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1. Knowing the effects of alcohol on the human body is important for several reasons.

Alcohol affects the body in various ways, depending on the amount and frequency of
consumption. It slows down the brain and central nervous system, impairing coordination,
reflexes, mood, memory, and self-control. It also dehydrates the body and causes headaches,
nausea, and vomiting. Alcohol can damage the liver, kidneys, bladder, and prostate,
increasing the risk of inflammation, infection, cancer, and organ failure¹. Alcohol is a central
nervous system depressant, which means it slows brain functioning. Short-term effects of
alcohol use include slurred speech, loss of coordination, and lowered inhibitions. Alcohol
abuse, including binge drinking and excessive alcohol use, can lead to dependency and
alcoholism (alcohol use disorder). Frequent and heavy drinking associated with alcohol abuse
and alcoholism increases the risk of disease, cancer, and other long-term effects on your
body. What Does Alcohol Do To Your Body? | Effects Of Alcohol On The
Body (arkbh.com)
2. To stop climate change, we need to stop the amount of greenhouse gases, like carbon
dioxide, from increasing. For the past 150 years, burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests,
which naturally pull carbon dioxide out of the air, has caused greenhouse gas levels to
increase. Many of these solutions are already being implemented in places around the world.
Some can be tackled by individuals, such as using less energy, riding a bike instead of
driving, driving an electric car, and switching to renewable energy. Other actions to mitigate
climate change involve communities, regions, or nations working together to make changes,
such as switching power plants from burning coal or gas to renewable energy and growing
public transit.

Use less electricity.Taking steps to use less electricity, especially when it comes from
burning coal or gas, can take a big bite out of greenhouse gas emissions.

Generate electricity without emissions. Renewable energy sources include solar energy,
geothermal energy, wind turbines, ocean wave and tidal energy, waste and biomass
energy, and hydro power.

Travel without making greenhouse gases. Most of the ways we have to get from place to
place currently rely on fossil fuels: gasoline for vehicles and jet fuel for planes. Burning
fossil fuels for transportation adds up to 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions
worldwide. We can reduce emissions by shifting to alternative technologies that either
don’t need gasoline (like bicycles and electric cars) or don’t need as much (like hybrid

How Do We Reduce Greenhouse Gases? | Center for Science Education

3.There are many reasons why people today die younger than before. Some of the reasons are
preventable, while others are not. Many younger people are dying due to accidents, injuries,
conflicts, violence, infections, poor nutrition, pregnancy, non-communicable diseases such as
cancer or suicide¹. Studies suggest that “despair deaths” such as alcoholism, drugs, and
suicide are a big part of the problem¹. New technologies can harms us without noticing it.
There are technologies like mobile phone that really affect our health especially our eye sight
that can lead to early stage of dying.

4.Improper waste removal and disposal can have many negative effects on the
environment. These include;
1. Soul Contamination. Contamination of the soil often occurs whenever waste ends up on
the soil. Soil contamination which is seen as the alteration of the soil quality is the No. 1
major problem caused by improper waste removal and disposal.

2. 2.Air Pollution. Air pollution is a major issue worldwide, and an understanding of how
improper waste disposal affects the environment through air pollution is necessary.
Obnoxious odor is released from waste disposed of in the environment which alters the air
quality within the region where the waste is disposed of.

3. Plant Death. Contaminants in soil, air, and water have horrible effects on plants, as soil
with contaminants will kill most plants leading to poor crop yield. Even if there are no
contaminants in the soil, the water brought by the rain can be toxic to plants and kill them.

4.Water Contamination. Industries and individuals have been discovered to dispose of waste
on water bodies or waterways such as gutters. This makes the water unsafe and unfit for
aquatic life, consumption purposes, and swimming. This process is known as water pollution.

5. Animal and Marine Death. Plants are not the only things that suffer when it comes to
improperly disposed waste in the environment; both land and sea animals die from
waste left around

6. Global Warming. Nowadays, we are suffering environmental dilemmas such as global

warming, extreme temperature, etc. One of the causes of this problem is the
misbehavior of people toward waste management.
7. Loss of Habitats. Every animal has a range of environments it can thrive and survive. This
is why we only see specific species in certain locations or regions. However, waste
contributes to global climate change, which changes the size of the habitats animals need to

8. Flooding. Flooding can occur as a natural disaster as well as human-induced.

9. Climate Change. The breakdown of waste emits gases that rise to the atmosphere and
trap heat. These gases are known as greenhouse gases. A huge issue that comes from all
forms of pollution is the contribution and impact it has on the global climate

10. Extreme Weather.Climate change has also caused a gradual increase in the
frequency of extreme weather and natural disasters. Greenhouse gases are one of the
major culprits behind the extreme weather changes that the world is experiencing.

Top 10 Negative Effects of Improper Waste Disposal to the Environment

- Environment Go!
5. There are several ways to recycle food waste in an environmentally friendly way.
Here are some tips:
1. Composting - This is an easy way to recycle waste eco-friendly. You can compost your
food waste in an enclosed system with garden waste, where it will decompose at high
temperatures. You can also use a worm farm to turn your leftovers into nutrient-rich fertilizer.

2. Donate your unused food to food banks or charities.

3. Purchase or create a compost container with an open bottom, where you can layer your
food scraps with soil, leaves, and newspaper.

4. Offer your waste to local farmers for composting.

5. Contribute your scraps to a neighbor’s compost pile.

6. Recycle your waste in your area’s organic waste facility.

7. Adopt a healthier, more sustainable diet.

8. Buy only what you need and plan your meals.

9. Buy 'ugly' fruit and vegetables.

10. Rearrange your fridge.

give some environmental friendly ways to recycle food waste - Search

6. Landfills can have negative impacts on the environment and human health. These
impacts include-
 Methane released due to decomposing waste is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to
global climate change1.
 Air pollutants escaping from the landfill can cause respiratory problems in people who
live close to the landfill1.
 Large landfills, on average, decrease the value of the land adjacent to it by 12.9%2.
 Landfills bring hazards such as odor, smoke, noise, bugs, and water supply
 Minority and low-income areas are more likely to find themselves home to landfills and
hazardous waste sites2.
how do landfill affect human - Search (bing.com)

7.The causes of acid rain are Sulphur and Nitrogen particles which get mixed with the
wet components of rain. Sulphur and Nitrogen particles which get mixed with water are
found in two ways either man-made i.e as the emissions that are given out from industries or
by natural causes like lightning strike in the atmosphere releasing nitrogen oxides and
volcanic eruptions releasing sulphur oxide.

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, which considers him the “father of acid rain,”
the word acid rain was invented in 1852 by Scottish chemist Robert Angus Smith. Smith
decided on the word while studying rainwater chemistry near industrial towns in England and
Scotland. The regular clean rain we experience, even though it is not clean i.e water and
carbon dioxide react together to form weak carbonic acid which essentially by itself is not
extremely harmful.

Effects of Acid Rain

 Acid rain is very harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. It washes away all
nutrients which are required for the growth and survival of plants. Acid rain affects
agriculture by the way it alters the composition of the soil.

 It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans.

 When acid rain falls down and flows into the rivers and ponds it affects the aquatic
ecosystem. It alters the chemical composition of the water, to a form which is actually
harmful to the aquatic ecosystem to survive and causes water pollution.
 Acid rain also causes the corrosion of water pipes, which further results in leaching of
heavy metals such as iron, lead and copper into drinking water.

 It damages the buildings and monuments made up of stones and metals.

Acid Rain - Definition, Causes, Effects, Examples, Prevention ,

FAQS and Videos of Acid Rain. (byjus.com)

8.The seven most common types of garbage are:

1. Liquid or Solid Household Waste. This can be called ‘municipal waste’ or ‘black bag
waste’ and is the type of general household rubbish we all have. It can be both liquid or solid.

2. Hazardous Waste. This type of waste is dangerous to human health or the environment.
Examples include batteries, pesticides, and chemicals.

3. Medical/Clinical Waste. This type of waste is generated by healthcare facilities and

includes items such as needles, syringes, and other medical equipment.

4. Electrical Waste (E-Waste). This type of waste includes electronic devices such as
computers, televisions, and mobile phones.

5. Recyclable Waste. This type of waste can be recycled and includes items such as paper,
cardboard, glass, and plastic.

6. Construction & Demolition Debris. This type of waste is generated by construction sites
and includes materials such as concrete, wood, and bricks.

7. Green Waste. This type of waste includes organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings,
and food scraps.¹⁴

give the seven common types of garbage - Search (bing.com)

9.Some of the current environmental issues in the Philippines are;
1. Air Pollution. Over the course of the year, air pollution has become particularly
problematic in the Philippines. Going by World Health Organization’s health and
environment scorecard, the country records an annual mean of 24 micrograms per
cubic metre (µg/m³) for fine particulate matter, significantly surpassing the
recommended maximum level of 5 µg/m³. For the most part, air pollution in the
Philippines stems from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil. Considering that 53%
of the population is without access to clean fuels and technology for cooking, this is
bound to further exacerbate air quality in the long run.
2. 2. Plastic Pollution. Among the environmental issues in the Philippines is also plastic
pollution, a particularly severe problem for the country. Evident by the World Bank’s
use of the word ‘staggering’ to describe the situation in the Philippines, an insufficient
waste management system, coupled with a high dependence on single-use plastics set the
scene for the country’s annual generation of 2.7 million tons of plastic waste. Much like
any rapidly developing country, the Philippines faces unsustainable plastic consumption
due to an inefficient recycling system. Estimates show that the country loses
around US$890 million to unrecycled plastic products

3. Marine Pollution As the third-largest contributor to marine plastics, marine

pollution accounts for one of the most pressing environmental issues in the Philippines.
Considering that the country generates over 2 million tons of plastic waste every year, the
World Bank reports that an estimated 20% of this waste ends up in the sea. Depicting the state
of marine pollution in the Philippines, Theresa Lazaro, the country’s Foreign Affairs
Undersecretary, cited reports that “there would be more plastics than fish by 2050, while
oceans would be overheated and acidified if people fail to act now”. For this reason, marine
pollution also endangers biodiversity in the Philippines.

4. Sea Level Rise. Floods have been recurrent in the Philippines in 2022. On Christmas
day alone, erratic rains trigger devastating flooding in Northern Mindanao and the
Vasayas region that killed at least 51 people. This comes at the back of the country
topping this year’s World Risk Index, which assesses sea level rise (a cause of coastal
flooding) as one of its indicators. In line with the problem, Earth.Org’s projection shows
that residents of the country’s capital city, Manila, will be displaced by 2100 if the
current trend continues. At the moment, Manila is already subsiding at 20 millimetres
per year, surpassing the mean sea level rise almost tenfold.

4 Biggest Environmental Issues in the Philippines in 2023 | Earth.Org

10. As a college student, the thing that I would do is to educate my self . They say that
knowing is half the battle, which is why being educated on the effects of climate change goes
a long way. While advocating for change and getting involved is important, it is vital that you
know the reasons behind doing so. Knowing will help you be able to make more informed
decisions and make sustainable changes in your behavior and lifestyle. Taking the time to get
involved in conservation efforts in your area is a great way you can help fight climate change.
Taking the time to get involved in conservation efforts in your area is a great way you can
help fight climate change. Working with student or local groups to organize and institute
changes in your community can really help in the long term. Not only that, but working with
local groups is a great way to get connected to larger groups.

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