College Athletes Paid Research Paper

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They also generate revenues by increased enrolment of students in their universities because of huge
fame of athletes. Finally, paying college athletes would widen the disparity between smaller and
larger universities or colleges. Athletes no longer played for the sake of a hobby but they played for
the sake of a better life. Secondly, I will talk about the pros and cons of paying college athletes, and
third I will discuss why athletes are only paid professionally. Additional materials, such as the best
quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here.
Through the media, open discussions and forums have come up to discuss issues relating to
payments of athletes. With that being said; it is easy to look up to a professional. But we must ask
ourselves how much we want our student-athletes to invest in academics. One of the most frequently
asked questions today is should college athletes be paid. Moreover, if universities do not agree to pay
athletes they should at least allow them to work so that they have work experience and their future
does not spoil. If they do spend more time at practice then in the class then something more should e
done to restrict the hours or practice times. Rawlings III, president of the University of Iowa, has
suggested, “Television controls university athletics”. The controversy surrounding student athletes
revolves around financial. Passion can be defined as an inclination towards a self-defining activity.
The reality to this problem of a college athlete having a job is that even though they might be able to
have a job many athletes would not be able to have one with the practice schedule and classes. They
pay him so much money because he wins a lot of games. That means they will be taking at least two
classes a day for 48 min each. If they do not start to be paid in college, they will hardly make it in
life since other better talented athletes will come and replace them with time. Majority of people
don’t understand the commitment of playing a college sport whether it be the swim team or the
men’s basketball team. Many also look at this debate problem and more content. That
means they have no hours left in the day to spend at a part-time job; and it means the temptation to
seek illicit compensation or to leave school after a year to pursue a pro career is strong. For instance,
most of college athletics have attracted advertisers and promoters. Many people think that paying
athletes would exert a pressure on them to win and they would not perform well under pressure but
this is actually not the case. Concerning this statement Nocera suggests that colleges must pay
athletes. Paying athletes is a sure way of ensuring that college athletes benefit from such deals. He
gives an example of how music students are given music scholarships, but they can use their talent in
any professional sense, and they will not get in trouble in any way for profiting off their talent.
Lastly college athletes hardly complete their degree programs in time due to the busy schedules in
athletics (Alwoods web). If well paid, they can even have enough money to start good businesses
when they leave college. However, college athletics also comes with challenges, both personal and
academic as documented by Block. For these reasons, college athletes should not be paid.
Schools should pay the players some of this money because this is their prime right and if players
start rebellion as the awareness is increasing day by day, colleges would not be able to make much
profits from athletics. Since then, Olympic athletes have been permitted to benefit from their fame
and likeness. Upon pressure by the highlighted events through media coverage such as Euro sports
and sports columnists, prominent coaches think that this idea should be revived and have sought to
have it implemented. It is also one of the easiest options to implement. Nocera’s salary cap idea, as
Nocera himself puts it, does not break the bank, as one side fears, but it does not completely
abandon free-market principles either. The scholarships that they receive cover school-related
expenses. One of the most compelling arguments in favor of paying athletes is that college athletics
has with time, become a money generating business. The college athletes should not be paid, bur
rather take classes that help them understand what to do with their money in order to be successful
even after their professional careers are over. Even though the article doesn’t use much statistics or
percentages, the beginning of the article gives the reader all the numbers they need to know for the
problem. Through the media, open discussions and forums have come up to discuss issues relating to
payments of athletes. This paper seeks to discuss the issue of paying college athletes. Notice how
while in college, your title is student athlete, not professional. Due to National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) rules and regulations no college athlete is able to receive any compensation or
endorsement while participating in college athletics. With that in mind, to keep college sports
prestigious, colleges must come up with a way to keep. Athletes in college are not yet professional;
they are not playing at the highest level possible and therefor should not be paid. They are the ones
generating millions of dollars in profits for their college and the NCAA, yet they don’t receive a
penny for their efforts. It is really unfair that everyone gets their share except the ones responsible
for it, the athletes. There are opposing arguments that college athletes ought not to be paid to play.
For example take into consideration Andrew Luck, previous Stanford quarterback and face of the
university. We often forget that playing a sport is not the only way to earn a scholarship. One of the
main issues within athletics is the idea of whether. Not to mention the national television companies
which make deals with the NCAA for millions and billions of dollars to broadcast the biggest
basketball and football games on their channel. Participation in sports is a very similar time
commitment to a full-time job except college athletes are not paid. The author then talks about the
history of the rules regarding the requirement for athletes to attend a college before turning pro, and
how the National Basketball Association added a small tweak to the rule that any player that can
prove an “economic hardship” could apply to be drafted into the league at an earlier age. Paying
athletes is good for every one because it would not make them leave their studies in between and go
for sports. Athletic Association) are the members that make the rules for college sports at most
colleges and. There are a lot of points to think about when considering if they should be paid. The
action did not please the teenage boy leading to the boy violently attacking the referee. Siegfried
115-137). The time spent by college athletes in training active completion can be used to generate
income by engaging in other development projects. Athletes play the same role for colleges as
employees for organizations.
Boyce Watkins, a finance professor at Syracuse University. Giving payment is better than allowing
them to work because work might make them very busy, as they have to give time to studies and
play as well, so doing an extra work might be very tiring for them. He then describes the luring
effect that the millions of dollars have on a pro-caliber player that is risking their career playing
amateur sports. Some pros for the “pay for play” argument presented in a USA Today article by
James Fitzpatrick include “paying athletes might help stem the tide of those going pro early,” giving
the viewpoint that paying the athletes would keep them at their institutions longer rather than having
the more popular “one and done” freshmen. The Universities are the ones that go out and gets these
athletes to come to the school and be committed to their programs and are willing to give their time
and effort to make themselves and the University successful. There are arguments for and against
paying college athletes which need to be well understood before making a decision on which
argument to follow. Next, I hope to discuss both sides in order to shed more light on the debates that
are taking place in the sporting world today. They spend fewer hours on training when compared to
college athletes with little resources that in most cases come from sponsors. Certain channels are
devoted just for that particular sport, keeping viewers. They do not necessarily have the idea or
knowledge that they will not be able to sustain their luxurious lifestyle after their paychecks stop
coming in. Because of the severity of some of these injuries, may have to be changed. Julius Peppers
was a college athlete for the University of North Carolina he in his collegiate time at the university
he was an athlete for the football and the basketball team, but he just wasn’t any average player he
was the star player of the football team and one of the top players on the. They think that if an
athlete is able to receive money there will be some athletes that will earn ridiculous amounts of
money and only go to the college that pays the most. Those hours are spent with mandatory lifting
workouts, conditioning. Some argue that college football players are paid by virtue of their
scholarship and that is sufficient reimbursement for their services. Only a select few big time athletes
will actually make it all the. Concerning this statement Nocera suggests that colleges must pay
athletes. Sports around the world are a significant concern as they develop talent and promote
health. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Secondly, I will talk
about the pros and cons of paying college athletes, and third I will discuss why athletes are only paid
professionally. Because their careers are so short, they need to be financially educated in order to turn
their profession into a sustainable and livable source of income. The student athletes are generating
revenue for their colleges and the NCAA, but they don’t get paid an amount in return. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The rest of the money would be used to help
schools recruit top-rated athletes. Students with exceptional educational records, students with an
outstanding talent and students with financial need get money for their tuition fees at many
universities. Due to the increase of athletes and their performance college athletes should be paid. It
reflects the notion of equality, human rights, value of hard work and most importantly significance of
justice in the society. The scholarships in most cases form the basis and only encouragement that
takes many poor students to college. Athletes would finally be able to use their fame and likeness
similar to how music students are able to accept cash and gifts for playing a weekend gig at the local
club (Reed, 2016). Athletes are put to work for endless amount of hours by their colleges, but they
have to pay their own hospital bill if they get injured.
On the other hand, College football and basketball players do earn money for their college in larger
proportion. This plan would turn college sports into a completely free market, meaning they could
accept signing bonuses from athletic departments, earn money for autographs, represent sponsors,
etc. While “the love of the game” feeling may have gotten an athlete to a Division I school to play
and the chance to display their. If they do not start to be paid in college, they will hardly make it in
life since other better talented athletes will come and replace them with time. Both sides of the
arguments present many reasons why college athletes should get paid or not. However, it is strongly
argued that paying college athletes will turn college athletics into businesses such as FIFA. In other
words, the worry is that it would diminish the integrity of the institutions. Majority of people don’t
understand the commitment of playing a college sport whether it be the swim team or the men’s
basketball team. Paying College Athletes I am against paying college athletes. From 1993 to 2011,
the University of North Carolina allegedly helped 3,100 students get good grades with little work.
The athletes are bringing huge money in their universities by their outstanding performances,
television contracts and other deals. Would they save it in a bank or invest it in the stock market, or
would they spend it on shoes, clothes, and other goods that they think were important at the time.
Although, there are also many benefits to playing college sports that aren't monetary. It dealt with
their football team and ultimately the quarterback Cam Newton. It would give courage to athletes
and prevent occurrence of such issues in future in which people do not get what they deserve.
Despite having a substantial amount of money, college athletes do not receive any legal
compensation for their work. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. He closes the
journal with the idea that most coaches and university board members are white, and they are the
ones receiving all the money that the (mostly African-American) athletes are bringing in for these
schools. This proposal addresses amateurism’s fundamental flaw, which is that it denies athletes the
same basic economic rights and protections that other members of society take for granted (Branch,
2011). Secondly, if these college athletes cannot make any money or benefits, they. The amount of
practice time that is spent by the athletes is not comparable to that of a professional athlete. Should
students get paid based on the number of A’s and B’s that they receive? No. They also generate
revenues by increased enrolment of students in their universities because of huge fame of athletes.
Not only do athletes have to be willing to abide by the rules of capitalism, but they have to
understand that the activities are the main source of revenue for the University. Athletes would
finally be able to use their fame and likeness similar to how music students are able to accept cash
and gifts for playing a weekend gig at the local club (Reed, 2016). We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. So even though they are given a significant amount, many athletes will owe
between 8000 and. The people who are prime reasons of this huge revenue do not even get a small
percentage of this amount. Since then, Olympic athletes have been permitted to benefit from their
fame and likeness. College student athletes at the division one level should be paid to play.
Similarly, it is also argued that the athletes who bring in the money in the short-term period should
be paid. These scholarships allow athletes to attend class, eat, and sleep on campus for free.
Secondly, colleges can auction the sports materials used by them such as t-shirts, balls, shoes etc.
These injuries often also lead to extended periods of medical care and. In addition, communication is
essential in passing the message to the superiors concerning the fact that playing college sport is in
fact a part time job and students should be paid for their hours of work. Scholarship is not just
enough for what they give to their colleges. BusinessCollege athletics has turned into a billion dollar
industry with athletes generating huge revenues for the universities and other stakeholders. This
paper explicates the reasons why college athletes ought to be paid. Only now has the NCAA allowed
athletes to have part-time jobs during the school year. Athletes should be given an additional salary
on top of their tuition. If schools can profit off of student-athletes, why should those athletes not be
paid for helping schools make money. Therefore, universities should give athletes a good pay so that
during the studies they do not have any tension of money and can pay complete attention to their
studies. The scholarships they receive in most cases never cover unforeseen costs which
consequently make the lives of the athletes challenging. All athletes of all sports would need to be
paid equally, and this would cause the institution millions of dollars in order to keep all of the sports
programs running. According to Title IX, a federally mandated law, if conferences and schools
decide to increase the value of student-athlete scholarships to cover living expenses, they have to do
it for women’s programs as well. This would be exhibited through their athletics teams. In support of
this argument, Block argues that larger universities which earn more revenue would have the ability
of buying. There are arguments for and against paying college athletes which need to be well
understood before making a decision on which argument to follow. Some of them receive special
gifts like cars or vacations, others plainly receive cash. NCAA Rules. This would include the
implementation of player contracts and a bigger role for the National College Players Association.
Various magazine articles have been presented, covering the issue which has necessitated immediate
action from reformists and ranking professional in the field. Harmonious passion occurs when we
accept the activity candidly. First, he argues that many college athletes are being compensated for
their work on the field: it comes in the form of an athletic scholarship that allows them to attend the
university for free. The author then talks about the history of the rules regarding the requirement for
athletes to attend a college before turning pro, and how the National Basketball Association added a
small tweak to the rule that any player that can prove an “economic hardship” could apply to be
drafted into the league at an earlier age. Along the way, Newton's dazzling running and passing have
elevated him to Heisman Trophy favorite status. ” (Cash). Not only did Newton lead his team to the
national championship, he was elected as the first pick in the NFL draft. This suggests that a country
is willing to watch a championship game of men’s college basketball rather than the words of their
leader. There are a lot of points to think about when considering if they should be paid. It is only fair
that athletes in colleges spend a small fraction of resources to pay the athletes. Athletes are put to
work for endless amount of hours by their colleges, but they have to pay their own hospital bill if
they get injured. They will have extra cash with them when they need it. As understood in the world
of college sports, Title IX requires equal participation opportunity for male and female athletes in
proportion to overall campus population and interest.

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