Pressure relief pressure at
temperature pressure
Edition 9
UN number Filling ratio 65 °C
symbol propertiesb device
°C kPa kPa
Acetylenec 1001 C2H2 F 35,2 6 000 – d 4 900
25 000 0,76 24 000
Carbon dioxide 1013 CO2 A 30,1 19 000 0,68 Mandatory 18 800
25 000 1,11
19 000 1,04 d
Chlorotrifluoromethane (R 13) 1022 CCIF3 A 28,8 –
12 000 0,90
10 000 0,83
Diborane 1911 B2H6 T, F 16,0 25 000 0,07 Forbiddene –
30 000 0,40 d
Ethane 1035 C2H6 F 32,3 –
12 000 0,30
Table 3 (concluded)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Critical Minimum test
Chemical Dangerous Pressure relief pressure at
Name of gas UN number temperature pressure Filling ratio
symbol propertiesb device 65 C
C kPa kPa
Trifluoromethane (R 23) 25 000 0,96 d
1984 CHF3 A 26,0 –
19 000 0,88
Xenon 2036 Xe A 16,3 13 000 1,28 d –
a Gases that have a critical temperature below −10 °C.
b The properties are indicated as follows:
A = asphyxiant, C = corrosive, F = flammable, O = oxidizing, T = toxic.
c Acetylene is not a liquefiable gas, but is a gas dissolved under pressure in acetone. Because the porous substance in acetylene cylinders prevents conventional internal
inspections and because the cylinders are subjected to very severe handling in service, the developed pressure of the gas at reference temperature (4 900 kPa at 65 °C) is
considered unacceptable for design purposes, and the minimum wall thickness shall be based on a hydrostatic test pressure, as given in the design standard.
d The fitting of a pressure relief device to a cylinder, cylinder valve and drum is subject to P200 of ADR.
e ADR states that it is forbidden to fit relief valves to cylinders or drums which contain a gas with a LC50 of 200 ppm or less.
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4.2.3 For low-pressure liquefiable gases, the maximum mass of contents per litre of water capacity
shall equal 0,95 times the density of the liquid at 50 °C. In addition, the liquid portion of the gas shall
not fill the pressure receptacle at any temperature up to 60 °C. The test pressure of the pressure
receptacle shall be at least equal to the vapour pressure (absolute) of the liquid at 65 °C, minus
100 kPa. (See table 2.)
4.2.4 Notwithstanding the contents of 4.2.3, butane and propane pressure receptacles, including
all LPG pressure receptacles, shall be rated for a test pressure of 3 000 kPa and shall be designed
to a fill ratio of 0,425.
4.2.5 All LPG pressure drums (dumpy tanks) shall have a water capacity in excess of 150 L and
shall be fitted with an approved pressure relief device.
Each LPG pressure drum (dumpy tank) shall have an automatic shut-off valve which shall operate
at the maximum allowed liquid level applicable to the pressure drum (dumpy tank) being filled.
The above requirements in 4.2.5 are not applicable to refrigerant grades of LPG.
4.2.6 To ensure that pressure receptacles filled with low-pressure liquefiable gases, excluding
LPG, are not overfilled due to filling system inaccuracies, the following additional parameters shall
be taken into consideration when calculating the product capacity of the pressure receptacle (see
annex D for a worked example):
a) The calculation shall be based on the minimum water capacity WC, in litres (L), of the selected
pressure receptacle family, for example:
The maximum theoretical filling weight (in kilograms (kg)) = minimum WC (L) × the fill ratio.
b) The actual maximum filling weight (in kilograms) shall be determined by subtracting from the
maximum theoretical filling weight the sum of the following (see annex D for the formula to be
used including a work example):
1) the maximum tolerance in the stamped tare mass of the pressure receptacle;
2) the maximum filling tolerance of the filling scale (½ display increment); and
4.3.2 The manufacturer and the revalidator of the cylinder should ensure that the normalizing
temperature takes into account the actual carbon content of the steel and the requirement to
achieve at least the minimum mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and
percentage elongation) in accordance with the relevant design code.
4.3.3 The requirements in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 regarding the normalizing of cylinders is not applicable
to welded steel cylinders manufactured in accordance with health and safety standards which
permit alternative design and construction methods using dual-phase steels that comply with
EN 10338 (or similar).
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4.3.4 The requirements in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 regarding the normalizing of cylinders are not applicable
to welded steel cylinders in chlorine gas services.
4.4.1 The powder coating of aluminium cylinders shall be in accordance with SANS 1274 and
SANS 10461. The process of powder coating can adversely affect the mechanical properties of an
aluminium cylinder if not properly controlled due of the high temperature used in this process.
4.4.2 Gas cylinders manufactured in accordance with approved health and safety standards which
permit alternative design and construction methods using dual-phase steel shall be powder coated.
The maximum temperature for powder coating shall be in the range of 170 °C to 190 °C with a peak
temperature not exceeding 200 °C.
4.4.3 The powder coating of seamless steel cylinders shall be in accordance with SANS 6406.
4.6.1 Pressure receptacles intended to be used as fuel tanks for motorized vehicles shall be
specially manufactured for this purpose and shall comply with the requirements of SANS 20067 or
SANS 20110 (or both).
4.6.2 Pressure receptacles that are intended for general duty shall not be used on motorized
vehicles; however, LPG cylinders may be used on forklift trucks, provided that they are specifically
adapted and marked as such in accordance with 8.6.3 and SANS 10087-6.
4.6.3 No person shall manufacture or import dissolved acetylene cylinders for distribution in
South Africa unless such person can produce proof that such cylinders comply with the
requirements of ISO 3807, or other approved standards (see annex A).
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3
Minimum class of
Name of gas
pressure receptaclea
1 Acetylene 3
2 Air 1
3 Ammonia 2
4 Argon 1
5 Boron trichloride 2
6 Boron trifluoride 1
7 Bromochlorodifluoromethane (R 12 B1) 3
8 Bromotrifluoromethane (R 13 B1) 1
9 Butadiene 3
10 Butane, iso- 3
11 n-Butane 3
12 Carbon dioxide 1
13 Carbon monoxide 1
14 Chlorine 2
15 Chlorine trifluoride 2
16 Chlorotrifluoromethane (R 133a) 3
17 Coal gas 1
18 Cyanogen chloride 2
19 Cyclopropane 3
20 Dichlorodifluoromethane (R 12) 3
21 Dichloromonofluoromethane (R 21) 3
22 Dimethyl ether 3
23 Ethane 1
24 Ethylamine, mono- 3
25 Ethyl chloride 3
26 Ethylene 1
27 Ethylene oxide 3
28 Fluorine 1
29 Helium 1
30 Hydrogen 1
31 Hydrogen chloride 1
32 Hydrogen cyanide 1
33 Hydrogen fluoride 2
34 Hydrogen sulfide 1
35 LPG 3
36 Methane 1
37 Methylamine, di- 3
38 Methylamine, mono- 3
39 Methylamine, tri- 3
40 Methyl bromide 3
41 Methyl chloride 3
41 Monochlorodifluoromethane (R 22) 3
43 Neon 1
44 Nitrogen 1
45 Nitrogen dioxide 3
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Table 4 (concluded)
1 2 3
Minimum class of
Name of gas
pressure receptaclea
46 Nitrous oxide 1
47 Octafluorocyclobutane (RC 318) 3
48 Oxygen 1
49 Phosgene 1
50 Propane 3
51 Propylene 3
52 Sulfur dioxide 2
53 Sulfur hexafluoride 3
54 Vinyl chloride 3
For the specific gases shown in column 2, the class of the pressure receptacle recommended shall
be any number up to and including the corresponding number given in column 3, subject to the
provision that when the filling conditions are such that the developed pressure for the gas at
reference temperature exceeds 7 000 kPa, only a class 1 pressure receptacle shall be used.
a Class 1: seamless metallic pressure receptacles.
Class 2: metallic pressure receptacles of welded construction where all seams have been fully
Class 3: metallic pressure receptacles of welded construction where the seams have been
partially radiographed in accordance with an approved standard. Composite cylinder types 2, 3
and 4 can be used for containment of certain gases listed above, excluding acetylene. The liner
material shall be selected based on the gas compatibility given in ISO 11114-1 and ISO 11114-2.
See also table 1 annex A and annex B.
1 2 3 4
Reference temperature for developed pressure,
used when calculating the test pressure of a
Water capacity of pressure receptacle pressure receptacle
Liquefiable gases Permanent
L Low pressure High pressure gases
0,5 up to but not including 150 65 65 65
150 up to and including 1 000 65 65 65
Greater than 1 000 up to and including 3 000 60 60 65
Non-refillable cylinders In accordance In accordance In accordance
with design with design with design
standard standard standard
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Edition 9
1 2 3 4 5
Chemical Dangerous Developed temperature
Name of gas
symbol propertiesb pressure groupc
Air – – 2 −140,7
Argon Ar – 2 −122,0
Boron trifluoride BF3 T d −12,3
Carbon monoxide CO F and T(A) 2 −140,0
Coal gas – F and T 1 –
Fluorine F2 C and T e −129,0
Helium He – 3 −267,9
Hydrogen H2 F 3 −239,9
Methane CH4 F 1 −82,1
Neon Ne – 3 −228,7
Nitrogen N2 – 2 −147,0
Oxygen O2 – 2 −118,4
a Gases that have a critical temperature below −10 °C.
b The properties are indicated as follows:
C = corrosive
F = flammable
T = toxic
T(A) = classified as class A poison
c The relationship between charging pressures at 20 °C and developed pressures at 65 °C for the
three groups of permanent gases, is given in tables 7 and 8.
d When boron trifluoride is filled into a pressure receptacle that is manufactured in accordance with this
standard, the maximum charging pressure shall not exceed 60 % of the maximum working pressure
of the pressure receptacle.
When boron trifluoride is filled into a pressure receptacle that is not manufactured in accordance with
this standard and that is designed to be filled with permanent gases at a pressure of 13 900 kPa at
20 °C (13 650 kPa at 15 °C), the maximum charging pressure at 20 °C shall be 10 400 kPa.
e The mass of fluorine filled into any pressure receptacle shall not exceed 5,5 kg. The pressure at
20 °C shall not exceed 2 800 kPa, and the maximum working pressure of the pressure receptacle
shall not exceed 18 600 kPa.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3 4
Charging pressure Developed pressure at 65 °C
at 20 °C kPab
kPa Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
2 000 2 300 2 300 2 300
4 000 4 800 4 800 4 600
6 000 7 500 7 200 7 000
8 000 10 200 9 700 9 300
10 000 12 900 12 200 11 600
12 000 15 700 14 700 13 900
14 000 18 600 17 200 16 200
16 000 21 400 19 800 18 600
18 000 24 300 22 300 20 900
20 000 27 200 24 800 23 200
22 000 30 200 27 400 25 500
24 000 33 100 30 000 27 900
26 000 36 100 32 500 30 200
28 000 39 100 35 100 32 500
30 000 42 100 37 600 34 800
The developed pressure of permanent gases varies and has been
grouped accordingly. Table 6 defines which group to use relative to the
permanent gas.
a See annex C for more information on developed pressure for
permanent gases.
b Values for charging pressures other than those given in column 1 may
be obtained by linear interpolation.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3 4
Developed Charging pressure at 20 °C
pressure at 65 °C kPaa
kPa Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
2 000 1 800 1 700 1 700
4 000 3 400 3 400 3 400
6 000 4 900 5 000 5 200
8 000 6 400 6 600 6 900
10 000 7 900 8 200 8 600
12 000 9 300 9 800 10 300
14 000 10 800 11 400 12 100
16 000 12 200 13 000 13 800
18 000 13 600 14 600 15 500
20 000 15 000 16 200 17 200
22 000 16 400 17 800 19 000
24 000 17 800 19 300 20 700
26 000 19 100 20 900 22 400
28 000 20 500 22 500 24 100
30 000 21 900 24 000 25 800
32 000 23 200 25 600 27 600
34 000 24 600 27 200 29 300
36 000 25 900 28 700 31 000
38 000 27 300 30 300 32 700
40 000 28 600 31 800 34 500
42 000 29 900 33 400 36 200
The developed pressure of permanent gases varies and has been
grouped accordingly. Table 6 defines which group to use relative to the
permanent gas.
a Values for charging pressures other than those given in columns 2, 3
and 4 may be obtained by linear interpolation.
When a pressure receptacle is transferred to a different service, the filler shall ensure that the
developed pressure of the gas at reference temperature does not exceed the test pressure of the
pressure receptacle and that the pressure receptacle is of a class suitable for the gas (see table 4,
ISO 11621 and tables 2, 3, 4 and 5, and the ADR Packaging Instruction P200).
4.7.2 The transfer of a pressure receptacle to a different service shall comply, as a minimum, with
ISO 11621. A pressure receptacle that has been used for the storage of any coal-produced gas (for
example, methane or carbon monoxide) shall not be used for any other gas. Carbon monoxide
cylinders shall not be converted to medical or food grade gas service (or both).
4.7.3 A cylinder that is equipped with a foot ring shall not be used for underwater service.
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Edition 9
4.8.2 Refillable pressure receptacles that are not accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of
construction and certification by an approved inspection authority, or a certificate of re-certification
issued by an approved inspection authority shall not be allowed for distribution and use in
South Africa.
4.8.3 Used imported refillable pressure receptacles that do not comply with 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 may be
distributed and used in South Africa provided that they are certified by an approved inspection
authority, re-tested, declared safe for use and issued with a test certificate by an approved test
station in accordance with an approved standard. (See 4.1, annex A, SANS 347 or SANS 1825, as
NOTE For a list of approved inspection authorities, contact the relevant national department (see foreword).
4.8.4 New pressure receptacles shall not be manufactured in accordance with any local, regional
or international standard after the indicated date of its withdrawal, taking into account the
manufacturing end date stipulated in the type approval certificate issued to the pressure receptacle
4.8.6 Used pressure receptacles manufactured after the date of the manufacturing standard’s
withdrawal, shall not be imported for distribution and use in South Africa.
4.8.7 Gas companies, agents or distributors shall not supply customers with any out of test
pressure receptacle or a composite pressure receptacle with an expired service life.
4.8.8 LPG cylinders, LPG cylinder valves and individual relief valves fitted to LPG cylinders for
general distribution and use in South Africa shall first be verified by the relevant national association
(see foreword), an association approved by the relevant national department (see foreword), and
issued with a verification certificate (permit).
4.9.2 The evaluation committee shall comprise members of the relevant Pressure Equipment
Forum, which is chaired by the relevant national department (see foreword).
4.9.3 Approval of a new standard shall be obtained before the importation or manufacture of
pressure receptacles compliant to the new standard being initiated.
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Edition 9
b) not be permitted to be filled with flammable gas or flammable refrigerants in cylinders equal to or
greater than 1,25 L water capacity,
c) not be used for toxic gases with an inhalation toxicity (LC50) less than or equal to 200 mL/m3,
4.10.2 Residual gas in non-refillable receptacles shall be recovered in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner by suitably qualified persons before disposing of the non-refillable receptacles.
5 Valves
5.1 General
5.1.1 The design and construction of valves shall be such as to render the valves fit for purpose
for the duty and service for which they are intended. All parts of valves that are in contact with
the contents of the pressure receptacles shall be of material that will not react with the gas or the
metal of the pressure receptacle (see ISO 11114-1 and ISO 11114-2).
5.1.2 All LPG cylinder valves shall comply with the requirements of SANS 199. LPG valves and
LPG cylinders shall not be fitted with bleed valves.
5.1.3 LPG cylinder valves that do not incorporate a pressure relief device shall not be fitted to
cylinders unless a separate pressure relief device is fitted directly to the cylinder. LPG cylinders
equipped with only one threaded connection in one end of the pressure envelop, and fitted with a
valve not containing a pressure relief device can still be filled, transported and used. When a valve
in this design of LPG cylinder becomes defective it shall be replaced with a valve incorporating a
pressure relief device.
5.1.4 With the exception of special gases, when the regulator is connected to the outlet of a
refillable container, it shall be done so without the use of any outlet thread adapter that changes one
thread size to another thread size, including left-to-right hand and right-to-left hand conversions.
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Edition 9
5.2.2 If pressure receptacles are required to be refilled they shall comply with the requirements of
this standard. Imported pressure receptacles that contain special gases with a non-compliant valve
outlet may be used but they shall not be refilled. Should these pressure receptacles remain in
South Africa after first usage, the valve shall be changed to comply with the requirements of this
5.2.3 Valve outlet connections for special gas mixtures are defined by the relevant gas company in
accordance with the requirements of this standard.
5.3 LPG cylinder and valve inlet and outlet requirements excluding
refrigerant grades
5.3.1 Outlet connections for butane, LPG and propane shall be as specified in SANS 199.
5.3.2 Valves with a G ⅜ RH outlet thread in accordance with SANS 1306-1 shall not be fitted to
cylinders with a water capacity that exceeds 20 L.
5.3.3 Valves with a G ⅝ LH outlet in accordance with SANS 1306-1 shall not be fitted to cylinders
with a water capacity less than 20 L.
5.3.4 Valves with a ¾ NGT inlet shall not be fitted to cylinders with a water capacity less than or
equal to 20 L.
5.3.5 Valves with a ½ NGT inlet shall not be fitted to cylinders with a water capacity equal to or
exceeding 20 L.
NOTE NGT is the American national gas taper thread.
5.3.6 Valves for composite cylinders shall comply with the requirements given in SANS 199.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chemical Subsidiary connection
Gas UN No. Classa number or
Thread type
symbol riska
1 Acetylene, dissolved 1001 C2H2 2.1 – 4 LH female
2 Air 1002 – 2.2 – 3 RH female
Ammonia cylinders 1005 NH3 2.3 8 CGA 240c or RH female/
CGA 660c RH male
Ammonia drums 1005 NH3 2.3 8 1¾" ACME or RH male
CGA 660c (both)
5 Ammonia UHP 1005 NH3 2.3 8 CGA 720c RH male
6 Argon 1006 Ar 2.2 – 3 RH female
7 Butane 1011 C4H10 2.1 – SANS 199d –
8 Carbon dioxide 1013 CO2 2.2 – 8 RH male
9 Carbon monoxide 1016 CO 2.3 2.1 4 LH female
10 Chlorine 1017 Cl 2.3 8 CGA 660c RH male
11 Ethylene 1962 C2H4 2.1 – 4 LH female
12 Ethylene oxide cylinders 1040 C2 H 4 O 2.3 2.1 15 LH male
Ethylene oxide (ETO) 1040 C 2 H4 O 2.3 2.1 7 LH male
14 ETO/CO2 mixture 1041 C2H4O/CO2 2.1 – 2 LH female
15 Helium 1046 He 2.2 – 3 RH female
16 Hydrogen 1049 H2 2.1 – 4 LH female
17 LPG 1075 C4H10/C3H8 2.1 – SANS 199d –
18 Medical gases – – – – SANS 39 –
19 Methane 1971 CH4 2.1 – 4 LH female
20 Nitrogen 1066 N2 2.2 – G¾"f f RH female
21 Nitrous oxide 1070 N2 O 2.2 5.1 13 RH male
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Table 9 (concluded)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chemical Subsidiary connection
Gas UN No. Classa number or
Thread type
symbol riska
22 Oxygen 1072 O2 2.2 5.1 3 RH female
23 Propane 1978 C3H8 2.1 – SANS 199d –
24 Sulfur dioxide 1079 SO2 2.3 8 CGA 240c RH female
25 Sulfur hexafluoride 1080 SF6 2.2 – 6 RH male
ACME = American Chemical and Mechanical Engineering
BSP = British standard pipe
UHP = ultra-high purity
a The class and subsidiary risk shall be in accordance with SANS 10231.
b Unless otherwise specified, outlet connection numbers shall be in accordance with BS 341-3.
c CGA valve numbers for valve outlets shall be in accordance with CGA V-1.
d Outlets connections for butane, LPG and propane shall be as specified in SANS 199. See also 5.3.
e The use of pin index valves is mandatory for all sizes of medical gas pressure receptacles up to and
including a water capacity of 10 L. Above this size, the connection is at the discretion of the supplier. Medical
gas pressure receptacle valve outlets using the pin-index system of connections shall be as specified in
SANS 39. The conversion of existing medical gas cylinders up to and including 10 L water capacity shall
be completed by 1 January 2019.
f The outlet connection shall comprise a conical cone with profile and shape in accordance with BS 341-3
connection number 3.
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Table 10 — Schedule of valve outlets for refrigerants class 2.1 and 2.2
1 2 3 2 3
Edition 8
Container size Outlet connections for class 2.1 (Flammable) Outlet connection for class 2.2 (Non – Flammable)
Gas Liquid Gas Liquid
½" ACME LH - CGA 166a
½" ACME LH - CGA 166a
W21.80 X 1/14 LH No. 1 DIN
3/8" SAE Flare CGA 182a W21.80 X 1/14 No. 6 DIN 477-1 1/4" SAE Flare CGA 165a
Refillable cylinders (up to and 477-1
W21.80 X 1/14 No. 1 DIN 477-1 G 5/8" Female No. 3 BS 341-3 3/8" SAE Flare CGA 182a
including 62 L water capacity) G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 BS 341-
1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA G 5/8" No. 6 BS 341-3 W21.80 X 1/14 No. 6 DIN 477-1
1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA 670a
½" NPTb 1" NPTb
W21.80 X 1/14 No.1 DIN 477-1 3/8" SAE Flare CGA 182a
0,5 t pressure drums G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 BS 341- W21.80 X 1/14 No. 1 DIN 477-1 1.030-14NGO CGA 660a
3 1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA
1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA 670a 670a
1" NPTb
½" NPTb
W21.80 X 1/14 No. 1 DIN 477-1
W21.80 X 1/14 No. 1 DIN 477-1
1,0 t pressure drums (up to G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 BS G 5/8" female No. 3 BS 341-3
G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 BS 341-
1 000 L water capacity) 341-3 G 5/8" No. 6 BS 341-3
1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA
1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA 670a
High pressure refillable G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 BS 341-3 G 5/8" female No. 3 BS 341-3
cylinders 1.030" – 14 NGO LH - CGA 670a G 5/8" No. 6 BS 341-3
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Table 10 (concluded)
1 2 3 2 3
Container size Outlet connections for class 2.1 (Flammable) Outlet connection for class 2.2 (Non – Flammable)
Gas Liquid Gas Liquid
1/4" SAE Flare CGA 165a
½" NPTc Ball valve
Refrigerant recovery cylinders G 5/8" LH Female No. 4 ¾" NPTc Ball valve
NOTE 2 If required, more details regarding refrigerant outlets can be obtained from the relevant national association (see foreword).
a CGA valve numbers for valve outlets shall be in accordance with CGA V-1.
b Shall be used in conjunction with ball valve and dry break couplings only.
c Ball valve shall have suitable pressure rating for intended refrigerant use and shall not protrude outside cylinder/ drum shroud.
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5.4.2 In Table 11, BS 341-1:1991 shall only be used to provide details relating to the cylinder neck
5.4.3 In the case of cylinders with a water capacity less than 10 L, the preferred valve thread
connections are 17E or 18T. However, if agreed upon between the owner/purchaser and the
manufacturer, 25E threads are acceptable. This does not apply to LPG cylinder valves that comply
with SANS 199.
5.4.4 For the preferred connections on SCUBA and SCBA cylinders, see table G.2 and annex G. On any cylinder the valve shall be protected by means of a detachable cap or a
permanently attached shroud or guard in accordance with ISO 11117. This type of protection is not
required if the valve is set into a recess in the pressure receptacle.
NOTE 1 A cap is attached to the cylinder by means of screw thread on the cylinder collar.
NOTE 3 A guard is attached to the cylinder collar by several means, for example a screw thread, cir clip or
grub screw. Such shroud, guard or cap shall not, in any way, be in contact with any part of the valve. In the case of pressure receptacles that are used in the fixed fire protection industry, the
valve shall be protected by a cap, where applicable, when transported or in storage. Pressure
receptacles used in trolley units are exempt from using caps or guards. When pressure receptacles
are removed from the trolley unit, the cap or guard shall be fitted. Pressure receptacles fitted with
shrouds may be used in trolley units.
5.5.2 Exceptions All fire extinguishers with a water capacity up to and including 15 L are exempt from the
requirements in Notwithstanding the requirements of 5.5.1, pressure receptacles with a water capacity of
10 L and below do not require a cap, valve guard or shroud. This exception excludes flammable
and toxic pressure receptacles, which shall comply with Medical gas cylinders, where the shroud or guard is an integral part of the cylinder or valve
package, are excluded from the requirements of If it is not intended for the valve to be protected by a cap or other form of guarding, an
impact test shall be carried out on the valve in accordance with ISO 10297.
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NOTE For thread tape and lead cap material compatibility, see EIGA IGC Doc. 138/08.
5.7.1 Valves shall be visually inspected and leak tested at the time of filling. (For LPG cylinder
valves, see SANS 10087-7).
5.7.2 As a minimum, valves shall be inspected in accordance with ISO 22434 and shall be
inspected at the same frequency as given in annex F for pressure receptacles.
5.7.3 LPG valves fitted with a relief valve shall be maintained at least every 10 years in
accordance with the requirements of SANS 10297, or they shall be replaced. See also 6.1.
5.7.4 LPG cylinder valves shall only be maintained and reconditioned by organizations that
demonstrate compliance with SANS 10297.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3
No. Cylinder types Threads
1 Class 1 steel cylinders:
25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1
a) for high pressure industrial service.
Large diameter cylinders (for example,
cylinder diameter 145 mm and larger)
b) for high pressure industrial service. 17 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
Small diameter cylinders (for example, 18 T thread in accordance with BS 341-1:1991 or
cylinder diameter 140 mm and smaller) 25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1
Parallel thread in conjunction with an effective O-ring seal
(for example, M 25 × 2 for large cylinders of 10 L water
2 Class 1 aluminium cylinders capacity and above, or M 18 × 1,5 for cylinders below 10 L
water capacity) or threads as specified for class 1 steel
25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
3 Classes 2 and 3 cylinders of water 18 T thread in accordance with BS 341-1:1991 or
capacity not exceeding 15 L intended for
17 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
low pressure liquefiable gas (excluding
LPG) ¾ –14" NGT or
½ –14" NGT
Classes 2 and 3 cylinders of water 25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
capacity exceeding 15 L intended for low W31,3 × 1/14 DIN 477-1 or
pressure liquefiable gas (excluding LPG) ¾ – 14" NGT
Classes 1 and 2 dissolved acetylene
17 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
18 T thread in accordance with BS 341-1:1991 or
a) smaller than 10 L 25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
W28,8 in accordance with DIN 477-1 or
1,025" in accordance with BS 341-1:1991
25 E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1 or
b) 10 L and above
W28,8 in accordance with DIN 477-1 or
1,025" in accordance with BS 341-1:1991
6 LPG cylinders Threads in accordance with SANS 199 (see also 5.3)
Fire suppressant cylinder necks Based on internationally accepted practice in accordance
(cylinders used in fixed installations only) with the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) in the USA
Cylinders with internal and external
threads and other with only an external G 1 in accordance with SANS 1306-1
a) Internal thread G 1 ½ B in accordance with SANS 1306-1 and
M 55 × 2 – 8 g in accordance with SANS 1700-2-5,
b) External thread SANS 1700-2-6 and SANS 1700-2-7
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Edition 9
Table 11 (concluded)
1 2 3
No. Cylinder types Threads
Cylinders with internal and external threads
and other with only an external thread:
a) Internal thread 1" NGT
b) External thread W80 × 1/11
a) Internal thread None
b) External thread 2½"-12UN-2A
6.1.1 The purpose of pressure relief devices is to relieve pressure in a pressure receptacle when
the pressure receptacle is exposed to adverse conditions. The device shall be of robust
construction and shall be capable of an accurate setting. All parts of the device shall be of
material(s) that will not react with the contents or the metal of the pressure receptacle on which it is
mounted. Pressure relief devices shall not be used for toxic and poisonous gases. For these
exclusions, see tables 2 and 3 of ADR Packaging Instruction P200. (See also BS 341-4 for
guidance regarding the design and application of pressure relief devices.)
6.1.2 Cylinders that incorporate a pressure relief valve or bursting disc shall have these safety
components replaced within 10 years of the date of original manufacture and every 10 years
thereafter (see tables 2 and 3 and ADR Packaging Instruction P200 for gases that require pressure
relief devices).
6.2.1 General
More than one type of pressure relief device may be used and more than one device of the same
type may, when so required, be used on one pressure receptacle.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9 The performance requirements of spring-loaded safety valves on LPG cylinders, whether
fitted directly into the cylinder or incorporated in the cylinder valve, shall be in accordance with
SANS 199.
Primary frangible discs shall be designed to rupture at the reference temperature in respect to the
maximum permissible operating pressure of the pressure receptacle (see table 5).
Secondary frangible discs shall rupture at a nominal pressure that is 10 % above the
start-to-discharge pressure of the pressure relief device.
A fusible plug shall contain a fusible alloy that has a yield temperature of not lower than 96 °C and
not higher than 110 °C. At ambient temperature (20 °C), the fusible plug shall withstand a pressure
equal to the applicable hydrostatic test pressure.
6.3.1 With the exception of CO2 fire suppression systems where a pressure relief device is fitted to
a cylinder that contains a liquefied gas, a pressure relief device shall be so positioned that when the
cylinder is in the upright position, gas or vapour will be vented in preference to liquid.
6.3.2 For cylinders manufactured in accordance with health and safety standards listed in ADR
section 6.2, pressure relief devices shall be incorporated into cylinders in accordance with ADR
Packaging Instruction P200. (See also tables 2 and 3).
6.3.3 A pressure relief device on a transportable pressure receptacle shall be protected against
mechanical damage either by the way in which it is set into the transportable pressure receptacle,
or by being protected with an acceptable housing.
NOTE For more information on the use of pressure relief valves, see EIGA IGC Doc. 91/10.
7.3.1 All methods of pressure testing or ultrasonic examination in accordance with the periodic
inspection and testing standards listed in SANS 1825 shall be acceptable.
7.3.2 Alternative forms of testing will require prior approval from the approving authority.
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7.4.1 Approval
7.4.2 Accreditation
Before approval is given, the test station shall be accredited by the relevant national body (see
foreword) in accordance with this standard, SANS 17020 and SANS 1825).
7.6.1 The rejection (scrapping) of pressure receptacles shall be carried out by a competent person.
The decision to reject a pressure receptacle may be taken at any stage during the inspection and
testing procedure.
7.6.2 If it is impossible to recover a rejected pressure receptacle, the test station shall, after
notifying the owner, make the pressure receptacle unserviceable for holding gas under pressure so
that it is impossible for any part of the cylinder, especially the shoulder, to be re-issued into service.
In the case of any disagreement, the test station shall inform the owner of the legal implications of
their contemplated action.
7.6.3 Rejection and disposal criteria for pressure receptacles and methods for rendering pressure
receptacles unserviceable shall be in accordance with SANS 1825.
7.6.4 Should the owner scrap or reject his own pressure receptacles, the rejection criteria shall be
as provided in SANS 1825, and an approved test station shall dispose of the pressure receptacle in
the appropriate manner.
7.7.1 All repairs that require the application of heat to the body of the pressure receptacle or any
component part of the body shall be carried out under the direction and supervision of an approved
inspection authority. The pressure receptacle shall be hydrostatically tested and verified by an
approved test station before being placed back into service (see also 8.1 and 8.3).
7.7.2 Where the cylinder was supplied in a normalized condition (see 4.3), the cylinder shall, after
any hot work has been carried out on the cylinder body or dished ends, including the replacement of
the valve boss, valve guard or foot ring, be re-normalized to the original normalizing requirement for
a new cylinder in accordance with 4.3.
7.7.3 Cylinders manufactured from dual-phase steel are not repairable by the application of heat to
the pressure envelop. The manufacturers of dual-phase steel cylinders do not recommend any form
of repair to the pressure envelop.
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7.7.4 In the case of the replacement of valve guards and foot rings only, where it can be
demonstrated that the local heat input into the pressure envelope of the cylinder from the welding
process does not exceed 600 °C, there is no requirement to normalize the cylinder. Examples
would include tack welding a valve guard to a cylinder thread boss and welding a replacement foot
ring to an old existing foot ring or part thereof.
7.7.5 Composite cylinders shall be repaired in accordance with the requirements of the revalidation
standard SANS 11623.
7.7.6 Under no circumstances shall seamless pressure receptacles of any size be repaired.
8.1.2 Pressure receptacles for compressed gases are not required to be marked with the tare
mass in accordance with the requirements of ISO 13769. When cylinders without tare mass are
changed from a permanent gas service to a liquefiable gas service, the tare mass shall be stamped
onto the shoulder of the pressure receptacle, provided the pressure receptacle complies with the
design requirements for that particular gas, which shall be verified by a competent person. The tare
mass shall be given in kilograms (kg).
8.1.3 Liquefiable pressure receptacle stampings shall comply with the requirements given in
ISO 13769. The letter "N" shall be stamped on welded liquefied gas pressure receptacles (for
example, LPG) to indicate that the pressure receptacle has been normalized, when appropriate.
8.1.4 For gases other than LPG, the unit of pressure "bar" may be used as an alternative to "Pa"
(Pascal) on any pressure receptacle or associated valve that is governed by an approved standard
where such is allowed.
8.1.5 No permanent marking shall be removed from any pressure receptacle. Where change of
ownership takes place, the previous owner’s marks may be cancelled by over-stamping using the
letter "X".
8.1.6 The manufacturer’s serial number shall never be removed from any pressure receptacle.
8.1.7 In the case of re-rating of cylinders in respect of test pressure, the re-rated design of the
cylinder shall be approved by an approved inspection authority and the inspection and test shall be
validated by an approved test station.
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b) the year and month (for example, 15/04 (yy/mm)) and the suffix "H" if a hydrostatic test has been
done; and
c) when relevant, the new tare mass, shall be hard stamped in a location close to the original
8.3.2 A metallic tag indicating the tare mass of the pressure receptacle may be used as an
alternative to hard-stamping the tare mass on the cylinder. The tare mass tag shall be located under
the valve stem in such a manner that it cannot be easily removed.
8.3.3 On satisfactory completion of the periodic inspection and hydrostatic pressure test of a
composite cylinder, it is necessary to mark or affix a label in an area close to the original date of
manufacture containing the information in clause 8.3.1. Paper, plastic or metal foil are appropriate
materials for the labels and these shall be securely affixed to the composite cylinder, using a clear
epoxy resin, the label being coated on both sides. A rubber stamp containing the information in
clause 8.3.1 using an indelible ink, which is then over coated with a clear epoxy resin, can also be
8.3.4 In addition to the requirements of 8.3.1, after internal inspection of acetylene cylinders, the
year and month in which the inspection was carried out, followed by an "I" (for example, 11/04 I
(yy/mm)), shall be hard-stamped on the pressure receptacle, or on a metal test ring retained
between the valve inlet stem and cylinder shoulder.
8.3.5 Hard-stamping when revalidating welded pressure receptacles shall only be done on the foot
ring, shroud or doubling plate specifically attached for the purpose of cylinder identification of a
revalidated welded pressure receptacle. Hard-stamping on the shell of a welded steel cylinder is
8.3.6 Hard-stamping when revalidating seamless cylinders shall only be done on the shoulder.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9 The colours in table 12 are the allocated colours for the gases indicated in column 2. When
the service of a pressure receptacle is changed, the old paint shall be removed entirely before the
new identification colour is applied. Where colours are allocated to fire extinguishers, they shall comply with the requirements of
SANS 1910 and SANS 1567. Where cylinders indicate the nature of their contents by means of additional colour bands.
The width of the second band, where applicable, shall be at least one-quarter of the diameter of the
cylinder and be adjacent to the shoulder of the cylinder. If the gas is toxic and non-flammable, the cylinder shall have a golden yellow (1071-Y20R)
shoulder band (see table 12). If the gas is non-toxic and flammable, the cylinder shall have a signal red (1580-Y90R)
shoulder band. LPG pressure receptacles are excluded from these requirements. If the gas is toxic and flammable, the cylinder shall have a golden yellow (1071-Y20R)
shoulder band, as well as a signal red (1580-Y20R) shoulder band. The red band shall be next to
the neck and the yellow band shall be between the red band and the junction of the shoulder and
body of the cylinder. Imported cylinders that are not for trade use can remain in the "as supplied" colour;
however, such cylinders shall be appropriately labelled in accordance with 8.6. Should these
cylinders remain in South Africa after first usage, the colour shall be changed to comply with this
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2 3 4 5
No. Name of gas Colour of cylinder bodya Colour(s) of shoulderb
1 Acetylene C2H2 Maroon 8010-R10B –
2 Air – French grey 4010-G50Y –
3 Air, syntheticc – Protea 1020-Y80R –
Signal red 1580-Y90R and
4 Ammonia NH3 Aluminium
Golden yellow 1070-Y20R
5 Argon Ar Peacock blue 5040-B20G –
6 Carbon dioxide CO2 Light Brunswick green 5540-G30Y –
Signal red 1580-Y90R and
7 Carbon monoxide CO Signal red 1580-Y90R
Golden yellow 1070-Y20R
8 Chlorine Cl2 yellow 1070-Y20R –
Chlorine (cylinder with
9 Cl2 yellow 1070-Y20R Black S 9000-N
dip pipe)
10 Compressed natural gas NCGd White S0603-R80B Signal red 1580-Y90R
11 Ethylene C2H4 Dark violet 5040-R50B Signal red 1580-Y90R
Signal red 1580-Y90R and
12 Ethylene oxide C 2 H4 O Dark violet 5040-R50B
Golden yellow 1070-Y20R
13 Helium He Middle brown 7020-Y40R –
14 Hydrogen H2 Signal red 1580-Y90R –
15 Methane CH4 Signal red 1580-Y90R Black (band) S 9000-N
16 Neon Ne Middle brown 7020-Y40R Black S 9000-N
17 Nitrogen N2 French grey 4010-G50Y Black S 9000-N
18 Oxygen O2 Black S 9000-N –
19 Special gas – Protea 1020-Y80R –
NOTE The finish of the above paint colours is semi-gloss (sheen).
a The colours specified are in accordance with the Scandinavian Colour Institute AB, Stockholm,
Sweden (NCS). See SANS 1091 for information on the National Colour System (NCS) system and
colours. More information about the NCS-system and colours is available on
b Where a second colour band is stated, the second band should be adjacent to the shoulder colour.
c Synthetic air is made up of pure oxygen and pure nitrogen; the oxygen content is a volume fraction
of 21 %. Synthetic air cylinders not intended for breathable use shall be stencilled or have labels affixed to
them stating "NOT FOR BREATHING". This requirement is over and above the normal shoulder label
stating the type of gas in the cylinder. Industrial synthetic air cylinders shall be labelled accordingly.
d CNG includes Biogas
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Corporate colours that are used on LPG cylinders shall be registered with the relevant national
association (see foreword). There shall be no confusion with colours allocated for other gases or
8.5.3 Pressure receptacles for gases for which specific colour markings have not
been allocated Unique identification colours for branded pressure receptacles for compressed and
liquefiable gases (excluding LPG pressure receptacles) shall be approved and registered by the
relevant national association (see foreword) to avoid any colour duplication with table 12. Pressure receptacles for special gases or pressure receptacles for which specific colour
markings have not been allocated shall be coloured Protea (1020-Y80R), or as otherwise approved. The width of each shoulder band shall be at least one-quarter of the diameter of the
pressure receptacle body
Cylinders for medical gases shall be colour-marked in accordance with SANS 10006. The valve guard/shrouds for pressure receptacles for refrigerant gases shall be coloured in
accordance with AHRI Guideline N and table 13. If corporate branding by means of the colour of the
body of the pressure receptacle is required, it shall be approved and registered with the relevant
national association (see foreword) to avoid any colour duplication with tables 12 and 13. In the absence of a recognised colour shown in table 13, the "R" designation of the gas
shall be stencilled onto the cylinder body circumference and shall be clearly visible when the
cylinder is in the upright position. In addition a sticker or tag may be attached to the cylinder
identifying the contents.
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1 2 3 4
Gas reference Colour of cylinder Guard/shroud Guard/shroud Colour Shoulder bandb
R 22 S0540-G Light green –
R 123 S1510-R90B Light blue green –
R 124 S3555-B80G Deep green –
R 125 S3030-Y Medium brown –
R 134a S0530-B Light blue –
R 152a S1580-Y90R Red –
R 290 S1580-Y90R Red –
R 404A S0580-Y60R Orange –
R 407A S3020-G40Y Light green grey –
R 407c S3050-Y50R Medium brown –
R 408A S2060-R40B Medium purple –
R 409A S3020-Y20R Medium brown tan –
R 410A S1040-R20B Rose –
R 427A S1565-G Brilliant green –
R 507 S2050-B70G Blue green –
R 600A S1580-Y90R Red –
R1234yfa S0603–R80B White Red
R 1234ze S0603–R80B White Green
R 1233zd S0603–R80B White Black
NOTE The colour references are based on the National Colour System (NCS) and have been agreed
to by the relevant national association (see foreword). Colours for refrigerant gases. Colours that are
not listed above can be found in AHRI Guideline N.
a R1234yf is a flammable gas.
b The 50 mm wide colour band shall be located immediately below the cylinder top shoulder as
8.5.6 Pressure receptacles fitted with internal tubes for liquid withdrawal A pressure receptacle fitted with a conventional-type vapour withdrawal valve that is
connected to an internal eductor tube or dip tube for liquid withdrawal shall be clearly marked by
means of two diametrically opposed vertical yellow (in the case of chlorine cylinders, black) stripes
of width 50 mm, to indicate the presence of the eductor or dip tube. In the case of a pressure receptacle fitted with a dual-purpose valve that has both vapour
and liquid outlets, the liquid withdrawal outlet shall be clearly identified and the liquid and vapour
outlets shall be non-interchangeable. In this case there is no requirement to mark the associated
pressure receptacles with vertical yellow stripes. The above does not apply to refrigerant cylinders. Refrigerant recovery cylinders shall be
painted with a yellow shroud.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9 Fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems are exempt from the requirement to fit
vertical yellow stripes to the respective gas cylinders.
8.6 Labelling
The labelling of cylinders (excluding LPG cylinders) shall comply with ISO 7225. Alternative
methods can be used, but shall incorporate the objectives of ISO 7225. If a pressure receptacle has been filled with a dangerous commodity as defined in
SANS 10228, and is to be conveyed by any type of transport on a public road, it shall be labelled in
accordance with SANS 10229-1, except that, when the pressure receptacle is readily visible, the
pressure receptacle need not bear the "compressed gas" label. If a pressure receptacle is concealed in an outer box or some other type of container, the
outer container shall bear the "compressed gas" label and the label applicable to the commodity in
the pressure receptacle. The pressure receptacle labelling shall comply with the requirements of
SANS 10234 and SANS 10263-0. LPG cylinders of water capacity not exceeding 20 L shall bear, in the form of a pictogram
(see figure H.1) on a label (of minimum size 100 mm × 40 mm), a warning that the cylinder shall not
be placed on hot plates or stoves, be exposed to excessive heat, and shall always be used in an
upright position. All cylinders shall indicate the direction of use and the position for transportation in
accordance with annex H. (See also figure H.2). Limitations on quantities of LPG cylinders for use in buildings shall be as specified in
SANS 10087-1. The allowable quantities shall be included on the cylinder label, as appropriate. Cylinders fitted with dual outlet valves (liquid/gas) shall be marked ʺNOT FOR DOMESTIC
USEʺ. LPG cylinders used on forklift trucks shall be labelled to identify them for this use and to
indicate the direction of installation. Operating instructions shall be attached. The label shall indicate
that the cylinder is for forklift trucks only and is to be used in liquid service.
In addition to the marking required in 8.1, 8.3 and, when relevant, 8.4, each filled pressure
receptacle shall be labelled in accordance with the relevant national legislation (see foreword) and
SANS 289. Pressure receptacles shall not be labelled or branded with marketing or promotion
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8.7 Certificates
8.7.1 General
Manufacturers and or the local importer or distributor (as defined in the relevant national legislation
(see foreword)) shall keep and make available on request manufacturing and inspection certificates
for all pressure receptacles that are sold. Batch certificates are acceptable. Revalidation inspection and test certificates shall comply with the requirements given in
SANS 1825. Cylinders in service shall be inspected and tested in accordance with table F.1.
Before filling, an inspection shall be performed as specified in 9.1.4. Should the cylinder fail, the
owner shall ensure that the disposal of the cylinder is carried out in accordance with SANS 1825, or
that the cylinder is sent to an approved test station for further examination or disposal. The rejection
criteria shall be in accordance with SANS 1825.
Permission to fill pressure receptacles shall be obtained from the owner of the pressure receptacle,
in writing, except where the pressure receptacle is privately owned by the end user. This
requirement is for safety reasons. The containment history of the pressure receptacle is an
essential requirement for safe filling.
No person shall fill a pressure receptacle with gas unless such person is competent to fill pressure
receptacles with the gases being handled, and is conversant with the relevant requirements of this
standard. The pre-fill inspection of the pressure receptacle by the filler shall be in accordance with the
criteria given in tables 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. See SANS 10087-7 for LPG cylinders.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9 Before filling any pressure receptacle, the filler shall ensure that
c) the pressure receptacle complies with the requirements of an approved standard and has the
appropriate pressure rating.
d) the pressure receptacle is not due for periodic inspection or testing and in the case of a
composite pressure receptacle, it does not have an expired service life.
e) the pressure receptacle, valve and pressure relief devices, if any, are in good serviceable
f) the correct cylinder colour for the intended gas service has been applied before filling, or, for
jacketed composite cylinders, the entire outer jacket is the correct colour for the intended gas
g) for composite cylinders, where applicable, the markings on embedded labels are undamaged
and comply with the requirements of the respective pressure receptacle design code.
h) during filling, leak detection is carried out with an acceptable leak detection fluid at regular
intervals. Typical checks shall comprise checking of the valve outlet, gland nut and valve stem to
the cylinder neck thread joint.
i) after filling, the pressure receptacle is visually inspected for leaks. If a leak is found and it cannot
be stopped, the pressure receptacle shall be emptied and shall not be refilled until the cause of
the leak has been rectified.
j) after filling, the statutory labels are in place and all information on the labels is clearly visible.
k) if at any stage a non-compliance is observed, the filler shall stop any further work, quarantine the
cylinder and report the non-compliance to a competent person.
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1 2
Condition Rejection criteria
Arc or torch burns Localized heat-affected zone plus addition of weld metal or removal of
metal by grinding, filing, etc.
Bulges Visible swelling
Chain pitting, line or channel When any one condition affects 50 % or more of the diameter of the
(or both) corrosion cylinder
Cracks Split in material
Crevice corrosion When this occurs close to an opening in a welded steel cylinder.
If the depth is greater than 20 % of the original wall thickness in welded
and seamless cylinders.
Cuts or gouges When metal has been removed and the depth of the cut or gouge is
greater than 10 % of the cylinder wall thickness.
Dents The dent is greater than 3 % of the cylinder diameter.
The diameter of the dent is greater than 15 times the depth of the dent.
Depressed bung When the profile of a welded cylinder has changed from the original
Fire damage When there is excessive general or local heating, for example
a) burning and charred paint,
b) burning of metal,
c) distortion of cylinder,
d) melting of valve parts, and
e) melting of any plastic parts, such as test ring, guard or cap.
General corrosion If the original surface of the metal cannot be seen.
Isolated pits Pits up to 5 mm in diameter.
Plug or neck inserts Additional inserts to base or wall, which are not part of the original
design, for example pipes, nuts and bolts.
Stamping Any stamped markings on the parallel part of the cylinder wall. Any
alterations, illegible, incorrect or inadequate markings.
Suspicious marks Marks introduced other than by the manufacturer or an approved test
Vertical instability Any stacking of cylinders which creates an unstable condition such that
cylinders might fall.
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Table 15 — Pre-fill inspection/rejection criteria for all welded steel cylinders other than
welded LPG cylinders
1 2
Condition Rejection criteria
Arc or torch burns Localized heat-affected zone plus addition of weld metal or removal
of metal by grinding, filing, for example.
Bulges Visible swelling
Chain pitting, line or channel (or When any one condition affects 50 % or more of the diameter of the
both) corrosion cylinder.
Cracks Split in material
Crevice corrosion When this occurs close to an opening in a welded steel cylinder
If the depth is greater than 20 % of the original wall thickness in
welded and seamless cylinders.
Cuts or gouges When metal has been removed and the depth of the cut or gouge is
greater than 10 % of the cylinder wall thickness.
Dents When the depth of the dent exceeds 25 % of its width at any point.
Depressed bung When the profile of the cylinder has changed from the original
Fire damage When there is excessive general or local heating, for example,
a) burning and charred paint,
b) burning of metal,
c) distortion of cylinder,
d) melting of valve parts, and
e) melting of any plastic parts, such as test ring, guard or cap.
General corrosion If the original surface of the metal cannot be seen.
Isolated pits When there is more than one pit per 500 mm2 of the surface area.
Plug or neck inserts Additional inserts to base or wall, which are not part of the original
design, for example pipes, nuts and bolts.
Stamping Any stamped markings on the parallel part of the cylinder wall. Any
alterations, illegible, incorrect or inadequate markings.
Suspicious marks Marks introduced other than by the manufacturer or an approved
test station.
Vertical instability Any stacking of cylinders which creates an unstable condition such
that cylinders might fall.
NOTE For welded LPG cylinders, refer to the relevant tables in SANS 1825.
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1 2
Step Action
1 Check that the jacket is not contaminated with
a) oil or grease,
b) dirt, and
c) foreign material such as concrete or bitumen.
2 If there is any indication of contamination, check the base for trapped material.
Trapped dirt will make the tare weight (empty assembled weight) inaccurate.
3 Check that the jacket is intact, complete and securely assembled.
4 Check that the jacket is not distorted as indicated by significant gaps in the assembly joints.
5 Check the jacket for any significant punctures, cuts, gouges or heavy scratches.
Light scratches or areas of abrasion are acceptable.
6 Check for signs of fire damage. This includes:
a) blisters, charred, deformed, discoloured or melted parts;
b) arc or torch burns; and
c) burn or soot marks on the jacket, label or fittings.
7 Examples of composite cylinder jacket reject criteria are given in table 17.
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1 2 3
Type of damage Fail criteria Graphics
Scratches, scrapes Unacceptable scratches, scrapes
and burns and burns are deep enough to
create a rough surface with
plastic burrs, which are sharp to
the touch. Unacceptable burns
will cause a distortion in the
surface and a thinning of the
Burn/fire damage
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
Table 17 (continued)
1 2 3
Type of damage Fail criteria Graphics
Holes, cuts, bends Holes, cuts, bends or breaks in a
and breaks cylinder are unacceptable.
Impact damage
Puncture damage
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Table 17 (continued)
1 2 3
Type of damage Fail criteria Graphics
Paint and marking
Deformed handle
Grinding splatter
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1 2
Level of damage
Level 2
Level 3
Type of damage Level 1
Rejectable damage
Condemned damage
Acceptable damage (requiring additional
(not repairable)
inspections or repairs)
Abrasion damage Damage to the following depth Damage greater than Level 1 Damage greater than:
or damage from is acceptable: but less than Level 3 shall be –15 % of composite
cuts referred to the manufacturer for overwrap thickness for
Less than 0,25 mma repair procedures.b Otherwise, fully-wrapped cylinders;
the damage shall be considered
Level 3. –30 % of composite
overwrap thickness for
If the manufacturer does not hoop-wrapped cylinders.
provide repair instructions, the
damage shall be considered
Level 3.
Impact damage Damage from impact, which Damage greater than Level 1 Damage from impact that
causes a frosted appearance or shall be referred to the causes permanent
hairline cracking in the impact manufacturer for evaluation.b deformation (for example,
area that is less than 25 mm in dent).
diameter without permanent Otherwise, the damage shall be
deformation, is acceptable.b considered Level 3.
Delamination No visible delamination Loose fibre ends from the Delaminating fibres not
termination of the wrapping included in Level 2.
process shall be repaired.
Heat or fire damage When the composite overwrap Damage greater than Level 1 Cylinders with evidence of
is only soiled from smoke or no repair allowed – consider as heat or fire damage
other debris and is found to be Level 3. greater than Level 1 shall
suitable for further service.b be rendered
Additional attention shall be unserviceable.
given to cylinders with an
aluminium-alloy liner/boss or a
non-load sharing liner.
Structural damage When the cylinder is found to No repair allowed All cylinders
be suitable for further service b
Chemical attack When the cylinder is found to If the chemical nature is known, All cylinders if chemical
be suitable for further service b the cylinder manufacturer shall unknown.
provide documentation
confirming Level 1 or 2. If Level Any attack of the fibre.
2, the manufacturer shall
suggest a suitable repair
procedure. b
Missing/illegible Not applicable In the event that manufacturer All cylinders that cannot
identification label or can unmistakably identify the be identified and
markings cylinder, by at least the serial relabelled/remarked.
number, a new label shall be
supplied by the manufacturer
and affixed or the marks applied
either by the inspection body or
the manufacturer (see
ISO 13769).
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Edition 9
Table 18 (concluded)
1 2
Level of damage
Loose permanent Not applicable Repair possible provided manufacturer gives All cylinders other than
attachments written consent. those in Level 2.
Improper repair Not applicable Following a repair (see 7.4), all defects can be All cylinders with
repaired a second and final time; the cylinder defects after the
shall be retested. second repair.
Other damage (of a Minor damage that would Not applicable Not applicable
cosmetic nature) be considered normal.
Such damage should have Small groups of abraded fibres
no adverse effects on the
safety of the cylinder and
its continued use.
Damage with no
appreciable depth
Damaged permanent No damage or minor When dented, cracked, broken, showing other If Level 2 damage
attachment damage such as nicks, signs of damage (e.g. discolouration from exists and replacement
scratches consistent with impact) or as advised by the manufacturer. of the damaged is not
normal wear Permanent attachment to be removed and possible
composite cylinder to be assessed for damage.
New attachment may be fitted provided cylinder Or
suitable for further service.
If the composite
cylinder shows
damage adjacent to a
damaged area on the
a The depth measurement starts at the surface of the cylinder, including coating if present, but excluding protective sleeves
that are not part of the cylinder design.
b This needs to be established by further investigation. Imported new and second-hand cylinders may have a stamped charging pressure and
product content related to a lower reference temperature, as used in their country of origin. In such
cases, the 20 °C reference temperature in South Africa will correlate to a lower product mass for the
same stamped settled charging pressure. The filler shall ensure that cylinders filled in South Africa
are filled to a product mass calculated using the reference temperature of 20 ºC. See also annex C.
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9.2.2 A pressure receptacle being filled with a liquefiable gas shall not be filled to its full water
capacity. An ullage space shall be left to allow the gas to expand due to ambient temperature
fluctuations up to the reference temperature. Pressure receptacles shall be filled in accordance with
the allowable filling ratio this will avoid the pressure receptacle from being overfilled. See tables 2
and 3 and table 2 of ADR Packaging Instruction P200.
9.2.3 In addition to carrying out the inspections required in 9.1.4, the filler shall ascertain the test
pressure, the tare mass and the water capacity of the pressure receptacle and, by reference to
tables 2 and 3 and ADR Packaging Instruction P200, shall calculate the maximum permissible mass
of gas that can be filled into the pressure receptacle. The requirements of 4.2.6 shall also apply.
In addition to the inspections of the pressure receptacle as required in 9.1.4 pressure receptacles
for permanent gases shall be filled in compliance the corporate quality system of the filler
9.4.3 Acetylene
Inspection and filling of acetylene cylinders shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 11372 and
ISO 13088. Inspections should form part of the corporate quality system of the company concerned.
10.2 Stacking
10.2.1 General
The maximum height of any stack shall be such as to ensure that the cylinders can be handled
safely. Only pressure receptacles that are specifically designed for stacking shall be stacked.
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Edition 9 All cylinders that contain liquefied gas shall be stored in a vertical position, and they shall
rest on their foot rings or specially formed bases. Pressure drums designed for horizontal use can be stored in a horizontal position. Only new or refurbished welded liquefied gas pressure receptacles that contain no
liquefied gas may be transported and stacked horizontally. Cylinders that are stored vertically may be arranged in groups, each group containing up
to four rows of cylinders, with gangways between the groups. New empty cylinders may be stored horizontally. They shall be in single rows or in groups
that comprise two rows with the valves adjacent to the gangways. The ends of each horizontal row
shall be securely wedged. When pallets or baskets are used, these shall be placed in single rows with gangways
between the rows. LPG cylinders shall be stacked in accordance with SANS 10087-4 and SANS 10087-7.
10.3 Storage
The warehousing of dangerous goods shall be done in accordance with the requirements of
SANS 10228, SANS 10229-1 and SANS 10263-2.
10.4 Transport
10.4.1 General Transport of pressure receptacles shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant
national legislation (see foreword), and the requirements of SANS 10228. When gas pressure receptacles are packed, the package shall comply with the relevant
transport requirements of the relevant national legislation (see foreword). Pressure receptacles that are transported in a vehicle shall be so blocked or braced (or
both) as to prevent movement, and shall not project beyond the sides or ends of the vehicle. Cylinders that are transported in ISO containers for shipping shall comply with local or
international requirements given in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, the
International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations manual, and the
requirements in ADR.
When pressure receptacles that contain various types of gas are to be transported together, this
shall be done in accordance with SANS 10231.
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10.5.2 Owing to the possibility of leakage as a result of minor defects, pressure receptacles shall
be stored in vented areas. In the case of gases that are heavier than air, care shall be taken to
ensure that drains or trenches do not create pockets in which such gases might collect (see
SANS 10087-1 and SANS 10087-3).
10.5.3 If a leaking pressure receptacle is found and the leak cannot be stopped easily and quickly,
the pressure receptacle shall be moved immediately to that part of an open space where it is least
dangerous to life and property, and advice shall be obtained from the owner/filler before any action
is taken.
10.5.5 The following shall apply to pressure receptacles which have passed their periodic
inspection and test date when at a customer site:
a) It may continue to be used as long as the pressure receptacle has not been subjected to abusive
or abnormal service conditions.
b) Pressure receptacles may continue in use beyond the stated test interval for periodic inspection
or beyond the stated service life and should be returned for the periodic inspection and test or
removal from service when no longer required for use. Cylinders shall not be refilled or top-up
beyond the stated test interval period or beyond the stated service life.
c) Pressure receptacles, particularly those containing corrosive gases, should be retested within a
period not exceeding twice the retest time interval.
11.2.2 Pressure receptacles that may be used in a horizontal position shall be so secured that they
cannot roll.
11.2.3 When pressure receptacles are on their transport cradles, they shall be secured so that
they cannot move.
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Edition 9
Annex A
NOTE Manufacturers who wish to import gas pressure receptacles into South Africa should note that there
could be further regulatory requirements. See also annex B.
Standard Description
AS 1777 Aluminium cylinders for compressed gases – Seamless – 0,1 kg to 130 kg
Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Brazed – 0,1 kg to 11 kg
AS 2468
Note See also the caution in B.2 of this standard.
Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Welded three-piece construction with
AS 2470
longitudinal joint – 11 kg to 150 kg
AS 2527 Cylinders for dissolved acetylene
AS 3577 Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Welded – 150 kg to 500 kg
Standard Description
TC 4BA Welded or brazed steel cylinders
Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded
longitudinal seam
Standard Description
CODAP 2015 CODAP 2015 Division 1 and 2. Code for construction of unfired pressure vessels –
Including revision 2018
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Table A.4 — International Standards Organizations, European Norms, standard specifications and
EEC directives
Standard Description
Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gas, with or without a
EN 417 valve, for use with portable appliances – Construction, inspection, testing and
LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders
for LPG – Design and construction
EN 1442
NOTE See also the caution in B.2 of this standard.
Fixed firefighting systems – Components for gas extinguishing systems – Part 4:
EN 12094-4 Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their
Transportable gas cylinders – Refillable welded steel gas cylinders – Design and
EN 13322-1 construction – Part 1: Carbon steel
LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders
for LPG – Alternative design and construction
EN 14140
Note See also the caution in B.2 of this standard.
Transportable gas cylinders – Specification for welded pressure drums up to
EN 14208 1 000 litre capacity for the transport of gases – Design and construction
LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable fully wrapped
EN 14427 composite cylinders for LPG – Design and construction
Transportable gas cylinders – Refillable welded receptacles of a capacity not
exceeding 150 litres – Part 3: Welded carbon steel cylinders made to a design
EN 14638-3 justified by experimental methods
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ISO 7866 Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders – Design,
construction and testing
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
ISO 9809-1 testing – Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less
than 1 100 MPa
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
ISO 9809-2 testing – Part 2: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength greater
than or equal to 1 100 MPa
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
ISO 9809-3
testing – Part 3: Normalized steel cylinders
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
ISO 9809-4
testing – Part 4: Stainless steel cylinders with an Rm value of less than 1 100 MPa
ISO 11118 Gas cylinders – Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders – Specification and test methods
Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
ISO 11119-1 and testing – Part 1: Hoop wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and
tubes up to 450 L
Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
ISO 11119-2 and testing – Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and
tubes up to 450 L with load-sharing metal liners
Gas cylinders – Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes – Design, construction
and testing – Part 3: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and
ISO 11119-3
tubes up to 450 L with non-load-sharing metallic or non-metallic liners with or without
Gas cylinders – High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a
ISO 11439
fuel for automotive vehicles
Gas cylinders – refillable seamless gas cylinders and tubes – Acoustic emission
ISO 16148 examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection
and testing
Gas cylinders – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG) – Design and construction
ISO 22991
NOTE See also the caution in B.2 of this standard.
Table A.5 — Italy (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at work (INAIL))
Standard Description
VSR Rules Collection (Raccolta VSR) concerning design rules for pressure vessels.
Italian Regulations Design and independent inspection of gas cylinders (SAIGAS)
(series XIX of NI)
Standard Description
JIS B 8240 Construction of pressure vessels for refrigeration
JIS B 8241 Seamless steel gas cylinders
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Edition 9
Standard Description
Transportable gas containers. Specification for seamless containers of less than
BS 5045-6
0,5 litre water capacity
Transportable gas containers. Specification for seamless steel gas containers of water
BS 5045-7
capacity 0,5 L up to 15 L for special portable applications
Transportable gas containers. Specification for seamless aluminium alloy gas
BS 5045-8 containers of water capacity 0,5 L up to 15 L and up to 300 bar charged pressure at
15°C for special portable application
Standard Description
Seamless steel cylinders up to 1 000 lbs water volume. Service pressure 150 psi
Seamless steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels up to 1 000 lbs water
volume. Service pressure 150 psi minimum
Seamless aluminium cylinders up to 1 000 lbs water volume and minimum service
pressure 150 psi
Seamless stainless steel cylinders of capacity over 1 000 lbs water volume. Service
pressure at least 500 psi
Seamless steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steel of capacity over 1 000 lbs
water volume. Service pressure 500 psi minimum
Seamless steel cylinders with a maximum outside diameter 2 inches. Service pressure
1 800 psi maximum
Seamless steel cylinder with minimum water capacity 1 000 pounds and minimum service
pressure 1 800 psi
DOT 4A Forge welded steel cylinders
Welded steel cylinders made from low carbon steel up to 1 000 lbs water volume.
Service pressure between 150 and 500 psi
Welded stainless steel cylinders for aircraft use up to 1 000 lbs water volume. Service
pressure between 500 and 900 psi
Welded aluminium cylinders made of definitely prescribed aluminium up to 1 000 lbs
water volume. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi
Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels up to 1 000 lbs water
volume. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi
Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded
longitudinal seam. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi
Welded insulated cylinders with a water capacity not over 1 000 pounds and a service
pressure of at least 40 but not greater than 500 psi
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Edition 9
Standard Description
Steel cylinders with approved porous filling for acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi.
DOT E7638
Incorporates CGA C-12
Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steel for the transportation of
acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi. Incorporates CGA C-12
Steel cylinders with approved porous filling for acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi.
Incorporates CGA C-12
DOT 39 Non-reusable (non-refillable) cylinders. Service pressure not to exceed 80 % of the test
(HSE) pressure
Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded
longitudinal seam. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi for the transportation of
All pressure receptacles designed and manufactured to DOT Special Permits are
Standard Description
SANS 220 Dissolved acetylene cylinders
Transportable refillable welded stainless steel cylinders for low pressure gases –
SANS 399
Alternative design and construction
Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers – Halogenated hydrocarbon type
SANS 1151
The production of reconditioned fire-fighting equipment – Part 1: Portable and wheeled
SANS 1475-1
(mobile) rechargeable fire extinguishers
The production of reconditioned fire-fighting equipment – Part 2: Fire hose reels and
SANS 1475-2
above-ground ydrants
SANS 1567 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers – CO2 type extinguishers
SANS 1739 Low pressure welded steel cylinders for fire extinguishers
SANS 1910 Portable refillable fire extinguishers
SANS 4706 Gas cylinders – Refillable welded steel cylinders – Test pressure 60 bar and below
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders – Design,
SANS 7866
construction and testing
Gas cylinders – Refillable welded aluminium-alloy cylinders – Design, construction and
SANS 20703
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Standard Description
SANS 9809-1 Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
testing – Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less
than 1 100 MPa
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
SANS 9809-2 testing – Part 2: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength
greater than or equal to 1 100 MPa
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders – Design, construction and
SANS 9809-3
testing – Part 3: Normalized steel cylinders
Transportable pressure receptacles for compressed, dissolved and liquefied gases –
SANS 10019
Basic design, manufacture, use and maintenance
Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity between 150 L
SANS 11120
and 3 000 L – Design, construction and testing
Uniform provisions concerning: I. Approval of specific equipment of motor vehicles
using liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system; II. Approval of a vehicle
SANS 20067
fitted with specific equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum gases in its
propulsion system with regard to the installation of such equipment
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific components of motor
vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system; II.
SANS 20110
Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type
for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system
Fixed firefighting systems – Components for gas extinguishing systems – Part 4:
SANS 52094-4
Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators
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Edition 9
Annex B
B.2 When using the approved standards in annexes A and B that permit the construction of
cylinders from aluminium, care shall be taken to avoid using aluminium alloy cylinders for the
conveyance of propane, butane and mixtures of these gases (LPG). Consultation with the relevant
national body (see foreword) is advised. This cautionary note is with respect to the sulfur and
caustic content in the propane and butane of LPG available in South Africa.
1 2 3
Standard Description Conditions
Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Cylinders shall be fitted with a pressure relief
AS 2468
Brazed – 0,1 kg to 11 kg device.
Transportable gas cylinders – Seamless Transportable gas cylinders manufactured to
hoop-wrapped composite cylinders with this standard shall have a limited life only.
EN 12257 a water capacity up to and including 450
L for compressed, liquefied and
dissolved gases
LPG equipment and accessories – Welded steel cylinders manufactured for all
Transportable refillable welded steel liquefied gases, including LPG, shall be
EN 1442
cylinders for LPG – Design and normalized and the cylinder shall be stamped
construction with the letter "N".
Gas cylinders – Transportable refillable
welded steel cylinders for liquefied Non-heat-treated cylinders shall not be imported
ISO 22991
petroleum gas (LPG) – Design and or used in South Africa.
Fully wrapped composite cylinders up to These containers, when used in LPG, butane or
EN 12245 450 L WC propane service, shall be manufactured
including a liner.
LPG cylinders manufactured to this standard
using dual-phase steel are limited to a maximum
LPG equipment and accessories – of 23 L water capacity (9 kg).
Transportable refillable welded steel LPG cylinders manufactured using dual-phase
EN 14140
cylinders for LPG – Alternative design steels shall be fitted with plastic handles and
and construction incorporate a pressure relief device.
See also the requirements in this standard for
heat treatment, powder coating and repair.
LPG cylinders shall not be manufactured to this
Cylinders manufactured to this standard using
Transportable gas cylinders – Refillable
dual-phase steel are limited to a maximum of
welded receptacles of a capacity not
23 L water capacity.
EN 14638-3 exceeding 150 L – Part 3: Welded
Cylinders manufactured using dual-phase steels
carbon steel cylinders made to a design
shall be fitted with plastic handles and
justified by experimental methods
incorporate a pressure relief device.
See also the requirements in this standard for
heat treatment, powder coating and repair.
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Annex C
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Annex D
Nominal product weight (kg) = Maximum theoretical fill weight – filling uncertainties
Maximum theoretical fill weight (kg) = Cylinder minimum water capacity × fill ratio
FR is the fill ratio (Refer to tables 2 and 3. For liquefiable gases not listed see the tables in
ADR P200);
E1 is the cylinder tare mass variance, in kilograms (kg) (Maximum tolerance in the
stamped tare mass of the cylinder) Example 0,1 kg;
E2 is the filling scale uncertainty, in kilograms (kg) (1/2 a scale display increment)
Example 0,05 kg;
E3 is the filling process variation, in kilograms (kg) (Determined from filling 20 cylinders)
Example 0,1 kg
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Annex E
a) CGA V1, connection No. CGA 600 Valve outlet connections 1,000 – 20 UNEF-RH.EXT.
b) ISO 5145, Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures – Selection and dimensioning.
c) ISO 10297; Gas cylinders – Cylinder valves – Specification and type testing.
d) ISO 11118; Gas cylinders – Non-refillable metallic gas cylinders – Specification and test
e) ISO 15996, Gas cylinders – Residual pressure valves – General requirements and type testing.
f) ISO 22435, and, Gas cylinders – Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators –
Specification and type testing.
g) SANS 39/ISO 407, Small medical gas cylinders – Pin-index yoke-type valve connections.
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Annex F
F.1 The test periods given in table F.1 shall be used, provided that the dryness of the product (and
that of the filled cylinder) is such that there is no free water. This condition shall be proved and
documented within the filler’s quality management system. If these conditions cannot be fulfilled,
more frequent testing may be required.
F.2 Certain requirements may necessitate a shorter time interval, for example, the dew point of
the gas, polymerization reactions, decomposition reactions, cylinder design specifications and
change of gas service.
F.3 The re-test periods given in table F.1 shall also apply to pressure receptacles used in fixed fire
installations. Such cylinders shall be removed from service at the end of the given re-test period and
shall be depressurized and made safe before they are inspected and tested by an approved test
F.4 Pressure receptacles used in back-up or buffer service in systems or process systems shall
be re-tested in accordance with the frequencies given in table F.1.
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Edition 9
Table F.1 — Intervals for periodic inspection and testing of pressure receptacles
1 2 3
Frequency of pressure receptacle
Example of pressure inspection and testinga
Description of gas type
receptacles by gas type
Receptacles for gases other than breathing gases used in the SCUBA and SCBA Industry
Compressed gases Ar, N2, He 10
H2 b CNG, Methane 10
Air, O2 10
Medical gases and breathing air 10
COc 5
Acetylene Internal inspection every 10 yearsd
Monolithic mass First internal inspection 3 years after the
initial massing of a cylinder shelld
Non-monolithic mass Acetylene
Internal inspection every 2 yearsd
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1 2 3
Frequency of pressure receptacle
Example of pressure inspection and testinga
Description of gas type
receptacles by gas type
Receptacles for gases other than breathing gases used in the SCUBA and SCBA Industry
a Local regulations shall specify the interval of periodic inspections and tests.
b Particular attention shall be paid to the tensile strength and surface conditions of cylinders. Cylinders
that do not comply with the special hydrogen requirements shall be withdrawn from hydrogen service.
(See EIGA IGC Doc. 79/13/E section 7 recommendation no. 5 for possible additional testing.)
c This product shall require special consideration regarding moisture content when filled in steel cylinders.
(See ISO 11114-1.)
d Acetylene cylinder shells shall be hydrostatically tested every time the porous substance is removed.
e Welded steel cylinders for LPG and commercial Propane are exempt from the requirements but shall be
internally inspected whenever they are hydrostatically tested. This exemption does not apply to LPG
and commercial Propane cylinders manufactured from other types of materials, for example, welded
aluminium alloy, welded stainless steel, all types of composite cylinders.
f Corrosiveness with reference to human tissue shall be determined in accordance with ISO 13338 and
NOT cylinder material.
NOTE 1 These test periods should be used provided the dryness of the product and the filled cylinder
is such that there is no free water. This condition should be proven and documented within the quality
system of the filler. If these conditions cannot be fulfilled, alternative or more frequent testing may be
NOTE 2 Certain requirements may necessitate a shorter time interval, for example the dew point of
the gas, polymerization reactions and decomposition reactions, cylinder design specifications or a change
of gas service or toxic gases that are non-corrosive.
NOTE 3 The re-test periods are also applicable to medical gas cylinders, and to pressure receptacles
used in fixed fire installations.
NOTE 4 The frequencies given in this table apply to pressure receptacles used in back-up or buffer
service in process systems.
NOTE 5 The frequencies given in this table indicates the maximum time interval between inspection,
and supersedes any more lenient intervals in referenced standards
NOTE 6 The "Example of pressure receptacles by gas type" is for the final use Pressure receptacle.
NOTE 7 Maritime use cylinders should be inspected and filled in terms of the requirements of IMO, by an
approved relevant national authority (see foreword) facility approved for the specific services – Proof of final
owner/vessel to be retained by the facility.
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Edition 9
Annex G
G.5 Valves
G.5.1 General
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.1.
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Edition 9
Table G.1 — Valve outlet connections for SCUBA and SCBA cylinders
1 2 3
Gas Outlet connection Thread type
K-valve with A-clamp (yoke connection) in
accordance with CGA 850, limited to 23,2 MPa N/A
G.5.3.2 For the preferred connections on SCUBA and SCBA cylinders, see table G.2.
Table G.2 — Neck threads for cylinders
1 2 3
No. Cylinder types Threads
7 M 25 × 2 parallel thread in conjunction with an effective
O- ring seal
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders M 18 × 1.5 parallel thread in conjunction with an
effective O-ring seal
¾" National pipe standard (NPS) parallel thread in
conjunction with an effective O-ring seal
7/8" unified national fine (UNF) parallel thread in
conjunction with an effective O-ring seal
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Edition 9
Valving torques for seamless steel cylinders and composite cylinders with steel boss
1 2 3
Taper valve stem size Minimuma Maximuma
17E 120 150
NOTE Users should be aware that use of high torque levels gives the possibility of valve stem thread
a All values shall be reduced to 2/3 of the values in this table for stainless steel valves.
1 2 3
Parallel valve stem size Minimum Maximum
M18 100 130
M25 100 130
Valving torques for aluminium alloy cylinders and composite cylinders with
aluminium alloy boss
1 2 3
Taper valve stem size Maximum
Minimum Without cylinder neck
17E 75 95
25E 95 110
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1 2 2
Parallel valve stem size Minimum Maximum
M18 85 100
M25 95 130
G.5.6.2 Valves used in SCUBA and SCBA, should be externally inspected for defects, including
the following requirements of ISO 22434 at the time of filling if the valve remains in the cylinder:
b) bent, deformed, corroded, badly marked and scored bodies or those with cracks;
d) cross-threaded, damaged, worn, corroded or stripped valve outlet and filling connections;
e) damaged, corroded or worn outlet sealing surfaces or any non-metallic sealing element (or both);
f) any indication of having been subjected to excessive heat or having been in a fire;
k) damage to handwheels;
o) contamination or suspected improper lubrication or sealant at the valve to cylinder interface; and
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G.7.2 The frequency of inspection and hydrostatic testing shall be in accordance with table G.3.
G.7.3 Test stations shall ensure that cylinders are of the correct colour for the final intended use,
as indicated by the owner, in accordance with table G.3.
G.7.4 For cylinders used in the maritime industry, the vessel/agent shall provide the vessel name
and the flag state requirements relating to the intervals for periodic inspection as stipulated and the
specific colour coding requirements, if different to the requirements as stipulated in tables G.3 and
G.4 respectively.
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Edition 9
Table G.3 — Intervals for periodic inspection and testing of pressure receptacles
used for breathing gasses in the SCUBA and SCBA Industry
1 2 3
Frequency of pressure receptacle
Example of pressure
Description of gas type
receptacles by gas type inspection and testinga
Compressed gases Self-Contained Breathing 2 year internal,
Apparatus air 4 year hydrostatic test
NOTE 1 These test periods should be used provided the dryness of the product and the filled
cylinder is such that there is no free water. This condition should be proven and documented within
the quality system of the filler. If these conditions cannot be fulfilled, alternative or more frequent
testing may be appropriate.
NOTE 2 At all times, certain requirements may necessitate a shorter time interval, for example
the dew point of the gas, polymerization reactions and decomposition reactions, cylinder design
specifications or a change of gas service or toxic gases that are non-corrosive.
NOTE 3 The re-test periods are also applicable to medical gas cylinders, and to pressure
receptacles used in fixed fire installations.
NOTE 4 The frequencies given in this table apply to pressure receptacles used in back-up or
buffer service in process systems.
NOTE 5 The frequencies given in this table indicates the maximum time interval between
inspections, and supersedes any more lenient intervals in referenced standards.
NOTE 6 The "example of pressure receptacles by gas type" is for the final use pressure
NOTE 7 Maritime use cylinders should be inspected and filled in terms of the requirements of IMO,
by an approved relevant national authority (see foreword) facility approved for the specific services –
Proof of final owner/vessel to be retained by the facility.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
G.9.3.1 SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall preferably be marked by means of hard stamping and
in the case of composite construction cylinders, be permanently marked by means other than hard
G.9.3.2 Where this marking can cause damage to a protective coating that is integral to the
protection of the cylinder, or for operational concerns, the hydrostatic test information may be
indicated on a ring placed between the valve and the cylinder which will permanently incorporate
the cylinder’s serial number, inspection information as given in 8.3.1, and the approved test station’s
information, permanently indicated on the ring.
G.9.3.3 SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 8.3.1(a) and 8.3.1(b).
G.9.3.4 For SCUBA and SCBA cylinders, the stamp marking layout can be altered to suite the size
of the cylinder. The given order shall be maintained however the requirement to align the markings
in a straight line is relaxed.
G.9.3.5 The stamp markings for SCUBA/SCBA cylinders shall be in the format of year first then
the month, but the two can be separated by the letter "H", denoting a Hydrostatic Test was
G.9.3.6 There is no specific requirement to have the visual inspection test date hard stamped, on
any SCUBA/SCBA cylinder. The test station however shall ensure that other than a certificate
issued, there is a clear indication affixed to the cylinder, indicating the test facility’s date of the last
G.9.3.7 Where the inspection ring is missing or the last inspection date on the cylinder is not
legible, it shall be deemed not to be within the statutory inspection intervals and be required to be
submitted for hydrostatic testing at an approved cylinder testing station.
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 8.5.4.
G. Cylinders for SCUBA and SCBA use shall be colour-marked with the appropriate colour
given in annex G. The body of a cylinder used for diving and surface rescue purposes shall be
Canary yellow and the shoulder shall be French grey (see table G.4).
Table G.4 — Schedule of SCUBA and SCBA cylinder colour coding and labels
1 2 3 4 5 6
Gas type
Breathing gas
Air Pure oxygen Nitrox Trimix Part of compressed
gas system (storage
b k)
Body colour
Canary yellow Black Canary yellow Canary yellow Navy Light Grey
0570-Y S 9000-N 0570-Y 0570-Y 3005-B20G
Shoulder colour
Navy Light Grey White Navy Light Grey Navy Light Grey Black and White
3005-B20G S 0500-N 3005-B20G 3005-B20G Quadrants
Adhesive band size
N/A N/A 80 mm 80 mm 80 mm
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Edition 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
Gas type
Breathing gas
Part of compressed
Air Pure oxygen Nitrox Trimix
gas system (storage
G. For the purposes of nitrox and trimix a 80 mm wide self-adhesive band should be applied
to the cylinder just below the shoulder, indicating the specific breathing gas mixture. For Enriched
oxygen mixtures the NITROX Lettering shall be in green, and for any mixtures containing Helium
the wording TRIMIX shall be in brown. In both instances the backing shall be clear, to allow the
condition of the cylinder to be inspected at a time of filling.
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Edition 9
G. When filling cylinders with the markings of NITROX or TRIMIX, the filling station shall
ensure that the cylinders are marked in a visible manner, with the following information:
b) For TRIMIX (gas mixes containing helium)– helium and oxygen content in % VOL.
NOTE It is the responsibility of the end user prior to using a cylinder that has a label indicating NITROX or
TRIMIX, to analyse the supplied mixture and determine suitability for a diving profile.
G.9.6 Labelling
G. General
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 8.6.1.
G. Components of breathing gas mixtures other than air, shall be listed on a 80 mm wide
self-adhesive band fixed adjacent to the shoulder (see table G.4).
G. These adhesive bands shall be for the gas predominantly used in the cylinder, and
indicate that there could be traces of Helium, or by the fillers labelling, that oxygen enriched gas is
still present in the cylinder.
G. The end user shall ensure that the cylinder is sufficiently analysed prior to use and that
the decision shall remain with the user to determine suitability for the use/profile.
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 8.6.4.
G.9.7 Certificates
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 8.7.1 and
G.10.2.2 The filling station shall determine and document the necessary criteria for performing the
task under its control, and on a regular pre-determined basis and method, evaluate the effectiveness
of these criteria and the individuals performing the filling, through monitoring, mentoring,
observations, continuation training, or feedback from clients.
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Edition 9
G.10.2.3 Part of the competence criteria should include independently verified or developed training
which shall include as a minimum the following topics:
b) duties and responsibilities of the person filling receptacles in relation to the relevant national
legislation (see foreword);
c) inspection of cylinder, valve and associated equipment, including acceptance and rejection criteria
for filling;
d) safe use of filling equipment, e.g. high-pressure compressor, booster pump, connection devices,
hoses, panels;
h) working knowledge of flow, volume, pressure, and working with pressurised equipment;
j) record keeping;
m) practical evaluation.
G.10.2.4 This verified or developed training should be performed by a SCUBA or SCBA industry
recognised organisation, which shall have a documented curriculum covering the above topics for
the specific type of filling being performed.
NOTE Competence is based on each facility’s written criteria for the position, which should be based on each
facility’s unique criteria evaluation and should include industry best practices, specific circumstances at the
facility, gases, and equipment handled at the facility. Competence is specific to the filling installation where
assessment took place, although certain skills are transferable, and the shortfalls should be addressed through
activities such as, but not limited to, mentoring by a competent person, assessment, in-house training, etc.
G.11.1.1 The requirements in 9.1.3 shall apply to the filling of SCUBA and SCBA pressure
NOTE SCUBA cylinders for professional and civil service use is covered in the relevant national legislation (see
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Edition 9
G.11.1.2 In addition to the requirements on the usage of SCUBA and SCBA cylinders in 9.1 to (inclusive) and on tables 14 and 18,, the following records shall be kept by the filling station,
as a minimum:
g) the indication that pre-filling external inspection was performed in accordance to relevant
standards, including that the cylinder is in date for specific service; and
G.11.2.2 Where the cylinder is part of a manifolded configuration and there is indication or concern
of hidden or obscured corrosion or damage, the filling station operator shall document and remove
all banding and fittings for thorough inspection. If the external condition indicates signs of corrosion
or damage in line with the pre-fill rejection criteria indicated in table 15, during the pre-fill inspection,
the filling station operator shall reject the cylinder for filling until the owner has submitted the
cylinder to an approved test station for inspection.
G.11.3.1 Before its first fill with nitrox and trimix gases, where the oxygen concentration during any
part of the filling process is greater than 25 %, the cylinder shall be oxygen cleaned in accordance
with EIGA IGC Doc. 33/06.
G.11.3.2 The cleaning of the cylinder and valve (if as a unit) should be performed as part of each
hydrostatic pressure test. This should also be performed when any other medium was introduced,
for the purposes of cleaning, testing, where contamination is suspected, or when a cylinder cleaned
for oxygen compatibility was filled with non-oxygen compatible air.
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G.11.4.2 The requirements of SANS 277 as indicated in table G.5 below for specific breathing gas
fillings, shall be met.
G.11.4.3 Breathing gases used in the SCUBA and SCBA industry, other than air or oxygen
compatible air, shall take in to consideration the applicable breathing gas quality requirements in
SANS 277.
G.11.4.4 Breathing gas testing should be performed at intervals taking into consideration the
filtration system capacity and the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) recommended change
out, the type of system, operating temperatures, operating environment, and the replacement
filtration parts (OEM vs generic vs user refurbished).
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
1 2
Contamination Accepted limits
H2O ≤ 35 mg/m−3 for cylinders with a charging pressure greater than 20 MPa
The water content of the air supplied by the compressor for filling 20 MPa or 30 MPa
cylinders should not exceed 25 mg/m−3.
The following examples, but not limited to list below, of methods for assessing are:
b)Dew-Point Meter
Notes: c)Detector Tubes
d)Gravimetric Analysis
f)Infrared Analyser
g)Electrochemical Analyser
h)Any advanced analytical instrument incorporating, for example PID (photoionization
detector), MS-M-FID (mass spectrometry methaniser flame ionization detector), GC-
MS (gas chromatography mass spectroscopy), paramagnetic sensor.
i) Human Smell Sense
j) Olfactometer
Th d t ti li it f th th d l d h ll b b l th i d li it l
a When a requirement for oxygen compatible air with a potential exposure to oxygen content >25%/vol
exists, or the filling of cylinders that is labelled for NITROX, TRIMIX, or OXYGEN CLEANED, the oil limit
shall be < 0,1 mg/m³.
b Particles should be removed through inline mechanical filtration capable of achieving required results.
NOTE Where breathing gas is provided on a commercial basis evidence should be available where the
tests on the system was performed at least twice in a 12 month period.
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Edition 9
G.12.2 Stacking
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 10.2.1.
G.12.3 Storage
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 10.3.
G.12.4 Transport
SCUBA and SCBA cylinders shall comply with the requirements of 10.4.
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Edition 9
Annex H
Placement of cylinders
Pictograms for the placement of LPG cylinders not exceeding 20 L water capacity are given in
figures H.1 and H.2 (see 8.6.3).
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
AS 1777, Aluminium cylinders for compressed gases − Seamless – 0,1 kg to 130 kg.
AS 2470, Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Welded three-piece construction with longitudinal
joint – 11 kg to 150 kg.
AS 3577, Steel cylinders for compressed gases – Welded – 150 kg to 500 kg.
BS 5045-6, Transportable gas containers – Specification for seamless containers of less than
0,5 litre water capacity.
BS 5045-7, Transportable gas containers. – Specification for seamless steel gas containers of water
capacity 0,5 L up to 15 L for special portable applications.
BS 5045-8, Transportable gas containers – Specification for seamless aluminium alloy gas
containers of water capacity 0,5 L up to 15 L and up to 300 bar charged pressure at 15°C for
special portable application.
CGA S-1.1, Pressure relief device standards – Part 1: Cylinders for compressed gases, fifteenth
CGA V1, Standard for compressed gas cylinder valve outlet and inlet connection No. CGA 600 Valve
outlet connections 1,000 – 20 UNEF-RH.EXT.
CODAP 2015, CODAP 2015 Division 1 and 2. Code for construction of unfired pressure vessels –
including revision 2018
DOT 3A, Seamless steel cylinders up to 1 000 lbs water volume. Service pressure 150 psi
DOT 3AA, Seamless steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels up to 1 000 lbs water
volume. Service pressure 150 psi minimum.
DOT 3AL, Seamless aluminium cylinders up to 1 000 lbs water volume and minimum service
pressure 150 psi.
DOT 3AX, Seamless stainless steel cylinders of capacity over 1 000 lbs water volume. Service
pressure at least 500 psi.
DOT 3AAX, Seamless steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steel of capacity over 1 000 lbs
water volume. Service pressure 500 psi minimum.
DOT 3E, Seamless steel cylinders with a maximum outside diameter 2 inches. Service pressure 1
800 psi maximum.
DOT 3T, Seamless steel cylinder with minimum water capacity 1 000 pounds and minimum service
pressure 1 800 psi.
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Edition 9
DOT 4B, Welded steel cylinders made from low carbon steel up to 1 000 lbs water volume. Service
pressure between 150 and 500 psi.
DOT 4DS, Welded stainless steel cylinders for aircraft use up to 1 000 lbs water volume. Service
pressure between 500 and 900 psi.
DOT 4E, Welded aluminium cylinders made of definitely prescribed aluminium up to 1 000 lbs water
volume. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi.
DOT 4BA, Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels up to 1 000 lbs water volume.
Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi.
DOT 4BW, Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded
longitudinal seam. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi.
DOT 4L, Welded insulated cylinders with a water capacity not over 1 000 pounds and a service
pressure of at least 40 but not greater than 500 psi.
DOT E7638, Steel cylinders with approved porous filling for acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi.
Incorporates CGA C-12.
DOT 8, Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steel for the transportation of
acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi. Incorporates CGA C-12.
DOT 8AL, Steel cylinders with approved porous filling for acetylene. Service pressure 250 psi.
Incorporates CGA C-12.
DOT Special Permits, All pressure receptacles designed and manufactured to DOT Special Permits
are approved.
DOT E-1032, Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded
longitudinal seam. Service pressure between 225 and 500 psi for the transportation of acetylene.
EIGA IGC Doc. 91/10, Use of pressure relief devices for gas cylinders.
EIGA IGC Doc. 138/08/E, PTFE tape as a sealant for cylinder/valve connections.
EN 417, Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gas, with or without a valve,
for use with portable appliances – Construction, inspection, testing and marking.
EN 1442, LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for
LPG – Design and construction.
EN 12862, Transportable gas cylinders – Specification for the design and construction of refillable
transportable welded aluminium alloy gas cylinders.
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Edition 9
EN 13110, LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable welded aluminium cylinders
for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – Design and construction.
EN 13293, Transportable gas cylinders – Specification for the design and construction of refillable
transportable seamless normalized carbon manganese steel gas cylinders of water capacity up to
0,5 litre for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases and up to 1 litre for carbon dioxide.
EN 13322-1, Transportable gas cylinders – Refillable welded steel gas cylinders – Design and
construction – Part 1: Carbon steel.
EN 14140, LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for
LPG – Alternative design and construction.
EN 14427, LPG equipment and accessories – Transportable refillable fully wrapped composite
cylinders for LPG – Design and construction.
EN 1251-1, Cryogenic vessels – Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than
1 000 litres volume – Part 1: Fundamental requirements.
EN 1251-2, Cryogenic vessels – Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than
1 000 litres volume – Part 2: Design, fabrication, inspection and testing.
EN 13532, General requirements for in vitro diagnostic medical devices for self-testing.
EU/35/2010, Directive 2010/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2010
on transportable pressure equipment and repealing Council Directives 76/767/EEC, 84/525/EEC,
84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC and 1999/36/EC.
ISO 10961, Gas cylinders – Cylinder bundles – Design, manufacture, testing and inspection.
ISO 15996, Gas cylinders – Residual pressure valves – Specification and type testing of cylinder
valves incorporating residual pressure devices.
ISO 16148, Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes – Acoustic emission
examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection and testing.
ISO 21029-2, Cryogenic vessels - Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1000
litres volume - Part 2: Operational requirements
ISO 22435, Gas cylinders – Cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators – Specification and
type testing.
ISO 22991, Gas cylinders – Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG) – Design and construction.
Italian Regulations (series XIX of NI), Design and independent inspection of gas cylinders
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SANS 10019:2021
Edition 9
SANS 399, Transportable refillable welded stainless steel cylinders for low pressure gases –
Alternative design and construction
SANS 532, Standard and specifications for industrial, medical, propellant, food and beverage
gases, refrigerants and breathing gases.
SANS 1475-1, The production of reconditioned fire-fighting equipment – Part 1: Portable and
wheeled (mobile) rechargeable fire extinguishers.
SANS 1475-2, The production of reconditioned fire-fighting equipment – Part 2: Fire hose reels and
above-grand hydrants.
SANS 10087-2, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 2: Installation of LPG systems in mobile
units, including but not limited to caravans, motor homes, park homes and mobile kitchens.
SANS 10087-10, The handling, storage, distribution and maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas in
domestic, commercial and industrial installations – Part 10: Mobile filling stations for refillable
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers of capacity not exceeding 9 kg.
SANS 10108, The classification of hazardous locations and the selection of equipment for use in
such locations.
SANS 50144-1/EN 144-1, Respiratory protective devices – Gas cylinder valves – Part 1: Thread
connections for insert connector.
SANS 50250/EN 250, Respiratory equipment – Open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving
apparatus – Requirements, testing, marking.
SANS 52094-4/EN 12094-4, Fixed firefighting systems – Components for gas extinguishing
systems – Part 4: Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their
TC 4BW, Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric- arc welded
longitudinal seam.
VSR Rules, Collection (Raccolta VSR) concerning design rules for pressure vessels.