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Disciplines and Ideas in the

Applied Social Sciences

Ms. Marie Christine Pajanil
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1 define social sciences and applied social sciences;

2 explain the different disciplines of social sciences and applied

social sciences;
3 differentiate the social sciences and the applied social
sciences through graphic organizer; and
4 modify and appreciate the relationship between social sciences
and applied social sciences.
What is Science?
the systematic study of the structure and behavior
of the physical and natural world through
observation, experimentation, and the testing of
theories against the evidence obtained.

branches of sciences; natural science & social

Natural Sciences
is a branch of science concerned with the
description, prediction, and understanding of
natural phenomena, based on empirical
evidence from observation and
Application of natural science methods, i.e.,
systematic observation, measurement, and
Social Sciences
are disciplines concerned with the systematic study
of social phenomena.
it is a branch of science that deals with the
institutions, the functioning of human society, and
the interpersonal relationship of individuals as
members of the society.
Disciplines of Social Sciences
Disciplines of Social Sciences
Disciplines of Social Sciences
Applied Social Sciences
the application of social theories, concepts, methods, and
finding to problems identified in the wider society (D. Jary &
J. Jary, 2000).
an integrated cutting across and transcending various
social science disciplines in addressing a wide range of
issue in a contemporary, innovative, and dynamic way.
it aims to present well-developed understanding of social
systems, social theory and social policy.
Relationship between Social Sciences & Applied
Social Sciences
Social sciences are more specific and focused on a distinct
facet of a social phenomenon while social science
attempts to focus on a distinct issue but use insights arising
from various social science disciplines.
Social science, a field of study, can be applied to society by
integrating theories, concepts, methods, and findings to
address societal problems.
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences
Communication Counseling Social Work
Provides Provides healing, Promotes social
accessibility to courage, and change, problem
information and strength for an solving in human
thereby serves the individual to face relationships, and
rights of an his/her issues and the empowerment
individual and the take up the best and liberation of
public to be possible option in people to enhance
informed and to be moments of life their holistic view.
heard by them. crises.
Both social science or applied social
science are required for human
Applied social sciences cannot stand on
their right but instead, relies on basic
social sciences for its progress.
Thank you!
Ms. Marie Christine Pajanil

At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:

•Identify the goals and scope of counseling;
•Infer own perspective on the purpose of counseling by
citing applicable situation; and
•Value the importance of counseling in our life.

Counseling is a collaborative process that aims to help individuals

understand and overcome personal challenges.
Goals of Counseling

1 Empowerment 2 Improved Well- 3 Enhanced Self-

being awareness
Empower individuals to
make positive changes in Promote mental and Help individuals
their lives. emotional wellness. understand their
thoughts and emotions.
Scope of Counseling
Individual and Group Career and Educational
Counseling Counseling
Addressing the needs of individuals and Guiding career decisions and supporting
groups through tailored sessions. educational pursuits.

Marriage and Family Specialized Counseling

Supporting those with specific needs such as
Fostering healthy relationships and effective trauma or addiction.
Core Values in Counseling

Compassion Trust Respect

Showing empathy and care for Building a trusting and Valuing each person's unique
each individual's journey. confidential relationship. experiences and perspectives.
Principles of Counseling
Empathy Non-judgment

Understanding the client's feelings and Accepting clients without evaluating or criticizing.
Providing constructive insights and guidance.
Keeping client information private and secure.
Importance of Ethics in
1 Client Trust 2 Professional 3 Positive
Integrity Outcomes
Upholding ethical
standards builds trust Adhering to ethical Following ethical
with clients. guidelines enhances principles leads to
professional integrity. positive client outcomes.
Key Skills for Effective

Active Listening Questioning Empathy

Engaging in attentive and Understanding and resonating
empathetic listening. Using open-ended questions with clients' emotions.
for deeper insights.
Benefits of Counseling

Emotional Healing Behavioral Change Improved

Supporting individuals in Assisting in developing
addressing past emotional positive behavioral patterns. Enhancing communication
wounds. and connection in personal
Ms. Marie Christine Pajanil
At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
A.Understand the various roles, functions, and competencies of
B.Value the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of
counselors; and
C.Demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts
of counseling through a group presentation of a situations in
which practitioners of counselor work together to assist
individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations.
Introduction to Counseling
An overview of the essential principles and foundations of counseling,
exploring its significance and impact on individuals and communities.
Roles and Functions of Counselors

1 Individual Guidance 2 Advocacy and Education 3 Conflict Resolution

Counselors provide They advocate for They assist in resolving
personalized support mental health awareness conflicts, fostering
and guidance to help and provide educational healthy relationships,
individuals overcome resources to promote and addressing
obstacles and improve psychological well-being. emotional challenges.
mental well-being.
Competencies Required for Counseling
Empathy Active Listening Cultural Competence

Understanding and Listening attentively to Respecting and understanding

empathizing with the struggles understand the concerns and diverse cultural backgrounds
and experiences of clients. emotions of clients. and their influence on mental
Areas of Specialization in Counseling
1 Marriage and Family 2 Substance Abuse 3 Group Therapy
Counseling Counseling
Leading therapeutic
Providing support and Assisting individuals sessions to address
guidance to couples and struggling with addiction psychological issues
families facing to overcome substance within group settings.
interpersonal challenges. abuse disorders.
Working as a School Counselor

Academic Support Career Guidance Emotional Well-being

Assisting students in academic Guiding students in exploring Supporting students in
planning and addressing career paths and setting managing emotional stress and
educational challenges. academic goals. fostering well-being.
Working as a Mental Health Counselor
1 Therapeutic Interventions
Utilizing various therapeutic approaches to address mental health issues.

2 Mental Health Assessments

Conducting assessments to identify psychological conditions and develop
treatment plans.

3 Crisis Intervention
Providing immediate support and intervention during mental health crises.
Working as a Career Counselor
1 Skills Assessment 2 Job Search Support
Evaluating individuals' abilities and Assisting individuals in resume
interests to provide career guidance. building, job search strategies, and
interview preparation.

3 Career Transition
Supporting clients in navigating career changes and professional development.
Conclusion and Future of Counseling
Impact on Mental Health Technological Integration
Counseling plays a crucial role in The profession is evolving with the
promoting mental well-being and integration of technological tools for
reducing stigma. remote counseling.

Professional Growth
Continued growth in counseling practices, research, and multidisciplinary collaboration.
Career Opportunities of
Counselors have diverse opportunities, including school counseling,
substance abuse counseling, and marriage and family therapy. They can
work in educational institutions, healthcare settings, and private practices.
Rights of Counselors
1 Confidentiality
Counselors have the right to maintain confidentiality to build trust with clients.

2 Client Autonomy
Counselors respect the right of clients to make their own decisions.

3 Non-discrimination
Counselors have the right and responsibility to provide services without
Responsibilities of Counselors

1 Ethical Practice 2 Client Welfare 3 Confidentiality

Counselors are Counselors must
responsible for prioritize the well-being Protecting client
practicing ethically and and safety of their clients information and
keeping client welfare as in all situations. maintaining
a top priority. confidentiality is a
critical responsibility of
Accountabilities of Counselors
Assessment Treatment Plan Progress Monitoring

Conducting client Developing individualized Regularly tracking and

assessments and evaluations treatment plans based on the assessing clients' progress
to determine the appropriate specific needs of clients. and making adjustments as
treatment strategies. needed.
Code of Ethics for Counselors
Confidentiality Integrity
Ensuring the confidentiality and privacy Practicing honestly, responsibly, and
of client information, except where reliably; striving for integrity in the
mandated by law or where overriding practice of counseling and respect for
professional concerns necessitate human rights and dignity.

Professional Competence
Maintaining ongoing professional competence in counseling through education and
Importance of Ethics in Counseling
1 Trust Building 2 Client Well-being
Ethical conduct fosters trust between Adherence to ethical standards
clients and counselors. ensures the well-being and safety of

3 Professional Reputation
Uncompromising ethical behavior contributes to a positive professional reputation.
Professional Development for Counselors

Continuing Education Mentorship Networking

Engaging in ongoing learning Seeking guidance and support Building connections with other
and development to enhance from experienced professionals professionals and organizations
counseling skills and for career growth. to expand opportunities.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Focus on Ethical Conduct
Emphasize the significance of ethics in maintaining professional standards.

Continuous Learning
Encourage counselors to actively engage in lifelong learning and development.

Client-Centered Approach
Highlight the importance of prioritizing clients' well-being and autonomy.

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