Literature Review On Delinquency

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When it comes to academic writing, one of the most challenging tasks can be crafting a

comprehensive literature review. Particularly when delving into a complex and nuanced subject like
delinquency, the task becomes even more daunting. A literature review requires not only thorough
research but also the ability to synthesize and analyze a vast array of sources, drawing connections
and identifying gaps in existing knowledge.

The process of writing a literature review on delinquency involves extensive reading, critical
thinking, and meticulous organization. Researchers must sift through countless studies, articles, and
other scholarly works to gather relevant information and insights. Moreover, they must critically
evaluate each source, assessing its credibility, relevance, and contribution to the topic at hand.

Compiling all this information into a coherent and cohesive narrative requires careful planning and
structuring. Authors must determine the most effective way to present the literature, organizing it
thematically, chronologically, or by other meaningful categories. They must also ensure that their
review not only summarizes existing research but also offers fresh perspectives and contributes to the
ongoing scholarly discourse on delinquency.

Given the complexity and demands of writing a literature review on delinquency, many researchers
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The goal in these types of programs is to improve the youth’s individual and peer competency
through helping youth to effectively recognize and regulate their emotions and enhance
communication skills (2012). Retributive theories focus on punishing criminals because they deserve
it. The basic goal of the study is to Findings of the study revealed that the delinquents belong to age
group of 16-18 years were more probable to commit crimes as compare to those with adolescents
ages. The situation of Tamil nadu points out to the vulnerable conditions of children in conflict with
law that need to be addressed urgently. Preventing juvenile delinquency in India requires a multi-
pronged approach that includes addressing poverty, improving education and family support
systems, and implementing effective juvenile justice policies. Cachedsome degree to speak of
different types of delinquency. Children exposed to certain risk factors at school, home, in their
communities, and with their peers are at a higher risk of becoming juvenile offenders (Greenwood,
2008). The educational and residential climate in which the minors live marks significant differences
between resilient and nonresilient minors. Download Free PDF View PDF Research on Protecting
the Rights of Child Offender.docx Nasimul Hasan Sihad Delinquency is the criminal behavior
usually of young people and juvenile is connected with young persons who are not yet adults. Setting
up automatic payments and regularly monitoring your credit can help you avoid late payments and
spot any that were inaccurately years Late payments remain on a credit report for up
to seven years from the original delinquency date — the date of the missed payment. Juveniles who
have suffered from maltreatment or more likely to participate in violent delinquency. First, the
various types of abuse and the effect on delinquency are discussed. The article’s implications for
criminological, as well as multidisciplinary, research are discussed.” (Smangs,Mattias), p.609. As the
problem continues to thrive, researchers and policymakers are seeking to understand the most
effective method of preventing criminal behavior among young people. Prevention programs seek to
address youth who may be identified as being at risk for delinquent behavior. By continuing, you
agree to our Terms and Conditions. The socio-economic profile, factors behind the delinquency, the
rehabilitative mechanisms and its effectiveness were analyzed by using the secondary data from
Abdulla jail, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). There are many risk factors for juvenile delinquency, but some
of the biggest include poverty, family dysfunction, and peer pressure. In addition, over 50 percent of
adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder also exhibit the symptoms that meet criteria for
depression (Kofler, et al., 2006). Majority of the juvenile delinquents were literate and living with
their parents. Making this a very useful source, helping to enlighten my readers about the way in
which pre-judging an individual forces them to manifest themselves into these labels. Completely
disregarding what this could do to our children’s self esteem. Several state programme attempt early
intervention and prevention and independent groups in communities have taken initiatives to tackle
the problem in new ways. As such, it could be argued that prevention programs where there is
significant focus on this population in either explaining or understanding risk factors is relevant. Leia
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Inspite of the presence of that welfare law for such children, there is a rise in the number of Juvenile
offenders across the country. Juvenile depression symptoms were used to predict patterns of age
related changes in delinquency. This was the focus of a study of a prevention program that took
place in a rural community in North Carolina that looked at youth in the fourth to sixth grades. This
research project makes evident that there are peculiarities in young delinquents as a specific group,
that is, in what concerns their perceptions and individual, social, behavioural and familial
characteristics. Female have a higher increase with chances symptoms between the ages of 11-15.
Based on the biblical view, children are born rebellious, exposed to evil, and are not as innocent as
many people tend to think. Each of these factors can influence a juvenile's behavior in different
ways. Hence, we created a research project aimed at answering some questions about the antisocial
phenomenon that still lack enlightening, especially regarding potential explaining variables such as
social skills, self-concept, personality, family environment and socioeconomic status. For instance,
children whose parents or siblings engage in criminal activities or are at risk of developing a criminal
history are at a high risk of showing delinquent behaviors. Technically punishment is a decrease in
the rate of a behavior. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper.
Females who have suffered from maltreatment are just as likely or more likely to participate in
delinquent behavior then males. With the persona that they’re already looked at as bad so they might
as well live up to that label. Being reprimanded or lectured is something many children would like to
avoid.Hand slapping or grabbing. There was also the premise that increased parent involvement
would be a factor in reducing the risk of delinquency (2007). Download Free PDF View PDF
Research Paper on Comparitive Study Of Juvenile Delinquency Nirbhay Gupta Download Free PDF
View PDF Sub-Culture of Juvenile Delinquency in India ADR Indexing, CICIEL DEWAN DEWAN
Juvenile delinquency is one the major problem to which India is subjected to, a social evil that put
the future of the country at stake. They housed youth with traits of delinquency, or those who were
incorrigible. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and
requirements from scratch. The explanation is very much in agreement with research findings because
the study found that (group of same-age people) has social influence on child behavior, most of the
people in this study who responded agreed that they spend most of the time with their friends and
also blamed them for their negative personality. Professional adults who notice symptoms of
depression, bipolar, and maltreatment in juveniles and then work with them in some cases can
prevent the delinquent behavior. Aggression at this age puts the child at higher risk of severe juvenile
delinquency and also antisocial behavior in adulthood. We’ll occasionally send you promo and
account related email. Juvenile depression symptoms were used to predict patterns of age related
changes in delinquency. One of the risk factors of delinquent juvenile behavior is academic
performance. No matter the kind of parenting that parents may employ, every child tends to become
rebellious at some point in life. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Specifically, males have the higher rate of reported delinquent behavior in comparison to females.
Mentioning how originally children between the ages of 7-14 were thought to be incapable of
committing a criminal act, in having factual evidence about how this thought was quickly changed.
While infants may be considered innocent, their blamelessness lies in their bodies and mind (Color,
2017). Making this a very useful source, helping to enlighten my readers about the way in which pre-
judging an individual forces them to manifest themselves into these labels. By continuing, you agree
to our Terms and Conditions. Most crimes require that three essential elements be present: a criminal
act (actus reus), criminal intent (mens rea), and a concurrence of the previous two elements.To get out
of delinquency completely and become current on your account, you must pay the total of your
missed minimum payments plus the current month's minimum. Proving the phenomenon that “birds
of a feather flock together.” also known as “the social disability model” and the “social ability
model” (Hansell and Wiatrowski 1981) Theories embracing the social ability model, for example,
differential association theory (Sutherland 1992), sub-culture theory (Cohen 1955) and social
learning theory (Akers 1998) posit that delinquent behavior, like all forms of behavior, is learned
through social interaction with others.” P.610. Building on the Past to Design Future Courts of
Excellence. Many feel the flaw in this approach is that it doesn't address rehabilitation or recidivism,
the latter of which tends to remain high in societies that practice incapacitation.There are many
examples of negative punishment in everyday life.
Through a bibliographical research, the conceptions of identity, mechanisms of domination and
bureaucratization of the process, all inserted in the kafkian context, were analyzed, bringing to the
Law the presuppositions for the epistemological revaluation. Juvenile delinquency prevention
programs have expanded in great numbers across the country. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”,
you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. These researchers’ findings indicated that
community-based treatments such as MST are promising in meeting the needs of juvenile offenders
(2009). Adopting and implementing interventions to address the risk factors for youth’s engagement
in delinquency, while enhancing the protective factors can make a significant change in the lives of
juveniles. For instance, the North Land Project initiated in the six eastern counties of Minnesota
used a combination of parental involvement, classroom, and community-based interventions to
prevent the use of alcohol among the youth. In addition, over 50 percent of adolescents diagnosed
with conduct disorder also exhibit the symptoms that meet criteria for depression (Kofler, et al.,
2006). This paper will compare and contrast community-based programs, specifically family and
school-based interventions of preventing juvenile delinquency. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Teachers
were actively engaged with the children through monitoring of their conduct, home visits with the
child and family and monthly parent meetings to increase parental involvement and support (Fagan
and Castalano, 2012). Solving this issue by starting with the ways in which police officers deal with
young offenders. Going in depth on how the proportion of juveniles in a population, will begin to
make the amount of recurring crime in that area rise. Some basic steps that should be taken to prevent
child delinquency include increasing the awareness among parents. Juvenile delinquency prevention
has its best expected results when there are strategies in place to understand the fundamental
predictors to delinquency. In the research study two explanations Merton’s Stain Explanation (of
why something works or happens the way it does) and Sutherland Differential Association
Explanation (of why something works or happens the way it does) were found the most suited to
explain the patterns of why young people commit crimes. This article focused on such approach
along with a logistic understanding of the nature of the origin and culture of juvenile delinquencies.
What is the best strategy in preventing delinquency. Thus, it was possible to conclude that the legal
disenchantment in Kafka is also verifiable in the legal field, since it is a reflection of social factors.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. As the problem continues to thrive, researchers and policymakers are
seeking to understand the most effective method of preventing criminal behavior among young
people. Most crimes require that three essential elements be present: a criminal act (actus reus),
criminal intent (mens rea), and a concurrence of the previous two elements.To get out of delinquency
completely and become current on your account, you must pay the total of your missed minimum
payments plus the current month's minimum. What are the three common theories for juvenile
delinquency Three major sociological traditions, including structural functionalism, symbolic
interactionism, and conflict theory, contribute to the explanation of delinquency.Most crimes require
that three essential elements be present: a criminal act (actus reus), criminal intent (mens rea), and a
concurrence of the previous two elements. Half of the information in this discussion is opinionated
however the other half is factually based on the sources provided. Arrest before 14 years are less
likely to become adult offenders later in life. Dr. Andrejs Judins, senior researcher of the Centre for
Public Policy Providus. 22.10. 2010. Criminal Law: Juveniles. There are two types of punishment,
positive and negative. What is JDCA. Statewide assessment of delinquency court system Assess
delinquency court’s processes and needs. The relationship between juvenile and adult crimes were
also compared. Focusing more on teaching these student life and people skills. If the nature and the
origin of a juvenile is understood than it is more beneficial to construct an approach not just to cure
the social evil of delinquencies but also to campaign some preventions measure so as to stop such
activities from its very root of origin.
Teachers were actively engaged with the children through monitoring of their conduct, home visits
with the child and family and monthly parent meetings to increase parental involvement and support
(Fagan and Castalano, 2012). As the different amount of juvenile crimes that happened in towns
were compared to those same crimes happening in counties. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”,
you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. A different margin was delineated between
child and adult merely where it was convenient for the exception to benefit from the influential
classes. There are three categories of juvenile delinquency: delinquency, criminal behavior, and status
offenses. For someone to be convicted of a crime (and face the consequences associated with that
conviction), there must be evidence proving the defendant committed each element of said crime.
Additionally, preventing criminal behavior among the youth not only saves lives from being wasted,
but also saves taxpayers’ money by reducing the costs incurred during arrests, prosecutions, and
treatment of juvenile offenders. A review of four juvenile delinquency programs is presented below
for consideration. It is reported that there is a higher rate of males using substance from a two parent
home, and a lower rate of males coming from a single-parent home. This paper will compare and
contrast community-based programs, specifically family and school-based interventions of
preventing juvenile delinquency. It was possible to verify,, among other aspects, the need and
importance for actions and programs driven both to prevention and treatment of these adolescents.
The social support relations that ensure a smooth transition from childhood to adulthood are no
longer functional (Brook, et al., 2013). Issues such as unemployment, inadequate housing facilities,
absence of social services, local authority disintegration, irrelevant educational systems, and peer
pressure are some of the challenges facing the 21st century youth. Juvenile antisocial manifestations
should be understood by taking into account the conjugate (perspective of multiple causality) of
individual psychological, social, cultural factors. While these labels are highly variant, a common
theme exists: all exhibit behaviors that run contrary to societal values and rules.” p.387 Discussing
how school systems have various different programs that allows them to keep the youth that have
some form of impard learning ability mainstream and included within the school subjects. According
to Greenwood (2008), preventing misconduct averts the onset of adult criminal careers thereby
reducing the burden of a felony on victims and the society. Secondly, to compensate for these
disabilities, the child may engage in delinquent behavior. Thus the approach to juvenile justice should
be then beyond “duty based” attitudes and should embark upon a “right based” orientation for the
societies in transition. Biblical principles guide both school and community-based programs.
Proverbs 23: 24 says, “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who sires a wise son
will be glad in him.” The children that people expect to bring joy, happiness, love, and satisfaction to
their parents, teachers, and neighbors sometimes bring shame, sadness, and disappointments (Color,
2017). Moreover, they involve a coordinated set of mutually reinforcing preventive interventions
throughout the community. Report this Document Download now Save Save Truancy Literature
Review For Later 100% (5) 100% found this document useful (5 votes) 2K views 17 pages Truancy
Literature Review Uploaded by Farhana Izzatie AI-enhanced description Truancy is defined as
unexcused absences from school by a minor. Therefore, the church, parents, and community have the
responsibility of guiding the youth and showing them the right direction to follow. Juveniles
especially females who display depressive symptoms are at greater risk of developing and or
partaking in delinquent behaviors. What are the prevention programs of juvenile delinquency in the
Philippines. For example, if a child bites other children, the parent could deliver a stern reprimand
after each biting episode.This includes incarceration in prison, house arrest and, in its more dire
form, execution. The four factors that affect juvenile delinquency are: family, peers, community, and
school. The general notion of children as a “protected species” is a relatively contemporary fact that
developed nearly in the second half of the eighteenth century. Robert Mueller Director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation Getting Started. Schoolteachers increased their use of interactive teaching
skills, cooperative learning strategies and proactive classroom management as part of the program
(2012). Over the years, juvenile delinquency prevention programs have increased exponentially.
Download Free PDF View PDF Research on Protecting the Rights of Child Offender.docx Nasimul
Hasan Sihad Delinquency is the criminal behavior usually of young people and juvenile is connected
with young persons who are not yet adults.
Similarly, a discussion on socio-educational measures and life projects as protective factors that can
promote greater social integration is carried out. The development of child psychiatry has shown the
importance of certain childhood disorders in causing minor emotional distress or disorders of
conduct, which affect the community. Facebook Demo Facebook Demo My Instagram Feed Demo
My Instagram Feed Demo Proud Partners. The anomie theory was first written in the 1940s by
Robert Merton. The paper analyses the viability of the mechanism proposed by the new measure. The
results indicated that the offences made by the delinquents were primarily due to the combination of
various individual and environmental variables, viz. The Multi-site Violence Prevention Program
targeted a majority of African American middle school students from low-income families (2012).
Positive punishment involves the introduction of a stimulus to decrease behavior while negative
punishment involves the removal of a stimulus to decrease behavior. The article’s implications for
criminological, as well as multidisciplinary, research are discussed.” (Smangs,Mattias), p.609. In
nutshell, our educational institutions and family environment should be peaceful, happy, and
prosperous to provide healthy socialization to the juveniles. This study proposed that if youth were
successful in school, then motivation and self-esteem would reduce risk of potential delinquent
behavior. The government justified the law as a measure which would have a deterrent effect on
potential juvenile offenders. Following are examples of three specific strategies. The educational and
residential climate in which the minors live marks significant differences between resilient and
nonresilient minors. Being reprimanded or lectured is something many children would like to
avoid.Hand slapping or grabbing. Your payment history on your credit report shows whether your
payments were made on time or late. Through a bibliographical research, the conceptions of identity,
mechanisms of domination and bureaucratization of the process, all inserted in the kafkian context,
were analyzed, bringing to the Law the presuppositions for the epistemological revaluation. Complex
interplay of a variety of biological, genetic, and environmental factors Further complicated by
various reactions to environmental factors. The judicial system offered few options and hence youth
regardless of the age and gender were confined together with hardened adult criminal and the
mentally challenged culprits in overcrowded penal institutions. Type 2 punishment: is removal of a
positive event after a behavior. Finally, the importance of recognizing and preventing juvenile
delinquency is addressed. The fundamental kinds of community oriented punishments comprise of
probation, residential and day-treatment programmers. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. Literature Review Do two things: 1) give your readers an overview of
sources you have explored while researching a particular topic or idea 2) demonstrate how your
research fits into the larger field of study, in this case, social work. Using studies such as Matsueda
1992); Triplett and Jarjoura 1994). However, service professionals working with juveniles should
heed and review the effectiveness of programs and determine if strategies are a good fit for the
client base that they are working with. Prevention equals treatment and treatment equals prevention.
Merton's theory explains that juvenile delinquency occurs because the juveniles do not have the
means to make themselves happy.In the US, crimes are generally broken down into two main
categories: Misdemeanors and felonies. The delayed advancement of it may be delineated not only in
economical entanglement but also in social typical one.

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