JR Int - Class To Class - Second Term - 2024
JR Int - Class To Class - Second Term - 2024
JR Int - Class To Class - Second Term - 2024
REMEMBER: Start the lesson showing the the ClassHub and reflecting on what you’ve done the previous class. Check if they’ve sent/done Homework and
insist on it if they haven’t.
Round off the lesson by showing the current class on the ClassHub so as to reflect on what has been done and also, to show and explain them the Homework.
Remember we are trying to raise awareness about the work done in class.
Have a look at the following Class to Class pearl necklace approach to see what is the skill to be developed in each class:
Warm up H5P: Samsung - Next Generation Robotics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H6g19EhXQQ
Warm up 5 min The group goes through this video answering the prompts that appear on screen.
Speaking – Discussion questions
The teacher asks the group a series of questions to discuss regarding technology and robots at (smart) homes:
Do you think those robots are good for humans? Why/Why not?
Would you have a robot in your house?
Pre-listening 5-10 min Do you think everybody will have robots at their homes at some point? Is that good?
If you had a robot, what would you like it to do for you?
Which of these words would you use to describe your imaginary robot? Why?
calm convenient creative human intelligent time trust useful
Student’s Book: p. 39 ex. 3
Listening 5-10 min The group listens to an audio about a discussion and have to complete with the correct words (Giving and asking for opinions,
agreeing and disagreeing)
Speaking – Pair Discussion Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv_nEUnhFFE (CHECK CLASSHUB URL FOR
Pair Discussion TIMESTAMPS) (4:59 to 7:41)
Video 5 min Before watching the video, read the exam tip from p. 39 so that students are aware of the dynamic of a pair discussion activity.
Students watch the video paying attention to the conversation.
Speaking – Pair Discussion Tips Genially: https://view.genial.ly/604f7c45de172e0d22a71acb/horizontal-infographic-lists-
Speaking 10-15 tips about what to do and what not to do in this type of activity are showcased.
Genially min The presentation also shows a list of useful phrases and structures to use in this activity to communicate your message in a
better and more efficient way.
Speaking – Pair Discussion Practice
Students take turns to practice pair discussion. The pairs will be formed from 1 online student and 1 onsite student. Encourage the
10-15 use of the phrases seen and make them remember that, at its core, this is a conversation between two people, so it should feel
Practice and be as natural as possible.
After they finish, quickly go over the strong positives that the students showed while they spoke.
Try to have as many as possible (it depends on students' participation)
Wordwall: Speaking Practice: https://wordwall.net/resource/12082661
10-15 Students get a card from a deck that may contain a) a speaking personal question b) a picture to describe or c) a question about
min vocabulary or grammar from this unit
Final Task: making progress + Plan
Teacher goes to the Jamboard to check students’ progress. They ask their students if they have any doubts or any questions and
gives tips to those who are a bit lost.
10-15 Those who are on the right track can, in a more detailed way, plan how they are going to present their app to the rest. They will
Final Task
min have to make a flyer and some type of presentation because they will “present it” to a “wide audience.”
Teacher mentions they will all vote for the winning app at the end of the unit.
Phase Time Development
Warm up Quizizz: Let's refresh our knowledge of the UK: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/60e3224f7499a9001ba1c46f
Warm up 15-20 min Students play a Quizizz Game (synchronously) in order to check what they remember about the United Kingdom and to learn about
new cultural characteristics.
Genially – English-Speaking Countries: https://view.genial.ly/60e356b15f17a70d74b01fbf/interactive-content-english-speaking-
Teacher presents students with the next activity: Place markers on all the English-speaking countries. Students are not expected to
Listening 10-15 min mark every country, just to see how many they know and where those countries are on a map. After that, the group watches a video
about English as a global language and, after the video, students check how many they got right and how many they were missing.
On the second slide, teacher invites students to google what ‘Lingua Franca’ means and to share why they think English is considered
a Lingua Franca today.
ESC Project 10-15 min English-Speaking Countries (ESC) Project introduction
Introduction Teacher presents this mini-project students will be working on in the following classes. Students will be divided into groups and they
will do research on a specific English-speaking country that will be randomly assigned to them. Teacher shows the UK Jamboard
(model) so that students get an idea of what to prepare. However, creativity is encouraged.
In Lesson 3, the groups will be sharing their findings with the rest of the class.
ESC Project Setup – Picking your Country + Jamboard
ESC Project
10 min Using the Wordwall - Pick your Country to do Research on! (https://wordwall.net/resource/18748614/pick-your-country-do-
research), students (through teacher’s screen) choose randomly the country that they will be working on.
ESC Project Work: Breakout Rooms
Teacher sets up breakout rooms for all of the rooms and explains that, in this class, students have to work with the first 2 slides from
the Jamboard ONLY: Flag/Location and Geography/History. Teacher encourages as much involvement as possible, giving students
the liberty to add, modify and create as they want.
ESC Project
25 min The schedule should work like this:
- 10 minutes of breakout rooms to work on Flag/Location.
- 2 minutes in main session to check up and clear out doubts.
- 10 minutes of breakout rooms to work on Geography/History.
- 2 minutes in main session to check up and clear out doubts.
Show the students the homework in the virtual classroom.
Homework: 5 min Catch up with previous homework! (you may remind students to participate in the forum: What is in the spotlight?)
Warm up: Handing out Term Test II marks (+ Report Cards)
Warm up:
5-10 min Teacher starts the class by allowing students to check their marks for the Term Test. Remind students that they will be able to take a
Exam Marks look at all their corrections in Lesson 3.
Warm up part 2: The Flail (Returns): https://youtu.be/BBTQvMXFb7s?t=268
(Teacher memorizes this activity before the start of the class to be able to do it with the group without watching the video)
Warm up part 2: 5 min Teacher checks students’ memory about this game while also having a new round of this coordination exercise (if this was skipped
before the term test)