20 - Matematics Form 1-10-39

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CHAPTER Rational
What will you learn?
• Integers
• Basic Arithmetic Operations Involving Integers
• Positive and Negative Fractions
• Positive and Negative Decimals
• Rational Numbers

Why stu
dy t

Numbers play an
important role in business
and commerce, banking,
engineering and others. Discuss
the importance of numbers in
these fields.
The World Climate Summit in Paris in 2015
discussed the issue of global warming. Global
warming has caused the global average
temperature to rise and consequently the glaciers
in the North and South Poles have melted.
Today, the average temperature at the
North and South Poles is below 0°C.

Chapter 1

01 Intro TB Math F1.indd 2 10/20/16 11:38 AM




As early as 200 B.C., the Chinese had

used bamboo rods to represent positive
numbers and negative numbers. They
used red rods to represent positive
numbers and black rods to represent
negative numbers. Negative numbers
did not appear in Europe until the
15th century.
For more information:


Word Link
• Identity Law • Hukum Identiti
• Distributive Law • Hukum Kalis Agihan
• Associative Law • Hukum Kalis Sekutuan
• Commutative Law • Hukum Kalis Tukar Tertib
• integer • integer
• rational number • nombor nisbah
• fraction • pecahan
• decimal • perpuluhan
• zero • sifar

How is the value of temperature

below 0°C represented as a number?
If one day, the temperature at Open the folder downloaded from page vii
the North and South Poles rises until for the audio of Word Link.
0°C, predict the impact on the Earth.

Rational Numbers

01 Intro TB Math F1.indd 3 10/20/16 11:38 AM

1.1 Integers

What are positive numbers and negative numbers?

1 In our daily lives, we often encounter situations involving LEARNING
two opposite changes like moving towards right or towards STANDARDS
left; going up or going down; working with values that are Recognise positive and
more than or less than zero; and adjusting to an increase or negative numbers based
decrease of a value. on real-life situations.

These situations can be represented using positive

numbers and negative numbers. For instance,

2nd floor

1st floor

Ground floor
ground floor

• A lift going up two floors is • The temperature of 45°C at • The temperature of a glacier
written as +2 or 2. a desert is written as +45 which is 10°C below 0°C is
• A lift going down one floor or 45. written as –10.
is written as –1.

Numbers written with the ‘+’ sign or without any sign

–1 is read as
like +2, + 45 or 2, 45 are known as positive numbers. ‘negative one’.
Numbers written with the ‘–’ sign like –1, –10
are known as negative numbers.

Car A moves 40 m towards the right while A
car B moves 50 m towards the left. Represent B
the movements of car A and car B using a
positive number or a negative number.

Assume that moving towards the right is represented by a Think Smart

positive number and moving towards the left is represented Can the movement
by a negative number. towards left be
represented with a
Thus, the movement of car A, 40 m towards the right, positive number whereas
is represented as 40 or + 40; the movement of car B, 50 m the movement towards
towards the left, is represented as –50. right be represented
with a negative number?

Chapter 1

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Self Practice
1. For each of the following situations, represent the two opposite changes using a
positive number and a negative number.
(a) (b)
f RM 2 000
i ng a profit o
1 000 m

r ing a
loss o
250 m f RM5

What are integers? LEARNING


Recognise and
describe integers.

Aim: To recognise and describe integers.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.

We are
We are We are positive integers.
negative integers. integers too.

We are We are
not integers. not integers.

We are
positive integers.

1. Study the diagrams above carefully.

2. Discuss with your friends and explain how you would describe the meaning
of integers.

From the results of Exploration Activity 1, it is found that integers are groups of numbers
which include positive and negative whole numbers as well as zero.

Rational Numbers

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Determine whether each of the following numbers is an integer.

15, 23, –3. 4, –76, 0, 1 , 6, 0. 88, –  4 , 301, –239
1 2 5

Integer: 15, 23, –76, 0, 6, 301, –239 Non-integer: –3. 4, 1 , 0. 88, –   4
2 5

Self Practice 1.1b

1. In the following table, mark ‘3’ for numbers which are integers and mark ‘7’ for
numbers which are non-integers.
3 – 1
–24 35 6.7 –29 900 – 4.34 72 0
4    2

2. Copy the diagram on the right. Select integers from the

following list of numbers and write them in the diagram.

0. 25, 1 , 48, –12, –2.8, Integer

–   , 0, 59, 458, – 6

How do you represent integers on a number line?

las Represent integers on


Aim: To explore the representation of integers on a number lines and make

connections between the
number line.
values and positions of
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson the integers with respect
begins and discuss in groups of four during to other integers on the
the lesson. number line.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Integer number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the red point on the number line to define an integer on the
number line.
3. Observe the position of the defined integer on the number line in relation to
the position of zero.

Chapter 1

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4. Answer the following questions based on
the information obtained from the screen
(a) Describe the value of integer 10 as 1
compared to zero.
(b) How do you determine the positions
of negative numbers like –1, –2 and
–3 on a number line?
(c) How do you represent 1, 2, 3, –1, –2
and –3 on a number line?

From the results of Exploration Activity 2, it is found that

positive integers are integers more than zero whereas negative On a number line, the
integers are integers less than zero. numbers in the positive
direction are always
If the direction towards right is assumed as positive and the greater than the numbers
direction towards left is assumed as negative, thus we can in the negative direction.
conclude that
(i) for a positive integer, the more the number is greater than 0, the further its position
to the right on the number line and the greater will be its value.
(ii) for a negative integer, the more the number is less than 0, the further its position to
the left on the number line and the lesser will be its value.

–3 means 3 less than 0 3 means 3 more than 0

–2 means 2 less than 0 2 means 2 more than 0
–1 means 1 less than 0 1 means 1 more than 0

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

Complete the number line using the following numbers.
–30, 6, – 6, –36
id ou now
–12 The lowest temperature
ever recorded was about
–93°C in the Antarctic in
August, 2010.

–36 –30 –12 –6 6

–36, –30, –12 and –6 are negative 6 is a positive integer.

integers. Thus, –36 has the least value Thus, 6 is the furthest
and it is the furthest towards the left. towards the right.

Rational Numbers

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Self Practice 1.1c

1. For each of the following, determine and mark the positions of the given integers on
a number line.
1 (a) –5, 5, 1 and –3 (b) 0, –8, 2 and –10
2. Complete each of the following number lines.
–12 –4 4

–48 –32 –24

How do you compare and arrange integers in order?

Based on the positions of integers given on a number LEARNING
line, we can compare the respective values of the integers
Compare and arrange
and hence arrange the integers in ascending order or integers in order.
descending order.

(a) Compare and arrange –3, 4, 2, –5, 6, 0, –1 in
ascending order. A positive number always
(b) Compare and arrange – 4, 3, 2, 5, –2, –1, –5 in has a larger value than a
descending order. negative number.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ascending order: –5, –3, –1, 0, 2, 4, 6
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Descending order: 5, 3, 2, –1, –2, – 4, –5

Self Practice 1.1d

1. Compare and arrange – 4, 3, 1, – 6, 5, 0, –2 in ascending order.
2. Compare and arrange –5, –3, 3, 4, – 4, 2, –1 in descending order.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

1.1 questions of Mastery Q 1.1.

1. (a) If +20 represents 20 m above sea level, then –20 represents .

(b) If +90 represents a movement of 90 m to the north, then –90 represents .

Chapter 1

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(c) If +800 represents RM800 being credited into a savings account, then RM800

being debited into a savings account is represented as .
(d) If +1 000 represents a profit of RM1 000, then a loss of RM1 000 is represented
as . 1
2. State the following numbers using ‘+’ or ‘–’.
(a) 80 less than zero (b) 76 more than zero
3. List all integers
(a) from –8 to 4 (b) from –12 to –2
4. Determine whether each of the following numbers is an integer.
–14, 3.9, 12, –26, 85, 0, –2
5. Compare and arrange the following values of temperature in the order beginning
from the coldest temperature.
–3°C, 2°C, – 4°C, 1°C, 4°C

1.2 Basic Arithmetic Operations Involving Integers

How do you add and subtract integers?

Add and subtract

integers using number


Aim: To explore addition and subtraction of integers lines or other appropriate

on a number line. methods. Hence, make
generalisation about
Instruction:  • Explore by yourself before the lesson addition and subtraction
begins and discuss in groups of four of integers.
during the lesson.
  • Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Add subtract integers.ggb using GeoGebra. The screen shows
the following display.
2. Click and drag the red slider
and the blue point displayed
on the screen.
3. Observe the movement of
other points on the display
in relation to addition and
subtraction of integers.
4. Present and discuss the findings with your friends during the lesson.
5. Make a generalisation regarding the addition and subtraction of integers.

Rational Numbers

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From the results of Exploration Activity 3, it is found that on a number line,

(a) addition of (b) subtraction of

(i) positive integers is represented (i) positive integers is represented
1 by moving towards the right by moving towards the left
(ii) negative integers is represented (ii) negative integers is represented
by moving towards the left by moving towards the right
Addition of positive integers Subtraction of positive integers

–2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 1 2

Addition of negative integers Subtraction of negative integers

Scan the QR Code or

5 visit https://youtu.be/
Solve q5ogKyt0cYA to learn
about other examples
(a) 8 + (+3) (b) 5 + (–2) of addition and
(c) 2 – (+ 4) (d) –1 – (– 4) subtraction of integers.

(a) 8 + (+3) Move 3 units to the right Addition of positive

=8+3 integers is represented
= 11 8 9 10 11 by moving towards
the right.

(b) 5 + (–2) Move 2 units to the left

Coloured chips method
Addition of negative
=5–2 integers is represented
Yellow chips, + ,
represent positive
=3 3 4 5 by moving towards integers and red chips,
the left. – , represent negative
(c) 2 – (+ 4) Move 4 units to the left For Example 5(b):
Subtraction of positive

integers is represented + –
= –2 –2 –1 0 1 2 by moving towards Represent
the left. zero
+ –
(d) –1 – (– 4) Move 4 units to the right +
= –1 + 4 Subtraction of negative
integers is represented +
=3 –1 0 1 2 3 by moving towards
the right.
Thus, 5 + (–2) = 3
Self Practice 1.2a
1. Solve each of the following:
(a) 6 + (+2) (b) – 4 + (–3) (c) 3 – (+2) (d) –2 – (– 4)
(e) –8 + (–2) (f) 6 – (+3) (g) 9 + (+4) (h) –5 – (–3)

Chapter 1

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How do you multiply and divide integers?


Multiply and divide
las integers using various 1

methods. Hence make
Aim: To explore the multiplication and division generalisation about
of integers. multiplication and
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson division of integers.
begins and discuss in groups of four
during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.
1. Open and print the file Multiplication of integers table.pdf as shown in the diagram.
2. Complete the purple region for the
multiplication of positive integers that × –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
–5 0
you have learnt.
–4 0
3. Complete the other regions in the table –3 0
according to the patterns of the numbers –2 0 –8
shown. –1 0 –4 –5
4. Present your findings about the patterns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of multiplication of integers shown. 1 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
5. Discuss with your friends about the 3 0 15
patterns of division of integers. 4 0
6. Make a generalisation regarding the 5 0
multiplication and division of integers.

From the results of Exploration Activity 4, it is found that

Sign of the Sign of the

Operation Operation
product quotient
(+) × (+) + (+) ÷ (+) + Other than addition and
(+) × (–) – (+) ÷ (–) – subtraction of integers,
coloured chips can also
(–) × (+) – (–) ÷ (+) –
be used to perform
(–) × (–) + (–) ÷ (–) + multiplication and
division of integers.
In general, the rules of multiplication and division of Visit the site below for
integers can be summarized as follows. further information.

The product or quotient of two integers with the same www.goo.gl/7j6CTd

signs is a positive integer.
The product or quotient of two integers with different
signs is a negative integer.

Rational Numbers

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Evaluate each of the following:

(a) –5 × (– 4) (b) –6 × 4 (c) 6 ÷ (–2) (d) –12 ÷ (–2)

(a) –5 × (– 4) (b) –6 × 4 (c) 6 ÷ (–2) (d) –12 ÷ (–2)

= +(5 × 4) = –(6 × 4) = –(6 ÷ 2) = +(12 ÷ 2)
= 20 = –24 = –3 = 6

Self Practice 1.2b

1. Solve each of the following:
(a) – 6 × (–3) (b) –7 × 2 (c) 4 × (–8) (d) 8 × (–6)
(e) –12 ÷ 3 (f) –18 ÷ (–6) (g) 15 ÷ (–5) (h) –20 ÷ 4

How do you perform computations involving LEARNING

combined basic arithmetic operations of integer? STANDARDS
Perform computations
When performing a computation involving combined involving combined basic
operations of integers, follow the order of operations below. arithmetic operations of
integers by following the
Brackets ( ) × or ÷ + or – order of operations.

From left to right From left to right

Solve each of the following: Brackets are also a notation
(a) –8 × (–2 + 3) (b) 7 + 2(–3) for multiplication.

(c) 4 – 12 ÷ (–2) + (–1) (d) –12 + (–16)

–22 – (–24)
(a) –8 × (–2 + 3) (b) 7 + 2(–3) For Example 7(a),
= –8 × (1) = 7 + 2 × (–3) press (–) 8 ×
= –8 = 7 + (– 6)

=7–6 (–) 2 + 3 ) =
For Example 7(d),
(c) 4 – 12 ÷ (–2) + (–1) (d) –12 + (–16) press ( (–) 1 2 +
= 4 – (– 6) – 1 –22 – (–24) (–) 1 6 ) ÷ (
=4+6–1 = –12 – 16 (–) 2 2 – (–) 2 4
=9 –22 + 24 ) =
= –28
= –14

Chapter 1

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Self Practice
1. Evaluate each of the following:
(a) –9 × (– 4 + 6) (b) 8 + (– 4) × 8 (c) 4 – 15 ÷ (–3) + (–8)
(d) –14 + (–22) (e) –12 – 15 × (–3) – (– 6) (f) –6 + (–8) × (–5)
–23 – (–35) –27 – (–38)

How do you describe the laws of arithmetic operations?

las Describe the laws of


Aim: To explore the rules of arithmetic operations. arithmetic operations

which are Identity Law,
Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson Commutative Law,
begins and discuss in groups of four Associative Law and
during the lesson. Distributive Law.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Laws of arithmetic.pdf and print the

printout as shown in the diagram.
2. Complete the given table.
3. Compare your results and discuss with the members
from the other groups.
4. Make a conclusion about the rules of arithmetic

From the results of Exploration Activity 5, it is found that

(i) for all values of a and b, (ii) for all values of a, b and c,
a+b=b+a (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
a×b=b×a (a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
Addition and multiplication are said to Addition and multiplication are said to
obey the Commutative Law. obey the Associative Law.

(iii) for all values of a, b and c, (iv) for all values of a,

a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c a+0=a a + (– a) = 0
a × (b – c) = a × b – a × c a×0=0 a× 1 =1
a×1=a a
Addition and subtraction are said to
obey the Distributive Law. These statements are known as the
Identity Law.

Rational Numbers

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How do you perform computations efficiently?

The laws of arithmetic operations you have just learnt can STANDARDS
be used to perform computations more efficiently. Perform efficient
1 computations using
8 the laws of basic
arithmetic operations.
Solve each of the following using efficient computations.
(a) 29 + 38 + 2 (b) 2 × 24 × 5 (c) 7 × 3 040

(a) 29 + 38 + 2 (b) 2 × 24 × 5
= 29 + (38 + 2) Associative Law = 24 × 2 × 5 Commutative Law
= 29 + 40 = 24 × (2 × 5) Associative Law
= 69 = 24 × 10
= 240
(c) 7 × 3 040
= 7 × (3 000 + 40)
= 7 × 3 000 + 7 × 40 Distributive Law
= 21 000 + 280
= 21 280

Self Practice 1.2d

1. Using laws of arithmetic operations that you have learnt, solve each of the following
using efficient computations.
(a) 356 + 61 + 9 (b) 20 × 567 × 5 (c) 89 × 5 080
(d) 6 × 200 + 6 × 25 + 6 × 5 (e) 26 × 3 – 24 × 3 (f) 899 × 5

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
Luqman’s credit card account showed a balance of debts of involving integers.
RM230 at one time. He had used his credit card to pay for
three books each costing RM120. A week later, his credit
card account was charged an interest of RM3 and Luqman
made a payment of RM400 to his account. Explain whether Account balance = 230
Luqman had cleared his debts. Total expenses
= 3(120)
Account balance means debt = 360
Total account balance = –230 and is written using the ‘–’ sign. Interest charged = 3
Payment = 400
Total payment for books using credit card = 3 × (–120)
Account balance
= –360 = 230 + 360 + 3 – 400
Interest charged = –3 = RM193
Payment to account = + 400

Chapter 1

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Final credit card account balance = –230 + (–360) + (–3) + 400

= –230 – 360 – 3 + 400
= –193
Luqman had not cleared his debts because his credit card account still showed a balance
of debts of RM193.

Self Practice 1.2e

1. A shop made a profit of RM16 800 in the first year and incurred a loss of RM6 500
each year for the next two consecutive years. In the fourth year, the loss incurred was
twice the loss incurred in the second year. How much was the profit or loss of the
shop at the end of those four years?
2. From 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. of the next day, the temperature in Kuching dropped by
4°C. The temperature then rose by 8°C at 11:00 a.m. and continued rising by 2°C
three hours later. If the temperature in Kuching at 11:00 a.m. was 30°C, calculate the
temperature at
(a) 7:00 p.m. of the first day
(b) 2:00 p.m. of the second day

1.2 Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra
questions of Mastery Q 1.2.

1. Using the following numbers, write five calculations that give an answer of –14.
–12, 6, 2, –3, –2, 8, 11, 5, 15
2. For each of the following, fill in the empty boxes with suitable operations ‘+’, ‘–’,
‘×’ or ‘÷’.
(a) –8 (–6) = –3 × (–6 10) (b) 5 + (–9) 3 = –5 (–7)
3. Complete each of the following number patterns.
(a) –9, –7, , –3, , 1, (b) –2, 4, , 16, –32, ,
4. The temperature in a town at a certain time was 12°C. The temperature dropped until
–6°C. The temperature then rose by 3°C and finally dropped by 8°C. Determine
(a) the change in temperature of the town,
(b) the final temperature of the town.
5. A diver was at 50 m below sea level. The diver swam up 2 m every 5 seconds.
Explain whether the diver would have reached the sea surface after 2 minutes.
6. The current account of Encik Hafidz showed a balance of RM1 238. He signed two
payment cheques of RM890 and RM1 730 respectively.
(a) Determine whether the RM890 cheque or the RM1 730 cheque would bounce
when the cheques were credited.
(b) How much would Encik Hafidz have to top up in his account so that both
cheques that he signed would not bounce when they are credited?

Rational Numbers

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1.3 Positive and Negative Fractions

How do you represent positive and negative Represent positive and
1 fractions on a number line? negative fractions on
number lines.




Aim: To explore the representation of positive and negative fractions on a number

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Fraction number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the slider
‘Numerator’ and ‘Denominator’
to define a fraction.
3. Click at the button ‘Change sign’
to interchange between positive
and negative.
4. Observe the position of the
fraction defined on the number
5. Discuss the methods used to
determine the position of a
fraction on a number line.

Representation of fractions on a number line is the same as that of integers. Positive

fractions are fractions more than zero whereas negative fractions are fractions less
than zero.

–1 12 means 1 12 less than 0 1 12 means 1 12 more than 0

– 1 means 1 less than 0 1 means 1 more than 0

2 2 2 2

–2 –1 12 –1 –1 0 1 1 2
2 2 1 12

Chapter 1

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Represent the following fractions on a number line.
• Positive fractions are on
1 , 1 , – 3 , –   1 the right of zero. 1
2 4 4 2 • Negative fractions are
on the left of zero.

–1 –3 –1 0 1 1 1
4 2 4 2

Self Practice 1.3a

1. Represent the following fractions on a number line.
(a) 1 , – 3 , 1 , – 1   (b) – 1 , 1 , 1 , –1 2
10 5 2 5 3 6 2 3

How do you compare and arrange positive and LEARNING

negative fractions in order? Compare and arrange
positive and negative
The values of two or more fractions can be compared by fractions in order.
equating the denominator first. Subsequently the fractions
can be arranged in ascending order or descending order.

Compare and arrange the following fractions in ascending order.
1 , –   3 , –1 1 , 1 , –1 5   , –   3
8 4 4 2 8 8

1 , –   3 , –1 1 ,   1 , –1 5 , –   3

8 4 4 2 8 8

1 , –   6 ,  –1 2 ,   4 , –1 5 , –   3

8 8 8 8 8 8

–2 –1 58 –1 28 –1 –6 –3 0 1 4 1
8 8 8 8

–1 14 –3

Hence, the fractions arranged in ascending order are

–1 5 , –1 1 , –   3 , –   3 , 1 , 1
8 4 4 8 8 2

Rational Numbers

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Self Practice 1.3b

1. Compare and arrange the following fractions in ascending order.

1 (a) –   5 , –   1 , 3 , –   5 , 7 (b) 1 , –   5 , 5 , –   2 , –   13 , –   15
6 4 8 12 24 3 6 8 3 18 24
2. Compare and arrange the following fractions in descending order.
(a) 3 , –   7 , –   5 , –   1 , 5 (b) –   1 , 2 , –   5 , –   7 , –   7 , 11
5 20 12 8 6 2 9 9 12 18 18

How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
positive and negative fractions? Perform computations
involving combined basic
11 arithmetic operations of
positive and negative
Solve fractions by following the

(a) 1 2 × 1 2 – 5 2 (b) 5 + 1 1 ÷ 1–   5 2

order of operations.
3 5 6 8 3 6

(a) 1 2 × 1 2 – 5 2 (b) 5 + 1 1 ÷ 1–   5 2 Division is

3 5 6 8 3 6 performed first.

= 5 × 1 12 – 25 2
= 5 + 4 × 1–   6 2
Change ÷
3 30 in the
brackets is 8 31 5 to × and the

= 5 × 1–   13 2
1 reciprocal of
= 5 + 1–   8 2
3 30 first. – 5 is – 6 .
8 5 6 5
= –   13 = 25 – 64
18 40 40 Follow the order of

= – 39
(   )
× or ÷

+ or –

Self Practice 1.3c

1. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) 1 1 × 1 3 + 1 2 (b) –   5 + 1 2 ÷ 1–   3 2 (c) –2 1 ÷ 1–3 1 2 + 1–   1 2

6 4 5 6 3 7 2 3 6
(d) – 6 × 13 2 – 4 1 2 (e) –   1 + 2 5 – 3 × 1 2 (f) –   1 + 1–   4 2 × 2 1 – 5
7 2 3 6 8 3 4 5 6 16

Chapter 1

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How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
involving positive and 1
A mathematics quiz contains 20 questions. A score of 2 negative fractions.
marks is awarded for every correct answer and a score of
–   1 mark is given for every incorrect answer. Mei Ling
participated in the quiz and answered all the questions. Her
score for incorrect answers was – 4. What was the total score
Mei Ling obtained in the quiz?

Understanding the problem Think Smart

• A score of 2 marks is awarded for every correct answer.
– 1 is given for every
• A score of –   1 mark is given for every incorrect answer. 2
2 incorrect answer.
• Score for incorrect answers = – 4 What does it mean
• Find the total score obtained. by – 1 ?

Devising a plan
• +2 represents the score for every correct answer.
• –   1 represents the score for every incorrect answer.
• Find the total number of incorrect answers using division.
• Find the total score using multiplication and addition.

Implementing the Problem-solving steps:

Number of incorrect answers = – 4 ÷ 1–   1 2 Understanding
2 the problem
=8 ↓
Total score = (20 – 8) × 2 + (– 4) Devising a plan
= 12 × 2 – 4 ↓
= 24 – 4 Implementing
= 20 the strategy

Doing reflection Doing reflection
Total score for correct answers = 12 × 2
= 24
Total score for incorrect answers = 8 × 1–   1 2

= –4 2
Total score obtained = 24 + (–4)
= 20

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Self Practice

1. A baker usually uses 3 3 cups of sugar to bake a sponge cake. He reduces the amount
of sugar by 1 1 cups for a less-sweet sponge cake. A customer orders 3 sponge cakes
and 5 less-sweet sponge cakes. How many cups of sugar are required to bake the
cakes the customer has ordered?

2. Adam had RM40. Susan gave 1 of her money to Adam. After giving 1 of his money
3 8
to Gopal, Adam still had RM350. Find the total amount Susan had originally.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

1.3 questions of Mastery Q 1.3.

1. Using three different fractions and two different operations (+, –, ×, ÷), write three
calculations which give an answer of –   1 .
2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using a suitable fraction.

(a) –   1 , 1 , , 11
3 6 6

(b) –   5 , 5 , –   5 ,

8 24 72

3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable fraction.

(a) –   1 – 5 = 1 × 1 2
3 6 2

(b) – 2 + 5 = 1 ÷ 1 2
3 8 3

4. The water level in a tank was 2 2 m at 4:00 p.m. The water level dropped by 1 m
5 6
every hour for 5 subsequent hours. When it was towards 12:00 midnight, the water
level rose by 1 2 m. Calculate the water level at midnight.
5. Container A contains 60 ml of water. 3 of the water in container B is poured into
container A. 5 of the water in container A is then poured into an empty container C.
If container C contains 45 ml of water now, f ind the volume of water in container B.

Chapter 1

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1.4 Positive and Negative Decimals

How do you represent positive and negative Represent positive and
decimals on a number line? negative decimals on 1
number lines.




Aim: To explore the representation of positive and negative decimals on a number

Instruction: • Explore by yourself before the lesson begins and discuss in groups
of four during the lesson.
• Open the folder downloaded from page vii.

1. Open the file Decimal number line.ggb using GeoGebra.

2. Click and drag the slider ‘Tenth’ and ‘Hundredth’ to define a decimal.
3. Click at the button ‘Change Sign’ to interchange between positive and negative.
4. Observe the position of the decimal defined on the number line.
5. Discuss the position of a decimal on a number line.

Representation of decimals on a number line is the same as that of integers and fractions.
Positive decimals are decimals more than zero whereas negative decimals are decimals
less than zero.
–0.5 means 0.5 less than 0 0.5 means 0.5 more than 0
–0.3 means 0.3 less than 0 0.3 means 0.3 more than 0

–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Rational Numbers

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Represent the following decimals on a number line.

     0.7, –0.5, –0.8, 0.2, –1.3

–2.0 –1.3 –1.0 –0.8 –0.5 0 0.2 0.7 1.0

Self Practice 1.4a

1. For each of the following, represent the decimals on a number line.
(a) 0.6, –0.7, 0.2, –0.3 (b) 0.7, –0. 4, 0.3, –1.3
2. The diagram below shows a straight line of length 10 cm representing a number line.
Copy the diagram and represent the following decimals on the number line.
(a) –1. 46, –1.84, –1.20, –1.62
–2 –1
(b) – 0.25, –0.08, –0.39, –0.17
–0.5 0

How do you compare and arrange positive and

negative decimals in order? STANDARDS
The values of two or more decimals can be compared and Compare and arrange
arranged in ascending order or descending order. positive and negative
decimals in order.

Compare and arrange the following decimals in descending order.
–1.6, 0.5, – 0.3, 1. 4, – 0.7

–2.0 –1.6 –1.0 –0.7 –0.3 0 0.5 1.0 1.4 2.0

The decimals arranged in descending order are 1. 4, 0.5, –0.3, –0.7, –1.6

Self Practice 1.4b

1. Compare and arrange each of the following in ascending order.
(a) –1.23, –1. 48, 0.34, –0.034, 1.034
(b) –1. 456, –1.546, 1. 456, –1.654, 1.564
2. Compare and arrange each of the following in descending order.
(a) –2.005, –2.505, –2.052, 2.522, 2. 452
(b) 0.065, –0.647, –0.639, –0.068, 0.621

Chapter 1

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How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
positive and negative decimals? Perform computations
involving combined 1
basic arithmetic
14 operations of positive
Evaluate each of the following: and negative decimals
by following the order
(a) 3.5 – (– 6.5) × 0.2 of operations.
(b) (7.23 + 2.77) ÷ (–0.8)
(c) –3.7 + (4.25 + 2.85) × 0.3

(a) 3.5 – (– 6.5) × 0.2 = 3.5 – (–1.3) Multiplication is

performed first.
Follow the order of
= 3.5 + 1.3 (   )
= 4.8
× or ÷
Calculation in
(b) (7.23 + 2.77) ÷ (– 0.8) = 10.0 ÷ (– 0.8) the brackets is
+ or –
= –12.5 performed first.

Calculation in
the brackets is
(c) –3.7 + (4.25 + 2.85) × 0.3 = –3.7 + (7.1 × 0.3) performed first
= –3.7 + 2.13 followed by
= –1.57 multiplication.

Self Practice 1.4c

1. Evaluate each of the following:
(a) 4.7 – 7.8 × 0.3 (b) (8.36 + 3.89) ÷ (–0.28)
(c) –3. 48 + (7.36 + 1.24) × 0.6 (d) 0.36 – (–8.67) ÷ (– 0.3) + 0.82
(e) –2.65 – 1. 44 + 3.22 (f) 2.34 + 3.1 × (–0.1) + 0.2

How do you solve problems?

Solve problems
involving positive and
The price of the stock of a company was RM2.05 at a certain negative decimals.
time. The price hiked by RM0.32, then subsequently dropped
RM0.28 every hour for the next three hours. Calculate the
final price of the stock.

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Understanding the problem

• Price of stock was RM2.05.
1 • Price of stock hiked by RM0.32.
• Price of stock dropped RM0.28 every hour for the next
three hours.
• Calculate the final price of the stock.

Devising a plan
• Increase in price is written as + 0.32. Explain the importance
• Decrease in price is written as – 0.28. of negative numbers in
monetary finance.
• Use multiplication and addition.
Implementing the
The final price of the stock = 2.05 + 0.32 + 3 × (–0.28)
= 2.37 + (– 0.84)
= 2.37 – 0.84
= 1.53
The final price of the stock was RM1.53.

Doing reflection
RM2.05 + RM0.32 – 3 × RM0.28
= RM2.37 – RM0.84
= RM1.53

Self Practice 1.4d

1. Aisah bought a shirt for RM19.90 and two pairs of long trousers of the same price.
When she paid RM55 to the cashier, she was told that the amount was not enough.
Aisah then paid another RM10 and received a change of RM5. 40. Calculate the price
of a pair of long trousers that she bought.
2. The average temperature in Kuala Lumpur was 30.5°C on a certain day. The average
temperature then rose by 1.8°C every day for two consecutive days and then dropped
by 1.3°C every day for another three consecutive days. Calculate the average
temperature in Kuala Lumpur during those five days.

Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

1.4 questions of Mastery Q 1.4.

1. Using three different decimals and two different operations (+, –, ×, ÷), write three
calculations which each gives an answer of –2.5.

Chapter 1

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2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using suitable decimals.

(a) –1.2, – 0.9, , – 0.3,
(b) –2.1, , –8. 4, 16.8,
3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable decimal.
(a) 3.2 × (–2.1) + 5.8 = 0.5 × 1 2
(b) –5.12 – (–2. 4) ÷ (– 0.5) = 1.6 × 1 2

4. Ramesh bought 63 oranges for RM34.65. The oranges were packed in small packets
with 3 oranges in each packet. Calculate the price Ramesh sold for each packet of
oranges if he had
(a) incurred a loss of RM19.95
(b) made a profit of RM51. 45
after he sold all the oranges.
5. A fish is at 1.34 m below sea level while a bird is at 4.32 m above sea level. A turtle
is below sea level at a vertical distance that is twice the distance between the fish and
the bird. Calculate the vertical distance between the bird and the turtle.

1.5 Rational Numbers LEARNING

What are rational numbers? Recognise and describe
rational numbers.


Aim: To recognise and describe rational numbers.

Instruction: Perform the activity in groups of four.
1. You are given some number cards as follows.
1 –2 2
0.3 –1.25 1 5 –8
3 5
2. Discuss how you would write these numbers in the form of such that p and
q are integers.
3. What are your conclusions?

Numbers that can be written in fractional form, Think Smart

p Explain why a rational
that is , such that p and q are integers, q ≠ 0, p
q number is subjected
are known as rational numbers. to the condition q ≠ 0.

Rational Numbers

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Determine whether 1 4 , 3 , –9 and 3.5 are rational numbers.

5 4

1 4 = 9 ,     3 ,    –9 = –9 ,    3.5 = 3 5 All the numbers

5 5 4 1 10 can be written in
the form of .
= 7
Think Smart
Thus, 1 4 , 3 , –9 and 3.5 are rational numbers. Is 3.141592654… a
5 4 rational number? Explain.

Self Practice 1.5a

Determine whether the following numbers are rational numbers. Explain your answer.
–2 , 8 , –1.2 , 7.65, 2 2 , – 4.2
4 7 1.5 5

How do you perform computations involving

combined basic arithmetic operations of STANDARDS
rational numbers? Perform computations
involving combined basic
16 arithmetic operations
of rational numbers by
Solve each of the following:
following the order
(a) – 0. 4 + 1 1 × 1–   1 2 (b) 318 × 1–   7 2 + 1.54 ÷ 0.3 of operations.
2 8 12

(a) –0. 4 + 1 1 × 1– 1 2 (b) 318 × 1–   7 2 + 1.5 4 ÷ 0.3

2 8 12

= –   4 + 3 × 1– 1 2 = 3 18 × 1–   7 2 + 3 3
10 2 8 decimals into
1 12 2 4÷ 10
fractions first. 2

= – 4 + 1– 3 2 = 1– 21 + 3 2 ÷ 3
10 16 2 2 10
18 3
= – 32 – 15 Follow the order = –   ÷
80 80 of operations 2 10
= – 47
(   )
= –   9 × 10
80 × or ÷ 1   31
= –30
+ or –

Chapter 1

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Self Practice

1. Evaluate each of the following:

(a) – 0.6 + 3 × 1–1 3 2 (b) 1–   17 + 0.82 ÷ 1 1 – 1.32 1
4 5 20 2

(c) 1.125 + 1 2 – 2 5 × 1–   8 2 (d) –3.25 ÷ 13 – 1–2 1 2 × 0.25

3 6 27 15 6

How do you solve problems? LEARNING

Solve problems involving
rational numbers.

Noriah has a savings of RM120. She donates 3 of her

savings to flood victims. She then buys a pair of school shoes
for RM25.60. Calculate the balance she still has.
An accountant uses
the knowledge of
Amount donated = 3 × RM120.00 rational numbers to do
8 efficient computations.
= RM45.00
Balance she still has = RM120.00 – RM45.00 – RM25.60
= RM49. 40

Self Practice 1.5c

1. A company donates to charity every year as its contribution to society. If the company
makes a profit in that year, 2 of the profit will be allocated for donation.
If the company incurs a loss, the company will also allocate 0.05 of the loss for
donation. If the company makes a profit of RM43.2 million in a certain year and
incurs a loss of RM2.5 million and RM6.5 million respectively in two consecutive
years, calculate the total donations the company would have allocated for charity in
those three years.
2. A roll of ribbon is used to tie 12 gifts which will be given to teachers on Teacher’s
Day. Every gift requires a length of 1.85 m. After tying all the gifts, it was found that
2 of the ribbon had been used. The remaining ribbon was cut into 12 pieces of the
same length. Calculate the length of each piece of ribbon that had been cut.

Rational Numbers

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Open the folder downloaded from page vii for extra

1.5 questions of Mastery Q 1.5.

1. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) 2.5 + (–8) ÷ 6 × 3.5 (b) 1 1 + 3.2 × 22 – 15. 4 – 2 ÷ 0.042
5 4 3
2. For each of the following number patterns, complete it using suitable
rational numbers.
(a) – 2. 4, –   7 , – 4.6, , (b) –   1 , –0.25, , –   1 , –0.03125
2 2 16
3. For each of the following, complete it using a suitable rational number.
(a) 6.8 ÷ 2 – 4.62 = × 0.01 (b) 3.76 + 3 × (–4.5) = × 0.5
5 4
4. Ishak, Jia Kang and Suresh went mountain-climbing together. At a certain instance,
Ishak was at a level 1. 45 m higher than Jia Kang while Suresh was at a level 2 1 m
lower than Jia Kang. Ishak, Jia Kang and Suresh had climbed 1.25 m, 0.5 m and
3 3 m respectively. Find the positions of Jia Kang and Suresh now with reference to
the position of Ishak.


Integers Fractions Decimals

• Positive integers • Positive fractions • Positive decimals

1, 2, 3, 4, … Example: 1 , 7 , 1 1 Example: 0.5, 4.3, 3.24
2 4 5
• Zero, 0 • Negative decimals
• Negative fractions
• Negative integers Example: – 0.1, –5.5, –7.65
…, – 4, –3, –2, –1 Example: –   1 , –   9 , – 4 1
3 2 2

Chapter 1

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Very Work
good harder
recognise positive and negative numbers based on real-life situations.
recognise and describe integers and rational numbers.
represent integers, positive fractions, negative fractions, positive decimals and
negative decimals on number lines.
compare and arrange integers, positive fractions, negative fractions, positive
decimals and negative decimals in order.
add and subtract integers using number lines or other appropriate methods. Hence,
make generalisation about addition and subtraction of integers.
multiply and divide integers using various methods. Hence make generalisation
about multiplication and division of integers.
perform computations involving combined basic arithmetic operations of integers,
positive and negative fractions, positive and negative decimals and rational numbers
by following the order of operations.

describe the laws of arithmetic operations which are Identity Law, Commutative
Law, Associative Law and Distributive Law.

perform efficient computations using the laws of basic arithmetic operations.

solve problems involving integers, positive and negative fractions, positive and
negative decimals and rational numbers.

1. From the following, choose the correct calculation step for

5(–3 + 10) × 2. 4 ÷ 3
A 5(–7) × 3.2 C 35 × 2. 4 ×   3
B 35 × 2. 4 × 4 D –35 × 3.2
2. Determine the number with a larger value without making any calculations.
(a) – 1 , 1 (b) – 4.3, – 4.5 (c) 2 2 , 2.5
2 100 5

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3. Team Goals scored Goals conceded Goal difference

Tiger 20 17 3
Eagle 16 18
The table shows the number of goals scored and the number of goals conceded for
two soccer teams. Find the goal difference for the Eagle Team.
4. A treasure chest hidden in the year 56 B.C. was found in the year 292 A.D. For how
many years was the treasure chest hidden?

5. When doing charity work, Ali gives rice, sugar and biscuits to 80 fire victims. If each
victim gets 2 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar and 0. 4 kg of biscuits and these alms are
equally transported using three vans, explain how you would find the mass of alms
transported by a van. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.
6. Fill in the boxes with ‘+’ or ‘–’ so that the answer obtained has the largest value.
(a) 1 –5 4.3 (b) – 4.2 1 –4
2 2
7. The temperature of a place at sea level is 8°C. The temperature will drop by 3°C
for every km above sea level. Calculate the temperature of the place at 5 km above
sea level.
8. Sheila was at point O at a certain instance. She moved 1.85 m towards the left and
then moved 4 steps measuring 0.65 m each towards the right. Calculate the position
of Sheila now from point O.

9. Jasmin moves 9.5 m towards east, then she moves 10.7 m towards west and then
6.8 m towards east. Describe the movement of Jasmin so that she can go back to her
original position.
10. A lift was at level H at a certain instance. The lift went up two floors for a height
of 9.8 m. The lift then went down 5 floors. Calculate the distance of the lift from
level H now.
11. In the diagram, numbers in two collinear circles will
multiply to give the product in the collinear middle –30 –60
square box. Complete the empty spaces with suitable
rational numbers.

Chapter 1

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Negative numbers are used in the making of glasses to 1
correct eyesight problems. Get information from valid
sources such as conducting interviews with an optician,
referring to reading materials or exploring other suitable
sources. Write a report to explain how negative numbers
are used in making the lenses of glasses.

Do you know that positive and negative numbers can be generated using a spreadsheet
program? Follow the steps as follows to generate a particular list of numbers.

1. Run a suitable spreadsheet program.

2. Type –6 into cell A1, as shown in the diagram.
3. Select cell A2 and type =A1-2.
4. Select cell A2 and drag the fill handle at the lower right corner down.
Describe what you observe.
5. Select cell B1 and type =A1+8.
6. Select cell B1 and drag the fill handle at the lower right corner to the right.
Describe what you observe.
7. Change the number in cell A1 to another number.
Describe what you observe.
8. Explain how you can generate other lists of numbers.

Rational Numbers

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