XI Annual Paper 2023-24 Pol SC Set-A

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Stephen’s Senior Secondary School, Ajmer

Annual Examination- 2023
Class: XI
Subject: Political Science
Time: 3 hours MM: 80
General Instructions:
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
1. The question paper consists of five sections (A, B, C, D, and E) with 30 questions in total.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Question numbers 1-12 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
4. Question numbers 13-18 are of 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should not
exceed 50- 60 words each.
5. Question numbers 19-23 are of 4 marks each. Answers to these questions should not
exceed 100-
120 words each. There is an internal choice in two of the 4-mark questions
6. Question numbers 24-26 are passage and cartoon-based questions. Answer accordingly.
7. Question numbers 27-30 are of 6 marks each. Answers to these questions should not
exceed 170- 180 words.
8. There is an internal choice in 6-mark questions.

SECTION-A (1*12=12 marks)

1 The practice of untouchability has been banned under which fundamental right? 1
a) Right against Exploitation b) Right to practice one’s own religion
c) Right to equality d) Right to freedom
2 The twelve specially appointed members of Rajya Sabha are nominated from 1
different fields by whom?
a) President b) Prime Minister c) Chief Minister d) Governor
3 Which of the following is a subject under residuary powers? 1
a) Defence b) Police c) Cyber laws d) Atomic
4 Rewrite correctly: The Cabinet Ministers are directly responsible to the Rajya Sabha. 1
5 By what means can justice be given to those who have physical disabilities, or who 1
have not yet reached good education or health services?
a) Equal treatment to equal people b) Right to equality
c) Special care for special needs d) All of the above
6 The local government in rural areas is known as_______________ 1
a) Panchayat Samiti b) Municipal Council
c) Municipal Committee d) None of these
7 People get proper justice in- 1
a) Dictatorship b) Monarchy c) Democracy d) None of the
8 Secular state means- 1
a) The state is impartial in the matters of religion b) The state is against the
c) The state has its own religion d) None of these
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9 ______________ type of equality gives every citizen equal share to participate in the 1
affairs of the government.
a) Social Equality b) Political Equality
c) Legal Equality d) Economic Equality
10 Negative liberty means- 1
a) Liberty without restraints b) Liberty with some restraints
c) Liberty with many restraints d) Liberty with a few restraints
11 A Supreme Court’s judge can only be removed by- 1
a) an order from the Prime Minister b) Voting by the rest of the judges
c) An order from the Chief Justice of India d) A motion passed by 2/3
12 The main function of the executive is- 1
a) Maintenance of law and order b) To control over finance
c) To interpret the law c) Law making

SECTION-B (2x6=12)

13 How is a Chief Justice of India (CJI) appointed? 2

14 Which two powers of Lok Sabha make it superior to Rajya Sabha? 2
15 List any two functions of the Constitution. 2
16 Explain the concept of ‘Equal treatment for equals’ with an example. 2
17 What do you mean by the term ‘Nation’? List any two assumptions that people make 2
about the nation.
18 Who are permanent executives? How are they different from political executives? 2

SECTION-C (4x5=20)

19 Differentiate between FPTP and PR. 4

Why did India adopt the FPTP system of elections? Explain.
20 The Supreme Court has specific jurisdiction over the scope of powers. Explain any 4
two jurisdictions of the Supreme Court.
21 Trace the differences between politics and political theory with suitable examples. 4
22 What do you mean by Federalism? Describe the administrative and financial relation 4
between the Centre and State Government.
Describe briefly on what basis were states formed. Also, explain the special
provisions given to Jammu and Kashmir under article 370 and 35 (A).
23 “It is argued by some that inequality is natural, while some feel it is created by 4
society” Which view do you support, give reasons.

SECTION-D (4x3=12)

24 Read the given extract and answer the following questions. (1+1+1+1
‘Human beings’, unlike all other objects, possess dignity. They are, for this reason, =4)
valuable in themselves. For the eighteenth-century German philosopher, Immanuel
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Kant, this simple idea had a deep meaning. For it meant that every person has dignity
and ought to be so treated as a human being. A person may be uneducated, poor, or
powerless. He may even be dishonest or immoral. Yet, he remains a human being
and deserves to be given some minimum dignity. For Kant, to treat people with
dignity was to treat them morally. This idea became a rallying point for those
struggling against social hierarchies and for human rights. Kant’s views represent,
what is called, the moral conception of rights. This position rests upon two
arguments. First, we should be treating others as we would like to be treated
ourselves. Second, we should make sure that we don’t treat the other person as
means to our ends. We should not treat people as we treat a pen, a car, or a horse. We
ought to respect people not because they are useful to us, but because they are, after
all, human beings.

Answer the following MCQ’s by choosing the most appropriate option:

24.1 Which political philosopher has been quoted above?

a)John Rawls b)Immanuel Kant c)Locke d)J.S. Mill
24.2 Possessing _________has made human beings valuable.
a) Rights b) Authority c) Dignity d) Morality
24.3 Identify the correct statement from the following: 1
a) we should be treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
b) we should make sure that we treat the other person as a means to our ends.
c) We ought to respect people because they are useful to us.
d)We should treat people as we treat a pen, a car, or a horse.
24.4 Kant’s views represent, what is called, the __________ conception of rights
a) Social b) Obligatory c) judicial d) Moral
25 Read the given extract and answer the following questions. (1+1+2=4)
Political equality or equality before the law is an important first step in the pursuit of
equality but it often needs to be supplemented by equality of opportunities. While the
former is necessary to remove any legal hurdles that might exclude people from a
voice in government and deny them access to available social goods, the pursuit of
equality requires that people belonging to different groups and communities also
have a fair and equal chance to compete for those goods and opportunities. For this,
it is necessary to minimize the effects of social and economic inequalities and
guarantee certain minimum conditions of life to all the members of society —
adequate health care, the opportunity for good education, adequate nourishment, and
a minimum wage, among other things. In the absence of such facilities, it is
exceedingly difficult for all the members of the society to compete on equal terms.
Where equality of opportunity does not exist a huge pool of potential talent tends to
be wasted in a society.
25.1 How do we minimize the effects of social and economic inequalities?
25.2 What will happen when equality of opportunities does not exist?
25.3 Why is political equality necessary?
26 Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: (1+1+2=4)

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26.1 Name the first state that was formed on a linguistic basis. Who was the leader who
demanded such a state?
26.2 When was the ‘State Reorganization Commission’ set up?
26.3 How far do you think it is correct to make states on a linguistic basis and not

SECTION-E (6x4=24)

27 How is the Indian President elected? Explain.

Explain any four functions of the Election Commission.
28 What is an amendment? Explain any two methods of amendments that have been
successful in making the Indian constitution a living document.
What is a constitution? Do you think that the Indian constitution is a living
document? Explain.
29 What is local government? What changes have been made in the Panchayati Raj
System under the 73rd Constitutional Amendment?
rd th
Differentiate between the 73 and 74 amendments of the Indian Constitution.
30 Define the term Secularism. What do you mean by inter-caste and intra-caste
domination? What problems have been caused by such dominations? Explain.
What is the difference between the Indian concept of secularism and the Western
concept? Give any three reasons why India adopted secularism.

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