Load Banks Data Centre Commissioning Tips Field Notes Best Practices

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Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field

Notes & Best Practices


March 2019 – V1.5

Load Bank & Commissioning in Data Centers Sector

Rentaload is a Load bank services company, based in France with offices in the UK and Germany,
covering projects across the whole of Europe. Rentaload leverages its partners many years of
experience in manufacturing load banks and as a result, offers its clients rental and services solutions
for resistive, inductive and capacitive load banks, built and optimized specifically for datacentres.
Rentaload provide banks, accessories, and services such as set-up de-mobilization, assistance in
commissioning, commissioning for multiple applications all over Europe: testing diesel generators,
acceptance testing for server rooms, dummy load, unloading, etc.

In this white paper we’re going to share some tips, field notes and best practices relating to the use of
load banks in data center commissioning. This white paper will be of interest to Data Centre Managers,
New Build Project Managers, Commissioning Engineers, Power and Cooling Suppliers and specialist
data centre consultancies.

A load bank is a device that develops an electrical load to test power and AC systems. Aload bank is
the best way to commission, prove and verify the operation of mission critical power and cooling

Their use in the data center environment is thus essential.

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
White Paper

General Building Tests

All buildings undergo commissioning or tenant checks prior to the new owners taking possession or
new tenants moving in, these checks ensure that all building systems (fire, security, environmentals,
and IT systems) are working and meet the required specifications.

In mission critical data centers these checks are of paramount importance, and load banks are used to
verify the operation of critical systems at 3 of the 5 stages of the total IST processes to fulfil Global
Certification Bodies requirements for IST’s.

Load banks are used to verify functionality for AC and Power Systems, individually, and combined as
part of IST.
[TIP: IST’s can take up to 3 weeks, depending on the test schedule, ensure that you have sufficient
budget for testing]

Field Note: Rentaload are being retained by end user clients to test potential sites for selection
purposes, we always ask to see the original IST test sheets and final IST report (if available) and include
this information back to our end user clients

Cooling Systems
ASHRAE recommend a temperature range of between 18-27°C and an allowable range of between
545° (depending on class and other conditions as specified in the ASHRAE TC9.9 documentation)

[TIP: Always use the latest industry guidelines for design and operation and thus the IST of data

Your load bank operational ranges and placement should be able to replicate a range of temperatures,
and to ensure the correct test parameters for efficient operation of cooling equipment, be able to
replicate a range of supply and return temperatures, with at least a ∆T of 15°

Load banks are used to test the functionality of cooling systems but problems in the validity of the
tests can arise depending on the test configuration. The test configuration should replicate as close as
possible the intended full design cooling load of the data centre.
[TIP: Conduct Cooling tests for design capacity]

Field Note: Rentaload assisted a client to realise the design capacity testing schedule prior to the
installation of racks and containment systems by constructing a temporary aisle test configuration

Air Flow Direction

Hot air rises, yes? But not necessarily true in a data centre environment, where we can find horizontal
air streams, due to the confinement of the IT equipment in racks and the server manufacturers
designing to draw air through the front of the equipment and exhaust it at the rear.

As a result, your load banks should be able to provide horizontal air flow, this will identify any potential
hot spots and ensure that airflow testing with replicate real life conditions
Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
Best Practice: Test at different loads throughout the design, minimum loads should be 25%, 50%, 75%
and 100%, but you can test at any increment in conjunction with your expected load and build out

Power Systems
A load bank test replicates real operation by applying the load in situ, with real temperatures and
relative humidity. The load bank only draws power (current and voltage) to test the infrastructure, and
then dissipates it safely as heat.

Load banks are thus used to simulate the IT power load, but as with temperature, this tends to only
test a fixed load, requiring multiples of test rigs, if higher than normal rack densities are required. It
also doesn’t replicate the varying power and heat that actual IT loads will generate.

That said, the use of load banks can provide good estimates of the equipment’s characteristics in
controlled settings with very high accuracy

Many organisations offer load banks of all shapes and sizes, and with varying characteristics and
options, for sale or rent.

TIP: Select a LOAD BANK company that can provide a range of options that tests both temperature and
power draw capabilities for the range of IT environments that can be experienced.

Rentaload offers rental of the first 6kW variable air flow load bank with power source converter
100% on line A, 100% on line B or 50% or line A & 50% on line B. With 2 possible supply sources, this
load bank makes it possible to test the changeover from a main supply channel to an emergency
route or to share the load between 2 sources.

With a precision of 500W, the rack load bank is the most accurate on the market

Picture of Rentaload smart racklable load banks (6 kW and 7 kW)

[Tip: Using load banks with integrated ATS dual power feed capability can reduce testing time as
they can test A/B sides virtually simultaneously, and can be configured for 2N+1 data centre
Field Note: The use of connected load banks combined with an efficient monitoring system
(software based) will reduce IST testing time and provide more accurate results.

Best Practice: Use a range of load banks to test all power configurations

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
Integrated Systems Testing
It’s never too early to start planning for your IST, and many data center construction projects adopt a
5 stage IST process, being, factory witness testing, site acceptance testing, pre-functional testing and
start up, functional performance testing and then integrated systems testing. Load banks can be used
for the last 3 stages.
[Tip: Get your load bank supplier engaged as early as possible to assist in the planning of the tests
and to book equipment.]

Best Practice: As per EN50600 3-1, it is essential that FM or DC Managers are involved in the IST.

As the time available for IST may be limited, it is good practice to ensure that the load banks are easy
to deploy in all possible modes and test configurations.

Typical scenarios for IST commissioning are prior to the installation of the racks and aisle containment
and this can mean that the results are not an accurate representation of the original design.

To reduce energy costs for data center cooling, hot and cold air are often separated by enclosing
opposing server rack rows. Without this separation the forced-air cooling units would intake a

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
mixture of cooled supply air and hot exhaust air. As a result, the temperature difference over the
cooler would be smaller and its effective performance lower as explained by the following equation.

It results from the thermodynamic relationship with the physical quantities of required air volume,
heat load to be dissipated and necessary temperature difference:


𝑉𝐼 = 𝜑𝑎𝑖𝑟 ∙ 𝐶𝑝 𝑎𝑖𝑟 ∙ ∆𝑇

Constant values are the air density φair 1.185 kg/m3 and the specific heat capacity Cp air= 1,0045 kj/kg/K.
The dissipated heat load Qo is considered to be fixed.

It can be seen from the equation that if the temperature difference doubles from 10 K to 20 K, the
required amount of air VI can be halved.

Some test configurations place load banks adjacent to the cold aisle tiles to generate the hot thermal
air streams but these fail to replicate the realistic air flow patterns caused using cold (or hot) aisles
and/or containment.

The optimum way to test the final design is to replicate the hot/cold aisle configuration by the
installation of a temporary aisle containment system, this allows the load banks to be positioned at
various heights above the floor, which will more closely resemble an actual IT installation.

Testing with temporary aisle containment, and with load banks with variable temperature and power
draws operation will better replicate real life configurations, both for initial IT equipment installation
in the weeks following a successful commissioning, and in the future when equipment is replaced or
expansion takes place.

Such temporary aisle arrangements, should be prefabricated and modular, able to be installed
without tools, be non-flammable, be airtight and provide the insertion of the load banks at different
heights as required.

Field Note: Rentaload offer toolless shelves and ceilings that align with the proposed rack layouts or
contained systems (we will need the design drawing to ensure that the toolless shelves/ceilings are
an accurate reflection of the proposed design).

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
On-site pictures of a temporary containement – Paris / July 2018

The benefits of using toolless shelves/ceilings are a better test of the final layout and IT equipment fill,
we also provide temporary aisle configuration services, and Load bank IoT

Drawing of toolless shelves

Rentaload, in conjunction with our partners Ekkosense can provide design validation by analysing the
projected design airflow conditions which can be validated during the test.

[Tip: Use Computational Fluid Dynamics software to design your data centre, and then validate in real
time using the Smart rack load bank in conjunction with CFD suppliers]

Every data centre certification programme globally will use IST test results as a qualifying criterion in
their assessment.

In Europe, EN50600 3-1, being the Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures
Part 3-1: Management and operational information standard, together with the rest of the EN50600
series is rapidly becoming the only standard that is relevant for data centre design, build and
operations across Europe. It should also be noted that this series is also under consideration by the
ISO for use globally under the TS22237 series. A TS is a technical specification, and this is considered
to be an enhanced consultation document for further debate prior to full standards classification.

EN50600 3-1 states in Section 6, that “Handover to operations are described as phase 11 of the design
process in EN 50600-1. A critical aspect of this handover is acceptance testing to ensure that the
constructed facility matches the original design intent.

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
There is a unique opportunity for extensive acceptance testing of the infrastructure prior to the first
implementation of IT and the connected starting point of productive operation of a data centre. Cross
domain tests can be carried out only during pre-production phase. All test results shall be documented.

It is strongly recommended to involve operational personnel in acceptance tests.

Documentation shall be provided by vendors and suppliers of infrastructure prior to start of tests.

No responsibility for “completed” construction areas should be undertaken by the site Operations

Management without the formal acceptance of the area according to defined criteria. These should
include the following:

a) a full commissioning programme has been successfully completed up to and including Integrated
Systems Testing (IST) with all commissioning records fully updated;

[TIP: Commissioning records should include Voltage, current, power and the delta T, the difference
between incoming cold air and outgoing hot air, should be reported in an easy to exploit file, like a

Field Note: Rentaload have access to independent consultants who are committee members that
wrote and continue to amend the EN50600 series and can offer independent advice on all aspects of
data centre construction and operations

b) all required training has been completed;

c) Operations Management should not undertake any management responsibility until they have
satisfied themselves that the systems are working through acceptance testing and are able to be
properly maintained;

d) Operations Management should have the opportunity to recruit and train staff well before live
operations commence. Ideally the core staff should be present during commissioning;

e) the following documentation should be made available prior to handover into live operations:

1) up to date and accurate “As-Built” records and drawings including engineering single line diagrams;

2) a full set of Operations and Maintenance manuals, including Standard Operating Procedures,
Maintenance Operating Procedures, Emergency Operating Procedures, escalation procedures etc.;

3) comprehensive commissioning records;

4) an up to date and accurate Asset Register;

5) a documented Planned Maintenance Schedule and a full set of maintenance records;

6) all documentation required for compliance with statutory regulation;

7) all documentation required for compliance with voluntary standards and certificates.
[Tip: Advise your load bank provider that you will be seeking certification for the site and may require
additional commissioning documentation]

Best Practice: All test data should satisfy the advantages of undergoing comprehensive commissioning
tests, these include: Testing over a period of time to verify system performance as designed, without
risk to mission critical IT loads, to reduce critical infrastructure early equipment failure rates, the
opportunity for maintenance and operations teams to get hands-on equipment experience, the
opportunity to verify detailed written procedures that will govern live facility maintenance and
operations, it will be the only opportunity to test the facility limitations and to avoid down time.

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
Source directory :

1. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE), IST Commissioning Standards
2. Uptime Institute, conférence Professionnial Services Tier Certification, IST Commissioning, Novembre 2013
3. CENELEC: EN50600-3-1
4. Bernd Dürr, IT-Räume und Rechenzentren planen und betreiben, 2.Auflage, 2018

Rentaload UK
18 Lumen Road, East Lane Business Park
HA9 7RE Wembley, London, UK

Rentaload FR
353 rue de la Chapelle
69400 Gleizé, FRANCE


Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices
[email protected]

Load banks and Data Centre Commissioning Tips, Field Notes & Best Practices

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