Should College Athletes Get Paid Research Paper

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This essay evaluates the arguments against and for paying college athletes borrowing from various
secondary sources. However, the big football and basketball players who forget every other thing
and give 50 to 60 hours a week to their practice must get payments from the college as a reward and
compensation for what they missed while practicing for the good of college. These young men make
lots of money for their schools, but don't get anything in return. An example of this issue happened a
few years ago at Mississippi State University. That would be money lost that would go towards
scholarships and new facilities. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Classical Architecture (Mature Classical):. The 5th c. BCE (400s) is known as the
“Golden Age of Athens”. It is not a huge leap to imagine that Stanford would be able to pay
exorbitant amounts of money to get the best athletes to play, while its competitors could not possibly
match Stanford’s financial advantage in recruitment. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. Since the athletes are the primary source of athletics money, they should
then be paid. In this lesson, Online Novel and Essay Writing Courses and Classes; Herbalist Adult
Education. His comments elicited mixed reactions with some arguing that college athletes receive
more than their fair share through athletics scholarship while others believe schools are exploiting
the student athletes and they should be paid. Many of the students playing college football and
men’s basketball come from underprivileged homes (Griffin, pp. 109-220). The lure of money is
strong. People all over have mixed emotions regarding paying student. Due to National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) rules and regulations no college athlete is able to receive any
compensation or endorsement while participating in college athletics. My first point is scholarships
come with many benefits. As the college gets to profit from the team performance, it should provide
compensation to the athletes who commit their energies to the occasions. The players not being able
to sell stuff that they produced and all the money going to the coaches and staff, is much like when
the black slaves couldn’t sell their cotton that they picked to the highest bidder but instead having to
sell it to their master for pennies on the dollar. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. To make matters even worse, the NCAA have faced many of these
incidentes where players get injured but are unable to pay their medical bills. So, if they want to get
paid, all they need to do is to get a job, and colleges even give them full scholarships to play for
them. After looking over these stats, one quickly realizes why college athletes are not being paid. In
today’s world, college athletes may not play a sport for “the love of the game” instead; they may
play with the hopes of making it as a professional athlete. Hundreds of classes required little work or
had no faculty involvement and many of the students involved were student-athletes. Athletes are
simply but individuals performing duties for their teams and institutions. Yet, the people who bring
these millions of dollars in aren’t getting paid for it. Only athletes develop a tangible, visible and
exciting base that is enough to make the alumni remain connected with their respective alma mater.
The scholarships in most cases form the basis and only encouragement that takes many poor students
to college. The NCAA amateurism policies justify their actions and will continue to use the concept
of being an “armature” compared to a professional athlete. Owners and executives of universities
should not only think about the prosperity of their colleges and universities, they should care about
those individuals who are contributing in this prosperity.
The people who are prime reasons of this huge revenue do not even get a small percentage of this
amount. What that means is a rower who is going to college on a athletic scholarship which makes
the college lose money is receiving the same amount of money that the star football player is
receiving, yet the football player is bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars for the university.
The part of this journal that I would use in my essay would be the part where he gets into race
because I feel that is a big reason as to why most people are against paying these athletes. Due to the
increase of athletes and their performance college athletes should be paid. Nor they have enough
work experience in firms and organizations, as colleges did not allow them to work. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. As the college gets to profit from the team performance, it
should provide compensation to the athletes who commit their energies to the occasions. Logistically,
it should be very simple for the universities to compensate their student-athletes. Receive a tailored
piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. College athletes should get paid for their
performance because their sport is their job. By not considering them the major reason of earning
money and refusing to pay, the NCAA and its executives want the athletes to live a life which
normal human beings cannot live. He was once the University of Georgia’s star running back when
he played for the Georgia Bulldogs. Therefore, it is rational to support pay for college athletes.
Deciding upon paying athletes for playing may compel the college to pay all the athletes for all the
different kinds of sports in the college. If the scenario goes on like this, colleges would have less
passionate athletes who could bring revenues and profits for the colleges. Issue Analysis-If college
athletes should be paid The issue of paying college athletes is one of the most debated topics in
college athletics. Knapp, Terry J., Rasmussen, C., and Barnhart, Roger K. “College students
(Surveys) College Sports (Surveys).” College Student Journal (2001): 20-23. In the deal the NCAA
was forced to have the game on a Monday night. However, it is strongly argued that paying college
athletes will turn college athletics into businesses such as FIFA. By continuing we’ll assume you’re
on board with our. Although it may appear peculiar and unfair, paying college athletes. The main
problem with that assertion is that parity is already virtually nonexistent. Although it may appear
peculiar and unfair, paying college athletes. This proposal addresses amateurism’s fundamental flaw,
which is that it denies athletes the same basic economic rights and protections that other members of
society take for granted (Branch, 2011). If they do not start to be paid in college, they will hardly
make it in life since other better talented athletes will come and replace them with time.
Compensation for college athletes has been a controversial subject for years. Many of these athletes
miss valuable class time while attending all these events. The Current System. As it stands today,
student-athletes have to balance schoolwork, a social life and 35 hours a week in-season without
having time to make money. In Fayetteville, where I was raised, the Razorbacks are a part of
everyone's life. Coaches and athletic directors “earn” their exurbanite salaries each season, but
players can only “earn” college tuition, and room and board.
In the end, the Ninth Circuit Court will decide the fate of the rest of college sports as we know it.
Being that college tuition is higher than it has ever been and looks to be only getting higher, this a
legitimate argument. Paying kids who are in their late teens and early twenties might not be what
society needs. The antitrust laws are put in place to protect the people, however with no firm
foundation companies such as the NCAA can create loopholes such as Amateurism Rules. “Antitrust
law promotes consumer welfare and economic efficiency by fostering competition on the theory that
competition is the best way to allocate resources and meet consumer desires. This paper will talk
about the issues that exist between colleges and athletes regarding paying to college athletes.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Obviously, the see high
returns from these training therefore they invest otherwise they would not. Giving payment is better
than allowing them to work because work might make them very busy, as they have to give time to
studies and play as well, so doing an extra work might be very tiring for them. In other words, the
worry is that it would diminish the integrity of the institutions. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. Despite having a substantial amount of money, college athletes do not receive any
legal compensation for their work. The athletes compete with community teams which have
individuals that receive pay. The students make him win games, and should be getting paid just like
he is. So, if they want to get paid, all they need to do is to get a job, and colleges even give them full
scholarships to play for them. Similarly, Kentucky, Kansas, North Carolina, and Duke house
basketball programs that have been dominant for as long as the NCAA has been unreasonably
committed to amateurism. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service
and privacy policy. The athletes are bringing huge money in their universities by their outstanding
performances, television contracts and other deals. Peoples think that college jocks work hard and
that they deserve to acquire paid. Since a long time, college athletes have been working with their
hearts and souls day after day and year after year for the appreciation and name of their universities.
We need to realize and take in to account all of the opportunities that student athletes are given
during their time playing sports in college. As far as small games are concerned, one can agree partly
that college should not pay them. Some critics may argue that these student-athletes are amateurs,
and if paid then are becoming professional athletes. Even so, there has been a concern for the well-
being of college athletes from as early as 1905 as cited by Kissinger and Miller (2). In addition, some
of the college athletes have gained fame through great talents. Looking at the pros and cons of
paying college athletes, we could lean either way. The NCAA also says their ultimate goal is for
athletes to end up graduating with a degree. Despite professional sports being a source of income for
many athletes, college athletes are not paid. In the past college athletes were not allowed to have a
job outside of college. Intercollegiate sports are a fertile breeding ground for sporting talent in
professional sports like basketball, baseball, American football, ice hockey and many others. A
completely free market is certainly something to consider for college sports, given its ability to let
student athletes live comfortably while meeting the intense physical and academic demands of
college and sports.
Everybody involved in college athletes, especially coaches, go home with pockets full of money
whereas the money generators go home with nothing at all. If these schools care more about
academics than sports revenue, than why are they shutting down on game day to accommodate the
large crowds for these games. Someone that could potentially injure their body for life deserves more
than a free bachelor's degree. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service
and privacy policy. The NCAA makes a large sum of money off these athletes. Student athletes pay
thousands to go to a school yet they get nothing in return. What that means is that college athletes
bring in over sixty percent more money to their university then the fair market value. Those who do
not make it to professional teams will thus be able to establish their lives from college savings. They
should take better care of their student-athletes by paying them for their services Ziemer, L. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. From meet-ups with alumni, births, weddings and
more, we invite you to share your news. These major sports should support smaller sports like
rowing, swimming, gymnastics, track, because these athletes deserve to play just as much as the
major sport athletes deserve to.However, these smaller sports give out the same type of scholarships
that the major sports do. This sounds more like dirty cooperation than a legal one who follows the
laws. It is not a huge leap to imagine that Stanford would be able to pay exorbitant amounts of
money to get the best athletes to play, while its competitors could not possibly match Stanford’s
financial advantage in recruitment. Paying student athletes has been a very well known subject for
years in the past, but has never been approved by the NCAA. The athletes voluntarily play the sports,
and they can get hurt. Coaches are expected to be demanding of their players, but the harsh reality is
that their ultimate goal is to break you down before they build you up. The athlete, though he will
help to bring in millions of dollars for his company, doesn’t make a dime (Edelman, 2014). Racism in
america history essay How do neurons work. It may not be easy, but as Martin Luther
King Jr said, “Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle.”.
Endorsement money from a third party does not involve the universities or the NCAA, and thus
should not be regulated by them. Dabo Swinney (Clemson Football), John Calipari (Kentucky
Basketball), and Jim Harbaugh (Michigan Football) are not too far behind, earning between 7 and 8.5
million dollars (TheBestSchools). Athletes are one of the greatest promoters of their college. Ever
since my cousin started playing college sports, college athletics have been a part of my life. College
athletes own the sport and should be allowed to take part in a decision that affects their well-being.
Giving them money for engaging in sports makes them better student-athletes. Deciding upon paying
athletes for playing may compel the college to pay all the athletes for all the different kinds of sports
in the college. Such as paying athletes to help them with school and pay off debts later on in life
after football and school. Besides, the successful schools get local, regional and national exposures
that attract many student applicants. We tend to forget that college athletes also cover many non
sports students at their school.
This way, they will be able to save some money for their studies. They practice and work hard for 40
hours a week not even including games and deserve to get paid for that. This paper explicates the
reasons why college athletes ought to be paid. While in college, these athletes should take classes
that help them manage their money, so they know what to do with it when they are done with
college and. After looking over these stats, one quickly realizes why college athletes are not being
paid. Those that complain that these kids shouldn't get paid with million dollar contracts while in
school are completely right. Such dreams are not easily fulfilled as many teams set very high
standards in their recruitment processes. The institutions with a larger budget can attract the better
athletic recruits. It therefore, does not seem rational to pay professional players heavily and leave
college athletes unpaid. The article is mostly ideas and reasons why the athletes should be paid.
Yagelski - Google Books Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. It may not be what
the NCAA wants, but it will demonstrate that they truly believe what they say when their priority is
academics, not championships. From 1993 to 2011, the University of North Carolina allegedly
helped 3,100 students get good grades with little work. Assume coupons are paid semi-annually to
bond holders. While universities, coaches, and arguably the NCAA are all essential stakeholders
within the business of college sports, the student athletes who are directly contributing to the
successes of these programs are unfairly compensated. On the other side of the argument many
people say it isn’t right to pay college athletes. This will further promote admission in the well-
reputed university. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. The NCAA’s rules
are hurting the athlete more than helping them by treating everything about college sports as a
professional business except the players which are forced to act as amateurs. He was once the
University of Georgia’s star running back when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs. Scholarship is
not just enough for what they give to their colleges. Even if there would be athletes, they would
charge higher stipends because this issue is getting importance now and athletes are becoming more
aware of their rights regarding their work. However, it is strongly argued that paying college athletes
will turn college athletics into businesses such as FIFA. I would like to highlight some of these
reasons in order to help strengthen my stance in the argument. Students struggling to live a decent
living are unlikely to spend much of their time in sport. The emphasis of college athletics should not
be on money but rather on the fact that these players should think of themselves as students who are
working towards obtaining a degree while also playing the games they love in order to build their
character and sense of good sportsmanship. However, after facing many of these incidents, the
NCAA started making sure that their athletes had some type of medical insurance to be able to play
(“Compensation for College Athletes” par. 7). This means that if an athlete cannot afford medical
insurance then he is not allowed to play. If a student works 90 hours a week at their unpaid “job,”
and then spends 10 to 15 hours at a paid job. This is where the Sherman Anti-Trust Act comes into
the situation versus monopolistic business practices compared to “the restraint is justified by some
Pro-competitive justification” (Ralph D. Competition, however, is a loaded word; certain agreements
among ostensible competitors that limit competition undoubtedly benefit consumers rather than hurt
them” (Kreher, Peter, Antitrust Theory).
The authors argue that atheletes should get paid, because they generate revenues for the school from
their hard work. Title IX reads. “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” (U.S. Department of
Education). Shropshire also mentioned how the good performance of the athletes can increase the
amount of money school boosters donate to the program. Recently, there has been a question running
most of the minds of the athletes as to whether students engaging in the sport should be paid since
they represent the college in athletics or not. However, after facing many of these incidents, the
NCAA started making sure that their athletes had some type of medical insurance to be able to play
(“Compensation for College Athletes” par. 7). This means that if an athlete cannot afford medical
insurance then he is not allowed to play. It is only fair that athletes in colleges spend a small fraction
of resources to pay the athletes. Antitrust law and Sherman Act. “The panel held that even though
many of the NCAA’s rules were likely to be procompetitive, they were not exempt from antitrust
scrutiny and must be analyzed under the Rule of Reason” (O’Bannon V. NCAA). The plaintiffs are
insinuating that the NCAA is illegally restricting colleges from paying athletes beyond what’s
covered by their scholarships. Instead, they are offered free education, scholarships, and enticements.
People come to see Johnny Manziel play, that’s a huge part why almost every game is sold out on a
weekly basis. Therefore, they can hardly get formal employment in the job sector. At this current
time I cannot say that about them. To disprove this viewpoint, he gives examples of when other
sports implemented a new rule and people thought it would ruin the game but instead it actually
helped the sport and increased popularity. These scholarships allow athletes to attend class, eat, and
sleep on campus for free. As a result, most colleges appreciate these students by offering a
scholarship that covers all the educational costs. Competitive Justification will be the NCAA’s big
issue in this case since the price for players can be the same throughout the NCAA. It is also
important to note that most of the college athletes who get into college with scholarship are actually
from low-income families. When the late president helped organize this organization he never would
have believed the success and popularity over the years. This argument is based on the fact that
paying such students would result in unfairness to the rest of the students. If they’re spending a
majority of their time on athletics, then is an education really ample compensation for their labor?
The American colleges for proving that not paying money is good for the athletes say that money
apart from scholarship does not create any motivation for athletes and that their prime priority on the
campus should be their classrooms. They further say that provision of scholarship is just a gesture of
support from the college, they neglect all the time that athletes give on practice and all the other
difficulties of athletes. During the competitive levels in universities, students, fans, and other
supporters turn up and cheer in solidarity for their school. Also, if you don’t pay all athletes you
could eventually lose money and athletes. Only athletes develop a tangible, visible and exciting base
that is enough to make the alumni remain connected with their respective alma mater. I would like to
inform you about the life of a student-athlete attending a typical division I university. Even though
the athletes risk their body to represent their school, they still shouldn’t get paid. Should College
Athletes Get Paid to Play “It’s Time for College Athletes to Get Paid”, an article written by AJ Enno,
examines college athletics are a key source of income, and they attract students to their colleges.
Your title goes from student athlete to professional athlete. If this is where college sports is heading
then the entire structure needs to change. It is based on the idea of amateurism, and this was a
notable idea at the time. This calls for extended learning period for the athletes.
The numbers do not match up. (Frommer, 2013) These numbers definitely do not match up when one
takes into account coaches salaries. This is a form of payment for college athletes and therefore,
colleges should not spend any finances paying them. Normal humans want return of their efforts and
NCCA is not giving this return. Therefore, many factors need to be considered while dealing with
college athletes. She has conducted extensive research about compensation in Division I athletics and
her expertise has been recently featured on NBC10, in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Business Insider,
The Houston Chronicle, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and other national publications. Through the
media, open discussions and forums have come up to discuss issues relating to payments of athletes.
If you believe college athletes should get paid in college because they can get hurt, then you can
argue that they should get paid in high school, too. Obviously, the top picks wont stay because they
will be able to make millions straight out of college, but the other players will opt to stay longer
when they start getting paid in college. For example an athlete goes to a restaurant on campus after
practice and there is a booster eating there. The NCAA also argues that college athletes are not
professionals and therefore should not be paid (Arnold 121). Athletes are simply but individuals
performing duties for their teams and institutions. In the beginning, the NCAA was made to promote
safety and fair play amongst players and colleges. That’s three hours more than the average full-time
worker puts in at the office—the only difference is that the worker is paid for helping the business
that employs him to make money. Your title goes from student athlete to professional athlete. But the
well being of college athletes is not the main focus of the NCAA officials. Even though the article
doesn’t use much statistics or percentages, the beginning of the article gives the reader all the
numbers they need to know for the problem. For any other student it would be perfectly fine for the
booster to pay for his or her meal. Yet they are in no way compensated for this service they are
providing for their college. Assume coupons are paid semi-annually to bond holders. Give me your
paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. In the past college athletes were not
allowed to have a job outside of college. College athletes should get paid though because it’s their
talent that brings in the money, even with scholarships they still get in debt, and because a trust fund
is not good enough. Due to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules and regulations
no college athlete is able to receive any compensation or endorsement while participating in college
athletics. Such dreams are not easily fulfilled as many teams set very high standards in their
recruitment processes. The athletes are also bound by strict disciplinary rules that make the act and
relate like professionals. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and
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to Heisman Trophy favorite status. ” (Cash). Not only did Newton lead his team to the national
championship, he was elected as the first pick in the NFL draft. The plaintiffs are insinuating that the
NCAA rules are illegal restraints of trade due to the Sherman Act, making the NCAA one of the
biggest monopolies in the world. I would like to highlight some of these reasons in order to help
strengthen my stance in the argument. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you
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