PPE 22566 Model Answer W - 2023

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Power Plant Engineering (PPE) Subject Code: 22566
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual (English +
Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year 2021-2022. Hence if
the students write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the
same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model answer.

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No. Q. Scheme

1. Attempt any FIVE

(a) Name any four components diesel power plant. 02 Marks
Ans.- Components of Diesel power plant
( ½ M for
1. Diesel engine each
2. Generator component)
3. Air intake system
4. Exhaust system
5. Cooling water system
6. Fuel supply system
7. Lubrication system
8. Diesel engine starting system
9. Governing system

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
(b) State the types of FBC boiler 02 marks
Ans.- Following are the two types of FBC boiler ( 1 M for
A) Atmospheric fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) each type)

1) Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustion (BFBC)

2) Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC)
B) Pressurized fluidized bed combustion ( PFBC)
C) State any four limitations of thermal power plant. 02 Marks
1. Long time required for installation. ( ½ M for
2. Transportation and handling of fuels major difficulty. component)
3. Efficiency of plant is less.
4. Power generation cost is high compared to hydel power plant.
5. For thermal power station, Land requirements is high.
6. Fuel and ash handling is difficult.
7. Maintenance of thermal power station is complicated.
8. The thermal power station pollutes the atmosphere.
9. Start up time of thermal power station is longer.

d) State necessity of waste heat recovery in thermal power plant. 02 Marks

Necessity of waste heat recovery in thermal power plant-

Waste heat is the heat which is not used and exhausted out as a waste product.
1.In thermal power plant large quantity of heat at lower thermal potential ( 700c) is
discharged to the atmosphere.

2.If we recover this heat, there will be reduction in fuel consumption, lower harmful
emissions and improvement in production efficiency.
3.Captured and reused waste heat is an emission free substitute for costly purchased
fuels .
e) Name the regulating agencies for Nuclear Power Plant. 02 Marks
1 mark
1. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board(AERB)
2. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
f) Define the term ‘Capacity Factor’. 02 Marks
The capacity Factor is also called the Plant Capacity factor.
It is the ratio of actual energy produced to the maximum possible energy that could have
been produced during a given period .
Capacity Factor = Actual Energy Produced / Max Energy that could have been produced

g) State Importance of power plant. 02 Marks

Ans -
1. Power plants play a crucial role in meeting energy demands, providing electricity for
homes, industries, and essential services.
2. Power plants contribute to economic development.
3. Power plants can contribute to enhance infrastructure.
4. Power plants provides employments and opportunities to develop supporting
2 Attempt any Three 3X4=12

a) Draw Layout of hydroelectric power plant and explain its working. 4 marks
For layout

Fig. -- Layout of Hydroelectric Power Plant 02

Working of Hydroelectric Power Plant is as follows. Marks for
The dam is constructed on a large river to ensure sufficient water storage and working
the dam forms a reservoir behind it. The height of the water level (called a water head) in
the reservoir determines the potential energy stored in it. The water is traveled from the
reservoir passing through the gates. Water initially with some potential energy is
converted to high-pressure energy during the passage. A surge tank is placed at the top
and is fitted between the reservoir and the powerhouse. This water level rises or falls to

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
reduce the pressure in the penstock. The maximum amount of water is released through
the penstock when the control gate is fully opened. This kinetic energy is converted to
electrical energy, as the turbine is coupled to an electric generator. The passage of water
from the nozzle hits the turbine blades which makes the shaft of the turbine to rotate.
It drives the generator and electricity are produced. The water which moves away from
the turbine enters into Tail-race.
b) Explain with neat sketch working of La Mont boiler.
Ans- 02marks
For sketch

Working of Lamont Boiler Marks for
 Lamont boilers is a forced circulation ,fired water tube boiler.
 In Lamont boiler, the feed pump circulates the water in the economiser of the
boiler. The economizer heats the water to some degree. From economiser, water
enters into steam separating drum.
 From steam separating drum the mixture of water and steam is forced circulated
through the radiant evaporator by an external centrifugal pump. In forced

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circulation, the pressure of circulation of water through the tubes is more as
compared with the natural circulation.
 Radiant evaporator heats the water and changes it into steam. Form radiant
evaporator the water-steam mixture passes through the convective evaporator.
Here the temperature of the fluid increase and most the water gets converted into
saturated steam. And after that the saturated steam enters into the steam
separator drum.
 The steam separator drum as names indicate separates the steam from water. The
steam gets collected at the upper portion of the drum. From the steam separator
drum, steam passes through the superheater. The superheater increases the
temperature of the steam to the desired level. And finally, the superheated steam
is either transfer to the steam collecting drum or made to strike on the blades of
the turbine.
 The working pressure, temperature, and capacity of this boiler is 170 bar, 773 K
and 50 tonnes/h.
C) Explain with neat sketch electro - static precipitators.
Electrostatic precipitator- 02marks
For sketch

Working Marks for
The unclean flue gas flowing through the passage is supplied to two electrodes, working

oppositely charged. The gases become ionized because of high applied voltage. as air is
passed through this ionized chamber both positive and negative ions are formed. The
ionized air is made to pass through the collecting unit consisting of metal plates spaced

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to 15 to 20 cm apart. The positive plates are near the wall and negative electrodes at the
Centre negative and moves to a positive electrode,while positive ions move to negative
electrodes. The dust particles collected is clean by shaking motion or light rammers
driven by cams. The dust removed from plates is collected in hoppers and dump in
dumping sites.
d) Explain the term Tri-generation . State its necessity in thermal power plant.
Trigeneration Concept: Trigeneration is the simultaneous process of cooling, heating
and power generation from only one fuel input. Trigeneration is the process by which 2 marks
some of heatproduced by co-generation plant is used to generate chilled water for air for
conditioning or refrigeration. Thermal power plants are used to produce electricity. concept
The byproduct is waste heat, which is then directed to absorption chillers and boilers 2 marks
for space cooling, hot water and related purposes. Because of trigeneration we have, for
 High efficiency production of electricity and heat necessit
 Reduced fuel and energy costs y
 Lower electrical usage during peak summer demand
 Engine heat can be used to produce steam of hot water for onsite use
 Significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
No harmful chemical pollutants since water is used as the refrigerant

Necessity of trigeneration in thermal power plant-

● Need for trigeneration is very much similar to need for co generation.
● Only difference is that trigeneration also satisfies the need of cooling in
addition toelectricity and process heat

Trigeneration offers the following benefits:

1 Trigeneration power plant does maximum utilization of primary fuel.
2 Trigeneration satisfies the need of electricity, process heat and cooling
3. Instead of using three separate units for generation of electricity, process heat and
cooling, use of a single trigeneration plant is much economical
4. In conventional method of power plants, 3 separate units will require 3 primary
fuels or working fluids for generation of electricity, process heat and cooling, whereas,
a single trigeneration plant uses a single primary fuel to generate 3 energies
(eg. electricity, process heat and cooling) simultaneously.
5.Trigeneration gives lower emissions to the environment, particularly carbon dioxide
(CO₂), which is the main greenhouse gas.
6. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO), trigeneration also reduces the emissions of
particulate matter. Nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxide, mercury etc., which results in
reduced pollution.
7. Efficiency of trigeneration power plant is 90%, whereas, efficiencies of
conventional power plant and co-generation power plant are 35% and 80%
8. Increased efficiency of energy conversion and use makes the trigeneration plant to
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be themost effective and efficient form of power generation.
9. Trigeneration reduces energy waste, thereby increasing energy efficiency.
10.Transmission line losses are reduced to greater extent.

3 Attempt any Three 3X4=12

Discuss in brief, the maintenance of diesel power plant. 4 marks for

a) detail
Ans.- procedure.
At the time of maintenance of diesel engine or diesel electric power plant, following
points are considered -
a. Check the operating condition of diesel engine at every half hour.
b. Maintain the correct record of the instrument reading in log sheet.
c. Maintain the record of instrument temperature, pressure, electrical load, flow etc.
d. Check the level of fuel , lubricating oil periodically.
e. Filterized the fuel and remove unwanted impurities.
f. Clean the fuel tank at regular interval.
g. Battery should kept clean from dirt and dust.
h. Ensure that the radiator is filled with sufficient coolant or cold water.
b) Explain with neat sketch close cycle gas turbine power plant.
Ans.- 2 marks for

2 marks for

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

In closed cycle gas turbine plant, the working fluid (air or any other suitable gas)
coming out from compressor is heated in a heater by an external source at constant
The high temperature and high-pressure air coming out from the external heater is passed
through the gas turbine. The fluid coming out from the turbine is cooled to its original
temperature in the cooler using external cooling source before passing to the compressor.
The working fluid is continuously used in the system without its change of phase and the
required heat is given to the working fluid in the heat exchanger.
C Explain the need of co generation with suitable example.
Need of Co-generation 3 marks for
A) Co-generation power plants does maximum utilization of primary fuels
B) Co-generation satisfies the need of electricity and process heat simultaneously
C) Instead of using two separate units for generation of heat and power uses single
cogeneration plant
1) In a conventional power plant, the fuel is burnt in a boiler, which in turn produces
high pressure steam. This high pressure steam is used to drive a turbine, which is
connected toan alternator and hence drive an alternator to produce electric energy. The
exhaust steamis then sent to the condenser, where it gets cool down and gets converted
to water and hence return back to boiler for producing more electrical energy. The
efficiency of this conventional power plant is 35 % only.

2) In cogeneration plant the low pressure steam coming from turbine is not condense
to form water, instead of it its used for heating or cooling in building and factories, as
this lowpressure steam from turbine has high thermal energy. The cogeneration plant
has high efficiency of around 80 – 90%. In other words Cogeneration is a very efficient
technology togenerate electricity and heat. It is also called Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) as cogeneration produces heat and electricity simultaneously.

So cogeneration is needed -
1) To improve the efficiency of the plant.
2) To reduces cost of production and improve productivity.
3) To save water consumption and water costs.
4) To make power plant more economical as compared to conventional power plant.
5) To make fuel utilization more efficient and optimized and hence more economical. 1 mark for
6) To reduce air emissions of particulate matter, nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxide,

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mercury and carbon dioxide which would otherwise leads to greenhouse effect.
Example: Thermal Power Plant
d) Compare between Pressurized Water Reactor(PWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Any four
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
power plants consist of two loops—
(i) primary loop or coolant loop that ( each point
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) power 1 marks)
takes away heat from reactor, and
plants consist of a single loop where the
1 (ii) secondary loop or working fluid coolant that takes away heat from the
loop that drives the turbine. A heat reactor is directly fed to the turbine. Thus
exchanger (HE) is employed to transfer no heat exchanger is desired
heat from primary loop to the
secondary loop.

In the primary loop, normal water

(H2O) acts as coolant-cum-moderator.
Since it has only one loop, so normal
In the secondary loop, the normal
2 water (H2O) serves all three purposes –
water acts as working fluid. However,
cooling, moderation, and working fluid.
water from one loop is not allowed to
mix with the water of other loop.

Normal water in the primary loop,

Here the normal water (H2O) is allowed
that acts as moderator-cum-coolant, is
to change its phase. Thus the water
not allowed to boil. That means the
(liquid phase) is first converted into
3 water remains in liquid phase
steam (gaseous phase) within the reactor,
throughout the cycle of primary loop.
and then the steam is again condensed to
However, the water in the secondary
water before pumping back to reactor.
loop is allowed to boil.

A pressurizer is required to use

mandatory to maintain water pressure
No such pressurizer is employed as
4 in such a way that it does not
evaporation of the water is desired.
evaporate even at very high

Here steam is generated in a heat Here steam is generated within the

exchanger outside the nuclear reactor. reactor itself.

PWR has comparatively low thermal

6 efficiency owing to two different BWR offers higher thermal efficiency.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
4 Attempt any Three 3X4=12
a) Explain world Scenario of demand and supply of energy.
Ans.- 2 marks for
World energy consumption is the total energy produced and used by the demand
entire human civilization. Typically measured per year, it involves all energy
harnessed from every energy source applied towards humanity's endeavors across every
single industrial and technological sector, across every country. It does not include
energy from food, and the extent to which direct biomass burning has been accounted
for is poorly documented. Being the power source metric of civilization, world energy
consumption has deep implications for humanity's socio-economic-political sphere.
World total primary energy consumption by fuel in 2018
Coal (27%) Natural Gas (24%)
Hydro (renewables) (7%) Nuclear (4%)
Oil (34%) Others (renewables) (4%)
Demand of energy in India
During the fiscal year 2017-18, the utility energy availability was 1,205 billion
KWh, a short fall relative to requirements of 8 billion KWh (-0.7%). Peak load met was
160,752 MW, 3,314 MW (-2%) below requirements. In the 2018 Load Generation Balance
report, India's Central Electricity Authority anticipated energy surplus and peak surplus to
be 4.6% and 2.5%, respectively, for the 2018–19 fiscal year It stated that power would be
made available to the few states expected to face shortages from regions with a surplus,
through regional transmission links From calendar year 2015 onwards, power generation
in India has been less of a problem than power distribution.
India has recorded rapid growth in electricity generation since 1985, increasing 2 marks for
from 179 TW- hr in 1985 to 1,057 TW-hr in 2012.The majority of the increase came from supply
coal-fired plants and non-conventional renewable energy sources (RES), with the
contribution from natural gas, oil, and hydro plants decreasing in 2012-2017. The gross
utility electricity generation (excluding imports from Bhutan) was 1,372 billion kWh in
2018-19, representing 5.53% annual growth compared to 2017-2018.The contribution
from renewable energy sources was nearly 17% of the total. In the year 2018-19, more
than 50% is contributed by the renewable energy sources to the total incremental
electricity generation.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

b) Name any four Nuclear plants situated in India with their capacity. 4 marks

Capacity Any four

Sr.No. Location Operator
Name Of Nuclear Power Station (MWe)
1 marks
1 Kakrapar Atomic Power Station Gujarat NPCIL 440 each
(Kalpakkam) Madras Atomic
2 Tamil Nadu NPCIL 440
Power Station
3 Narora Atomic Power Station- UP NPCIL 440
4 Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant Karnataka NPCIL 880
5 Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Rajasthan NPCIL 1,180
6 Tarapur Atomic Power Station Maharashtra NPCIL 1,400
7 Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Tamil Nadu NPCIL 2,000
4 marks
List the factors to be considered while choosing the type of power plant.
Ans.- Any eight
Factors considered for selection of type of power plant 1/2 marks
1. Cost of Transmission of Energy: each.
2. Cost of Fuel:
3. Cost of Land and Taxes:
4. Requirement of Space:
5. Availability of Site for Water Power:
6. Storage Space for Fuel:
7. Transportation Facilities:
8. Availability of Cooling Water:
9. Disposal of Ash:
10. Pollution and Noise:
11. Nature of Load:
12. Reliability of Supply:

d) State any four applications of diesel power plant. 4 marks

Ans.- 1 marks
1. Diesel power plants are suitable for mobile power generation and they are widely used each

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in transportation system such as rail,ships etc.
2. They can be used as pick load plants for some other types of power plants,
3. They can be used as emergency power plants I.e stand by power plant .
4. They can be used in small scale industries .
5. They can be used for small nursery station.
6. They can be used as small capacity central stations .
e) A power station has two 40 MW units each running for 7000 hours a year and one 04 MARK
20MW unit running for 1500 hours a year .The energy produced per year is 700 x 106
KWh. Calculate : I) Plant Load Factor ii) Plant use factor
Ans. -
Given Data-
Energy produced per year = 700 x 106 KWh
Plant 1 capacity = 2 X 40 MW
Running Hour = 7000 hr/ year
Plant 2 Capacity = 20 MW
Running Hour = 1500 hr / year
Annual Energy production = Avg Load x 24 x 365

700 X 106 = Average load X 24 X 365

= Average load X 8760
Average load = 700 X 106 / 8760
1 mark
= 79.90 MW
Plant capacity = (40 X 2) + 20
= 100 MW 1 mark
Assume maximum demand = Plant capacity
Maximum demand = 100 MW
Plant Load factor = Average Load / Maximum Demand

= 79.90 / 100 1 mark

Plant load factor = 0.799

Plant Use Factor = Annual Energy production / ( Plant Capacity X Running Hour )
1 mark
= 700 X 103 / [ (2 X 40 X 7000) + (1 X 20 X 1500)]
Plant Use Factor = 1.186

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
5 Attempt any two
A Draw a neat sketch of ‘Benson Boiler’. Explain its constructional details.

03 Marks
for Diagram
with label

Construction Details: Benson Boiler is a high pressure, drum less, supercritical, water tube
steam boiler with forced circulation. This boiler was invented in the year 1922 by Mark Benson.
This boiler is a supercritical boiler in which the feed water is compressed to a supercritical
pressure and this prevents the formation of bubbles in the water tube surface. The bubbles do 03 Marks for
not form because at supercritical pressure the density of water and steam becomes the same. It construction
was Mark Benson who first proposed the idea to compress the water at supercritical pressure
before heating into the boiler and due to this the latent heat of water reduces to zero. As the
latent heat of water reduces to zero the water directly changes into steam without the formation
of bubbles.
1. Air Preheater
It preheats the air before entering into the furnace. The preheated air increases the burning
efficiency of the fuel.
2. Economiser
It heats the water to a certain temperature.

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3. Radiant Superheater
It is superheater that heats the water with radiation produced by the burnt fuel. It raises the
temperature to supercritical temperature.
4. Convection Evaporator
It evaporates the superheated water and converts them into steam. It does so by the convection
mode of heat transfer to the water from the hot flue gases.
5. Convection Superheater
It superheats the steam to the desired temperature (nearly 650 degree Celsius).
6. Furnace
It is the place where the fuel is burnt.
7. Feed Pump
It is used to supply the water inside the boiler at supercritical pressure of 225 bars.
B Draw a Schematic diagram of boiler feed water control system. State its importance in thermal
power plant.

03 Marks
for Diagram
with label

Importance of feed water control system:

1) Safe and efficient steam production relies on excellent control of the water level. 03 Marks
2) controls the supply of feed water to the boiler for
3) Multi stage cavitation free control
4) Number of stages designed for particular application
5) Superior range ability
6) Tight shut off
7) Easy maintenance
8) No separate start up valve needed

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
C State different types of nuclear reactors. Explain working of boiler water reactor with neat
Ans: Types of nuclear reactors:
1) Pressurized water reactor (PWR)
2) Boiling water reactor (BWR)
3) Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) 2 Marks for
types of
4) Advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR)
5) Light Water Reactors (LWRs)


02 Marks
for Diagram
with label

Working of BWR: Figure shows a simplified BWR. Light water, which acts as the coolant and 02 Marks
for working
moderator, passes through the core where boiling takes place in the upper part of the core. The wet
steam then passes through a bank of moisture separators and steam dryers in the upper part of the
pressure vessel. The water that is not vaporized to steam is recirculated through the core with the
entering feed water using two recirculation pumps coupled to jet pumps (usually 10 to 12 per
recirculation pump). The steam leaving the top of the pressure vessel is at saturated conditions of
7.2 MPa and 278°C.
The steam then expands through a turbine coupled to an electrical generator. After
condensing to liquid in the condenser, the liquid is returned to the reactors as feedwater. Prior to

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entering the reactor, the feedwater is preheated in several stages of feedwater heaters. The
balance of plant systems (Example: Turbine generator, feed water heaters) are similar for both
PWR and BWRs.

6 Attempt any two

A Explain with neat sketch working principle of fluidized bed combustion (FBC) boiler.

03 Marks
for Diagram
with label

Working: The traditional grate fuel firing systems have got limitations and are techno-
economically unviable to meet the challenges of future. Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler has
emerged as a viable alternative and has significant advantages over conventional firing system and
offers multiple benefits -compact boiler design, fuel flexibility, higher combustion efficiency and
reduced emission of noxious pollutants such as SOx and NOx. The fuels burnt in these boilers
03 Marks
include coal, washery rejects, rice husk, bagasse & other agricultural wastes. The Fluidized Bed for Working
Combustion Boiler have a wide capacity range of 0.5 T/hr to over 100 T/hr.
When the high velocity gas is passed through a packed bed of finely divided solid particles, the
particles become suspended in the gas stream and the packed bed becomes a fludised bed. When
the gas velocity is very high, the fludised bed become turbulent and rapid mixing of particles
occurs. Ultimately, the behavior of mixture of solid particles and gas become a fluid. Burning of a
fuel in such a state is known as Fludised Bed Combustion. The boiler plant using this fludised bed
combustion is known as fludised bed boilers.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
B Write standard maintenance procedure of ‘Gas power plant’
Planned A, B and C maintenance and unplanned maintenance of gas turbines and generators of
all types and types are carried out by our expert team and the supervisors of the manufacturer
with our tool containers.
During maintenance, occupational safety rules are applied at the highest standards as
required by our company policy. Our company provides trainings to its employees in certain
periods on this subject and ensures the awareness of each employee. Each employee is given the
authority to stop the work if an inconvenience occurs.
In addition, the unit received from the customer, all kinds of measures taken to
prevent loss of production in the schedule determined and delivered maintenance.
Maintenance of gas turbines:
 Disassembly and assembly with turbine noise enclosure instruments,
 Taking all measurements before disassembly of turbine and generator,
 Turbine rotor disassembly and assembly,
 Gas turbines rotor and stator maintenance,
 Turbine rotor chemical cleaning processes or sand blasting of blades with dry ice,
 Eye control and maintenance of combustion chambers, change of ceramics and nozzles
(burner), 02 Marks
 Disassembly, maintenance and assembly of turbine valves,
 Hot-Gas Path maintenance,
 Fixed-moving wings change,
 Control and maintenance of turbine bearings,
 Crack tests,
 Compressor section maintenance,
 Air Intake section maintenance and filter changes,
 Turbine coupling adjustment,
 Oil tanks, oil pumps and oil heat exchangers maintenance, oil changes
 Maintenance of auxiliary systems
 Dismantling and installation of turbine insulation
Maintenance and planned maintenance of gas turbines generators of all sizes (air-cooled or
 Manufacturing of rotor disassembly apparatus,
 Rotor disassembly and assembly,

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 Generator rotor and stator chemical cleaning processes,
 Retaining ring disassembly and assembly, insulation control,
 Dismantling, maintenance and pressure tests of generator coolers,
 Control and maintenance of generator bearings,
 Generator warning system disassembly and maintenance,
 Generator, stator windings control, replacement and maintenance, 02 Marks

 Control and maintenance of rotor and stator insulation paints,

 Maintenance and installation of sealing rings,
 Maintenance of auxiliary systems,
 Meger test.
Maintenance of Gas compressors:
To service an air-cooled reciprocating compressor, perform the following steps every day, or after
every eight hours of use:
 Check the lubricant level to verify it never drops below the mid-range of the bayonet
gauge. If the lubricant becomes discolored, empty and refill it.
 Empty water out of the receiver tank.
 Visually inspect the compressor and verify the safeguards are in place.
 Check for leaks and vibrations.
Every week, or after every 40 hours of use, complete these maintenance tasks:
 Check the pressure relief valves.
 Clean the surfaces of the compressor and intercooler.
02 Marks
 Inspect the compressor and hoses for air leaks.
 Clean out the air intake filter.
 If you face humid or dusty weather, perform these steps twice each week, or after every
20 hours.
Follow these steps for periodic maintenance:
Monthly: After a month or 160 hours of use, inspect the belt tension inside the air compressor.
Quarterly: Every three months, or after every 500 hours of use, you should change the lubricant
and inspect the filter. If needed, change the oil filter. You should also inspect the torque on the
pulley nuts and screws.
Biannually: Every six months, or after every 1,000 hours of use, you should change the
compressor’s lubricant. You should also check valves for indications of leaks or carbon prints. In
addition, clean the crankcase and its strainer screen. Examine the motor-area contact points and
pressure switch diaphragm.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
C A Power plant has following factors
Peak Load = 35 MW
Connected Load = 15,10,5,7 MW
Capacity = 40 MW
Annual Load factor = 50%
(i) Average Load
(ii) Energy supplied
(iii) Demand Factor

1) Annual load factor = 50% = 50 / 100 = 0.5
2) Average load = Peak load x Annual load factor
= 35 x 0.5
02 Marks
Average load = 17 MW
3) Energy Supplied = Energy produced in a year
= Average load x No. of hours in a year
= 17 x 8760 MWH
Energy Supplied = 148 x 106 KWH
02 Marks
4) Connected Load = 15 + 10 + 5 + 7
= 37 MW
5) Demand Factor = Peak Load / Connected Load
= 35 / 37
Demand Factor = 0.945
02 Marks

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