DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W3
DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W3
DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - W3
B.Establishing a purpose for the Show a model of paper boat. Show different types of Show a bar magnet to the class. Do you like toy car racing?
lesson Ask: Where do you find this kind of magnets. Ask pupils to describe the How can you make the toy cars
object? magnet. move in different ways?
How it is called? Can you describe each of these
How does it work? magnets?
What name is given to each
What does a magnet do?
C.Presenting examples/instances of Let us try to make a paper boat and Group Activity. What do you want to know Group Activity.
the new lesson try it out in a large basin of water. Answer Activity 1 on LMp.122 about bar magnets? Answer Activity3 on LMp.124
Write their questions on the
D.Discussing new concepts and Answer Activity 5 on LMp.120 Discuss each question on the Group Activity. Ask pupils to select group
practicing new skills #1 activity. Answer Activity 2 on LMp.123. leaders to discuss their findings.
E.Discussing new concepts and Discuss pupils’ answers on Activity. Discuss pupils’ answers on Ask pupils to select group Discuss pushing and pulling.
practicing new skills #2 Activity. leaders to discuss their findings.
F.Developing mastery Discuss that the object was moved Discuss that objects attracted to Discuss what bar magnet is. Discuss the KWL chart. Let pupils
(Leads to formative assessment) by water. a magnet are made of iron and answer the last column, about
some metals. Not all metals are what they have learned in
attracted to a magnet( Lessons 1 and 2 of unit 3.
aluminum, brass, copper)
G.Finding practical/applications of Taking Care of Environment Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Water can make objects move. A magnet doesn’t necessarily A bar magnet has two magnetic Objects can be move by pushing,
abstractions about the lesson Water exerts a force that causes have to be directly touching a poles called South and North pulling, using a magnet and
objects like the paper boat to move. magnetic object to affect it. It Poles. faming.
can attract a magnetic object at
The strength of a magnet is People, water, wind and
a distance.
greatest at the poles. magnets can make objects move.
Like poles repel, while unlike
poles attract.
I.Evaluating Learning A plastic ball is placed in a basin with Check pupil’s answers on the What would happen to two bar Answer Assessment on TGp.140.
water. Write two ways to make the activity. magnets placed: Complete the statement on the
ball move without touching or 1. with their N poles facing each right of the picture. Choose the
other word from the box below.
blowing it.
2.with their S poles facing each
3. with their N and S poles
facing each other.
J.Additional activities for application Draw a situation where water is Read about where magnets Bring a toy car( non-battery Review your previous lesson.
or remediation used to move an object. come from. operated ) for tomorrows