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Applied Agricultural Practices for Mitigating Climate Change

Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay P Singh, Deepak Jhajharia, Rasoul Mirabbasi

Potassium-Solubilizing Microorganisms for Sustainable


Publication details
Zaffar Bashir, M. Y. Zargar, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma
Published online on: 11 Dec 2019

How to cite :- Zaffar Bashir, M. Y. Zargar, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma. 11 Dec 2019, Potassium-
Solubilizing Microorganisms for Sustainable Agriculture from: Applied Agricultural Practices for
Mitigating Climate Change CRC Press
Accessed on: 03 Jan 2024


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2 Potassium-Solubilizing
Microorganisms for
Sustainable Agriculture
Zaffar Bashir, M. Y. Zargar, and
Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences
and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K)

2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Potassium in Soil............................................................................................. 18
2.2.1 Potassium Fixation in Soil................................................................... 19
2.3 K-Solubilizing Microorganism........................................................................ 19
2.4 Mechanism of Potassium Solubilization.........................................................20
2.5 Potential Role of Potassic Biofertilizer............................................................ 21
2.6 Effect of KSMs on Plant Growth and Yield.................................................... 21
2.7 Future Prospects.............................................................................................. 22
2.8 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 23
References................................................................................................................. 23

As per United Nations estimates, the global human population is projected to reach
8.9 billion by 2050, with developing country of the Asia and Africa to absorb the
vast majority of the increase (Wood, 2001). The populations of the developing coun-
tries in the world continue to increase at an increased rate; so the demands of foods
will be one of the greatest challenges faced by the human population. To meet this
challenge, the soil biological system is needed to be focused with great effort. Soil
is the natural body on the earth’s crust. There are several minerals containing essen-
tial elements in the soil, but most important are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and
potassium (K). After N and P, K is the most important plant nutrient forgrowth,
metabolism, and development of plants. In addition to increasing plant resistance
to diseases, pests, and abiotic stresses, K is required to activate over 80 different
enzymes responsible for plant and animal processes such as energy metabolism,
starch synthesis, nitrate reduction, photosynthesis, and sugar degradation (Almeida
et al., 2015; Cecílio Filho et al., 2015; Gallegos-Cedillo et al., 2016; Hussain et al.,

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2016; White and Karley, 2010; Yang et al., 2015). For inadequate K intake, the plants
will have poorly developed roots, slow growth, lower yields, (White and Karley,
2010) and prone to diseases (Amtmann et al., 2008; Armengaud et al., 2009) and pest
(Amtmann and Armengaud, 2009; Troufflard et al., 2010). Sometime K requirement
increases in the plant where agricultural soils lack sufficient phyto-available K for
crop production (Mengel and Kirkby, 2001; Mikhailouskaya and Tcherhysh, 2005;
Rashid et al., 2004; Rengel and Damon, 2008; Sindhu et al., 2012). It is generally
supplied as K-fertilizers in both intensive and extensive agricultural systems (Zhang
et al., 2013). K-solubilizing microorganisms (KSMs) are able to release potassium
from insoluble minerals (Gundala et al., 2013; Archana et al., 2012, 2013; Sindhu
et al., 2012). In addition, researchers have discovered that the K-solubilizing bacteria
(KSB) which can provide beneficial effects on plant growth through suppressing
pathogens and improving soil nutrients and structure.
The KSMs can promote K-solubilization from silicate mineral that can enhance
the fertility status of soils. Rhizospheric microorganisms contribute directly and
indirectly to the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of soil through their
beneficial or detrimental activities. Rhizospheric bacteria helps in soil processes
such as mobilization and mineralization of nutrients, soil organic matter decomposi-
tion and solubilization of K (Verma et al., 2012; Abhilash et al., 2013), and phosphate
solubilization, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, and sulphur reduction
(Khan et al., 2007). The bacteria that possess potassium-solubilizing ability are
called potassium-solubilizing bacteria or KSB and they can convert the insoluble
potassium compounds into soluble forms and make them available to the plants
(Zeng et al., 2012). An overdose use of chemical fertilizers have the negative envi-
ronmental impacts and can increase the costs of crop production; therefore, there
is an urgent need to implicit eco-friendly and cost-effective agro-technologies to
hike crop production. So, the utilization of potassium solubilizers is considered to
be a sound strategy in improving the productivity of agricultural lands. This new
technique is also claimed to show the ability to restore the productivity of degraded,
marginally productive, and unproductive agricultural soils (Rajawat et al., 2016).
However, utilization of KSMs is found to be limited because of inexperienced farm-
ers and practitioners (World Bank, 2007).

Potassium, an essential plant nutrient, has a major role in crop production. Its amount
in a soil depends on the parent material as well as degree of weathering. Potassium is
known to exist in structural, non-exchangeable, and water soluble forms. Potassium
content of Indian soils has traditionally been considered as adequate, but in the recent
years, the importance of K and the need for its continuous optimal availability for
the better crop production has been observed as deficient due to the hidden hunger
of K (Leaungvutiviroj et al., 2010). Among the major plant nutrients, potassium is
one of the most abundant elements in soil. It is also one of the seven most common
elements in the earth crust. On average, the surface layer (lithosphere) contains 2.6%
potassium. The present conceptual understanding of soil potassium availability is
the existence of four distinct K pools differing in accessibility to plant roots with
Potassium-Solubilizing Microorganisms 19
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reversible transfer of K between the pools (Syers, 2003). The K content of Indian
soils varies from less than 0.5% to 3.00%. The average total K content of those soils
is 1.52% (Mengel and Kirkby, 1987). However, total K is rather poorly correlated
with available K and is rarely used to describe K fertility status of soil. The imme-
diate source of K for plants is the small amount that present in the soil solution its
average concentration is ranged from 1% to 2%. As this is removed, the equilibrium
is distributed and K in the non-exchangeable and soil mineral fraction will be drawn
upon. The availability of K to the plants depends directly on the concentration of
K in soil solution and indirectly on soil (Goldstein, 1994). Soil solution K plays a
vital role in providing the pathway for K uptake from the soil by plant roots (Öborn
et al., 2005).

2.2.1 Potassium Fixation in Soil

In addition to releasing potassium, soil minerals can also fix potassium significantly
affecting its availability. This involves the adsorption of K ions onto sites in the
interlayers of weathered sheet silicates, such as vermiculite. The degree of K fixa-
tion in soils depends on the type of clay mineral and its charge density, moisture
content, competing ions, and soil pH. Mont morillonite, vermiculite, and weathered
micas are the major clay minerals that tend to fix K (Sparks, 1987). Soil wetting
and drying also significantly affects the K fixation. The fixation process of K is
relatively fast, whereas the release of fixed K is very slow due to the strong bind-
ing force between K and clay minerals (Öborn et al., 2005). Whether a soil fixes or
releases K highly depends on the K concentration in the soil solution. As mentioned
above, in addition to organic acids, the H+ concentration in soil solution seems to
play a key role in K release from clay minerals. Therefore, optimization of soil pH
may be a means of enhancing K release. For optimized K fertilizer management
practices, it is crucial to understand the factors that regulate K release from soil
non-exchangeable pool.

A group of microorganisms was reported to be involved in the solubilization of fixed
forms of K into available forms, which is absorbed by plants (Gundala et al., 2013).
Microbial inoculants that can dissolve fixed K from rocks and mineral as well as
enhance plant growth and yield are also eco-friendly. The first evidence of microbial
involvement in solubilization of rock potassium had shown by Muentz (1890). A wide
range of KSMs namely Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, (Sheng et al., 2008; Lian et al.,
2002; Liu et al., 2012; Basak and Biswas, 2012; Singh et al., 2010) have been reported
to release potassium in accessible form from K-bearing minerals in soils. Several
fungal and bacterial species, popularly called as potassium-solubilizing micro-
organisms or KSMs that assist plants growth by solubilization of insoluble forms
of K. The KSMs are ubiquitous whose numbers vary from soil to soil. Rhizospheric
microorganisms contribute significantly in the solubilization of locked form of soil
minerals in the soil (Sindhu et al., 2009). Many microorganisms like bacteria, fungi
and actinomycetes were colonized even on the surface of mountain rocks (Groudev,
20 Applied Agricultural Practices for Mitigating Climate Change
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1987; Gundala et al., 2013) have been reported that the silicate-solubilizing bacteria
B. mucilaginosus sub spp. Siliceus liberates K from feldspar and alumino silicates. It
has also been reported as silicate-solubilizing bacteria present in rhizosphere as well
as non-rhizosphere soil (Lian et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2001). The K-solubilizing rhizo-
bacteria were isolated from the roots of cereal crops which grown in potassium- and
silicate-amended soil. A wide range of the rhizospheric microorganisms are reported
as the K-solubilizers include B. mucilaginosus (Sugumaran and Janarthanam, 2007;
Zarjani et al., 2013), B. edaphicus (Sheng et al., 2002), B. circulanscan (Lian et al.,
2002), Burkholderia, A. ferrooxidans (Sheng and Huang, 2002; Sheng and He, 2006)
Arthrobacter sp. (Zarjani et al., 2013), Enterobacter hormaechei (KSB-8) (Prajapati
et al., 2013); Paenibacillus mucilaginosus (Liu et al., 2012), P. frequentans,
Cladosporium (Argelis et al., 1993); Aminobacter, Sphingomonas, Burkholderia
(Uroz et al., 2007); Paenibacillus glucanolyticus (Sangeeth et al., 2012).


Indigenous rhizospheric microorganisms have the potential to solubilize the fixed
or locked form of nutrients (potassium) from trace mineral sources. Mechanism of
K-solubilization could be mainly attributed to excrete organic acids which either
directly dissolves rock K or chelate silicon ions to extract K into solution (Prajapati
et al., 2013). Many researchers have quantitatively investigated the ability of KSMs to
solubilize insoluble potassium in liquid Aleksandrov broth medium (Archana et al.,
2013; Maurya et al., 2014). By the mechanism of potassium solubilization, insoluble
potassium and structural unavailable forms of potassium compounds are solubilized
due to the production of various types of organic acids (Table 2.1). These acids are

Microorganisms Produce Various Organic Acids Which Solubilize Insoluble
Potassium to Soluble Potassium
S. No. Microorganisms: Bacteria and Fungi Organic Acid Produced References
1. Aspergillus flavus Citric, Oxalic, Gluconic, Maliha et al., 2004
2. Aspergilluscandidus, Aspergillusflavus Malic, Gluconic, Oxalic Shin et al., 2006
3. Serratia marcescens (CC-BC14) Citric, Lactic Chen et al., 2006
4. Chryseobacterium (CC-BC05) Citric Chen et al., 2006
5. Trichoderma sp, A.terreus, A.wenti, Lactic, malic, acetic, Akintokun et al., 2007
Pencillium sp, Fusarium oxysporium Tartaric, Fumaric, Citric,
6. Aspergillus niger, Pencillium sp, Oxalic, Citric Arwidsson et al., 2010
7. Pseudomonas Trivalis (BIHB 769) Gluconic, Lactic, Succinic,
Formic, and Malic
8. Aspergillus awamori S19 Malic, Citric, and Fumaric Jain et al., 2012
9. Enterobacter sp.FS-11 Malic, Gluconic Shahid et al., 2012
10. Aspergillus niger FSI Citric, Gluconic, and Mendes et al., 2013
Potassium-Solubilizing Microorganisms 21
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accompanied by acidolysis, complexolysis exchange reactions, and these are key pro-
cesses attributed to their conversion in soluble form (Uroz et al., 2009). The organic
and inorganic acids convert insoluble K (muscovite, mica, biotite, and feldspar) to the
soluble form of K that result increasing the availability of nutrients to plant. Sheng
and He (2006) reported that solubilization of illite and feldspar by microorganisms
is due to the production of organic acids like oxalic acid and tartaric acids, glu-
conic acid and 2-ketogluconic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and succinic
acid. Tartaric acid seems to be the most frequent agent of mineral K-solubilization
(Zarjani et al., 2013). Other organic acids, such as acetic, citric, lactic, propionic,
glycolic, oxalic, succinic acid, fumaric, tartaric, etc. have also been identified among
K-solubilizers (Wu et al., 2005). Sheng and Huang, 2002 found that K release from
the minerals was affected by pH, O2, and the bacterial strain used. The efficiency of
the K-solubilization by different microorganisms was found to vary with the nature
of potassium-bearing minerals and aerobic conditions (Uroz et al., 2009).
Thus, the synthesis and discharge of organic acids by the microorganisms into the
surrounding environment acidify the microbe’s cells and their surrounding environ-
ment that ultimately lead to the release of K ions from the mineral K by protonation
and acidification (Goldstein, 1994).


Use of chemical fertilizer has a negative impact on the environment. Potassium-
solubilizing microbes (KSM) could serve as inoculants. They convert fixed form
of potassium in the soil into available form that plants can use. This is a promis-
ing strategy for the improvement of plant absorption of potassium and so reduc-
ing the use of chemical fertilizer (Zhang and Kong, 2014). Potassic bio-fertilizers
in agriculture can improve soil fertility, yield-attributing characters, and thereby
final yield has been reported by many workers. In addition, their application in
soil improves soil biota and minimizes the sole use of chemical fertilizers. It is
an established fact that the Indian soil is rich source of potassium-containing
secondary minerals which is not available to plant but can be available to plant
using KSB. So the inoculations with KSM in the soil become necessary to restore
and maintain the effective microbial populations for solubilization of fixed K and
availability of other macro- and micronutrients to harvest good sustainable yield
of various crops.


Potassium solubilization is done by a wide range of bacteria, fungal strains, and
actinomycetes (Ahmad et al., 2016; Bakhshandeh et al., 2017; Gundala et al., 2013;
Meena et al., 2014).
There are strong evidences that soil bacteria are capable of transforming soil K
to the forms available to plant (Meena et al., 2015; Meena et al., 2014; Meena et al.,
2016). Inoculation of seedling and seeds with the KSMs generally showed significant
enhancement of germination percentage, plant growth, and yield and K uptake by
plants under glass house and field conditions (Zhang et al., 2013). The application
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of organo minerals with combination of siliate bacteria for enhancing plant growth
and yield of maize and wheat was first reported by Aleksandrov (1985). More impor-
tantly, research investigation conducted under field level test crops such as wheat,
forage crop, maize, and sudan grass crops have revealed that KSMs could drastically
reduce the usage of chemical (Xie, 1998).
As reported by previous researchers (Sindhu et al., 2012; Zeng et al., 2012), the
enhancement of plant K nutrition might be due to the stimulation of root growth or
the elongation of root hairs by specific microorganisms. Thus, no direct increase in
the availability of soil solution K is expected. The KSMs have been isolated from rhi-
zospheric soil of various plants and from K-bearing minerals such as wheat (Parmar
and Sindhu, 2013; Zhang et al., 2013), feldspar (Sheng et al., 2008), potato-soybean
cropping sequence (Biswas, 2011), Iranian soils (Zarjani et al., 2013), Ceramic
industry soil, mica core of Andhra Pradesh (Gundala et al., 2013), common bean
(Kumar et al., 2012), biofertilizers (Zakaria, 2009), sorghum, maize, bajra, chilli
(Archana et al., 2013), cotton, tomato, soybean, ground nut, and banana (Archana
et al., 2012), soil of Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang province (China) (Hu et al., 2006),
rice (Muralikannan and Anthomiraj, 1998), tea, valencia orange (Shaaban et al.,
2012), black pepper (Sangeeth et al., 2012), potato (Abdel-Salam and Shams, 2012),
growth by improving by N-fixer, P-, and K-solubilizers are another beneficial
effect of microorganisms with K-solubilizing potential (Basak and Biswas, 2012).
A hydroponics study was carried out by Singh et al. (2010) to evaluate the effect
of B. mucilaginosus, Azotobacter ­chroococcum, and Rhizobium spp. on their abil-
ity to mobilize K from waste mica using maize and wheat as the test crops under a
phytotron growth chamber. Thus, the ­application of KSB as biofertilizers for agri-
culture improvement can reduce the use of ­agrochemicals and support eco-friendly
crop production (Archana et al., 2013).
Therefore, it is imperative to isolate more species of mineral-solubilizing bacteria
to enrich the pool of microbial species and genes as microbial fertilizers, which will
be a great benefit to the ecological development of agriculture (Liu et al., 2012).

Potassium solubilizers are the basic components of soil microbial community
and play an important role in making K available to plants. These solubilizers
have good potential for making use of fixed K and release K slowly under soil
systems with low K availability in tropical and subtropical developing countries
(Figure 2.1).
The mechanism of K-solubilization by microorganisms have been studied in
detail but the K-solubilization is a complex phenomenon affected by many factors,
such as solubilizers used, nutritional status of soil, mineral type and environmen-
tal factors. Moreover, the stability of the KSMs after inoculation in soil is also
important for K-solubilization to benefit crop growth and development. Therefore,
further study is needed to understand the problem of development of efficient and
indigenous potassium-solubilizing microbial consortium for growth and yield of
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FIGURE 2.1 KSM on Aleksandrov medium and direct and indirect ways to boost growth
of plants.

Rhizosphere microorganisms contribute significantly in solubilization of fixed forms
of K in the soil inoculation of KSMs in soil, which has been shown to improve solu-
bilization of insoluble mineral K resulting in higher crop performances. Although
adequate amount of K is present in the soil, its availability to the plants is limited and
thus becomes limiting factor for crop production. Applied chemical K fertilizers are
ineffective and their prices increases at increased rate. KSMs bring out the locked
K into plant utilizable form through the process of solubilization. The insoluble K is
solubilized with the secretion of low molecular weight organic acids.

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