Cigarette Smoking Research Paper Introduction

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on Cigarette Smoking Research Paper Introduction

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis, especially on a complex topic like cigarette smoking, is
no small feat. The endeavor requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate
findings effectively. As aspiring scholars dive into the intricate world of tobacco-related studies, they
often encounter numerous challenges that can impede their progress.

One of the primary hurdles is the vast amount of existing literature on cigarette smoking. Navigating
through a sea of information to identify relevant studies, statistics, and theories can be
overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing these diverse sources into a coherent narrative that sets the
stage for a compelling research paper introduction demands a keen analytical mind and meticulous
attention to detail.

Another challenge lies in the ever-evolving nature of the field. Research on cigarette smoking is
continually expanding, with new studies, data, and perspectives emerging regularly. Staying updated
and incorporating the latest findings into a thesis requires dedication and a commitment to staying
abreast of the dynamic landscape of tobacco research.

Furthermore, the ethical implications of researching a topic like cigarette smoking can add an extra
layer of complexity. Balancing the need for unbiased exploration with sensitivity towards the social
and health-related issues associated with smoking demands a nuanced approach. Crafting a research
paper introduction that reflects a comprehensive understanding of these ethical considerations is
essential for producing a well-rounded thesis.

In light of these challenges, many students find themselves seeking assistance to ensure the success
of their thesis projects. For those navigating the complexities of cigarette smoking research, consider
the support and expertise offered by ⇒ ⇔. This platform is dedicated to providing
professional assistance, offering a lifeline to those who seek to overcome the hurdles of thesis

⇒ ⇔ understands the intricate nature of cigarette smoking research and the
difficulties associated with crafting an impactful introduction. By leveraging their team of
experienced writers and researchers, they can help streamline the process, allowing students to focus
on the core aspects of their academic journey. For those in search of a reliable partner in the thesis-
writing process, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a beacon of support, guiding individuals through
the challenges and complexities of exploring the world of cigarette smoking research.
Emphysema is a disease of the bronchioles and alveoli. Even to the extent that most teenagers start
smoking to gain acceptance and respect from their peers. Not so uncommon fact, the above statistics,
that was conducted in India in the year of 2008. Other stronger substances have produced prolonged
euphoria, hallucinogenic effects and much more potent and harmful than tobacco. The action you
just performed triggered the security solution. Proximal variables (for example, peer models for
alcohol use) directly implicate a particular behavior, whereas distal variables (for example, parental
support) are more remote in the causal chain and therefore require theoretical linkage to behavior.
Exposure to tobacco smoke, and especially carbon monoxide, is especially likely to be harmful to
people already suffering from chronic lung disease and heart disease. Of adolescents who have
smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime, most of them report that they would like to quit, but
are not able to do so. There are other methods that have been employed in other centuries, countries
and cultures like, bidi, cigar, hooka, bongs, pipes (used by red Indians and the British) and
vaporizers. A little nicotine makes smokers feel more energy and improve concentration. Carbon
monoxide in tobacco smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood this means less oxygen can
be transported to the organs. First effect of smoking is it will make smoker become addicted to it.
Why do so many students using cigarettes to under age. Dopamine is the same neurotransmitter that
is involved in addiction to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. One of the most surprising fact or
statistic that the authors of this research paper had come. I will also try to use a variety of sources in
helping me to complete my essay(internet, books, and science magazines). It raises blood pressure,
and damages the lining of the arteries. The control will of course not be influenced by warnings and
packaging as a function of tobacco legislation or government intrusion into consumer markets. Br
Med Bull. Int J Angiol. Smoking is associated with dose-related increase of intima-media thickness
and endothelial dysfunction. Powell J. Tobacco causes one-third of all male deaths in the middle age
group plus one-fifth in the old age group and is the cause of approximately one-half of all male
cancer deaths in the middle age group plus one-third in the old age group. The above statistics is
evident of the year 2005, however. Smoking of tobacco is one of the most dangerous drugs in the
health of the human being. A comprehensive analysis on cigarettes smoking and its determinants in
Bangla. Also, the authors of the paper have gone through a number of online communities, related to
the topic, for collecting sufficient content for the paper. Unlike other regulations of cigarettes such as
tax or promoting ban, this territorial smoking control sparked heated debates. So users therefore are
stuck in a vicious cycle, becoming more stressed and making the user less capable of dealing with
stress in any other way, which just adds to the mental instability and leading to poverty and
deprivation. Thus, the percentage of youngsters smoking is also quite immense. A various number of
websites and blogs, related to the topic have been checked and studied. The leaves are smoked and
affect majorly the brain by the chemicals released by the smoking called cannabanoids. This results in
higher blood pressure and heart rate which is the catalyst for many smoking related diseases. The
development of cancer is caused by damage to the genes.
Cigarette advertisements encourage regular smoking and increased consumption by integrating
smoking into activities and places where young adults’ lives change (e.g., leaving home, college,
jobs, the military, bars). Thus, there is no doubt that smokers are increasing day by day. If minor
smoking. abused the student under the age so many dying under the proper age. When we observe at
plants and animals and minerals, it is easy for us to see them transform, ingest, and transmit energy.
Sadly, sudden death may be the first sign of CHD and sudden death is four times more likely to
occur in young male cigarette smokers than in non-smokers. The improved mood after abstinence
from smoking was a “robust” finding. Dellinger says, “E-cigarettes often have a futuristic feel to
them and offer flavored juices that makes smoking more appealing,” and “eight in 10 users ages 12-
17 said they use flavored smoking products.” (PRG 5). Vapes usually leave behind a pleasant smell,
depending on what flavor of juice the user has chosen, such as fruit and candy flavors (Grazier PRG
10). Smoking is suspected to lower sperm count, cause erectile dysfunction and impotence. If the
smoker stops abruptly then there will be many psychological ramifications of this. Smoking damages
the human heart and interferes with normal blood circulation. So governments should make law to
stop producing cigarettes completely. Its atoms are able to combine together to make ring or chain
molecules. Cigarette smoking causes chronic diseases that appear at older ages, such as lung cancer,
as well as adverse health effects that occur in the short run. The. 8. Health Risks of Smoking
Tobacco Oct 28, 2020. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Once in the blood
stream the substance called nicotine travels to through the body and ultimately to the brain, affecting
the nerve ending by competing the acetylcholine receptors in the brain, heart and muscles, causing
increased heart rate, faster reflexes, mental clarity. Atheroma forms when nicotine causes the
platelets in the blood to become very sticky. According to the U. National Health Interview Survey,
quitters aged between 25 and 34 live longer for about ten years, 35 and 44 for about nine years, 45
and 54 for about six years, and 55 and 64 for about four years. Chad Heck, owner of Crown Vapors,
said that his business has up to 188 variations of flavors (Grazier PRG 11). It has been an increasing
concern about the effects of smoking in the family. It is characterised by structural changes in the
airways of the lungs and enlargement of the mucus glands(1). The findings of the paper are in the
form of statistics and infographic, collected from wide. Users of cigarettes receive nicotine when
smoking a burning cigarette. Without antioxidants in the bloodstream, or with lowered amounts, the
heart is more prone to disease. When too little blood reaches a part of the body, the condition is
called ischemia, when this occurs with the heart, it is called cardiac ischemia. In ancient times,
history has documented the presence of use of tobacco smoking in different civilizations; as part of
ceremonies and rituals in countries like China and Babylon. It is therefore only through quitting that
one would be free from the problems caused by smoking. The chemicals in tobacco have many
implications on the mental and emotional state of a person. Smoking is commonly done in the form
of cigarettes which is tobacco rolled in paper with an attached filter. I have learnt about the
irreversible nature of smoking and how second hand environmental smoke causes many of the
disease that you get directly from smoking a cigarette. Regular cigarettes are also very hard to quit
even if a person gets sick from them.
Most of the smokers protest passively, but there are some who are ready to active opposition in case
they feel their rights are being violated. These are called 'triggers', scientists believe that just like the
Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov who trained a dog to salivate at the ringing of a bell. Effects of
smoking essay Smoking lessens the amount of oxygen for the skin. All were given either a
“nicotinized” or a “denicotinized” cigarette following a positive mood trigger. It is composed of
carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and belongs to a group of compounds. Even if you plan to
quit nicotine entirely someday, switching now is a good idea. During the past year have you had any
upper respiratory infections. I will also try to use a variety of sources in helping me to complete my
essay(internet, books, and science magazines). Those who have smoked cigarettes since early
adulthood. Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 3. Again
using nicotinized and denicotinized cigarettes, they found that smokers do feel better after a
cigarette, but only when they haven’t smoked since the previous day. Carbon monoxide in tobacco
smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood this means less oxygen can be transported to the
organs. It also shows how the perceptions of the different cultures and their views have changed
with the research and development of ideologies of the revolutionized world including statistical
data and research articles, outlining all the harmful and negative effects of smoking. Media has
framed that the bold and the beautiful; the high and the mighty all smoke and if you want to be like
them then you need to do the same. An ex-smoker says that smoking cigarettes used to leave a nasty
smell on her clothes (Grazier PRG 6). Tar contains the carcinogen benzo(a) pyrene that is known to
trigger tumour development(cancer). Cigarette advertisements lure people into smoking and most
active smokers cause a great deal of harm to passive smokers as well. One may also quit by
controlling cravings of smoking by using nicotine replacement products which should be used based
on consultations with a doctor. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of stroke (5). Experts are
working their hardest to discover an answer on the effects of vaping versus smoking. The smoker
does not inhale all the chemicals from the lit cigarette. There, the poisonous gas is carried to your
muscles by the haemoglobin that is a substance in the blood that carries oxygen to your body parts so
they can work. Hence, this isn’t happening only in one particular country, but worldwide. According
to the U. National Health Interview Survey, quitters aged between 25 and 34 live longer for about
ten years, 35 and 44 for about nine years, 45 and 54 for about six years, and 55 and 64 for about four
years. Each day, between 82,000 and 99,000 young people around the world start smoking.Smoking
rates for youth climbed in the early 1990s, but have been slowly declining. The final cardiovascular
disease I like to highlight is aneurysm. As I mentioned before the cigarette is made up of many toxic
chemicals and carcinogens, but the three main most damaging constituents were nicotine, tar and
carbon monoxide. Vaping and the effects of vaping is an ongoing study, so there is no proven answer.
The findings of the paper are in the form of statistics and infographic, collected from wide. The
biological explanation for addiction is because the nicotine in the tobacco exerts its actions on
physiology and behaviour by binding to nicotinic receptors in the brain.
Some of the chemicals get into the air and pollute it. The chemicals in tobacco have many
implications on the mental and emotional state of a person. Nicotine alters the balance of chemicals
in your brain. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Smoking: A Statistical and
Infographical approach”, thus, consists of the information regarding the topic in a statistical and
graphical form, in an organised fashion, so as to make it easy for the reader to draw to the expected
conclusion and fulfill the aim of spreading awareness about ill-effects of smoking and its widespread
consequences. Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the foetus and may even result in
death. Tar contains the carcinogen benzo(a) pyrene that is known to trigger tumour
development(cancer). Smokers experience heightened stress between cigarettes, and so smoking
briefly restores their stress levels to normal. One interesting observation relates to the nature of lung
cancer, which has changed over the years with respect to the location and the types of lung tumours
observed in smokers. Nicotine is one of the worst chemicals in tobacco smoke, and it gives people
the feeling that they’re looking for in smoking cigarettes (The American Cancer Society PRG 2).
Breathlessness on exertion is eventually noticed due to obstruction to air flow in the air passages
caused by swelling of the bronchial and the presence of mucus that can't be cleared(5). Almost 20
per cent of Philippian teens (aged 12-19) currently smoke (daily or occasionally). According to the
U. National Health Interview Survey, quitters aged between 25 and 34 live longer for about ten
years, 35 and 44 for about nine years, 45 and 54 for about six years, and 55 and 64 for about four
years. As a result, changes in level of activity occur in a wide variety or nerve pathways within the
brain. Emphysema is a disease of the bronchioles and alveoli. Smoking tobacco has been shown to
be the most popular choice of recreational drug in the recent years, where there are over 1 billion
smokers in the world, and growing in number on a daily basis. Vapes do not contain tar or other
chemicals (Grazier PRG 8). “Vaping is cleaner than regular smokes, as there are no ashes, smoke
odor (the vapor odor depends on the flavor used in the device) and no butts to pitch outside.” said
Steven M. Grazier (PRG 8). The chemicals in tobacco smoke are very poisonous and toxic. Other
forms of smoking are inhalation practices in the form of incense sticks. Since 1998, more than 40
million pages of previously secret tobacco industry documents have been made available to the
public. Smoking affects the reproduction and the musculoskeletal system. Smoking can also cause
serious damages to the mouth and throat. Cancer biologists propose that the lungs of cigarette
smokers are similarly sensitive, and that lung cancer is caused by mutation of growth-regulating
genes by mutagenic chemicals within cigarette smoke(16). Smokers, in fact, look older than they
actually are because the blood vessels are partially obstructed and calcified. Cigarettes cause a
permanent change in the structure and the function of an organ system or a permanently increased
risk of suffering from a disease. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse
range of subjects and disciplines. Scientists has medically proven, now recognized and more widely
accepted that the reason people continue to smoke, despite the severe health risks smoking require, is
because nicotine is a highly addictive drug. Conventional behaviors are behaviors that are socially
approved, normatively expected, and codified and institutionalized as appropriate for adolescents.
From their research they found there are over 4000 chemicals in the cigarette and its smoke,
including 40 known carcinogens. This increases the risks of such conditions as cerebrovascular
disease damage to arteries supplying blood to the brainperipheral vascular disease damaged blood
vesselsstroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease.
We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without
extra help. The main biological effect that smoking causes is cancer. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention reported that adult male smokers lost an average of 13. This construct of ideas and
thoughts on paper is a good start but does non thoroughly define literature. When people smoke
regular cigarettes in public, they affect the environment by the smoke and toxic that is released from
burning their cigarettes. Other areas inflicted by smoking are the respiratory and cardiovascular
system, eyes and mouth, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and the reproductive system.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Many reports and investigations have been
carried out concerning the health risk of smoking. Research also shows that smokers are at a higher
risk of developing Renal (kidney) carcinomas, and compromised renal function. For all of these
reasons, our student-generated lab is pertinent and important, especially within our peer group. Gum
disease and tooth loss are also common among smokers. Hutchinson S. Yet, this decrease in youth
smoking may be misleading or overly optimistic if an appreciable proportion of smokers now initiate
or transition to daily smoking in early adulthood, particularly if that proportion is increasing over
time. I have also learnt that smoking has implications on the mental state and emotions of a person,
causing them to feel relieved and happy for a short period before a huge downswing of depression
sets in and they are left craving for their next cigarette. They are playing a serious game with life,
every time one takes a puff of. In smokers this gradual decline starts both from a lower baseline and
at an earlier age. To determine the validity of this statement I will consider the external factors that
may contribute to adolescents smoking cigarettes. Frequently, atherosclerosis is not confined to one
artery but may involve arteries in other areas as well. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of
preventable death and it’s responsible for 500,000 deaths per year. By nature, such studies are
expensive and will involve commitment of resources, time and substantial amounts of funds to obtain
meaningful results. There is evidence that quitting smoking at an early age (or never beginning)
greatly reduces any long-term detrimental health effects. However, carbon monoxide has a greater
affinity for binding to haemoglobin than does oxygen. From then on the harmful effects of smoking
were more closely examined and research was funded. Smokers suffer from decreased lung reserve,
which means they are unable to run or walk as far or as fast as people older then them who have
never smoked. Smoking can increase risk of feebleness, and can damage sperm by reducing sperm
count and casing testicular cancer (Team, ) negative effects caused by smoking, they usually
associate it with breathing problems and lung cancer. The practice was later spread further in the
world when the trading between the old and new world started. Carbon monoxide from cigarettes
competes with oxygen in the body causing hypoxia in the brain, muscles and organs. Almost all
people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day have some degree of emphysema(13). This is also
attributed to India’s large population. A little nicotine makes smokers feel more energy and improve
concentration. Using this latter definition, substances that have been abused in Kenya would include
antibiotics, anti-diarrhea, laxatives and pain-relieving drugs.
From their testing and studies they found that smoking was very likely causing many other
diseases(1). Research has shown that people who smoke have lower levels of concentration than
non-smokers, research has also proved that smoking lowers the mental performance of the smoker.
Doctors have been warning us of the dangers of smoking for decades. Using Computer-simulated
hydrological model (SWAT) to estimate the ground-wat. Each day, between 82,000 and 99,000
young people around the world start smoking.Smoking rates for youth climbed in the early 1990s,
but have been slowly declining. In regions like India and Sub-Saharan Africa, it merged with
existing. Although stroke is a disease of the brain, it can affect the entire body. The damage done to
smokers’ babies during pregnancy often is irreversible additionally; smoking during pregnancy is
associated with dire consequences for the baby as a fetus, as a newborn, and even as a child.
Another author has defined it as the unspecified use of a drug other than for legitimate purposes.
Still have any questions Danger of Smoking Paragraph Writing. Considering the various ill-effects of
smoking, it is very important that. The act of smoking has been so hyped with the advertising of
cigarettes as a requirement for being accepted in society or with your peers. Smoking Essay: The
Effects of Smoking on Health and Social Care Published by gudwriter on May 30, May 30, No
Bullshit. Secondhand smoke causes numerous lung cancer deaths annually. Breathlessness on
exertion is eventually noticed due to obstruction to air flow in the air passages caused by swelling of
the bronchial and the presence of mucus that can't be cleared(5). First effect of smoking is it will
make smoker become addicted to it. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction. The toxic
chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the artery walls, which then can initiate and increase the chance
of developing atherosclerosis, which cause fatty deposits and atherosclerotic plaque to build up in
the arteries, inhibiting the flood of blood leading to PVD. To me, it’s about alternatives to
combustible cigarettes which have the highest degree of harm. Each red blood cell contains a
complicated protein called haemoglobin; oxygen molecules are carried around the body by binding
onto this protein. Users of cigarettes receive nicotine when smoking a burning cigarette. An ex-
smoker says that smoking cigarettes used to leave a nasty smell on her clothes (Grazier PRG 6). It
can also cause many other cancers and health problems. 10. Smoking - Wikipedia Smoking is a
practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke is typically. Cigarette smoking is the
leading cause of preventable death and it’s responsible for 500,000 deaths per year. I believe that this
has to be considered as a huge cost of smoking because the smoker is not only killing herself slowly,
but has also given her child a disadvantage before they could do anything to help themselves. As we
are aware taxation on these products was ineffective and a waste of the governments resources and
time. It can be defined as any malignant growth or tumour caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell
division. Study the Harmfull Effect of Smoking among the Adult in the Rural Area of Nas. For
example during lunch breaks and after work smoking becomes like an autonomous action.

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