A Proposed Financial Wellness Training For Public School Teachers in Guiuan Eastern Samar

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The need for teachers to be financially capable and having a prominent financial well-

being are imperative at any cost. Today people are required to take increasing responsibility for

managing a variety of risks over the life cycle. People who make sound financial decisions and

who effectively interact with financial service providers are more likely to achieve their financial

goals, edge against financial and economic risks, improved their household’s welfare, and

support economic growth. Financial capability has become a policy priority for policy makers

seeking to promote beneficial financial inclusion and to ensure financial stability.

Financial capability, as defined by the World Bank (2013), is the capacity to act one’s

best financial interest, given socio economic and environment conditions. It encompasses

knowledge (literacy), attitudes, skills and behaviors of consumers with respect to understanding,

selecting and using financial services, and the ability to access financial services that fit their


You have to know your current financial standing. Ask yourself, where you currently

stand in terms of current income then make your financial targets. Determine where you want to

be, and when. The difference where you are right now, and where you want to be is your

financial track that you will have to map out and plan specific activities.
Financial Fitness Program Goals

 To provide basic information on financial management, capability and financial well-

being intended to teachers for them to be effective and efficient in managing their day to

day finances.

 To enhance the financial skills of teachers on financial education.

 To provide comprehensive approach to financial management skills building, through

information tips, case analysis, group discussion, workshop, lectures and simulations.

Financial Fitness Program Objectives

1. Identify some important and relevant concepts on financial management, capability and

financial well-being.

2. Receive necessary knowledge and skills and competence in managing their day to day


3. Appreciate the importance of financial management knowledge, skills and ideas in the

effective and efficient money management.

Target Audience

o The program is open to all public school teachers in Guiuan, Eastern Samar.

Funding Requirements
Php 500, 000 BUDGET which will be used for instructional materials, certificates,

speakers’ fees and other expenditures, foods, snacks and drinks, hotel accommodation, seminar

room, and other incidental expenses. (20,000 per participant).

Program Design and Methodology:

This program should be managed by the Department of Education Division Office

through its Administration office and Human Resource Office.

1. How are you going to handle issues regarding customer service in hotel business? Do you
think you can get any benefits from hearing out immediately those complaints of your
customers? How are going to involve your employees in customer service?

Answer: Rectifying the situation in a good manner is a must for in ascertaining issues about
customer service. Keeping your guests informed about the current activities, especially when
it is linked to them; will surely leave a good impact on their minds. Listening to customers’
complaints with utmost patience and asking for an apology on behalf of staff would create a
positive atmosphere for both parties. The claims of customers should be taking constructively
and it could help refine company policies with the attainment of a win-win situation.

2. It is said that the only single thing a business need in order to survive is customer. How do
CRM build relationship between employee and customer? What are your ways to apply
CRM in your organization? How are you going to inculcate the value of customer first to
your organization?

Answer: By focusing on your employees and how much they enjoy the work environment,
you can gain more customers and increase your sales revenues. Employee satisfaction
translates into customer service. Employees who feel they are respected and cared for tend
to respect and care for customers. Even employees who do not come into contact with
customers contribute to customer satisfaction by doing quality work. Satisfied employees
doing quality work can help you gain a reputation with customers for stellar customer
service and attention to satisfying their needs. This can lead to higher revenues.

3. Achieving for quality is never an ending process, it takes a lot of courage and commitment
from the management to the employees. How are you going to sustain quality in your
organization? Why do some organization fail to attain the best quality in its operation?

Answer: company reputation depend on the ability to deliver quality results time after time –
and to act like high performers even where times are tough. Delivering services consistently
will soon build a reputation as a leader of a high-performance organization. Resources will
be more readily available because of the trust consistently reliable performance brings.
However, some organization fail to attain the best quality in its operation because of some
reasons; Failure to understand your market and customers, Failure to understand and
communicate what they are selling, Failure to anticipate or react to competition, technology,
or marketplace changes can lead a business into the danger zone, Overdependence on a
single customer, Poor management, lacking comprehensive and actionable strategy allows to
create engagement, alignment, and ownership within organization. Running an organization
is no easy task. Being aware of common downfalls in business can help proactively avoid
them. It’s a constant challenge.
4. One way to attain for quality is to make some cultural changes. If you were to make a change
the way organization operates, How are you going to make it? Does leadership style affect to
how employees became empowered and engage in the organization? Why? Why not?
Answer: Change in almost any aspect of a company’s operation can be met with resistance,
and different cultures can have different reactions to both the change and the means to
promote the change. Managing change effectively requires moving the organization from its
current state to a future desired state at minimal cost to the organization. Key steps in that
process are:
- Understanding the current state of the organization. This involves identifying problems the
company faces, assigning a level of importance to each one, and assessing the kinds of
changes needed to solve the problems.
- Competently envisioning and laying out the desired future state of the organization. This
involves picturing the ideal situation for the company after the change is implemented,
conveying this vision clearly to everyone involved in the change effort, and designing a
means of transition to the new state. An important part of the transition should be
maintaining some sort of stability; some things—such as the company's overall mission or
key personnel—should remain constant in the midst of turmoil to help reduce people's
- Implementing the change in an orderly manner. This involves managing the transition
effectively. It might be helpful to draw up a plan, allocate resources, and appoint a key
person to take charge of the change process. The company's leaders should try to generate
enthusiasm for the change by sharing their goals and vision and acting as role models. In
some cases, it may be useful to try for small victories first in order to pave the way for later
Leadership style affect to how employees became empowered and engage in the
organization. According to the social exchange theory, when leaders are sensitive to and
respond to changes in employees' needs, employees will work more actively to repay
their leaders. As a result, subordinates who are cared about by charismatic leaders are more
likely to increase their engagement.
Quality Plan Process Quality Quality Quality Budget
Control Assurance Improvement
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Chicken spices. grown and company SERVICE, and
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its to love. Asia’s most CLEANLINES
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