Lever Problems

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Design of Key - lengtn . &242 ERIE Design a foot brake lover from tho following dat. Length of lover from the centre of gravity of the spindle to the point of application of load = 1 meter. Maximum toad on the foot Plate = 800 N, Overhang from tho naarest bearing = 100mm. Permissible tensile and shear stross = 70 MPa. Soin. : Fig. P. 2.4.2 : Foot lever Length of lever to point of application = 1000 mm = overhang length = 100 mm liameter of shaft , ‘Twisting moment T=PxL 800 x 1000 = 800 x 10° N-mm Rue 00x10? = 7g x 70x" d= 38.8.say 40 mm Diameter of boss = d)= 1.6d= 1.6% 40= 64 mm Thickness of boss = =0.3d=03%40= 12mm Length of boss = f= 1.5d=1.5x40= 60 mm The shMBis subjected to combine bending and twisting, s0 the diameter of shaft atthe bearing (d,) 3 T= ig XTX, PYP+L = 800 «[(100)" + (1000) x a 16 0x4, 804 x 10° w 38.8 say 40 Consider key in shear a T= hMxz ** 40 90x10 = 50%™AX2- id 2 width of key = 12mm Consider key in crushing d, 4d 1 xb xo 4x w at 2x70= 140 4 Bx 140 = 50X29 X3 = 1142s 12mm ‘Thickness key = 12 mm From above, itis seen that the key is square key Design of lover L t Assume jy = 2 Lever is subjected to bending near the boss. Bending moment,M =Px « -4) = #00 (1000-$') = 774400 N-mm Section modules, eh oat ch? Zs y 76 bh=gth Z = dxtxQn'=0.6660 «1 Bending stress induce, 0, = 3 40 = 728400 = 0.6660" >" = 25.51 mm say 26 width oflever = h=2t=26x2=52mm i design spindle, key and Soin. : rectangular having b = 2t. Given data: L,=0.8 m=800mm, P I= effective overhang length o=6, 1B Ly Fig. P. 2.4.3 : Hand lever (1) Diameter of shaft (d) ‘Twisting occur due to force applied to the end of the lever of length 800 mm. ” T = PxL, 300 x 800 = 240 x 10° N-mm ‘The shear stress induced in the shaft is given by " = Tene 240x 10° = 60x76 4 = 37312 28mm Diameter of boss = dy=1.6d= 44.8=46 mm Length of boss = 1.5d= 1.5%28=42mm Design of lever Given : Cross section of lever is rectangular Let, b= Width of the lever t = Thickness of lever : b = 2t ‘The lever is subjected to bending due to force applied at the end of lever. spouoeien e(e-3) +6) : 2 = 233.100 10° N-mm Section Modulus. ue = 1n(s0 = be y M_2331x10 x. bx OZ Tee a 233.1 x 10°x6 a axe bed ane Balaton 6 Fig. P.2.4.3(8) Thickness, = 22.67 mm =23 mm Width of lever, b Design of key 2x23=46 mm Assuming length of key = length of boss = 42 mm Considering a key in shear 4 T= 4w exe px = wt Xl = he Woxt 300 x 800 0 42x Ww x60 W, = 6802mm= 7mm 2 Width ofkey= Wy=7mm Considering a key In crushing dy Axdxdxe, T 2x 60= 120 Némm? x 120 on = 4xdx 300 x 800 thickness, (= 7mm From above calculation, the key is square key. Ex.2.4.4 SO A lever is connected tothe shaft. The length of lover Is one ‘Meter and a force of 300 N. is applied at its ond, Dotormino (i) The shatt diameter (i) The dimension of rectangular cross section of the lover ‘near the shaft (Assume b, = 31). Assume allowable shear stress for shaft as 60 Nimm* and allowable bending stress for lever as 80 Nimm*, Soin. : Given: L, = 1 meter= 1000 mm, 1 = 60N/mm’, bts Fig. P. 2.4.4 : Hand lever (1) Diameter of shaft (d) ‘Twisting occur on the shaft due to the force applied at the end to lever of length 1 meter. Torque. = PxL, = 300 x 1000 = 300 x 10°N-mm wD) Due to twisting moment, the shear stress induced in shaft is given by Equation P= 11.7804? ...(2) T = 1xqg PS 0OxTg Equating Equation (1) and (2) 30010? = 11,780d : d : 29.42 & 30 mm Diameter of shaft,d = 30mm Diameter of boss, d, = 1.64 = 1.6x30=48 Dimensions of lever The lever is subjected bending stress idth of the lever at C/S t= thickness or depth of the lever at cys b= 3 3 fly ++ Maximum bending moment of lever fom thc ds, of boss, M = Px: i,-$) 4 M = 300x(1000-— Nom Zz qe dxex Gn? = 150mm’ Fig. P. 2.4.4(a) ‘Twisting bending moment, 6, M 292.8% 10° 1st (= 13.465 14mm ++ Thickness of lever =~ 14 mm ¢. Width of lever = 3t= 42mm Note : The width of the lever arm is taper while thickress {Is kept constant throughout the arm of the leve ————— &x.245 [ ‘The effective length of hand lever is 1 meter. The effec ‘overhang from nearest is 150 mm. The lever is made of al! ‘stoel for which permissible tensile stress is 115 N/mm and shear siress is 57.5 Nim’, Maximum force exorted 0 handle is 300N. Design the lever and shaft. Sol 80 Effective length length of boss = 15d = 1.5x30=45 mm Overhang length = 7 = (150mm © = 115 Nimm? force P = 300N Fig. P. 2.4.5(@) : (i) Diameter of shaft ‘Twisting will be occur on the shaft due to f oan force applied T = Torque =PxL,= 300x10°N-mm () Twisting of shaft causes shear stress T = txqg@ = 575x760 11.29¢° Equating Equation (1) and (2) 30x10? = 11298 4 (i) Diameter of shaft in bending (4,)- ‘The overhand shaft in bearing is subjected to a ‘Twisting and bending moment (M) given by T = PxL,=300x 10° N-mm M = Px1=300x 150=45%J0N-mm = 29.84=30 mm 5 GxexBO 2 tis. = 20280010 Tecnkanaletgt W__Elements of Machine Design (MSBTE) t = 11.928 mm t= 12mm Width of lever b = 3t= 12 x3 = 36mm (lv) Design of key : (Not ask In problem) Assuming square key 4 _30 Width ofkey = w,=9 =%7 =75mm Thickness of key t 7.5 mm + Samad dag 300 x 1000 1x 75% S75 2 A = 4637248 min (©) Consider crushing of key : Assume allowable crushing stress Sq = 27 | = 2x57.5=115Nimm? T= : : 46.37 mm = 48 mm Select large value of J, from above three value. Ee 246 oe m i i ‘Design’ a hand lever having a length 1100 mm from the ‘center of shaft to tho point of application 800 N. Effective ‘overhang Load from nearest bearing is 150 mm. Find, (Diameter of shatt Secton ofteveritt = 05 The allowable tensile stress is 73 MPa and allowable shear ‘stress Is 60 MPa. i ‘Also design the key by using tho same stress for key motor, Soin. : Given 1100 mm, 0,= 73 N/mm 60. Nim Ta P = 800N, 2-40 Design of Joints. Levers & Ott iy, q eS 44 Poetoy Fig. P. 2.4.6 : Hand lever (1) Diameter of shatt (d) ‘Twisting will be occur on shaft due to force application at the end of lever. T = PxL, = 800x 1100= 880% 10°N-mm ‘Twisting moment of shaft causes the shear stress given by -2¢ Tees 88010? = 7g xd? x 60 @ = 42,1147 @ = Gmm () Diameter of shaft in bearing (4,) Consider combined twisting and bending moment of shaft at the bearing due to overhang length. 2. The equivalent torque (T,) T = \Mor Bending moment = px! =800x 150 = 120x10°N-m Twisting torque = px L, =800x 1100 = 880% 10° N-mm BNP p! sez 10+ 680% 107 888.144 x 10° N-mm ‘The torsional shear stress induced in the shaft is. «= xh des nd, 16 x 888.144 x 10” 16x 888.144 x 10" nd, 60 = & ¥_Elemonts of Machine Design (MET =) mm d= Diameter of boss=db = 43mm 164 = 16% 43=68.8=70mm Length of the boss=!, = 15d = 15 Sd = 15x43 = 64.5565 mm (2) Design of lever h= width and t = thickness ‘Thickness to width ratio, t 1 h = OS =D = he2t The lever is subjected bending due'to application of force at the end of lever consider weakest section near the boss. 2 Px(te-8 800 (1100-48) 862800 N-mm Bending moment, M 0 Z-section modulus Z 25 2oEe 2 ‘Le gon = Zur w = zd xtx(2t) Fig. P. 2.4.6(8) 45 3 = dP = 0.666" Be = 01666 “1 The bending stress induced in the lever = = 7 862800 0.6660 = 26,0751 =27 = 2x27=54mm B= q 2-41 Design of Joints. Levers & Offset Links (3) Design of key (Not ask in problem) ‘Assuming the same stresses for key to final the dimension of key Length of key is taken as length of boss Consider a key in shear pee Pai 800 x 1100 “ Width of key, Consider key In crushing A a T =.4x3x5xo, Gy = 27=2x60 800% 1100 = 65x84 120 1, = 10.4949 thickness, t, = 11mm from above calculation of key, the key is square key. 2.5 Design of Two Arm Levers (Bell Crank Lever) (MSBTE : S-16, S-19, W-19) [a Draw a neat sketch of bel crank lever. Ent stops signing the bell erank lover. 1a: write the gonaral dsion procedure for the bel rar lever. “The bell crank lever isa two arm lever which are right angle to each other. The bell crank lever is sed in railway signaling, hartnel! and Wilson hare governor, etc. The dimension of, design of bel crank lever include find (i fulerum pin (i). boss of the lever iy cross sectional dimension of lever.

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