Research Paper Smoking

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Smoking and other forms of tobacco use provide a vivid illustration of how ethical considerations
can change over time as scientific evidence and the social, political, and economic dimensions of an
issue change. These receptors are large proteins spanning nerve cell membranes that normally
translate the external signal of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into an electric signal that affects
processes inside the nerve cell. Smoking has also been linked to lowering the risk of Parkinson’s
disease and some forms of heart attacks. Nicotine raises levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine
in parts of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward (8). They also cause the release of
other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite and memory. In order to
sustain the human machine, it is best for us to not do unnecessary things that harm and damage our
body. So the addiction to nicotine occurs because the brain compensates for the many changes
nicotine induces by making other changes. It effects of smoking essay into premature deaths that
could otherwise be prevented. As far as e-cigarettes are considered as less harmful than the
traditional tobacco cigarettes, there is a quite high number of people who regard e-cigarettes as a
safe alternative or even as aids for treatment from nicotine addiction. Emphysema is a crippling
disease, it can not be cured as the damage caused to the lungs is irreversible. This is a by-product of
both cigarette smoke and alcohol and has some sedative properties. Teens tend to participate in this
while out of the presence of an adult figure. This is a reason why “users and others may experience
secondhand or thirdhand exposures through direct physical contact with product components, or
inhaling secondhand aerosol” (Callahan-Lyon ii36). The particular cancers associated with, or caused
by smoking are lung, bladder, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, oral cavity and leukaemia. Free sample
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association with susceptibility to bladder, testicular and prostate cancer. It is essential to provide
individuals with the skills to develop healthy living. This paper depicts some of the techniques
adopted by the institute in relation to research and operations. People who don’t smoke but are
exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their risk of developing lung cancer by 20-
30%. Many smokers live today and they are not aware about what smoking can contribute to making
your life expectancy shorter. Nicotine is an example of an agonistic transmission. Other areas
inflicted by smoking are the respiratory and cardiovascular system, eyes and mouth, digestive system,
musculoskeletal system and the reproductive system. Vapes were supposed to be an alternative for
smokers, but a report in 2014 declared that 263,000 middle and high school students that had never
smoked before used vapes (Grazier PRG 20). Smoking and exposure second hand smoke are also
likely causes of several forms of cancer, but most commonly lung cancer and cervical cancer. It is an
obstructive lung disease, this is the name given to the lung conditions in which the passage of air is
restricted. It was then brought back form America to Europe when it then spread. Smoking affects
the reproduction and the musculoskeletal system. I surprisingly discovered the disturbing contents of
the cigarette, how it contains 40 known carcogens and many other poisonous chemicals.
They are at risk of having a stroke, it might sound silly, but it is completely possible. J Cigarette
smoking research paper pdf Coll Cardiol. Other countries which benefit socio-economically from the
culture of tobacco include Brazil; Malawi, in Africa; Canada; and the United States, especially the
state of Kentucky. The first and the most important fact is that e-cigarettes, even though they are less
harmful than the traditional tobacco cigarettes still can harm health. The types of warnings on the
packet are Smoking kills, Smoking causes cancer, and Smoking causes heart disease and Smoking
when pregnant harms your baby. It comes hand in hand with other activities, for example when you
drink you may immediately light up a cigarette. Banning it in places like restaurants, parks, and
stores is a terrific way to start minimizing the risk secondhand smoke causes. Smoking also adds
carbon monoxide to the blood which reduces the oxygen supply to the heart. Overall I can conclude
that I have learnt a vast amount about the biological and psychological effects of smoking. It causes
cancer, damage to the nervous system; cardiac diseases, asthma, lung cancer etc. Motivation The
development of technology and their applications to help make work easier in modern organization
has motivated this research. People don’t seem to understand that secondhand smoking is a severe
problem that needs to be reduced. When cigarette smoke is inhaled, nicotine immediately absorbs
into the lungs and enters blood vessels in the lung. Careful considerations take place because it has to
facilitate the clients need. Nicotine is anaturally occurring colorless liquid that turns brown
whenburned and takes on the odor of tobaccowhen exposed to air. As we are aware taxation on
these products was ineffective and a waste of the governments resources and time. Doctors have
been warning us of the dangers of smoking for decades. They can go in smoke a cigarette or two and
go on with their day. Like such, when any human is smoking, then the human machine will not
function properly. Water Conservation Projects in agriculture in China. This explains whys smoking
increase the chance of peripheral vascular disease. This is because high fat food not only put the
patient under cardiovascular problems but also other chronic diseases like cancer. It would therefore
be better would be for the government to continue campaigns that educate people about the potential
dangers of the habit. Considering e-cigarettes as aids for treatment from nicotine addiction one can
notice that e-cigarettes are not regulated by The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as drug
delivery devices, they are rather regulated as tobacco products (Ebbert et al. 129). Moreover, Ebbert,
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Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The cause of heart diseases is attributed to the
stimulation effect of nicotine which increases pulse rate. It affects not only health but also
environment and society. An escape from life through the form of technological entertainment.
Effects Of Smoking Essay, time: 1:21 Smoking lessens the amount of oxygen for the skin. They
consequently incur Lastly, cigarettes should be banned because they are very expensive to the people.
The important value to this approach is that the client has the right to set the agenda he is equal, it is
all about self-empowerment. So cancer turns out to be a defect in the system cells use to control how
frequently they divide. In addition, another problem of smoking is medical burden. This means there
is less oxygen for important organs such as the brain. Tar is sticky and brown and stains teeth,
fingernails and lung tissue. Thus, in general, e-cigarettes are less harmful than the traditional
cigarettes. This leads to a marked increase in the size and number of mucus glands in the bronchial
wall. Results: Smoking was more frequent among male than female but the influence of smoking
factor among students who had low academic achievement was insignificance. The first cancer to be
studied in molecular detail, a form of bladder cancer, proved to be a point mutation in a gene
specifying a protein that was part of a cell division accelerator (5). It is therefore only through
quitting that one would be free from the problems caused by smoking. People who smoke have to be
cautious and realize that not everyone might like the smell, or they might have some sickness like
asthma. Ours, therefore, is to pick up where your lecturers stop by providing you with a reliable
process for meeting your academic needs. The surface area available for oxygen to pass into the
blood is decimated. It causes fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, COPD, and can also effects
of smoking essay the mouth and throat. Hutchinson S.;aper addition to anomalies of
biotransformation enzyme genes, cigarette smoking research paper pdf of tumour suppressor genes
such as p53and activation of the proto-oncogene K-ras are also involved in tobacco-related cancers.
Then why do they still continue to apply this bad act despite being well aware of the dire
consequences. The types of warnings on the packet are Smoking kills, Smoking causes cancer, and
Smoking causes heart disease and Smoking when pregnant harms your baby. Far from acting as a
mood control nicotine dependency seems to increase stress. The chemicals contained in tobacco have
a number of effects on the body which contribute to causing stroke. Breathlessness on exertion is
eventually noticed due to obstruction to air flow in the air passages caused by swelling of the
bronchial and the presence of mucus that can't be cleared(5). In other words, someone or something
that is considered attractive to one person may not necessarily appeal to. In this respect, there can
never be specific solutions to specific health problems caused by smoking; rather, the problems may
be best addressed through solutions whose target would be to make one quit. Historically, legal
decisions and regulations have been decided for and against both the tobacco industry and
consumers. Like heroin and other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the
nicotine that a person needs it just to feel normal. Smoking causes many diseases and also kills a lot
of people. In occasional male smokers there was a rise from 25% to 35 % and occasional female
smokers a smaller but relative increase 49% to 51%. As I mentioned before tobacco smoke contains
43 known carcinogens, including a number of known organ specific carcinogens, and compounds
which assist with the formation of carcinogens within the body. There are many added values of
health awareness policies and iniatives. Dellinger says, “E-cigarettes often have a futuristic feel to
them and offer flavored juices that makes smoking more appealing,” and “eight in 10 users ages 12-
17 said they use flavored smoking products.” (PRG 5). Vapes usually leave behind a pleasant smell,
depending on what flavor of juice the user has chosen, such as fruit and candy flavors (Grazier PRG
10). As we are aware taxation on these products was ineffective and a waste of the governments
resources and time.

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