The Falsification of Viglen: Consciousness

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Falsification of
Eurocentric History,
Psychiatry and the
Politics of
White Supremacy

Amos N. Wilson
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Eurocentric History, Psychiatry
and the Politics of White Supremacy

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Eurocentric History, Psychiatry
and the Politics of White Supremacy


Afrikan World InfoSystems

New York 1993
Copyright © 1993 Afrikan World InfoSystems

All rights reserved. No part of this

book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, without permission in
writing from the Publisher.

First Edition
Producer and Editor: SABABU N. PLATA
Assistant Editor: Adisa Makalani
Cover design: Joe Gillians
ISBN 1-879164-02-7


256 East 138 Street
Bronx, New York 10451

Printed in the USA


To: Sababu N. Plata

Joe Gillians
True incarnations of brotherly love
Other Books by Amos N. Wilson

The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child

Black-on-Black Violence: The Psychodynamics of Black

Self-Annithilation in Service of White Domination

Awakening the Natural Genius of Black Children

Understanding Black Adolescent Male Violence

About the Author

Professor AMOS N. WILSON is a former social case

worker, supervising probation officer, psychological
counselor, training administrator in the New York City
Department of Juvenile Justice, and Assistant Professor
of Psychology at the City University of New York. He is
currently adjunct Professor of Psychology at The School
of New Resources, College of New Rochelle, Co-op City
Campus, Bronx, New York.
Part |

European Historiography
and Oppression Exposed
An Afrikan Analysis and Perspective

PSEON SUR CREAMS oa Stee, Cie wh Rlkas ORIEN TES Sev ix

Bribe Oren mete ute Vaan ah ae ae bbs, kis 1
Progression and Regression
Ty MECONEETUCHION EIISLONN- se wh. Few Sie Aveta tems 8
Vepis Rs ESL OLY on. sud¥oud octidy wk Pods cteee.. Baurice doe 13
The Sociopolitical Role of Historiography .......... 14
Pistoia Psychology, >... Ss Hes SRI 15
Pan ouAre a OW OTUs cies PU idole Ws AE hale’ 22
PieGOrypae WAV ENOLOSY oven destsu. T e ae, he tee 23
History and Societal Amnesia .................. 31
Consequences of Historical Amnesia ............. 33
UsPTTRTaT STM 1Vr E es1)2 rey 38
History and the Manipulation of Time ............ 41
Puewory ana wealtn Creation ...... aoe aried |= casos 44
The Economics of Maladjustment ............... 45
PUR OBOE TUN ae asd nse Foe wsaa,’ ome go ho aE 54
OUT LATPGLE BM Ie eI le osloses edt oe: abiesG0 y+. Gkadyb atiendcatal OR 61
PSD UWETIE OE INNO at Sv ane Soin PAPA go V9-3g 4 BOOTS 61

Part Il

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

Its Relationship to the Mental
Health Diagnosis of Afrikan People

The Politicoeconomic Necessity of Madness ........ 65

Individualism and Self-Blame .................. 67

Insanity as a Model of Sanity ...3.........5.:+.:

History, Psychology and Ideology ................
Coping with: Contradictions’ 3.5 7". . v5 es se eset
Procedural Liberties, Personal Restraints .........
Compensation vs 2. 7220 okhere ga beat Ge cee
TheiPolities of Diagsnosist vn... ton ass ces ee
The Repression of Frankenstein ................
The Power of Self-Transformation ...............

Part Ill

The Political Psychology

of Black Consciousness

Labeling as Social Control, ..s....>.. 1a amin ape rae

Domination and the Mislabeling of Behavior ......
The Medicalization of Afrikan Social Problems
Ethnicized, Psychotherapy, «0; «2 ssdbonle ene acters
Educative Psychotherapy. ..sieesae® atin. bccn cee
ighting the Power ssn ierenian ss ap apace
PORTO wagon cvicrsiele vented ceponinanan ees, Mee eee
Common Symptoms of “Pathological Normality” in
Oppressed, ATrikans .<....1c eee. see. Meee
Nile PT TE cicwerthyes; van Ew EAE ea eY au
Editor’s Note:

The lecture, European Historiography and Oppression Exposed:

An Afrikan Analysis and Perspective is part of a lecture
presented by the author at Afrikan Echoes, a community-based
cultural institution located in Newark, New Jersey, on February
5, 1989. The second lecture, Eurocentric Political Dogmatism:
Its Relationship to the Mental Health Diagnosis of Afrikan
People, a sterling critique of the criminal justice and mental
health establishments, was delivered at Harlem Hospital on
January 15, 1985.
From time to time, attendees at the aforementioned
addresses and others within their resonances have asked
whether these lectures are available in print. Ably assisted by
Adisa Makalani and Ralph King, these requests have been
honored whereby these trenchant lectures have now been
transcribed, edited, indexed, and readied for dissemination.
We at Afrikan World InfoSystems feel esteemed by your
requests, inquiries, patronage, not to mention letters of
suggestion and commendation — especially from our kin locked
away within walls of incarceration. Encouraged by these
communications we forge ahead, inducting, ever expanding the
domain of discourse, providing insight and foresight to those
seeking enlightenment and liberation.

Sababu N. Plata
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Tue PSYCHOLOGY, CONSCIOUSNESS and behavioral tendencies

of individuals and societies are to a very significant extent the
products of their personal and collective histories. Both personal
and collective psychology are constructed from those experiences
which can be consciously retrieved from memory as well as
those experiences which have been forgotten or repressed but
which still represent themselves in individual and collective
habits, tendencies, traditions, emotional responsivities,
perspectives, ways of processing information, attitudes and
refiex-like reactions to certain stimuli and situations. Both
types of experiences interacting with current perceptions are
utilized by individuals and groups to achieve certain material
and non-material ends.
The psychology of individuals and groups may also, in part,
be constructed from “historical and experiential amnesia”. That
is, when an individual or a group is compelled by various
circumstances to repress important segments of his or its
formative history he or it at the same time loses access to
crucially important social, intellectual and technical skills
associated with that history which could be used to resolve
current problems. Consequently, to some lesser or greater
degree, the individual or group may be handicapped or
disadvantaged by the resulting amnesia. Finally, individual
and group psychology are in part constructed from the percep-
tion he or it has of his or its history, the inferences drawn from
that history about the kind of person or group he or it may be,
what other persons or groups think of him or it, and the destiny
that awaits him or it.
The character of individual and collective consciousness and
the range of their behavioral possibilities and very significantly

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

influenced by the quality of their recordings and recollections

of their historical experiences. To manipulate history is to ma-
nipulate consciousness; to manipulate consciousness is to
manipulate possibilities; and to manipulate possibilities is to
manipulate power.
Herein lies the mortal threat of Eurocentric historiography
to Afrikan existence. For what must be the form and functional-
ity of Afrikan consciousness and behavior if they are derivative
of an Afrikan history written by their oppressors? The history
of the oppressed, as written by their oppressors, shape the
consciousness and psychology of both oppressed and oppressor.
It helps to legitimate the oppressive system and to maintain
the imbalance of power in favor of the oppressor. Eurocentric
history writing is essentially an exercise in publishing apologe-
tics for the European oppression of Afrikan peoples; often a
gross and crude attempt to create and shape a subordinate and
inferior Afrikan consciousness and psychology. It seeks to
impose a social/historical/cultural amnesic tax on the heads
of Afrikan peoples and thereby rob them of their most valuable
resources — their knowledge of truth and reality of self; their
cultural heritage and identity, minds, bodies, and souls; their
wealth, lands, products of their labor and lives.
Eurocentric historiography is the most formidable ally of
White racism and imperialism. Its treacherous role in this
regard must be explored and reversed by an Afrikan-centered
historiography written by Afrikan historians dedicated to
historical accuracy and truth — historians who are unafraid
to speak truth to power.
The clarion call for the writing of a restorative Afrikan-
centered historiography — a critical undertaking — is a call
for the healing of the wounds of Afrikan peoples; for Afrikan
unity; for the freeing and expansion of Afrikan consciousness;
for the reconquest of Afrikan minds, bodies, lands, resources,
and Afrikan autonomy.
Every Eurocentric social institution conspires with Eurocen-
tric historiography to handcuff and incarcerate Afrikan con-
sciousness, to justify and facilitate the subordination and
exploitation of Afrikan peoples.


One such institution is the Eurocentric mental health

A product and functionary of European imperialism this
establishment promulgates explanatory systems, diagnostic
techniques, labeling and treatment regimes which obscure the
true origins of Afrikan mental diseases and maladaptiveness
— the effects and aftereffects of White supremacy. By these
means this establishment makes its most important contribu-
tion, along with Eurocentric historiography, to the falsification
and misdirection of Afrikan consciousness and behavior.
In the context of a racist social system, psychological diagno-
sis, labeling and treatment of the behavior of politically
oppressed persons are political acts performed to attain political
ends. For oppression begins as a psychological fact and is in
good part a psychological state. If oppression is to operate with
maximum efficiency, it must become and remain a psychological
condition achieving self-perpetuating motion by its own internal
dynamics and by its own inertial momentum.
The Eurocentric mental health establishment, a beneficiary
of the White domination of Afrikan peoples, is a very important
cog in this self-perpetuating machine. Its reason for being is
to nurture and sanction the imperialist and racist regime which
fathered it. Thus its explanatory systems and its treatment
approaches ultimately must be exposed as political ideology
and oppressive political governance parading as empirically
validated principles of psychological and medical science, and
as “objective” psychotherapeutic and psychiatric practices. The
Eurocentric mental health establishment consequently cannot
provide adequate explanations, rationales, preventative and
remedial practices for Afrikan peoples whose psychology is
derivative of a singularly unique history and cultural experience
and of a necessarily revolutionary drive to achieve liberation
from subordination.
Eurocentric historiography — the biasing and falsification
of history in ways which justify White supremacy — is not
merely the fiddle-faddle of absent-minded professors ensconced
in academic ivory towers. It involves a deliberate and serious
exercise in myth-making, in the development of Eurocentric

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

cultural mythic thought which rationalizes a concrete social

order founded on the perpetual subordination of Afrikan peoples
to European peoples. Moreover, the Eurocentric social order,
which the European historiographic and behavioral science
establishments legitimate and support, is essentially a “social
machine” which manufactures a consciousness and behavioral -
orientation in Afrikan peoples designed to serve the purposes
of White supremacy. In this volume we begin an exploration
of the working mechanisms of the machine and the means by
which it is to be dismantled.
The healing of the collective Afrikan body, mind and spirit,
the expansion of Afrikan consciousness, calls for the accelerated
advancement of Afrikan-centered historiographic, social and
natural sciences, the development of incisive critical disciplines
which can make decisive contributions to the establishment
of a new world social order in which all humanity are free of
oppression and degradation.
It is our hope that the two lectures and the appended essay
included herein will make positive contributions to this end.
Amos N. Wilson


An Afrikan Analysis and Perspective

Avrrer LERONE BENNETT, JR. in his book, Black Power U.S.A.,
reviewed [Black political] history and presented it so magnifi-
cently, I looked for the summary chapter which would tell us
that what we had during Reconstruction was not real power.
In fact, the name of the book is a misnomer. I was looking for
him to say that the rights and the freedom of a people are not
protected by law only. That, to me, seemed to be the lesson that
was taught there: laws in and of themselves will not protect
us; laws are words written on paper; laws protect no one.
Laws are no stronger than those who enforce them. President
Rutherford B. Hayes taught us that lesson quite clearly. The
day that the federal government decided not to enforce the
Reconstruction laws, the so-called freedom of Black people came
to an end. Laws were on the books, but who cared? The
Supreme Court reneged in the 1870s and we were almost back
where we started.
The Supreme Court can and does change its mind. It can
rule one way at one point and reverse its ruling at another.
Where does that leave us? We see it happening to us all the
time. Ultimately, means that we can
that_we can only
onl protect our rights__
and interests people,
as not through laws written by other
i a gh the
power to prevent other people from having their way with us.

power: military, economic and otherwise. That is our ultimate

“ If it arises at some point in the future that Whites have to
make a decision between feeding their children and ours, irre-
spective of what kind of laws are on the books they are going
to feed theirs and starve ours. We can apply to the Supreme
The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

Court and anywhere else we choose, nevertheless, the situation

will be exactly the way they wish it to be. Therefore, relying
on laws — new Reconstruction laws — and promises almost
exclusively are a very poor sort of salvation and assurance for
our survival as a people. There is no way around it. have
aaa ere This should be our goal. Allow
me to indulge in a brief review of the first Reconstruction 1867-_

Progression and Regression in Reconstruction History*

Many of us in Black Studies who are reconstructing history

(the history of the United States) think that we are entering
a new era in American history. We may think that the things
we are witnessing today, i.e., the elections of Blacks to political
office and their appointments to various positions, their
accomplishments in various corporations and so forth, are
something new in American history. Yet the study of Recon-
struction history will quickly convince us that we are currently
undergoing deja vu.
Many of us see history as a continuing progress upward and
onward. We have bought the American concept of progress,
the idea that things must over time necessarily get better.
There is no law in the universe that tells us that our future
survival is assured; that we will continue to exist now and into
the future. There have been races and ethnic groups who have
been virtually wiped out on this planet. There is no guarantee
that our own group will not be wiped out as well. The idea that
we must necessarily arrive at a point greater than that reached
by our ancestors could possibly be an illusion. The idea that
somehow according to some great universal principle we are
going to be in a better condition than our ancestors is an
illusion which often results from not studying history and
recognizing that progressions and regressions occur in history;
that integrations and disintegrations occur in history.
History is not a fairy tale, where certain things are accom-
plished and then people live happily ever after. Many of us
think that the accomplishments we have made up to this point

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

mean that we are only going to expand them in the future. We

had better think about that again. I will point out today why
we must not be so optimistic as to be foolish.
Let us go back for a moment to an article written in the
Ebony magazine, October 1981, wherein Lerone Bennett wrote
(I think) his conclusion to his book Black Power U.S.A. When
I finished reading that book, I felt that the last chapter was
missing. It went on to laud Black Power during the Reconstruc-
tion era and so forth and yet, somehow, its logical conclusions
weren't arrived at. The lessons that the book brought to mind
were not expressed openly and completely. Consequently, I
think some people would have been left with the wrong
impression. But lo and behold he did write the final chapter,
not within the book itself but in Ebony magazine under the
front cover heading “The Second Reconstruction: Is History
Repeating Itself?”
He titled the article, “The Second Time Around. Will History
Repeat Itself and Rob Blacks of the Gains of 1960s?” So he’s
dealing with the issue again. We gained it [freedom] once and
we lost it. Is there any law in the universe that says that we
will not lose it again? He introduced the topic:

It was, at long last, over and done with. How could anyone
doubt it? How could anyone fail to see that the race problem
had been solved forever?
One man who had no doubt said, “All distinctions founded
upon race or color have been forever abolished in the United
Another who saw things this way said the category of race
has been abolished by law and that “there [were] no more
colored people in this country.”
Thus spoke the dreamers and the prophets — and victims
— in the first Reconstruction of the 1860s and the 1870s.

I don’t think I have to elaborate on this kind of attitude. We

run into too many youngsters today who say, “Oh, that was
in slavery time. Oh, those were things we talked in the 1960s
The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \,

and 70s; we’re in a new day now.” We're not in a new day,
ladies and gentlemen. The same words that we are saying today
are the same words that people were saying over 100 years
ago. Why are we in a new day saying the same thing that
someone said 100 years ago? Bennett goes on to say:

And it is worth emphasizing here, at the very beginning, that

these flights into fantasy were based on the same “hard” facts
that grip the imagination of Blacks in the second Reconstruction
of the 1960s and 1970s. There was, for example, a Black man
in the U.S. Senate in the 1870s and there was a Black governor
in Louisiana. In the 1860s and the 1870s — as in the 1960s
and 1970s — there were Black sheriffs and mayors in the South
and there was open speculation about a Black vice presidential
candidate. [So the Jesse Jackson run is not new in Black
American history].
There was, moreover, a network of civil rights laws that
seemed to settle the issue beyond all possibility of dispute or
recall. (Emphasis mine)

There are so many of us who believe that fair housing laws,

anti-discrimination laws, civil rights laws, voting laws and so
forth, guarantee our freedom. That is an illusion. What a flight
into fantasy!
Laws are no stronger than their enforcers. The same people
who pass those are the same people who are responsible
thepeapls whoenforce thelawsnolonger
decide to do so, the laws are of no value and have no power.
Ultimately, then, fairnes ts not in laws but in the activities
of people and in tiaattitude and Gonscousness ofGeople
Therefore, if the people who are responsible for enforcing those
laws change their attitudes then the treatment of those people
whose freedom is protected by those so-called laws is changed
as _well.
We Cannot put our faith in White man’s law and the laws
enforced by Whites. I have warned and it bears repeating that
if there comes a day when the society has to make a choice
between feeding White children and feeding Black children,

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

no amount of civil rights laws or any other laws on the books

will prevent those people from feeding their children first. It
is a silly faith we have in laws. For Black people in the 1970s,
1980s and 1990s to still rest their freedom on the basis of laws
when history itself shows us that this cannot be done, we must
question our sanity and what we have learned from the study
of our history.

Back there, 100 years ago there was a federal law protecting
voting rights in the South — Does this all sound vaguely
familiar? — and there was a national public accommodations

So the public accommodations law didn’t begin with the freedom

rides in the 1960s. We had those rights in the 1860s and 1870s
as well.

Such, in broad outline, was the racial situation 100 years ago
—§in the 1860s and 1870s — when racism was “forever abolish-
ed” in America for the first time.
It was a short “forever.”

Ill just read other selected excerpts from Bennett’s article.

As almost every schoolboy knows, the first Reconstruction ended

in a major historical catastrophe that wiped out the gains of
the 1860s. As a consequence, it required 100 years and oceans
of blood for Black people to climb back up to the political plateau
they had occupied in 1860-70.

So, as I stated earlier, history contains both progress and

regress. However, regressing at this point in history will not
be a situation where we will be able to fight the battle all over
again. Regressing at this point in history essentially spells
annihilation for Afrikans, not only in America but for Afrikans
the world over.

For as I said in Black Power U.S.A., and as DuBois said before

me in Black Reconstruction, “Reconstruction in all of its various

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

facets was the supreme lesson for America, the right reading
of which might still mark a turning point in our history.”

The election of Black mayors and governors and our getting

jobs in White corporations can in no way ensure the survival
of Black people. We cannot make the progress of Black people
synonymous with our qualifying for degrees and our getting
jobs downtown. We must wake up to this because we’ve had
this game played upon us before. Lerone Bennett mentions the
founding of,

...a prototypical War on Poverty [from the 1860s-1870s] (the

Freedman’s Bureau) and putting on the books civil rights laws
which were in some instances stronger than civil laws passed
in the 1960s and 1970s. In the wake of these events, there was
an explosive growth in Black consciousness, and Blacks made
many gains which surpassed, in many instances, the political
gains Blacks made in the 1960s and 1970s.

At one time, in fact, Black legislators were in the majority in

the South Carolina legislature. In the same period, as in the
comparable period in the 1960s and 1970s, poor Whites received
social and economic benefits rich Whites had denied them.

Once we got in we were even good to poor White-folks. We

set up school systems and whole lot of other things.” I'll
conclude this portion by reading this:

Long discussions about the morals and educational equivoca-

tions of Blacks obscure the main point — power or the lack of
power. The worst thing that can be said about some leaders
of the Reconstruction period is that they did not seem to
understand that the only issue was power.

We don’t talk about that issue very much today either; it

seems to frighten many of us.

One final point is relevant to an understanding of the power

realities of the social movements of both the first and second

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

Reconstructions. In both cases, social and political leaders failed

to provide the economic ballots that made political ballots
No one understood this better than the Black masses of the
1860s who said in marches and demonstrations that their
freedom was not secure without a firm economic foundation.

Therefore, think again when we celebrate Frederick Doug-

lass, Harriet Tubman, King, and others. We should begin to
look at the central issues. If our study of Black history is merely
an exercise in feeling good about ourselves, then we will die
feeling good. We must look at the lessons that history teaches
us. We must understand the tremendous value of the study
of history for the re-gaining of power. If our education is not
about gaining real power, we are being miseducated and misled
and we will die educated and misled.

Why Study History

The study of history cannot be a mere celebration of those

who struggled on our behalf. We must be instructed by history
and should transform history into concrete reality, into planning
and development, into the construction of power and the ability
to ensure our survival as a people. If not, Black History Month
becomes an exercise in the inflation of egos; it becomes an
exercise that cuts us further off from reality. Ironically,
we now ,
see even other people who are not our friends joining usinthis
celebration, which means that they must see in it some means
of protecti i i ts, and see in it something that
works for them, and possibly against us. If they can celebrate —
our history and see it as something positive, then it means that
we are not using it in a revolutionary sense. They do not see
our study of it as a threat to their power. If we are not studying

ing it incorrectly, and_our celebration of it is helping to

us in a state of deception. So let us make sure ‘that
we look at and study history in a light such that it advances
our interests, not inflates our egos and blinds us to reality.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

Now let’s look at European History and what I call Historiog-

raphy and Oppression: Its Functions and Outcome. By historiog-
raphy I refer to the writing of history.
We see in many of today’s newspapers and popular media
that many people are complaining about the state of the study
of history — the fact that it’s not being studied that much in
high school, or that “Western civilization” is not being studied
enough. Now we see a number of universities and colleges re-
instituting as a part of their core curricula the study of Western
civilization. I’m sure some of us are familiar with the controver-
sies that are going on because the feminist movement is saying
that feminist history should be interjected into the study of
so-called Western civilization. Of course, Afrikan history
advocates are also demanding that Afrikan history and non-
Western civilizations be included in this area.

Sociopolitical Role of Historiography

We have an issue here that I call the projection and image

of history. History has been down-played in this society. History
has a poor reputation; often it is looked upon by too many
people as essentially a set of dates and events. People ask:
“Why should I study these dates; why should I study these
events; what does it have to do with today?” It is as if they say,
“OK, it may be used to explain how some things came about
in today’s world, but probably we could live without it.” Often
history — among even many of our people — even so-called
Black History itself, has been looked upon as irrelevant and
unprofitable. The idea is, “Why study Black History; it’s not
going to make me any money? It’s not going to get me a job;
what can you do with it? You should get yourself a degree in
computer science; get yourself a trade. I’m not interested in
Black Power; I’m interested in Green Power.” These statements
express foolish concepts. When we hear them we recognize that
the individual has not seen the connection between history,
power and money. There is a direct connection between history
and economics.

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

(Toften say in this regard that if there were not a direct

relationship between history and money, a direct relationship
between history and power, history and rulership, history and
domination, then why is it that the European rewrote history?
Why is it that the European wants to take our history away
from us? Why is it that the European wants to rewrite our
history and distort it? Why is it that he doesn’t want to present
it at all? Apparently the rewriting, the distortion and the
stealing of our history must serve vital economic, political and
social functions for the European, or else he would not bother
and try so hard to keep our history away from us, and to distort
it in our own minds. Let us meditate on these issues and I
think we'll come to realize that there is a direct relationship
between history and economics, political and social develop-

History and Psychology

History is projected in this culture as being irrelevant, I don’t

think by accident. Again, if it is made to look irrelevant, if it_
is made to look un able, then making it appear so must }
serve some profitable purpose. When courses in college or
university are apparently presented “nonpolitically,” “objective-
ly,” “neutrally,” they are actually presented in the most political
way. We must understand that it is in the nature of this racist
culture to hide its political agenda. Therefore, it presents so-
called facts and information as if they have no political connec-
tions or implications.
I often try to show how making something political creates
knowledge and information that can be of great value. I often
use the concept of the “Skinner rat” to show how that concept
is presented “nonpolitically” in the psychology of learning: how
the rat is put in a box and can only eat if it performs a
particular behavior. So if it pushes a lever — it is only as a
result of pushing that lever — that it is allowed to eat. The
experimenter determines when this rat is going to eat, when
it is going to drink; he determines the living conditions under
which this rat must survive. The rat becomes conditioned and

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

changes as a result of the fact that the man has control of vital
things in its life. Thus, we can present this paradigm in a very
sterile way, in terms of learning and reinforcement principles.
We can write a whole book about them, with graphs, arcane
language and the whole bit.
I often point out how a Black student ccan learn Skinnerian
psychology better than a White student and still as a result
of having learned it be made dumb by it. Because, it is taught
on a “race neutral,” nonpolitical level..But I often ask my
students whether there is only one way of looking at this
situation. Why not look at it politically? This rat is conditioned;
i.e., it reflects the conditions under which it is forced to survive
as the result of a set of power relations. So why not analyze
this experiment in terms of power relations? Based on these
terms we may reach the conclusion that the conditioned rat_
is socially created; its personality is a social creation. What it
learns is the resulf of a power differential between the rat and —
the experimenter, because the experimenter has power over

new in the rat.

As a result of the conditioning experiment the rat is different
from other unconditioned rats. It shows the effects of its
conditioning. The experimenter is able to do this because the
experimenter has control over the rat’s circumstances. If we
will go further and identify with the rat we then begin to learn
something about ourselves — something of value. We will then
have grasped something that can lay the foundation for
revolution and change; not a sterile bit of knowledge and
information that we can’t use.
I’ve often asked my students: “Who has control of your food?
Who has control of your electricity? Who has control of your
water? Of your jobs? Who tells you what to wear when you go
to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to
leave...when to go to to to
to do to do that...and how are these things taught,
and how they are conditioned?”— It is by reward and punish-
ment. “You do this you get paid; you don’t do this you don’t
get paid; you get a raise; you get docked.” What do we have

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

here? We see the same basic situation and the same basic
principles for conditioning rats are now transferred to life and
reality itself.\Therefore, to live in the “ghetto” under the power
of another people is to be created by that people. To be
rewarded or punished by that people is to be created by that
people. What would happen if these “ghettos” we live in today
are surrounded by a force that blocks the food and the water,
cuts off the electricity and the other things? What kind of
situation would we be in? But even with the water coming in,
the food coming in, we are still created and conditioned by the
circumstances under which we live. We are living under them
as the result of the exercise of the power of another people over
us. Therefore, if we wish to change this situation (i.e., the
conditions under which we live), then we must change the
power relationships. If we are to prevent ourselves from being
created by another people and are to engage in the act of self-
creation, then we must change the power relations.
With the political approach to Skinner’s rat the Afrikan
student not only learns what the White student learns, but
learns more and learns something of value to himself. What
he learns becomes a basis for self-understanding and knowl-
edge, a plan for the future and a means by which he or she
can change his or her situation. Without the lesson being taught
in this way we will have a bunch
of people who

We thus produce a bunch of educated people, as I have

expressed before, who, the more degrees they get in business
administration the fewer businesses they have to administer;
who, as they go into the colleges and the Wharton Schools of
Finance and the Harvard Schools of Finance, etc. find their
communities being inundated by Asians and other groups.
Apparently their degrees are not designed for them to control
their own economic situations and circumstances. But because
the information in the courses in economics are seen as
“neutral” and “non-political,” the student is more radically
politicized than in any other way.
Afrikan-centered education recognizes that the whole of
human life is a political system and, therefore, it interprets

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness x

its materials politically. It is through politi conomic and |

military action that we ange our circumstances. If those
thing pplied in the context of our education then we
are being educated servants
just to be — educated servants! ~
Because it is the intention of uropeans that Blacks never

that wewilljustbeeducated servants —nothing more, nothing

Hence, we have to look at our situation politically and
So when history is projected as irrelevant, as unprofitable,
as a system of dates and events, as a system of rarified causes
and effects, it is projected that way, I think, because it helps
to maintain the political and social status quo, and because
it serves a politicoeconomic function. People who are ahistorical,
who have little knowledge of history, are people who are more
gullible, more easily manipulated and people who can be more
easily adapted to the capitalist machine than people who are
historically knowledgeable. History can become a basis for self-
criticism, a basis for self-understanding, and more importantly,
the basis for the understanding of the motives and the
psychology of others. When history is not taught appropriately
we are left to just follow orders, and to just trudge to our work,
our jobs, without knowing the reasons why. Yet trudging to
our jobs has not secured our futures at all. We must recognize
that merely going to work, merely studying computer science,
merely going to the office, is not enough. We are going to have
to understand the psychology of the people who run this world.
We can only understand our oppressors’ psychology by
understanding their history. They rob us of a e of _
istory and want us to think that hist
unimportant so that we cannot see through their deadly games.
Wa wmuabracagnize thetGistoRris a theFy conten Lier
life. As
I go on I will indeed try to demonstrate more profoundly the
relationship between history and life itself.
Because European history often is seen as unworthy of study
in many high schools and is not at the center of the high school
educational curriculum, how much more so are we, as Afrikans,

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

tempted to see Afrikan history as unworthy. We usually take

our cue from Europeans: “If they’re not studying much history
and their kids don’t care about history then why should ours
care about it? If they say it’s not relevant, then how relevant
can our own history be?” Watch out!
I will show that-our ignorance of our history has a different
outcome from the Europeans’ ignorance of their history. We
must also recognize that history is not only written in books,
but that history is contained in every facet of life. We are
interacting in the context of history right at this very moment.
This church, this building is a historical event and represents
historical evolution, and inside this historical structure people’s
minds and bodies are changed and created. History is every-
where written in the streets that we walk down, in every
building, in every highway, in every yard, everywhere we go
it’s there; it’s shaping; it’s transforming; it’s creating; it’s
blocking; it’s constructing. So even though the European may
stop reading his history in the books, the history of the
European is still “fine and dandy” and operating everywhere
we turn and every place we go. In fact, one of the reasons why
it may have been reduced in terms of history books per se is
because it is hidden everywhere else. It is inextricably linked
and wrapped into every situation, circumstance and event of
life. We study math and we would think it originated in Greece.
It is usually introduced that way. We get the Pythagorean
theories and Euclidean geometry and Boolean algebra and other
European names spread throughout mathematics. The names
and the concepts and who “first” discovered it are history;
images being projected. We’re not learning just neutral science
and mathematics; European history is inculcated right in their
Every course we go into is intertwined with European
history. We can’t escape it. So simply because we don’t show
up in some class that calls itself the History of Europe, don’t
think we’re escaping European history. Not by a long shot. In
every discipline we study in the college/university/school we’re
going to run into European history: it is intimately intertwined
with all disciplines.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘
As long as our own history is not intimately and inextricably
entwined with everything we do, with every study we under-
take, is not represented in our Universe, in our buildings and
on our walls, in our houses and on our streets, then we need
to study history more consciously than do the Europeans! We
cannot always follow the route of European people. They build
history in the books and then they build it into the world, or
vice-versa. They may reduce their attention to the book, but
history is still there and still functioning in the world. There-
fore, we must forget about what the Europeans are doing and
how Europeans are studying or not studying history, because
we are not in their situation. Therefore doing things their way
leads to injurious and different outcomes for us.

History as Psychohistory

We should look at history, more accurately, as Psychohistory,

i.e., the psychological result of undergoing certain historical
experiences. We, as individuals, are our history. Pll show later
on that history is not that which is forgotten and left behind.
We don’t leave history behind. History is the present, history
is the future. Those of us who are Afrocentric and mystical must
know that the division of past, present and future is false,
Eurocentric and political. The world is not a linear structure.
Past, present and future are one and the same. When we have
been made to believe that the past is separate and in some
enone tee GE eee
eI mens sags ciieret reve
If you forgot your past you would not be able to understand
me right now. You would not be able to walk or talk. You did
not learn to walk, talk and do the things you’re doing at the
moment you entered here; you learned to do them in the past.
Forget that then! Since that is history, leave that behind. You
will see that you also have no future! P n ure
are one, and that proposition is at the center of an Afrikan-
and aapproach.

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

As men with their knowledge and desire ultimately make

; history, so
does history ee
make men.

This is quoted from Joel Kovel’s White Racism: A Psychohistory.

When we go to see a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker
or psychotherapist, one of the first things they do is to take
a so-called case history. They recognize that they cannot
appropriately understand us as individuals unless they
understand something about our unique experience as individu-
als. They cannot take the history and experience of another
person and apply exclusively the psychology that flows from
that history and experience and accurately describe you as an
individual and person. That’s why each person that walks
through the door of helping-professionals must provide his or
her own case history, and must be dealt with in terms of his
or her own case history.
The same thing is true about a people. We cannot take the
psychology of Europeans — and often I’ve stated this as a
rationale for my writing of the book, The Developmental
Psychology of the Black Child, which is based upon their history
and experience, upon their values and their goals — and apply
it unmodified to ourselves. This leads to misunderstanding and
misdirection. One of the major problems I often point out in
this context, in the area of education, i8 that-we-have a
situation where the educational psychology that’s taught to
teachers and others who are in charge of our children is a
paapls; ahddespite thebestintentions oftheseeducators they
To a very great extent the problem with the education of
Black children, the crack epidemic and all of these other things
we complain about day in and day out, are the result of a
psychology that flows from a particular type of historical
We have a school system that is based upon t holo
of White children an ite people. We are trying to educate
our children in that system; they are bound to fail. The very
structure of the educational system itself is based upon a White

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \«

model and therefore it has a built-in failure mechanism for us,

one way or the other.
We must develop a psychology of our children based upon
_ our own history and experience. It is only then that our
@edagogical hind educational approaches will be in line with
their pérsonalities. Only then can we move our children forward
to fulfill our needs and our desires as a people. If we wish to
understand ourselves and wish to understand other people’s
psychology we must then understand our history and their
history. We must be very clear about this matter.
For us to come to understand ourselves as individual units
we must ultimately come to understand not only our own
personal history and experience but the history and experience
of our people, since they overlap and are connected. Therefore,

erstand ourselves as individuals and as a people.

» AIENSuBIT eachperson ava society 1swriqueinthe dutsilcnd
fine structure of his/her life, all members of that society share
certain common styles of action or ways of knowing. In other
words, to the degree that we share history and experience, we
share common styles of thinking and knowing. There is no such
thing as an “individual” in the absolute sense of the word.

Language and Power

When we get ready to create revolution we must redefine

the world, and redefine words; there’s no way around it. In
Genesis, we see Adam being given the power to name things.
Through being given the power to name things he is given
dominion. There is a connection between naming and dominion,
between naming and bringing into reality. When we permit
another people to name and define, we permit another people
to*gain dominion and control over us.
The languages that people learn and speak are most
frequently directly related to the power relations between them.
Many people will now learn Japanese, as for a while they
learned Russian, as for a while they learned German, Latin,
etc. Why? Because the, people who speak or spoke those

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

languages were or are in ascendance or in power at that or this

time. There is no “good” English or “bad” English, or “good”
language or “bad” language; there is language that’s connected
to power. People tend to learn first after their native tongue,
whatever language is spoken by the people in power. There’s
a connection between the capacity to have other people speak
your language and to call things by the names you give them,
and power. If we wish to assume power then we must assume
the capacity to name and define things.
The psychology of a culture is to a great extent a symbolic
precipitant of the kinds of experiences forced upon a group of
people by their history. We must_recognize the intimate
reationship between cultura. history_and personality. Ifwe.
0 not know our history then we do not know our personality. _
Sndif the only history we know is other people’s history then
our. personality has been created by that history.
We must recognize this in the case of European history. It
is not so much that we know European history (because 90
percent of us don’t know European history and have not read
it), but that we are left with some image of it, some_residue
of it — that we have a sense of it — is all tnhegemonis
European needs to begin to dominate and to control non-
European peoples.

History as Mythology

I’m going to look briefly at European history as mythology,

as propaganda, and as the creator of personality (which it is).
It is mythology. European mythology (European hallucination)
can only work against us where there is an absence of contact
with reality, an absence of knowledge of Afrikan history. We
hallucinate every
night. These are called dreams,
and they occur at the point where we become detached from
reality. We maintain our mental balance and sense of self by
the input of our senses. It is necessary that for human beings
to maintain sanity that they receive random input (and
changing input) from the world. That is why we suffer so much
when we are put into solitary confinement — where we can’t
see or hear anything — we may begin to have visions and

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

hallucinations as a result thereof. There are what we call

desensitization experiments. Some of us might have gotten a
chance to see the movie, Altered States, that speaks to this kind
of experience where when you remove a person’s capacity to
see, feel, hear, touch and so forth, very peculiar things happen
to the mind. Hallucinations begin to occur, orientation is lost.
The individual becomes imbalanced because the information
that’s normally used to maintain mental equilibrium is absent.
We’re in a similar state when we are asleep and the mind
creates its own reality, its own movie show, and we watch it
throughout the night. Often we don’t know that we are in an
unreal world until we wake up the next morning.
Mythology and hallucinations, such as those European
history represents, can take us where it has taken us only as
the result of the fact that we are not in touch with reality, not
in touch with our Afrikan history in a realistic sense. European
history is written in such a way, or projected in such a way,
that we become detached and disconnected from the reality
that maintains our sanity, maintains our balance and orienta-
tion. We then can fall victim to created visions and hallucina-
tions, delusions and illusions.
In the final analysis, European history’s principal function
is to first separate us from the reality of ourselves and separate
us from the reality of the world; to separate us from the reality
of our history and to separate us from its ramifications. We
will then take the hallucinations which result from these
separations as representing what is real. That is its primary
function — as mythology.

From the first day a reporter asked the first tough question
of a government official, there has been a debate about whether
government has the right to lie. It does. And in certain circum-
stances, government not only has the right but a positive
obligation to lie.

This is stated by Jody Powell (who served under former

President Jimmy Carter, as press secretary) in his book, The
Other Side of the Story. A very interesting admission. Many

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

have heard me say that Europeans, who j t

of the world’s population, can only rule over the 90 percent by.
lying. by deceit and force. The only way that we can be in the
condition we are in, as a people, is to believe lies. mentality.
has been reversed and our behavior made backwards because
we take the lie for the truth, and the ie, A small
minority in the world can only rule by making backwards THe
y. ; b:
the large majority by reversing the truth creatin mer anal
_getting the majority tobelieve the lies that itcreates. Powell
has honestly admitted it.
European historiography lies in many ways. It even lies when
ostensibly telling the truth. An effective propagandist doesn’t
want to tell too many big lies, too many obvious lies; he wants
to tell the truth in a sort of way that gets him where he wants
to go.
We have to recognize that history-writing
European is-en—

the function of institutions in any oppressive society is to.

ML Sacre don’t care what institution we may
talk about; whether we talk about the family institution, the
criminal justice institution, the economic institution, the
re gies ns, the health establishment, the educational
institutions; they all have one thing in common in a Eurocentric
oI™ °
oppressi em — to maintain the status quo and to
aintain Afri eople in oppression. We must Keep this in
mind. It is not so much what they say or don’t say they
represent. It is how they function that is of importance. The
European writing of history is in tandem with everything else
European and its purpose is ultimately the same: to maintain
European power and domination.
European historiography does this by a number of means.
It may do this by the pure falsification and concealment of
history, by omission and by commission. It may do it by what
Icall a “theft of history.” We, in studying Egyptology, are trying
to take back what European historiography has stolen,
completely falsified; to erase the new false identities it placed
on the Afrikan Egyptian people. Or when there isn’t a direct

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

lie we get a history book that’s written about Egyptians without

any reference to ethnicity. We have an unwritten rule which
says that if ethnicity is not mentioned then we are talking
about White-folks. That rule has been so deeply ingrained
within us that we can read history about ourselves in great
detail but project whiteness right into it and “whitewash” our
own identity.
We have been set-up by Eurocentric historiography in such
a way that when the word “slave” is mentioned we assume that
they are talking about us, Afrikan people. So we read about
slaves in history and right away assume they must be talking
about “colored” folks. As if no other people has ever been
enslaved but Black people. In other words, historiography can
create an outright lie (as it often does), or present itself
“neutrally”, “non-ethnically”, and achieve deceptive ends since
it has already set us up to misperceive reality and truth. The
European historiography so “beautifully” sets us up that we
supply the lie while looking directly at truth.
This society gets away by pretending that it is free and open.
Ladies and gentlemen, it does provide tremendous amounts
of information and puts that information right in our neighbor-
hoods, right before our eyes; we’re just overrun with informa-
tion. There’s so much information in libraries until one young
man went into one and just by reading found out how to develop
_ an atomic bomb...the mechanism, the whole thing...not from
classified data, but data right on the library shelves. He had
to have intentions and needs to do that, didn’t he? He had to
have goals, values, other things that took him to those books;
and those mental structures allowed him to pull out the
relevant information and piece it together. Without appropriate
motivational structures information can be put right before
our faces and we will gain nothing from it.
Sowwe're in the situation, as Black people, where the informa- ae

tion isIs put right before our faces and we gain relatively little
from it. nly be put before our fac it is because _
we have been so mentally ue motivationally structured that
we will not and canno at information and transform =
it n advan erefore, this country talks about '
andi a PT a aN as ts

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

...freedom of information! “See, we let them read anything.”

But it goes back to the phrase: The best way to hide anything
from a Negro is to put it in writing.
Historiography may function as propaganda — propaganda
being an effort to persuade people to a point of view on an issue.
History can be used to intimidate. European achievements are
inflated and the next thing we know, we are asking ourselves
“How we can fight this great people?” We’ve been frightened!
They talk about the great discoveries they've made and we say
to ourselves, “Hey, we’d better hang in with these people
because if we lose them we’re going back to the Dark Ages.”
We think this way because they've destroyed our confidence,
our capacity to think for ourselves and to believe that we are
capable of creating a world as great or greater than the
Eurocentric one that presently exists. In this way European
historiography functions to maintain a social system, to
“psychologize” and create a personality orientation in its readers
or hearers.
Even if we forget every fact and detail of inflated Eurocentric
history, its intimidatory impression stays with us even when
the content is lost. That’s the point of it, to leave the impres-
sion, because that impression will become a dynamic source
of behavioral orientation toward the world.
The European doesn’t care whether or not we remember the
facts and the details as long as we just remember the impres-
sion, as long as our personalities have been impressed and
transformed in a fashion compatible with European interests.
Historiography may be used and function to rationalize ideology
and justify the status quo, to motivate activity and to create
consciousness. We see that all the time, the rationalization of
slavery through the use of history, the rationalization of
European domination through the use of history. Why is our
cultural history stolen from us?.So that we can think that we
had no culture until the European gave us his, or projected
his own upon us; so that we can feel that we are not capable
of culture, and of developing a culture of our own, one that
could be respected the world over; so that we develop an

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

inferiority complex and the other kinds of complexes we talk

about so often today.
When you steal a people’s history you can justify ruling over
them and thus justify domination. More importantly, history
may be used to influence personality, culture, roles, and to
motivate us to commit suicide, to provoke us to commit menti-
cide’ and may be used to create or rationalize fratricide,
genocide and self-destruction.
How many times have we, maybe in our own personal lives,
attacked someone because we were given the wrong history
about them? How many murders have been perpetrated because
someone believed a lie? How many wars have been started
because the population was lied to and a history projected in
such a way that it motivated them to kill? A bogus, thoroughly
wrongful fabrication can lead one to imprisonment, can lead
one to murder, or lead to wars, or to being killed and destroyed.
So there is a direct connection between history and the way
people behave and act, between what one thinks of as history
and killing, death, destruction and imprisonment.
So history is no casual thing that one picks up while passing
through school. It becomes a part of one’s total orientation
toward the world. If it were not, why then does the European
see himself as the sole, valid historian in the world and tries
to see himself as the only one who should determine what
history is? We are, to a very great extent, what we are today
as people as the result of believing lies presented as truth. We

Mythology has many functions. We can’t go into them here

today due to constraints of time. M often can be seen
as a form of denial of reality. If a memory is too painful tobe
récalled, ifrecalling it means suffering, pain, shame, guilt and
other negative things, the individual may not only deny the
reality of that memory and experience but may actually create

* A term coined by Dr. Bobby Wright to explain the mental genocide

practiced against Afrikan people.

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

a mythology in their places. By becoming obsessed and caught

up in that mythology, he uses it as a means of keeping out of
his conscious memory the traumatic experiences that he fears.
The European must undoubtedly fear the truth of Afrikan
history. Recall the phrase: Ye shall know the truth and the truth
shall make you free. And if we are not free today, then we must
not know the truth. If Eurocentric history and other disciplines
are true then why aren’t we free? The knowledge of truth
threatens those who wish to imprison us, keep us imprisoned,
and keep us dominated. The projection of the European version
of history into our minds as mythology is a way of repressing
truth within our own minds and within our breasts as a people.
European historiography functions to maintain repression.
Often, the person represses painful information that threatens
his equilibrium because he may be profiting by the lies he tells
himself and others. The European profits by the lies he tells,
the false perceptions and consciousness he creates in himself
and others. Therefore, truth and a more realistic history
threatens these gains. His self-esteem and vision of who he
is and what he is, is maintained through the projection of his
history as mythology. That’s one of the functions of mythology
— to maintain self-esteem.
The European projection of history not only serves to drive
out and repress truth, but also to maintain the inflated
European ego. Therefore, truthful history is not only seen as
a correction of his history, but as a direct attack against his
ego, status and position in the world. That’s why Afrikan-
centered history is reacted to with such great anxiety. That’s
why almost anything Afrikan is reacted to with alarm. But it
is only through Afrikaness, only through the projection of the
truth of Afrikaness, that our freedom can be attained as a
people, and European domination brought to an end.
Whether a mythology is perceived as true or false is sociologi-
cally unimportant. Some Blacks would debate Elijah Muhamm-
ad’s view of the world, about the White man being the Devil.
Of course, the “negro” who doesn’t want to do anything gets
into the fine points of that. He’s very careful to distinguish the
good ones from the bad ones and the ones in-between. He has

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

a graduated measuring rod; he works them out by degrees. But

when the White man enforced segregation down South, the good
Black-folk and the bad Black-folk sat right in the back of the
bus; it didn’t matter. The mythology didn’t differentiate: “You're
black; get back.” That’s the deal; you’re bad. The function was
‘not that of telling truth. The idea was how that mythology (i.e.,
all Blacks are bad) helped'maintain the racial status quo. The
idea is not whether Whites are Devils or Angels, but what
would happen if we dealt with Whites as if they were Devils.

sfieerts aangtra Goadiofoto a move

us closér to doing for self, would it move-us closer to. controlling
our destinies, our ow control of-our
econiomi and our nations? Would it remove us from being
manipulated and used by another system? It is not about truth _
—alone; it is about self-control. It is about the gaining of power.
It isabout being able to protect and advance our survival. But
if we get caught up in the minutiae of trying to figure out
whether there are good ones and bad ones and others in-
between, we may find ourselves being destroyed in our studies.
That’s why we have to recognize that the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad was the greatest psychologist we ever had, and
many of us still have not come to understand that yet. Some
of us thought that we were doing our “intellectual thing” when
we got caught up trying to point out his “mythologies.” Not at
all; we must look at function. .
So European history, whether it is true to the extent and/or
in the context within which it is projected, or whether it is false,
is really not the ultimate point. tts the fact that itfunctions
s a myth and as hology it f ions to maintain
_Kurdpean power, dominati and _control. It is our attac
pase ee oe with as
an Afrikan people. Because the mythology becomes a part of
our mental structure. It is used as a tool of intellection, a tool
of comprehension, a tool of dealing with the world and relating
to the world. A mythology organizes the world, organizes
behavior; it organizes interpersonal and intergroup relations.
Whatever mythology we. believe is one that organizes our

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

approach to other people, our perception of ourselves and of

other people. It provides answers. The answers may not be
right, they may be wrong; but it still provides an answer. And
that’s psychologically satisfying. Nothing threatens us and
nothing upsets us like unanswered questions. Often Man
projects a mythology in order to get himself out of his agony
of dealing with unanswered questions and to put his mind at
We have to recognize the function of mythology since
mythology seeks to mold character and to motivate, as well
as to de-motivate. Mythology often takes control of the domain
’ of discourse, in the sense that just the presentation of European
history — leaving Afrikan history aside — implies that Afrikan
history is not worth learning. I often tell college students that
“you look at your college catalog and you see a course in there
and assume that because it’s in the catalog it’s worth learning.”
You say to yourself, “If it’s not there then it must not be worth
learning; because if it was worth learning it would be there.”
You look at the list of required courses and you don’t see
anything about your history as being required. You assume
that the most important courses are required and since the
ones related to us are not required then they must not be
important, <ustthereading ofthecatalog inflates onegroup
and deflates the other. It creates a superiority complex in one
and an inferiority complex in the other. When we name things,
when we speak of things in order to exclude contrary truths,
we create and uncreate reality. This is the role that European
historiography has arrogated to itself.

History and Societal Amnesia

History is a time dimension. History structures time. I

frequently try to point out that culture is not only about
behavior, dress and so forth, but that all cultures have a time
dimension related to them. I talk about this relative to the
education of our children to indicate that our children are often
flunked and destroyed by the time structure of the schools they
attend. Who told us that classes only have to last 45 minutes?

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

“Oh, the White-folks teach theirs 45 minutes.” But that,

apparently, is a time system that’s connected to and works for
them, that is in someway intimately connected to their history
and experience.
When we look at ourselves, are we going to tell ourselves
that our children are destroyed by the aftereffects of our
enslavement, jim crowism, miseducation, poor self-image, all
the other things we moan and groan about and yet we don’t
make time in a curriculum for instructing them so as to remove
these obstacles to learning? If not then, we will destroy them.
Therefore, our time system for teaching our children cannot
be a duplicate of the European time system. We must recognize
there’s a time dimension related to our history and ourselves
as a people. In knoWing our history we get to know our time
dimension, we get to know how much time has to be dedicated
to various tasks if we are to achieve what we need to achieve.
Forget about other people’s time. Who gives a_hoot_about
whether our children are reading ahead or behind White—
camp time,athesone
same time Se
age?Wey bayer GIMSren aoe
aT aeIf they have a different history,

doesn’t it stand to reason that they may be achieving avert

milestones at different times? But it’s the very fact that we try
to impose the time system of another people upon our children
that creates the so-called deviations we complain about so
much, and our children are destroyed in the process.
So.when we let another people write history — and aed .
is ivision of time — they define us

rs arg War
Ia Tat ale
to.divide up time, in terms of wars. No! We have been at_war
with-the European continuously for the last 2,000 ars — ae
poe ata eer datehe eae ee of
time, it takes us away from our own history and from under-
standing our own adversarial relationship with them and other
people, and takes us completely outside of ourselves. Therefore,
history as mythology, even if it tells the truth, by the very fact

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

of its structuring of time can still be used as propaganda, to

manipulate, and create unreality in consciousness.
European history to a considerable degree, attempts to
control consciousness by the way it is presented. We saw a
movie called The Birth of A Nation. Why not the “Death of a
Nation?” Indigenous American (so-called Indian) nations existed
at the time. At the same time we speak of the “birth” of some
nations, other nations were dying. But we are focused on their
so-called birth. Even more pernicious than this is the fact that
many of our people feel as if they do not come into existence
and self-consciousness until they have been recognized by
European historians. So Columbus “discovers” America and
it’s almost as if the “Indian” comes into reality and into self-
consciousness as the result of Columbus’ discovery. Before that
time they were nothing. Dead! eect =reser epererren
recognize that we exist. It’s a heavy psychology that rules us
“today; we are not famous until they make us famous; we are
not anything until they make us something. Before that we
are nothing.
History as propaganda, history as mythology, creates and
brings into consciousness. History by Europeans is seen as a
validation of truth. It establishes authority. It’s a puzzling
situation, as I’ve often pointed out to my students, that we use
as arbiters of truth those who have lied to us most. These are
the kinds of contradictions that keep us crazy, and they are
widespread. Consequently, we can only feel it is truth when
it comes out of a European historical mouth — solely.

Consequences of Historical Amnesia

In the interest of time Ill just end my analysis of European

history and look a bit at another issue. I’m really more
concerned about what happens when we don’t know or forget
our history. E ic history is used to motivate forgetting
j ersonality, t amnesia, to maintain
repression. Many of us, as individuals, seek to forget our histo
o not want to confront our history because of the anxiety,

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

the anger, the fear, the shame, the guilt we feel when we read
about some aspects of the Afrikan experience, and hence will
often stay away from it. We think we have escaped its effects
thereby. We can hear some of our uninformed children say,
“Well, that was back there 100 years ago; that ain’t got nothing
to do with me today.” The Black child at this very moment is
still affected and suffering from the slave experience, whether
he or she knows it or not. In fact, as Russell Jacoby says in
his book, Social Amnesia:

Exactly because the past is forgotten, it rules unchallenged.

To be transcended it must first be remembered. Social amnesia
is society’s repression of remembrance.

Simply because we choose to forget a traumatic event, simply

because we choose not to learn of a traumatic history and a
history that may make us feel ashamed, does not mean that
that history is not controlling our behavior. Simply because
we don’t know our history, and may have not heard of it, does
not mean that the history does not control our behavior.
One of the most profound things that we’ve learned in
psychology is that the most powerful forces that shape human
behavior are those factors that are consciously not remembered
by human beings, that are unknown by the person, are those
experiences the individual can swear he’s never had. That is
one of the paradoxes of human behavior, that the very things
that shape us and make us behave the way we do, see the world
the way we see it and relate to people the way we relate to
them, are those things that occurred in our lives at points we
cannot remember or recall.
The personality is in part shaped in the womb itself; shaped
by the genes, shaped in part by the birth process itself; shaped
in the very first two years of life. Yet very few, if any of us,
can remember in detail those first two years of life. Yet it is
those very first two years that determine our behavior from
“8 to 80”. And so the idea that we don’t know, that we’re not
aware of certain early experiences, does not mean that we have
escaped their effects. In fact it puts us more profoundly under
the influence of these unknown forces.

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

Amnesia is a state where a person seeks unconsciously to

forget aspects of his/her past life because apparently those
aspects are painful and, therefore, the individual seeks to rid
himself of them. Consequently, by ridding himself of his
conscious remembrance of painful experiences he seeks to rid
himself of anxieties and fears connected with them. He may
then succeed in forgetting those experiences completely, to the
point where he cannot recall them, but this does not mean that
those experiences do not continue to operate within his
There are those of us who are made ashamed of our history
of enslavement, who are made ashamed by the distorted
presentation of Afrikan history (which is why the European
distorts it and presents it the way he does), are made to think
that prior to slavery we were essentially culturally invisible
and savage and only achieved visibility and civility when the
European came on the scene. Many of us attempt to repress
any knowledge of our American slave experience. But we should
heed the fact that a person and people who suffer from social
amnesia live lives that are determined by fear, anxiety, terror
and trauma. When we attempt to escape our history because
were afraid of it, when we escape knowledge because it terrifies
and makes us feel ashamed, then it is terror and fear and
shame that determine our lives. We then live, not in terms of
our reality and in terms of the integration of our reality but
in terms of what we are afraid of, i.e., what we are ashamed
of, what we are trying to hide, what we are trying not to
confront ourselves with. Life is then lived in terms of denial,
in terms of escape and addiction. Many of the murders, deaths,
and much of the destruction that we see in our communities
today are the result of people trying to escape history, and
living their lives in terror and fear of their own history and
reality. That is why I contend that history is directly related
to our concrete existence; it is not something you happen to
take in school. It is a part of our real life because without: it,
it will make us take dope, kill, steal, and it’ll make us do all
kinds of terrible things because our life is not determined by
relating to history appropriately — but determined by the fear.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness :

Those people and parents who have escaped their own history
as a result of trying to escape anxiety, fear, shame and so forth,
may pass escapism onto their children as history. That history
of escapism then becomes a part of their personality and they
become vulnerable to addictions and all other kinds of terrible
habits and orientations in the world. Why do we think we were
robbed of our history if it was not to serve this purpose?
The individual who has amnesia suffers distortion of and
blindness to reality. The individual who cuts himself off from
his history is self-alienated. There’s a whole part of himself
that’s completely shut off from his use. It’s as if there were two
parts. One part is unknown, yet because it is unknown doesn’t
mean that it is not effective. We have to devote energy to
unknowing. We have to direct perception to unknowing. We
have to say: “Let me turn my face so I cannot see; let me not
think about it.” So the struggle to not know itself becomes a
creator of behavior and personality structure. So the idea that
not knowing one’s history somehow permits one to escape it
is a lie. In fact, it brings one under the domination of the more
pernicious effects of that history and opens the personality up
for self-alienation, self-destruction.
A person who is suffering from amnesia lives a life based
on negation, not on affirmation, not on growth and develop-
ment, but lives life in such a way as to deny life and reality
and to deny parts of his own personality and himself. Life then
becomes a negation and is used to maintain a negation instead
of life as it should be lived — as affirmation, as growth,
enhancement and development. And people who live their lives
as a negation live the lives that we see ourselves living today
— going deeper and deeper into hell and going deeper into self-
destruction as a people.
History is real; it brings real, tangible results. When we wish
to negate it and not integrate it, when we wish to negate it and
not affirm it, then it negates us in the end. The negation wins
out. The Afrikan person who lives in social amnesia brought
on by the projection of mythological Eurocentric history, lives
a life that is unintegrated and misunderstood. Why is our
behavior so puzzling to us? We sometimes ask ourselves, “Why

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

did I do that? I don’t know what makes me do this.” Here’s

behavior flowing out from our own mind and personality and
we don’? know its sources. It means that we become a puzzle-
ment to ourselves, the ones we think that we should understand
best. Often, other people can understand us better than we can
understand ourselves. Frequently they have a greater knowl-
edge of the history that made us into who we are than we do.
If we don’t know our history, or if we’ve made our history
unconscious and therefore placed it out of awareness, that
unconscious history becomes a source of unconscious motivation,
then why we behave the way we do becomes a puzzle. We’re
confused by our own behavior. If we want to know why we
behave the way we do then we must know our history: the
unconscious must be made conscious.
Consequently, when the European makes us unconscious
of our own history, we not only become unconscious of our
history as knowledge, we become unconscious of the sources
of our behavior as persons and as a people; and our own
behavior becomes a mystery. “Why do Black-folks act like that?”
We get discouraged. We give up. “We ain’t gonna straighten
them (i.e., Black people) out man!” Because we can’t figure it
When history is misperceived and we look to a White Jesus
and we pray to that White Jesus, then walk out and see the
poverty, smell the stench, see the drugs, people holding babies
up to shield themselves from bullets and all this kind of stuff
...1t’s not difficult for us to step over a thin line that says, “Boy,
we must have done something really terrible in the past for
us to be suffering the way we do; as much as we pray to Jesus,
for us to be suffering the way we do.” “God must have cursed
us,” we surmise. Then we're ready for the old Ham mythology.
We set ourselves up and we introject inferiority into ourselves.
We take it into our breast and pass it onto our children and
we are done in. This is what happens when we don’t know our
history and don’t know the history of other people. There are
some “negroes” who seek to escape their history and identity
by telling themselves, “I don’t see color.” Well, do you think
that means the world doesn’t see you as “colored”? A lot of

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

people fail to understand that because they may choose not

to see something in a certain way, that other people still may
choose to do so. That assertion (J don* see color) doesn’t change
the way other people look at them. In fact, this perceptual
misdirection sets them up to be manipulated. Almost every day
we hear “negroes” say that they have been manipulated and
are being manipulated in some sort of way. In fact, they often
say it to justify their being manipulated and not confronting
their reality; because they don’t want to deal with the realistic
situation that they live in. They want to deny the European’s
terroristic rule on Earth, deny his evil, deny his domination
over them and deny his destruction of the Earth and life itself.
So they choose not to see color, so they can’t see White for what
it is. They use it to justify not knowing their own history and
not knowing themselves because they don’t see “color” —
thereby maintaining the amnesia.
When we get into social amnesia — into forgetting our
history — we also forget or misinterpret the history and motives
of others as well as our own motives. The way to know other
people is to know one’s self. The way to learn of our own
creation, how we came to be what we are, is getting to know
ourselves. It is through getting to know the self intimately that
we get to know the forces that shaped us as a self. Therefore,
knowing the self becomes a knowledge of the world. A deep
study of Black History is the most profound way to learn about
the psychology of Europeans and to understand the psychology
that flows from their history.
If we don’t know ourselves, not only are we a puzzle to
ourselves; other people are also a puzzle to us as well. We
assume the wrong identity and identify ourselves with our
enemies. If we don’t know who we are then we are whomever
somebody else tells us we are.

Changing our Name

We don’t have time to talk about Jesse Jackson and his

Afrikan-American campaign, and The New York Times which
feels we are not Afrikan-American until The New York Times

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

says we are Afrikan-American. I want to read this excerpt from

January 31, 1989, The New York Times:

A movement led by Jesse Jackson [which is interesting in that

it is a total misinterpretation and distortion of history right
there] to call Blacks African-Americans has met with both
rousing approval and deep-seated skepticism in a debate that
is coming to symbolize the role and history of Blacks in this
country. (Emphasis added)

Even these people recognize that a name is connected to social

role. A name is not just something you call people, but the name
a people are called signifies their role. Therefore, a change of
name represents a people’s attempt to change their role and
position in the world. Some “negroes” think that to change our
name is just some foolish game we're playing. It’s not about
that. Even other people recognize that.

This change of name — if it comes, will be deeply felt, and if

what it implies becomes a true part of the Afrikan-American
personality — represents fundamental changes in this world.

It is not a game we're playing here. Identity is very important,

as is the idea that Black people would dare to name themselves.
Whites recognize that as an incursion on their power of naming
and an incursion on their power of domination.
History is what creates a shared identity in a people. It is
based on that shared identity that they act collectively. To take
away a people’s history, to degrade their history is to degrade
their sense of shared identity, is to remove the basis upon which
they must behave collectively and reach their goals collectively.
That’s why the history is rewritten and why people get alarmed
about it.
When we suffer from social amnesia we forget the debt we
owe to past and future generations. We then misinterpret our
accomplishments as solely our own individual achievements.
I remind my college student audiences that, “you’re not here
in this college just because you're smart, because you come from

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

the right family, because you scored high on the SATs and all
the other stuff.” Blacks have scored high on the SATs since the
beginning of time; we’ve had good families and the right
families from the beginning; we’ve had 4.0 students from the
beginning; we had all of that and we were still kept out of the
university. So youre not here because of your own personal
achievement. You’re here because people who didn’t score
anything put their bodies and their lives on the line to see that
you got here — and you owe them something for that. If this
institution decides to put you out, it will be these same people
who will be up here to see that you get in here again! Some
of you want to forget that history and then claim you owe them
nothing when you make your couple of little bucks in front of
a TV camera or some other place. Then not only do you forget
them, you forget the ones coming after you, and you don’t make
sure that they can also get in and their privileges are also
maintained. You want to act like revolution is something that’s
temporary and not permanent: It is permanent. You forget your
history and forget who you are and lose your obligation to the
past, to those who made your success possible and do not fulfill
your obligations for those to come — some of whom will be your
own sons and daughters!
When we suffer from social amnesia we identify with
abstractions: “I am not Black; I am not Afrikan; Iam a human
being. lam an American.” Sterile, abstract identity. The closer
we get to it the less we see of it, and the more we recognize
that it has no meaning. “What is that? Who is that? What does
that stand for? What does it mean?” It’s empty, and people who
identify themselves with these abstractions are also empty and
experience their lives as empty, as people who have no feelings.
They identify with the abstraction so as to escape feelings.
Therefore, we see them detached and cut-off from themselves
as persons, as well as from their people. In fact they use their
abstract identity to escape their responsibilities to their own
people and to escape the pain and struggle that happens today
to be a part of our situation.
I love the challenge of being Afrikan in today’s world; it’s
wonderful! I love digging in my heels against the impossible

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

odds of being Black in America! What greater challenge could

we have in life today than to be Afrikan? What greater testa-
ment to our heroism than to overcome the problems that face
us today? What greater opportunity can we have to transform
ourselves and transform the world in the process? Why would
we wish to escape this kind of challenge? It’s too wonderful,
too magnificent. We should eat this kind of challenge for
When we become socially amnesic we forget our location in
time and space, because history is about locating one’s self in
time and space. History is a grid, a set of coordinates that
permit the individual to locate himself in reference to other
points in the world. History is a mathematical concept, ladies
and gentlemen, it is a geometrical concept; it locates and
positions one relative to other things.

History and the Manipulation of Time

When one is shorn of one’s past and does not see the
direction of one’s future and is very uncertain of one’s present,
then one cannot tell from whence one comes and where one
is going, where one is — and suffers as a result. Let me quickly
read in the context of history as a time dimension from a little
piece done in the Omni magazine, February, 1984. It’s called
“Timeless Minds.” It reads:

“When I awake you the past will be gone”, Dr. Bernard

Aaronson of the New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute, told
a deeply hypnotized college student. When the posthypnotic
suggestion took hold, the student became drowsy and infantile,
losing both memory and the powers of speech.

The hypnotist had given the student the posthypnotic

suggestion “when I wake you the past will be gone.” He then
woke the student. The student reported how he felt. He
exhibited infantile behavior, losing both memory and the powers
of speech. “Later he reported a vague sense of meaningless.”
Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What’s the meaning of

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

life? — those kinds of querying and issues. A loss of history,

a loss of his past was created within the student.

The young man without a past was one of the ten college
students who took part in an unusual experiment with psycho-
logical time warp.

So there was a manipulation of time. A manipulation of an

individual’s past is a manipulation of his time dimension, a
warping of his time which warps his perception, warps his
experience and perception of himself. People who play with our
history are playing with our sense of time, playing with our
sense of place and who we are, and what we're about! So is
history just an elective? No, ladies and gentlemen!

Aaronson gave some subjects posthypnotic suggestions that

eliminated their past, present, or future; he gave others a vastly
expanded past, present, or future. The consequences were
With no future, people feel a loss of identity and a euphoric,
mystical sensation, free of both anxiety and motivation. One
student found himself “in a boundless immanent present.”
Expanding the future, on the other hand, canceled all fears of
death and induced serenity, contemplation and a feeling of self-
Being robbed of a past brought on a semi-infantile torpid
state, and the students with a dilated past became egocentric
and inhibited.
* Kk OK

Canceling the present was the most disturbing however. One

subject turned catatonic; others became severely depressed and
almost schizophrenic. Stopping subjective time altogether
produced an eerie sensation of death. “The world moves on, but
I don’t,” one student observed.
Aaronson’s conclusion:
“Life must carry some sense of direction, from past to present
or present to future, to seem worth living. People given a
present shorn of a past and future become preoccupied with
death and behave like schizophrenics.”

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

What are we saying here? The hypnotist, by manipulating

this man’s attitude toward his past manipulated his conscious-
ness, real capacities and abilities. He just wasn’t in a state of
illusion; he had memory problems. He had problems getting
meaning out of life. He lost his sense of purpose in life. “He
became lethargic, drowsy and sleepy.” People who manipulate
the past and present manipulate one’s mentality, sanity, contact
with reality and the ability to deal with reality. In other words,
the manipulation of history creates real effects in the individ-
ual’s personality. Our history not being taught to us correctly
ensures that our potential will be forever undeveloped as a
people and that we will not challenge those who rule over us.
Intellectual structures and powers are undeveloped when
we suffer from amnesia; they are restricted and alienated. Some
of my Black students say, “Hey, I know nothing about Black
History; but I know math, I know computer science, and I know
this and that. So apparently it didn’t do me much harm.” Oh
no, don’t deceive yourself! Being cut off from your past only
means that you have gained knowledge at the cost of being
alienated, you have gained an alienated knowledge. Alienated
knowledge can only be used in the interest of aliens. Look at
who you work for once you know computer science and don’t
know your history! That’s one of the unwritten rules. They (the
White oppressors) will teach you math and science and so forth
to the degree that you forget what and who you are — your
history — and forget your connectedness with your people.
Because it’s only when you are unconnected that you can be
of use to aliens. You cannot use alienated knowledge for
yourself. Knowledge must be connected and contained in a
historical structure, in a cultural structure, if it is to work for
a particular people. That’s why you can get degrees in business
administration and build no businesses. You can be the CEO
of Xerox yet you won't build your own.

History and Wealth Creation

Our resources are pillaged and our creativity is retarded

when we become socially amnesic. We forget coping skills that

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

were learned in the past and that yet can still be useful in the
present. If we forget everything we’ve learned in the past, what
babbling babies we would become. If we forget everything we’ve
learned in the past we would not know how to cope with many
of the problems and issues that confront us as we move through
life. We can’t drop our past; that’s where we learned our coping -
Let me give a quick example of what this really means. Let’s
look at economics. Afrikan-Americans earn $300 billion per year
spending-money, which would make us the ninth or tenth
richest nation on Earth, yet we perceive ourselves as “poor.”
A group that can only spend money, can only support other
peoples. Harlem’s 125th Street now contains 68 Korean
businesses; 68 and growing fast! But I don’t see Koreans
walking up and down those blocks spending any money at all.
In fact, I hardly see any other ethnic group on that street; I
only see Afrikan people. Even Hispanics are not on it to any
great degree. Yet we enrich the Koreans and other ethnic
groups, support them, feed their children while ours starve and
die, become addicted to crack, rob and steal, and do the kind
of things we do not approve of. This is a result of a people who
have forgotten their history.
We say, “Well, if we had the money...” It is not money; we
are not suffering from a lack of money. No way! Over $50 billion
is earned and created [by Blacks] between New York and ~
Newark, so we’re not suffering from any great money problems.
We're suffering from the absence of an economic system. Money
is not a system; money is what it is. A system involves the
systematic and organized utilization of money; a systematized
utilization and distribution of money. Without the pattern,
without the system, without the organization, one does not have
an economy. An economy exists prior to money. There were
economies in the world before money was invented. We don’t
even have to have money to have an economic system. So
ultimately, when we study economic systems we recognize that
an economic system at its base refers to the nature of the
relationship between people. It’s the systematic way people
choose to relate one to:the other that makes an economic

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

system — Not money. When we lack a systematic way of

relating to each other then we can have money and still be poor,
avé money and be robbed — is what we are.

The Economics of Maladjustment

Why do we suffer from this problem then? Why is the Black

personality created? I try to get across the fact that every
maladjusted characteristic in the Black personality serves an
economic function. Each maladjustive characteristic is not there
by accident; it’s not there simply because Europeans hate us:
It’s there because it maintains their economic dominance. If
Pve gotmoney [ean helpyou, Buti distrast you, Twon't help
you and you may not make it. It’s not the absence of’s
the presence of mistrust. If I will not cooperate, if you cannot
rely on me, then we cannot have an economic system, even
though we may have money. In other words, a people must
trust, be reliable, be dependable, have respect for each other
ney ae1eevelop aViableeconomic Syston" When they have
those s of relationships they have a social system, and they
can build and they grow economically. Suspiciousness and other
negatives are implanted in the collective Black personalitysQ~
that rikan people cannot challenge European people, even
though we are a majority of the people on this Earth and we
live over the riches of thisHarth ~~ =~
A people who do not share history, who do not appreciate
the shared experiences that their history represents, are a
people who cannot utilize mutual trust, dependability, and so
forth, upon which to build an economic social system. Afrikan
people who forget their history are apeople who forget that
they had an economy before the European came into existence.
They are a people who forget that their economy was developed
and maintained prior to the European imperial ascendancy.
Let me quote something here about a people who didn’t forget
some part of their history. These are Afrikan people cited in
the New York Times, Monday, November 30, 1987. The article
is called “Informal Capitalism Grows in Cameroon.”

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

— Grassroots Credit System, DOUALA, Cameroon.

When Samuel Nanci needed $35,000 to open his Joie de Vivre
Bar here, he did not bother with banks. Instead he turned to
the tontines, an informal credit system rooted in African
tradition. Without signing a paper or filling out a form, Mr.
Nanci emerged from his monthly tontine meeting with $35,000
in cash.

I tell people, there’s no such thing as a Black bank.° There’s

nota Black bankinSuistence. There’s no such animal, whether
reedom National, Carver, etc. — none of them are Black
banks. Anytime you have a bank regulated by another people
and by another people’s rules, it’s not yours; you're just there.
On another occasion I'll show you where the presence of Black
banks have retarded Black economic development, not advanced
it. Other groups will have moved into economic existence and
control before they even build a bank. After they build an
economic base then you'll see them build a bank, not the other
way around. But dominated people who don’t know themselves
do it backwards; they build a bank and don’t even have
anything to invest in, ignoring the fact that banks make money
by loans and investments. That’s why Black banks have
suffered. We have to build a basic economic “mom and pop”
base first. It is through lending people money this way and so
forth that a banking system grows, not the other way around.
But the “negro” starts with the bank first because it makes
him look good. It retards us and then puts us under the rule
of another people. They tell us that we can do only this, that
and the other thing with our money. Let us use our money
under our own rules and regulations.
Why can’t we raise $35,000 and build ourselves fruit stands
and build the stores we want or do something else with it? It’s
in our tradition. But if we suffer from amnesia this tradition
is not available to us. Yet here’s a people [the Cameroonians]
who remember tradition, and their remembrance of their past
and tradition permits them to perform economically. Who says
that history is not connected with economics? Do not let anyone
tell us that lie from this day on!

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

For years development economists saw African’s tontines as

archaic tribal institutions that would die out with the rise of
modern economies based on European-style banking systems.

In other words, we see the European banking systems were

expected to destroy native systems, which is what they have
done in too many Afrikan countries. The banks are killing our
creativity and capacity to use the money that we have in our

But now many economists see the tontines as a highly efficient

method of promoting grassroots roots efforts in capitalism.
They cite Cameroon. In the first half of the 1980's, this
Central African nation had the continent’s highest average
economic growth rate, 7 percent a year. Cameroonians rate of
participation in tontines — 47 percent — was the highest in
five French-speaking Afrikan countries surveyed by Marcomer
Gallup International. By contrast, only 13 percent of the people
surveyed in the five nations had savings accounts.
“Banks don’t match the mentality of the people,” said
Theodorvet-Marie Fansi, the director of an economic consulting
firm here. “They are colonial structures.”

What is he saying? — That the economic system set up by

Europeans does not match us. It doesn’t match our mentality.
Where does that mentality come from? History and experience
— Tradition! The European banking system comes from another
people’s tradition, another people’s history; it represents the
means by which they have developed to deal with their own
economic situation. Therefore, it doesn’t fit us and our needs.
It helps when we [Afrikan Americans] look at our economic
situation in terms of a developing economy. Our economic
circumstance is one that requires a rather high level of what
is normally called venture capital, high risk capital. When we
deal with banks we’re dealing with a system in a so-called
mature economy. Therefore, the basis upon which they lend
and allocate money, etc., is foreign and separated from our
economic reality. That’s why we get turned down again and

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

again, besides the fact that Whites want to maintain domina-

tion. We must develop a banking system and a money system
in line with our economic reality. The article makes this point
where a participant in one of these “informal systems” states

“T have attended tontines where the monthly pot is $1 million,”

said Antoine L. Ntsimi, a Cameroonian banker with a business
degree from the University of Chicago. With a tontine loan, Mr.
Ntsimi recently started construction of a four-story, $850,000
building that will hold offices, retail stores and apartments.

The monthly pot is worth $1 million! This is a group of people

who are organized along the lines of Afrikan tradition which
makes available to its members $1 million per month. Here
we are, rich and filled with money and can’t even make
available to our own people $10 per month. That means that
one person belonging to that group each month has available
to him/her $1 million to do what he/she needs to get done. Did
they go to banks? Did they go to the Small Business Adminis-
tration? No, they went to themselves — because they were
within their tradition.
The article describes a man that went into a tontine and built
a hotel. He needed $835,000; he went into the tontines and got
it. He’s in touch with the tradition, in touch with the past. Don’t
tell me that our past is not connected to money; it’s a lie. All
people use their past to create money.

In Cameroon bankers complain of loan delinquency rates as

high as 50 percent. But tontine payments are taken so seriously
that borrowers faced with delinquency have been known to
commit suicide.
. Tontines work, economists say, because their loans are
backed by social pressure, a system familiar to Africans. Banks
perform poorly because their loans are backed by paper
guarantees made to strangers, a concept alien to Africans.
Tontines exist in much of sub-Saharan Africa, from Burkina
Faso to Ghana to Zaire and Rwanda. But Cameroon’s Bamileke

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

tribesmen have popularized interest-bearing tontines to such

an extent that bankers complain that tontines contribute to
the current crisis in banking liquidity.
In their original form, tontines allowed peasants to pool their
labor rather than their money. With the introduction of the
money economy in the 20th century, tontines took on a financial
character, as in formal savings associations. Every month each
member would contribute a fixed share into a “pot.” In a 12-
member group, each member would receive the pot once a year.
* kk

The most recent innovation is the interest-bearing tontine.

Each month, members bid the amount of interest they will pay
for the tontine pot. Interest payments are collected in a separate
loan fund and were distributed to members when the tontine
is dissolved. Tontines are usually formed for two-year periods
and were generally limited to 24 members.
In contrast, banks here pay 7 percent annual interests on
savings, and lend money at 13 percent a year. Inflation is about
13 percent. Interest earned on savings is subject to a 10 percent
tax, while tontines go unrecorded.
The more advantageous rates offered by tontines can be
traced to their lack of overhead, their ability to set rates
according to supply and demand and their high payment record.
* eK

... Tontines, built on trust, are generally made up of homoge-

neous groups — people from the same ethnic background, the
same workplace or the same neighborhood.
“When people go to banks, they don’t feel the same urgency
to reimburse the loan,” Mr Ntsimi said. “If you don’t make your
payment to the tontine, you are rejected by the community. If
you are banned from one group, you are banned from the
others.” (Emphasis added)

The Koreans use a very similar system. This is from the

January 22, 1989 issue of the Daily News, titled “Korean
Grocers: How They Do It.” One quick statement reads:

In many ways, Choi is typical of the 1,400 Korean greengrocers

who now own and operate about 90% of the retail fruit-and-

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

vegetable businesses in the five boroughs, according to the

Korean Produce Association.
Behind their success are at least three key factors: a willing-
' ness to work more hours than most competitors will; reliance
on strong family and community ties, and money [thank youl],
because things go faster and cheaper that way.

Families are people who experience a shared history, which

is the basis for their shared identity. They’re not just a bunch
of people who happen to live in the same house. What makes
them family is not merely being born to the same mother and
father, but it is the common experience that they have as a
family that ties them together. That commonality of experience
and blood is used as a basis for their economic advancement.
Strong families, community ties, and cash money...things go
faster and cheaper that way.
Read this piece, ladies and gentlemen, if you think you need
to go banks to start a business. “When they [the Koreans]
needed $60,000 to go in business they raised it in cash.” They
raised it in cash; not borrowing: Cash among themselves.

“When I have Bronx store, no have money. Everybody help with

money. This time, easy to help me; I have credit.”

He’s not talking about the bank; he’s talking about his own
people. He built the store. He says he does $10,000 worth of
business each week, from which he profits $3,000 to $4,000.
That’s a tremendous turnover on investment. “Choi doesn’t like
borrowing from real banks.” If you can get $50,000 or $100,000
through friends, that’s a real bank. But we are made to think
it isn’t a bank unless it’s their [White-folk’s] bank.

He [Choi] says, ‘That’s dangerous. Loan at the bank. If a

business falters, the bank will, unlike one’s family, insist on
prompt repayment no matter what, Choi says.’

In the same paper, another article referred to as “Cultivating

Cash,” states the following:

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

“The Korean people have taken over the fruit vegetable business
in New York,” says Andrew Beltram, a long-time worker at the
Hunts Point Terminal Market. “And they can make the fruits
and vegetables more beautiful than anybody else. That’s for
sure. Sometimes you see 20 buyers over there, and 18 of them
are Koreans.”
Koreans now own about 90% of the fruit-and-vegetable stores
in the city and buy 40% of the wholesale produce supply daily
at Hunts Point.
That robust growth, says local Korean business leaders, has
been accomplished with money raised almost exclusively within
the Korean community, usually from personal savings or loans
from relatives, friends, and fraternal or business associations.
* Kk ok ok

Still another funding source is the money-pooling keh, a kind

of very informal, unchartered loan club.
Though not illegal, the kehs operate outside U.S. banking
laws. For Koreans and other immigrants who find it hard to
get banks to take a risk on them the kehs have become an
important alternative.
A typical keh consists of 10 to 12 people. Each kicks in the
same amount of cash each month to a kitty. Then, on a rotating
basis, the entire kitty is loaned to the members, one at a time.
Each member, including the borrower, keeps up the monthly
payments until each member has gotten a loan at least once.
By the time the cycle is complete, each member has borrowed
and paid back the whole loan.

The article also talks of how they raise money in the Church
and other ways. What is this, ladies and gentlemen? People
using History and Tradition.
Our Afrikan-Caribbean brothers and sisters have remem-
bered that tradition. But Afrikan Americans, in an effort to
wrongly identify with and imitate White people have forgotten
the tradition that could give us the advantage of the very
wealth that’s right under our feet and in our pockets. Because
we have forgotten our history and our tradition and will not
identify with it, we can only enrich other people. Then we say,

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

“History ain’t gonna make you money.” No, it’s the lack of
knowledge of history that doesn’t make you money!
— Tf we get back into our history, get back into our tradition,
is~ we'll make money! I’m not an Afrikan who tells us to identify
with poverty. I think that the more we identify with our Afrikan
tradition the richer we’re going to become as people. I’m not
here to sell poverty as a virtue. I’m not here to assert that
poverty-stricken and welfare-laden people are somehow more
virtuous and righteous than people who are making a decent
living; that’s not my style. We can’t say that we are poor and
our nations are suffering as a result of our wealth being stolen
when if we take that wealth back we won’t be richer. How is
taking back what belongs to us going to keep us poor? A sure
sign, then, of getting back into one’s Afrikan self is becoming
| wealthier, ladies and gentlemen. Does that frighten us? Has
/ the world so convinced us that as a Black people we're destined
' to be poor? Some of us have that thought and that’s why many
of us are frightened of money and wealth. That has been
inculcated into us by religions and churches, and the very ones
inculcating it in us are living quite well.
Amnesia means an undiscovered self, an emptiness, a self
incapable of self-understanding, incapable of understanding
its own motivations, a self incapable of self-direction and self-
determination, a reactionary self, a self that does not under-
stand others or the world in which it exists — a fatalistic
externalized self. To rediscover one’s history is not only an act
of self-discovery; it is an act of self-creation — a resurrection
from the dead, a tearing away of the veil, a revelation of the
To discover our history is to discover our somethingness
(beingness) before someone else created us. To come to know
ourselves as we were prior to our re-creation by aliens means .
we will be in charge of our own becoming, the creators of our
own consciousness, the creation of ourselves as namers of the
world, the namers of ourselves which gives us the power of self- ,
determination and self-direction.

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

What is the past? Where is the past?

Is it nothing which was something?
Is it something left behind — discarded, detached, forgotten?
— without influence and therefore of no account?
Does it or can it exist outside the mind and memory of man?
Or is it not present in our genes where we carry the
evolutionary existence of our kind?
Are we not then its present unfolding, its evolvement and
Or is it not congealed in concrete and mortar,
stone and steel structures and folkways,
traditions, mores and ways of relating?
Is it not still present in its negation, its
reconstitution, when it is transformed
into something new?
Is history ever forgotten, or is it merely transformed?
Even in the new, history still remains
For the new is fashioned from the old
Therefore, what is now is fashioned from before
Hence, we never leave history behind
Isn’t the new, then, something old?
History — conscious or unconscious, comprehended or
uncomprehended — never ceases to be;
it is only transformed
As transformation, history is always here and now...
Here today, there tomorrow
History is past, present and future:
History is destiny
If we will to transform destiny we must will to transform

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

Response Period

Question: [Unclear]

Brother Wilson: The tradition I mentioned is referred to as

tontine in the Cameroon, but I think another West Afrikan
word for it is Esusu (coming out of Nigeria). I believe that the
word Susu still remains in the Caribbean-Afrikan tradition.
One of the beautiful things aboutit is that it can be practiced —
in families and small groups, between any num er of of groups. ~

Us we can plan in this fashion for the raising of 1money and

funding of our economic development. I think this piece I just
read about the Korean can also be instructive.
There is a book by Ivan Light called Ethnic Enterprises in
America, which talks about ethnicity in America in terms of
economics. In the main lecture I skipped over a section that
dealt with history as sociotherapy. We have to use history as
a means of reconstituting our personality and restructuring ~
ourselves. If we found these kinds of economic organizations
it also becomes necessary to restructure social relations to foster
trust, reliability and other positive social characteristics. To
go into them purely as economic operations — given the
tremendous brainwashing that many of us as Afrikan-Ameri-
cans have received, and the tremendous amount of alienation
that has been projected into our personality — sometimes
means that we may set ourselves up for disappointment. So
we should plan on a number of levels. One level, of course, is
the economic one; the other (which I think is the most funda-
mentally important one) is developing a strong sense of social
belongingness in the group. Getting people to meet their
monthly obligation (or however you choose to put money in the
pot) pretty much relies on the group’s ability to apply social
pressure and upon the person’s fear of social ostracism and the
loss of esteem in that group. If the person does not fear a loss
of esteem or does not fear social pressure then you will have

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

people dropping out when they get their “million,” leaving you
in the lurch. So a part of the deal is we must figure out ways
that we can build a very strong social unit.
As a matter of fact, in part of this Cameroonian article, when
members got to a situation where they could not meet the
obligations of the group...their social ties were so strong that
some of them actually committed suicide rather than not meet
the obligations to their group. I’m not suggesting that people
go that deeply; however, I do want to stress the importance
of first rebuilding and overcoming the alienation that has been
projected into us as a people. You don’t need a wholesale
structured organization with this kind of plan; it can begin in
the home, the community, within your social group. From there
it can again begin to become tradition.

Question: I think of the Church as a very valuable institution.

How do you see the Church and what should it become?

Brother Wilson: Of course, the major role of the Church is one

of propagating and encouraging spirituality, ethics and rightful
behavior among people...some people would say salvation, also.
But the Church is a social institution like any other institution;
it does not have to be stuck with that definition and perception
of itself.
When you look at ads on TV and hear them on the radio you'll
note that they are designed to by-pass a person’s critical and
analytical scrutiny. They’re designed to speak directly to the
emotions so that the person acts in terms of feelings instead
of reason. Therefore, emotions are the bread and butter of
advertising and ultimately (in this society) the bread and butter
of the economic/social system. So often we, as Afrikans in
America, are encouraged to be emotional and spiritual; often
we confuse the two things, to the exclusion of critical thinking.
We are kept in this “emotional-spiritual state,” and it’s a bogus
kind of state. It opens us to manipulation by external forces
such that we cannot bring to bear on our everyday problems
common sense and reasoning. So while the Church may see
its primary role as maintaining spirituality, fostering an

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

emotional-spiritual relationship with God, it must also recognize

that we are a people living on Earth and that we are a people
who must feed and protect our children and our economic
interests. Therefore, the Church can and should play an
economic role in Afrikan American life.
There’s an interesting book by R. H. Tawney called Religion
and the Rise of Capitalism. Also, Weber wrote a book in this
vein as well as about the relation of Protestantism and Capital-
ism, showing that there’s a very clear relationship between the
founding of Protestantism and the advancement/ development
of Western capitalism. Additionally, it shows that there’s a
relationship between the nature and the theology of the
Catholic Church and certain economic structures. So whether
you want to recognize it or not, the Church and Religion are
intimately related to the economic and social structure. So the
Church is not separated from money and economics by any
stretch of the imagination. This means that we, as Black people,
have the right to redefine the Church in ways that advance
our interests, not only economic interests, but social, political,
and many other interests in our lives. We need to look at the
Church in the context of Afrikan life and see how the Church
(without losing its spiritual and ethical mission) can also
function to enhance Afrikan economic, social and political life.
Often, people who are economically crushed and economically
exploited are people who are weighed down with a sense of
guilt, sin and other kinds of problems. If we study the theology
and the life of Jesus, we will read of his struggle with the
ideology coming out of the major religious establishment of his
time. That establishment was also a part of an economic order
and structure that rationalized and idealized the then economic
structure in such a way that people were literally forced into
poverty, and in many instances forced into sin and degradation.
The Church, by restructuring itself and by revising its view
of itself economically and its role economically, not only can
enhance the material well-being of the people, but also can
better carry out its spiritual/ethical function as an institution.
The Black Church has tremendous value as an economic
institution. We have church institutions now creating housing,

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

which means that we can begin to use the Church and it can
become an instrument for the Black ownership of its communi-
ties, lands and properties. These Churches are nationally
organized institutions. They have hierarchies and systems of
communications, etc. which means that we already have
national organizations and national networks in the forms of
our church organizations. This means that much more informa-
tion can be carried through our churches. These churches can
build and encourage businesses. If they build businesses across
this country we can then build a national network of Black
businesses which will lay the foundation for Black manufactur-
ing. It doesn’t do us any good to manufacture and have no place
to sell our products. But when the Church brings its political
weight to bear and demands White and other merchants who
own supermarkets and other businesses make room for a Black
manufactured products, then Black manufacturers can get on
the shelves of these supermarkets, department stores and other
kinds of outlets. When the Church creates shopping malls,
buildings and other things, it creates jobs for construction. It
then stimulates the building, manufacturing and business
organizations. So much could grow out of the Church viewing
itself as an economic unit.
Once you build this distribution system and it becomes a
national system, which means we are organized as a nation
(economically), we then are in a position to create a relationship
with our Afrikan family overseas. Then, with the power that
we and the Church have economically and politically, we can
open up the United States (which is one of the largest economic
markets in the world) to the sale of Afrikan products. We then
can receive those products and be responsible for their distribu-
tion in this nation. Thus we can then enrich our Afrikan
brothers, laying the basis for their manufacturing and techno-
logical development, because they'll have the American markets
open to them. What would happen if we sold as many Afrikan-
made radios and boom-boxes to Afrika’s adolescents as the
Japanese are selling? Before long Afrikans would be in a
technologically advanced position, rather like that of Japan
and the other nations.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness 4

So the viewing of the Church and other organizations not

only as spiritual organizations but also as economic organiza-
tions can lay the foundation and basis for economic/political
advancement of Afrikan Man in this world. If we only narrowly
see ourselves as a spiritual people — become “other worldly”
and only see ourselves as living well after we die — then, of
course we're going to catch hell in two places: on Earth and
after we die.

Question: I am presently taking a course in Western history.

Can you state any suggestions on how I can maneuver in this
class as a student?

Brother Wilson: ’'m not one who advocates only the taking of
Afrikan courses. I believe that if you’ve really achieved your
identity then you can walk among any people; the white
mentality is not going to rub off on you. If you know who you
are and what you're about you can expose yourself to other
people and other people’s knowledge. There’s nothing wrong
with understanding the psychology of other people, and we must
understand that psychology by studying the history of their
civilizations, etc. The important thing is that we have an
Afrikan perspective when we do so.
When you have an Afrikan perspective and consciousness,
you can take that knowledge and transform it for your own
use. Just as the European knowledge of Afrikan history,
civilization and culture — and, believe me, they have the
knowledge — is used to European advantage, we can use the
knowledge of European history and so-called civilization to our
own advantage. It’s the learning of European history and so-
called civilization in the absence of a knowledge of who and
what we are that destroys us, not just the learning them or
the studying of them. It’s the studying of them in the absence
of this knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Afrikan history. When you
read the history of Shaka Zulu and other Afrikan leaders you
will learn political science; you will learn how to control nations
and empires; you will learn what destroys nations and what
maintains nations and groups; you will learn statecraft and

European Historiography and Oppression Exposed

administration. You will learn all of those things because those

things are embedded in the history of our people.
So if you have grounded yourself and your personality in
your own history, in Afrikan tradition, and your consciousness
is Afrocentric, then the European courses can be of value to
you. On a certain level you can “enjoy” them. You can enjoy
the pleasure of seeing through them. You can enjoy determining
why they are distorted. You can see the lies. It really becomes
a challenge, a “pleasurable” challenge in a way to see the
intellectual shallowness of it all, to see the backwardness of
it all, to see the regressiveness contained in it all. Much of
European philosophy is regressive and infantile. Afrikan
philosophy is exceedingly profound. Just because we don’t have
Afrikan philosophy written in books doesn’t mean it’s not
profound. There’s profound philosophy, ideology and outlook
in Afrikan tradition.
The beauty of Afrikan tradition is that it is not alienated
in a book; it is part and parcel of the total Afrikan personality.
Studying European disciplines under those circumstances can
be of supreme value. With an Afrikan-centered consciousness
we can take from that tradition that which is of value to us,
that which we can use, and also have a basis for rejecting that
which is of little or no value or which is harmful and dangerous.
Under those circumstances it is no problem to deal with it, per
se. That’s why I recommend to Afrikans in universities that
they get a solid grounding in Afrikan history/tradition before
they take the other courses. Then, move on to the other courses,
study them fully and transform them in your interest.
Culture and tradition are intellectual tools. When we
rediscover our culture and tradition, when Afrikan culture and
tradition becomes a part of us, we are going to have an intellec-
tual explosion such as this world has never before witnessed.
When we rediscover ourselves, our creativity is released. One
of the reasons European history is written the way it is, is to
restrict our creativity to music, dance, games, and things that
do not directly challenge Europeans. When we re-internalize
our culture we’re going to gain our genius again; we will regain
our analytical skills and use them in our interest. Because once

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

we know Afrikan philosophy we have a basis upon which we

can critically analyze other philosophies; we have a basis on
which we can evaluate what other people say; we have a basis
for measuring what other people are saying and doing. If we
do not have that, a part of our intellect is lost and we'll find
ourselves studying one European’s criticism of the other
European. We have Afrikans today quoting one European as
against another, when you should be saying, “A pox on both
your houses; I have a whole different perspective, both of you
are wrong.” This is real.
When we examine the world today, the wars in so-called
Third World countries, look and see if they’re not fighting each
other over European ideologies, instead of basing their political
ideology (rationalizations) upon a profound analysis of their
own history and experience and developing what their econom-
ic/political/social program should be based on an analysis of
themselves (thereby developing their own intellectual tools as
they do so). Instead they grasp on to an imported, foreign
ideology; one getting it from the United States, the other one
getting it from Russia — and they kill each other over them.
The acquiring of an Afrikan-centered ideology, the infusion
of an ideology developed out of one’s own history and experi-
ence, reduces civil war, mutual destruction and the kinds of
troubles we see our people in so much today. Lenin said
something like “the Capitalist will sell you the rope by which
to hang him.” The European by exposing his history, ideology
and knowledge the way he does is literally putting the rope
in our hands with which we can hang him. But we can’t hang
him unless we possess an Afrikan-centered consciousness. So
get it — go into the courses and get the rope!


a. This section was excerpted from a presentation done on February

15, 1991, under the title Moving Beyond White Racism and Civil
Rights to Afrikan Revolution. We determine this piece to have
defined, corroborated, and complemented the preceding discussion
on the period of Reconstruction.
b. Jackson, John G. (1987) Black Reconstruction in South Carolina.
Dallas, Texas: American Atheist Press.
c. See The City Sun, November 21-27, 1990, “The Death of a Black-
owned Bank” by Clinton Cox. This bore out the Wilson statement
made years prior to the actual happening, the demise of Freedom
National Bank in Harlem, New York.


Bennett, L. (1967) Black Power U.S.A.: The Human Side of

Reconstruction, 1867-1877. Chicago, IL: Johnson Publications.
Kovel, Joel (1970) White Racism:A Psychohistory N.Y.: Columbia
University Press.
Light, Ivan (1972) Ethnic Enterprises in America: Business and
Welfare Among Chinese, Japanese and Blacks. Los Angeles:
University of California.
Tawney, Richard H. (1926) Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.
Peter Smith.
Weber, Max (1958) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, New York: Charles Scribner’s sons.



Its Relationship to the Mental

Health Diagnosis of Afrikan People
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psychology or White psychology is the fact that Black psycholo-
gy is openly and consciously political, and recognizes that the
very basis for what we call might call mental problems, or other
kinds of problems in the Black community, is the political
structure, the Eurocentric structure that is present in America,
and present in the world.
Eurocentric psychology, while offering us some information
of value, is somewhat limited in the fact it generally starts from
the standpoint of the so-called family, and sees the family as
the cause of mental illness, as the cause of juvenile delinquency,
as the cause of educational problems and so forth. It examines
the mother-child relationship as the basis for the personality
orientation of the patient. However, we must recognize, as
Afrikan people, that this approach is inadequate. First of all,
because it appears to be relatively non-political.
The Politicoeconomic Necessity of Madness

While mental problems, juvenile delinquency and other

problems may flow from family relations, we must recognize
that the relations that exist within a family structure are
themselves shaped by the political situation in which it is
embedded. The relationship between the Black mother and
child, the Black father and child, the politics that go on within
the Black family structure, the politics of color, the politics of
quality of hair, the politics of sexuality and so forth, that exist
within the Black family, reflect to a very great extent the
politics of the larger White-dominated society in which the
Black community finds itself. And if, therefore, an effort is
made to get at the roots of mental problems and other kinds
of problems that exist within the Afrikan American individual

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

and community, it must begin with an analysis of the political

context in which the individual and community exist.
It must start with the recognition of the fact that juvenile
delinquency, criminality, mental problems, family problems,
and other kinds of problems which are prevalent in our
community, are social necessities, are political necessities. We
have stated before, that in order for us as a people to be in the
situation that we are in, and not be in concentration camps
and not have guns pointed at our heads throughout the day,
we must be maintained in a particular state of mind. Ina sense
then, we literally must be out of our minds — and we must
be kept out of our minds.
Mental maladaptiveness among our people is a political,
social necessity, and therefore is instigated by political, social
forces; and a Black psychology must begin with this very fact.
This political necessity is in part based on a demographic fact,
that fact being that the European is approximately ten percent
(10%) of the world’s population. The European inhabits only
a small part of this globe. The parts of the globe that the
European occupies are relatively resourceless when compared
to those occupied by non-European people. And yet, the
European is saddled with great wealth, economic and political
power. He controls the globe and maintains the world in a state
of terror, and has the earth now on the brink of suicide.
We must question how is it that a minority people, a very
small percentage of mankind, a people who are essentially
resourceless in terms of their natural resources, maintain the
power that they have. Why is it that the peoples whose lands
contain the wealth of the earth are the poorest people? Why
is it that Afrika with some twenty (20) or thirty (30) strategic
metals that make the space age possible — why is it that the
image of Afrika is projected at us time and time again as that
of starving children, as societies in disorder, as societies on the
verge of disaster? This implies, to my mind, that there must
exist a political, social situation wherein the mental orientation
of our people must be so structured that the power and the
ability of the Europeans to rule this earth are continually

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

To a good extent, people are kept out of their minds by means

of contradictions and conflicts: where the mind is faced with
what appears to be unresolvable problems and dilemmas and
seeks often to escape those contradictions either through the
creation of illness, through misbehavior, or often through
grabbing on to one of the horns of the dilemma — extreme
conformity, or through extreme rebellion — all of which are
designed ultimately to maintain the status quo. For the
European to rule the world as he does today, or at least to
intimidate it as he does today, contradictions must be a chronic
part of the life of the non-European people, as well of course,
as that of the European. The imperialistic European must
essentially function in a very devilish fashion. That is, in a
fashion that uses deception as its major characteristic. Conse-
quently, fundamental values, fundamental ways of seeing
reality must be reversed. The good must appear to be the bad,
the light, the dark. Truth must be taken for the lie; the lie for
truth. Otherwise a small group, such as European people, could
not continue to keep the rest of the world out of its mind.
The European hegemonic establishment must project false
and injurious ideologies that are accepted by its victims. It must
project self-serving ideologies that are seen as givens, as
natural. It must project fraudulent ideologies that are seen as
not subject to question. When the victims of European imperial-
istic domination accept its ideologies uncritically, they then
accept the rulership and dominance of the imperialistic
European. They then begin to identify with the very group that
is responsible for their problems.

Individualism and Self-Blame

One of the ideologies (and there are a number, but we will

just look at one today) that is projected so as to maintain
European dominance is the ideology of individualism. We hear
a great deal today of the do-your-own-thing and I-do-mine kind
of situation; the so-called individualization of success and
failure. That is, where individual failure is seen as the result
of what we call personal ineptness or misbehavior; as a sign

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

of moral inferiority. That is, those peoples and individuals who

fail in the society fail as a result of some problems within
themselves, some individual short-coming, some ineptness, and
ultimately, fail as a result of some moral problem within their
Sumner, William Graham Sumner, a pioneering and influen-
tial American sociologist, indicated that the poor are shiftless
and impudent. They are negligent, impractical, and inefficient.
That they are the idle and the intemperate, the extravagant
and the vicious. Even those people who founded social work
and the so-called helping-professions, and who saw themselves
as liberals, often saw the behavior and the failure of the victims
of Eurocentric domination as a result of their personal misbe-
havior or the result of their moral weaknesses. We call this
kind of approach the individual moral sensibility,” which is
used to justify the culture of inequality.
That is, this individualism, this individual moral sensibility
tries to persuade us that this society is equal, and that this
a : el

societ. to allindividuals equal the opportuni-

. . ° ‘ . . . fthein

proach is a rationale and a rationalization by means

of which the society itself ignores its own input as far as the
failure of a person or people, such as our people, are concerned.
It helps us to ignore the impact of the social structure upon
individual achievement and mobility. It tends almost literally
to try and eradicate the idea that the individual succeeds or
fails within a social structure.
Since the indivi oes not succeed or fail in a vacuum a.
ut succeeds or fails in a social system, the social system must __
taken pe resto i es SUCCESS |
and failure. This implies the possibility that the social structure
itself may be principally responsible for the success of some
and the failure of others. However, a society developed by the

* This term was borrowed from Michael Lewis’ The Culture of Inequality.
N.Y.: New American Library. 1978.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

imperialistic European, who arrogates to himself the dominance

and rule over the vast majority of people, cannot afford to
truthfully and honestly look at the possibility that it is the
structure of the Eurocentric society itself which greatly influenc-
es the individual and group fates of our peoples.
While many of our liberal friends may not see the so-called
success orfailure, or the condition of our people as a result of
a moral problem, and they would possibly argue that the poor
are no moré morally decrepit than are the middle-class or are
the upper-class, they still tend to maintain the social status
quo in a modified form -by projecting a kind of scientistic
ideology, one that appears at first to be neutral in its orienta-
tion. *
This ideology speaks of such apparently neutral things such
as the psycho-dynamic make-up of the individual; it speaks
of weak egos; lack of personal integration; conflicts between
id, ego, and super ego; the dark side of the personality overtak-
ing the light side of the personality. All kinds of systems, names
and intra-psychic mechanisms are invoked to explain the
subjugation of some people and the domination of others, the
so-called success of some and the failure of others.
We hear sociologists talk about cultural commitments, i.e.,
those who are committed to mainstream values and mainstream
behavior as against those who belong to an ostensible culture
of poverty, who have absorbed a different system of values.
They offer us family background, and they offerus various
types ofchild-rearing approaches that presumably door donot_
prepare the individual to deal with mi die-class White society;
family backgrounds andapproaches which do or do notprovide
the individual with the ability to solve his or her social
problems. Educationists go deeply into the cognitive structures
of the victims and indicate the means by which they are
Jeficient irnomdomicor other ubttittes- Social paychologiste ofr”
in terms-of-interpersonal competence and
behavior, and the failure of communications to occur between
family members and other people. We get a host of definitions
and a host of “explanations.” However, we rarely, if ever, get
an approach that looks at the political system and the political

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

aims of the imperialistic European, and in what ways those

aims contribute to the critical situation that we see ourselves
in today.
American social scientists, especially psychologists and
sociologists and the so-called helping-professionals, come to
the aid of European domination with what we call deficiency
explanations. We note that in the study of the Black child, and
in the study of Black people within our universities, we get a
bevy of deficiency terminologies or jargon and we get long
semesters of courses about the deviant behavior of Black people.
We get courses that use the White middle-class child e
ite midale= S itself as a measure for all other_peo les,
and thosé individua peop 0 do measure up to
their S are seen as deviant or de in one forn
= “ = a)
or another.

Insanity as a Model of Sanity

The most insane people on the earth today are used as

models for sanity. The sanity of the racist European itself is
not questioned. The insanity of European normality is not ques-
tioned. The possibility that what we call normal is itself insane
is not questioned; that the organization of this society, the
nature of its human relations, the structure of its economic
systems, the values that motivate it, are the result of the
madness of a people.
Have we ever taken time to step back and step out of our
“normal” minds for a minute, and look at the madness that
exists around us? Have we ever stopped for a moment and
noted the madness that motivates us to jam into these subways
every morning; that motivates us to work endlessly and
compulsively; that motivates us to feel guilty in a moment of
leisure; that motivates us to consume endlessly; that motivates
us to be the victims of all kinds of erratic fashions? Have we
seen the craziness that peers out at us from our television
screens? Have we recognized that the television screen projects
little reality at all? That we measure ourselves against what
we look at there! That TV advertising is designed to keep us

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

inculcate in us a sense of inferiority, and designed to keep us

the pitifainess of our situation!; to not let us recognize as a

people t € are in a precarious situation, and that our very
biological survival is in question. We sit in front of the TV set
and look at those little families whose members who are so
polite to each other, who are so witty, who wait for each other
to get through speaking before speaking themselves, who lay
in just the right line just at the right time, and who resolve
their problems so neatly and beautifully, and assume that they
represent the typical family.
What would happen if we really saw it like it is on TV? You
know, families where people really go “up-side” each other’s
heads, cut each other off. If reality was projected there, rather
than the pretense, the fantasies, and the fairy tales that are
placed there so that we as Black people imagine that what we
see as White families on television really exists,-and are left
with an inferiority complex, asking, “Why can’t‘our families
get along like that, be sweet to each other like that, be
concerned with each other like that?”
We must look at the psychopathology of everyday life and
must recognize we cannot have it both ways. We cannot talk
about a people who have enslaved us, who discriminate against’
us, who insult us, who do all manner of other things against
us, and then use them as models of normality. We cannot use
these people who are criminals, who have the world on the edge
of suicide, who are now getting ready to negotiate about how
many bombs they are going to keep for destroying the earth
— how they are going to distribute death to the rest of the
world — as models for normality!
These people, the Khrushchevs, Chernenkos, Breshnevs, the
killers of many hundreds of thousands of people — Study them!
Study the hierarchy of the Russian Empire that rules over
Poland and Yugoslavia and the nations of Eastern Europe. I
don’t gave a hoot whether they are Marxist, or Leninists, or
anything else, but Iknow what they are as human beings. And
we know the behavior that they have exhibited in the name

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

of their political philosophies. We know that imperialist

Europeans stole nations and destroyed hundreds of thousands

step in 0 Ople’s nations h ittle but destroy the

pe aca ALIA SL tee

which we measure ourselvesas apeople and-areused Bs.

models for us to determine the way we wish for our children
to behave.

History, Psychology and Ideology

If we look at the history of the European imperialists we see

their psychology. As I have said on numerous occasions, the
psychology of the rulers of this world, the psychology of
eurocentrically oriented people is not in the psychology books,
but in the history books; and one merely needs then to read
their history to get at their psychology. And that history, of
course, is not written by me, not written by Black scholars. It
is not written by us “prejudiced nationalists.” It is written, of
course, by the imperialists themselves, and therefore is a form
of self-indictment, and it is there for all of us to see. It is an
admission in and of itself of the insane nature of the people
that are in the control of the world today. We must then
recognize that given this history, and that given the desire on
the part of the hegemonic European to maintain the status quo,
that the ideologies and other institutions created by them are
created and maintained as a means of supporting the status
quo itself.
If we look at European imperialistic history and find that
history embarrassing and hurtful, then we are compelled to
look at the ideologies that have flowed from that history. We
cannot look and shake our heads in sadness at the enslavement
of our people, the death and killing of the Amerindians, the
creation of the holocaustic weapons, the wars that have been
perpetrated by an imperialistic people, and split that kind of
information off from the ideologies put forth by those people.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

They are one and the same, and are part and parcel of the same
reality. And it is this attempt on our part and this attempt by
the system to segment and cut off these things one from the
other, to compartmentalize life, and to compartmentalize
reality, that to a great extent forms the basis for our mental,
physical, and other kinds of problems that are existent in our
community today. —
This system is one then that on one hand teases and
provokes, and on the other hand denies. Its individualistic
sensibility encourages us to dream big dreams, to imagine that
the best of everything is within our grasp and within our reach,
and at the same time it denies the possibilities for these dreams
to become reality. It tells our young teenagers that if they do
not wear the right kinds of sneakers, and the right kinds of
jeans, and possess the right kinds of eye-glass frames on their
faces, that they are nothing. It tells them that if they have not
achieved along the lines of the society dictates, that they are
worthless, and at the same time denies them the opportunity
and the structure, the means by which the achievements can
be attained. And therefore, our teenagers and we as adults are
caught in a major contradiction, in a major dilemma. And when
we fail to deal with it we are told that it is the result of some
deficiency in our personality, some genetic problem, some sub-
cultural problem.
This kind of ideology, of ee ee

_the social structures developed by Europeans, and removes the

responsibility from that structure for bringing about the_
cénditions inherent in the community and in individuals:
is also designed to drive us insane. So this ideology Ts’ not
merely a means of rationalizing the status quo, but is also a

Because when the individual is provoked to strive and then

has his legs “broken” at the same time and is told that it is
his fault, the individual’s self-respect is threatened. The
individual’s identity is destroyed. The individual’s self-concept
and self-esteem are washed out. Once the victim accepts the
ideology of individualism, he is then set (when he fails to make

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

it within the system) to blame himself in a very destructive

sort of way; to begin to question his or her competence, to doubt
his or her ability, to doubt his or her worth and ultimately, to
hate himself.
[But self-hatred is not only an individual reaction. It becom:
part of a social system, because the individual who hates
FimasIf hates other people-who Fomind him othimselt—Amd- Se:
era cies a ses ene

of his sisters-an érs. So then, the experience of failure

and the experience of not achieving in society not only becomes
an individual experience; it becomes a social experience and
a social disease. Therefore, the ee
Gaaiadalinn Latermrrppaees ese ae
Itisan ideology that attacks the whole of a community. It is

dominance of one community over another; to maintain the

dominance of the Eurocentric community over the Afrikan
The individual who accepts the ideology of individualism,
and sees his failure to achieve as the result of some deficiency
in his personality, and thinks that opportunities exist and that
if he merely had the right personality he could make the best
of these opportunities, when the achievement does not occur,
is faced with a major contradiction. He is faced with what we
call a sense of cognitive dissonance. That certain things do not
jibe. Bivamianeseta cedictiontiend conflicts are painful and
are hard to bear. They make life discomforting, and hence
motivate the individual to seek to resolye the contradictions
— to try and remove these contradictions and to put them out
of existence.

Coping with Contradictions

There are a number of means by which we seek to resolve

certain contradictions in our lives. We may excuse them by
saying that the circumstances which have determined our lives,

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

particularly the failures in our lives, are beyond our control.

That it is other peoples who are totally responsible for the
situation that we are in, and therefore we have no control over
While this to a degree is true, it also can lead to some other
psychological problems in the individual. It can lead to the
‘possibility that the individual becomes apathetic; gives up and
resigns from life, gives up trying and begins to believe that he
or she is powerless. Unfortunately, the resignation and the
Spatliy oftoomany ofourpeople areparts ofthemeans by
which the system maintains itself. The fear of trusting each

iSjust not iin us to unite and solve our ue and overcomé

to deal with the discrepancy between what the Riotehl says

they can achieve and our failure to achieve by lowering their
personal aspirations, by, in a sense, fitting into a lesser place
that the society reserves for them. Others try to inflate their
achievements, to inflate their personality.
We see many of us along the highways and byways being
very boastful, being very egocentric, bragging a great deal,
pumping ourselves up, pumping even small achievements up
into giant achievements. We see it even infecting the Black
Nationalist community that buries itself in the great history
of Egypt and the great empires of Afrika. Yes, 1am speaking
of the kind of historicism that has developed in this community
as a means of not confronting reality! Of people who live their
lives in history, and dig among the pyramids of Egypt, and dig
among the lost kingdoms of Mali and Songhai, and who build
themselves a false pride, and pump themselves up about the
achievements of our history — without facing the perils of
current reality and preparing themselves for the future. The
Black Nationalist who makes us feel good — and pumps us
up; and makes us gloat and glow about our great past, and does
not deal with the present; and does not educate in terms of
coping with the future; and does not adequately prepare us to

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

remove the European from power, to remove these insane

people who are about to destroy the earth and life itself — is
functioning in the interest of the status quo. And those people
who holler about the devilishness of the White man, the
evilness of the White man, and leave it at that, still are not
necessarily performing a full service for our people. There must
be other things involved. We see then, many individuals
blowing up their minor ishments as a means ring
eae syne 7 . 2 Fe en ae
the of their situation.
ae ng the truth about the situation of Afrikan peoples
and other people in the world today means exposing the
European to himself, of course he is going to ignore that exposé.
I was on a radio program one night, and a lady told of how her
child was left in tears because of a lesson that her White
teacher was giving in “slave history.” What’s amazing is that
they can teach such history to our people. But the problem was
that the child left with a greater sense of frustration and
inferiority. The parent was questioning me to a degree as to
whether (or at least it was implied) slave history should be
taught since may it upset some of our children.
For many White teachers to teach Black history in its
jective and correct form would sureordonin thonary pare
who are in control of the society itself.
It would mean that the
teacher, the White teacher who teaches it, will condemn herself
or himself. And it also means that, often, even those of us who
are Black, when we do not teach our history correctly, would
point to our own collusion with the system. This often occurs
because what is discussed is the nature of slavery and the
conditions of slavery, but not the nature and condition of the
slave-master. And the questions that are dealt with are not
questions concerning the mental stability and characteristics
of those who enslaved us, and the question is not the fact that
these people are still influential today, and the question as to
whether they should continue to be influential is not dealt with
at all.
So consequently, our children are left with an inferiority
complex, the subject is left half unexplored, and even its being
brought up and taught serves as a means of maintaining the

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

system while appearing to be a liberal concession to the radicals

of the sixties (1960s).
We must recognize that many Americans have a stake in
ensuring the continuation of the failure of large segments of
its population — particularly of the Afrikan American popula-
tion. We must recognize that contradiction in this society is
of major importance in determining the problems of our
communities. That it is the people without love who talk about
love most often. It is the people who are ready to go to war,
and have gone to war and destroyed hundreds and thousands,
who talk about peace. It is the people who destroy our children’s
minds in schools who talk a great deal about education. And
we will see these kinds of contradictions going on and on
repeatedly. We will see even in the very legal structure of the
system its contradictions which conspire to destroy those who
are not a part of the ruling class or group.

Procedural Liberties, Personal Restraints

The constitution of the United States, as beautiful as it may

sound, is ultimately an elitist document. The Russian constitu-
tion is a most beautiful document, when you read it. And yet
we see a minority of White Russians ruling over Moslems, other
minorities, and other Europeans, despite what the constitution
The constitution of our nation guarantees what we call
procedural liberties, while not guaranteeing what we may call
the real nitty-gritty substantial liberties. What do we mean
by that? It guarantees that certain procedures will be followed;
that we can go to court, that we will be heard before a so-called
jury of our peers and so forth. But does it guarantee a freedom
from hunger? Does it guarantee housing, health care, and true
education? Does it guarantee full employment? Does it
guarantee safe working conditions? Does it guarantee a
non-polluted Earth? Does it guarantee true equality and equal
distribution of resources? The constitution does not guarantee
those things. It guarantees us certain procedural rights and
rules. It says, then, that we can go to court the same way the

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

rich people go to court. That we can be heard in a court of law,

that we must be read our Miranda rights upon arrest.
But there is a difference between procedure and what
actually happens. Certainly we may be read your rights, and
certainly we may go to court — but without the money to pay
for a good lawyer? Belonging to the wrong ethnic group,
belonging to wrong class — while we may go through procedure
— does not guarantee justice. Consequently, ce
legal establishments bacome theverysources ofance thatat
illegality. We are therefore faced with the contradiction
the very law and order that is written into the constitution
becomes a doublestandard. I remember reading a phrase once
that said, “the freedom of the press belongs to those who own
the press.” Neecan thus reiter at the constitution and the

that the ] belonee to those who write

vrite ‘it,
it, and to tE
hose Wito
10 |
use it to control the resources of a “society.
~ Business crime is more damaging tl than most working-class
crime and so-called lower-class crime. As a matter of fact, we
tend not to even see business-crime as crime itself, but instead
as violations of codes, as not following procedure, even though
it may rob people of jobs. It may rob people of their very lives.
How many people from DuPont will be arrested and put in jail
and locked away for killing those thousands of Indians?? How
many people will be destroyed or executed as the result of the
stealing of monies, of millions and millions of dollars from the
general populace as a whole? Will Chase Manhattan be permit-
ted to go out of business? Or will Citibank, for the mistake of
making bad loans? No, they won’t. What will happen? They
will rob the very monies out of our pockets so that they may
stay in business.
It has been established that while robbery, burglary, auto
theft, and larceny account for 15 percent of theft against
property, embezzlement, fraud and forgery, and commercial

* USA's transnational corporation Union Carbide pesticide gas explosion

on December 3, 1984 in Bopal; India, resulted in at least 2,000 deaths.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

theft (the so-called white-collar crimes) are responsible for 78

percent of crimes against property. It is difficult for people to
even see a so-called top business executive as a criminal. The
very concept of criminal has an image attached to it. We shall
find, of course, that to a great extent that image is non-Euro-
pean, non-middle-class and non-upper-class, but is an image
that portrays the so-called lower-classes (or non-Europeans).
It is of interest to note that Zacarro, husband of the vice
presidential candidate [Geraldine Ferraro], can steal millions
and pay a thousand-dollar ($1,000) fine — and continue in
business — while our sons and daughters who may steal nickels
are sent to jail, and executed, done in, beaten, and assassinated
by the police. We are gouged for rent and other kinds of things
by the system; yet those that gouge us are perceived as pillars
of the community.

for the law, and a isrespect for those who enforce that law.
i Written in neutral terms. What
joan a, ers is whether that law is enforced non--discrim-

11 fashion.We
recognize that the policeman is not merely an officer of the law,
not merely there to enforce the law, but that the policeman
has discretion in enforcing the law, and can determine when
and under what circumstances (to a good extent) the law will
be enforced, and against what people, regardless of how that
law is written.
So a law that may be on the books in a non-discriminatory
manner can be executed in a very discriminatory fashion.
Therefore, we recognize then that the Black individual who
exhibits the same so-called behavior (that is designated as
criminal by a cop) as a White individual, is far more likely to
be arrested, and convicted, and jailed for that behavior. So a
cop makes a determination based on the individual’s race, upon
the individual’s sexuality, upon the individual’s political and
class characteristics, as to whether arrest, conviction, and so
forth will take place.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

So we recognize that a law, even though it is written in

neutral terms, may be used for the purpose of intimidation,
harassment, and a meaps-of immobilizing individuals. The very
charges against arrested individuals may depend upon the
racial nature, the class, and the politics of the individual’s
background. These are the kinds of contradictions that have
destroyed the personalities of our people, that have destroyed
our self-confidence, have destroyed our self-concept as a people.
These contradictions, therefore, have created a psychic
situation that is often diagnosed as neurosis and psychosis;
that are often used as a means of maintaining a political system
as such. We are talking about the New York Eight here. We
“see again a system of law that is being used to enforce
thought-control; of people being arrested for so-called conspiracy
for what they may or may not think. We see a system of law
enforcement that spent great time and energy, that went on
for almost two years of eavesdropping into people’s personal
lives, of placing electronic bugs all over the households of these
people, of putting eavesdropping equipment in every room
(including the bathroom), that puts bugging equipment into
their telephones, that picked up the conversations of not only
of those individuals who were supposedly involved in the
conspiracy but those other individuals who may have called
and talked to them for various other reasons. We see a system
that generates a law that says — you can now detain people
without bail if they are perceived as some kind of major danger
to the community — that soon after it passes that law goes
right out and arrests a group of people and comes prepared
to destroy those people.
We see a system that is not so much concerned with
defending the individual as defending the prerogatives of the
state and making certain that the state has a monopoly on the
weapons, that the citizen is disarmed, not so much as a means
of preventing citizens from killing each other — but as a means
of keeping the citizens from killing the government that rules
over them!
We must be aware of the European who discusses a lot of
social issues in terms of individual-behavior such as, ‘we don’t

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

want people out there taking the law in their own hands.’ It
is the police that take the law into their own hands, when the
police engage in racial discrimination, when a policeman beats
and shoots and destroys and kills our people, and kills our
people in the streets. It is the police who are taking the law
into their own hands — not the people themselves. It is the
police who are the vigilantes for the establishment, and for
maintaining the status quo. The situation is reversed. It is the
police, then, who have the means of holding people hostage in
jails, and in prisons; and who harass our people; and who lock
our people into the dungeons; and who exercise penalties; and
who exercise terror. Bets pole omvanatne pardons of
our so-called law?
We see the law, then, may not be the problem; it is the
execution of the law. We see the law used as the means of
repression of dissent. The police are used as the means of
maintaining the social status quo and social order, not so much
where apersorts-s0-Called disturbing-the-peace, but.where ~~
a person threatens to disturb the social system itself. Police
officers often see Americanism as being equivalent to capital-
ism; that one cannot be American if one is not also capitalist.
And therefore to be anti-capitalist is to be anti-American. To
be for a different system of distributing the wealth of the
nation, which belongs to the nation, is to be anti-American.
To concern oneself with a more equitable means of distributing
justice and freedom, and to question the current system of
inequality, is to be perceived as un-American and to be
perceived as a threat-to-national-security; is to be made fair
game for repression and the denial of the democratic rights
that are supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution. We see
that often the only crime of many people, such as the Eight,
is to think in different terms and to talk about a different type
of arrangement in terms of social relations. But that speech
and that thought laid the basis for their very rights being taken
away from them — the right of bail and other rights.
Under the guise of defending democracy, the security
_ agencies of our departments, of our nation, are able to deny
the so-called dissenters their democratic rights, and to move

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

the nation closer to a police-state; which is exactly what we

are seeing here. And therefore we see telephones tapped, offices
raided, records and funds of dissident organizations stolen by
the police themselves. We see the agencies of our law enforce-
ment departments engaged in theft, breaking and entering.
We see the agencies of law engaged in threatening the members
of non-conforming groups, maligning the reputation of those
who dare question the system, beating, murdering, arresting
and trumping-up charges against those who dare even think
out loud or indicate that they are looking at other possibilities
for dealing with the tremendous problems we have today.
We see a system that uses its procedural rights — rights
to a trial, the rights to a jury, the rights to go before a grand
jury — as means of repression. Oh, the Hight may win their
case: But will they really win their case? Did Angela Davis
really win her case? Or was the very process of fighting the
charges — the years of energy, blood, sweat and tears, the years
and the money that went into the defense of Angela and others
like her — the very means of repression expressing itself in
the system. By the time these individuals get through fighting
in the courts that allow them to be heard before “a jury of their
peers,” the issues and troubles over which they were arrested
in the first place often have left them behind or have been
destroyed by the very process itself. Their very arrest and their
very going through the procedure, .even if the procedure is
neutral and equal, still intimidates the rest of us, and makes
the rest of us conform.
So, we have a system that may even “free” us and then
congratulates itself: “Oh, the system the works, doesn’t it?” But
only after a course, it works. But it is set up such that in the
end it will still attain its oppressive goals. You have the right
to equal housing; the law says so. We even have agencies that
we can complain to about being discriminated against. All of
that is set up. We have a right to move into any neighborhood
we want to — if we can afford it. Here is the system that grants
these rights and simultaneously takes away the very means
of fully exercising them.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

This is a system that uses all types of psycho-controls for

law and order. Once we are arrested, once we are convicted,
our rights are denied; now we can be subject to electro-shock,
psycho-surgery, etc. Recall that in the sixties (1960s) the
dissidents — those who were part of riot situations, those who
protested against the oppression of Black people — were seen
as sick, were seen as having a problem. And one of the means
proposed for dealing with the problem was to cut parts of their
brains out; was to go directly into their skulls and lobotomize
them, because of a diagnosis of illness, and more than anything
else, because of a political diagnosis. Some of you saw the
Amsterdam News, I believe. It came out Thursday. It discusses
the experimentation on our people by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and
other agencies inside and outside of this country. Even in South
Afrika and other places the experimentation on our people is
taking place currently — and certainly has taken place in the
past. We must recognize that this kind of thing continues and
is a part of the so-called Jaw and order system that exists today.


So these are the contradictions in the system; educational

systems that make us dumb, that teach us how not to think;
welfare systems that keep us poor; foreign aid that keep our
Afrikan nations in states of poverty; religious establishments
which are going to send us all to hell; an egalitarian constitu-
tion that maintains inequality. It is this system that is projected
into and interpreted in the minds of Black parents and Black
people, that is also projected into the socioeconomic structure
and thereby creates attitudes, negative self-perception and
frustration. It is a kind of system that breeds mental problems,
problems of criminality, and other kinds of problems that are
duly diagnosed by psychologists and sociologists and social
workers; that are duly treated by those who help, who are
helping-professionals, who ultimately end up helping them-
selves to us, rather than helping us. As a matter of fact, we
could see those professions as a part of the system itself.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

Our responses to these contradictions include problems with

identity. Some of us respond through over-compensation; those
of us who are going to prove to the White-folk that we are the
greatest in the world. We see some people succeed as a result
of failing; the success is often based on failure; success can be
a type of failure. That is one reason why often success does not
bring the kind of personal satisfaction and peace that many
people seek. And why often the individual, despite all of the
material evidences of having succeeded, still feels psychologi-
cally cheated — because one can achieve for the wrong reason.
So when we achieve to prove to somebody else, to show the
White-folk that we can do it as good as they do it, it is a success
that still is guaranteed to make us sick. It is motivated by the
wrong reason. We must get caught up in succeeding as a total
way of life; we then must get caught up in fearing failure; and
therefore become obsessive and compulsive. We must have a
feeling of pressure, a feeling that imminent disaster is pursuing
us at all times. Therefore success becomes a burden, and often
we have to drink, smoke and do all other unhealthy kinds of
things in order to contend with it. We have the successful
people “coking” just as much as the unsuccessful. Because often
they have succeeded and failed for the very same reasons; and
their very success and failure helps to maintain the status quo.
Are we studying Egyptology to prove to the White man how
great we were? And hope one day that when he acknowledges
that Egyptians were Afrikans, that he will accept us as human
beings? Is our study of Egyptology a personal and collective
defense mechanism, a means of dealing with our hurt pride?
As a means of trying to slip into the acceptance of White people
by the back door? Is our hang-up with history and the exaggera-
tion of certain of our achievements means by which we try to
salvage a damaged ego? There is the ache of inferiority that
never goes away. And we study, and we study, and we read,
and we read, and we learn the hieroglyphics, and we still feel
inferior — because we are pushed by the wrong reasons. And
when we are motivated by the wrong reasons, even though we
may replace the people who rule over us, we will end up being
just like them.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

Our succeeding for the wrong reasons sets our mind up for
being inculcated and possessed by the very devil we fight
against. And therefore, another revolution will have to be
fought, and it will have to be fought against us.
Consequently, it is not enough to succeed in the society or
to fail. Some people succeed at failing; the White man tells us
we're no good and we work very hard showing him he’s right.
Yes, we find the parallel situation in many parent-child
situations. “You will never be nothing,” and the child shows
them with a vengeance how it will be nothing. “I am going to
make you see, mama, every day that I’m nothing. I am going
to flaunt my nothing-ness in your face. I am going to make you
cry every night, and I’m going to make you go the jail and try
to get me out”; because you told me I was just like my daddy
— no good, going nowhere. Or else you will do it the other way.
“IT am going to show you how good I am.” And he succeeds, but
he succeeds with an emptiness in his heart and in his mind.
Our victory leaves the taste of ashes in our mouths. We wonder
where the happiness went, and we say: “Is this all there is to
it?” Nothing hurts like failing, unless it is success. Many of us
found out when we broke into White mid-stream America that
there is just as much hell in there as it was where we were
to begin with.
We have to recognize then that it is not a matter of making
it in the system, but a matter of questioning the system itself.
It is not just a matter of equality within the system but the
very critical looking at the system in and of itself. So many of
us in responding to the contradictions projected by this system
react with rage, apathy, stereotypy, paranoia, suspiciousness
and depression, and mania — and even bourgeois nationalism.
Oh, yes, we have some bourgeois nationalist here! It is not only
the ruling-class Whites that seek to perceive the condition of
our people as a result of the moral failings of our people, or
of some moral deficiency. We have to be careful and make sure
that we also as a people do not see ourselves that way. Yes,
and we as Black Nationalists — well-fed, with jobs — have to
be very careful when we think the only thing our less fortunate
brothers need is a lesson in Egyptian history, and a lesson in

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

Black history, and a lesson in morality; and voila! when all

the Black people find out that they were great Egyptians and
great Ghanaians, oh, what a great dream will have come true!
Then we will find out that we will be pretty much in the same
condition we were in before. What we are fighting against, as
Paul said in the Bible, are “principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places”, against a real “power”,
not just a mind-set, but against real flesh and blood people who
are in control of the world’s economic system, and social system,
and military system. Mere knowledge, morality, values, though
of great importance are not going to be enough to extricate us
from the situation that we are in.

The Politics of Diagnosis

We are talking about diagnosis and the relationship of

mental health diagnosis to political and racial dogmatism. When
social workers and psychologists do not begin with the political
system, they become obsessed with diagnostic procedures.
Psychology concerns itself with predicting behavior, with being
able to determine to a very fine extent the characteristics and
the symptomatologies of various mental illnesses. Mental health
disciplines concern themselves with the categorization of
behavior and the means by which this process is carried out.
Getting obsessively involved with diagnostic procedures,
psychologists and others in this area can deceive themselves
into thinking they are doing great scientific work, and that they
are politically neutral in their approach to life.
Mental problems not only denote a disturbed psyche, that
an individual is disturbed, but that that individual disturbs
our psyche. When we say an individual is disturbed, we not
only indicate that the individual may have problems, but we
indicate that we are having problems with the individual. That
the individual is not only disturbed, but the individual disturbs

“ Ephesians 6.12.

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

us. So then, diagnosis involves a dualistic relationship, not only

in terms of what behavior is exhibited by the patient but how
that behavior reflects upon others and the person who is
making the diagnosis itself; and it exhibits and exposes the
relationship between the person being diagnosed and the one
doing the diagnosis. Therefore, diagnosis is inherently social
in nature, whether it is being done by the psychiatrist,
psychologist, sociologist, social worker, or anyone else. Being
a social relationship, psychological diagnosis is a political affair!
It is a part of the political system!
So, when we see an individual with a disturbed psyche, the
individual disturbs our psyche and our mental equilibrium.
In the process of diagnosis, it is not only the imbalance of the
individual that we are looking at, but at the threat to our own
mental balance. The individual then is not only disturbing to
his own peace of mind: He is disturbing to our peace, and in
more ways than one he is disturbing to our ways of doing
Therefore the behavior that we are diagnosing may represent
a disturbing questioning of our ways of doing things, our values,
and the nature of our social relations. The behavior of the
so-called sick individual threatens us, threatens to expose our
failures, our hypocrisies, our collusion in bringing about the
state of mind of the individual who confronts us. So diagnosis
is not a one-way street, where only the patient is looked at.
It is a two-way street, where both the patient and the psychia-
trist look at each other and work out their problem together,
not just the patient’s problem.
When we talk about the so-called diagnosing of our people,
it involves an analysis not only of the behavior of our people,
but of the behavior of the society as a whole; and we must
recognize this fact and face up to it as a people. Diagnosis then
is not merely procedural or neutral. As we have said, it is
political to the core: It is a political act.
Through diagnosis, the ruling society applies its ideological
measures to the recalcitrant members of that society. It
maintains through diagnosis the status quo, and most of all,
through diagnosis, the society — where that society is unjust

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

— justifies its repressions. Thus, when an individual is labeled

in an unjust and unequal society, and is labeled by the very
people who maintain its injustice and inequality, then the very
diagnostic process itself, and the very labels attached the
victims of that society are the very means by which repression
is carried out in that system. Consequently, those of us who
are in the so-called helping-professions and in the business of
diagnosing other people’s behavior must recognize the degree
to which we are a part of the repressive mechanism of that
As the system looks its victims in their faces, as it judges
them, it sees its own behavior, its own face in the behavior and
face of its victims, and of its patients. The crazy behavior, the
face of madness strikes terror in its very soul. That is, the
society through its diagnostic procedures looks at the face of
its victims, sees the face of its own deviance, the hidden,
internal, covert rottenness it represents is externalized and
glares back impertinently at it. As D’Amato (N.Y. Senator) said
yesterday, he’s just intimidated by merely being in the subway
in the company of Black people; that merely seeing Black
teenagers and people on the street is intimidating. And he is
not the only one. Many of us as Black parents and individuals
are intimidated as well. We are more frightened by our own
children and by our own people than we are by another people
— and that is a sad commentary upon our state.
When we see them, they look back at us. But in a sense they
show us to ourselves. And we get angry and hostile and we
contend, “How dare the victim bleed under the cutting lashes
of our social repression? How dare you yell out in pain when
we kick your butt? How dare you strike back when we strike
you? How dare you protest when we kill your youngsters in
the street? How dare you disrupt the court proceedings when
we are doing a legal lynching in our courts? How dare you
accuse us?” the system asks. And it says, “There is no time to
deal with social and political causality. The menace that you
people represent must be removed immediately.” I find it
somewhat amusing that after raping and robbing the world,
after killing and destroying, after building weapons that will

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

kill each individual in the world ten times over, after permitting
individuals (such as Howard Hughes and others) to be worth
billions of dollars while others starve to death, after robbing
people day in and day out — the European thinks that he has
a right to sleep at night; that he has the right to walk down
the street and feel safe; and has a right to be treated civilly!
What kind of fools does he think the people of the world are?
What kind of world does he think this is that he can get away
with rape and robbery then expect the victims not to protest
in some fashion, form or other? Be that protest self-destructive
or otherwise.
But we have a system that asks the so-called helping-
professions to “keep them away from us; make them invisible;
convert their behavior; make them adjust to the system in one
way or the other. Use your diagnostic and treatment powers
as a means of giving us peace at night.” Thus, diagnosis in this
context becomes part of the problem. It becomes the means by
which the establishment denies its own culpability. It becomes
a defense mechanism by which the establishment denies its
guilt and defends its self-image and prerogatives. Diagnosis
becomes the means by which the establishment projects its
criminality and its own insanity onto its victims. Diagnosis is
in this instance, therefore, a mechanism of denial, projection,
and repression — both psychical and political.
Through diagnosis the establishment finds what it is looking
for. In its criminals it finds evidence of a criminal nature:
broken homes; un-caring, rejecting or permissive parents;
alcoholic, criminal, or absent fathers; disorganized or ghetto
neighborhoods; moral laxities; skewed values. That is to say,
in its infinite wisdom and scientific reflection the system finds
a criminal type and says: “The criminal-type that we find on
the subways generally is one that comes from a broken home,
between age thirteen and twenty-five, male, comes from a
disorganized community, smokes, and drinks intoxicating
liquors. This criminal-type is aggressive, has a weak ego, is
hostile, prone to injure his victim for no reason; he is poorly
educated, can hardly read, has identity problems; he resists
authority, has no respect for the property of others — he is

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

totally hedonistic!” Hence the psychological profile is born. Yes,

this may be the kind of criminal that you find in the subway.
These may be the kinds of people you find mugging. But does
that say that there is a nature, a criminal nature, existent?
Or does it say a criminal nature has been created by a system?
So then, what the psychologist and the psychiatrist do (ignoring
the political social circumstances) is to test the individual, and
measure the individual, and find exactly what the society has
created, in the name of the so-called diagnoses — and the game
is on.
Diagnosis then becomes individual, just as the ideology which
rationalizes the repression of our people is individualistic in
nature. Through diagnosis a preventive program is promulgat-
ed. And how do we promulgate the preventive program? We
have a program now that says that we want to identify “career-
criminals.” We are going to arrest the career-criminals, those
who have just robbed, and stolen quite often, and when we get
them again we are going to lock them up, because, “it’s 25
percent of the criminals that produce 75 percent of the crime.”
Isn’t that nice, scientific and neat? Since we are able to
diagnose, and looking at our computers determine who is a
career-criminal, all we have to do now is go out and arrest them
and put them in jail and we can sleep at night. Oh, our great
criminologists, aren’t they wonderful? That may be true. Who’s
fighting that kind of diagnosis, except that the root of the
problem is not dealt with. So the system creates the career-
criminal, then it finds a means of identifying the career-
criminal, and then punishes the career-criminal and thereby
commits a crime in the name of law — and we wonder why
the prisons create criminals: Because they are a part of the
criminal assault against the people to begin with.
Through diagnosis then, what do we get as a preventive
program? More policemen, more retaining of people in the
“ghettos”, stricter and swifter sentences. We say, “Bring them
in today and string them up tomorrow!” “Build more prisons,
inject more potent psychotropic drugs, carry weapons to defend
yourself, more birth control, more positive images, hold up the
Black tokens so that they can learn to mute their behavior

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

while they are striving to make it! More token job training,
more government project-housing, more welfare, more summer
camps, more fresh-air funds, more PA.Ls (Police Athletic
Leagues)”: More of every kind of band-aid solution rather than
a fundamental restructuring of the society itself.
So the identity-program, i.e., the program for identifying so-
called career-crimindls, that is supposedly based upon diagnos-
tic technique, is a program that involves everything but a
societal self-examination; everything but fundamental social
reconstruction; everything but a radical reorganization of social
relations. We have more social workers, more psychologists,
various and sundry helping-professions. Yet we dare not say
that the society is sick! How can we say a society is sick? Only
people can be sick. People are society, of course. But I ask you,
if the society is not sick — why is it that we have so many
psychologists, and social workers, and all of these other
helping-professions? They must be attending to someone. And
we can’t get enough of them. We hear again and again — more!
more! more! more social workers! more psychologists, psychia-
trists, special educators... more! more! This indicates then that
society is having some kinds of problems. Constantly it
demands more people and more professionals who in their very
therapeutic relationship with their so-called clients symbolize
and maintain the power relations of the society as a whole, who
maintain the ethnic relations and the values that are responsi-
ble for a good deal of their patients’ illnesses in the first place.
Our very so-called therapeutic relationships reflect the class
organization of this repressive society — the middle-class
interpreting the behavior of the lower-class, the middle-class
defining the behavior of the lower-class or those that are outside
of the society. The administration in this hospital [Harlem
Hospital] and all the other hospitals of similar nature reflect
the general ethnic structure of our society itself. The adminis-
tration of rehabilitative centers and other institutions that
supposedly deal with our children, their very structures
themselves represent the structure that drives their clients
crazy to begin with — White administrators sitting on top and
Black lackeys working on the bottom. So the very essence of

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness .

their work is undermined by the very structural relationship

within the so-called therapeutic environment itself. Hence, the
one-on-one, the interpreting, defining, Black counselors using
Eurocentric psychodiagnostic ideology see themselves as a part
of the society to which they are rendering service.
Therefore, the patient’s face is a mirror. And in that face
we see our own madness. It mocks us. We feel a compulsion
to break it into a thousand pieces. We want to shoot it, and
destroy it, because it tells us something we don’t want to hear
about ourselves. We want to lock them up, and put them away,
because they indicate our own failings as a society. We want
to chuck it, and make it invisible. The face in the mirror our
people reflect, we want to avoid. We diagnose the patient. We
see the reflection as a property of the mirror, as a part of its
nature. It says nothing about us, we would like to think.In
other words then, when we look at the patient we diagnose,
we do not wish to admit a reflection of our own responsibility
there. We want to say that what is reflected itself represents
the nature of the patient.

The Repression of Frankenstein

Diagnosis becomes a prerequisite for the legitimization of

repression — psychiatric repression as well as legal and
political repression — for the initiation of state-terror. When
we talked about the Eight, we talked about the other things
that are going on in our society, we see diagnosis serving as
a means for establishing state-terror; as a means for the
transformation of sadistic practices into the practices of
rehabilitation, correction, psychiatry and social work. The
establishment thus legitimizes its monopoly of the right to
incarcerate, torture, harass, maim and kill in order to maintain
its order through diagnosis, through the correct and bureaucrat-
ic execution of procedure. After careful, thoughtful, precise
probing, measuring and testing, Dr. Frankenstein, in the name
of science and humanity and humanness, labels his own
creation a monster, its behavior as monstrous. It possesses no
social graces. No, it gets loud on the subway, calls itself by a

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

degrading name for the world to hear, curses, smokes, plays

loud music. We see it there. It is brutal, it is dangerous,
self-centered, peevish, drinks, smokes a lot, and eats a lot of
odd things, just as predicted by the criteria. Its behavior, the
conditions of its life correlate highly with our expectations.
And therefore we declare, Dr. Frankenstein declares, if it
looks like a monster, if it walks like a monster, if it talks like
a monster, then it must be a monster — it fits the monster
profile: our tests are valid. And this is ultimately what
diagnosis does: It finds its own creation through the use of
Earocentric diagnostic instruments. And this not only occurs
where there are mental problems, but where there are physical
problems. A lot of the physical ills that plague our people are
created as a result of dealing with the tegat and political
repression that is existent in the world order today. Thus we
find Dr.Frankenstein creating themonstav—tiagnosing the
monster, then rehabilitating the monster — and ultimately
destroying the monster. But who diagnoses Dr. Frankenstein?
Is not the madness of the creature a reflection of the madness
of the creator? Who will rehabilitate Dr. Frankenstein? Who
will stop his fiendish experiments?
This is the issue that we have to deal with today as a people.
I would like to say one other thing. There are many of us
who say, “those people who mug us, terrorize us on our streets,
are Black like us so this is not an ethnic thing. Right? They
mug more Black people than they mug White people. And they
intimidate Blacks as well as Whites.” We cannot deny that as
true. It doesn’t help for us as a people to deny that as the truth.
It doesn’t help us as a people to deny the reality of the situation
that we are in, and to deny that a sizable percentage of our
people are behaving in ways that intimidate not only the
so-called White man, but intimidate us as a people. And that
reality has to be faced as well, and many of us are reluctant
to discuss it.
I don’t want to leave you with the impression that we are
a passive people who are totally manipulated by a Eurocentric
structure, and who are created totally by the White devil. We
also as a people must examine ourselves and see to what extent

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

we have participated in the creation of the monster. ae

look at the nature and type of leadership we have provided that.
Fae atic cdo ESTERS GCI wo
the nsibi lity
that we have ignored and that we have
denied exists as a people. We must look at the opportunities
for controlling ourselves and for developing a different kind
of people. Therefore, it is not only the White man who cannot
sleep at night; we also are not able to sleep at night either,
because a part of the situation that we face is also our responsi-
bility as well.
We must look at the assimilationist leadership that we have
permitted to represent us in this world today. We must look
at the kind of leadership that always has had its
outward, towards the White man, and neglected the ed ucation
of the re-socialization of our own people; a leadership who has
Spent its energies trying to
the White man,
mai instead of,
aupartcising cant cnerey foreoneentinis ouwelrosanenpeantal
Peeteere roriGl Gal LEST Rea
in part, have helped to create the European.

The Power of Self-Transformation

As noted by Chancellor Williams (The Destruction of Black

Civilization), the way we think, the way we behave, helps to
create the kinds of victimization from which we suffer. The_
oppressive configuration the White man has assumed in
relationship to the Black man is in good part the result of the

mentary subordinate configuration conducive tohis oppressive"

what we are as a people. And one way of transforming the —
White man is through self-transformation. He cannot be what
he is ifwe are not what we are. Therefore, we must take
respo r that part of our personality, sea er TOE
ity, and that part of ourselves over which we have
d change that part. And if we change those parts
of ourselves and our community we shall change this man. Who
gives a damn about changing him anyway? It does not matter!

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

One of our major problems is that Black leadership has been

involved in converting Whites. That misleads us time and time
again. Give it up! One of the major steps in the rehabilitation
of the Black man is to give up the White man and forget about
I see children, and I see people who are crazy, blaming their
mothers: “She didn’t love me; she rejected me; she never hugged
me; she never kissed me. I was the darker one, and she liked
the lighter one.” And we get story after story, and justification
after justification, and the person remains in his/her craziness
waiting for the other person, mama, to change. And the
surprising thing about it is that — if mama changed you'd still
be crazy as you were before — because the energy dissipated
waiting and trying to change mama has been diverted, and the
energy needed for self-change has atrophied, and therefore,
even when the opportunity presents itself the personality is
unable to take advantage of it. The Black community must
examine itself and see to what degree has it contributed toits |

Se HAGE eas lem ofaneniaiilineseda notwie? people

do to each other, and not what mama, or daddy, or somebody
else does to a child. A part of it is also how what mama does
is reacted to on the part of the child. It is not so much that the
European says that we are inferior, and that we are this and
we are that, and that the European maligned our character,
et cetera: It is the belief on our part that what he says is true
that drives us crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what he says, an
insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what
he says about us, that maintains the craziness. It is the reaction
of anger, as Cobbs and Price points out, “the reaction of rage.”
Yes, we are going to find rage in teenagers, and rage in people
that destroy and prey on the community: and it is this reaction
that distorts reality, distorts the individual’s creativity, distorts
the necessary unity and distorts the very mechanism that can
get the individual out of his/her behavior.
I was talking to one drug addict who was outlining the
regular thing about mama; mama not loving her and mama
mistreating her. And so she saw herself as having only two

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

choices: either she would become what mama said she would
become, or she would become better than what mama said she
would become — both being reactions to mama, both still tied
her to mama, both making her a creation of mama. The Black
bourgeoisie is as much a creation as is the Black criminal; they
are both reactionary styles, and both a means by which a people
try to deal with the dilemma of White oppression. And quite
often people think, (and she thought) that there are only two
choices: Either I react to it that way or I react to it the other
way; I react to it in terms of rage or I overachieve. But if
reactions of rage, and hatred, and vengeance are not permitted
to capture the personality, to consume and concentrate con-
sciousness and attention, perhaps then, another alternative,
another approach will be discovered. This is the thing that we
must recognize in ourselves as a people. Reactions in terms
of depression, rage and anger, reactions in terms of compensato-
ry mechanisms, are reactions that help to deny the criminality
on a certain segment of our people, and that obscures the
behavior of many of our teenagers in our current situation —
which help to maintain the situation in and of itself.
The problems confronting Black people did not just occur
under Ronald Reagan. The dis-employment of Black people is
not something that just occurred under Ronald Reagan. They
have been there all along — since we touched foot in the New
World and the European set foot on the lands of Afrikan
Why can’t leadership deal with that issue? Why is it we say
that Black people are losing out in the so-called “alms” race,
as they call it? ALMS race! Why aren’t we questioning your
leadership when, since the 1950s — after our “great victory”
in the Supreme Court — the situation of our people is worsen-
ing? We have a leadership that refuses to confront forthrightly
t ues and the circumstances in which we fin ourselves.
Fo ourselves responsible. For the madness
isorganization that flows from that, we must hold
fy) sible-For not capturing economic and socia
co our communities, a or not bui up Pan-Afri-_
kani ilding up our brains, and studying, and

Eurocentric Political Dogmatism

Pt ne aneorganizing, aoddeveloping, wemus.

Ourselves re ible, in part, for the madness. I therefore
each: aneofLiagnoeis of
the patient, but a diagnosis of ourselves, a diagnosis of the
system, and more so than that — getting on with the work of





pathology precedes individual pathology. That is, diseased social
interactions between groups generate diseased social interac-
tions within groups, and furthermore, diseased social interac-
tions within groups generate diseased psychological interactions
within individuals who are their constituents. The discontents
of individuals reflect the discontents of groups; and these, the
discontents of the societies and cultures they constitute. The
Great Chain of Discontents inextricably binds together individ-
ual, group, society, and culture.
The character and conduct of groups and individuals however
labeled and categorized, whether judged to be good or evil,
superior or inferior, are the products of historic intergroup,
intragroup, and interpersonal relations, and can only be
meaningfully understood in terms of these relations. The
character and behavior of Afrikan American individuals,
whether labeled “normal” or “abnormal,” can only be fully and
accurately comprehended, along with the process and purpose
of labeling itself, in terms of the historic power relations
between dominant European-American and _ subordinate
Afrikan-American groups.
White domination and Black subordination involve special
types of social power relations constructed predominantly by
Whites in order that they might receive certain material and
non-material benefits thereby. These social power relations
involve social practices and processes which mediate the White
American socioeconomic, sociopolitical, sociopsychological
manipulation and construction of Black consciousness and
behavior. Under White supremacy Black consciousness and
behavior arémanufactured,
socially labeled, and judged by

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

Whites in ways_consonant with their social control and

The" ccrmaliiy” ox“abnormaliby” otBlak consciousness and

behavior are so classified with reference to the degree to which
va) support or oppose to the continuity ofWhite supremacy.

regimes of White domination are characterized by habitua :

thought patterns and behavioral tendencies which render them
pliable to White authoritarian/authoritative social cor
ontrol with~
minimal resistance;

their oppressio s freedom!

and behavior under WhiteS thougl
Eissrr i nialtodo aaa
social contro i 1
induces them to protest, resist and reject their s
Status as destined or natural, to perceive their oppression as
unrecdom: ats SSS wn in Se ae
From the vantage point of the continuity of White supremacy,
the basis for the labeling of Black consciousness and behavior
by Whites as normal or abnormal depends not on the discovery
by Whites of discrete states of consciousness and their correlat-
ed behavioral tendencies in Blacks, but on the discovery of the
degree to which Black consciousness/behavioral tendencies are
perceived as serving or dis-serving their hegemonic interests.
Disturbances of thought, emotions, motivational and values
priorities, and psychological processes in Blacks are the
unavoidable outcomes of their oppression by Whites. To be
oppressed is by definition to have one’s thought proces8ts>

andone's body
y fanctlons
functions imbalanced.
imbalanced There
ity” of consciousness and conduct for Blacks as long as they
remain dominated by Whites — merely socially acceptable or
unacceptable adjustments to the ever-changing demand
characteristics of White supremacy. The normality of Blacks
under White domination is by that circumstance, above all, a

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

and behavior which are deemed serviceable and beneficial to |

The alleged normality or abnormality of Black consciousness

under White supremacy requires that Blacks involuntarily and
obsessively deceive themselves. This collective self-deception,
which is the benchmark of oppressed Black consciousness, is
the main product of White-Black social power relations,
motivated by anxiety and ignorance, founded on the denial and
distortion of reality. Both the normality and abnormality of
Black consciousness and behavior as reproduced by the power
relations of White supremacy, also require that they operate
against their own best interests in the interests of their White
oppressors; that they be self-denying, self-defeating, and oft-
times self-destructing, while convincing themselves that the
opposite is true.
Normality is as much a political-economic concept as a
psychological-social concept. As a political/economic construct
it is the result, in large part, of the interplay of intergroup,
intragroup and primary group social-economic power relations
and practices which have been exercised on the bodies of
persons. Normality is born of fairly systemic methods of
rewarding and punishing behavior, ritual practices and indoctri-
nation, training, correction, supervision, and constraint. As
societies change so do their fields of power relations, methods
of socialization, and concepts of normalcy. To paraphrase
Foucault,’ the “normality” which inhabits a person and brings
him into existence is itself a factor in the mastery that those
in power exercise over that person’s consciousness and behavior.
Normality as a functional state of being, as a circumscribed
set of states of consciousness and their correlated behavioral
tendencies, is the effect and instrument of dynamic political-
economic relations. The “norm” is in essence a principle of
coercion; a constraint on behavior; a rule to be followed. It
involves the establishment of a set of values or standards, a

° Foucault, M. 1979. Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison.

New York: Vintage Books.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

range of behaviors to be respected which must be achieved

through conformity, reinforced by social sanctions, rewards,
and punishments. Normalization, the process of using the
values of the norm to compare, differentiate, hierarchize,
homogenize; to determine the level and value of abilities and
the “nature” of persons and groups; to exclude; to mark the
frontier of the abnormal — and thereby ration power, privilege
and favor — is one of the great instruments of power wielded
by those who rule and dominate others. Hence, under White
supremacy the “normality” of Blacks is to a significant extent
both the effect and the instrument of White power. For the
subordinated Afrikan, “normality” is the prison of his mind and

Labeling As Social Control

As noted earlier, both “normal” and “abnormal” states of

consciousness and their correlated behavioral tendencies in
oppressed Afrikans provide the means and justification for their
social control by dominant Europeans, who claim an exclusive
license for defining and labeling such states. These conscious-
ness/behavioral states once ordered and reordered by oppres-
sion, are rationalized and reversed by the mental health
establishment in ways that their effects are made to appear
to be causes. Under oppression the process of labeling behavior
is as much a part of the problem as it claims to be a part of
the solution. For the labeling process obscures the purposes
for and means by which those states labeled are generated,
maintained, and changed to fit the needs of those in power.
The labeling process is then no longer only demarcative but
is also generative, i.e., the process itself helps to generate states
of consciousness as well as denote them.
The authority to label consciousness and behavior reflects
social power inequalities between the labelers and the labeled.
Therefore, the authority to label is a central factor in the
processes of social power and often functions to maintain or
increase power inequalities. Labeling behavior as normal or
abnormal may contribute to maintaining or enhancing prevail-

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

ing power inequalities in that by directing attention to their

purported intrapsychic, subcultural or genetic sources, the
causal relevance of other social, political, economical phenomena
in generating and maintaining such behavior are down-played,
dismissed or obscured.
{Labeling and defining behavior is a part of a power-rationing
process in which certain segments of a society are granted
exclusive legitimacy and power to explain, diagnose and treat
certain states of consciousness and forms of behavior not
granted to others. The process of granting such exclusive rights
may be referred to as the granting of authority to the recipient
person or group. Based on custom, competence, other legal
precedence, or codes, the authority is granted a socially
acknowledged right to command the compliance of others under
specified circumstances.
Authority is not merely ascribed or granted
to a particula
person or social group in a society for pragmatic reasons alone,
The social and political ascri or granting of aut ority is
usually rationalized or legitimated in terms of an under ;
. Once the ideology which rationalizes and legitimates
a particular authority structure gains general social acceptance
and the political approbation of the ruling regime, it not only
tends to delegitimize alternative or opposing ideologies but also
tends to empower and legitimate the ruling regime along with
those who control its operational apparatus. This may occur
in spite of the rather obvious failure of the ideology and the
authority structure it legitimates to adequately explain, resolve
or significantly ameliorate, the problems they were ostensibly
established to explain or resolve (e.g., the criminal justice or
mental health establishment along with their legitimating
When a ruling regime, e.g., the White supremacist estab-
lishment, persists in maintaining an ideological-authority
structure in power in spite of its apparent dysfunctionality (i.e.,
as measured by its inability to resolve its assigned problems)
one may infer from this the possibility that that ideological-
authority structure’s real, but obscured, function may be
primarily to help to rationalize, legitimate, and maintain the

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

ruling regime’s social order and power relations. It achieves

these ends by attempting to define and resolve its assigned
problems in ways which do not indict the regime and its
operational struc of roblems
to begin with (because the presence of such problems may be
utilized to actually help to justify, preserve, and empower the
ruling regime).

Domination and the Mislabeling of Behavior

Domination as a social fact and_situation necessarily

disorders and reorders the thoughts, feelings, emotions,
motivations, values, psychological states, and _consequently,
the consciousness and behavior of the dominated. This disorder-
ing reorderi consciousness and behavior necessarily
involve their politically functional labeling and classification
by their instigators. Classifying and labeling the consciousness
and behavior of the oppressed by their oppressors provide the
means by which the abnormality and pathology generated by
oppression are “normalized” in the oppressed, i.e., made to
appear to follow the natural order of the universe. The normal-
ization of pathology is exquisitely functional for oppressive
regimes. eae poe NTMI eR Igrg ea ae
supremacy always-atterapis to-rationalize itsoppression Of
lacks izing their reactionary, pathological, Eurocen-
_ tric consciousne d behavior and simultaneous i

a psthologionl Afrocontric consciousness amd DeNavior sath

ite dominance. In its attempts to normalize oppression the
‘oppressive White supremacist regime seeks to deceptively, yet
convincingly, demonstrate that’'the modal consciousness and
behavior of subordinated Afrikans represent the spontaneous,
natural, and normal products of original Afrikan character and
culture. Thus under White supremacy the congept

to hth t re or_are not Bipariie of White domi uf

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

The Medicalization of Afrikan Social Problems

A prime and relevant example of the construction of an

ideological-authority structure by a ruling regime (White
supremacy) in order to maintain its social status quo is the
rapidly expanding medicalization of the “deviant behavior,”
e.g., criminali i j Americ: S

dislo i as aenvatws of biological malforma-.

tions and imbalances. As comprehensively defined by Conrad
(1986),the medicalization of deviant or anti-social behavior
refers to:

..the defining and labeling of deviant behavior as a medical

problem, an illness, and mandating the medical profession to
provide some type of treatment for it. Concomitant with this
is the growing utilization of medicine as an agent of social
control, typically as medical intervention. Medical intervention
as social control seeks to limit, modify, regulate, isolate or
eliminate socially defined deviant behavior, with medical means
and in the name of health.®

The medicalization of socially and politically deviant be avior

medicalization deviant behavior is gized,

and “geneticized,” that is, viewed_as indicative of isolated,
Saget re asta aa or of
i i cial proclivities, genetic shortcomings or deficiencies.
The medicalization of many types of criminal, anti-social,
deficient, and maladaptive behavior by Afrikans in America
permits the ruling White supremacist regime to deny that its

° Conrad, Peter. “Medicalization of deviants and social control” in David

Ingleby (ed.) Critical Psychiatry: The Politics of Mental Health N.Y.: Pantheon
Books, 1980.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘-

social, political, racist and economic policies and practices are

very significantly responsible for much of the occurrence of such
behavior. Instead, the blame is passed on to the victims
themselves by labeling them “mentally ill,” “organically
deficient,” and in need of surveillance, detention, isolation,
rehabilitation, behavior modification, and/or medication — not
of political-economic redress.
Even when social causation is allowed by the medical
ideological-authority structure, the causal chain usually begins
and ends by blaming the patient’s, client’s or deviant’s family,
primary and peer group relations and subcultural particularities
as the primary sources of his problems. Rarely is the over:
archin itical-economic-cultural regime which significantly

and particularities considered or critically analyzed. Moreover,

the reigning therapeutic “treatment” approach may still be
couched in medical terminology, executed in clinical-institution-
al settings, and the patient’s maladjustment alleviated by
medicinal or “ethnicized psychotherapy.”

Ethnicized Psychotherapy

Et aever peyelotherapy may include non-medicalized of

non-psychiatric approaches to the “correction” of behavioral

normalcy,” 1-e., to ...“the norms

1.e.;°tO of on = se wi

is ‘natatice what is ae normal is aER

Sonsidered necessarily good and moral. In contrast the abnor-
mal or deviant is considered bad and immoral. In this guise
ethnicized psychotherapy m i rceived as an ally
meé ed psychotherapy i t they both provide practic
benefits he ruling establishment by advancing its es

"Heather, N. 1976. Radical Perspectives in Psychology. London: Methuen.

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

lished moral and political positions against_th f the

Thus, wha ay appear
be the of an objective, scientific approach in
dealing with deviancy in reality involves the stigmatization,

consciousness of people or persons struggling against social

injustice and inequality.
Ronald Leifer (1969) defined the ethnicization of psycho-
therapy “as the molding and the polarization of behavior so
that it conforms to prevailing cultural patterns. It is indoctri-
nation or training for culturally specific traits, attitudes, and
actions.”® The aim of ethnicized psychotherapy is to return
the deviant to “normal,” i.e., to instill in the deviant a set of
particular traits, attitudes, values, behavioral orientations, and
goals which when pursued or realized, support and maintain

Ethnicized psychotherapy, like its medicalized counterpart,

also strips “...the deviant act of its social [and political] meaning
by presenting it as mechanistically or in some other way
determined, [thereby denying] ...that the act could possibly be
justified from the standpoint of an alternative view of social
morality” (Heather, 1976). Ethnicized psychotherapy, too, views
any form of behavior and state of consciousness which do not
conform to the norms or political-economic interests of the
ruling establishment or group as, “by definition, a reflection
of individual maladjustment, emotional immaturity, mental
pathology, or some other negatively valued concept” (Heather,
1976). Thus, problems which may be reflective of social and
political problems are dismissed as the ailments of isolated
individuals, as evidence of individual maladjustment, the
epiphenomena of a distorted personality — all abstracted from
t of social and economic f which generate their —
existence and form.
Ce ee ted

® Leifer, R. 1969. In the Name of Mental Health: The Social Functions of

Psychiatry. New York: Science House.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

Ethnicized psychotherapy, like medicalized psychotherapy,

either exhibits a lack of interest in comprehending the behavior
and consciousness of persons and groups from the point of view
of their real political, social, and cultural history; or exhibits
an exclusive, narrow interest in comprehending their behavior
and consciousness in terms of something i7side them — some
inner dynamic formed in early childhood; in terms of purported
family or subcultural dynamics; inherited “traits,” or “condi-
tioned responses” — all originating in some purely personalized
or isolated group history. Consequently, the complex system
of social and economic forces constructed and manipulated by
the ruling group which constrains and restricts the conscious-
ness of subordinate groups by setting limits in the form of laws,
biased discriminations, degrading expectations, sheer economic
and political repressions — is ignored and the pathogenic social
order it regulates is thereby maintained.
The “ethnicized” therapist is empowered Brel employed by
the ruling group to create or modify various mental-behavioral
orientations into his or her client which are compatible with
its power needs and political-economic culture. Through the
therapeutic encounter the client is conditioned to politically
respond to prefabricated social directives and sign-stimuli which
organize and direct his or her perceptions, feelings, thoughts
and actions along certain political lines and to accord with
certain political-economic ends. Often the therapeutic, rehabili-
tative, or in a broader sense, educative encounter attempts to
induce in the client the belief that it is in his or her best
interest to think and behave in ways compatible with the needs
of the dominant group which the therapeutic or educative
therapist represents. This aim is achieved through the thera-
pist’s formulation of the goals of therapy, education, or
rehabilitation for the client and the setting of conditions for
the client’s social conduct in general.

Educative Psychotherapy

Leifer (1969) makes an important distinction between

ethnicized psychotherapy and educative psychotherapy. He

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

points out that both therapeutic approaches turn on the fulcrum

of social power. He contends that, “Ethnicization involves the
use of social power to influence thought and conduct in socially
approved directions. Education involves the analysis of social
power, among other subjects, to understand its influence on
the lives of individuals and social groups.”
Given the political-economic position of Afrikans in the world
today and the negative social and mental health outcomes
devolving therefrom, an Afrikan-centered educational and
therapeutic psychology emphasizes critical analysis and
understanding of how the &thnicizing Eurocentric social agent,
whether therapist, educator, etc., attempts to mold Afrikan
behavior to fit specific eurocentrically self-serving legal, moral,
political, and ethnic standards. An Afrikan-centered educative
approach in addition to defining and designating certain states
of consciousness and forms of behavior relative to the needs
of Afrikan peoples, must engage the client in a full analysis
of his life goals and methods for achieving them while helping
to imbue his efforts with social meaning, purpose, and creative
power. It seeks to imbue in its participants an Afrikan-centered
consciousness and behavioral orientation which will maximize
the positive expression of his fundamental humanity and his
ability to maximally contribute to the growth and development
of the Afrikan community of which he is a member.
The participant in Afrikan-centered therapeutic and educa-
tional encounters discovers how he has been unconsciously
conditioned by a Eurocentric system to respond habitually and
unthinkingly to its social cues to Eurocentric authorities and
social contexts which induce him “to perceive, think, feel, and
behave in certain ways, he has been cued to avoid
perceiving, thinking, feeling, and behaving in certain ways”
(Leifer, 1969); how his Eurocentric consciousness, the source
of his domination, is but a state of unconsciousness representing
itself as consciousness. Eurocentric consciousness, the mortal
enemy of Afrikan-centered consciousness which it displaces
and represses, imposes on its Afrikan hosts the dream states
of sleepwalkers and somnambulistic wanderers in the dark of

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

A major educative, therapeutic and politically liberating

milestone is reached in Afrikan-centered therapy and education
when the participants, be they labeled normal or abnormal,
conformists or deviants, become poignantly aware of how the
various institutions and practices which define Eurocentric
culture are utilized to control Afrikan people’s minds and
behavior; prevent Afrikans from developing the social skills
and knowledge necessary for them to be masters of their own
destiny; foster the kinds of behavioral ineptitudes and devia-
tions often labeled as “deficient,” “anti-social” or “mental
illness”; maintain Afrikan unawareness of the social games and
rules by which that culture transforms and dominates Afrikan
consciousness and behavior; condition Afrikans to avoid
thinking and behaving in ways which expand their self-
consciousness and behavioral repertoire; impair Afrikans’ ability
to master their own conduct, increase their self-reliance and
self-sufficiency; impair their ability to acquire the intellectual
and social skills, the critical intelligence to solve the problems
of their lives, the material and capacities to determine their
own future intelligently.
Afrikan peoples can best successfully counter the hegemonic
interests of Eurocentric society by reclaiming their Afrikan-
centered consciousness, identity and social interest; by founding
their consciousness and behavior on an accurate perception
of, and respect for, reality and a passionate love of truth; on
a knowledge and acceptance of their Afrikan heritage; a
dedicated passion to achieve and maintain conscious, thought-
ful, voluntary self-control; their ability to first love themselves;
to maintain affectionate relations and positive regard among
themselves; the achievement of a collective, cooperative,
unifying consciousness and behavioral orientation and; on the
ability to engage in productive prosocial, proactive, rather than
counterproductive, self-defeating, reactionary, activities.
However, these objectives will not be attained until Afrikan
empowerment neutralizes or reverses the power relations and
differentials which are the social foundations of White

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

Fighting the Power

The ability of dominant Whites to socially manufacture or

markedly influence Afrikan states of consciousness and conduct
in the interest of perpetuating White supremacy, is both the
source and product of the power relations and inequalities
which inhere betweén these races. The White social manufac-
ture of Black consciousness and behavior will end when the
power differentials which make this process possible are
equalized or reversed by the increased Black empowerment.
This necessary equation or reversal of power relations begins
when Afrikans come to understand the nature of power, its
social origins and applications; when they recognize that they
are as capable of its acquisition and disposition as are their
European (and other ethnic group) counterparts; and when they
consciously and deliberately choose to acquire and dispose of
it in their own interests and in the defense of their own liberty.
The Afrikan understanding and application of power must begin
with a pragmatic concept of power such as outlined by Foucault:

[P] conceived not as a property, but as a strategy, that

its effects of domination are attributed not to ‘appropriation’,
but to dispositions, maneuvers, tactics, techniques, functionings;
that one should decipher in it a network of relations, constantly
in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might
possess; that one should take as its model a perpetual battle
rather than a contract regulating a transaction or the conquest
of a territory. In short, this power is exercised rather than
possessed; it is not the ‘privilege’, acquired or preserved, of the
dominant class, but the overall effect of its strategic positions
— an effect that is manifested and sometimes extended by the
position of those who are dominated.” (Emphasis added).

The strategies and tactics by which dominant Whites attempt

to order, re-order and disorder Afrikan consciousness and
behavior must be neutralized by Afrikan-centered strategic and

* Thid.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

tactical counterattacks. The metaphysical preparation to

undertake such countermoves first must include the thorough
decolonizing of Afrikan consciousness and the strategic
organization of the Afrikan community, making it capable of
creating a collective intelligence and adaptational talent which
in turn will enable it to overthrow White supremacy and
achieve its liberation from oppression. The very brief outline
which follows suggests some broad means by which these goals
can be reached.

Reintegration of Afrikan history. The true history and culture

of Afrikan peoples must be rediscovered, reexamined, and
reintegrated by Afrikan peoples. These approaches to Afrikan
history and culture must conjointly become the vehicles which
facilitate the collective and cooperative action of Afrikan peoples
in the pursuit of their liberation. The appropriate reclamation
of Afrikan history and culture will provide Afrikans with a
realistic and supportive vision of reality; with self-knowledge,
self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-control;
with the ability to form empowering affectionate relationships
and the ability to engage in proactive, self-interested productive
activity; and with a self-enhancing sense of purpose and
existential meaningfulness.
An appropriate understanding of Afrikan history and culture
will provide Afrikans with an honest, accurate appraisal of their
strengths and needs as well as those of their European counter-
parts. Such an understanding will allow them to discover the
strategic and tactical means of liberating themselves from
White supremacy.

Upgrading of Coping Resources. The economic organization of

the Afrikan community much more so than its alleged economic
impoverishment and dependency, in tandem with the repression
of its Afrikan-centered consciousness and identity, are principal-
ly responsible for its vulnerability to the stresses placed on it
by the dominant White supremacist establishment. Because
its economic institutions and resources are primarily owned,
controlled, and exploited by aliens the Afrikan American

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

community has not been able to finance and construct the

necessary social institutions to educate, train and generally
socialize its constituents and provide them with the personal
and social competencies which together could successfully
mediate, resist, and finally overcome the hegemonic intentions
of White supremacy. In the spirit of Black nationalism the
Afrikan community must occupy and control its internal
markets and resources and utilize the resulting proceeds to
remediate and finance its entry into national and international
markets. This must be accomplished simultaneously with the
rapid and effective Afrikan-centered education and socialization
of all of its constituents, young and old. The combination of
relative economic independence, power and prestige, Afrikan-
centered cultural organization and identity, high levels of
personal and social competence, will provide quality coping
resources which will not only optimize Afrikan mental and
social health but will also facilitate Afrikan liberation.

Neutralizing of Social Stressors. Institutional racism generates

stressors — such as inadequate family incomes, health care,
education, job training, housing, employment, economic
development, and restricted, stereotypically-biased information
and entertainment services — which strain the Black commun-
ity’s coping mechanisms. The effects of these stressors are
amplified by the relatively dependent and reactive orientation
of the Afrikan community. The virtual absence of a robust,
independent movement in the community leaves it vulnerable
to being exploited and victimized by predatory aliens, further
increasing its vulnerability to stresses of all types.
The injurious effects of oppression-related stressors on the
Afrikan American community would be markedly attenuated
if it joins and leads the worldwide Afrikan community in
creating an effective economic-cultural bloc so as to advance
the interests of Afrikan peoples as equals with other great
peoples in the world. The Afrikan community must perceive
oppression-related stress as a problem to be solved, as a
manageable challenge and a heroic opportunity rather than
an overpowering, onerous burden. It can overthrow the weight

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ,

of White supremacy by engaging in a thorough, painstakingly

honest and revolutionary self-critical analysis of the cognitive,
emotional, social, informational, linguistic-communicational,
economical, physical, and environmental barriers which help
to maintain its political-economic subordination. It*is well
within the power of the Black community to achieve these ends.
It needs only to discover and assert its will to power.

Reversing Reactionary States of the Afrikan “Body Politic.” The

Afrikan body politic must immerse itself in the center of an
Afrikan-centered political-economic-historico-cultural force field
if it is to repel the sustained hold on it by White supremacy.
This can be accomplished by investing the Afrikan body politic
with its natural Afrikan-centered knowledge, consciousness
and identity. The Afrikan body politic must be rescued from
its Eurocentric prisons, denuded of its Eurocentric markings,
sensibilities, tastes and appetites, restored to mental and
physical health, and trained to do and produce for self.
The energy of the Afrikan body politic must be redirected
from its exhaustive expenditure in the construction and
maintenance of reactionary psychosocial defenses and damage-
control devices to the construction and maintenance of an
Afrikan-centered problem-solving consciousness and identity
and an indomitable sense of mission. The enormous energy to
which the Afrikan body politic is host must be directed toward
growth and the creation of opportunities for its positive
expression; toward the development of problem-solving and
self-actualizing mental-behavioral competencies for successfully
mediating and overcoming the stresses of White supremacy.

Controlling of Effective Coping Strategies and Tactics. Afrikans

must choose coping strategies and tactics which reverse
tendencies to be motivated by eurocentrically induced lacks,
deprivations, needs, anxieties, and appetites. The obsessive
pursuit and compulsive consumption of psychological, social
and physical analgesics, anesthetics, pain relievers, stimulants
and euphoriants, as well as the use of addictive social practices
as coping strategies against oppression-related stress, must

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

be rejected and replaced by positive, Afrikan-centered practices,

pursuits and pleasures. This can be best achieved by the
development of community power which produces knowledge
and fields of knowledge which simultaneously constitute fields
of power relations — power-knowledge relations which will
enable the Afrikan community to empower and liberate itself.
It must become a community which deeply studies and teaches
to its young power-knowledge relations, imaginative, creative,
strategic and tactical organization as the keys to power and
To be free the Afrikan community must continue and
strengthen its tradition of truth-seeking. For the liberation of
the community depends on its ability to discern the real sources
and causes of its trials and tribulations from both within and
outside itself; its ability to solve its problems based on sound
knowledge; on objective appraisals of its situation, and on its
intuitive and well-developed ability to undertake conscious,
rational, and constructive courses of action.

The Afrikan Control of Labeling and Treatment Processes. Paulo

Freire’ has noted that, “Indeed, the interests of the oppres-
sors lie in changing the consciousness of the oppressed, not the
situation which oppresses them”; “for the more the oppressed
can be led to adapt to that situation, the more easily they can
be dominated”. Oppressors produce a consciousness in the
oppressed not only by manipulating their ecological and
sociological lifestyles and possibilities but also by naming the
world in which both they and the oppressed exist. To name,
to label, is to bring into consciousness and therefore to
transform consciousness. In empowering themselves to name
the world and to reinforce their naming of it, oppressors
empower themselves to construct the social reality and the
consciousness of the oppressed in ways compatible with their
interests. The social reality and consciousness of the oppressed
as forged by their oppressors, motivate them to functionally

” Freire, P. 1983. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

perpetuate their own oppression. The labeling of certain aspects

of reality by oppressors represents the imposition of the
oppressors’ choice and worldview upon the oppressed. If this
choice and worldview are internalized by the oppressed, then
their consciousness may be transformed into one that confirms
their oppressors’ consciousness. Through its demarcation of
reality the White supremacist regime seeks to transform
Afrikan people’s consciousness and behavior, as well as their
self-perception of their own behavior in ways compatible with
Eurocentric interests. The Eurocentric demarcation of reality
is not only designed to transform Afrikan behavior and self-
perception but to manage the perception that others have of
Afrikans as well.
We have intimated that under the aegis of White supremacy
the categorizing of behaviors exhibited by Blacks is an especial-
ly subtle and effective form of social control. To invest these
behaviors with categorical names indicative of mental “illness”
allows the White supremacist establishment to divest such
categories of behavior of any political significance. The alleged
psychopathological symptoms exhibited by Blacks under the
alienating processes of White domination are thereby construed
as resulting from an intrapsychic or a biogenetic disease process
rather than as resulting from their attempts to cope with the
alienating effects of White supremacy. Consequently, the
“correction” or remediation of deviancy in Blacks centers around
the perfection of diagnostic techniques and innovations in
therapeutic treatment rather than around making the necessary
more effective, innovative changes in cultural lifestyles which
will expand the political-economic power and independence of
Afrikan peoples. We know that current Eurocentric diagnostic,
labeling and treatment processes together provide a thinly-
veiled ideological smoke screen for rationalizing and obscuring
the processes of domination; provide in the name of health,
psychological, social and medical interventions as social control
mechanisms for maintaining White-defined Black behavioral
conventionality and; provide rationales for the restriction,
regulation, isolation, elimination, or modification of Black

The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness

deviant behavior in terms of its effects on the efficiency of the

White-dominated national and global economy.
If this situation is to be transformed to enable subordinate
Afrikans to achieve liberation from White domination, then
the license to name the world, to categorize, classify, or
otherwise demarcate the world and behavior on the part of
Whites, must by revoked. Afrikans must assert their right and
power of self-definition — of categorizing and classifying the
world and the nature of their being in it; of prescribing
treatments for their behavior and establishing the conditions
of their lives — in ways which make their minds and bodies
humanitarian instruments of Afrikan power and liberation as
well as instruments for the empowerment and liberation from
oppression of all humankind.


THE NoRMALITY AND ABNORMALITY of Black consciousness and

behavior as politically mandated and socially manufactured
by the power relations of White supremacy, are denoted by the
relative prominence of certain disturbances of thought,
emotions, motivations and values. These disturbances of
consciousness serve the interests of White hegemony by making
Blacks highly responsive, for better or worse, to White-instigat-
ed social controls. A few examples will suffice to illustrate the
The following figure provides some of the common symptoms
of “pathological normalcy” in Blacks, i.e., those disturbances
of thought, emotions, motivations and values which in Blacks
are instigated and maintained by the White supremacist
establishment in order to sustain its “normal” social order and
relations. If exhibited by Whites themselves these symptoms
would be immediately adjudged “mental disorders” by the White
mental health establishment. Recall that “pathological
normalcy” in Blacks refers to those disturbances in Black
consciousness and behavior which are beneficial to the needs
of Whites and to the perpetuation of White supremacy while
being ultimately inimical to their own needs and liberation.
These disturbances within the context of White supremacy are
either unobserved or adjudged by the White mental health
establishment as “normal” or at least, “non-pathological”
(because they are compatible with the interests of White
supremacy). It is only when the disturbances are of such
character, intensity or pervasiveness that they negate the usual
or customary social controls and threaten the established social
order are they deemed by the White mental health establish-
ment as “abnormal,” maladaptive, or “pathological.”




Symptoms Reflecting Thought Disturbances

Amnesia total or partial loss of memory. A dissociative

reaction, occurs when an individual represses from
consciousness the recall or remembrance of entire
periods or episodes in his life in order to deny,
escape, avoid the re-experiencing of certain painful
feelings associated with those periods or episodes.
Amnesia therefore results in the loss of pre-
trauma identity, the motives and values related
to that identity due to the repression of its rele-
vant, crucially defining memories.

White supremacy is to a large extent founded on the social

amnesia of subordinate Blacks. The ruling White supremacist
regime’s strategic need to deprive a massive Afrikan population
of a common cultural platform from whence to mount a
collective counterattack against its domination requires that
it negates their common Afrikan identity, cultural, historical
memories and related practices. This eradication of Afrikan
cultural/ historical memories was (is) undertaken so as to make
possible the social manufacture or fashioning of an erstwhile
Afrikan identity which can be reactively shaped and molded
to fit the ongoing needs and interests of White supremacy. The
subordinate Afrikan can only be what he needs to be for
dominant Whites if he has no true knowledge of who he is and
how he came to be who he is. This requires that he not
remember who he truly was. The operative oppression of Blacks
by Whites depends on the ability of Whites to create and
maintain a discrepancy between what subordinate Afrikans
think they were and what they truly were; what they perceive
themselves to be and what they truly are; what they think they
should be and what they must be. These discrepancies are the
foundation stones upon which the superstructure of White
supremacy is constructed. The reclamation of their true history,
cultural continuity and unalloyed identity by Afrikans would

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

precipitate the ruinous collapse of White hegemony. Thus, in

self-defense and in the interest of self-perpetuation the White
supremacist establishment is compelled to induce and maintain
in Black consciousness a pervasive social amnesia regarding
things positively Afrikan — an amnesia which is ostensibly
Socia amnesia
nesia in
in s i i s (is)
(is) socially
manufactured bydeminant Whitesthrough thepropagendistic_
‘slander and falsification of Afrikan history and culture by
constrieting the continuing discovery, effective exposition, and
caliBetuaitring praCce oftheirtrueand berating Yealities; —
by. ishing, deriding, and negatively reinforcing the ré a-
and expression by Afrikan persons,
groups, a anizations. Inaddition the ite s
establishment, through its control of the domain of discourse
of information and its general power to define reality, excludes
the truth and beauty of Afrikan history and culture from its
own and the collective consciousness of Afrikan peoples. It
thereby effectively denies their existence or the worthiness of
Afrikan history and culture. Their contribution to the collective
character of Afrikan peoples is thereby negated and repressed,
consequently distorting their cultural soul and cultural essence.
Moreover, dominant White regimes have (and do) so expertly
and consistently associated the history and culture of Afrikans
with the evocation of feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, betrayal,
alienation, fear of social disapproval, mental and physical
abuse, social ridicule, loss of social and economic status,
humiliation, and all other types of aversive emotions and
consequences, until in pursuit of ego- and self-defense many
Afrikans have (and do) feel compelled to reject and repress the
search for the discovery of a true liberating knowledge of
themselves — thus creating the social amnesia which makes
them behave like reactionary puppets strung along by the
machinations of their dominant White puppeteers. This
“compelled” social amnesia on the part of subordinate Afrikans
(which is facilitated by parental and subcultural modeling and
conditioning throughout the life-span) not only disallows the
discovery and reclamation of true self-knowledge by Afrikans


themselves: It also disallows the discovery and exposure of the

true, infamous history and culture of White supremacy and
of those pathologically depraved Whites who are its perpetra-
tors. Ultimately, the repression of a true knowledge of self, i.e.,
of Afrikan history and culture in subordinate Blacks, is
tantamount to the_repression of a true knowledge of reality
— the one true foundation upon which psychological and social
sanity must be constructed.
The historical/cultural amnesia imposed on the collective
Afrikan psyche by the repressive White supremacist regime
results not only in the sheer forgetting of their past but also
in their failure to learn from it; their failure to utilize it in their
reckonings regarding reality and their appropriate relationship
to it. The imposed social amnesia of Afrikans markedly reduces
their capacity to know the murky side of the history and culture
of their White oppressors. It leaves them without an histori-
cal/cultural basis for engaging in realistic and beneficial
assessments of themselves and of others, for establishing
corroborative expectations regarding their own behavior and
that of their Caucasian nemesis. Furthermore, the compelled
social amnesia results in the absence of self-knowledge as well
as in the impairment of a related sense of purposive and
meaningful existence. The absence of a functional knowledge
of their cultural/historical past not only blinds Afrikans to
important aspects of past realities but also to crucial, critical
aspects of contemporary and future realities. Thus, they are
easily beguiled and misdirected by their oppressors and their
own ignorance to the benefit of their exploiters — and conse-
quently to their own detriment.
In being forced to lose their past Afrikans are, in effect,
forced to lose the priceless wisdom and invaluable coping skills
so painstakingly accumulated over aeons of trial and error by
their ancestors. They are thus forced to “re-invent the wheel”
invented centuries earlier by their forbearers. Social amnesia
destroys the sense of continuity, the foundation of personal and
collective identity. Consequently, the consciousness of the
Afrikan amnesiac is marked by discontinuity and disconnec-
tions, episodic experiences and views of reality — the most

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness \

important of which are unsystematically clustered together,

unorganized by axiomatic principles and concepts.
Afrikan social amnesia impairs long-term, conceptual,
sequential, relational, cause-and-effect, abstracted thinking,
since this style of thinking is developed through the practiced,
systematic, detailed consideration of reality of the near and
distant past and its relationship to present and future reality.
Consequently, perhaps too much of subordinated Afrikan
thinking is relatively limited to the present, the immediate,
the short-term, and marked by insufficient insight as well as
foresight. It is a distracted, absent-minded, forgetful conscious-
ness. And these characteristics enhance its readiness to identify
with a falsified image of history, culture, and self concocted
by the characterizations of its White creators — creators who
exploit its fabricated identities and confusions for their own
material benefits and self-aggrandizement. The lability and
malleability of the subordinated Afrikan amnesiac permits his
consciousness and behavior to be rather easily and quickly
molded, shaped and impelled to obsessively pursue the latest
commercial fads and fashions and social behavioral styles in
further pursuit of an ever-receding, ever-changing, illusory
identity — to the economic and social benefit of his White
Finally, the reinforced social amnesia of the subordinated
Afrikan permits him to absent-mindedly, obsessively seek to—
assimilate; to eat with, sleep with, live among, “be just like”;

saoes artis mamiatle Cxploltors GFhisancestors and Orhininelt

as his highest achievements in life, as the eschatological finality
Be Ri“SWERT ogee es no
motivated to seek revenge, reparation, restitution, or recon-_
for past and present wrongs
ngs perpetrated by
his '
he is not motivated to construct a new, Afrikan-—
cehtered, humane utopia ontheshattered rremains of White—
supremacy’s evil empire but to become an
m oqual para
t6 become one wi — thus sanctioning the annihilation of i
the personhood of both his ancestors and hi :
ream” by the Afrikan amnesiac supplies


the motive force which advances and enriches White supremacy

and therefore perpetuates his own subordination and impover-——_
ishment. Thus the subordinated Afrikan does not indict the
supremacist regime for its misdeeds and require it to atone
for its sins. Its constituents are left blameless and guiltless —
having committed the perfect crime against Black humanity.
These are but some of the benefits to White supremacy afforded
by Afrikan amnesia.

Delusion false beliefs held by an individual which are

stubbornly retained and defended despite their
logical inconsistencies with objective reality and
valid evidence to the contrary. Not only do such
beliefs persist directly in the face of contradictory
evidence, they persist in the face of continuous
negative consequences resulting from their being

Dominant Whites have from the distant past up to the

present moment unabatingly continued to propagate historical
and cultural falsehoods (concerning things Afrikan as well as
European) as truths, fabricated evidence to support such
confabulations and lies, continued to obscure reality and conceal
their inhumane motives behind a papier-m@che facade of
humanity and hypocritical moral superiority. The creation,
presentation, and sinister manipulation of powerful cultural
images and ideas, information and ideology, symbols and
values, rewards and punishments, social communications and
interactions, have allowed Whites by dent of their overwhelming
social power, to inculcate their subordinate Afrikan subjects
with detrimental delusions whose attitudinal-behavioral
expression advance the interests of White supremacy. Dominant
Whites utilize such inculcated delusory images, ideas, values,
ideologies, etc., to justify their supremacy as well as to convince
themselves and their Afrikan subjects that they only have
themselves (or fate perhaps?) to blame for their inferiorization.
As the continuity of White supremacy is premised on the
acceptance by Afrikans of the European falsification of Afrikan

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

history and culture as true, so does its continuity also depend

on their continuing acceptance of European self-serving
ideological fabrications as true. In fact, in order for Afrikans
to remain in their positions of subordination they must be
compelled (most efficiently if achieved subliminally) to mistake
certain Eurocentric lies for truths and certain Afrocentric truths
for lies. For it is this fundamental mistake which inverts and
reverses the subordinated Afrikan collective personality.
The virtually unchallenged social power wielded by the White
supremacist establishment enables it to block out, censor,
degrade, and deny the truth and severely limit the dissemina-
tion of all important, positive information, ideas, ideologies,
values, etc., relative to Afrikans, except those which are
compatible with and supportive of White superiority. Further-
more, the White supremacist establishment’s ability to associate
a full range of socially and psychologically aversive outcomes
with the belief in and expression of ideologies, which if
actualized by Afrikans would revolutionize Afrikan-European
power relations, is utilized to motivate Afrikans to reject the
holding and expression of such beliefs as hazardous to their
well-being. Conversely, their ability to make relief from
suffering aversive outcomes; the receipt of future material and
non-material rewards, some modicum of security, social
acceptance, and the like, contingent on the belief in and
expression of established, self-serving Eurocentric ideologies,
is utilized to motivate Afrikans to hold fast to such beliefs as
ensuring their well-being. Consequently, the measure of the
truth value of an ideology, belief, value, etc., in the subordinate
Afrikan mind is neither determined by the degree to which it
accurately represents objective reality nor by the degree to
which it may equalize or revolutionize the power relations
between Whites and Blacks. The basis for belief is not truth
but expediency — the measure of pain or pleasure its holding
and expression may bring to its host. The basis for the
acceptance or rejectance of an idea becomes its emotional
consequences rather than its truth value.
Related to delusion is fantasy — the conscious and uncon-
scious creating of images, wishes, hopes, scenarios, illusory


thoughts and goals and their “acting-out” either only in the

mind, or in their ritualistic, fetishistic “acting-out” in réality,
as substitutes for desires and hopes which cannot be gratified
in actuality. Fantasy fills the vacuum of absent reality. It is
a pretense, a passive or active charade, the pretentious living
and acting of a daydream, a substitute for action, a hope
tenaciously clung to in the face of hopelessness. An escape from
stress and frustration, fantasy gratifies frustrated desires by
imaginary or substitute achievements — by defending the ego
against paralyzing despair. Thus the easier accomplishments
of make-believe are substituted for the harder accomplishments
of real-life endeavors. At that point fantasy becomes self-
defeating, maladaptive, self-destructive. Yet these fantasies
become the characteristic fantasies of both the “normal” and
“abnormal” oppressed.
Frustration and reaction fantasy are the hallmarks of
oppression. To be oppressed is to have the most meaningful
wishes, hopes plans and expectations blocked and unfulfilled
by Be eth ance SEs the oppressor
-ercts maintains.
and However;
the reactionary fantasies and
fanciful charades of the oppressed, their pursuit of vain hopes,
addiction to substitute gratifications, energize and support the
oppressive regime and help to maintain their oppression. Their
religion, handed-down by their oppressors, promises them
rescue, a messiah, a Moses, “pie-in-the-sky” — and thus their
revolutionary will is pacified. They wait on the Lord, the
tribulation, and are gratified by religious ecstacies. ‘Their
oppressors are thus permitted to enjoy heaven-on-earth at their
se ’
Religions become the opiates of the oppressed and conversely,
opiates become their religions, and addictions to both materially
benefit their oppressors and exploiters. The fantasy, nursed
in the overheated imagina f and often
ossed Afrikans
hypocritically encouraged by thei ssors ey an
Porcosromors will d live blissfully as gne, is the most
pernicious hoax of all. For it motivates many Afrikans_to_
ely nurture and protec sté ich exploits
inds th i t s intrinsically evil purpose and ultimatel

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness X

deadly intent. Thus, compensatory fantasy under oppression

éften comesto characterize, as a necessary adjunct to the
oppressive regime, the “normal” consciousness of the oppressed.

Symptoms Reflecting Emotional Disturbances

Pathological fears and anxieties which are grossly out of pro-

anxiety portion to the actual dangers posed to any realistic
danger or threat. Fear or dread resulting from an
over-estimation of threat. Anxiety or dread of such
overwhelming proportions that the individual feels
compelled to deny or distort the portion of reality
with which he associates such feelings, or to
engage in self-deceptive, escapist and avoidant
behavior as means of reducing or eliminating
those feelings. Anxiety such that personal growth
in important areas is blocked or retarded, or that
the individual feels compelled to engage in anes-
thetizing, self-defeating and/or other forms of self-
destructive behavior.

To be oppressed is to make how one feels.or expects to-feel

ithe measure of all things. To. be oppressed is to be ruled
hough onesfing ondScions TeeTODeexguntly
exposed toand manipulated bya play onone’s dreads andTears_
by one’s oppressors; by a play on one’s needs for respite
‘their terror; by a play on one’s n i ace, and
compensatory joy. Anxiety is the whip in the hand of the
oppressor used-to drive the oppressed to completion of their
appointed rounds.
The ultimate power of White-de
resides in their_ability to successfalh
Afrikans; ‘to convince them of fe inevitability of Whit
supremacy; of the ina Wa
history 0 ite-Black social relations has been one of unrelent-
ing intimidation, terror, mental and physical abuse of Black
peoples, White-on-Black violence; of ondomic iauttice wadot
the unending, unrequited attempts by subordinate Afrikans


to avoid, escape, or some way prevent, temper or ameliorate

the horrendous aftereffects of these activities. Avoidance and
escape of White-instigated anxiety prececupy the consciousness
and subconsciousness of o s. This preoccupation
pathologizes, i.e., imbalances the TEST syche. Consequently,
a eahaSnGrmA Ate kanonder Whitedomination iaprimarily
motivated by the desire to escape — to actively or passivel
‘avoid or in some other way neutralize or alleviate ‘the fear?al
aia AS woes By definition, ite supremacy
requires acks be primarily motiva
“avoidance in the interest of their White oppressors.

in the individual and collective psyche is a necessary constant.

This’is the case, whether these psyches be adjudged “normal”
or “abnormal.” They are both pathological states of being
primarily defined by their different anxiety-ridden structural
It should be noted that in the subordinated Afrikan personali-
ty whether diagnosed as “normal” or “abnormal,” much of the
presence and operation of pathological anxiety is unconscious,
i.e., unknown to its host. The subordinated Afrikan is hardly
aware that his psyche, consciousness, and behavior have been
subverted and misdirected by the eurocentrically-conditioned
operation of anxiety and its related psychological aftereffects /
(other symptoms). White supremacy works most efficiently
when subordinated frikans feelthat.theyhavefreely chosen /
think and behave the way they do when inactuality they.
Pave beensubieminally competion
machinations of their
te oppressors. Thus, the subordinate
seer atk ciaivan v Haanata miestbenmi rolled. And his pursuit
of apparent freedom in often the pursuit of unapparent enslave-
Anxiety is the principal chisel by means of which dominant
Whites attempt, with some measurable success, to sculpt the
modal personality of dominated Blacks. The consciousness of
subordinated Afrikans is reactionarily bent into shape by its
customary defenses against the anxiety attacks leveled at it
by their European oppressors. Consequently, the personalities

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

of many, if not most, subordinated Afrikans are little more than

elaborate defense mechanisms against oppressive anxieties and
stresses. These mostly unconscious defensé systems against
oppressive anxieties have been so organized and automatized
that the “normal” subordinated Afrikan experiences relatively
little overt or conscious anxiety. They then stereotypically
operate in ways which-inadvertently help to maintain the White
supremacist regime which oppresses them — the very source
of their shaping anxieties to begin with.
Anxiety negates possibilities and stunts the growth and range
of the self of the oppressed. Thus the oppressed personality
is defined more in terms of non-being than of being; in terms
of what it is not rather than what it is; its lacks, rather than
its amplitudes.
Under White supremacy the subordinated Afrikan self comes
into being principally to preserve a sense of security, to protect
against anxiety.

Thus, constriction and impoverishment of personality make it

possible to avoid subjective conflict and concomitant anxiety.
But the person’s freedom, originality, capacity for independent
love, as well as his other possibilities for expansion and
development as an autonomous personality are renounced in
the same process. By accepting impoverishment of personality,
one can buy temporary freedom from anxiety, to be sure. But
the price for this “bargain” is the loss of those unique and most
precious characteristics of the human self.
... the positi ects of selfhood develop as the individual

creating experiences."

Apathy a disease of feeling, emotion or interest; a patholo-

gy of sensitivity, energy and initiative; an absence
(a=without) of feeling (pathos=feeling); an indiffer-
ence to, a wont of feeling for, interest in, or
responsivity to, situations that normally would
be expected to evoke the opposite reactions.

“ May, Rollo. 1977. The Meaning Of Anxiety. New York: Simon and Shuster.


Apathy is of special c rn_ when it involve

interest in learning or doing those things which if learned or
demeouid resolveimportant problams confronting theapathetic
individual,Apathyis learned behavior, a form of conditioned.
laziness and “helplessness. It is the attitudinal-behavioral
product of a special form of social-emotional conditioning;a
form of learned fear and anxiety.
inthe context ofthedomination ofBlacks by Whites, apathy
As a necessary adjunctive product ofWhite supremacy. That
is, its operative presence in subordinated Afrikans is necessarily
induced in them by their White oppressors because it helps
to maintain their continuing subordination.

holdin ression of certain feelings, attitudes, intentions,

consistently disapproved or are associated with aver ive

consequences by their oppressors when such orientations run”
contra eir >
rceived interests, paren

\d ensive maneuver. u shemotional flight or escape,

emotional detachment, disinterest, or indifference — those
SS ene

feelings, attitudes, interests and pursuits which if ‘fully

actualized and ex he wea undermine the EEMEE De

Teeubordiasts to defend his vulnerable ego, self-esteem, and
ff pall Reng ote ated thesytem whichoppraases him Yfe
pathy as generated by the regimes of White supremacy is
rarely all-pervasive or generalized in their “pathologically-
normal” Afrikan subjects. Their characteristic apathies tend
to be fairly specific to certain interests and pursuits. In fact,
close observation that subordinated Afrikans are—_
conditioned by their White oppressors to demonstrate a lack |
ofisetings forandanialereet ioacauiting, earning, ordoin :
those verythings whichitacquired, learned ordonewouldead
t @ revolutionary overthrow of White supremacy Thus,
apathy in subordinate Afrikans essentially involves the
political-economic organization of their tastes, interests,
attitudes, energies, enthusiasms and sensibilities, in ways

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

which help to perpetuate the reign of White supremacy.

However, as_in the case of pathological anxiety, this type of
organi ation dpe iat ar pevORnEE reflected in Black ~~
consciousnes ehavior main subliminal and _
unconscious, and therefore are made to appear to have
and/or modal Afrikan culture. Thus it appears only coincidental
orthat asaresult ofanatural lack of ability, talent, or interest

energy in e activities which would enable them to success-

fully challenge White supremacy. To the contrary, it appears
they THVeSt Thordinate amounts oftime and energy pursuing
those activities which wumately sarich and emroeer thee’.

White supremacy its strongest bulwark against defeat. Fhe.

greatest struggle of o ed Afrikans is ainst their White
oppressors but against their own apathy.
RS a eto ee es
Symptoms Reflecting Disturbances in Motivation and Values

Alienation to feel estranged or separated from; indifferent

or hostile toward; unfamiliar with; fearful of; with-
drawn from; unconnected to; to have lost remem-
brance or accurate knowledge of and identity with
one’s true, undistorted self, historical self and
culture, and important segments of reality. Loss
of sense of self. The irrational feeling that one is
someone else, that one’s body is grotesque. Feel-
ings of aimlessness, normlessness, purposeless-
ness, hopelessness, meaninglessness; of being
unmotivated by one’s own self-originated needs
and values; of being compelled or retarded by
unknown, unknowable, but irresistible forces.

To be oppressed is to be forced to exist not foroneself but

for the ; ort one’s enemies and oppose oneself and
one’s fellows. To be oppressed is to have one’s worthiness and
esteem measured in th ency of one’s oppressors — to have
ae aes .


one’s value measured in coin and utility, exclusively. The

oppressed are compelled to act not for their own reasons: not
in order to realize their own god-given potentials or their own
self-defined, self-determined values; but for reasons imposed
on them, and to realize values defined for them by their
oppressors. Oppression requires the dissociation of the op-
pressed from themselves; that they deny themselves, in service
to their oppressors; that they avoid identifyin
original personalit and_ erceive identification with it as
detrimental to thei val. The rejection of their authentic
Sees ine eee ee is a necessary preparatory
step to their replacement by artificial, manipulable selves
socially manufactured by their oppressors. Alienation of the
oppressed requires t ntify with these “jack- built
selves, and strive compulsively to satisfy their artificial, self-
defeati ng, often self-destructive, motives, desires and valueg.
a4 otivated strivings are functional designe d

of their oppressors.
The exploitative domination of Afrikans by Europeans exists
“as something abstracted from a social matrix, apart from the
web of tasks, obligations, affections, and collective relationships,
which give people their identities, their social meaning, and
their experience of humanity and of themselves.””” An Afrikan
cannot truly be an Afrikan and at the same time a domesticated
slaweor subordinate ofthe European. Thus, his domesticated~
subordination is inversely related to his alienation. One cannot
exist without the other. Hence, the power and the glory of
White supremac amidally rests on the foundations of_
éurocentrically induced Afrikan alienation. If White supremacy
is to appear normal or natural, then alienation must appear
normal or natural — the apparent normality of one de ends
on the apparent normality of

® Parenti, M. 1978. Power and the Powerless. New York: St. Martin Press.

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness ‘

overcoming of alienation through the discovery and
reclamation of their true identity and consciousness by
oppré ; portends ering downfall of White
supremacy Ibisprincipally toGuard Ggsinst thiseventuality
that the White supremacist establishment feels compelled to
maintain Afrikan alienation as an everyday matter of course
— as the central facet of Afrikan “pathological normalcy.”
States of consciousness and related behavior in Afrikans which
contract or extends the range of this “pathological normalcy”
below or beyond Eurocentric utilitarian limits is branded
“abnormal” by the mental health establishment. The imposition
of this label authorizes and prescribes additional social control
procedures under the guises of “treatment” and “rehabilitation”
in the final interest of maintaining the White supremacist social


Aaronson 41, 42 nor 10; history 18, 14,

Abnormal 73, 102, 104, 106, 38, 43, 76, 86; mayors
108, 112, 120, 120, 127, 12; power 7, 9, 11, 14,
129, 134 61; Reconstruction 11;
Abnormality 102, 103, 106, sheriffs 10
120 Body politic 116
Abuse 122, 128 Brain (lobotomy) 83
Afrika 66, 83 Brainwashing 20, 54
Afrikan: centered conscious- Business crime 78
ness 59, 60, 111, 112,
114, 116; consciousness Cameroon (business financ-
2-4, 112-114 See also ing) 45-48, 54
Black consciousness; Canceling the present 42
history 2, 14, 19, 23, 24, Capitalism 45, 47, 56, 61, 81
29, 31, 35, 58,59, 114, Capitalist 18, 60, 81
122, 123, 126; philosophy Career-criminal 90
59, 60; psyche 123, 129; Civil rights laws 10-12
tradition 48, 52, 54, 59 Civilization 14, 58, 94
Alienated knowledge 43 Cognitive dissonance 74
Alienation 36, 54, 55, 122, Collective: pathology 101;
132, 133, 134 psychology 1
Aliens 43, 52, 114, 115 Columbus 33
Altered States 24 Compelled social amnesia
Amnesia 1, 31, 33-36, 38, 39, 123
40, 43,46, 62, 121, 122, Compensation 83, 84
123-125 Competence 69, 74, 105, 115
Amsterdam News 83 Complex 28, 31, 71, 76, 110
Apathy 75, 85, 130-132 Concealment of history 25
Authority 33, 89, 104, 105, Conditioning 16, 17, 122,
107, 108 131
Conrad, P. (in) Critical Psy-
Ballots 13 chiatry 107
Bank 46, 50 Consciousness 1-4, 10, 12,
Banking 46-49, 51 27, 29, 33, 43, 52, 58, 59,
Bennett, L. Black Power 60, 96, 99, 101-106, 109,
U.S.A. 7, 9-12, 61 114, 116-118, 120-124,
Black: bank 46; conscious- 128, 129, 132, 134
ness 12, 99, 101-103, Contradictions 33, 67, 73,
113, 120, 122, 132; gover- 74, 77-80, 83-85

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

Conflicts 67, 69, 74, 107, 130 77, 94, 110-112, 115
Coping strategies 116 Educational system 22, 83
Crime 78, 79, 81, 90, 125 Educative psychotherapy
“Cultivating Cash” 50 110
Cultural heritage 2 Ego 29, 69, 84, 89, 122,127,
Culture 15, 23, 27, 28, 31, 131 |
58, 59, 68, 69, 101, 106, Egyptology 25, 84
110, 112, 114, 122-124, Escape 18, 19, 35-37, 40, 41,
126, 132 67, 121, 127; 129; 131
Curriculum 18, 32 Escapism 36
Ethnicization 109, 111
Daily News 49 Ethnicized psychotherapy
Davis, Angela 82 108, 109, 110
Deficiency explanations 70 Eurocentric history: 2, 27-29,
Degrees 12, 14, 17, 43, 48 33, 36; as mythology 28,
Delusion 125, 126 29
Dependency 114 European history 14, 18, 19,
Depression 85, 96 23-25, 30-33, 58, 59
Desensitization experiments European mythology 23
24 Expectations 938, 110, 123,
Deviant behavior 70, 107, 127
119 Experiential amnesia 1
Devil 29, 85, 93
Diagnosis 3, 63, 83, 86, 87, Failure 22, 67-69, 74, 75, 77,
89, 90, 92, 93, 97 84, 105, 123
Disease 74, 118, 130 Falsification 3, 25, 122, 125
Dissonance 74 Fantasy 10, 126-128
Domain of discourse 31, 122 Feminist history 14
Domination 3, 15, 25, 27, 28, Foucault, M. Discipline and
29, 30, 36, 38, 39, 48, Punishment 103, 113
67-70, 101, 102, 106, 111, Frankenstein: Dr.; monster
LIS S118 ,.0194121,. 128; 92
129,.331,.138 Freedman’s bureau 12
Dominion 22 Freedom 7, 10, 11, 18, 27,
Douglass, F. 13 29, 46, 77, 78, 81, 102,
DuBois, W.E.B. 11 129,130
DuPont 78 Freedom rides 11
Freire, P. Pedagogy of the
Ebony magazine 9 Oppressed 117
Economic: power 103, 118; Frustration 71, 76, 83, 127
system 44, 45, 47, 86 Future 7-9, 17, 20, 39, 41,
Economics: 14, 15, 17, 44, 46, 42, 53, 75, 112, 123, 124,
54, 56; of maladjustment 126
Education 13, 17, 18, 21, 31, Genocide 28


Global economy 119 Keh 51

Greece 19 Korean businesses 44, 51
See also Keh, Susu and
Hallucination 23 Tontine
Ham mythology 37 “Korean grocers: How they do
Hayes, R.B. 7 it?” 49
Healing 2, 4 Kovel, J. White Racism: A
Heather, N. Radical’ Perspec- Psychohistory 21, 61
tives in Psychology 108,
109 Labeling 3, 101, 102, 104,
Hegemony 120, 122 105, 106-108, 117, 118
Historical amnesia 33 Labeling and treatment 3,
Historical experience 21 117, 118
Historiography 2, 3, 5, 14, Language 16, 22, 23
5, 26427). 29738 Law 7-11, 78-83, 90
History 1-3, 7-9, 11-15, 18, Leifer, R. In the Name of
19, 20-47, 50-54, 58, 59, Mental Health 109-111
60, 72, 75, 76, 84- 86, Lenin, V.I. 60
110, 114, 121-124, 126, Lewis, M. The Culture of
128 Inequality 68
History: as a time dimension Light. I. Ethnic Enterprises
31, 32, 40, 41 in America 138, 54
Hopelessness 127, 132 Loss of: esteem 54; identity
42,121; memory 105,
Ideology 3, 27, 56, 59, 60, 67, 121; past 42; self 130,
69, 72-74, 90, 92, 105, 132; status 122
107, 125, 126
Ignorance 19, 103, 123 Madness 65, 70, 88, 92, 93,
Illusion 8, 10, 43 95-97
Individual moral sensibility Maladaptiveness 3, 66
68 Maladjustment 45, 108, 109
Individualism 67, 68, 73, 74 Mali 75
Inferiority 28, 31, 37, 68, 71, Mania 85
76, 84 Manipulation of: history 43;
Inferiorization 125 images and ideas 125;
“Is history repeating itself?” past 42;time 41, 42
9 May, Rollo The Meaning of
Anxiety 130
Jackson, Jesse 10, 38, 39 Medical science 3
Jackson, John G. 12 Medicalization 107
Jacoby, R. Social Amnesia Memory 1, 28, 29, 41, 43, 53,
34 121)
Jesus 37, 56; White 37 Mental health 3, 86, 104,
Justice 25, 78, 81, 105 105, 107, 109, 111, 120,

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness

Menticide 28 Personal ineptness 67

Miranda rights 78 Police 79, 81, 82, 91
Miseducation 32 Political power 66
Mislabeling of behavior 106 Politics of diagnosis 86
Motivation 37, 42, 132 Powell, Jody The Other Side
Muhammad, Elijah 29, 30 of the Story 24,25 |
Mythology 23, 24, 28-33, 37 Power 2, 7-17, 22, 23, 25, 30,
39:52; 57461; 66; 76°86)
Necessity of madness 65 91, 94, 101, 103, 104-106,
Negation 36, 53 108, 110, 111-113, 115-
Neurosis 80 120, 122, 125-128, 133
New York Eight; the Eight Procedural liberties 77
80-82, 92 Progression and regression 8
New York Times 38, 39, 45 Projection 14, 29, 36, 89
Normal 70, 72, 101, 102, Propaganda 23, 27, 33
104, 106, 108, 109, 112, Property 78, 79, 89, 92, 113
120 2122, 4274128) Protestantism 56
129-131, 133 Psyche 86, 87, 123, 129
Normalcy 102, 103, 108, 120, Psychohistory 20, 21, 61
i234 Psychology 1-3, 15-18, 21-23,
Normality 70, 71, 102-104, 33, 34, 38, 58, 65, 66, 72,
120, 133 86, 99, 108, 111
Normalization 104, 106 Psychopathology 71, 101
Public accommodations 11
Omni magazine 41
Oppression 2-5, 14, 25, 83, Race neutral 16
95, 96, 102, 104, 106, Rage 85, 95, 96
114, 115, 116, 118, 119, Reconstruction: era 7-13;
121, 127-129, 133 history; law; 7, 8
Order: 92, 93; economic 56; Reinforced social amnesia
law and order 78, 83; 124
social 4, 81, 106, 110, Religion 56, 61, 127 See also
120 the Black Church
Remembrance 34, 35, 46,
Paranoia 85 121.532
Parenti, M. Power and the Revolution 16, 22, 40, 85, 97
Powerless 133 Right(s) (term) 7, 8, 10-12,
Past 20, 34, 35, 37, 39-44, 77, 78, 81-83, 105
46, 48, 53, 75, 83, 123125 Russian Empire 71
Past, present and future 20,
53 Sanity 11, 23, 24, 43, 70, 123
Pathological normalcy 102, Science 3, 4, 14, 18, 19, 43,
120, 134 58, 92, 109
Pathology 101, 106, 109, 130 Self: alienation 36; control
Perfect crime 125 30, 112, 114; esteem 29,


73, 114, 131; transfor- Terror 35, 66, 81, 88, 92, 128
mation 94 The Birth of a Nation 33
The Black Church: business
Servitude 18 potential of 51, 55-58
Shaka (Zulu) 58 See also Religion
Shared: experience 45; his- The Politics of diagnosis 86
tory 50; identity 39, 50 The Right to lie 24
Skinner rat 15 , Time: manipulation of 41, 42
Skinnerian psychology 16 Timeless minds 41
Slavery 9, 27, 35, 76 To be oppressed 102, 127,
Smith, J.C. The Neurotic 128,132
Foundations of Social Tontine 46, 48, 49, 54
Order 61 See also Keh
Social amnesia 34-36, 38, 39, Tradition 46-48, 51, 52, 54,
40, 121-124; control 96, 55,59, 117
102, 104, 107, 118, 128, Treatment 3, 10, 89, 107,
134 order 4, 81, 106, 108, 117, 118, 134
110, 120, 134; stressors Truth 2, 25, 26, 28-30, 32,
115 33, 61, 71; 76, 93,112,
Societal amnesia 31 17122) 126
Sociopathology 101 Tubman, Harriet 13
Sociotherapy 54
Songhai 75 Validation of truth 33
Stress 55, 115, 116, 127 Victory 85, 96
Structure 19-22, 30, 31, 36, Vision 29, 114
43, 56, 65, 68-70, 73, 77,
83, 91, 93, 105, 106, 107, War on Poverty 12
108 Wealth creation 43
Sumner, W.G. 68 Western civilization 14
Supreme court 7, 8, 96 White: Jesus 37; racism 2,
Survival 8, 12, 13, 30, 71, 8, 21, 61; supremacy 3,
133 4, 101-104, 106, 107,
Susu 54 See also keh 112-116, 118, 120, 121,
123-125, 128-134
Tactics 113, 116 Williams, Chancellor The
Tawney, R.H. Religion and Destruction of Black
the Rise of Capitalism Civilization 94
56, 61 Wright, Bobby 28




The Falsification of
Afrikan Consciousness
Eurocentric History, Psychiatry |
and the Politics of White Supremacy


This book presents two ground-breaking lectures by Amos Wilson.

The first, European Historiography and Oppression Exposed: An
_ Afrikan Perspective and Analysis, was among the first contemporary
analyses which delineated the role Eurocentric history-writing plays
in rationalizing European oppression of Afrikan peoples and in the
falsification of Afrikan consciousness. It explicates why we should
study history, how history-writing shapes the psychology of peoples
and individuals, how Eurocentric history as mythology creates
historical amnesia in Afrikans in order to rob them of the material,
mental, social and spiritual wherewithal for overcoming poverty and
oppression. Moreover, this engrossing lecture fully exposes the
relationship between the rediscovery and rewriting of Afrikan history
and achievement of liberation and prosperity by Afrikan peoples.
The second lecture, Eurocentric Political Dogmatism: Its Relation-
ship to the Mental Health Diagnosis of Afrikan People, advances the
contention that the alleged mental and behavioral maladaptiveness
of oppressed Afrikan peoples is a political-economic necessity for
the maintenance of White domination and imperialism. Furthermore,
it indicts the Eurocentric mental health establishment for entering int
collusion with the Eurocentric political establishment to oppress an
exploit Afrikan peoples by officially sanctioning these egregiou
practices through its misdiagnosing, mislabeling, and mistreating
Afrikan peoples’ behavioral reactions to their oppression and thei
efforts to win their freedom and independence.

Cover By Joe Gillians ISBN: 1-879164-02-7

Afrikan World InfoSystems New Yor

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