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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7C19A943‐ECC3‐4D6F‐AB66‐EDFD8E7A7E34

Date:- 22 March 2024

Employee ID.:‐ AMZN45885

Serial Number: ‐ 94759
Reporting Date: ‐ 01/04/2024
Job Location: ‐ Hyderabad

Sub: ‐ Amazon Job Offer Letter

Dear Narasimham Muttimi, Congratulations and welcome to the Amazon Family!

Further to your recent meetings and discussions with us, we are pleased to offer you employment with Amazon India Ltd
("the Company") inThisThe Position of Support Associate. letter clarifies and confirms the terms of your employment
With the Company. At your job located in your own Place, Your working hours will be 10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday.
This is a permanent Job, you are liable to get formal training of 7 days for better performance. On the terms and conditions
set out hereinafter:.

Your effective date of joining shall be no later than February 19, 2024.
Your employment with the Company shall be subject to successful per and/or post‐employment background checks,
accuracy of the testimonials and information provided by you and your being free from any contractual restrictions
preventing you from accepting this offer or starting work with us on the above‐mentioned date. You, if so asked by the
Company, shall disclose on your own behalf and, if married, on your spouse's behalf full details of any external
directorships held and any personal business interests including partnerships, shareholdings and trusteeships;
involvement in any other business ventures involving unlimited liability; personal liabilities in connection with business
activities; and involvement in other positions external to the Company and acceptance by the Company of those
external interests. Please note that if during the pre or post‐employment background checks, the background checking
agency gives a negative report or in the event of unsatisfactory result of your per or post‐employment background
checks, this letter of appointment shall stand revoked automatically (whether you have accepted it or not) and, if you
have already commenced employment with the Company, such employment shall automatically terminate without
giving rise to any claim for compensation or damages in your favour, but without prejudice to Company's rights and
remedies against you.

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