Oral Exam 2nd Year

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Presentation Topics and Interaction Questions

for the Language Competence Exam


Assessment criteria to be considered:

 Stick to the topic at hand

 Show a clear structure: introduction, main body (with 2-3 main ideas) and conclusion
 Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas
 Make sure your pronunciation and intonation are appropriate
 Use jargon appropriately and demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary
 Pay attention to grammar rules when expressing your ideas
 Do not expect interference from the interlocutor, use your (limited) time efficiently

1. Banks will give you money only if you can prove you don’t need it.
2. A fool may earn money, but it takes a wise man to keep it.
3. Globalisation has made the world a much smaller place – are you for or against free
4. This generation’s attitude is different from: “Pay cash and if you cannot afford it, don't
buy it.”
5. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or
service fits him and sells itself.
6. Employers should be required to provide health insurance to their employees.
7. People work for money – that’s all.
8. Technology is supposed to be our friend, not our enemy.
9. The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.
10. New job candidates should be recruited for attitude and trained for skill.
11. Face to face meetings are a waste of time.
12. The biggest challenge of every salesman is to sell ice to the Eskimos.
13. Whenever there’s a financial crisis, it is always the banks that get hit.
14. ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ is a rule every businessman travelling to another
country should apply.
15. A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
16. Business trips are nothing but a waste of time and money.
17. The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.
18. International teams have the potential to be more effective than mono-cultural teams,
and a cost-effective way of creating an international team is to work virtually.
19. There is no such thing as business ethics.
20. A strong corporate culture leads to better performance and profitability.
21. In most cases, being a good manager means hiring talented people and then getting out
of their way.
22. It is better to work for the same company throughout your whole life than to switch
23. When doing business across the borders, knowledge of cultural differences can make or
break a deal.
24. The word accounting comes from the word accountability. If you are going to be rich,
you need to be accountable for your money.
25. IT is the curse of the 21st Century.

Assessment criteria to be considered:

 Ready to sustain interaction and show sensitivity to turn-taking whenever the

examiner signals it
 Respond adequately to the examiner’s questions by using specific reasons and
examples to support your argument
 Take into account the examiner’s prompts meant to extend the discussion
 Express yourself clearly and coherently by using relevant vocabulary and structure
range, target language pronunciation and intonation
 Make good use of linking words
 Know how to manage your hesitations
 Approach the task as if in a real business situation


1. What makes a good communicator?

R: A good communicator is someone who listens well, speaks clearly, and is able to
convey their message effectively. A good communicator is also someone who is
empathetic, patient, and able to adapt their communication style to their audience.
Good communication also involves being respectful, honest, and open-minded.
2. Are good communicators born or made?
R: The question of whether good communicators are born or made is debatable.
While some individuals may have natural inclinations for communication, effective
communication skills can also be developed through learning and practice.
Communication is a skill that can be learned and improved upon, and education,
training, and real-life experiences play a significant role in shaping one's abilities.
Therefore, it can be said that good communicators are both born and made.
3. Can you name some of the main types of verbal and written communication? Is
verbal communication more important than non-verbal communication?
R: Main types of communication include: Verbal communication: Face-to-face
conversations, phone calls, meetings, presentations, interviews, and public speaking.
Written communication: Emails, memos, reports, letters, proposals, blogs, and
articles. Verbal and non-verbal communication are both important. Verbal
communication uses spoken or written words to convey messages, while non-verbal
communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Non-verbal
cues add depth and emotional context to communication. Both forms are crucial for
effective communication.
4. How can one prepare for a successful presentation?
R: Know your audience and customize your content.
Set clear objectives and key messages.
Organize your content in a logical manner.
Research and gather relevant information.
Use visually appealing materials.
Practice your presentation and manage your time.
Anticipate questions and prepare your answers.
Engage the audience through interaction.
Familiarize yourself with the location and technical aspects.
Seek feedback to improve your skills.
5. What is the risk of using too many audio-visual aids in a presentation?
R: Using too many audio-visual aids in a presentation can be risky. It can distract the
audience, overload them with information, cause technical difficulties, reduce
engagement, and limit flexibility. It's important to find a balance, use visuals wisely,
and focus on the audience's needs to deliver an effective presentation.
6. Why do people meet in business?
R: People meet in business for collaboration, decision-making, information sharing,
planning, relationship building, problem-solving, and evaluation. Meetings help
teams work together, make important decisions, share updates, set goals, build
relationships, resolve conflicts, and assess progress. They are essential for effective
communication and the success of organizations.
7. Can informal meetings be effective in business? How?
R: Informal meetings can be effective in business by:
Building relationships and trust among team members.
Encouraging creativity and innovation.
Facilitating quick decision-making and problem-solving.
Boosting employee engagement and morale.
Promoting knowledge sharing and learning.
Facilitating networking and collaboration.
Allowing for flexibility and adaptability.
8. Which are the responsibilities of the chairperson in a meeting?
R: The chairperson's responsibilities in a meeting include:
Planning the agenda and setting objectives.
Leading the meeting and maintaining order.
Managing time and keeping discussions on track.
Encouraging participation from all attendees.
Facilitating decision-making processes.
Resolving conflicts that may arise.
Summarizing key points and assigning tasks.
Following up on progress and holding individuals accountable.
9. Is it advisable to circulate the agenda to the participants prior to the meeting? Why?
R: Yes, it is advisable to circulate the agenda to participants prior to the meeting.
This helps participants come prepared, understand the topics to be discussed, and
contribute effectively during the meeting.
10. Which are the factors that most influence communication and what barriers are
there to good communication?
R: Factors influencing communication: Clarity, active listening, non-verbal cues, and
Barriers to good communication: Language barriers, distractions, lack of clarity,
emotional barriers, cultural differences, and noise
11. What’s the importance of understanding international etiquette in business? How
can you prepare for such contexts?
R: Understanding international etiquette in business is important because it helps
establish positive relationships, avoids cultural misunderstandings, and promotes
successful business interactions. To prepare for such contexts, you can research and
familiarize yourself with the customs, greetings, communication styles, and business
practices of the specific countries or cultures you will be engaging with. This
knowledge will help you adapt and show respect, increasing the chances of effective
communication and successful business outcomes.
12. You have to announce an employee that he has been fired. Which form of
communication do you choose and why: written (letter, e-mail) or spoken (face-to-
face interaction, telephone)?
R: When announcing an employee's termination, it is generally more appropriate
and respectful to choose a spoken form of communication, such as a face-to-face
meeting or a telephone conversation. This allows for a direct and personal
interaction, where the employee can ask questions, seek clarification, and express
their concerns. It demonstrates empathy and provides an opportunity to handle the
sensitive situation with sensitivity and professionalism.
13. What role does non-verbal communication have in intercultural contexts?
R: Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in intercultural contexts as it
can convey meaning, emotions, and cultural cues that words alone may not express.
It includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice.
Understanding and appropriately interpreting non-verbal cues helps bridge cultural
gaps, enhances understanding, and promotes effective communication across
different cultures
14. Should business people travelling abroad consider the proverb “When in Rome, do
as the Romans do”?
R: Yes, business people traveling abroad should consider the proverb "When in
Rome, do as the Romans do." This means adapting to and respecting the customs,
etiquette, and cultural norms of the host country. It demonstrates cultural
sensitivity, fosters positive relationships, and increases the chances of successful
business interactions.
15. How important are listening skills in business?
R: Listening skills are crucial in business. They enable effective communication,
understanding, and collaboration among team members, clients, and stakeholders.
Good listening skills help build relationships, gather accurate information, and make
informed decisions.


1. How can IT be defined?

R: IT (Information Technology) can be defined as the use of technology, systems, and
processes to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data and information.
2. Which is the difference between internet and intranet?
R: The internet is a global network of interconnected devices that allows for
communication and information exchange on a worldwide scale. In contrast, an
intranet is a private network that operates within an organization, providing internal
communication and collaboration tools.
3. What could be the most important technological advance of all time?
R: The most important technological advance of all time is subjective and can vary
depending on perspectives. Some notable advances include the invention of the
internet, the development of electricity, the discovery of the wheel, and the creation
of the printing press.
4. How has the internet transformed the business world?
R: The internet has transformed the business world by enabling global connectivity,
facilitating e-commerce, expanding market reach, enhancing communication and
collaboration, and providing access to vast amounts of information and resources.
5. Which are the mistakes companies should avoid with the new communication
R: Mistakes companies should avoid with new communication channels include poor
planning, inadequate security measures, lack of clear communication policies,
excessive reliance on technology without personal touch, and failure to adapt to
changing trends and customer preferences.
6. Is technology supposed to be our friend or our enemy?
R: Whether technology is a friend or enemy depends on how it is used. Technology
can be a powerful tool that enhances productivity, connectivity, and convenience. However,
if misused or over-relied upon, it can lead to negative consequences such as isolation,
privacy concerns, and dependence.
7. Which are the main challenges faced by IT workers?
R: The main challenges faced by IT workers include rapidly evolving technology,
cybersecurity threats, managing complex systems and networks, keeping up with
industry trends, and addressing the IT needs of diverse stakeholders.
8. Are you an early adopter? Do you like to have cutting edge technology? Are there
any disadvantages to buying the latest product?
R: Personal preferences vary, but being an early adopter and having cutting-edge
technology can provide advantages such as accessing new features and capabilities.
However, there may be disadvantages, including higher costs, potential compatibility
issues, and the risk of investing in products that may become outdated quickly.
9. What future technology are you looking forward to? For example, flying cars or
personal robots.
R: Future technologies that people look forward to vary, but examples include
advancements in renewable energy, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and self-
driving vehicles.
10. Do you read e-books? What are their advantages and disadvantages when compared
with paper books?
R: The advantages of e-books include portability, easy access, searchability, and the
ability to carry a large library in one device. Disadvantages may include eye strain,
the need for electronic devices, and a different reading experience compared to
physical books.
11. Some people prefer to live with less technology in their lives. How do you see this
desire to live a simpler life?
R: The desire to live a simpler life without excessive technology can stem from a
need for more balance, reduced distractions, and a focus on more meaningful
human connections. It is a personal choice that can vary from individual to
12. Which is your favourite smartphone app? How do you use it?
R: Favorite smartphone apps vary based on personal preferences and needs.
Examples may include productivity apps, social media platforms, fitness trackers, or
entertainment apps.
13. What social media do you use these days? Why do you prefer those over other social
R: Preferred social media platforms differ among individuals based on their
preferences and goals. Some may prefer platforms like Facebook for personal
connections, LinkedIn for professional networking, or Instagram for visual sharing.
Preferences can vary based on features, user base, content type, and privacy
14. Why do we need Artificial Intelligence and which are its main benefits?
R: We need Artificial Intelligence (AI) to increase human capabilities, automate tasks,
analyze large data sets, make predictions, and improve efficiency in various
industries. Its main benefits include increased productivity, enhanced decision-
making, improved customer experiences, and advancements in healthcare,
transportation, and many other sectors.
15. Which are the challenges of Information Technology management in the 21 st
R: The challenges of Information Technology management in the 21st century
include data security and privacy concerns, managing complex IT infrastructure, keeping up
with technological advancements, addressing the digital divide, ensuring regulatory
compliance, and attracting and retaining skilled IT professionals.

1. Which are the stages in the recruitment process?

2. Have you ever taken part in an interview? Give examples of possible questions that
interviewers might ask.
3. Would you rather be self-employed or work for someone else?
4. Is there any job that you would absolutely refuse to take?
5. Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little
time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give
you more time with family and friends?
6. If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an
inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?
7. What is headhunting? Do you think it is ethical or not and why?
8. If you were an employer, under what circumstances would you fire an employee?
9. Should private employers offer health benefits to their employees?
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working odd hours?
11. What are the costs of career transition?
12. What motivates you at work?
13. Which is the usual retirement age in Romania? Should it change? What would be a
more appropriate retirement age?
14. Should people work for the same company for their entire lives?
15. What are the benefits of volunteer work? What volunteer activities would you get
involved in?
16. What elements are required to make a job meaningful to you?
17. What steps should a human resource manager take when an organisation has high
staff turnover?
18. How important is it to assess staff performance regularly? Explain

1. The stages in the recruitment process typically include job analysis, sourcing candidates,
screening and selecting applicants, conducting interviews, performing background checks,
making a job offer, and onboarding the selected candidate.
2. As an AI language model, I haven't personally participated in interviews, but I can provide
examples of common interview questions. Some possible questions include:
"Tell me about yourself."
"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
"Why are you interested in this position?"
"Can you describe a challenging situation you faced at work and how you resolved it?"
"How do you handle stress or pressure?"
"Tell me about a time when you worked successfully as part of a team."
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
3. Whether to be self-employed or work for someone else is a personal preference. It depends
on inividual goals, preferences for independence or stability, risk tolerance, and other
4. The answer to this question would vary from person to person. Everyone has their own set
of preferences and circumstances that may determine which jobs they would refuse. It
could be a job that goes against personal values, poses a significant risk to health or safety,
or lacks opportunities for growth and fulfillment.
5. The choice between a high-paying job with long hours and little time for family and friends
versus a lower-paying job with shorter hours and more time for loved ones is subjective. It
depends on an individual's priorities and what they value most in life—financial stability or
quality time with family and friends.
6. The preference between hiring an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced
worker at a higher salary would depend on the specific requirements of the job, the level of
expertise needed, and the resources available to train and develop an inexperienced
7. Headhunting refers to the practice of recruiting highly skilled or sought-after professionals
from one company to work for another. The ethical implications of headhunting can be
debated, as it may disrupt the operations of the original company, but it can also provide
individuals with better opportunities and contribute to healthy competition in the job
8. Circumstances that may lead to firing an employee can vary widely, but they often include
factors such as consistent poor performance, violation of company policies, unethical
behavior, dishonesty, and inability to meet job requirements despite adequate support and
9. Whether private employers should offer health benefits to their employees is a subjective
question. However, providing health benefits can attract and retain talented employees,
promote employee well-being, and contribute to a positive work environment.
10. The advantages of working odd hours can include higher pay rates, more flexibility for
personal commitments, and potentially avoiding rush hour traffic. However, the
disadvantages may include difficulty in maintaining a regular routine, potential strain on
personal relationships due to conflicting schedules, and increased fatigue or impact on
11. Career transition costs can include financial implications such as loss of income during the
transition, costs associated with retraining or acquiring new skills, and potential relocation
expenses. Additionally, there may be emotional and psychological costs related to adapting
to a new work environment and building a new professional network.
12. What motivates individuals at work can vary, but common factors include personal growth
and development, recognition and appreciation, a sense of purpose, challenging and
meaningful tasks, opportunities for advancement, and a positive work environment.
13. The usual retirement age in Romania is currently 65 for men and 63 for women, but this
may change over time due to various factors such as demographics, economic conditions,
and policy decisions. The appropriate retirement age depends on the specific context and
needs of the country and its citizens.
14. Whether people should work for the same company for their entire lives is subjective and
depends on individual circumstances and personal goals.
15. The benefits of volunteer work include gaining new skills, making social connections, and
contributing to society. The choice of volunteer activities depends on individual interests
and skills.
16. A meaningful job may require elements such as a sense of purpose, personal growth, and
positive impact on society.
17. To address high staff turnover, human resource managers may need to assess the reasons
for employee departures, improve employee engagement, and provide better training and
development opportunities.
18. Regular assessment of staff performance can help identify areas for improvement, provide
feedback and recognition, and support career development.


1. What personality traits and skills does one need in order to be a good manager?
2. Which is the difference between a manager and a leader?
3. How can managers motivate their people?
4. Which are the main types of managers you can think of and which would you prefer
to work with?
5. How should a manager address workplace negativity and prevent employee
6. How can a manager retain his best employees?
7. Why should managers care more about gender equality in the workplace?
8. What should a manager do in case of an epidemic -protect employees or revise
benefits policies?
9. The boundaries between people’s work and private lives are increasingly blurred.
How can managers create an inclusive workplace and why is this important?
10. Does nationality influence the management style?
11. What is corporate culture and what impact does leadership have on it?
12. Which are some of the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace?
13. What is the best way to deliver bad news to a team?
14. How should a manager deal with people who have conflicting opinions at the
workplace, especially when they are supposed to do teamwork?
15. Why do companies send managers abroad as expatriates?
16. What are the qualities you believe a great leader should possess? Give examples.
17. In your view, what attributes make an effective manager?
18. Mention some leadership skills that you consider essential.
19. Mention some managerial skills that you consider essential.
20. Managers and leaders have completely different responsibilities. Do you agree?
21. Leaders are more important than their teams. Do you agree? Why (not)?
22. Management guru Peter Drucker said: “Management is doing things right; leadership
is doing the right things.” Comment.

Certainly! Here are short and simple responses to your questions:

1. Good managers require personality traits like effective communication,

leadership, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.
2. The main difference between a manager and a leader is that managers focus on
implementing plans and processes, while leaders inspire and motivate others
towards a common goal.
3. Managers can motivate their people by providing clear goals, offering recognition
and rewards, fostering a positive work environment, and encouraging professional
4. Common types of managers include frontline managers, middle managers, and
senior managers. The preferred type of manager may vary depending on personal
work style and preferences.
5. Managers should address workplace negativity by promoting open
communication, addressing concerns, providing support and guidance, and
promoting a positive and inclusive work culture.
6. Managers can retain their best employees by recognizing and rewarding their
contributions, providing growth opportunities, offering competitive compensation
and benefits, and fostering a positive work environment.
7. Managers should care about gender equality in the workplace to create a fair and
inclusive environment, promote diversity of perspectives, and tap into the full
potential of their workforce.
8. During an epidemic, managers should prioritize protecting employee health and
safety while also considering potential adjustments to benefit policies to
accommodate evolving circumstances.
9. Managers can create an inclusive workplace by fostering work-life balance,
promoting diversity and inclusion, providing flexibility, and respecting boundaries
between work and personal life. This is important for employee well-being and
10. Nationality can influence management style due to cultural differences, but it is
not the sole determinant. Effective managers adapt their style based on individual
and cultural nuances.
11. Corporate culture refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape an
organization. Leadership plays a significant role in shaping and influencing corporate
12. Cultural diversity in the workplace brings benefits like diverse perspectives,
creativity, and improved problem-solving. However, it can also present challenges
such as communication barriers and differing work styles.
13. When delivering bad news to a team, a manager should be honest,
compassionate, and provide necessary support. It's important to address concerns,
offer solutions, and maintain open communication.
14. Managers should encourage open dialogue, facilitate constructive discussions,
and focus on finding common ground when dealing with conflicting opinions within a
15. Companies send managers abroad as expatriates to gain global perspectives,
manage international operations, transfer knowledge, and build relationships with
stakeholders in foreign markets.
16. Qualities of a great leader include strong communication, empathy, integrity,
vision, and the ability to inspire and empower others. Examples could include
leaders like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela
17. Effective managers possess attributes such as good communication skills, strong
decision-making abilities, adaptability, empathy, and the ability to motivate and
engage their teams.
18. Essential leadership skills include effective communication, strategic thinking,
delegation, problem-solving, and the ability to inspire and influence others.
19. Essential managerial skills include planning and organizing, decision-making,
resource management, problem-solving, and the ability to build and manage teams.
20. Managers and leaders have overlapping responsibilities, but they also have
distinct roles. Managers focus on implementing plans and managing resources, while
leaders inspire, guide, and motivate others towards a shared vision.
21. Teams and leaders are equally important. Leaders provide direction and vision,
while teams contribute diverse skills and perspectives, resulting in collective success.
22. Peter Drucker's quote highlights that management is about executing tasks
efficiently, while leadership is about setting the right direction and making strategic
decisions. Both are crucial for organizational success.


1. What are ethics?

2. Which is the difference between ethics and etiquette?
3. What, in your opinion, is unethical behaviour in business? Give some examples.
4. Do businesses have any responsibility beyond profit? Should they give back to the
community and society at large?
5. Whistleblowers: are they heroes or disloyal employees?
6. Can one business make a difference to a global problem? How? (e.g. fast food and
animal rights)
7. How would you recognize an ethical organization? What are its characteristics?
8. Can the corporate code of ethics win employee trust?
9. Should employees tell their boss if they suffer from a disabling medical condition?
10. Should companies have the right to gather information about their customers?
11. Is equal pay for an equal amount of work always necessary, ethically? Why/why not?
12. In the past few years, researchers backed by the Chinese government conducted
genetic research on the country’s ethnic minorities. What are the ethical implications
13. Why should business ethics place the customer as one of the important
stakeholders? What is the ethics of consumer protection?
14. Should a company invest in a foreign country where civil and political rights are
15. Should a company go along with a host country’s discriminatory employment
16. What are the advantages of a strong code of ethics at work?
17. As a team leader, how can you ensure that you make the right ethical decisions?
18. As a leader, give examples of “I will …” or “I will not …” statements that would
encourage integrity in your business organisation.
19. What principles should an environmentally responsible business be guided by?
20. How important is it for companies to be (perceived as) operating ethically? Explain
and exemplify.
Certainly! Here are short and simple responses to your questions:

1. Ethics refers to a set of moral principles and values that guide individuals and
organizations in distinguishing right from wrong and making ethical decisions.
2. Ethics pertains to moral principles and values, while etiquette refers to socially accepted
norms of behavior in specific situations.
3. Unethical behavior in business may include fraud, dishonesty, bribery, discrimination,
environmental negligence, and unfair labor practices.
4. Businesses have a responsibility beyond profit and should contribute to the community
and society at large through initiatives like corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs
and sustainable practices.
5. Whistleblowers can be seen as both heroes for exposing wrongdoing and disloyal
employees for breaking confidentiality. It depends on the circumstances and the impact of
their actions.
6. Yes, one business can make a difference to a global problem by taking actions such as
implementing sustainable practices, supporting charitable causes, and influencing industry
7. An ethical organization is characterized by transparent and fair practices, a commitment
to integrity, ethical leadership, a strong code of conduct, and a genuine concern for
stakeholders' well-being.
8. A corporate code of ethics can contribute to winning employee trust by providing clear
guidelines for ethical behavior and demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct.
9. Employees have the discretion to disclose their medical condition to their boss, especially
if it affects their ability to perform their job or requires accommodations.
10. Companies should gather customer information responsibly, respecting privacy rights,
and obtaining consent in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
11. Equal pay for equal work is generally considered ethically necessary to ensure fairness
and prevent discrimination based on gender, race, or other protected characteristics
12. Conducting genetic research on ethnic minorities without their informed consent raises
ethical concerns regarding privacy, consent, and potential human rights violations
13. Placing the customer as an important stakeholder is ethically important because it
involves ensuring fair treatment, honesty in advertising, product safety, and respecting
consumer rights.
14. Investing in a foreign country where civil and political rights are violated raises ethical
considerations. Companies should carefully assess the potential impact on human rights and
act responsibly.
15. Companies should not support discriminatory employment practices in host countries
but instead advocate for equality and fair treatment.
16. A strong code of ethics at work can enhance trust, promote a positive work culture,
attract and retain ethical employees, and protect the reputation of the organization
17. As a team leader, one can ensure making the right ethical decisions by considering the
consequences, seeking diverse perspectives, following established ethical guidelines, and
promoting open communication
18. Examples of "I will..." or "I will not..." statements to encourage integrity could be: "I will
always prioritize honesty and transparency in all my interactions," or "I will not tolerate any
form of unethical behavior within our organization."
19. An environmentally responsible business should be guided by principles such as reducing
carbon footprint, conserving resources, promoting sustainable practices, and minimizing
environmental impact
20. Operating ethically is important for companies as it helps build trust with stakeholders,
enhances reputation, attracts customers and employees who value ethics, and mitigates
legal and reputational risks. For example, a company committed to fair trade practices can
attract socially conscious consumers and gain a competitive edge.


1. How important is knowledge about cultural differences when travelling abroad on

2. What preparations should one make before travelling to another country?
3. Should business people take care of their own travel arrangements or leave it to the
travel agency or the company secretary?
4. It is said that ‘travelling broadens the mind’. Do you agree with this and why?
5. Are business trips a waste of time and money in this Digital Age?
6. How important is it for business people to travel business class and why?
7. Is Airbnb the hotel industry's greatest threat? Would you consider booking
accommodation on Airbnb if you were to travel abroad on business?
8. How can business people boost productivity during their business trips?
9. Should employees draw the line between business and pleasure during their trips
abroad? Why/ why not?
10. Would you accept if your boss asked you to share the hotel room with a colleague
during a business trip? Under what circumstances?
11. Can tourism ever be sustainable?
12. Would you like to work in the travel industry?
13. Which are the major challenges facing travel and tourism nowadays?
14. What are the pros and cons of booking packaged tours versus backpacking?
15. What can go wrong during a business trip and how can you prevent disasters?

Certainly! Here are short and simple responses to your questions:

1. Knowledge about cultural differences is highly important when traveling abroad on

business as it helps to navigate customs, etiquette, communication styles, and build strong
2. Before traveling to another country, one should make preparations such as researching
local customs, laws, and business practices, arranging necessary visas and documents, and
familiarizing oneself with the local language and currency.
3. It is generally advisable for business people to leave their travel arrangements to a travel
agency or the company secretary to ensure smooth logistics and to focus on their business
4. Yes, traveling broadens the mind because it exposes individuals to diverse cultures,
perspectives, and experiences, fostering understanding, adaptability, and personal growth.
5. Business trips are not necessarily a waste of time and money in the Digital Age. Face-to-
face interactions, networking opportunities, and cultural immersion still hold value in
building relationships and securing business deals.
6. The importance of traveling business class for business people varies depending on the
specific circumstances. It can enhance comfort, productivity, and provide a more conducive
environment for rest and work during long-haul flights.
7. Airbnb has disrupted the hotel industry, but it is not necessarily the greatest threat. The
choice between Airbnb and traditional hotels for business accommodation depends on
factors such as location, preferences, and corporate policies.
8. Business people can boost productivity during their trips by planning and prioritizing
tasks, utilizing travel time efficiently, minimizing distractions, and maintaining a healthy
work-life balance.
9. It is important for employees to maintain a balance between business and pleasure
during trips abroad. While some leisure activities can be beneficial for building relationships,
it is essential to prioritize business objectives and adhere to company policies.
10. Sharing a hotel room with a colleague during a business trip would depend on the
circumstances, such as budget constraints, availability, and comfort levels. It is important to
ensure mutual consent and maintain professionalism.
11. Tourism can be sustainable by promoting responsible practices, minimizing
environmental impact, supporting local economies, preserving cultural heritage, and
engaging in community initiatives.
12. The desire to work in the travel industry varies from person to person based on
individual interests and career aspirations.
13. Major challenges facing travel and tourism today include sustainability, climate change,
geopolitical uncertainties, fluctuating travel regulations, and technological advancements.
14. Pros of booking packaged tours include convenience, organized itineraries, and reduced
planning efforts, while backpacking offers flexibility, cost savings, and immersive
experiences. The choice depends on personal preferences and travel objectives.
15. During a business trip, things that can go wrong include flight delays, lost luggage,
communication issues, and cultural misunderstandings. Proper planning, contingency
measures, and travel insurance can help prevent or minimize such disasters.


1. Do advertisements manipulate people or do they provide useful
R: In summary, advertisement do contain both information and at the
same time trying to manipulate the consumers, many people believe
that advertisements are manipulative because they can influence you
to buy the product that appears in the advertisements even if you don't
need it. However based on the points given earlier, it clearly shows
that most advertisement are actually manipulating the consumer rather
than giving them full information on certain things.
2. How effective are commercials in getting you to buy a product?
R: Advertisers use persuasive techniques such as appeals to emotion,
peer pressure, social proof, and repetition to convince customers to
buy products or services. Personally, most commercials influence me
to buy those thins like food, clothes, shoes and make-up products.
3. Which type of advertising is the most effective nowadays?
R: Word-of-mouth advertising is considered the most effective form.
It has the desired qualities of strong credibility, high audience
attention levels, and friendly audience reception.
4. Is marketing to children unethical?
R: In my opinion marketing is unethical to children because they are
innocent and they don’t realise that companies advertise their products
just to make more profit and to increase their sales. Because with the
help of children certain companies advertise on the TV with various
attractive toys and children tell the parents to buy them even if they
don't need them.
5. Should drugs companies be allowed to advertise prescription drugs
direct to the public?
R: I think that drug companies should not be allowed to advertise
prescription drugs direct to the public because it leads to higher costs
and the wrong use of prescription could harm consummers or some of
them may use the drugs in purpose to harm themselves on purpose,
desinformation and drug over-utilization may omit risk factors.
6. Should negative advertising in political campaigns be banned?
R: Negative advertising may suppress voter turnout, particularly for
Independent voters. Campaigns tend to go negative only if the
Independent vote is leaning toward the opponent. Negative advertising
in political campaigns should be banned because it is sometimes
abused and must comply with certain rules regarding advertising.
7. Do you think “going green” is fashionable and will pass in a few
years? Also do you think it’s a way for big businesses to market
R:Yes, because it can be an ecological way and it would not harm the
environment. Consumers are more likely to buy from brands that are
„going green” because they think that in this way they can help the
enviroment. But at the same time companies could use this idea just as
a image to manipulate people.
8. Does the endorsement of a product by a celebrity influence you at all?
R: In my opinion if I like and trust an influencer the endorsement most
likely will make me buy the product, after making my own research

9. Do you think that stereotypes are enforced through advertising?

R: The advertising industry relies on stereotypes to get ideas across
quickly and clearly – but what many people don't realise is that
stereotypical ads actually send a dangerous message. The
representations we see in advertising influence our beliefs, aspirations
and behaviour.
10. Some people believe that alcohol, junk food and sugar related adverts
should be banned. Do you agree? Why/ why not?
R: I think that advertisements related to alcohol, junk food and sugar shouldn’t
be banned because in small portions they don’t harmthe individual, and for
example, doctors say that a glass of wine helps your blood circulations.
11. Which are the four initial Ps of marketing and how has the Marketing
Mix been updated to reflect current developments?
R: The 4 P's of the marketing mix are: Price, Product, Promotion and Placement.
Also, two Ps were added to the mix — process and people — which respond to
crucial changes in customer service, e-commerce and social media
12. What is rebranding and which are the main risks associated to it?
R: Rebranding is the process of changing the corporate image of an
organisation. It is a market strategy of giving a new name, symbol, or change in
design for an already-established brand. The idea behind rebranding is to create
a different identity for a brand, from its competitors, in the market. A main risk
is that consumers are not used to the new face of the company and this is
leading to a decrease of the profits for a short term. Another risk is the
underestimation, like a company expects that the rebranding may last like 2-3
years and if they are not prepared and not prevent all the aspects correctly, the
rebranding may last longer.
13. Is advertising an art or a science?
R: Advertising is mostly an art but is also a sience. Because marketing is aimed
to attract as most people as possible and each company comes up every time
with new concepts and ways to do that, being volatile which makes it an art.
14. What is outdoor advertising? Can you give some examples that fall into
this category?
R: Outdoor advertising is the oldest way to promote a product, out of your
home. Some exemples of outdoor advertising are billboards, roll-ups, stickers
on cars and you will be more inclined/prone to go and buy it in that moment
because you are already outside.
15. What do you think is the best way of discovering the tastes and interests
of teenage consumers? Survey
R: I believe that the best way to discover the tastes and interests of teenage
consumers is to observe their needs and desires in order to please them all.
16. What factors do businesses take into account when setting the prices for
their products / services? Explain.
-production costs, what are the prices on the market, the category of clients I
focus on, but take in consideration the profit rates.
17. Product is the most important variable of the marketing mix / 4Ps. Do
you agree? Support your view.
R: The product is the most important element of the marketing mix. The 4p's of
the marketing mix are: product, place (distribution), pricing, and promotion.
The product happens to be the first of these tools.
18. Mention some benefits of using social media for business. Explain and
R: Some benefits of using social networks for business can be: attract
customers, get customer feedback and build customer loyalty, increase your
market reach, including international markets, do market research and reduce
marketing costs, increase revenue by building customer networks and
advertising, develop your brand

19. In your view, what are the components of an effective TV commercial?

R: short, interestin to catch the attention to the public, bright colors and the
people in the commercial should be the same age of the target public
20. What do you consider an effective online advertisement? Exemplify.
R: should be short, have key words and if the company have a statement(motto)
they need to use it, for exemple nike just do it!
21. Explain the importance of market research.
R: to know what the audience wants, and to know how much they are willing to
pay for a product, compete more effectively, make more informed decisions
22. Explain the benefits and costs of market research.
R: ? It helps businesses strengthen their position. ...
It minimises any investment risk. ...
It identifies potential threats and opportunities. ...
It helps to discover your's and your competitor's strengths and weaknesses. ...
It facilitates strategic planning.
23. Explain how a webpage set up by a supermarket could help market
24. Supermarkets offer both branded goods and own label goods. Describe
the advantages of selling own label goods for supermarkets and their
25. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of electronic retailing (e-
tailing) for the firms.
26. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of electronic retailing (e-
tailing) for the consumers.
27. Explain how the marketing mix tool can help a firm to gain competitive
28. What competitive forces in a market can affect a firm’s strategic
decisions? Explain.
R: One of the competitive forces that has a strong influence on marketing
strategy is consumer opinion. Marketing departments work hard to estimate
customer opinion through market surveys and marketplace research and alter
their strategy to remain popular in the public's eye.
29. Some consumers are influenced by brands, others are not. Why?
30. What factors do businesses take into account when setting the prices for
their products?
R: production costs, they should do a research about the competitors and study
the prices that are already on the market.

1. Which are some of the most common services offered by banks?
R: The most common services offered by banks to clients are the possibility of
various online operations (online payments), bank credits, mortgages, loans.
2. Which is the first place where you would look for a loan?
R: If I wanted to opt for a bank loan necessary for my needs, I would be
interested in the banks for an offer that would suit me.
3. How important is your business plan when a bank is considering to fund
your start-up business idea?
R: For my business plan, it is very important when a bank wants to finance my
start-up business idea, because it can offer me the chance of a very good and
perhaps profitable business.
4. Why do young couples opt for mortgages?
R: Young couples opt for mortgage loans because they want to get money as
quickly as possible for the desired house, but they will have to have stable jobs
to pay the loan and it may take a lot of money to complete it.
5. How do banks make their money?
R: The banks get their money from the commissions from the different credits
and from the interest of different loans.
6. What types of accounts can you think of?
R: Checking account, savings account, deposit account.
7. What is your opinion about online banking?
R: Online banking is a method by which banks offer necessary services to
clients to ease their work and manage their activities to keep track of them.
Banking online means accessing your bank account and carrying out financial
transactions through the internet on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
8. What are some advantages of an offshore bank account?
R: security and protection of your capital, especially during times of instability,
access to international investment opportunity.
9. How does the central bank control the supply of money in circulation?
R: The central bank controls the supply of money in circulation by influencing
interest rates, printing money.
10. What would you do if a bank deposited one million dollars in your account?
R: If a bank deposited a million dollars into my account I will call the bank and
try to return the money, I would assume that sooner or later the bank would
recognise their mistake and coming looking for the money.
11. Should the government bailout banks and financial institutions?
R: Some people believe that many financial institutions (especially investment
banks with a commercial arm) have too much control over the economy without
enormous consequences. This is the premise for government bailouts, where
government financial assistance is given to banks or other financial institutions
that appear to be on the brink of bankruptcy.
12. Do you think that banks are heartless creditors? Why/ why not?
R: Yes, because some banks have a very high interest rate and people who have
to take out different loans and if you fail to pay them, they add penalties and in
the end you pay more than the borrowed amount.

13. What is anonymous banking? Do you think it is ethical or not?

R: i don t think is erthical, because i think of the most clients are evolved in
illegal activities, and deposit their money in that types of accounts so they don t
have problems with the gouvernments
14. Have you ever had any reason to complain to your bank? How did they
react to your complaint?
R: I had no problems with the banks. if it happened that I personally would go to
the bank and talk to someone there so that we can solve that problem.
15. Which are the most common methods of payment in Romania and which
one do you use mostly? Do you find card payment secure in online shopping?
R: The most common payment methods in Romania and the one you use the
most are online payments. I think paying by card is not safe when shopping
online because you can order something and receive something completely
different and not be able to get your money back not at all.


1. What qualities and skills make a good accountant?
R: The basic accounting activities performed by accountants consist in:keeping
the business records legal and financially stable, permanently monitoring
spending and balances, keeping accurate records, ensuring that invoices are
raised and bills paid. -In our opinion a good accountant needs to be organized,
to have experience in the field, responsible, careful and to communicate with
clients(popper educational background and technology skills)
2. What is a balance sheet and who may be interested in viewing it?
R: A balance sheet details a statement of the assets, liabilities and capital of a
business. Those interested in viewing the balance sheet are the one who want to
invest in our company (shareholders) and who are financing us.
3. What do you think about accounting software and how have they
impacted business?
R: We think that accounting softwares are beneficial and due to these softwares
you can be more organized. These programs impacted business in a good way,
making an easier work, because in this way you can save a lot of time, and time
is money.(great development, so much harder and time consuming, but some
people are reluctant to change and are very bad with technology, your computer
break down and you can loose the entire work )
4. How much time do you spend managing your finances?
R: In the perspective of a student you spend a lot of time, because the most of us
depend of our parents and we think twice if we want to buy something or not.
(hasty decision-decizii grabite -rent-chirie)
5. Which is the role of the finance manager in a company?
R: The role of a finance manager envolve a lot of activities such as: keeping the
records stable and accurate,financially and legally for the business, check the
spendings and the incomes constantly and makes sure that bills are paid at the
right time.(will always look back and see the decisions, try to make a financial
forecast, they work with the accountants, work hand in hand with the managers
in the other departments)
6. If you had enough money to start a business, what would you invest in?
R: If we would have enough money we would invest in Educational field,
university, different programs that you can t find in the field( we don t have a
lot of programs in Romania, we can form new domains)
7. Have you heard of creative accounting (or window dressing)? What is it?
R: Refers to those practices that respects laws and regulations, but capitalize on
loopholes in accounting standards to falsely portray a better financial image of a
company. (even if it s legal, you have to be really precise, it s not ethical)
8. Should unemployed people be made to work for their welfare money?
R: (welfare money- the support the state for those who don t have a job- ajutor
de somaj)
Yes they need to work for money, to avoid lazy people to benefit unfairly,
motivate them to work harder for a better standard of living
9. Should limits or regulations be placed on how candidates raise funds,
and/or spend them, during political campaigns?
R: Should be limits, bcs those politicians mostly corrupt people to vote them, so
the power of democracy is loosing
10. Should the state use tax-payers’ money to support top sportsmen and
R: I don t think the state use tax-payers’ money to support top sportsmen and
women bsc they have a lot of money from companies and campaigns
11. Imagine you have won a million Euros. Who will you tell? What will you
do with the money?
12. What would you tell someone if they asked how much you get paid?
13. What is microfinance and what role does it play in the growth of
emerging economies?
R: A system that was intented by a guy Muhammad Yunus, he was the founder,
microcredit( a bank system for those who don t have a job, they can take a small
sum of money in a form of loans, and give them back with a small interest rate)
(loan sharks-camatar)
14. Have you ever raised money for charity? Which are the best ways to do
15. If you lost your entire income tomorrow, what would you do to start
earning money fast?
16. Mention two financial statements and describe /explain their function.
R: a ballance sheet(assets and liabilaties of a company), a income
statement(shows a company’s income, expense,gains and looses)
17. What information do annual reports contain and who are they for?
R: Annual reports information about a company's performance in the preceding
year. The purpose of the annual report is to provide data and analysis regarding
your company's operations and financial performance.
18. How can a company monitor and evaluate the success of investments?
Explain and exemplify.
R: Return on Investment (ROI) is a popular profitability metric used to evaluate
how well an investment has performed. ROI is expressed as a percentage and is
calculated by dividing an investment's net profit (or loss) by its initial cost.


1. Which is the most important type of insurance in your view?

2. How do insurance companies make money?
3. How many types of insurance do you know of? Can you think of some unusual types
of insurance?
4. How do you choose the right insurance company for your own needs?
5. What gives the price of an insurance policy?
6. Would you buy life insurance for a baby?
7. What is reinsurance and what are its main reasons?
8. Does private health insurance offer value for money?
9. Should governments force individuals to own health insurance?
10. What are you like at risk analysis? Have you ever calculated the odds involved in
having an accident?
11. When insurance becomes due each year is it better to check out different companies
or simply pay the renewal premium?
12. There are many cars on the road that aren't covered by insurance. What do you
think the authorities should do to prevent this?
13. Would you buy travel insurance for a trip?
14. Does the insurance agent have the customer’s best interests at heart?
15. What are Acts of God and when are they covered?

Certainly! Here are short and simple responses to your questions:

Insurance-related questions:

1. The most important type of insurance can vary depending on individual needs, but
common ones include health insurance, life insurance, and property insurance.
2. Insurance companies make money through premiums collected from
policyholders, investment income from the premiums, and by managing risk
3. There are various types of insurance, including health insurance, life insurance,
auto insurance, property insurance, and liability insurance. Unusual types of
insurance can include pet insurance, wedding insurance, and alien abduction
4. To choose the right insurance company, consider factors such as reputation,
financial stability, coverage options, customer service, and pricing. Research and
compare different companies to find the best fit for your needs.
5. The price of an insurance policy is determined by various factors such as the level
of coverage, risk assessment, deductible amount, policyholder's age, location, and
claims history.
6. Buying life insurance for a baby is a personal decision. It can provide long-term
financial protection, but the necessity depends on individual circumstances and
7. Reinsurance is insurance purchased by insurance companies to transfer a portion
of their risk to other insurers. Its main reasons are to limit exposure to large losses
and maintain financial stability.
8. The value for money offered by private health insurance depends on factors such
as coverage, cost, network of providers, and individual healthcare needs. It varies for
each person.
9. Whether governments should force individuals to own health insurance is a
complex question that depends on the specific healthcare system and policy goals of
each country.
10. Risk analysis and calculating odds are important aspects of insurance. As an AI
language model, I do not have personal experiences or the ability to calculate odds.
11. When insurance becomes due each year, it is beneficial to check out different
companies to compare prices, coverage options, and potential savings before
deciding to renew or switch insurance.
12. Authorities can take measures to prevent uninsured cars on the road, such as
implementing stricter penalties for driving without insurance, increasing awareness
campaigns, and improving enforcement.
13. Buying travel insurance for a trip is a personal decision that depends on factors
such as the destination, duration, activities planned, personal risk tolerance, and the
importance of financial protection during travel.
14. While insurance agents should act in the best interests of their customers, their
primary goal is often to sell insurance products. Customers should carefully review
policies and consider their own needs before making decisions.
15. Acts of God refer to natural disasters or catastrophic events beyond human
control. Coverage for Acts of God depends on the specific insurance policy and the
terms and conditions outlined within it.


1. Why do countries trade?

2. What are the benefits of free trade for the average person?
3. It is said that international trade is full of risks. Do you agree? Why/ why not?
4. Does the trade deficit harm domestic economic performance?
5. Do imports destroy jobs?
6. Does the World Trade Organization undermine national sovereignty?
7. Should China be allowed to join the World Trade Organisation?
8. How do international sanctions – tariffs, quotas, and trade restrictions – affect
international trade and costs of production?
9. Which are some of the risks involved in international trade and how can companies
avoid them?
10. Should international trade be completely free? Why/ why not?
11. What are the disadvantages of trade protectionism?
12. Do countries compete like corporations on the global marketplace?
13. What is a country’s balance of payments?
14. Which are the documents involved in foreign trade?
15. What is the role of cultural sensitivity in international trade?

Certainly! Here are short and simple responses to your questions:

1. Countries trade to access goods and services they cannot produce domestically, to benefit
from specialization and comparative advantage, and to foster economic growth.
2. The benefits of free trade for the average person include access to a wider variety of
goods at lower prices, increased consumer choices, job creation, and economic efficiency.
3. International trade does involve risks such as economic fluctuations, political instability,
exchange rate fluctuations, and trade barriers. However, with proper risk management and
market knowledge, these risks can be mitigated.
4. The trade deficit alone does not necessarily harm domestic economic performance. It is
influenced by various factors and should be considered in the context of a broader
economic analysis.
5. Imports do not necessarily destroy jobs. While they can impact certain industries, they
can also create jobs in other sectors and lead to overall economic growth.
6. The World Trade Organization (WTO) aims to facilitate international trade and resolve
trade disputes. It does not inherently undermine national sovereignty but instead provides a
platform for negotiations and adherence to agreed-upon trade rules.
7. Whether China should be allowed to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a matter
of international negotiations and agreements among member countries.
8. International sanctions, tariffs, quotas, and trade restrictions can affect international
trade by limiting market access, increasing costs, and disrupting supply chains. They can
impact the costs of production and alter trade dynamics.
9. Some risks involved in international trade include political instability, changes in
regulations, currency fluctuations, and market uncertainties. Companies can mitigate these
risks through market research, diversification, hedging strategies, and building strong
relationships with partners.
10. The question of whether international trade should be completely free is complex and
depends on various factors. Many argue for the benefits of free trade, but some restrictions
may be necessary to protect domestic industries, national security, or public health and
11. Disadvantages of trade protectionism include reduced consumer choices, higher prices
for goods, retaliation from trading partners, and potential loss of competitiveness in the
long run.
12. Countries in the global marketplace do compete to attract investments, trade
opportunities, and skilled labor. However, the dynamics of competition differ from those of
corporations due to various factors such as national interests, regulations, and geopolitical
13. A country's balance of payments is a record of its financial transactions with the rest of
the world, including exports, imports, and financial flows. It reflects the country's economic
relationship with other nations.
14. Documents involved in foreign trade can include invoices, bills of lading, certificates of
origin, export/import licenses, customs declarations, and trade agreements specific to the
countries involved.
15. Cultural sensitivity in international trade refers to understanding and respecting the
cultural norms, values, and practices of other countries. It plays a crucial role in building
trust, effective communication, and successful business relationships in diverse cultural

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